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  • af Daniel Gottlob Moritz Schreber
    187,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af George Calvin Pitzer
    185,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Frederick Finch Strong
    357,95 kr.

    This practical guide offers a comprehensive overview of the therapeutic uses of electricity and radiant energy in modern medicine. With detailed information on the equipment and techniques used in electro-therapeutics, this book is an essential reference for medical professionals and students alike.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Martin Bußmann
    213,95 kr.

    Elli ist nach einem Unfall im Wachkoma gefangen. Doch sie erkennt, dass sie die Körper von Schlafenden übernehmen kann. Will ihr Mann Mick sie ins Jenseits befördern? Kann sie ihn mit Hilfe ihres Jugendfreundes Pidder daran hindern? Was genau haben Kylie Monique und Helene Fleischer mit der ganzen Sache zu tun? Und was zur Hölle will der Krakauer? Es fängt alles damit an, dass Elli die Decke auf den Kopf fällt. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Bis zu diesem Ereignis lief alles bestens: Elli ist Teilhaberin eines erfolgreichen Unternehmens, hat einen jungen Ehemann, den sie über alles liebt und sie muss sich keine finanziellen Sorgen machen. Doch dann ändert der Unfall alles. Ihr Bewusstsein ist fortan in ihrem regungslosen Körper gefangen. Das ¿Locked-In-Syndrom¿ verhindert, dass sie zu irgendeiner Kommunikation mit der Außenwelt in der Lage ist. Was sich wie der Beginn eine Tragödie anhört, ist der Startschuss einer turbulenten Geschichte über Freundschaft, Lebensmut und Empathie. Die Leserinnen und Leser erhalten Einblick in Ellis Gedankenwelt, die ¿ trotz oder gerade wegen ihrer fehlenden körperlichen Mobilität - erfrischen aktiv ist. In ihrem ¿Head-Office¿ bestimmt sie die Regeln. Und sie hat ein Geheimnis: Sie kann sich im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ¿in andere hineinversetzen¿. Sie selbst nennt diesen Vorgang ¿Napping¿. Elli entdeckt, dass Mick zusammen mit seiner Geliebten Vicky ihren Tod plant. Es beginnt ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit. Als Elli in ein geheimes Versteck entführt wird, versucht sie mit Pidder Kontakt aufzunehmen. Ein Verwirrspiel beginnt, bei dem immer wieder die Perspektive gewechselt wird. Die Leserinnen und Leser fragen sich gemeinsam mit Pidder: ¿Elli, bist düs?¿. Neben einer wilden Verfolgungsjagd durch die imaginäre Landschaft des ¿oberen Niederrhein¿ geht es vor allem um einen Roadtrip durch die Köpfe der Protagonisten. Im Mittelpunkt des Ganzen liegt Elli: die Frau, die sich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite keinen Millimeter aus eigener Kraft bewegen kann. Im verzweifelten Versuch, ihr Leben zu retten, treibt sie die Handlung voran, mischt sich ein und sorgt auf vielfache Weise für Chaos.Bernd Stelter: ¿... eine abgefahrene Story, die sich immer weiter steigert. Ich bin begeistert, meine Frau auch!¿

  • af Beate Kranz-Opgen-Rhein
    500,95 kr.

    In diesem Praxisbuch finden Sie die notwendigen Informationen rund um das Thema Digitalisierung in der Physiotherapie. Wie kann die ePA meinen Praxisalltag erleichtern? Welche Datenschutzrichtlinien muss ich bei der Videotherapie beachten? Wer übernimmt die Kosten für die Online-Beratung ohne Rezept? Die Experten liefern Ihnen die Antworten!Aus dem Inhalt:Chancen, Grenzen und Gefahren der Digitalisierung in der PhysiotherapieDigitale PraxisorganisationDigitale Therapieangebote wie z. B. Physiocoaching und VideotherapieRechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, Datenschutz und MarketingPlus: Videos via MoreMedia-App veranschaulichen die Umsetzung in die Praxis optimal!Erweitern Sie Ihre Praxis um zeitgemäße Therapieangebote und profitieren Sie von den Vorteilen der Digitalisierung!

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    142,95 kr.

