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Medicinsk kemi

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  • af Inger Spangsberg Jensen
    192,95 kr.

    Dette kompendium er målrettet medicin- og tandlægestuderende på 1. semester og har først og fremmest til formål at skabe et overblik over og en forståelse af den kemi, der er grundlaget for senere kurser på medicin- og tandlægestudiet – især biokemi og cellebiologi. Faget kemi er for manges vedkommende forbundet med en generel uforståelighed, og hvis man som studerende har holdt et eller flere sabbatår efter gymnasiet, kan kemi være ekstra udfordrende. Kompendiet indledes derfor med en repetition af vigtige begreber fra gymnasiet. Der er lagt stor vægt på at formidle kemien på en pædagogisk og overskuelig måde, og derfor rummer kompendiet mange illustrationer og oversigter. Desuden er perspektivering af kemien til de kurser, den er grundlag for, vægtet højt. Kompendiet er pensumdækkende for kurset “Cellens Kemiske Komponenter” (CKK). Det indeholder de relevante henvisninger til tabelværket “Kemiske data og oversigter” (kendt som “KDO”), som må medbringes til eksamen. Kompendiets form og indhold er resultatet af mange års erfaring med undervisning af medicin- og tandlægestuderende i kemi, og de studerendes input gennem årene har været af stor betydning.

  • af Andy H Choi
    527,95 kr.

    This book highlights the latest clinical research and advancements in 3D (bio)printing and 4D printing using stimulus-responsive hydrogels as well as the concept of self-healing and its amalgamation with 3D printed injectable cell-laden tissue constructs. It also explores the use of metal-free ¿click¿ chemistry and enzymes such as horseradish peroxidase, hematin, tyrosinase, and transglutaminase to obtain chemically crosslinked hydrogels and the in vitro and in vivo responses. Lastly, the book briefly examines the future of drug delivery and the potentials offered by microrobotics and self-powered devices based on triboelectric nanogenerators. This book caters to biomedical researchers and clinical practitioners working in tissue reconstruction and drug/therapeutic delivery.

  • af Ashlee D. Brunaugh
    858,95 kr.

  • af Tomohiro Ito
    2.482,95 kr.

    This book explains the existence of the intermediate using two approaches: computational chemistry and coordination chemistry. In this book, the author has developed new methods for synthesizing medium-sized cycloalkenes by utilizing the 4¿-electrocyclic reaction of fused-cyclobutenes. The fundamental and most important strategy and feature of the work are as follows: first, cyclobutene is used as a readily available raw material with high-strain energy to generate more strained medium-sized cis,trans-cycloalkadiene molecules. Second, by judiciously selecting the reaction conditions, the short-lived intermediate (medium-sized cis,trans-cycloalkadiene) can be converted to medium-sized cis- or trans-cycloalkenes. For the former, the generation of the medium-sized cis,trans-cycloalkadiene intermediate is greatly affected by the substituent on the cyclobutene, and there are few examples of its generation confirmed at room temperature. Regarding the latter, the synthesis of trans-cycloalkenes is noteworthy in terms of establishing a new synthetic methodology and providing one of the few asymmetric synthesis methods, which has not been achieved before. Readers of this book can gain novel insights into strained molecules involved not only in small-sized cycloalkenes but also in medium-sized ones.

  • af Bhim Pratap Singh
    1.477,95 kr.

    Endophytes have unique characteristics to propagate inside host plants and aide the host by providing additional defense against environmental stresses and phytopathogens. Among endophytes, endophytic fungi have been recognized as a proliferating source for the production of bioactive compounds with potential in both the agricultural and health industries.Excessive use of pesticides in agriculture as well as in the food supply chain have led to increased antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which is one of the more serious global health concerns. Endophytic fungi and their associated bioactive substances have been reported to show natural ability to fight against pathogens and can reduce the development of AMR in nature. Studies also reported their potential as producers of hormones that enhance plant growth and several compounds having biological activities without any adverse effects.This book covers the pharmaceutical potential offungal endophytes as elucidated through advanced bioinformatics tools and modern techniques. Also synthetic drugs are losing their efficacy to treat microbial-induced disease due to this emergence of drug-resistant microbes. Therefore, insight into the detection of valuable plant constituents is a pressing priority in order to achieve effective pharmaceutical treatments. This book provides lucid discussion of the most recent research and provides knowledge about the applications of endophytic fungi with a specific focus to their pharmaceutical potential.

  • af Philip Chi Lip Kwok
    1.392,95 kr.

