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  • af Gilles Pages
    1.687,95 kr.

    Vector Quantization, a pioneering discretization method based on nearest neighbor search, emerged in the 1950s primarily in signal processing, electrical engineering, and information theory. Later in the 1960s, it evolved into an automatic classification technique for generating prototypes of extensive datasets. In modern terms, it can be recognized as a seminal contribution to unsupervised learning through the k-means clustering algorithm in data science.In contrast, Functional Quantization, a more recent area of study dating back to the early 2000s, focuses on the quantization of continuous-time stochastic processes viewed as random vectors in Banach function spaces. This book distinguishes itself by delving into the quantization of random vectors with values in a Banach space¿a unique feature of its content. Its main objectives are twofold: first, to offer a comprehensive and cohesive overview of the latest developments as well as several new results in optimal quantization theory, spanning both finite and infinite dimensions, building upon the advancements detailed in Graf and Luschgy's Lecture Notes volume. Secondly, it serves to demonstrate how optimal quantization can be employed as a space discretization method within probability theory and numerical probability, particularly in fields like quantitative finance. The main applications to numerical probability are the controlled approximation of regular and conditional expectations by quantization-based cubature formulas, with applications to time-space discretization of Markov processes, typically Brownian diffusions, by quantization trees.While primarily catering to mathematicians specializing in probability theory and numerical probability, this monograph also holds relevance for data scientists, electrical engineers involved in data transmission, and professionals in economics and logistics who are intrigued by optimal allocation problems.

  • af Dharmaraja Selvamuthu
    1.225,95 kr.

    This revised book provides an accessible presentation of concepts from probability theory, statistical methods, the design of experiments, and statistical quality control. It is shaped by the experience of the two teachers teaching statistical methods and concepts to engineering students. Practical examples and end-of-chapter exercises are the highlights of the text, as they are purposely selected from different fields. Statistical principles discussed in the book have a great relevance in several disciplines like economics, commerce, engineering, medicine, health care, agriculture, biochemistry, and textiles to mention a few.Organised into 16 chapters, the revised book discusses four major topics¿probability theory, statistical methods, the design of experiments, and statistical quality control. A large number of students with varied disciplinary backgrounds need a course in basics of statistics, the design of experiments and statistical quality control at an introductory level to pursue their discipline of interest. No previous knowledge of probability or statistics is assumed, but an understanding of calculus is a prerequisite. The whole book also serves as a master level introductory course in all the three topics, as required in textile engineering or industrial engineering.

  • af Snehashish Chakraverty
    1.356,95 kr.

    Computation and Modeling for Fractional Order Systems provides readers with problem-solving techniques for obtaining exact and/or approximate solutions of governing equations arising in fractional dynamical systems presented using various analytical, semi-analytical, and numerical methods. Various analytical/semi-analytical/numerical methods are applied for solving real-life fractional order problems. The comprehensive descriptions of different recently developed fractional singular, non-singular, fractal-fractional, and discrete fractional operators, along with computationally efficient methods, are included for the reader to understand how these may be applied to real-world systems, and a wide variety of dynamical systems such as deterministic, stochastic, continuous, and discrete are addressed. Fractional calculus has gained increasing popularity and relevance over the last few decades, due to its well-established applications in various fields of science and engineering. It deals with the differential and integral operators with non-integral powers. Fractional differential equations are the pillar of various systems occurring in a wide range of science and engineering disciplines, namely physics, chemical engineering, mathematical biology, financial mathematics, structural mechanics, control theory, circuit analysis, and biomechanics, among others.

  • af Isadora Antoniano-Villalobos
    1.225,95 kr.

    The volume includes a collection of peer-reviewed contributions from among those presented at the FNE, the main conference organized every two years by the Mexican Statistical Society (AME), and the 2020 AME Virtual Meeting. Statistical research in Latin America is prolific and research networks span both within and outside the region. As much of the work is typically carried out and published in Spanish, a large portion of the interested public is denied access to interesting findings, and the goal of this volume is therefore to provide access to selected works from Mexican collaborators and their international research networks to a wider audience. It may be especially attractive to academics interested in the latest methodological advances, while professionals from other disciplines may also find value in these new tools for data analysis. In 2021, the conference broadly focused on the interdisciplinary aspects of Statistics.

