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  • af Persephone Sextou
    373,95 - 1.467,95 kr.

  • af Nick Blackburn
    106,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Wolfs
    150,95 kr.

    Lernen ist ein zentraler Aspekt von Behandlungen in der Medizin, Pflege und Therapie. Der systemisch-konstruktivistische Blick auf die Gestaltung von Lehr-/Lernsituationen im Rahmen des didaktischen Reasonings ermoglicht relevante Erkenntnisse fur die patienten- und teilhabeorientierte Gestaltung. Dieses essential stellt die Unterschiedlichkeit der Lehr-/Lernaktivitaten in sechs Handlungsebenen von drei Behandlungsphasen dar. Dabei bietet es eine Differenzierung zwischen bewusstem und unbewusstem didaktischen Reasoning sowie zwischen Tele- und Prasenzsetting. Zwei sprachtherapeutische Beispiele unterstutzen den Ubertrag in den eigenen beruflichen Alltag.  

  • af Eltje Bos
    328,95 kr.

    Social arts are manifold and are initiated by multiple actors, spaces, and direction from many directions and intentions, but generally they aim to generate personal, familial, group, community or general social transformation which can maintain and enhance personal and community resilience, communication, negotiation, and transitions, as well as help with community building and rehabilitation, civic engagement, social inclusion, and cohesion. Occurring via community empowerment, institutions, arts in health, inter-ethnic conflict, and frames of lobbying for social change, social art can transform and disrupt power relations and hegemonic narratives, destigmatize marginalized groups, and humanize society through creating empathy for the other.This book provides a broad range of all of the above, with multiple international examples of projects (photo-voice, community theater, crafts groups for empowerment, creative place-making, arts in institutions, and arts-based participatory research) that is initiated by social practitioners and by artists - and in collaboration between the two. The aim of this book is to help to illustrate, explore, and demystify this interdisciplinary area of practice.With methods and theoretical orientation as the focus of each chapter, the book can be used both in academic settings and for training social and art practitioners, as well as for social practitioners and artists in the field.

  • af Eltje Bos
    1.467,95 kr.

    Social arts are manifold and are initiated by multiple actors, spaces, and direction from many directions and intentions, but generally aim to generate personal, familial, group, community or general social transformation which can maintain and enhance personal and community resilience, communication, negotiation and transitions.

  • af Sarah Woodland
    1.527,95 kr.

    This book provides the first extensive analysis of what sound and audio brings to participatory interdisciplinary arts-led research and practice, representing a vital resource for community arts, performance practice, and research in the digital age.

    373,95 kr.

    Sonic Engagement examines the relationship between community engaged participatory arts and the cultural turn towards audio, sound, and listening that has been referred to as the 'sonic turn'.This edited collection investigates the use of sound and audio production in community engaged participatory arts practice and research. The popularity of podcast and audio drama, combined with the accessibility and portability of affordable field recording and home studio equipment, makes audio a compelling mode of participatory creative practice. This book maps existing projects occurring globally through a series of case study chapters that exemplify community engaged creative audio practice. The studies focus on audio and sound-based arts practices that are undertaken by artists and arts-led researchers in collaboration with (and from within) communities and groups. These practices include-applied audio drama, community engaged podcasting, sound and verbatim theatre, participatory sound art, community-led acoustic ecology, sound and media walks, digital storytelling, oral history and reminiscence, and radio drama in health and community development. The contributors interrogate the practical, political, and aesthetic potentialities of using sound and audio in community engaged arts practice, as well as its tensions and possibilities as an arts-led participatory research methodology.This book provides the first extensive analysis of what sound and audio brings to participatory, interdisciplinary, arts-led approaches, representing a vital resource for community arts, performance practice, and research in the digital age.

  • af Luis Manuel Romano Delgado
    597,95 kr.

    This book explores the phenomenon of creativity and creation from a psychoanalytic point of view, focusing on understanding the psychoemotional dynamics underlying artistic creative activities, such as theatre, literature, and painting.Throughout, Delgado considers these works of art through a Bionian, Kleinian, and Freudian lens. He uses three major psychoanalytic models of the creative process, two of them classic: the first, Freudian, based on the theory of conflict between impulse and defense, the result of the effort to manage an excessive drive activity, and in which the concept of sublimation is central; the second, Kleinian, based on the attachment theory, in which creative effort corresponds to an attempt to repair the damage done to the object or to the self; and the third, more recent, affiliated with the more expanded attachment relationship theory, based on W. Bion's theory of thinking, and emphasizing the continent's capacity for psyche and the oscillation between schizo-paranoid and depressive positions.With illustrations throughout, this book will be vital reading for anyone interested in the intersection of creativity, the Arts, and psychoanalysis.

