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Blasfemi, kætteri, apostasi

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  • af E.M. Cioran
    197,95 kr.

    "Naturen har udelukkende skabt individerne for at understøtte Lidelsen, for at hjælpe den med at sprede sig på deres bekostning." Mange af sætningerne i Bitterhedens syllogismer (1952) kunne være formuleret med det formål at udtrykke mest mulig fortvivlelse på mindst mulig plads. Aforismesamlingen er skrevet på fransk af den rumænskfødte filosof Emil Cioran, som for at overvinde en mangeårig depression gav afkald på sit modersmål og tilegnede sig en formfuldendt frankofon stil med syttenhundredetallets belletristik som forbillede. Den knappe prosa i Bitterhedens syllogismer bærer præg af denne "kærlighedsaffære med en ordbog": De mest destruktive tankerækker fremføres på en subtil og elegant måde, som hvis Nietzsches filosofiske hammer var forvandlet til en fleuret.Umiddelbart virker Bitterhedens syllogismer heller ikke som en bog skrevet af nogen, der har overvundet en depression, snarere tværtimod: Sortsynet er konstant og angår alt fra religion og ateisme over kærlighed og ensomhed til liv og død. Alligevel er teksten, på trods af det pessimistiske udgangspunkt, altid lystbetonet, motiveret af en generøs vilje til at charmere og underholde. Cioran forstår kunsten at være "elskværdigt ulykkelig", som han selv udtrykker det, og går aldrig af vejen for en vittighed: "En filosofisk mode er ligesom en gastronomisk; man er lige så utilbøjelig til at gendrive en idé som til at gendrive en sovs."Det paradoksale ved Cioran – den vennesæle misantrop – afspejles også i modtagelsen af hans værker. Allerede udgivelsen af hans første bog udløste på den ene side en pris til forfatteren, mens den på den anden side, hvis man skal tro en vandrehistorie, tvang hans forældre til at mørklægge deres hjem om aftenen. Den ikonoklastiske præstesøn var ikke sen til at forlade hjemlandet til fordel for Paris, hvor han boede resten af sine dage, altid nødtørftigt indkvarteret på små hotels med livsledsageren Simone Boué og en enorm bogsamling. Ciorans eneboertendenser og hans værkers uforsonlige udtryk forhindrede ham dog ikke i at indtage en plads i det intellektuelle parisiske miljø. Han var venner med især to andre eksilforfattere, Samuel Beckett og landsmanden Paul Celan, og er blevet beundret på afstand af Susan Sontag og Herta Müller. Bitterhedens syllogismer er det første af hans værker, der er oversat til dansk.Emil Mihai Cioran (1911-1995) var rumænsk forfatter og filosof. Langt størstedelen af sit liv tilbragte han i selvvalgt ­eksil i Paris, hvor han som "rejsende i smuldrende kosmologier" forfinede sit sortsyn til punktnedslag i altings utilstrækkelighed. På trods af en afsmag for anerkendelse lykkedes det ikke Cioran at holde alle læsere fra livet: Samuel Beckett skrev, at han "fandt ly" i hans "ruiner", landsmanden Paul Celan oversatte ham til tysk, og for Susan Sontag var han en arvtager efter Kierkegaard, Nietzsche og Wittgenstein.

  • af Joseph Kinyanjui Karanja
    362,95 kr.

    Prosperity Gospel vs The GospelSweety foods are tasty at the glands. It feels good to have it in the mouth. However, as these delicacies, flavoured with salts, sugars, colorings, Preservatives, acids, artificial additives and fats get into our stomachs, and finally absorbed in the bloodstream, they end up costing us dearly, through life threatening diseases, or even death.Herbs and fibre rich food on the other hand are bitter and tasteless. However, as they get absorbed into our bodies, they rejuvenate our body cells, clearing every trace of infection. This is occasioned by their possession of healing properties and nutritional value. They do not only boost vitality. Rather, they promote our health as well.This is exactly what happens when we consume prosperity gospel stuff. Prosperity gospel is sweet to the ear, and appealing to the eye. However, the effects are disastrous. Prosperity gospel does not only malnourish the Spirit man. Rather, it kills him altogether.Prosperity gospel is so popular. It is the most sought product at the market today. It sells like hot cakes. This is contrary to the true gospel that is shunned, hence, fulfilling the scripture in 2 Timothy 4: 3-4. "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables." (nkjv)'Prosperity gospel' depicts itself as The Gospel, though in actual sense it is not. Beneath it lies deception that is not noticeable. The spiritual venom concealed in prosperity gospel is highly dangerous. It slowly consumes its recipient's soul, and eventually kills it.This book aims at unveiling this flawed and mega deception, and attempt to separate the lie from the Truth.Dr Joseph Kinyanjui Karanja is the senior pastor of The Fruitful Brethren Christian Centre, Ruiru, Kenya. He holds a Doctorate in counseling, a Doctorate in Christian Theology, a Masters in Counseling Psychology, and a Bachelors degree in Education (Arts), among others. Dr Kinyanjui is also the author of 'The Eschatological Dilemma'.