  • af Bruce J. West
    379,94 kr.

    This book describes a new strategy for rehabilitation from injury and/or disease using Crucial Event Therapy. Recent studies have shown that individuals can recuperate more rapidly from surgery and other invasive procedures intended to correct the negative effects of disease or injury through the use of life support systems that operate at the body's natural biofrequencies. The same observation has been clinically shown to reverse the degenerative effects of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson¿s and Alzheimer's Disease.Crucial Event Therapy describes medicine as the operational control of the functions of the human body treated as a network-of-networks, with 1/f-variable crucial events coding the dynamic states of health and disease through information flow within a network and information exchange between biomedical networks. A new way of thinking based on the statistics of Cortical Events is presented and the relevant literature is suitably referenced. This is anideal book for biophysicists and data scientists seeking to understand the connection of complexity measures for the study of consciousness with the clinical aspects of designing a rehabilitation strategy.

  • af Raffaele Argiento
    1.225,95 - 1.287,95 kr.

    This book presents a selection of peer-reviewed contributions to the fifth Bayesian Young Statisticians Meeting, BaYSM 2021, held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic on 1-3 September 2021. Despite all the challenges of an online conference, the meeting provided a valuable opportunity for early career researchers, including MSc students, PhD students, and postdocs to connect with the broader Bayesian community.The proceedings highlight many different topics in Bayesian statistics, presenting promising methodological approaches to address important challenges in a variety of applications. The book is intended for a broad audience of people interested in statistics, and provides a series of stimulating contributions on theoretical, methodological, and computational aspects of Bayesian statistics.

  • af Jin Akiyama
    533,95 kr.

    This book is written in a style that uncovers the mathematical theories hidden in our daily lives, using examples of patterns that appear in nature, arts, traditional crafts, as well as mathematical mechanics in architectural techniques. The authors believe that through conversations between students and mathematicians, readers may learn about the methods used by the originators of these theories¿their trials, errors, and triumphs¿in reaching their various conclusions. The goal is to help readers refine their mathematical sense in terms of formulating valuable questions and pursuing them. In addition, the book aims to provide enjoyment in the application of mathematical principles to beautiful art and design by using examples that highlight the wonders and mysteries of these works found in our daily lives. To achieve these goals, the book tackles the latest exquisite results on polygons and polyhedra and the dynamic history of geometric research found around us. The term "intuitive geometry" was coined by Lászlo Fejes Tóth and refers to the kind of geometry which, in Hilbert's words, can be explained to and appeal to the "man on the street." This book enables readers to enjoy intuitive geometry informally and instinctively. It does not require more than a high school level of knowledge but calls for a sense of wonder, intuition, and mathematical maturity. In this second edition, many new results, and elegant proofs on a variety of topics have been added, enhancing the book¿s rich content even further.

  • af Lunchuan Zhang
    1.041,95 kr.

    This book explains the basic theory of Hilbert C*-module in detail, covering a wide range of applications from generalized index to module framework. At the center of the book, the Beurling-Deny criterion is characterized between operator valued Dirichlet forms and quantum Markov semigroups, hence opening a new field of quantum probability research. The general scope of the book includes: basic theory of Hilbert C*-modules; generalized indices and module frames; operator valued Dirichlet forms; and quantum Markov semigroups.This book will be of value to scholars and graduate students in the fields of operator algebra, quantum probability and quantum information.

  • af Juliana Goschler
    826,95 kr.

    In der Diskussion über Sprache in Bildungskontexten geht man davon aus, dass diese sogenannte ¿Bildungssprache¿ durch verschiedene grammatische und lexikalische Merkmale charakterisiert wird. Häufig wird außerdem angenommen, dass diese Merkmale für Schüler/-innen ¿ unter anderem und insbesondere solchen, die Deutsch als Zweitsprache erlernen ¿ schwierig und damit eine Hürde für erfolgreiches fachliches Lernen sein könnten. Der Band widmet sich in einer Reihe von Einzelstudien möglichen Zugängen zur empirischen Überprüfung dieser Annahmen.

  • af Norbert Henze
    334,95 kr.

