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  • af Nita A. Farahany
    254,95 kr.

    A new dawn of brain tracking and hacking is coming. Will you be prepared for what comes next?Imagine a world where your brain can be interrogated to learn your political beliefs, your thoughts can be used as evidence of a crime, and your own feelings can be held against you. A world where people who suffer from epilepsy receive alerts moments before a seizure, and the average person can peer into their own mind to eliminate painful memories or cure addictions.Neuroscience has already made all of this possible today, and neurotechnology will soon become the "universal controller" for all of our interactions with technology. This can benefit humanity immensely, but without safeguards, it can seriously threaten our fundamental human rights to privacy, freedom of thought, and self-determination.From one of the world's foremost experts on the ethics of neuroscience, The Battle for Your Brain offers a path forward to navigate the complex legal and ethical dilemmas that will fundamentally impact our freedom to understand, shape, and define ourselves.

  • af Birgitte Borgen Müller Marcussen
    267,95 kr.

    "Det letter at få det sagt” Ordene tilhører 91-årige Henning Sorth, som var øjenvidne til nedskydningen af en russisk soldat. En likvidering, som skyldtes en desertering, da den sovjetrussiske soldat ikke ville rejse med hjem – og stak af over marken. ”Jeg kan stadigvæk se det for mine øjne”, fortsætter Henning Sorth samtalen. Birgitte Borgen Müller Marcussen har haft samtaler med 70 bornholmske øjenvidner om deres erindringer fra 1945-1946, hvor der var næsten 8.000 russiske soldater på Bornholm. En tid, hvor der var kosakdans og musik på torvet, romantik og byttehandel med ure, cigaretter og cykler – men også en tid med tyverier, overfald og voldtægter, hvorfor russertiden blev et møde på godt og ondt. ”Mange var bekymrede over, hvad der dog skulle blive af Bornholm”, fortæller museumsinspektør Jakob Seerup, som i bogen introducerer emnet, omfanget og hylder forfatterens initiativ. ”Russertiden var den tavse periode. Både blandt befolkningen, men også i offentligheden, hvilket faktisk kom bag på mig”, siger forfatteren. Med denne bog bliver tavsheden brudt for mange. Her sætter 70 bornholmere ord på russertiden – med deres erindringsglimt.

  • - En vejledning til behandling af kognitive vanskeligheder
    af Louise Meldgaard Bruun & LINE KIRSTINE HAUPTMANN
    417,95 kr.

    Kognitive vanskeligheder har stor indflydelse på den enkeltes evne til at fungere i hverdagen. Samlet set har det kognitive funktionsniveau væsentlig betydning for den enkeltes evne til at følge en uddannelse, passe sit arbejde, regulere følelser og indgå i og fastholde sociale relationer. Derfor er det også vigtigt at sætte ind og behandle kognitive vanskeligheder, uanset om de er en følge af stress, psykisk sygdom, neurologiske tilstande eller andre tilstande, der påvirker hjernen. KOGNITIV REMEDIERING er en psykologisk behandlingsform, der støtter og udvikler de kognitive kompetencer og dermed også personens emotionelle og sociale funktionsniveau. Den rette psykologiske intervention kan øge det kognitive funktionsniveau og livskvaliteten, styrke selvværdet og generelt give en bedre forståelse af egne vanskeligheder. KOGNITIV REMEDIERING er en terapeutisk intervention, der spænder fra træning af basale kognitive funktioner til udvikling af bedre problemløsningsevner og metakognition. Kognitiv remediering tager ikke udgangspunkt i en specifik terapeutisk retning, og den kan integreres med og fungere som overbygning til andre terapeutiske traditioner. KOGNITIV REMEDIERING er også titlen på denne bog, der er en vejledning i, hvordan man undersøger og behandler kognitive vanskeligheder. Bogen giver konkrete redskaber og praktiske øvelser til træning af fx opmærksomhedsfokus, tilpasning af de problemløsningsstrategier, som personen allerede anvender, og bredere adfærdsregulerende redskaber. Bogen henvender sig til psykologer, læger, sygeplejersker, pædagoger, lærere og behandlere, der arbejder med at undersøge, støtte og genoptræne kognition hos personer, som er kognitivt udfordret.Om forfatterne: Louise Meldgaard Bruun er specialpsykolog i psykiatri, og Line Kirstine Hauptmann er specialist i klinisk neuropsykologi. Forfatterne har i mange år arbejdet med udvikling og forskning i undersøgelse og behandling af kognitive vanskeligheder. Sammen har de virksomheden Tankerummet, hvor de arbejder med formidling, uddannelse og videreudvikling af kognitiv remediering.