    "Paralysis Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide" is a groundbreaking exploration into the world of paralysis, offering a comprehensive understanding of this condition and empowering readers with actionable insights for prevention, management, and thriving beyond its challenges. From unraveling the intricate science behind paralysis to delving into its psychological impact and its effects on daily life and relationships, this book provides a holistic view. It covers preventative measures, from exercises and maintaining a healthy diet to injury prevention and psychological well-being. The medical interventions section discusses surgical options, medications, assistive devices, rehabilitation, and alternative therapies.Embracing a holistic approach, the book advocates for a biopsychosocial model, incorporating lifestyle modifications, nutrition, emotional and psychological support, and building a supportive network. Readers discover adaptive techniques, assistive technologies, and coping strategies, enhancing their quality of life. Navigating relationships and social support, the book covers communication, intimacy, advocacy, and community resources. Inspirational stories highlight triumphs, emotional resilience, and empowerment. The book doesn't stop at managing paralysis; it guides readers on thriving in life, cultivating a growth mindset, setting and achieving goals, and finding meaning and purpose. Furthermore, it addresses paralysis prevention, awareness initiatives, accessible environments, and community engagement. Detailed resources, support organizations, and recommended reading provide a roadmap for further assistance. Written by a compassionate doctor, this guide is a beacon of hope, offering practical guidance and inspiring narratives to those touched by paralysis.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    157,95 kr.

    "Sciatica Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide" is a definitive and compassionate exploration of sciatica, offering a profound understanding of this debilitating condition and equipping readers with the knowledge to overcome its challenges. Delving into the biopsychosocial aspects of pain, this guide provides a comprehensive view of sciatica, from its intricate anatomical origins to its emotional and psychological impact. By uncovering the causes and risk factors, readers gain valuable insights into the diagnosis and medical interventions available, including medications, injections, and surgical options.The book adopts a holistic approach to sciatica management, emphasizing physical therapy, exercise, nutrition, and mind-body techniques. It explores coping strategies for chronic sciatica, offering support networks, adaptive devices, and improved sleep quality. Tailored sections address sciatica during pregnancy, emotional and psychological impacts, and long-term spinal health. Complementary and alternative therapies, including acupuncture, chiropractic care, and massage therapy, are thoroughly examined.Through compelling case studies and success stories, readers witness real-life journeys from pain to recovery, instilling hope and motivation. This guide culminates with key takeaways, a message of hope, and valuable resources for further reading. Authored by a caring doctor, "Sciatica Demystified" is a beacon of knowledge and support for anyone navigating the challenges of sciatica.

  • af Giovanni Galeoto
    911,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch beschreibt validierte Ergebnismessungen für die internationale Bevölkerung mit Rückenmarksverletzungen. Auf der Grundlage strenger systematischer Überprüfungen von ca. 80.000 wissenschaftlichen Artikeln stellen die Autoren Bewertungsinstrumente für verschiedene klinische Anwendungen in den Gesundheitswissenschaften vor und berücksichtigen dabei Parameter wie Validität, Zuverlässigkeit und Ansprechbarkeit.Für die Entwicklung der klinischen Praxis und der Forschung ist es wichtig, dass praktische und geeignete Messinstrumente allgemein akzeptiert werden; dies würde Vergleiche und Meta-Analysen von hochwertigen randomisierten kontrollierten Studien von Menschen mit dieser immer häufiger auftretenden Verletzung ermöglichen.Dieses Buch betont die Notwendigkeit eines Konsenses unter den Forschern darüber, welche Maßnahmen eingehend untersucht oder an andere nationale Kontexte angepasst werden müssen, bzw. welche Messinstrumente standardisiert werden sollten, um universelle Normen und Standards für die Messung von Rückenmarksverletzungen zu entwickeln. Es bietet einen wertvollen praktischen Leitfaden für Kliniker, Rehabilitationsfachleute und Pflegepersonal, wird aber auch Forschern helfen, mehr Vertrauen in die Verwendung gültiger und zuverlässiger Bewertungsinstrumente für vergleichbare klinische Studien zu gewinnen.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

  • af Pilar Arnáiz Sánchez
    217,95 kr.

    El ser humano viene al mundo con unas predisposiciones genéticas que, confrontadas con el medio en el que se desenvuelve, especialmente el social, originan un individuo con una capacidad de adaptación portentosa. Posee una natural inclinación por la búsqueda de sensaciones profundas, primitivas, holísticas, que ayudan a construir el esquema corporal, y que desarrollan la percepción de uno mismo, contribuyendo al manejo adaptativo de las emociones e impulsando una armonía en las relaciones sociales. >Se incluye así la experiencia de los autores, acumulada durante casi cuatro décadas, como parte del esfuerzo continuado por la renovación de prácticas y metodologías para niños y niñas en situación de discapacidad a través de la intervención educativa por medio de estímulos vestibulares.

  • af Peter Lichtenthal
    317,95 kr.

  • af Welfare Commission for Cripples (U S
    472,95 kr.

  • af Welfare Commission for Cripples (U S
    372,95 kr.

  • af Herbert Edward Deane
    192,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af National Research Council (U S Com
    192,95 kr.

  • af Karen J. Kowalske
    848,95 kr.