    Arbeitsbuch Stochastik (Einführung und Grundzüge der Maßtheorie)Dieses Arbeitsbuch enthält die Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen und Lösungswege der Kapitel 2 bis 8 des Lehrbuchs Stochastik: Eine Einführung mit Grundzügen der Maßtheorie. Durch die Offenlegung der Lösungswege und der Lösungen ist das Werk bestens geeignet zum Selbststudium, zur Vorlesungsbegleitung und als Prüfungsvorbereitung.Das Werk umfasst mehr als 330 Übungsaufgaben, die in Verständnisfragen, Beweisaufgaben und Rechenaufgaben gegliedert sind, und ist in der vorliegenden zweiten Auflage auf die zweite Auflage des Hauptwerks angepasst.

  • af Elena Parilina
    560,95 - 603,95 kr.

    This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of noncooperative and cooperative dynamic games involving uncertain parameter values, with the stochastic process being described by an event tree. Primarily intended for graduate students of economics, management science and engineering, the book is self-contained, as it defines and illustrates all relevant concepts originally introduced in static games before extending them to a dynamic framework. It subsequently addresses the sustainability of cooperative contracts over time and introduces a range of mechanisms to help avoid such agreements breaking down before reaching maturity. To illustrate the concepts discussed, the book provides various examples of how dynamic games played over event trees can be applied to environmental economics, management science, and engineering.

  • af Xiangyu Kong
    1.041,95 kr.

    This book reports the developments of the Total Least Square (TLS) algorithms for parameter estimation and adaptive filtering. Specifically, this book introduces the authors¿ latest achievements in the past 20 years, including the recursive TLS algorithms, the approximate inverse power iteration TLS algorithm, the neural based MCA algorithm, the neural based SVD algorithm, the neural based TLS algorithm, the TLS algorithms under non-Gaussian noises, performance analysis methods of TLS algorithms, etc. In order to faster the understanding and mastering of the new methods provided by this book for readers, before presenting each new method in each chapter, a specialized section is provided to review the closely related several basis models. Throughout the book, large of procedure of new methods are provided, and all new algorithms or methods proposed by us are tested and verified by numerical simulations or actual engineering applications. Readers will find illustrative demonstration examples on a range of industrial processes to study. Readers will find out the present deficiency and recent developments of the TLS parameter estimation fields, and learn from the the authors¿ latest achievements or new methods around the practical industrial needs. In my opinion, this book can be assimilated by advanced undergraduates and graduate (PH.D.) students, as well as statisticians, because of the new tools in data analysis, applied mathematics experts, because of the novel theories and techniques that we propose, engineers, above all for the applications in control, system identification, computer vision, and signal processing.

  • af Keiji Hirata
    1.502,95 kr.

    This book presents a new approach to computational musicology in which music becomes a computational entity based on human cognition, allowing us to calculate music like numbers. Does music have semantics? Can the meaning of music be revealed using symbols and described using language? The authors seek to answer these questions in order to reveal the essence of music. Chapter 1 addresses a very fundamental point, the meaning of music, while referring to semiotics, gestalt, Schenkerian analysis and cognitive reality. Chapter 2 considers why the 12-tone equal temperament came to be prevalent. This chapter serves as an introduction to the mathematical definition of harmony, which concerns the ratios of frequency in tonic waves. Chapter 3, "e;Music and Language,"e; explains the fundamentals of grammar theory and the compositionality principle, which states that the semantics of a sentence can be composed in parallel to its syntactic structure. In turn, Chapter 4 explains the most prevalent score notation - the Berklee method, which originated at the Berklee School of Music in Boston - from a different point of view, namely, symbolic computation based on music theory. Chapters 5 and 6 introduce readers to two important theories, the implication-realization model and generative theory of tonal music (GTTM), and explain the essence of these theories, also from a computational standpoint. The authors seek to reinterpret these theories, aiming at their formalization and implementation on a computer. Chapter 7 presents the outcomes of this attempt, describing the framework that the authors have developed, in which music is formalized and becomes computable. Chapters 8 and 9 are devoted to GTTM analyzers and the applications of GTTM. Lastly, Chapter 10 discusses the future of music in connection with computation and artificial intelligence.This book is intended both for general readers who are interested in music, and scientists whose research focuses on music information processing. In order to make the content as accessible as possible, each chapter is self-contained.

