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  • - Baggrund, problemstillinger og moderne udformninger
    af Safet Bektovic
    338,95 kr.

    Islamisk filosofi er opstået som muslimers forsøg på at forstå sandheden og er dermed en vigtig del af islams historie.I denne bog redegør forskningslektor Safet Bektovic for filosofiens betydning og dens rolle inden for islamisk tænkning fra tiden efter Muhammeds død og frem til i dag. Endvidere introduceres en række moderne muslimske filosoffer.

  • - hvilke roller og funktioner har moskeerne i vores samfund
    af Massoud Fouroozandeh & Marianne Søndergaard
    248,95 kr.

    Vi ved alt for lidt om islam - dens teologi, historie og kultur - og det er på tide at råde bod på denne uvidenhed.Bogen ”Moskeernes mange ansigter” fortæller om en side af islam, der presser sig på i vor tid - de mange moskeer, der skyder op overalt, både i Danmark og resten af verden.Islam er ikke kun en religion og moskeer er ikke blot en muslimsk version af de kristne kirker, som de fleste tror. De har helt andre funktioner.Ukendskab til islams og moskeernes historie kan gøre, at vi selv hjælper islam med at få fodfæste i de dele af verden, der endnu ikke er blevet islamiske.Allerførst, vi skal skelne mellem muslimer og islam, og derefter er vi nødt til at erkende, at islams erklærede mål om at vinde hele verden for Allah, bør tages helt bogstaveligt.Islamiske stater betaler enorme summer for at bygge store, iøjnefaldende moskeer i lande med muslimske minoriteter, og de gør det ikke for vores skyld, men fordi de på den måde får indflydelse på den form for islam, der læres i moskeerne.Bogen ser på moskeernes funktion fra Muhammeds tid til i dag - og hvilke problemer disse funktioner udgør for vores vestlige samfund. Sidst, men ikke mindst, rummer bogen en række forslag og ideer til politikere og diverse myndigheder om tiltag, der er nødvendige i forholdet til vores muslimske medborgere.

  • af Mikael Jalving
    157,95 kr.

    »Muhammed, hører du mig? Kan vi snakke sammen, mand til mand, ligefremt og uden dikkedarer? Kan vi tale historie, kan vi tale om nutid? Er du der? Hvad tænker du, når du hører om de fredløse i Egypten, Pakistan, Indonesien, Sudan og det nordlige Nigeria, der ikke må konvertere og forlade islam? Er du enig i at frafald bør straffes med døden?«Fra Mig og Muhammed.For den unge intellektuelle Mikael Jalving fremstod 90´erne og 00´erne som en gylden tid. Den Kolde Krig var lykkeligt overstået, verden var lys og fyldt med uanede muligheder. Hvad var der i grunden at bekymre sig om for en fremstormende akademiker?Ikke så lidt, skulle det vise sig, efterhånden som mødet med islam og dens profet Muhammed bragte forfatteren på sporet af en ganske anden og dyster virkelighed. En virkelighed, som Jalving egentlig ikke havde lyst til at beskæftige sig med, men som det blev en borgerpligt at forholde sig til.

  • af Mahdi Lock, Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan Al-Buti & Hazem Nasr
    198,95 kr.

  • af Sukina Noor
    168,95 kr.

    Love and Longing: Yearning for the Face of God, Sukina Noor's debut poetry collection encapsulates the voice of a seeker in pursuit of nearness to the Divine. The poems are not set in a faraway land where gnostics and mystics gather under the stars but rather her journey begins in the heart of the city where towers of concrete and steel clutter the skyline. Her poems express that the heart can become enflamed with love of the Divine anywhere and her devotion and intoxication are captured in this collection. Her poetry leans into her femininity giving birth to verse that is both tender and powerful. Her collection articulates that following a pathway to God is not a pursuit from a bygone era, but rather one can set out on the journey right now. This collection is an invitation to join the caravan of Sacred Love and never turn back.

  • af Yasir Qadhi
    163,95 kr.

    A family is an important unit in our life. In building this institution, marriage becomes a susceptible foundation that holds the family together. This comes with rights and responsibilities that we often neglect and take for granted.In Our Family Our Legacy, Dr Yasir Qadhi analyses the topic of a family institution by dissecting it into two dichotomous parts, which are spouses and children. In today's world where family and marriage institutions are becoming less and less favourable, the author highlights the significance of keeping them steady, by suggesting tips and ways in understanding your spouses and children, as a way to make them understand you as well. He also reiterates the rights and responsibilities that we all should take note of and adhere to for a sakinah, mawaddah and raḥmah marriage in which children will bloom.

  • af Fasiha Zahara
    151,95 kr.

    A coloring book and short story on the companions of the Imam (as), martyrs of Karbala.Drawn by Sr. Fasiha ZaharaPublished by al-Bur¿q Publications

  • af Fasiha Zahara
    151,95 kr.