    In this issue of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics, guest editor Dr. Karen Kowalske brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Burn Rehabilitation. Top experts in PM&R discuss key topics such as inpatient rehabilitation; hand burns; exercise; pediatrics and geriatrics; psychological issues; outcomes; and more. Contains 13 relevant, practice-oriented topics including acute care of burns; early mobilization; hypertrophic scar; neuromuscular complications; reconstruction; and more. Provides in-depth clinical reviews on burn rehabilitation, offering actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Brandon Gray
    122,95 kr.

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that physical therapy will grow 21 percent between 2020-2030, faster than the average for all occupations. However, getting into physical therapy school is a very competitive process. Less than half of students who apply to physical therapy school are qualified and only 20%-30% are admitted. Become A Physical Therapist provides aspiring students with a blueprint for becoming a physical therapist. The book is a comprehensive guide design to help students with the process of becoming a physical therapist from beginning to end. The book focuses on all major aspects of becoming a physical therapist including getting into physical therapy school, graduating, and getting your license to practice. The book begins with a discussion of the types of settings physical therapists work and the types of patients physical therapists treat. It then provides a brief history of the physical therapy profession. It then provides tips and guidance on choosing the right major in undergrad. The book then provides the necessary steps to take in order to successfully get into physical therapy school as well as tips on interviewing, what to do once you get admitted with tips on how to study, and preparation and tips for passing the national licensure exam. Dr. Gray provides tips and advice that he himself used when applying to physical therapy school that allowed him to be admitted the first time he applied.

  • af Jean Turner
    1.517,95 kr.

    Skeletal muscles are organs of the vertebrate muscular system that are commonly connected to bones of the skeleton by tendons. They are present throughout the body and respond to stimuli by contracting. They are also found in the eye socket, tongue, upper esophagus and diaphragm. Skeletal muscles have a variety of functions, such as maintaining the position and posture of the body, nutrient storage, generating movement, joint stabilization, and regulating body temperature. These muscles comprise muscle and nerve fibers, connective tissue and blood vessels, which allow humans to move and carry out daily tasks. Additionally, they are also critical for breathing mechanics. The dysfunction in skeletal muscles can cause a variety of medical diseases ranging from dysphagia to tremors, myopathies, weakness, tendon ruptures, ataxia, etc. This book explores the recent studies on skeletal muscle physiology. It will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

  • af Keith Seibert
    1.527,95 kr.

    Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism to keep the body's internal environment within bounds that enable the organism to survive. Chemical regulation, thermoregulation and osmoregulation are the primary types of homeostatic regulations that occur in the body. Muscle regeneration is the ability of an adult muscle to regenerate damaged fibers and it represents an essential homeostatic function. It is an extremely coordinated program, which partly mimics the embryonic developmental program. It also includes the activation of the muscle compartment of stem cells, specifically satellite cells as well as other precursor cells. The activities of these cells are dependent on environmental signals. Muscle regeneration can be hampered by a number of pathological conditions either because of the increasing loss of stem cell populations or due to the absence of signals that prevent damaged tissues from effectively activating a regenerative program. Thus, it is possible that losing control over these cells will result in pathological cell differentiation. The topics included herein on muscle regeneration and homeostasis is of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.

  • af Laree Rangel
    1.617,95 kr.

    Neurorehabilitation refers to a type of medical procedure that helps in the recovery from injuries to the nervous system and neurological conditions. It can be used to treat progressive neurological conditions such as tumors, Parkinson's disease and dementia. Neurorehabilitation assists patients in rapid recovery and maximizing their functional and cognitive capacities after the acute stage of brain injury treatment is over. Therapeutic treatments, remediation treatments, psycho-education, cognitive treatments and compensatory treatments are some of the treatment options used in the neurorehabilitation process. New technological advancements in this field have resulted in the development of improved imaging techniques which enables better assessment. Video games and virtual reality are also seen as potential options for promoting cerebral development and rehabilitation. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to neurorehabilitation. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

  • af Keith Seibert
    1.627,95 kr.

    Skeletal muscles are organs found in the vertebrate muscular system that are usually connected to skeleton bones through tendons. It is the most abundant tissue in the human body and it is longer than other muscle tissues. It also has a strong innate ability to repair tissue damage occurred through an accident or degenerative illnesses, like muscular dystrophy, and regenerate new muscle fibers. Satellite cells and myogenic progenitors located between the muscle fiber membrane and the basal lamina are primarily responsible for regeneration. Skeletal muscles have the ability to regenerate and repair themselves following a trauma in a sophisticated and well-organized manner. This process requires the existence of varied cell populations, the up and down regulation of different gene expressions, along with the involvement of numerous growth agents. The topics in this book on the regeneration of skeletal muscles are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. The readers would gain knowledge that would broaden their perspective in this area of orthopedics.