  • - Et sansemotorisk eventyr
    af Bettina Mouritzen Christoffersen & Mette Mouritzen Kjærgaard
    94,95 - 132,95 kr.

    En simpel opskrift på, hvordan man som forælder eller pædagog let kan stimulere børn til moto­risk udviklende, fysisk leg i hverdagen vha. aktiv historiefortælling. Børn i 3-6-årsalderen lærer hurtigere gennem leg og fysisk aktivitet. Men nutiden er præget af børn, der ikke bruger deres krop fysisk som tidligere. Resultatet er, at mange børn er motorisk udfordret i hverdagen, hvilket påvirker deres kognitive udvikling og kan give indlæringsproblemer. Følgevirkninger kan være sociale udfordringer og selvværdskomplekser, når disse børn indser, at de ikke kan følge med vennerne. En tidlig indsats er vigtig, og små, simple øvelser i hverdagen kan gøre en kæmpe forskel. Bogen er en aktiv historiefortælling, som vha. et appendiks med motoriske øvelser giver en enkel opskrift på, hvordan du som forælder eller pædagog gør det let at hjælpe børnene godt på vej i deres motoriske såvel som psykiske udvikling. Øvelserne kan laves i hjemmet eller i børnehaven, med hele familien, gruppen eller et enkelt barn. Bogens fysiske øvelser styrker kroppens basis for funktionel bevægelse og udvikling, og det psykiske lag giver børnene en bevidsthed om, at ens tilsyneladende svaghed kan være en styrke – og måske netop det, som gør dem til noget særligt.Sigurd Snegl kan mere, end han tror er historien om sneglen Sigurd, som føler sig fysisk begrænset af sit sneglehus. Da fætter Danny udfordrer ham, bliver han sur og ked af det, og stikker af – ind i skoven. Her møder han en fisk, en sommerfugl, en myre og et pindsvin, som ved første øjekast kan mange ting, Sigurd ikke kan pga. sit sneglehus, men også de har deres begrænsninger grundet deres fysik. Sigurd lærer langsomt, at hans hus slet ikke er så tosset igen, og at det ligefrem kan være til stor nytte i mange situationer. Sigurd vender derfor hjem med opbygget selvværd, og nu vil han gerne lege med fætter Danny. Om forfatterneBettina Mouritzen Christoffersen er uddannet ergoterapeut og har siden 2003 arbejdet inden for børneområdet. Hun er højt specialiseret i at se børns motoriske udfordringer og har arbejdet med bl.a. motorisk screening af børn i børnehaver samt rådgivning og vejledning af forældre og personale i daginstitutioner. Hun er pt. ansat i børne- og ungdomspsykiatrien i Region Syddanmark. Ud over arbejdet som ergoterapeut har Bettina taget en uddannelse i skrivekunst netop med det formål at formidle sin faglige viden bredt. Mette Mouritzen Kjærgaard er BA i teatervidenskab med fokus på dramapædagogik og dramaturgi og har efterfølgende uddannet sig til Energy Master Practitioner, mindfulness-instruktør og børnesundhedsvejleder. Hun er ejer af virksomheden Familiehuset Stjernestøv, hvor hun underviser børn og familier i legende mindfulness med fokus på at styrke børnene i hverdagen. Hun har tidligere skrevet 4 og instrueret 6 kortfilm samt en dokumentarfilm. Der er både spillefilm og flere bøger på skrivebordet – alle med børnene som målgruppe.