  • af Staci L Born
    1.465,95 kr.

    Play Therapy Supervision is an all-encompassing play therapy supervision compendium.

  • af Casey E. Baker
    425,95 kr.

    Play therapy is one of the fastest-growing specialty areas in mental health. Understanding the skills, knowledge, and strategies that make play therapy supervision effective is essential in supporting the integrity and needs of a thriving field.Play Therapy Supervision: A Practical Guide to Models and Best Practices is an all-encompassing play therapy supervision compendium. In these pages, current and prospective play therapy professionals and supervisors will find effective strategies for engaging in supervision, with literature that is firmly rooted in empirical research, and practical examples. Useful for novice and experienced supervisors, this book describes best practices in supervision and contemporary topics for building an effective play therapy supervision practice. This text also emphasizes the critical importance of cultural humility in play therapy supervision. Other important features include:Ethical and legal issues in play therapy supervisionBuilding a play therapy supervision relationshipEvaluation in play therapy supervisionTechnology in play therapy supervision, including extended realitySchool-based play therapy supervisionTechniques in play therapy supervision: mindfulness, sand tray, self-compassion, art and movement, and more!

  • af Hilary Moss
    266,95 - 670,95 kr.

  • af Steven Gamble
    452,95 - 1.467,95 kr.

  • af Mark Skinner
    1.467,95 kr.

    Dance, Ageing and Collaborative Arts-based Research contributes a critical and comprehensive perspective on the role of the arts-specifically dance-in enhancing the lives of older people.

  • af Suzi Tortora & Miri Keren
    328,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Caroline Frizell
    323,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

    Creative Bodies in Therapy, Performance and Community champions several diverse and innovative approaches in the professional engagement with the creative body as a catalyst for change in therapy, education, somatics, and performance.

  • af Katie H. Williams
    242,95 - 611,95 kr.

  • af Robert Jason Grant
    358,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Barbara A. Bickel & R. Michael Fisher
    393,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Robert C. Anderson
    452,95 kr.

  • af Megan Aston
    401,95 kr.

    This book presents experiences of LGBTQ+ people relating to food, bodies, nutrition, health, wellbeing and being queer through critical writing and creative art.

  • af Phillip Joy
    1.465,95 kr.

    This book presents experiences of LGBTQ+ people relating to food, bodies, nutrition, health, wellbeing and being queer through critical writing and creative art.

  • af Morris (Consultant psychologist and psychoanalyst Nitsun
    328,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Davis
    373,95 kr.

    This book guides therapists trained in EMDR in the successful integration of the creative arts therapies to make the healing potential of EMDR safer and more accessible for patients who present with complex trauma.

  • af Elizabeth Davis
    1.465,95 kr.

    This book guides therapists trained in EMDR in the successful integration of the creative arts therapies to make the healing potential of EMDR safer and more accessible for patients who present with complex trauma.

  • af Deana (Executive Director Adams
    427,95 - 1.039,95 kr.

  • af Elvira Brattico
    1.465,95 kr.

    This edited volume explores the role of arts and meditation within educational settings, and looks in particular at the preventive and developmental function of the arts in educational contexts through different theoretical perspectives.

  • af Agustín Odriozola Kent
    313,95 kr.

    Son 3200 preguntas tipo test sobre Terapia Ocupacional. El ejemplar, de 210 páginas, recopila los exámenes de 21 convocatorias de empleo público a Terapeuta Ocupacional y las respuestas oficialmente admitidas por los respectivos tribunales así como otros extras: acceso a plataforma online, para poder repasar desde el teléfono móvil y más contenidos adicionales. Además: anexo con 1.000 preguntas ordenadas por temas.Características físicas del libro:Portada en acabado BrilloTamaño optimizado para facilitar la lectura y realizar anotaciones (21x30 cm)Papel de 90 gr. (permite subrayados y anotaciones con tinta)

  • af Claude-Helene Mayer, Paul T. P. Wong & Elisabeth Vanderheiden
    1.649,95 kr.

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