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Kristne kirker, kirkesamfund, grupper

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  • af Todd Burpo, Colton Burpo & Sonja
    102,95 kr.

    En treårig dreng…et mirakuløst besøg i himlen…og et meget vigtigt budskab til børn…Tre år gammel bliver Colton Burpo hasteindlagt til en akut operation og oplever noget, som kun meget få andre i verdenshistorien har oplevet: han får lov at se Jesus og komme på besøg i himlen. Efterhånden som han fortæller om det til sine forældre, bliver de overbevist om, at han umuligt kan have en så detaljeret og bibelsk præcis viden om himlen, med mindre han faktisk har været der.I denne bog deler Colton sine oplevelser med andre børn, så de også kan erfare den trøst og glæde...Bogen - giver børn tryghed og vished for, at himlen er et dejligt og lykkeligt sted- giver forældre hjælp og vejledning til at tale med deres børn om himlen- henviser til relevante steder i Bibelen og indeholder svar på ofte stillede spørgsmål

    337,95 kr.

    Den traditionelle salmebog til brug ved gudstjenester i kirker samt på institutioner som plejehjem og sygehuse eller til undervisning og fællessang i sognegårde mv. Indbundet i slidstærkt kunstlæder.Indeholder de nye ritualer for vielse og velsignelse af par af samme køn.

  • - »vi kan ikke udrette store ting; kun små ting - med stor kærlighed«¤en portrætbog
    af Greg Watts
    147,95 kr.

    Mother Teresa er et moderne ikon – en menneskeliggørelse af godhed, empati og velgørenhed. Men hvordan gik det til, at Agnes Bojaxhiu gik fra at være en helt almindelig pige, fra et upåagtet hjørne af Balkan, til at blive en internationalt kendt og højt profileret personlighed?Denne biografi fortæller historien om hendes liv, fra den første tid som ung nonne, hvor hun tog ud i gaderne i Calcutta for at hjælpe de syge og de døende, der levede i armod, til hendes død i 1997. Hun blev født i Skopje i Makedonien, og blev uddannet lærer. Siden hen viede hun sit liv til de fattige ved blandt andet at starte Missionaries of Charity, som er en hjælpeorganisation, der nu har afdelinger i over 120 lande verden over. Hun har modtaget meget kritik for sin barmhjertighedsideologi og sine metoder, men faktum er, at hun har haft en stor betydning for de fattige i verden. Hun blev belønnet med Nobels Fredspris i 1979. I 2003, seks år efter hendes død, blev hun saligkåret af Pave Johannes Paul II. Greg Watts giver et indgående portræt af denne inspirerende og kontroversielle kvinde. Bogen er rigt illustreret. I Hovedlands serie Visdomsord findes ligeledes et bind om Mother Teresa. Greg Watts er journalist og forfatter. Han har skrevet en lang række bøger, blandt andet en biografi om Pave Benedict d. 16.

  • af Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
    257,95 kr.

    This book gives a deeper insight into the world view and teachings of the Essene Communities as describes in the original texts which have been published in the book "Gospel of Love and Peace".The author describes and explains the communinions with the Angels as practised by the Essenes.

  • af Robert Kolb
    397,95 kr.

    "Kolb explores Luther's use of the Latin preposition "coram" - "face-to-face" - to demonstrate the foundational role of relationships in Luther's thought. For Luther, believers, fundamentally rooted in their relationship with the Creator of every person and thing, experience all of life's realities in relationship: with God, self, and others"--

  • af St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite
    297,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • af Alison Milbank
    195,95 kr.

    Few other books have caused as much stir in the Church of England in recent decades as has For the Parish. Twelve years on from its publication, in the wake of the Covid pandemic and the 'Save the Parish' movement much has changed, but much has stayed the same.In this follow up to this influential and controversial book, new and already familiar themes are newly inflected in the debates of the present time: principally minster hubs, the 'Emerging Church' programme and the Strategic Development Fund. Alison Milbank challenges the ecclesiology, models of theological anthropology and the analysis of secularism that are present (explicitly or implicitly) in these movements, and offer a striking and encouraging vision of what the parish model could offer to our anxious world.