  • - A Life
    af Oliver Sacks
    105,95 kr.

    When Oliver Sacks was twelve years old, a perceptive schoolmaster wrote in his report: 'Sacks will go far, if he does not go too far'. It is now abundantly clear that Sacks has never stopped going. From its opening pages on his youthful obsession with motorcycles and speed, On the Move is infused with his restless energy. As he recounts his experiences as a young neurologist in the early 1960s, first in California and then in New York, where he discovered a long-forgotten illness in the back wards of a chronic hospital, as well as with a group of patients who would define his life, it becomes clear that Sacks's earnest desire for engagement has occasioned unexpected encounters and travels - sending him through bars and alleys, over oceans, and across continents.With unbridled honesty and humour, Sacks shows us that the same energy that drives his physical passions - bodybuilding, weightlifting, and swimming - also drives his cerebral passions. He writes about his love affairs, both romantic and intellectual, his guilt over leaving his family to come to America, his bond with his schizophrenic brother, and the writers and scientists - Thom Gunn, A. R. Luria, W. H. Auden, Gerald M. Edelman, Francis Crick - who influenced him.On the Move is the story of a brilliantly unconventional physician and writer - and of the man who has illuminated the many ways that the brain makes us human.

  • af Xiang'En Shi
    1.583,95 - 1.689,95 kr.

  • af Miguel Segundo-Ortin
    207,95 - 581,95 kr.

  • af Bhavneet Kaur
    367,95 kr.

    "Molecular Mechanisms of Hcy-Induced Neurotoxicity" by Bhavneet Kaur is an in-depth exploration of the molecular mechanisms underlying the neurotoxic effects of homocysteine (Hcy) on the brain. Hcy is an amino acid that is normally found in the body, but at high levels it can be toxic to neurons and contribute to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and stroke.The book provides a comprehensive overview of the current research on Hcy-induced neurotoxicity, including the molecular pathways involved in Hcy metabolism, the effects of Hcy on neurotransmitter systems, and the role of Hcy in oxidative stress and inflammation. The author also discusses the various animal models used to study Hcy-induced neurotoxicity and the potential therapeutic strategies for preventing or treating Hcy-related neurological disorders.This book will be a valuable resource for researchers and clinicians in the fields of neuroscience, neurology, and molecular biology who are interested in understanding the mechanisms underlying Hcy-induced neurotoxicity and developing effective treatments for Hcy-related neurological disorders. With its clear and concise writing style, it will also be accessible to students and anyone interested in learning more about this important topic in neuroscience.

  • af Adriana Galvan
    1.400,95 - 1.978,95 kr.

  • af Paul Downing
    247,95 - 706,95 kr.

  • af Pelle Söderström
    204,95 - 706,95 kr.

  • af Jin Seo Park
    734,95 - 1.024,95 kr.

  • af Marta Halina
    207,95 - 706,95 kr.

  • af Gregg D Caruso
    207,95 - 616,95 kr.

  • af Giorgio Vallortigara
    267,95 kr.

    "Based on his decades of experience working with newborn chicks and other species, Vallortigara gives us a clear and accessible account of behaviors that are considered to be innate or instinctive"--

  • af Wael Mohamed
    1.561,95 kr.

    Handbook of Neurodegenerative Disorders: Mechanism, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances provides a comprehensive review on the current biomedical studies aimed at identifying the underlying causes of neurodegeneration. This book reviews the most recent developments in molecular and cellular processes altered during neurodegeneration. Divided into four parts, the first covers the mechanism of cell death in neurodegeneration. The second section reviews the recent progress in gene and gene products in neurodegeneration, including Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, Friedreich' s ataxia, and spinal muscular atrophy. The final sections cover the current and future diagnostic techniques of neurodegenerative disorders along with therapeutic approaches.