  • af Eduard Tropea
    245,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Timpson
    358,95 kr.

    In "Die Inquisition - Eine Enthüllung" führt Thomas Timpson die Leser durch die dunklen Gänge der Geschichte und enthüllt das grausame und schonungslose Antlitz der Inquisition. Mit akribischer Genauigkeit und tiefem historischen Verständnis zeichnet Timpson ein Bild einer Institution, die von religiöser Strenge und Brutalität geprägt war.Von den prophezeiten Ursprüngen des Papsttums in der Heiligen Schrift bis zum unaufhaltsamen Aufstieg des Antichristen, wird die Reise der Inquisition über Kontinente und Jahrhunderte hinweg nachvollzogen. Timpson deckt die globalen Auswirkungen der Inquisition auf, die sich von Spanien bis Portugal, von Frankreich bis England, und bis zu den fernöstlichen Gebieten von Goa erstreckten.Jedes Kapitel offenbart eine neue Facette der Grausamkeit, sei es durch die Untersuchung der Verbrechen, die der Inquisition zugeschrieben werden, oder durch die Darstellung der schrecklichen Foltermethoden und der tragischen Opfer, die in ihren eisernen Klauen gelitten haben.Timpson ermöglicht den Lesern auch, die verschiedenen Gesichter der Inquisition zu erkennen, indem er spezielle Kapitel über das Schicksal der Wycliffiten und Hussiten, die weiblichen Inquisitionen und die britischen Opfer der Institution einfügt."Die Inquisition - Eine Enthüllung" ist ein notwendiges Leseerlebnis, das die verdeckten Wahrheiten hinter einer der kontroversesten und gefürchteten Einrichtungen der Kirchengeschichte bloßlegt. Es lädt dazu ein, über die tragischen Schatten der Vergangenheit nachzudenken und bietet eine seltene, tiefgreifende Einsicht in das Wesen der Inquisition und ihrer unauslöschlichen Spuren in der Geschichte der Menschheit.

  • af James Sprenger, Anthony Uyl & Henricus Institor
    427,95 - 492,95 kr.

  • af Gary F Zeolla
    197,95 kr.

    The Analytical-Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (ALT) is translated by Gary F. Zeolla ( The ALT consists of seven volumes. They are.Volume I - The Old Testament: The Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy)Volume II - The Old Testament: The Historical Books (Joshua to Esther)Volume III - The Old Testament: The Poetic Books (Job to Song of Solomon)Volume IV - The Old Testament: The Prophetic Books (Isaiah to Malachi)Volume V - The Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical BooksVolume VI - The New TestamentVolume VII - The Apostolic FathersThis Volume VII of the ALT contains the Apostolic Fathers (APF). These are the writings of Church leaders of the late first to mid-second centuries, most of whom were direct disciples of the apostles. Some of these books were seriously considered for inclusion in the canon of the NT. These are marked with an asterisk on the Table of Contents. They were ultimately rejected for the canon, but all of these APF books were popular in the early centuries of the Church. They give insight into the mindset of the early Church shortly after the apostles and provide background to the NT. As such, they are very much worth reading.However, most Christians today are unaware of these APF books, and there are only a few English translations of the Greek language they were originally written in. To remedy these deficits, this Analytical-Literal Translation of the Apostolic Fathers is being presented to the English-speaking Christian public in hopes it will enrich understanding of the NT and of the time immediately after the apostles.The purpose of the ALT is to provide a translation of these APF books that will enable the English reader to come as close to the Greek texts as possible without having to be proficient in Greek.For background and in-depth discussions of the canonicity of all of these books, see the translator's three volume set, "Why Are These Books in the Bible and Not Others?"

  • af Martinet Press
    162,95 kr.

    Choronzon is the official Journal of Martinet Press, now in its third installment and under the editorship of Satanic artist and author Erica Frevel. Featuring an interview with the Russian Satanic artist Fosco Culto, narrative by Tempel ov Blood and Aubrey Wood Basnight, articles from Danilo Coppini (L.T.J. 49), Q. 309 / V.L.F. Laboratories / Channel 309, Frater Teriminus, and Erica Frevel. Verse by Vamapalah (Temple of Night), Zoran Antonijevic and Christopher Ropes. Art from Erica Frevel, Fosco Culto, Chapel of Astaroth, Vladimir Vacovsky, Barry James Lent, Nurgul Jones, Paul Barton and Bryan Maita and featuring a cover by Konstantyn Kopacz of Warhead Art. Disruption and corruption, thou art our Father. Satanas Vobiscum.

  • af Martinet Press
    162,95 kr.

