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Veterinærmedicin: produktionsdyr

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  • af P. J. (Pierre Juste) Cadiot
    338,95 kr.

  • af Harry Steenbock
    308,95 kr.

  • af Lauren V. Schnabel
    904,95 kr.

    In this issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, guest editor Ds. Lauren V. Schnabel brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Use of Biologic and Regenerative Therapies in Equine Practice. Top experts in the field explain what the main biologic and regenerative therapies are, what they contain, evidence to date for how they should be used, and how to monitor response to treatment.  While the majority of the issue will focus on musculoskeletal applications, other indications for use will be discussed including wounds and ophthalmologic conditions as well as other inflammatory diseases. Contains 13 practice-oriented topics including equine bone marrow aspirate concentrate; equine stem cells: sources, practices, and potential safety concerns; advances in imaging techniques to guide therapies and monitor response to the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries; use of biologics and stem cells for wound healing in the horse; antimicrobial properties of equine stem cells and platelets; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on the use of biologic and regenerative therapies in equine practice, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af William S. Swecker
    904,95 kr.

    In this issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, guest editors Drs. Robert J. Van Saun and William S. Swecker, Jr. bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Vitamins and Trace Minerals in Ruminants. Optimal nutrition with adequate trace mineral levels guarantees proper function and nutrition of the animal, but purity and effectiveness are important concerns. In this issue, top experts in the field review trace mineral function, requirements, and content of common feeds, as well as specific diet challenges for ruminants and cattle. Contains 13 relevant, practice-oriented topics including evaluation of mineral sources; confinement dairy; vitamin supplementation; common toxicosis; maternal-fetal transfer of trace minerals and fetal programming; and more. Provides in-depth clinical reviews on vitamins and trace minerals in ruminants, offering actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Jana Ziegler
    352,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt von MSM in der Tiermedizin! Unser neues Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die vielseitigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von MSM bei Tieren. Von der Unterstützung des Immunsystems bis hin zur Verbesserung der Gelenkgesundheit und Fellqualität - Sie werden erstaunt sein, wie MSM auch Ihrem Tier helfen kann.Unsere Autoren sind führende Experten auf diesem Gebiet und haben jahrelange Erfahrung in der Anwendung von MSM in der Tiermedizin. In diesem Buch teilen sie ihr Wissen und ihre Erkenntnisse mit Ihnen, damit auch Sie von den vielen Vorteilen von MSM profitieren können.Egal, ob Sie ein Tierhalter, Tierarzt oder Tierpfleger sind, dieses Buch ist ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für alle, die das Beste für ihre Tiere wollen. Mit leicht verständlichen Erklärungen und praktischen Tipps ist es die perfekte Informationsquelle für jeden, der sich für die Wirkung von MSM auf Tiere interessiert.Machen Sie sich bereit, in die Welt von MSM in der Tiermedizin einzutauchen und Ihr Tier auf eine ganz neue Art und Weise zu unterstützen. Es werden Anwendungen für folgende Tierarten dargestellt: Pferde * Hunde * Katzen * Ziervögel * Zierfische * Schlangen und Echsen * Amphibien und Lurche * Kaninchen * Meerschweinchen * Goldhamster * Ratten * Schildkröten * Zierinsekten und Spinnen * Frettchen * Greifvögel und Eulen

  • af Tom Lonsdale
    238,95 kr.

    Raw Meaty Bones by Dr Tom Lonsdale reveals how industrial diets devastate pets' health.

  • af Tom Lonsdale
    268,95 kr.

    "Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud by Dr Tom Lonsdale exposes the shameful failings of 'junk' pet food manufacturers."--

  • af Remco Sikkel
    448,95 kr.

    Il fut un temps où le PPID semblait de pas exister. Un cheval, passé les 15 ans, avait ce qu'on qualifiait de troubles liés à l'âge, qui s'aggravaient peu à peu au fil des années. Parfois, un de ces seniors avait de la chance, et tombait sur un vétérinaire qui identifiait ce que l'on appelait alors la maladie de Cushing. Heureusement, les choses ont évolué ces 20 dernières années. De nouvelles connaissances scientifiques sont devenues accessibles à un plus grand nombre de personnes. Nous savons maintenant que nombre de ces 'troubles' sont caractéristiques du PPID ; le nom actuel de cette sale maladie. Le PPID passe moins souvent inaperçu, car nous tirons plus rapidement la sonnette d'alarme si nous pensons que notre cheval en est atteint.Ce livre répond à une nécessité, celle de mieux comprendre ce qu'est le PPID, afin de savoir ce que vous pouvez faire, en tant que propriétaire, pour aider votre cheval. Dans un langage clair et compréhensible, il va vous expliquer en quoi consiste cette maladie et comment votre vétérinaire va la diagnostiquer. Il vous détaille ensuite comment soigner les différents problèmes auxquels votre cheval atteint de PPID risque d'être confronté. Après avoir lu ce livre, le PPID n'aura plus de secrets pour vous. Une aide inestimable, pour votre cheval et vous.

  • af Gabriel Ková¿
    743,95 kr.

