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    287,95 kr.

    Saxo og hans samtid er et opgør med opfattelsen af Saxo Grammaticus som en tendentiøs og utroværdig kilde til middelalderens Danmark.Middelalderens krønikeskrivere tilpassede deres beskrivelser af verden og tidens tankegods til nye udfordringer og politisk bekvemme mål, indeholder historiske kilder som Saxos danmarkshistorie vigtig information om samtidens samfund. Ville man som Saxo bruge sin historieskrivning til at overbevise andre om en bestemt opfattelse af tingenes tilstand, måtte fremstillingen indeholde så meget sandhed, at den virkede troværdig for modtageren af budskabet. Derfor må der bag Saxos mange fantastiske fortællinger om fortidens danere og deres bedrifter gemme sig et mønster af tænkemåder og fænomener, som læserne kunne nikke genkendende til.Med dette som udgangspunkt give en række historikere deres bud på, hvad teksten Gesta Danorum siger om 1100-tallets våbenbrug og krigsførelse, gavegivning og rituelle handlinger, retlige problemstillinger og folke- og fædrelandsbegreber. Analysen retter sig samtidig mod forfatterens politiske retorik og historiske fortællestil, og derved kaster bogen nyt lys over Saxo og hans samtid.

  • af Bruce Gilley
    267,95 - 427,95 kr.

  • - En historiografisk-kritisk undersøgelse
    af Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen
    130,95 kr.

    Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754) var blandt meget andet en produktiv forfatter af historiske skrifter: danmarkshistorie, verdenshistorie, kirkehistorie og historiske biografier, alt i alt mere end halvdelen af hans samlede værk. Men hvilken slags historiker var han egentlig? Hvad var hans historieteori? Og hvordan så samtid og eftertid på hans historiske forfatterskab? Ja, hvordan ser vi på det i dag? Det er disse sammenhængende spørgsmål, denne lille bog sætter sig for at besvare med ambition om at bidrage til en forståelse af Holberg som "pragmatisk historiker".Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen (født 1964) er lektor i historie på Saxo-Instituttet, Københavns Universitet. Han har bl.a. skrevet indledning til Ludvig Holberg: Dannemarks og Norges Geistlige og Verdslige Staat (1749, DSL/UiB/Forlaget Vandkunsten, 2014), samt artikler om Holberg, naturretten og enevælden.

  • af Marc Bloch
    185,95 - 272,95 kr.

    "L'Étrange Défaite" est un ouvrage majeur de l'historien français Marc Bloch. Ce livre a été écrit pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et publié après la mort de Bloch. Il s'agit d'une analyse rétrospective et critique de la défaite française face à l'Allemagne nazie en 1940. Bloch, qui avait une profonde connaissance de l'histoire et une expérience personnelle dans la Première Guerre mondiale, explore les causes et les circonstances qui ont conduit à la défaite de la France en 1940. Il examine les erreurs politiques, stratégiques et sociales, ainsi que les facteurs profonds qui ont affaibli la capacité de la France à résister à l'invasion allemande. "L'Étrange Défaite" est salué pour son analyse pointue et sa capacité à mettre en lumière les faiblesses structurelles qui ont conduit à la chute rapide de la France face à l'Allemagne nazie. C'est également un ouvrage majeur pour comprendre la pensée historique de Marc Bloch et son approche de l'histoire contemporaine.

  • af Tom Reger
    260,95 kr.

    Zwei oberbayerische Gemeinden, Hubenstein und Moosen, geraten in den Fokus der Bayerischen Staatsregierung. Die beiden ¿Zwerggemeinden¿ sollen per Regierungsbeschluss zusammengelegt werden. Die Staatskasse ist nach dem 1. Weltkrieg klamm. Die kommunale Selbstverwaltung soll reformiert werden. Dagegen regt sich erbitterter Widerstand, der seit Generationen zerstrittenen Nachbargemeinden. Alte Wunden brechen auf. Argwohn, Misstrauen und handgreifliche Auseinandersetzungen greifen um sich. Plötzlich verschwindet ein Bürger spurlos. War es Mord? Der Flusslauf im Vilstal wird für die nachkriegsgeplagte Bevölkerung zur natürlichen Konfliktlinie. Trotz der Uneinigkeit wird ein Vertreter des Bezirksamts Erding bei einer Versammlung aus Moosen gemeinsam verjagt. Ein Handeln in Eintracht gegen die Obrigkeit bleibt allerdings schwierig. Nur dem Geschick der beiden Bürgermeister ist es zu verdanken, dass ein Gerichtsverfahren gegen die Bayerische Regierung erfolgen kann. Die Bürgermeister der rivalisierenden Gemeinden haben einen Balanceakt zwischen einer feindseligen Gegenwart und einer hoffnungs-vollen Zukunft zu meistern. Der hiesige Pfarrer und christliche Hirte sieht mit Sorge auf seine Schäfchen und hat dabei eigene Kriegstraumata zu bewältigen. Der neue junge Schullehrer am Ort ist nicht nur für die Schüler eine Bereicherung. Seine Leidenschaft ist die regionale Geschichte: ein vergangenes mittelalterliches Schloss und ein Abenteuer liebender Ritter animieren sein Interesse. Und die Entdeckung eines Tunnels erweckt die Legende über einen im verborgen gebliebenen unterirdischen Wehrgang von neuem. Jedoch sehen den Lehrer nicht alle ohne Vorbehalt und so sieht er sich mit dem aufkeimenden Nationalsozialismus und Antisemitismus der frühen 1920er Jahre konfrontiert. Es ist eine Zeit des dramatischen Wandels, für mache sogar wie eine politische und gesellschaftliche Abrisskante. Aber die Welt drehte sich weiter!