  • af Frank Gregory
    1.437,95 kr.

    Physical therapy is a healthcare profession concerned with the application of manual therapy, biomechanics or kinesiology, exercise therapy, electrotherapy, etc. to treat impairments and promote mobility and function.The purpose of physical therapy is to enhance a patient's quality of life through the effective diagnosis, prognosis, intervention and education of patients. Some specialization areas of physical therapy are cardiovascular and pulmonary physiotherapy, geriatric, integumentary, orthopedic and neurological physical therapy, among others. The outcomes of physical therapy typically include the management of pain, ability to perform activities of daily living, management of depression, etc. This book is a compilation of topics that discuss the most vital concepts in the field of physical therapy. Different approaches, evaluations and methodologies have been included in this book. It aims to serve as a resource guide for students and experts alike.

  • af Dan Heller
    1.567,95 kr.

    A condition that affects the human skeletal system, making bones weaker and vulnerable to fractures is termed as a bone disease. There are several types of bone diseases including osteoporosis, metabolic bone diseases, fracture, stress fracture, bone cancer and scoliosis. Osteoporosis is one of most common bone conditions that cause a loss of bone due to weakened bones. Metabolic bone diseases lead to abnormal bone mass or structure caused by deficiency of a mineral or vitamin. Scoliosis is an abnormal condition in which there is side to side curvature of the spine that results in S- or C-shaped curvature when seen from behind. A number of factors such as age, occupation, environmental factors and genetics play a significant role in bone diseases. The risk of osteoporosis increases in people having low sun exposure and deficiency of vitamin D. The symptoms of these diseases include joint stiffness (arthritis), decreased range of motion, fatigue, and whole body symptoms (rheumatoid arthritis), etc. Physical activity can prove beneficial in the treatment and management of bone diseases. From theories to research to practical applications, case studies related to all contemporary topics of relevance to bone diseases have been included in this book. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

  • af Lael Dickson
    1.547,95 kr.

    Biomechanics refers to the study of motion, structure and function of mechanical aspects of biological systems, at the cellular level or the level of organism as a whole. The movement in organisms is regulated by motor control, which comprises directed movement and reflexes. The integration of multimodal sensory information from proprioception and the external environment is needed to control the movement. The nervous system generates necessary signals for the muscles to carry out a specific task. Motor control is significant in organisms for interacting with external world, to carry out required activities, as well as for stability, posture and balance. In humans, all the movements require motor neurons to trigger action potentials, which cause the contractions of required muscles. The coordination of muscles is triggered by the impulses sent by motor cortex towards the motor units. This results in production of movements by a subset of muscles contracting in precise pattern temporarily for generating force at the right time. This book contains some path-breaking studies on biomechanics and motor control. It will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and post graduate students.

  • af Carson Diaz
    1.577,95 kr.

    The spinal cord is a thin, long and tubular structure made up of nervous tissue. It extends from the medulla oblongata in the brainstem to the lumbar region of the vertebral column. Impairment to the spinal cord results in temporary or permanent changes in its functioning. There are several symptoms of spinal cord injury (SCI), such as loss of muscle function, loss of sensation and difficulty in breathing. An X-ray, MRI or CT scan might be utilized to evaluate whether or not there is damage in the spinal column and the place wherever it is situated. The treatment of SCI concentrates on the prevention of additional injury and helping persons suffering from SCI to lead an active and productive lifestyle. Some conditions of SCI can be managed with medications, to relieve muscle stiffness and pain in addition to medications for improving sexual functioning, bladder control and bowel control. This book is meant for students who are looking for an elaborate reference text on the diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord injuries. It will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field.

  • af Hugo Hiddleston
    1.517,95 kr.

    Orthogeriatrics refers to a subspecialty that was created in response to social, clinical and financial requirements for managing patients with fragility fractures. It is a multidisciplinary and integrated approach for the treatment of fracture patients who require surgical intervention. In patients who are unable to walk, hip fracture surgery can be seen as a palliative process with the aim of pain control. The evidence base for hip fracture care is strongest in orthogeriatrics. A mutual understanding, regard and trust of the roles among orthopedic surgery and geriatric medicine are necessary for the delivery of effective orthogeriatric care. It increases the standard of patient care and achieves a suitable level of clinical optimization throughout the perioperative period. It also reduces the length of hospital stays as well as hospital mortality, while achieving significant cost savings in the management of this medical condition. This book covers in detail some existent theories and innovative concepts revolving around the surgical procedures related to orthogeriatrics. Medical professionals and students actively engaged in this field will find it full of crucial and unexplored concepts.

  • af Ernest Nicolas Joseph Onimus
    442,95 - 592,95 kr.

  • af American Physiotherapy Association
    482,95 kr.

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