    Therapeutic macromolecules and biologics have gained increasing importance in the last decade. Pulmonary and intranasal delivery of these therapeutic modalities, which have poor oral bioavailability, could constitute an attractive, non-invasive alternative to parenteral delivery. They can be considered for either topical use for treating diseases affecting the airways or for systemic use for treating a variety of other diseases. Therefore, this book is a readable, thoughtful, and useful guide on the latest research developments and the best options that people involved with pulmonary and intranasal route of administration and biologically active agents can bring to their practices. Furthermore, it explores the underlying scientific rationale for the strategies applied to overcome drug delivery challenges and provides insights to inspire further research in this growing area.

  • af Oliver Spadiut
    1.393,95 - 1.760,95 kr.

    This detailed volume presents a series of protocols dealing with different aspects of inclusion body (IB) processing, from cloning procedures to purification of refolded product. Commencing with chapters on upstream processing, looking into different expression strategies for IB production, the book continues with downstream applications, highlighting early protein purification and subsequent analytics, as well as success stories of IB-based processes. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Inclusion Bodies: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal resource for facilitating diverse aspects of IB processing.

  • af Hisako Sato
    1.679,95 kr.

    This book provides the reader with the latest research on vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy including its useful features and applications to many fields. The book starts from an unresolved question in gel chemistry of how component molecules are organized in the flexible fibrils of gels. VCD spectroscopy was successful in giving a clear answer to this mystery. The book also describes a key aspect of this technique lay in the fact that VCD signals were remarkably enhanced when chiral molecules formed a stereoregular molecular array over a few hundred nanometers. VCD spectroscopy was also applied to other topics involving chiral molecules such as the chiral discrimination mechanism in heterogeneous asymmetric catalysis and the build-up of supramolecular chirality in molecular crystals. Furthermore, the book covers the recent instrument developments leading to multi-dimensional VCD measurements with the coordinates of wavenumber, space and time. This progress has opened up new biological and medical applications such as the heterogenous distributions of protein domains in insect wings and the quality control of chiral drugs. The last part of the book presents the possibility of medical diagnosis of Alzheimer¿s disease through multi-dimensional VCD analyses. This book appeals not only to researchers and students who study spectroscopy but also to ones in catalysis, biology and medicine as users of the VCD methods.

  • af Naresh Kumar
    1.428,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af Anton Pottegård & Tore Bjerregaard Stage
    359,95 kr.

    En præcis og opslagsvenlig guide til brug af lægemidler i praksis – nu i 3. udgave."Praktisk farmakologi" henvender sig til den sundhedsprofessionelle, der har brug for et overblik over den praktiske brug af receptpligtige lægemidler og håndkøbslægemidler – særligt farmaceutstuderende og farmakonomer, men også hjemmesygeplejersker, medicinstuderende og læger.Denne 3. udgave er blevet grundigt opdateret og væsentlig forbedret med den nyeste viden og et væld af erfaringer fra klinisk praksis. Bogen indeholder kort og præcis information om de 100 mest solgte lægemiddelgrupper i Danmark. Bogen giver dig: lægemidlernes navne, hvilke sygdomme de bruges til at behandle, hvordan de virker, de vigtigste bivirkninger, særlige oplysninger.Bogen gennemgår desuden de 25 hyppigste problemer, som kan løses ved brug af håndkøbslægemidler, samt de vigtigste fakta om naturlægemidler, lægemiddelinteraktioner, receptlovgivningen og reglerne for tilskud til medicin.

  • af Viktor I. Korolchuk
    1.528,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Joaquín M. Campos Rosa
    727,95 kr.

    Pharmaceutical chemistry (PC) represents a dynamic field of research that plays a pivotal role in the development of life-saving pharmaceuticals. PC is a precise science: One needs to rely on the accuracy of previous discoveries that have provided massive amount of precious information and databases as a solid foundation to move forward. PC is also an art where the artist uses a subtle mixture of knowledge, experimental learning, creativity, intuition, boldness, and serendipity to paint the right canvas. Nature often serves as a stimulus for pharmaceutical chemists. Many drugs are derived from natural compounds found in plants, fungi, or microorganisms. Chemists study these natural sources, seeking inspiration to design synthetic molecules that mimic the therapeutic properties of the originals while optimizing their characteristics. Francis Collins, geneticist and expert in the pharmaceutical industry, explains that the molecular cause of 4,000 diseases is no longer a secret to humanity, but there are only treatments available for 250 of them. Therefore, the world requires more professionals who can produce better medicines and solve more needs. For this reason, it is urgent to discover a new system, new drugs, better industrial processes and faster responses for rare and complex diseases. That is the importance and need for more students in love with PC. It is the author's wish that volumes 1 and 2 of this series may serve as motivation for students who intend to get started in the exciting world of drug design, synthesis and development. There is no nobler objective than improving health and quality of life of the human race. The unprecedented increase in human life expectancy, which has almost doubled in a hundred years, is mainly due to drugs and to those who discovered them. It is more important to create awareness in the student that he/she is responsible for his own learning and not simply a passive consumer of information. In this way we will be able to train versatile professionals with an attitude of transformative social change. Drug Design and Action is trated in a separate volume ISBN 978-3-11-131654-3.