  • af Clara de Massol de Rebetz
    1.002,95 kr.

    This book provides a definition of the developing field of environmental memory studies. It reflects on the possibilities, challenges, prospects and limitations of culturally and collectively remembering (in) the Anthropocene. Located at the intersection of environmental humanities and memory studies, the analysis draws on and surveys a series of Anthropocene-related memorials, from a sculpture lost in Welsh waterways to cat colonies and perennial chickens. This leads to an examination of different memory agents across histories ¿ past, present and future ¿ and an investigation of memorialisation politics under new ecological regimes, within and beyond the human.

  • af Marc Widdowson
    837,95 kr.

    The last few decades have seen the emergence of theoretical history as an academic discipline characterised by conferences, journals, and an international community of researchers. It is about a scientific search for patterns in history, using quantitative data and formal, often mathematical models to understand the past, interpret the present and shape the future. This book is a comprehensive survey of the new discipline's themes and participants, including its early roots. The first two chapters define the scope of theoretical history and present some background knowledge and assumptions. This is followed by a review of mathematical methods, covering topics like calculus, network theory, statistics, and time-series analysis. Three chapters cover respectively socio-cultural, economic-technological, and military-political processes in history. Cities and urbanism, historical cycles such as in war and the economy, and the impact of the environment on social change also each have their own chapter. The final chapter provides a guide to data sources. There is an index and bibliography.

  • af Mark Trapino
    242,95 kr.

    The lives of three generations of the plebeian Tempanius family are woven through the struggles and conflicts against Etruscan, Latin and other enemies of the young republic, and the fight for rights and power between the aristocratic Patricians and the common people of Rome in the first decades of the Roman Republic. Lucius Tempanius, eldest son of Marcus and Drusilla, loves war and pleasure. His goal in life is to be the greatest soldier of Rome and abjures his role as head of the family and leaves the farm to his brother, Titus. His move into the city causes a deep rift in the family and brings dishonor to the Tempanius name. But when his youngest brother is murdered by a patrician and allowed to escape punishment, Lucius Tempanius finally dedicates himself to a cause. That cause is vendetta; vengeance for his brother, and breaking the power of the patricians.

  • af Maher Asaad Baker
    212,95 - 320,95 kr.

  • af Florentino Rodao
    1.069,95 - 1.091,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Uglow
    1.130,95 - 1.136,95 kr.

    The enthusiastic response to the Dictionary has prompted this second substantially enlarged, revised and updated edition. It now contains essential details of the lives of over 2000 women from all periods, cultures and walks of life - from queens to cooks, engineers to entertainers, pilots to poisoners. The new entries include women who have hit the headlines in the past five years - from Cory Aquino to Madonna - but the historical coverage has also been broadened in response to new research and a special new feature is the extended treatment of women from Third World countries. With subsections for further reading, comprehensive subject index and bibliographical survey, the Macmillan Dictionary of Women's Biography is an invaluable reference source - and a fascinating bed-time read.

  • af Berber Bevernage
    926,95 kr.

    This book offers a global and systematic overview of populist politics of history in the twenty-first century. An international group of scholars interrogates how and why populists engage with the past. Twelve case studies focus on uses of history and memory by populist movements across the globe - ranging from Brazil to Bangladesh, from Poland to Tanzania. Five thematic chapters zoom in on key features of populism: its relation to time, nationalism, emotions, academic expertise, and the language of 'moral remembrance'. The focus is both on left- and right-wing populism, as well as on oppositional populism and populists in power. This way, the volume presents an empirically rigorous and conceptually innovative analysis of populist historical reason.