  • af Charalambos A. Charalambides
    334,94 kr.

    This book is devoted to the study of multivariate discrete q-distributions, which is greatly facilitated by existing multivariate q-sequences and q-functions. Classical multivariate discrete distributions are defined on a sequence of independent and identically distributed Bernoulli trials, with either being a success of a certain rank (level) or a failure. The author relaxes the assumption that the probability of success of a trial is constant by assuming that it varies geometrically with the number of trials and/or the number of successes. The latter is advantageous in the sense that it permits incorporating the experience gained from the previous trials and/or successes, which leads to multivariate discrete q-distributions. Furthermore, q-multinomial and negative q-multinomial formulae are obtained. Next, the book addresses q-multinomial and negative q-multinomial distributions of the first and second kind. The author also examines multiple q-Polya urn model, multivariate q-Polya and inverse q-Polya distributions. Presents definitions and theorems that highlight key concepts and worked examples to illustrate the various applicationsContains numerous exercises at varying levels of difficulty that consolidate the presented concepts and resultsIncludes hints and answers to all exercises via the appendix and is supplemented with an Instructor's Solution Manual

  • af ¿tefan Cristian Gherghina
    996,95 kr.

    This book explores certain social and environmental drivers of sustainable economic growth for European Union countries (EU-27) and United Kingdom (UK) in the context of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The author provides a comprehensive overview of the factors that impact and facilitate sustainable economic growth and discusses the complex set of factors involved in sustainable economic development. Special attention is given to quantitative frameworks and empirical modelling, with the main focus on panel data regression models and vector error correction model approach. Furthermore, the book develops ratings of sustainable economic growth for each of the explored countries, by employing data mining techniques such as principal component analysis. Also, the data envelopment analysis non-parametric methodology towards assessing sustainable economic growth is investigated, as well as the cluster analysis in order to classify the selected nations according to sustainable economic growth. The book appeals to policy-makers and academics targeting to learn more about the characteristics of sustainable economic growth.

  • af Alhamzah Alnoor
    1.238,95 - 1.429,95 kr.

    This book goes into a detailed investigation of adapting artificial neural network (ANN) and structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques in marketing and consumer research. The aim of using a dual-stage SEM and ANN approach is to obtain linear and non-compensated relationships because the ANN method captures non-compensated relationships based on the black box technology of artificial intelligence. Hence, the ANN approach validates the results of the SEM method. In addition, such the novel emerging approach increases the validity of the prediction by determining the importance of the variables. Consequently, the number of studies using SEM-ANN has increased, but the different types of study cases that show customization of different processes in ANNs method combination with SEM are still unknown, and this aspect will be affecting to the generation results. Thus, there is a need for further investigation in marketing and consumer research. This book bridges the significant gap in this research area. The adoption of SEM and ANN techniques in social commerce and consumer research is massive all over the world. Such an expansion has generated more need to learn how to capture linear and non-compensatory relationships in such area. This book would be a valuable reading companion mainly for business and management students in higher academic organizations, professionals, policy-makers, and planners in the field of marketing. This book would also be appreciated by researchers who are keenly interested in social commerce and consumer research.

  • af Timothy N. Phillips
    533,95 kr.

    Based on over 15 years¿ experience in the design and delivery of successful first-year courses, this book equips undergraduates with the mathematical skills required for degree courses in economics, finance, management, and business studies. The book starts with a summary of basic skills and takes its readers as far as constrained optimisation helping them to become confident and competent in the use of mathematical tools and techniques that can be applied to a range of problems in economics and finance.Designed as both a course text and a handbook, the book assumes little prior mathematical knowledge beyond elementary algebra and is therefore suitable for students returning to mathematics after a long break. The fundamental ideas are described in the simplest mathematical terms, highlighting threads of common mathematical theory in the various topics.Features of the book include:a systematic approach: ideas are touched upon, introduced gradually and thenconsolidated through the use of illustrative examples;several entry points to accommodate differing mathematical backgrounds; numerous problems, with full solutions, and exercises to illustrate the theory and applications; key learning objectives and self-assessment questions provided for each chapter; full solutions to exercises, available to lecturers via the Springer Nature Extramaterial - Lecturer Material website. Vass Mavron is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Aberystwyth University. Tim Phillips is Professor of Applied Mathematics in the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University.