    A coloring book and short story on Imam Ali (as), the Lion of Allah (swt).Designed by Sr. Fasiha ZaharaPublished by al-Bur¿q Publications

  • af Michael Sells
    226,95 kr.

    A new, updated edition of this modern classic in religious publishing, capturing the complexity, power and poetry of the early suras of the Qur¿an

  • af Aliyah Umm Raiyaan
    153,95 kr.

    ***** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER *****'A beautiful unique day-by-day companion throughout the Holy Month' - DR. OMAR SULEIMAN------------------------------------------A must-have intimate journal to guide you through Ramadan and deepen your individual connection to Allah for the year ahead.With inspiring reflections, practical exercises, powerful quotes and drawing from the spiritual wisdom of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, it offers an invitation to...- Let your heart ponder through stillness and reflection on insightful words that stir the soul.- Immerse yourself in du'a and use this opportunity to speak to your Lord in supplication.- Journal about spiritual themes and subjects, encouraging you to turn inwards and pen personal revelations for you.A journey within a journey. A space for transformation. This journal is a path with and for The Most Merciful.

  • af Salah Moujahed
    148,95 kr.

    99 DUAs FOR SUCCESS, HEALTH & SPIRITUAL GROWTH ❤️ with Audio-Bonus ❤️ Take advantage of the great opportunity of du'as to connect with Allah, and better cope with everyday situations and problems. This book contains many Du'as (supplications to Allah) that you can use for the different situations in your life. They are taken from the Holy Qur'an as well as from the Ahadith of Prophet Mohammed (saws). These Du'as are extracted from the authentic books of Prophetic Traditions such as Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, and Sunan Abu Dawood. Each Du'a is provided in Arabic language and English translation and with its corresponding source reference. In this collection, you will find carefully selected Du'as: For relief in case of difficultiesFor stressFor pain and illnessFor the release of fearsFor healingFor success and victory in lifeFor relief from debtsFor the forgiveness of sinsFor protection from shirkTo recognize the truthAgainst envy and the 'evil eye'To repent and ask for forgivenessTo strengthen the faithTo protect against evilTo prepare for examsFor concentration while learningFor luck and success in the hereafterFor increase of the supplies (rizq)For attainment of a good character... and many more.Bonus: >The more du'as we practice, the more we are close to our creator. Enjoy studying and reciting du'as. May Allah acknowledge your prayers!

  • af Ibn Kathir
    453,95 kr.

  • af Sofia Rehman
    158,95 kr.

    An introduction to one of the most admired women in Islamic history with accompanying commentaries, presented in a beautiful gift format.

  • af Hamza Andreas Tzortzis
    158,95 kr.

    In The Divine Reality, (Newly Revised Edition 2019) Hamza Andreas Tzortzis provides a compelling case for the rational and spiritual foundations of Islam, whilst intelligently and compassionately deconstructing atheism. Join him on an existential, spiritual and rational journey that articulates powerful arguments for the existence of God, the Qur'an, the Prophethood of Muhammad and why we must know, love and worship God. He addresses academic and popular objections while showing how contemporary atheism is based on false assumptions about reality, which leads to incoherent answers to life's important questions. - Does hope, happiness and human value make sense without the Divine?- Do we have an ultimate purpose?- Can we have consciousness and rational minds without God?- Did the universe come from nothing?- Does evil and suffering negate Divine mercy?- Has scientific progress led to the denial of God?- Are revelation and prophethood myths?- Is God worthy of our worship?If you want to know how the Islamic intellectual and spiritual tradition answers these questions then this is the book for you.Hamza Andreas Tzortzis's new book presents a much needed comprehensive account of Islamic theism that draws upon Western and Islamic thought. Hamza Tzortzis is an international speaker, writer and instructor. He has a PgCert and an MA in philosophy and is currently continuing his postgraduate studies in the field. Hamza has studied Islamic thought and theology under qualified scholars. He has delivered workshops and courses on topics related to Islamic thought and philosophy. Hamza has debated prominent academics and thinkers on Islam and atheism.Reviews: Hamza Tzortzis's work is a much needed and welcome addition to the field of modern Islamic thought. It engages with the rising tide of atheism from an Islamic paradigm, and responds, in an erudite yet easily comprehensible manner, to the primary arguments espoused by the leading figures of New Age Atheism. It is clear that Hamza has spent much time in reading the works of many intellectuals, past and present, and compiling these arguments and counter-arguments. I found the book highly useful, and have no doubt that it will be well received by contemporary Muslims. --- Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Deen of Academic Affairs, The Islamic Seminary of AmericaThe Divine Reality is a much needed resource for Muslims to tackle the contemporary issues on atheism, science, and belief in God from an Islamic perspective. Tzortzis provides a clear and philosophically coherent analysis of arguments that on the surface appear new but in fact have been asked since time immemorial. Intertwined with personal experience and reflections, The Divine Reality is not dry philosophical reading. Tzortzis brings a spiritual and an intellectual combination to his writing that makes for a captivating read. --- Dr. Mohamed Ghilan, PhD Neuroscience, Founder of Andalus OnlineThe Divine Reality takes you through the world of Islamic theism in a systematic and coherent fashion. It is a pioneering effort which will hopefully guide the reader, and other writers, on how to answer the questions related to God's existence and worship from the perspective of Islamic thought. --- Omar Suleiman, President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and Professor of Islamic Studies at Southern Methodist UniversityThe Divine Reality is a valuable contribution to the ongoing exchange between Muslims and atheists. Those interested in the field will benefit from the accessible way Hamza Tzortzis infuses both God and godliness into the conversation, all the while courageously willing to tackle the philosophical issues head on and in an interesting way. A key resource to have access to.--- Shaykh Muhammad Nizami, Islamic Scholar & Co-director of Averroes