  • af Víctor M. Toledo
    1.307,95 kr.

    This book helps readers to understand the fast growing and timely concept of social metabolism. The authors shed a light on the different existing terms and methodologies that have been developed over the years. Through the study of history, readers will get an understanding of the main currents or schools that exist around this concept and their main findings. Also provides examples of how to apply the metabolic approach at different territorial and temporal scales and using different methodological tools. The book presents a novel socio-metabolic theory of historical change, in which biophysical and social variables are combined in an integrated way to understand the dynamics of socio-metabolic transitions.In this second edition, the authors provide valuable updates and new sections to each of the previous chapters. New insights on global phenomena like climate change and the environmental crisis are also considered. As readers will learn, a paradigm shift in almost all areas of research and society will be needed to face the challenges created by the modern industrial society. The authors use a look back in history, to explore the relationship between humans and nature from an evolutionary and thermodynamic perspective. With this approach, readers from history, environmental sciences and social sciences will get valuable insights on possible solutions.

  • af Adam Gopnik
    207,95 kr.

  • af Jay Parini
    232,95 kr.

  • af James W. Mcauley
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book covers the notion of collective memory ¿ broadly defined as the ways in which differing pasts are created, understood and reproduced ¿ and how this is perpetuated in Northern Ireland by a wide set of social actors, including nations, religious and political groupings, and local communities. Such collective memories are not a preservative for historically accurate recall of bygone events but rather readings of the past subject to contemporary interpretations and political pressure. The adoption of political symbolism remains central to subsequent events. Indeed, in Northern Ireland, both communities hold their conflicting ¿memories¿ dear and, importantly, rival political organizations have invested much in their own reading of the causes of the outbreak and continuation of the conflict. Set alongside constant exposure to other forms of discourse, texts, songs, prose and more visible physical manifestations ¿ such as murals, commemorative gardens, personal tattoos, and even gravestones ¿ there are a multitude of ways of reminding people of particular memories, community histories and interpretations of events, and of providing the background within which attitudes are formed.

  • af Tatiana Signorelli Heise
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book investigates the role that cinemas in Brazil, Chile and Argentina have played in reconstructing memories of the most recent military dictatorships. These countries have undergone a distinctive post-dictatorship experience marked by unprecedented debates about human rights violations, the silencing of victims and accountability for state crimes. Meanwhile, politically committed filmmakers have created an extensive body of work addressing the dictatorship and its aftermath. This book employs a transnational and comparative approach to examine the strategies that these filmmakers have used to render visible what has remained hidden, to make reappear what has disappeared, and to reinterpret historical actors and events from a contemporary perspective. Through attention to the specific properties of the medium and the socio-historical context in which films have been made, it describes the different cinematic modes of remembering that emerged in response to wider memory frameworks in South America.

  • af Klas-Göran Karlsson
    217,95 - 1.997,95 kr.

  • af S. Behnaz Hosseini
    1.128,95 kr.

    This book explores the experiences of the ethnic and religious minorities of Iran, such as Jews, Yarsani, Christian, Sabean Mandaean, Bahai, Zoroastrian, Baluch, Kurd, and others and provides a historical overview of their position in society before and after the 1979 Islamic revolution and highlights their contribution to the country's history, diversity, and development. It also focuses on the historical, sociopolitical, and economic factors that affected the minorities' development during the last century. Author Behnaz Hosseini has shaped this book with authentic material and has assembled the experiences and opinions of academics of diverse backgrounds who approach the minorities¿ issues in Iran in a constructive and ingenious way: from debating their efforts to preserve their identity and cultural heritage and ensure their survival to discussing their relations with the majority and other minorities, the role of religion in everyday life, and their contribution to the rich cultural history of Iran.

  • af Marc Vander Linden
    208,95 - 619,95 kr.

  • af Johannes-Dieter Steinert
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book explores one of the most notorious aspects of the German system of oppression in wartime Poland: the only purpose-built camp for children under the age of 16 years in German-occupied Europe. The camp at Przemys¿owa street, or the Polen-Jugendverwahrlager der Sicherheitspolizei in Litzmannstadt as the Germans called it, was a concentration camp for children. The camp at Przemys¿owa existed for just over two years, from December 1942 until January 1945. During that time, an unknown number of children, mainly Polish nationals, were imprisoned there and subjected to extreme physical and emotional abuse. For almost all, the consequences of atrocities which they endured in the camp remained with them for the rest of their lives. This book focuses on the establishment of the camp, the experience of the child prisoners, and the post-war investigations and trials. It is based on contemporary German documents, post-war Polish trials and German investigations, as well as dozens of testimonies from camp survivors, guards, civilian camp staff and the camp leadership

  • af Shinichi Kitaoka
    1.128,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

  • af Matteo Valleriani
    752,95 - 822,95 kr.