  • af Robert D Preus
    597,95 kr.

    The 18 essays in this volume offer a cross-section of Preus's research and commentary on the doctrine of justification and on the Lutheran Confessions and their application in the life of the church today. Also included in this volume are 4 reflections on the life and ministry of Robert Preus provided by David P. Scaer, John Stephenson, Kurt Marquart and Daniel Preus.Preface and introduction written by Klemet I. Preus, Robert's son.

  • af Lucas Rijneveld
    151,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Sommeren 2005. I en lille hollandsk landsby er den 49-årige dyrlæge Kurt blevet fuldstændig forblændet af nabogårdens 14-årige datter. Et følsomt, trist barn med en vild fantasi, som længes efter opmærksomhed – en mand som ovenikøbet har samme navn som hendes idol. Han vinder hendes fortrolighed, og snart vokser noget, der ligner et venskab, frem. Kurt lytter fortryllet til hendes historier om alt, hvad der sker i hendes liv: musik, tab, venner og drenge. I en hypnotisk ordstrøm suges læseren ind i dette skrigende skæve forhold. For det er Kurt, der fører ordet, og igennem sprækkerne i hans fortælling, siver en anden frem: fortællingen om et overgreb. En rystende smuk og grum fortælling om en dyrlæge og hans udvalgte, om en ensom mand og hans destruktive lidenskab og en ung kvindes rastløse længsel efter at høre til. Lucas Rijneveld (f. 1991) voksede op i en stærkt kristen landbofamilie i Nordbrabrant og vandt den internationale Bookerpris for sin debutroman Aftenens ubehag som den yngste nogensinde.

  • af Robert Henderson
    87,95 kr.

    Stop Allowing Demonic Curses Access to You and Your FamilyAre your prayers going unanswered? Have you been suffering with no respite or breakthrough? Does it feel like the devil is opposing you at every turn? These are just a few signs that generational curses are at work in your life.Don't be fooled: The curses flowing down your earthly...

  • af Lorenzo Scupoli
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Helge Clausen, Kirsten Kjærulff & Birgit Clausen
    137,95 kr.

    Den hellige Benedikts Regel er den klassiske vesterlandskemunkeregel. Den udkom i dansk oversættelse på Katolsk Forlag i 2017 medindledning, bibelhenvisninger og ordliste, men uden kommentar. En sådanuddybende kommentar, der forklarer Benedikts hensigt og slår bro mellem500-tallet og vor egen tid, bringes her.

  • af Henning Nørhøj
    155,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Er Grundtvigs kraftige billedverden, kampen mellem lys og mørke, fylde og meningsløshed, frelse og fortabelse, liv og død blevet uforståelig? Og kan vi igen gøre denne billedverden nærværende og meningsfyldt?Måske er netop Grundtvigs forståelse af det evige en nødvendig inspiration til at se sider af kristendommen, som vi ellers fortrænger. For om nogen formulerede han både sammenhængen og det uoverstigelige svælg mellem ”nu” og ”engang”, det dennesidige og det evige – og så den modsætning, der går ned gennem det menneskelige liv mellem lys og mørke, liv og død, frelse og fortabelse. Det modsætningsfyldte i kristendommen, dens paradoks, var for Grundtvig at se gået tabt i rationalismens kritiske syn på Bibelen og i romantikkens harmonitænkning Spørgsmålet er så, om det dristige og håndgribelige i Grundtvigs tale om det evige kan gøres gældende i en folkekirkelighed, hvor den teologiske refleksion over eskatologien er gledet i baggrunden. Er Grundtvigs kraftige billedverden, kampen mellem lys og mørke, fylde og meningsløshed, frelse og fortabelse, liv og død blevet uforståelig? Og kan vi igen gøre denne billedverden nærværende og meningsfyldt?

  • af Ave Maria Press
    537,95 kr.