  • af Laura Weiss Roberts
    775,95 - 1.107,95 kr.

  • af Stine Helene Falsig Pedersen
    1.225,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Ann M. Stowe
    1.167,95 - 2.199,95 kr.

    This detailed collection explores a diverse range of topics related to neural repair and functional recovery following ischemic stroke. Techniques detailed in this book span from basic to emerging approaches used to evaluate hallmarks of neurorepair, including axonal remodeling and dendritic arborization, plasticity and functional connectivity, angiogenesis, neuroinflammation, and recovering cerebral blood flow. In addition, several chapters focus on rodent stroke models and post-stroke functional evaluation, clinically-relevant therapeutic paradigms and co-morbidities, pharmacotherapy and methods of delivery. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, as well as tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Neural Repair: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal guide for the wide community of researchers interested in neurorepair following stroke and other forms of CNS injury.

  • af Nishant Chakravorty
    1.624,95 - 1.758,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the recent innovations and therapeutic potentials of regenerative medicine and discusses the applications of stem cells, biomaterials, and tissue engineering in regenerative medicine. The book covers essential aspects of regenerative medicine, including tissue microenvironment, immunological perspectives, stem, and non-stem cell-mediated approaches, imaging techniques, biomarkers, and 3D printing technology. It also reviews the applications of biosensing technologies in regenerative medicine, including biomanufacturing, organ-on-a-chip technologies, and as indicators of therapeutic efficacy. Further, it focuses on the regenerative medicine approaches for diseases of the central nervous system. It also provides the therapeutic potential of regenerative medicine to improve soft tissue and wound healing, cardiovascular, neural, bone, and orofacial regeneration.¿

  • af Susan Magsamen
    112,95 kr.

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA WATERSTONES BEST BOOK OF 2023BARNES & NOBLE'S BEST SCIENCE & NATURE BOOKS OF 2023The arts can deliver potent, accessible and proven solutions for the wellbeing of everyone. In this book, Magsamen and Ross offer compelling research that shows how engaging in an art project - from painting and dancing to expressive writing, architecture and more - for as little as forty-five minutes reduces the stress hormone cortisol, no matter your skill level, and just one art experience per month can extend your life by ten years. Your Brain on Art is an authoritative guide to how neuroaesthetics can help us transform traditional medicine, build healthier communities and mend an aching planet.

  • af Brad Stulberg
    245,95 kr.

    "We undergo change and transformation, both good and bad, regularly. From social disruptions like economic recessions, pandemics, and new techn ologies to individual disruptions like getting married, career transitions, and becoming a parent, change is not the exception, it's the rule. Yet we endlessly fight it, often viewing it as a threat to our stability and sense of self. This book flips this script on its head and offers a path for embracing and even growing from change, which is accelerating seemingly every day. Stulberg introduces a new model that describes change as an ongoing cycle of order, disorder, and reorder, yes, we return to stability, but that stability is somewhere new. Rather than resist change we benefit from being in conversation with it. Drawing on convergence between modern science, ancient wisdom, and daily practice, he offers concrete principles for developing a mindset called rugged flexibility, along with the habits and practices to implement it"--]cProvided by publisher.

  • af Jen Soriano
    294,95 kr.