  • af Gideon Manning
    1.128,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

  • af Mphathisi Ndlovu
    1.393,95 kr.

    This book explores how popular cultural artifacts, literary texts, commemorative practices and other forms of remembrances are used to convey, transmit and contest memories of mass atrocities in the Global South. Some of these historical atrocities took place during the Cold war. As such, this book unpacks the influence or role of the global powers in conflict in the Global South. Contributors are grappling with a number of issues such as the politics of memorialization, memory conflicts, exhumations, reburials, historical dialogue, peacebuilding and social healing, memory activism, visual representation, transgenerational transmission of memories, and identity politics.

  • af Caitriona Ni Dhuill
    1.128,95 kr.

    This volume addresses the current boom in biographical fictions across the globe, examining the ways in which gendered lives of the past become re-imagined as gendered narratives in fiction. Building on this research, this book is the first to address questions of gender in a sustained and systematic manner that is also sensitive to cultural and historical differences in both raw material and fictional reworking. It develops a critical lens through which to approach biofictions as ¿fictions of gender¿, drawing on theories of biofiction and historical fiction, life-writing studies, feminist criticism, queer feminist readings, postcolonial studies, feminist art history, and trans studies. Attentive to various approaches to fictionalisation that reclaim, appropriate or re-invent their ¿raw material¿, the volume assesses the critical, revisionist and deconstructive potential of biographical fictions while acknowledging the effects of cliché, gender norms and established narratives in manyof the texts under investigation. The introduction of this book is available open access under a CC BY 4.0 license at link.springer.comChapter 1 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Katarzyna Bronk-Bacon
    1.128,95 kr.

    This book is an original and innovative study of how Gothic nostalgia and toxic memoryare used to underpin and promote the ongoing culture wars and populist politics incontemporary popular culture. The essays collected here cover topics from the spectral tothe ecological, deep fakes to toxic ableism, Mary Poppins to John Wick to revealhow the use of an imaginary past to shape the present, creates truly Gothic times that wecan never escape. These ¿hungry ghosts¿ from the past find resonance with the Gothicwhich speaks equally of a past that often not only haunts the present but will not let itescape its grasp. This collection will look at the confluence between various kinds of toxicnostalgia and popular culture to suggest the ways in which contemporary populism hasresurrected ideological monsters from the grave to gorge on the present and any possibilityof change that the future might represent.

  • af Matt Howard
    1.028,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

  • af David Rojinsky
    1.028,95 - 1.069,95 kr.

    This book examines the archival aesthetic of mourning and memory developed by Latin American artists and photographers between 1997-2016.  Particular attention is paid to how photographs of the assassinated or disappeared political dissident of the 1970s and 1980s, as found in family albums and in official archives, were not only re-imagined as conduits for private mourning, but also became allegories of social trauma and the struggle against socio-political amnesia. Memorials, art installations, photo-essays, street projections, and documentary films are all considered as media for the reframing of these archival images from the era of the Cold War dictatorships in Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, and Uruguay. While the turn of the millennium was supposedly marked by "e;the end of history"e; and, with the advent of digital technologies, by "e;the end of photography,"e; these works served to interrupt and hence, belie the dominant narrative on both counts. Indeed, the book's overarching contention is that the viewer's affective identification with distant suffering when engaging these artworks is equally interrupted: instead, the viewer is invited to apprehend memorial images as emblems of national and international histories of ideological struggle.

  • af Wolfgang Jacobmeyer
    824,95 kr.

    Die Neuordnung des preußischen Gymnasiums im 19. Jahrhundert stellte eine unvergleichliche Reform dar. Durch seine Einheitsschule für höhere Bildung, sorgfältige staatliche Überwachung und beständige Bildungsprinzipien erlangte es anerkannten Erfolg. Von entscheidender Bedeutung waren die Lehrkräfte: Sie stammten oft aus nicht-akademischen Verhältnissen, doch ihre wissenschaftliche Kompetenz und hingebungsvolle Berufsverpflichtung waren unumstritten. Diese Studie analysiert die Perspektiven, Qualifikationen und soziale Herkunft der Lehrer sowie ihre Integration in das Gymnasiumssystem. Zusätzlich wird die Interpretation zeitgenössischer Veränderungen und die politischen Visionen der Lehrkräfte beleuchtet. Als Hauptquelle dienen die wertvollen und oft übersehenen Jahresberichte der Gymnasien (¿Schulprogramme¿).

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