    Predkladaná publikácia tvorí doplnok ku kni¿nému vydaniu pod názvom ¿Choroby hovädzieho dobytka". Opiera sa o nov¿ie poznatky z oblasti výskumu hlavne najvýznamnej¿ích porúch zdravotného stavu vysokoú¿itkových dojníc, pri ktorých so zvy¿ujúcou produkciou mlieka, ¿asto nie sú zoh¿adnené narastajúce nároky na metabolizmus a vyús¿ujú do zvy¿ovania % brakovania a úhynov zvierat. V publikácii sme sa zamerali na etiopatogenézu, diagnostiku, terapiu a prevenciu týchto problémov. Cie¿om je zabezpe¿enie bezpe¿ných, zdravotne nezávadných potravín ¿ivöí¿neho pôvodu. Predpokladáme, ¿e bude prínosom pre ¿itate¿ov (¿tudentov veterinárskeho lekárstva a praktických veterinárnych lekárov) a návodom pre profesionálny prístup k rie¿eniu týchto zdravotných a produk¿ných komplikácií.

  • - Comprendre, Gu rir, Pr venir
    af Remco Sikkel
    593,95 - 713,95 kr.

  • af Laurentius Rusius, Luigi Barbieri & Pietro Delprato
    338,95 - 498,95 kr.

  • af Brett A. Sponseller
    904,95 kr.

    In this issue, guest editors bring their considerable expertise to this important topic. Provides in-depth reviews on the latest updates in the field, providing actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize

  • af Antonio (Royal College of Vet. Surgeons) Cruz, Graham (Cambridge Veterinary School) Munroe & Michael (Royal College of Vet. Surgeons) Schramme
    731,95 - 1.894,95 kr.

  • af Rick Parker & Irma Magaña
    313,95 - 648,95 kr.

  • af Kevin K. Haussler
    904,95 kr.

    In this issue of Veterinary Clinics: Equine Practice, guest editor Kevin K. Haussler brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Integrative Medicine. Provides in-depth reviews on the latest updates in Integrative Medicine, providing actionable insights for veterinary practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field; Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create these timely topic-based reviews.

  • af J.H. (Utrecht Univ.) van der Kolk & E.J.B. (Erasmus Univ. Med. Centre) Veldhuis Kroeze
    1.835,95 kr.

    Thoroughly updated a decade after the release of the original text, this book continues to be concise and easy to understand for equine clinicians and students, and remains an important resource for uncommon infectious diseases.

  • af Remco Sikkel
    448,95 kr.

    PPID leek vroeger niet te bestaan. Een paard van 15+ kreeg gewoon ouderdomskwaaltjes die erger werden naarmate hij ouder werd. Soms had zo'n senior geluk en dacht de dierenarts aan wat we toen de ziekte van Cushing noemden. Gelukkig is daar de laatste 20 jaar verandering in gekomen. Nieuwe wetenschappelijke inzichten zijn voor meer mensen toegankelijk geworden. We weten nu dat veel van die 'kwaaltjes' eigenschappen zijn van PPID; de huidige naam voor deze nare aandoening. PPID-paarden blijven veel minder vaak onder de radar, omdat we zelf eerder aan de bel trekken als we denken dat ons paard PPID heeft.Dit boek sluit aan op de behoefte om nog beter te begrijpen wat PPID is en wat je als paardeneigenaar allemaal kunt doen om je paard te helpen. In duidelijke en begrijpelijke taal lees je wat deze ziekte is en hoe hij door de dierenarts vastgesteld wordt. We kijken uitgebreid naar de behandeling van de problemen waar je PPID-er mee te maken kan krijgen. Na het lezen van dit boek zal PPID geen geheimen meer voor je hebben. Het gaat jou en je paard enorm helpen.

  • af J. P. Dubey
    550,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Preston
    193,95 kr.

    Originally published in 2011 as: Natural healing for cats, dogs, horses, and other animals: 150 alternative therapies available to owners and caregivers.

  • af Sandra McQuinn
    148,95 kr.

    This book "is organized according to types of plants--trees, bushes, shrubs, and vines, ferns and plants, weeds and wildflowers, and grasses and horsetails. Since visuals are very important for correct identification, clear color photographs are shown, including wherever possible a close-up photograph and line drawing to better identify each plant. Horsewoman Sandra McQuinn has researched and compiled information on more than 100 more common but toxic plants that grow in backyards, pastures, and on the range and trail. Also included is advice from a veterinarian on how to recognize the symptoms of poisonings in your horse and what steps you or your own veterinarian should take if you suspect your horse has eaten a toxic plant"

  • af John Shipp
    298,95 kr.

    This is a vintage scientific guide to farriery, with detailed information on different conditions and ailments, the anatomy of the horses foot, treatments, preventative measure, and much more. Although old, it contains a wealth of timeless information and will be of interest to modern equestrians and farriers. Contents include: "Farriery: A Perfect Foot Described", "Sensible Frog", "Nerves", "Tendons", "Ligaments", "Arteries", "Hoof", "Sole", "Frog", "Bars", "Treatment of Corns", "Case 1.", "Case 2.", "Case 3.", "Case 4. "Case 5.", "Case 6.", "Case 7.", etc. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in a modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on maintaining and caring for horses. This book was first published in 1806.

  • af Louise Hill Curth
    1.732,95 kr.

    'A plaine and easie waie to remedie a horse': equine medicine in early modern England is Louise Hill Curth's groundbreaking new book on the health and illness of what were historically the most important domesticated, working animals.

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