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Veterinærmedicin: patologi og histologi

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  • af Milan Mohammad, Zakaria Alaoui-Ismaili & Mohammad Al-Mahdi Al-Karagholi
    225,94 kr.

    Med dette kompendium tilstræber forfatterne at give de studerende en grundig indføring i almen histologi. Kompendiet gennemgår på pædagogisk vis de klassiske vævstyper og er en nem og overskuelig indgang til området. Kompendiet er henvendt til alle sundhedsfaglige studerende, som skal til eksamen i almen histologi og spot. Det egner sig til førstegangslæsning af histologi, men kan også med fordel benyttes som opslagsværk i forbindelse med eksamenslæsning. Forfatterne har haft fokus på at gøre histologi mere overskueligt og spændende ved bl.a. at kombinere teorien med flowcharts, skemaer og figurer med sammenhørende præparater. Samlet set udgør kompendiet en fyldestgørende pædagogisk beskrivelse af den almene histologi.

  • - The Pathoanatomic Basis
    af Páll S. Leifsson, Jørgen S. Agerholm, Tine Iburg, mfl.
    588,95 kr.

    Meat Inspection – The Pathoanatomic Basis is the most comprehensive book covering the subject of meat inspection in today’s market.The pathoanatomic basis of the book combined with concise explanations of pathogenesis and aetiology are supplemented by almost 1500 colour illlustrations and matching texts, making this book an indispensable tool for professionals and veterinarians who work with assessing and diagnosing lesions in production animals.The book provides a foundation for the uniform assessment of lesions based on current meat hygiene legislation and is vital to anyone interested in pathobiological issues.Chapters 1 and 2 cover general conditions of productionanimals while the following 16 chapters describe lesions in the various organ systems. The remaining 4 chapters cover crossdisciplinary areas of meat inspectionsuch as pyaemia, granulomatous and pyogranulomatous inflammations, forensic pathology and animal welfare, and neoplasms.The comprehensive index guarantees quick reference searches on specific subjects.Meat Inspection – The Pathoanatomic Basis focuses on diseases and types of lesions most commonly found in production mammals at meat inspection. Diseases in game and poultry are not discussed, but the principles described may be applied to mammalian game in general. Therefore, this book is a valuable tool to hunters, researchers and other persons with an interest in these animals.All the authors of this book are presently or previously employed at the Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

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