    Do you long to connect with a variety of women just like you who live the Word of God in the world each day? That connection is what makes the Living the Word Catholic Women's Bible different from other Bibles for women: it includes almost four-hundred pages of special features created for women by women--more than forty scholars, teachers, religious, authors, ministers, and speakers--such as Leah Darrow, Sarah Christmyer, Johnnette Benkovic Williams, and Sr. Maria Kim-Ngân Bùi--who come from a variety of backgrounds and reflect the diversity of the Catholic faith. You can walk through scripture in community with other women who seek to become closer to God by reading his Word and living it in their daily lives. The stunning beauty of the Living the Word Catholic Women's Bible also makes it stand out among its peers. The extraordinary and elegant design enhances your reading experience by connecting various features throughout the text including fifty profiles of women in the Bible, ninety-seven Living in the Light of Faith essays, Take it to Heart questions for reflection and journaling, and quotations from saints and holy women. The tranquil colors and other design elements help you feel at home in the Bible. Other features include: the trusted and easy-to-read Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition translation exclusive comprehensive cross-references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church that help you to better understand how the Bible connects with what Catholics believe large, single-column text with plenty of room in the lightly lined, generous margins for journaling, drawing, and notetaking high-quality paper two ribbon markers an introduction to each book of the Bible that includes an overview, outline, historical context, and key themes inspiring and beautifully designed quotations from saints and other holy women, including Josephine Bakhita, Dorothy Day, Catherine of Siena, Hildegard of Bingen, Joan of Arc, Thea Bowman, and Thérèse of Lisieux questions for reflection prompts to help expand your reading on a theme in scripture reading plans a feature index noting all the topical essays and introductions in the Bible, organized by category a Women of the Word index highlighting every woman mentioned in the bible, the Women of the Word profiles, and the quotes from saints and other holy women, and reading plans. Christmyer, codeveloper of the Great Adventure Bible program, is the general editor of the Living the Word Catholic Women's Bible. Other contributors include Sr. Sara Butler, MSBT, Meg Hunter-Kilmer, Catherine Cavadini, Shannon Wimp Schmidt, Lisa Cotter, Sonja Corbitt, and Martha Fernandez Sardina. The contributions received an imprimatur from Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend and were reviewed by Catholic biblical scholars including Christmyer, Cavadini, Mary Healy, Pia de Solenni, and Jennifer Grillo.

  • af Third Council of Baltimore
    162,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Scott Hahn
    467,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Columbus & Roberto Rusconi
    467,95 kr.

  • af St Teresa of Avila
    362,95 kr.

    Interior Castle was inspired by Teresa's vision of the soul as a diamond in the shape of a castle containing seven mansions, which she interpreted as the journey of faith through seven stages, ending with union with God.

  • af John Ramirez
    227,95 kr.

    "If there's one spiritual weapon Satan doesn't want you to use, it's prayer. This book will show you the importance of fighting the enemy in the spirit, and why being equipped with God's warfare weapons is one of the most life-changing experiences of all. Christians have an enemy who will do everything in his power to alter, edit, stop, delay, and abort their God-given destiny. Satan and his demonic kingdom have one purpose: to kill, steal, and destroy. The enemy does not want our God-ordained prophetic destiny to be fulfilled in this very hour. This is why we need to pray like never before and arm ourselves with the arsenal of heaven like the ambassadors and soldiers of the Lord we are. Fire Prayers will equip you to pick up your weapons of warfare and fight the good fight of faith. Filled with powerful teachings, Fire Prayers will equip you with a spiritual warfare arsenal that will leave Satan and his kingdom trembling and unable to manipulate, control, or dominate you; hinder your relationship with Jesus; or thwart your destiny. FEATURES AND BENEFITSReaders will learn:Prayer is the key for blocking the enemy's attacksWhy it is so important to fight the kingdom of darknessHow they can live a life free of spiritual chains"

  • af Brant Pitre
    207,95 kr.

