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This companion interrogates the relationship between theatre and youth from a global perspective, taking in performances and theatre made by, for, and about young people.These different but interrelated forms of theatre are addressed through four critical themes that underpin the ways in which analysis of contemporary theatre in relation to young people can be framed: political utterances - exploring the varied ways theatre becomes a platform for political utterance as a process of dialogic thinking and critical imagining; critical positioning - examining youth theatre work that navigates the sensitive, dynamic, and complex terrains in which young people live and perform; pedagogic frames - outlining a range of contexts and programmes in which young people learn to make and understand theatre that reflects their artistic capacities and aesthetic strategies; applying performance - discussing a range of projects and companies whose work has been influential in the development of youth theatre within specific contexts.Providing critical, research-informed, and research-based discussions on the intersection between young people, their representation, and their participation in theatre, this is a landmark text for students, scholars, and practitioners whose work and thinking involves theatre and young people.
Drawing on primary research undertaken in a special school in Belarus, this book provides fresh perspectives on supporting optimisation of relationships between teaching staff and hard-to-reach children with complex needs through learning and experience based in musical interaction and creativity.
This book provides a fascinating and concise history of devised theatre practice. Replete with interviews from the initial Pig Iron collaborators on subjects of writing, directing, choreographing, teaching, and developing a pedagogical platform that supports devised theatre.
Edited collection presents diverse approaches in creative arts engagement, with emphasis on creativity and wellbeing in education and community development. Focussing on applied arts and health practice, research, scholarship, expressive arts therapy, community and education, it advances integrative and multimodal art-based processes. 62 b&w illus.
Sundhedsindsatser i grønne omgivelser har til formål at inspirere til anvendelse af grønne omgivelser i interventioner ligeværdigt med interventioner tilrettelagt indendørs. Bogen indeholder mange cases, og disse giver eksempler på brugen af grønne omgivelser, eksempelvis den bynære skov, den store skov og vandet. Der præsenteres interventioner til forskellige målgrupper for at vise bredden af muligheder, når aktiviteter bliver flyttet ud af institutionerne eller borgernes eget hjem. Bogen har baggrund i ergoterapeutiske teorier og praksis, men er skrevet til både uddannelse og praksis, hvor interessen er for at gøre brug af naturen i beskæftigelses-, social- og sundhedsindsatser. Bogen rammesætter casene efter Søren Andkjærs fem forskellige friluftslivskategorier. Alle cases er interventioner i grønne omgivelser, som allerede er en del af eksisterende tilbud eller personlige beretninger, og de er udarbejdet i samarbejde med både ergoterapeuter, fysioterapeuter, psykomotorikterapeuter mfl.
Menschen mit Zwangsstorungen besser verstehen! Dieses Buch richtet sich an das interprofessionelle Therapieteam von Menschen mit Zwangsstorungen und hilft Betroffene besser zu verstehen und gezielter zu unterstutzen. Durch konkrete Fallbeispiele und in leicht verstandlicher Sprache bietet die Autorin eine Einfuhrung in das komplexe Thema Zwangsstorung. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt nicht auf der Ursachenforschung der Erkrankung, sondern auf der Gefuhlswelt der Betroffenen. Es geht darum den Blick fur die Bedurfnisse zu scharfen und empathisch zu reagieren und zu helfen.
This comprehensive handbook provides adaptable assessment and documentation processes for social skill development in music therapy group sessions for children with developmental disabilities. It also includes downloadable material of forms and tools, as well as songs that help to facilitate social interaction.
This book explains to physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, interested physicians and clinicians the theoretical and practical applications of single- to multi-channel functional electrical stimulation for a wide range of neurological symptoms. The targeted electrical stimulation of several muscle groups, timed to each other, can initiate and support a complete movement sequence and thus improve motor learning. Renowned experts from research and practice have compiled numerous application examples based on the available evidence in this comprehensive form for the first time. In addition, the reader will find exciting and informative contributions to the current study situation and effectiveness analyses.The text is enriched by videos on EMG-triggered functional multichannel electrical stimulation, stimulation of muscle groups in lower motor neuron lesions, and FES therapy approaches for dysarthria and swallowing disorders.From the contents: - FES in lesions of the upper motoneuron, lesion of the lower motoneuron and mixed forms - Combination of FES with mirror therapy and botulinum toxin - Motor learning, neuroplasticity, ICF-based goal setting and the use in home-based therapy - Basic principles, current parameters and their implications - FES in rehabilitation of facial paralysis, unilateral vocal fold paralysis, dysarthria and dysphagia, and neuro-urological deficits
Dieses essential gibt einen Uberblick uber aktuelle Forschung zum Thema Linkshandigkeit und Hirnasymmetrien. Dabei werden neben Grundlagen zur Erfassung von Linkshandigkeit und Hirnasymmetrien auch ihre Evolution, Entwicklung und ihre Erforschung im Tierreich beleuchtet. Weitere Themenschwerpunkte sind die Erforschung zwischen Linkshandigkeit und kognitiven Funktionen sowie das Thema Handigkeit und Sport. Abgerundet wird das essential durch eine Besprechung des Themas Umlernen der Handigkeit und eine Diskussion veranderter Asymmetrien bei verschiedenen Patientengruppen.