    CHORONZON is the official journal of Martinet Press, and a vehicle of sinister art, prose, and devotional texts. Art by Joel Hrafnsson, VLF Laboratories, Edgar Kerval, Nestor Avalos, and Erica Frevel. Written works by Czar Azag-Kala, Frater Kafyrfos, John Hope, Aubrey Basnight, Leopold Lawrence, Yogesh Arya, and Constantine Charagma.

  • af Elizabeth Burns Coleman
    292,95 kr.

    Endeavouring to move beyond 'simplistic' points about the rights to freedom of expression and sacrosanctity, this collection explores how differences between conceptions of the sacred can be negotiated.

  • af A B Azam
    457,95 kr.

    The objective of writing a book on the Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan has four aspects. Since the basis of the laws constitutes an Islamic perspective and jurisprudential background, the first aspect is to critically examine its lineage with the Quran and the Sunnah and to find out what those sources say about blasphemy. The second aspect is to critically examine how close in conformity the existing blasphemy laws are with Islamic injunctions. The third aspect is to review its application. The fourth aspect is to critically review the effects, implications, and repercussions on minorities, and to an individual.

  • af James D. Jr. Gifford
    372,95 - 487,95 kr.

  • af Félix Bellamy
    178,95 kr.

  • af Eric Michael Wilson
    437,95 kr.

  • af Rod Bennett
    217,95 kr.

  • af Vicente Quiñones Aponte
    162,95 kr.

  • af Martinet Press
    162,95 kr.

    CHORONZON is the official journal of Martinet Press, and a vehicle of sinister art, prose, and devotional texts. Volume 2 includes art by Crude Azathoth, Coatlicue, Erica Frevel, Joel Hrafnsson, Laurent Braun, Sergey Kramer, Sarah Wreck, and VLF Laboratories. Written works by Aubrey W. Basnight, Asha'Shedim, A.A. Morain, AShTarot Cognatus, Danilo Coppini, Matthew Wightman, Orlog Volksgeist, Raze Books, Shadow, Somnus Dreadwood, The Black Devils, and Ying Chao.

  • af Tobby E. Smith
    157,95 kr.

  • af R. J. Von-Bruening
    167,95 kr.

    Take an unforgettable journey into one of the most heretical, blasphemous, and controversial accounts of the Exodus in a world beyond imagination. The Exodus & Beyond picks up the mystery of the divine Twin Brothers of legend and their connection to the great Exodus out of Egypt where the first book, UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation, left off.Within its pages, you will learn the importance of the divine Twin Brothers, along with the final secrets of the hidden history of humanity. It explores the last few lingering mysteries of the highly symbolic Dream Vision of Enoch and the secret history of creation that it holds that was revealed within the book, UNLOCKING THE DREAM VISION: The secret history of creation.You will discover how the accepted historical timeline has been distorted to hide the real wisdom of the ages and humanity's true history. You will learn of the real motivations of the gods and why the equally mysterious Shepherds were sent after Enoch was taken from the generations of the Earth. You will also come to understand how the great Exodus out of Egypt is connected to the Bronze Age collapse of civilization and the mysterious Sea People that fell upon ancient Egypt. You will also learn how the events of the Exodus ultimately led the gods to destroy themselves and the world they had created so long ago.Not only are the hidden secrets of the Exodus uncovered, but it will also reveal the greatest secrets of mythology and the ancient world. You will be presented with a new theory with conclusive evidence of why we find the same gods, iconography, mythology, and architecture style worldwide. It will also reveal the secrets to the mysterious religion of Zoroastrianism and its intimate connections to King Solomon's Temple and Judaism. In the process, it will also answer the profound question of what was the original polytheistic religious structure of the earliest Hebrews during the great Exodus out of Egypt and why it changed into the monotheistic belief we know today.

  • af Ragnar Redbeard, Arthur Desmond & Peter H. Gilmore
    227,95 kr.

  • af Judy McKenzie McClary
    147,95 kr.

  • af Susan Nakirega
    92,95 kr.

    Many good things are spoken about Christian living and if one has neither read the bible nor gone through pain, it all seems to be true. But if we are to read the bible with a sober mind and realistically look at our lives, we will conclude that all is not well. In my opinion, Christianity is not as easy as portrayed by most speakers and authors, it is a difficult life. And it is through life difficulties that we get to know God in all His fullness, get to know who we really are as individuals and get transformed for the better.

  • af Rafael Gonzalez
    107,95 kr.

    La profecía de San Francisco de Asís sobre un falso papa que atentará destruir la Iglesia Católica mediante enseñanzas venenosas, la cual se está dando en la persona del "papa" Francisco.

  • af David W. Virtue
    147,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Adam Pearson
    157,95 kr.

    "Revelation of Antichrist" reveals the nature of the final end-time Antichrist prophesied in the Holy Bible's Book of Revelation.

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