  • af Wei Li
    1.481,95 - 1.539,95 kr.

    This third volume of the book series shows R-calculus is a Gentzen-typed deduction system which is non-monotonic, and is a concrete belief revision operator which is proved to satisfy the AGM postulates and the DP postulates. In this book, R-calculus is taken as Tableau-based/sequent-based/multisequent-based to preserve the satisfiability of the Theory/sequent/multisequent to revise, or sequent-based, to preserve the satisfiability of the sequent to revise. The R-calculi for Post and three-valued logic is given.  This book offers a rich blend of theory and practice. It is suitable for students, researchers and practitioners in the field of logic. 

  • af Chuan Shi
    487,95 - 511,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the foundations and frontiers of graph neural networks. In addition, the book introduces the basic concepts and definitions in graph representation learning and discusses the development of advanced graph representation learning methods with a focus on graph neural networks. The book providers researchers and practitioners with an understanding of the fundamental issues as well as a launch point for discussing the latest trends in the science. The authors emphasize several frontier aspects of graph neural networks and utilize graph data to describe pairwise relations for real-world data from many different domains, including social science, chemistry, and biology. Several frontiers of graph neural networks are introduced, which enable readers to acquire the needed techniques of advances in graph neural networks via theoretical models and real-world applications. 

  • af Albert Fassler
    248,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Buch analysiert den zukünftigen Temperaturverlauf der Erdoberfläche mithilfe eines naturwissenschaftlichen Modells und gibt eine Übersicht über die Ursachen und Auswirkungen des Klimawandels. Der Inhalt umfasst außerdem relevante Daten und Fakten zu den Themen Kohlenstoffbudget, Demographie, Gletscher, Permafrost, Artenvielfalt, Mobilität und Extremwetter. Die rasche globale Reduzierung des CO2-Anstiegs auf Netto-Null ist eine dringende Notwendigkeit, um nachfolgenden Generationen ein menschenwürdiges Leben zu ermöglichen. Die Industriestaaten tragen als Hauptverursacher eine moralische Verantwortung, die erwähnte Reduzierung zügig umzusetzen und die Entwicklungsländer in diesem Prozess zu unterstützen. Das Buch richtet sich auch an Personen mit wenig Bezug zur Mathematik.Die Produktfamilie WissensExpress bietet Ihnen Lehr- und Lernbücher in kompakter Form. Die Bücher liefern schnell und verständlich fundiertes Wissen.

  • af Norbert Henze
    371,95 kr.

    Dieses Lehrbuch liefert einen verständnisorientierten Einstieg in die asymptotische Stochastik. Es ist vom Niveau her zu Beginn eines Mathematik-Masterstudiums angesiedelt und deckt den Stoff ab, der in einer vierstündigen Vorlesung mit zweistündigen Übungen vermittelt werden kann. Einzelne Kapitel eignen sich zudem für Seminare am Ende eines Bachelorstudiums.Neben eher grundständigen Themen wie der Momentenmethode zum Nachweis von Verteilungskonvergenz oder dem multivariaten zentralen Grenzwertsatz und der Delta-Methode werden unter anderem Grenzwertsätze für U-Statistiken und der Satz von Donsker sowie die Brown'sche Brücke mit Anwendungen auf die Statistik behandelt. Das Buch schließt mit einem zentralen Grenzwertsatz für hilbertraumwertige Zufallselemente mit Anwendungen auf gewichtete L²-Statistiken.Ein besonderes Merkmal des Buches sind mehr als 130 Selbstfragen, die am Ende des jeweiligen Kapitels beantwortet werden, sowie mehr als 180 Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen. Hierdurch eignet sich dieses Werk sehr gut zum Selbststudium.Die 2. Auflage ist vollständig durchgesehen und thematisch unter anderem um die starke Konsistenz der Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzung sowie zentrale Grenzwertsätze für Dreiecksschemata von Zufallsvektoren und hilbertraumwertigen Zufallsvariablen erweitert. Hinzugekommen sind auch weitere Beispiele sowie 11 neue Aufgaben mit Lösungen.