Denne titel erstatter: Neurorehabilitering i praksis 9788712046493Personcentreret neurorehabilitering – viden og praksis har til hensigt at give et opdateret videns- og praksisforankret bidrag til den personcentrerede tænkning inden for neurorehabilitering. Herunder vil bogen også være med til at udvikle begrebsapparatet og skabe klarhed over, hvad neurorehabilitering er i dag både nationalt og internationalt.Bogen er kendetegnet ved at anlægge et biopsykosocialt perspektiv på rehabilitering, hvor en række forskellige teoretiske perspektiver og forskningsbaseret viden sammenholdes med praksiserfaring, og hvori rehabilitering anskues både som en problemløsningsproces og en lærings- og mestringsproces. Bogen anvender derfor en helhedsorienteret tilgang som overordnet referenceramme til forståelse af rehabilitering, og fokus er rettet mod, hvordan sundheds- og socialfaglige indsatser informeres af personlige og omgivelsesmæssige faktorer gennem hele rehabiliteringsprocessen.Kapitlernes indhold fremstår som et samspil mellem teoretisk eller forskningsbaseret viden, og bogen indeholder også mange eksempler og cases, der alle illustrerer eller understøtter kapitelteksterne. Bogen indledes med to teoretiske kapitler mhp. at skabe et opdateret og rammesættende vidensgrundlag. Herefter følger 12 kapitler, der omhandler behovsvurdering, undersøgelse, målsætning, interventioner og evaluering inden for forskellige områder af personcentreret neurorehabilitering.Personcentreret neurorehabilitering er målrettet studerende og undervisere på de ergoterapeutiske og fysioterapeutiske professionsuddannelser samt studerende fra andre uddannelsesretninger med interesse for neurorehabilitering. Bogen henvender sig dermed til studerende på bachelorniveau, men den vil med stor fordel også kunne anvendes af studerende på kandidatniveau
An Interactive Guide to the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR) is the fourth book in the series, Integrating Primitive Reflexes Through Play and Exercise. TLR influences head control, alignment, muscle tone, balance against gravity, static and dynamic posture, visual skills, auditory skills, motor coordination, and vestibular skills (sense of balance). When the TLR is not fully integrated, milestones such as rolling, kneeling, sitting, standing, and walking will be compromised. In addition, motor coordination, postural control, reading, handwriting, concentration, and playing sports become challenging and may lead to other delays in learning, social interaction, and behavior. This interactive guide to the TLR offers service providers, fitness instructors, parents, and teachers the opportunity to incorporate therapeutic exercises. Inside you will find: ¿Explanation of the primitive reflexes and how to identify "integrated" and "retained" reflexes in your child or student Signs and symptoms commonly observed when the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex is not fully integratedEasy-to-follow exercises and modifications Symptoms checklist Letter of support and guide to parents
Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy is designed to help physiotherapists of all levels of expertise to use high quality research evidence in their clinical decision making. Written by an international team of experts and comprehensively updated in its third edition, the book considers how different sorts of evidence can be used to guide physiotherapy practice. It covers emerging methods, the use of both quantitative and qualitative research, and how to use online resources. This book will help physiotherapy students and practitioners acquire fundamental skills of evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning, quickly find and use evidence in their work, and stay up to date with the latest evidence. Written specifically for physiotherapists, with physiotherapy examples throughout Clear explanations, research terminology explained Suitable for all levels of expertise - highlighted critical points and text box summaries (basic), detailed explanations in text (intermediate) and footnotes (advanced) Detailed strategies for searching physiotherapy-relevant databases, including the DiTA database Extensive consideration of clinical practice guidelines Emerging methods such as stepped-wedge trials, network meta-analysis, mixed methods reviews and process evaluations Widely referenced throughout
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