  • af Hazrat Inayat Khan
    265,95 kr.

  • af E. H. Whinfield & Maulana Jalálu-'d-Dín Muhammad Rúmi
    353,95 kr.

  • af Christoph Luxenberg
    423,95 kr.

    This book approaches the Koran with the tools of modern scientific philology, and outlines a method to shed light onto koranic passages that are among those counted as 'dark' or 'mysterious'. Revised and expanded translation of the wave-making German original.The most fascinating book ever written on the language of the Koran, and if proved to be correct in its main thesis, probably the most important book ever written on the Koran. (The Guardian)

  • - Uddrag af Al-sahifa Al-sajjadiya
    af Imam Ali bin Al Hussain Al Sajjad
    148,95 kr.

    De 15 fortrolige bønner, er et uddrag af den dyrebarebønnesamling, Al-sahifah al-sajjadiyah, påkaldt af denbeærede Profet Muhammads oldebarn Imam al Sajjad (fredvære med dem begge) i 700-tallet (e.v.t.)Bønnerne er spirituelle samtaler mellem Imamen og Gud, derbærer præg af en inderlighed og dybde, som finder sted imellem en oprigtig bedende og hans Elskede.På trods af, at det er noget nær umuligt at indfangeprægtigheden af de oprindelige påkaldelser påoprindelsessproget, arabisk, og at meget går tabt ioversættelsen, har vi efter bedste formåen her forsøgt at gøreimamens ord tilgængelige på dansk. Du vil, kære læser,derfor måske opleve, at alt ikke er oversat direkte, men ud frakonteksten, symbolikken og til tider den overførte betydning.

  • - Våben fra den islamiske verden 1500-1850
    af Kjeld von Folsach, Joachim Meyer & Peter Wandel m.fl.
    331,95 kr.

    Har våben fra den islamiske verden særlige karakteristika? Med udgangspunkt i utallige genstande fra danske samlinger diskuteres centrale aspekter vedrørende islamiske våben og rustninger: De forskellige typer og ikke mindst de forskellige sammenhænge, hvori de blev brugt i krigsførelse, i jagt og som statussymboler. Andre forhold, der behandles, er den rolle, våben og rustninger spiller i koranen og haditherne, deres historiske overgang fra trofæer til museumsobjekter, deres inskriptioner og den historiske Furusiyya-litteratur – de fundamentale manualer til praktisk uddannelse og moralsk dannelse for datidens ædle, islamiske krigere. Indeholder også 150 katalogtekster, primært om forskellige typer af våben og rustninger fra det Osmanniske Rige, Safavidriget og Mogulriget. Derudover præsenteres en række miniaturemalerier, der illustrerer, hvordan våben og rustninger blev brugt i deres historiske sammenhænge.

  • - Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women's Rights
    af Ayaan Hirsi Ali
    285,95 kr.

  • - Møder og omvendelser
    af Tina Gudrun Jensen & Kate Østeraard
    206,95 kr.

    Analyse af omvendelse til islam i Danmark og af konvertitternes profil - demografisk, socialt og religiøst

  • - tro, praksis og sharia
    af Jens Forman
    404,95 kr.