  • af Cristóbal Noé Aguilar
    1.563,95 kr.

    This book gives insight into several aspects of the microbiology, biotechnology, and ecosystem sustainability of special and under-explored regions, that captivate human beings by their natural richness, their extensive biodiversity, the extraordinary forms of adaptation of the living beings that they inhabit, and even that keep living secrets as is the very origin of life. The chapters emphasize all aspects of biological diversity-its description, analysis, and conservation, and its controlled rational use by humankind. Also, the book is elaborated from a wide and multidisciplinary point of view. It presents reviews, research papers, comments, and research notes on biodiversity, ethnobiology, geoscience, chemistry, biological conservation, biotechnology, and ecosystem sustainability Two hotspots are the reference for this enriching book that describes details of extraordinary areas of the planet, from Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila (Mexico) to the Southern Western Ghats (India). The book will contribute to dealing with the practicalities of conservation management, economic, social, and political issues. It provides a forum for examining conflicts between sustainable development and human dependence on biodiversity in agriculture, environmental management, and biotechnology, and encourages contributions from developing countries to promote broad global perspectives on matters of biodiversity and conservation.

  • af Benjamin Petsch
    1.307,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Hemant Kumar Daima
    1.477,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af A. Douglas Kinghorn
    1.477,95 kr.

  • af Constantinos M. Mikelis
    1.528,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Daria Mochly-Rosen
    443,95 kr.

    "A lot of hard-won knowledge is laid out here in a brief but informative way. Every topic is well referenced, with citations from both the primary literature and relevant resources from the internet." Review of first edition from Nature Chemical BiologyWritten by the founders of the SPARK program at Stanford University, this book is a practical guide designed for professors, students and clinicians at academic research institutions who are interested in learning more about the drug development process and how to start transforming their basic research discoveries into novel drugs. Often many potentially transformative basic science discoveries are not pursued because they are deemed ¿too early¿ to attract industry interest. This comprehensive book lays out simple, relatively cost-effective things that academic researchers can do to advance their findings to the point that they can be tested in the clinic or attract more industry interest.Each chapter broadly discusses an important topic in drug development, from discovery, optimization and preclinical studies through clinical trial design, regulatory issues and marketing assessments. After the practical overview provided here, the reader is encouraged to consult more detailed texts on specific topics of interest.The SPARK model has been adopted in over 60 institutions on six continents, and the program has been honored with multiple awards including the 2020 Xconomy Award for Ecosystem Development, the 2020 Cures Within Reach Award for Patient Impact Research, and the 2022 California Life Sciences Pantheon Award for Academia, Non-Profits, & Research.The new edition updates every chapter with the latest developments since the 2014 publication of the first edition.

  • af S. Cyrus Khojasteh
    567,95 - 877,95 kr.

  • af Minal Ghante
    1.028,95 kr.

    The pharmaceutical quality system ensures that the process performance is suitably achieved, the product quality is regularly met, improved opportunities are identified and evaluated, and the knowledge is constantly expanded. Auditing also plays a crucial role within the pharmaceutical industry. It helps to assess and review quality to improve and build a better system for the benefit of companies.This book aims to develop a tool that will substantially decrease the number of Inspectional Observations and Warning letters, thus eliminating Import Alerts and Consent Decree. This book targets the Pharmaceutical Industry and students of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance so they can get in hand-ready consolidated information on Pharmaceutical Quality guidelines, Quality metrics, and implementation of simplified SOP guidelines, plant layouts to implement Quality metrics for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing systems in tablets, capsules, liquid orals, and semi-solid dosage forms.The chapters cover the various aspects of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance. The selection of topics is mainly based on the requirements of Pharmaceutical regulatory guidelines of India, the UK, the USA, Australia, and South Africa. Each chapter includes the abstract, detailed explanation, implementation guidelines, flowcharts, layouts, and Standard Operating Procedure of quality metrics for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing System

  • af Nigel Langley
    1.274,95 kr.

    This inclusive text describes 3D Printing for pharmaceutical applications, including emerging 3D technologies. The book focuses on the functionality of the materials/biomaterials used for the preparation of dosage forms and devices, fundamentals for preparing these systems and novel applications using these additive manufacturing techniques. Also, the text includes clinical relevance and regulatory considerations for the future of personalized medicine.Authored by experts with a broad range of experience, extensive insight into the science of 3D printing technology used to produce these systems is provided. Highlighting viewpoints from the academic, polymer excipient, equipment, product development and regulatory communities, this comprehensive text compiles input from industry thought leaders to illustrate strategies and technologies for applying techniques of additive manufacturing for drug product and device development whilealso providing insight into the path forward for the technology in years to come.

  • af Gérard Lizard
    2.337,95 kr.