    Activist Jen Soriano brings to light the lingering impacts of transgenerational trauma and uses science, history, and family stories to flow toward transformation in this powerful collection that brings together the lyric storytelling, cultural exploration, and thoughtful analysis of The Argonauts, The Woman Warrior, What the Bones Know, and Minor Feelings.The power of quiet can haunt us over generations, crystallizing in pain that Jen Soriano views as a form of embodied history. In this searing memoir in essays, Soriano, the daughter of a neurosurgeon, journeys to understand the origins of her chronic pain and mental health struggles. By the end, she finds both the source and the delta of what bodies impacted by trauma might need to thrive. In fourteen essays connected by theme and experience, Soriano traverses centuries and continents, weaving together memory and history, sociology and personal stories, neuroscience and public health, into a vivid tapestry of what it takes to transform trauma not just body by body, but through the body politic and ecosystems at large.Beginning with a shocking timeline juxtaposing Soriano's medical history with the history of hysteria and witch hunts, Nervous navigates the human body?centering neurodiverse, disabled, and genderqueer bodies of color?within larger systems that have harmed and silenced Filipinos for generations. Soriano's wide-ranging essays contemplate the Spanish-American War that ushered in United States colonization in the Philippines; the healing power of an inherited legacy of music; a chosen family of activists from the Bay Area to the Philippines; and how the fluidity of our nervous systems can teach us how to shape a trauma-wise future.With Nervous, Soriano boldly invites us along on a watershed journey toward healing, understanding, and communion.

  • af Read Montague
    252,95 kr.

    "A fascinating introduction" (Steven Pinker) to the science of decision-making One of the leading thinkers in the computational neuroscience revolution offers a brilliant new perspective on the mind?s decision-making process. Why do we make the choices we make? How can science explain free will? If our brains are like slow computers originally programmed for survival with goals like food, water, and sex, why do we make choices that go against our own biological best interests? Where do values come from? What role do emotions play? From how we decide what we consume to the romantic, ethical, and financial choices we make, Read Montague guides readers through a new approach to the mind that is both entertaining and illuminating.

  • af Lovell Rehbein
    192,95 kr.

    ¿Te gustaría descubrir técnicas respaldadas por la ciencia para potenciar tu mente y vivir una vida más plena? Entonces sigue leyendo..."El cerebro es el órgano más impresionante del cuerpo humano. Pesa solo 1.4 kilogramos, pero es capaz de generar pensamientos, emociones, recuerdos y conciencia." - David EaglemanDentro de cada una de nuestras mentes hay un hábil narrador de historias. Este contador de historias puede ser una gran ayuda para que nuestros sueños se hagan realidad, o puede ser una gran fuerza desmotivadora que nos mantiene atrapados en circunstancias no deseadas.Nos cuenta historias constantemente sobre todo, y puede programarse para influirnos y animarnos a alcanzar nuestros sueños. Tenemos pleno control sobre este contador de historias una vez que tomamos conciencia de él y empezamos a tomar decisiones para disponer sólo relatos positivos y reforzarlos de forma regular. Los que consiguen hacer realidad sus sueños son maestros en el control del narrador que llevan dentro. Lo utilizan en su beneficio para comprometerse con los tipos de condiciones externas que eligen deliberadamente para sí mismos.¿Te gustaría transformar a tu beneficio ese narrador interno? Los principios clave de la neurociencia pueden aplicarse para optimizar tu bienestar emocional, mental y físico. En este libro, descubrirás: Cómo tener control sobre nuestra mente para que esta nos ayude a alcanzar nuestros objetivos.Consejos sencillos para empezar a cambiar cualquier resultado no deseado.Ejercicios para cambiar tu mentalidad y dejar de centrarte en la rutina diaria.Aprende a desbloquear la central de energía subconsciente que conlleva todo un nuevo mundo de posibilidades nuevas para ti. Y mucho más...Sabías que el cerebro humano tiene la capacidad de generar más conexiones neuronales que las estrellas que existen en nuestra galaxia. ¡Es una maravilla de la naturaleza!Estudios han demostrado que únicamente el 5% de nuestros hábitos diarios son conscientes, mientras que el restante 95% se rige por patrones inconscientes. ¡No dejes pasar la oportunidad de transformar tu vida con el conocimiento de la neurociencia! Desplaza hacia arriba ahora mismo y añade al carrito de compra.

  • af Terry McDermott
    172,95 kr.