    "This book will prove to be a most effective weapon… against the debunking and skeptical attitudes toward the Gospels that are so prevalent, not only in academe, but also on the street, among young people who, sadly, are leaving the Churches in droves." - Robert Barron, author of Catholicism For well over a hundred years now, many scholars have questioned the historical truth of the Gospels, claiming that they were originally anonymous. Others have even argued that Jesus of Nazareth did not think he was God and never claimed to be divine.In The Case for Jesus, Dr. Brant Pitre, the bestselling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, goes back to the sources-the biblical and historical evidence for Christ-in order to answer several key questions, including: • Were the four Gospels really anonymous? • Are the Gospels folklore? Or are they biographies? • Were the four Gospels written too late to be reliable? • What about the so-called "Lost Gospels," such as "Q" and the Gospel of Thomas? • Did Jesus claim to be God? • Is Jesus divine in all four Gospels? Or only in John? • Did Jesus fulfill the Jewish prophecies of the Messiah? • Why was Jesus crucified? • What is the evidence for the Resurrection? As The Case for Jesus will show, recent discoveries in New Testament scholarship, as well as neglected evidence from ancient manuscripts and the early church fathers, together have the potential to pull the rug out from under a century of skepticism toward the traditional Gospels. Above all, Pitre shows how the divine claims of Jesus of Nazareth can only be understood by putting them in their ancient Jewish context.

  • af Mark D Baker
    205,95 kr.

    Christians can be adept at drawing lines, determining what it means to be a good Christian and judging those who stray out of bounds. Other times they erase all the lines in favor of a vague and inoffensive faith. Both impulses can come from positive intentions, but either can lead to stunted spiritual life and harmful relationships. Is there another option?The late missionary anthropologist Paul Hiebert famously drew on mathematical theory to deploy the concepts of bounded, fuzzy, and centered sets to shed light on the nature of Christian community. Now, with Centered-Set Church, Mark D. Baker provides a unique manual for understanding and applying Hiebert's vision. Drawing on his extensive experience in church, mission, parachurch, and higher education settings, along with interviews and stories gleaned from scores of firsthand interviews, Baker delivers practical guidance for any group that seeks to be truly centered on Jesus.Baker shows how Scripture presents an alternative to either obsessing over boundaries or simply erasing them. Centered churches are able to affirm their beliefs and live out their values without such bitter fruit as gracelessness, shame, and self-righteousness on the one hand, or aimless whateverism on the other. While addressing possible concerns and barriers to the centered approach, Baker invites leaders to imagine centered alternatives in such practical areas of ministry as discipleship, church membership, leadership requirements, and evangelism. Centered-Set Church charts new paths to grow in authentic freedom and dynamic movement toward the true center: Jesus himself.

  • af Ellen White
    362,95 kr.

    Messages to Young People by Ellen G. White. A NEW GIANT Print Edition (A4) and big size (15) letters for those people that have problems with the vision.Many messages of instruction, sympathy, reproof, and encouragement have come from her pen, addressed directly to the young people. And these messages, always directing the minds of the youth to Christ and to his word as the only source of strength in building noble Christian manhood and womanhood, have done much to foster the spirit of consecration that has characterized so many of our young people. It was in 1892 and 1893 that messages were given, suggesting that our young people should be organized into bands and societies for Christian work.

  • af Walter J Ciszek
    167,95 kr.

  • af Birgit Bidstrup Jørgensen
    137,95 kr.

    Hvert år en uge efter påske fejres i katolske kirker Guds Barmhjertigheds søndag. Den har rod i de budskaber og visioner, som den unge polske ordenssøster Faustina Kowalska (1905-38), modtog fra Jesus. Denne biografi skildrer søster Faustinas liv i klostret og hendes åndelige udvikling og bygger især på hendes berømte dagbog. Fra Jesus modtog hun opfordringen til at male et særligt billede af ham, der udtrykker andagten til Guds barmhjertighed, og til at arbejde for indførelsen af Guds Barmhjertigheds søndag. Den hellige pave Johannes Paul var inspireret af søster Faustina, og da han kårede hende til helgen i år 2000, kaldte han hende en profet for vor tid. Bogen afsluttes med de bønner, som hører til andagten til Guds barmhjertighed.Birgit Bidstrup Jørgensen (født 1954) er pensioneret sygeplejerske, lektor og forlagsredaktør.

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