    This book provides basic knowledge of the biology, chemistry, and function of oxysterols and its derivatives as well as of phytosterols in numerous human diseases.The book is divided into six sections and begins with an introduction to the biological and chemical properties of oxysterols and its derivatives as well as phytosterols, their synthesis, and the methods currently used for their detection in various biospecimens. The following section discusses in detail the various effects of oxysterols on numerous human diseases, including infectious diseases, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, atherosclerosis, and cancer, as well as neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Importantly, the potential of oxysterols as biomarkers for some of these diseases is also highlighted. The book concludes with an outlook on the pharmacological and nutritional effects of oxysterols and phytosterols and their potential use by the food, and pharmaceutical industries.Aiming to provide an in-depth overview of the biological and the chemical properties of oxysterols and phytosterols and their implications for human health, this book will be of interest to basic and clinical scientists, as well as to anyone working in the food or pharmaceutical industry who is exploring the potential of oxysterols and phytosterols.

  • af Andreas Brunschweiger
    2.712,95 - 2.722,95 kr.

    This book deals with the recent advances in DNA-Encoded Library (DEL) technology that has emerged as an alternative to high throughput screening (HTS) over the last decade and has been heralded as a "e;disruptive"e; technology for drug discovery. The book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of all of the major components of the DEL process from conception to bench execution and clinical investigations. The contributions from experts in the field combine different perspectives from academia and industry. The book will be of interest to researchers in the drug discovery field as well as to graduate students and scholars who are interested in this rapidly improving technology.

  • af Patrick Chiu
    355,95 kr.

    This book represents an important contribution to the field as it is the first to provide a detailed account of the interaction between Chinese and western medicine from a pharmacy perspective over a period of two millennia with an emphasis on the modern period from 1800-1949. None of the existing historiography on the relationship between TCM and western medicine has so far explored pharmaceutical aspects in detail. This book therefore fills an important gap in the literature and is likely to become a key resource for further study. It will be of interest to a wide audience, including pharmaceutical, imperial, and business historians, and should be essential reading for pharmacy students. But it will also be of interest to a general readership curious about the history of pharmacy in China and of western influences on Chinese medicine. Stuart Anderson, BSc, MA, PhD, FRPharmS Editor-in-Chef, Pharmaceutical Historian, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacy History,  London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Readers of this book, to Chiüs credit, will be exposed to the nuanced cultural, medico-scientific, and business interactions that shaped Western pharmacy in China. Chiu puts a spotlight on the various materials, techniques, and processes of drug formulation and mass manufacture ¿ and he rightly illustrates how pharmacy was substantiated as big business and mass manufacture. In analyses that incorporate materia medica and so-called dangerous drugs, such as opium, Chiu also articulates the complicated entangled histories of the movement, circulation, and translation of both pharmacy knowledge and goods. Yet, he appropriately acknowledges and evaluates non-Western epistemologies and practices that intermingled with Western ideas to create a novel type of pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry in China.                                                                                                       Lucas Richert, PhD Professor & George Urdang Chair in Pharmacy History, UW-Madison Executive Director, American Institute of the History of PharmacyPatrick Chiu's book, A History of Western Pharmacy in China, effectively presents an unbiased perspective when discussing the contributions of expatriate pharmacy academics towards the development of China's pharmaceutical profession and the modern drug industry in the first half of the twentieth century. Chiu's impartial approach and well-researched content make it a recommended resource for understanding the historical development of pharmacy in China. Kazushige Morimoto Ph.D. D.Min, Education System - Qualified Pharmacist, President, The Japanese Society for the History of Pharmacy

  • af Stefan Weigl
    2.712,95 - 2.722,95 kr.

    This volume highlights the potentials as well as the limits and challenges of human breath analysis and describes the current efforts made to advance this promising technology from bench to bed. Human breath analysis is a young, interdisciplinary and innovative research field aiming to provide a smart and non-invasive diagnostic tool, which can be used for screening, detecting and monitoring of diseases or metabolic disorders. This book presents different approaches for breath analysis including real-time and offline mass spectrometry as well as optical and semiconductor gas sensing methods. Besides, the role of smart algorithms to improve the performance of those technologies and the importance of pulmonary function diagnostics for more reliable and meaningful breath analysis are highlighted. Finally, current application scenarios and future perspectives of breath analysis and pulmonary functioning tests are addressed.The volume is useful for researchers, who are new in the field, to easily get an overview of the current status and the challenges present in human breath analysis. Topics from fundamental research over targeted sensor development and application scenarios are described. Thus, this volume covers all development stages providing support and inspiration for engineers, medical doctors and scientists from various fields.

  • af Gerard Marshall Raj, Mageshwaran Lakshmanan & Deepak Gopal Shewade
    2.342,95 - 2.572,95 kr.

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