  • af Javad Tavakoli
    533,95 kr.

    This graduate textbook provides an alternative to discrete event simulation. It describes how to formulate discrete event systems, how to convert them into Markov chains, and how to calculate their transient and equilibrium probabilities. The most appropriate methods for finding these probabilities are described in some detail, and templates for efficient algorithms are provided. These algorithms can be executed on any laptop, even in cases where the Markov chain has hundreds of thousands of states. This book features the probabilistic interpretation of Gaussian elimination, a concept that unifies many of the topics covered, such as embedded Markov chains and matrix analytic methods.The material provided should aid practitioners significantly to solve their problems. This book also provides an interesting approach to teaching courses of stochastic processes.

  • af Pavel Pavlovich Hachikyan
    899,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

    This book examines the issues of ensuring anti-terrorist security of an aviation enterprise, provides a history of terrorism in the aviation sector, and analyzes the legal regulations. This book provides mathematical and mathematical-psychological models for reducing the risk of terrorist threats, which makes it possible to objectively increase the safety of air transport facilities, reduce the likelihood of terrorist attacks, save human lives and prevent significant material losses. The solutions of general humanistic problems proposed in the book-preventing accidents and preserving the world-are an original feature of the book, which allows one to treat it with the necessary attention and interest for the reader. The concept of anti-terrorist security of an aviation enterprise presented in this book has been widely tested and introduced into the activities of leading aviation enterprises, including the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), and has been used in the investigation of aviation accidents.This book is written for a wide range of audience associated with ensuring aviation transport security and for the end users of airlines-passengers, in order to expand their knowledge about the reliability of using air transport. 

  • af Ronghu Chi
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book belongs to the subject of control and systems theory. It studies a novel data-driven framework for the design and analysis of iterative learning control (ILC) for nonlinear discrete-time systems. A series of iterative dynamic linearization methods is discussed firstly to build a linear data mapping with respect of the system's output and input between two consecutive iterations. On this basis, this work presents a series of data-driven ILC (DDILC) approaches with rigorous analysis. After that, this work also conducts significant extensions to the cases with incomplete data information, specified point tracking, higher order law, system constraint, nonrepetitive uncertainty, and event-triggered strategy to facilitate the real applications. The readers can learn the recent progress on DDILC for complex systems in practical applications. This book is intended for academic scholars, engineers, and graduate students who are interested in learning control, adaptive control, nonlinear systems, and related fields.

  • af Par H. Laurent
    243,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Arrigo
    334,94 kr.

    This textbook provides an introduction to methods for solving nonlinear partial differential equations (NLPDEs). After the introduction of several PDEs drawn from science and engineering, readers are introduced to techniques to obtain exact solutions of NLPDEs. The chapters include the following topics: Nonlinear PDEs are Everywhere; Differential Substitutions; Point and Contact Transformations; First Integrals; and Functional Separability. Readers are guided through these chapters and are provided with several detailed examples. Each chapter ends with a series of exercises illustrating the material presented in each chapter. This Second Edition includes a new method of generating contact transformations and focuses on a solution method (parametric Legendre transformations) to solve a particular class of two nonlinear PDEs.

  • af Qi Zhou
    1.410,95 kr.

    This book investigates two types of static multi-fidelity surrogates modeling approaches, sequential multi-fidelity surrogates modeling approaches, the multi-fidelity surrogates-assisted efficient global optimization, reliability analysis, robust design optimization, and evolutionary optimization. Multi-fidelity surrogates have attracted a significant amount of attention in simulation-based design and optimization in recent years. Some real-life engineering design problems, such as prediction of angular distortion in the laser welding, optimization design of micro-aerial vehicle fuselage, and optimization design of metamaterial vibration isolator, are also provided to illustrate the ability and merits of multi-fidelity surrogates in support of engineering design. Specifically, lots of illustrative examples are adopted throughout the book to help explain the approaches in a more "e;hands-on"e; manner. This book is a useful reference for postgraduates and researchers of mechanical engineering, as well as engineers of enterprises in related fields.

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