    A riveting narrative account of a brilliant, rebel scientist and his notorious lab as they unlock the mystery of memory. For decades Gary Lynch sought to uncover what physically happens in the brain when we form a memory. Luckily award-winning journalist Terry McDermott was with Lynch in his lab as his staff worked tirelessly to achieve this groundbreaking scientific discovery. Here with the verve of a novelist, McDermott introduces the cutting-edge science and wild cast of characters that enabled Lynch to reveal the inner workings of the memory machine. He then explains some practical applications of these discoveries: drugs that could possibly cure a wide range of neurological conditions, including ADHD. He also shows where Lynch's sights are now set: on discovering the larger architectural of memory formation.

  • af Wolfgang Walz
    1.225,95 kr.

    The brain is the body¿s most vulnerable organ due to the defined roles of neurons within circuits. Neurons are vastly outnumbered by microglia, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, macrophages, cells of the blood brain barrier and invading immune cells. These cells display different grades of reactivities and interactions. They integrate their responses and not only change phenotypes but can also completely reprogram after damage to protect the neuronal complexity. The interactions of these satellite cells in the healthy brain are described as well as their roles in all major brain diseases. Special emphasis is put on immune system ¿ brain interactions and regenerative and repair processes. The gliotic response is compared with the reactions to injuries of the skin and other organs. A final chapter addresses the definition of a cell type. It concludes that cell types can no longer be regarded as defined entities over the body¿s lifetime but are prone to phenotype plasticity and even complete reprograming.

  • af Avraham Mayevsky
    1.225,95 kr.

    Exposure of patients to a high oxygen environment is a standard treatment in a select group of patients. The development of oxygen toxicity must be avoided in those patients. This book describes the effects of normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen treatment of animal models on brain biochemical and physiological responses. This book provides a summary of our knowledge on the effects of hyperbaric oxygenation on mitochondrial activity in vivo, and other functions of the brain. A chapter covering the use of hyperbaric hyperoxia in patients¿ brain pathology and care is also included. This is an ideal book for students, research groups, and clinicians studying hyperbaric oxygen and its connection to mitochondrial activity and brain physiological functions.

  • af Anil Kumar
    427,95 kr.

    The major objective of research conducted in medical science is to improve health. Health can be improved by prevention of diseases and treatment of diseases. One strategy to improve treatment is to optimise the choice of treatment suitable for individual patients. This feature of identifying suitable treatments for individual patients on the basis of certain characteristics is known as "precision medicine" or "personalized medicine". This technique of selecting a particular treatment for a particular individual leads to reduction in costs and side effects and also causes improved outcomes. The uniqueness of this technique lies in the fact that a particular treatment relevant to patient's characteristics is employed rather than treating the patient on the basis of clinical trial outcomes, in which the "average" improvement in the sample is used to know about the efficient or relevant treatment. The major application of personalized medicine has been found in dealing with the increasing medical cases of cancer, infectious diseases and cystic fibrosis.Major impact of personalized medicine is observed in curing of breast cancer, differentiating between tumours with and without high estrogen or epidural growth factor receptor expression is exploited to select relevant chemotherapeutic agents, such as tamoxifen and trastuzumab and also to avoid certain agents in isolation or combination when certain combinations of receptors are present.Generally, these particular treatments can be applied if one possesses deep knowledge of several pathophysiologies associated with a disease. This approach of personalized medicine is of great significance for the diseases characterized by syndromes, for which different etiopathological mechanisms are assumed to generate a similar clinical phenotype. An example of such varying or heterogeneous syndromes is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Plenty of research work conducted to subcategorize MDD has been in vain so far and thus a lacuna in reliable and distinct pathophysiologies still persists. MDD is one of the chief causes of disability in the world.Considering MDD as a rapidly growing health problem, this thesis is meant to identify the optimal or best suitable biomarkers for MDD characterization so as to enable early diagnosis of the disease.

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