    Introduktion og kommentarer giver – ud fra den internationale faglitteratur og med en religionshistorisk metode – en konkret og nuanceret beskrivelse af islams oprindelse, de 6 trospunkter, de 5 søjler, livsmønstret og ikke mindst shariaen i de 4 klassiske lovskoler samt de 4 centrale sharia-tolkninger i nutiden, sekularisme, modernisme, islamisme og traditionalisme. Tekstmaterialet belyser inden for de tre hovedområder – tro, søjler, sharia - en lang række temaer. Det gælder f. eks: Muhammed og Dommedag, bønnen og valfarten, euro-islam, straffeloven og kvinders manglende ligestilling. Tekstmaterialet består primært af tekster, der belyser et tema indefra, dels de klassiske, normative tekster (Koran og Hadith), dels typiske, muslimske tolkninger i nutiden, også fra Danmark. Hertil kommer en række kritiske – kristne og videnskabelige - tekster, der sætter den muslimske selvforståelse i perspektiv ved at beskrive og vurdere islam udefra. Som i enhver religion defineres islam af sine tilhængere, muslimerne. Derfor findes der mange former for islam, også i Danmark. Dette er søgt illustreret i bogen. Alligevel er der blandt muslimerne stor enighed om trospunkterne (f. eks. profetens enestående status), søjlerne (f. eks. ramadanens ubetingede nødvendighed) og – ikke mindst – shariaen som grundprincip for et retfærdigt samfund (selv om der er stor uenighed om den praktiske udformning). Og det rejser foruroligende spørgsmål, som også stilles i bogen: Er det på grund af shariaen eller religionen, at den muslimske verden har det så vanskeligt med demokrati og menneskerettigheder? Og er det muligt for kvinder at opnå en reel ligestilling i et sharia-påvirket samfund?

  • - Özlem Cekic og Jair Melchior
    af Anne Knudsen & Steen Valgreen-Voigt
    213,95 kr.

  • - med det kristne håb
    af Steen Skovsgaard
    198,95 kr.

    Hvad sker der på dommedag?Hvordan vil dommen lyde over mit liv? Tanken om dommedag rejser spørgsmål, følelser, frygt og modløshed hos mange.Tidl. biskop Steen Skovsgaard tager dommedag dybt alvorligt.Samtidig slår han fast, at det allerede nu er muligt at vinke farvel til dommens dag. Frimodige og fulde af håb kan kristne gå dommedag i møde, for dommen er afsagt og straffen afsonet. Kristentroen kendes på glæden over, at dommedag allerede har fundet sted for den, der tror. Den ligger bag os, og derfor kan man med det kristne håb glæde sig over, at man kan sige farvel til dommedag.

  • - De 7 Barmhjertige Gaver
    af Inaya K
    178,95 kr.

    Tag med på en inspirerende rejse med Aisha og Bilal, når de udforsker de syv barmhjertige gaver: Gavmildhed, Respekt, Ærlighed, Taknemmelighed, Tålmodighed, Medfølelse, og Ansvar. Hver historie er fyldt med farverige oplevelser og vigtige livslektioner, som lærer børn at praktisere disse smukke værdier i hverdagen. Inspireret af islamiske principper er denne bog perfekt for unge læsere, der ønsker at vokse med visdom og venlighed i hjertet.Oplev glæden ved at give, kraften i at være ærlig, og vigtigheden af at tage ansvar gennem sjove og lærerige historier, der vil varme hjerter og inspirere sind.

  • af Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    259,95 - 539,95 kr.

  • af Sari Medjadji
    116,95 kr.

    Tämä kirja on tarkoitettu suomalaisille lukijoille, jotka eivät vielä osaa lukea arabiaa, mutta haluaisivat opetella Koraanin suuria ulkoa. Mukana on myös lyhyt rukousohje. Uudet muslimit voivat esimerkiksi käyttää translitteroituja ohjeita harjoitellessaan rukousta.

  • af John Corrigan
    247,95 - 712,95 kr.

  • af Meir M Bar-Asher
    217,95 kr.

    "In this book Meir Bar-Asher shines light on the deeply ambivalent views toward Jews and Judaism in the Qur'an and in post-Qur'anic Islamic writing. On the one hand, these texts clearly recognize the Jews as a people chosen by God - a "people of the Book" deserving of respect and communal protection for their contribution. On the other hand, an undeniably darker view is also on offer and is found, for example, in passages that accuse Jews of falsifying their own Torah to suppress all pronouncements of the advent of Muhammad, the final Prophet whose message is the culmination of the good news brought by all the prophets from Moses to Jesus. Bar-Asher's view is that one must concede the existence of such polemical anti-Jewish passages while keeping in mind that they do not constitute the final word of the Qur'an or Islam on the Jews. Bar-Asher argues that passages concerning Jews and Judaism in the Qur'an need to be examined alongside the post-Qur'anic Islamic literature rather than read in isolation. His book thus concerns not only Islam's holy scripture but also Hadith, the authoritative oral tradition of sayings attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, along with other Islamic commentaries on Jews and Judaism. The book begins with a historical overview of the Jewish presence in the Arab peninsula before the time of Muhammad and covers what scholars have uncovered to date about the relationship between Muhammad, his followers, and the Jews of Medina in particular. Then the book turns to the Qur'an and the aforementioned post-Qur'anic traditional materials"--

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