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Islam: retninger og grupper

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  • - Sprog og forestillinger i udlændingedebatten
    af Knud Lindholm Lau
    177,95 - 230,95 kr.

    VALGAKTUEL BOG OM UDLÆNDINGEDEBATTENS RÅ RETORIK På basis af et meget stort eksempelmateriale fra den offentlige debat dokumenterer og analyserer bogen sprog og forestillinger i den såkaldte udlændingedebat. Retter sig til den alment interesserede borger, men er også særdeles velegnet til undervisningsbrug fra ungdomsuddannelser og opefter. Bogen er efter udgivelsen hædret af SPORTGOODSFONDEN med et legat på 80.000 kroner. Fremragende anmeldelser og anbefalinger, fx disse: Knud Lindholm Laus bog er en bedrift, Georg Metz, Information | Hermed min varmeste anbefaling, prof. emer. Heine Andersen, KU | En inspiration for alle, der vil forholde sig kritisk til vore dagessprog. Bred anskaffelse anbefales, lektørudtalelse | Måskeårets vigtigste udgivelse, journalist Paula Larrain, Altinget. dk | Politisk korrekt? Jovist, og mange tak. Bedre endsmå doser arsenik, seniorkorrespondent Anders Jerichow, Politiken. Efter min mening burde den sendes i klassesættil Christiansborg, Lone Theils, POV International. En sober sproglig analyse, der godtnok er hårrejsende,mangeårig formand for Dansklærerforeningen Jens Raahauge, Indhold: DEM Hvilke virkemidler skaber det negative indtryk, og hvad er konsekvenserne?OS Er Danmark virkelig så homogent, harmonisk og uforandret? DEN POLITISKE GRUNDORDEN Magtens tredelingvaklerBEGRUNDELSER Hvordan tilskærer retoriske greb debatten,og er følelser bedre end fornuft?KOMMUNIKATIONSPOPULISMEN forhindrer samtalen om løsning af problemer ØNSKER til alle samfundsaktører om at bidrage til et nyt VI. Forfatteren er udgiver af Victor Klemperers "LTI - Det Tredje Riges sprog" på dansk (2010). Knud Lindholm Lau, f 1954. Cand.phil.fra Inst. f. Statskundskab, ÅU, uddannetmedieretoriker ved DR, journalist sammested 1973-1993. Egen undervisningsvirksomhedtekst og tale ApS siden 1989 medførende virksomheder, advokathuse, institutionerog organisationer på kundelisten.

  • - Fortællingen om digteren Rumi og vismanden Shams
    af Ole Grünbaum
    273,95 kr.

    Mens Frans af Assisi vandrer rundt i Italien i 1200-tallet, går også en anden mand fra sted til sted. Han hedder Shams og er født i Tabriz i Persien. Shams rejser rundt i Mellemøsten i årtier og opsøger tidens store lærde og mestre, som han alle diskuterer med. Men han savner en ven, han virkelig kan dele sine indsigter og sin visdom med. Efter mange års søgen finder han ham i skikkelse af Rumi, en from retslærd og prædikant. Rumi bliver totalt forvandlet gennem deres samvær og bliver en af verdenshistoriens mest produktive digtere, en dansende glædens digter. Gennem de seneste årtier har Rumis persiske digte i engelske oversættelser taget USA med storm og vundet udbredelse på de sociale medier, også uden for USA. Ole Grünbaum fortæller historien om den omvandrende vismand og digteren baseret på deres egne samtidige nedskrevne ord: Rumis digte og Shams’ beretning om sit liv, og hvad der skete, da han og Rumi talte sammen gennem tusind og en nat. Det er en fortælling om sufiernes islam, som er anderledes end den islam, vi mest hører om i medierne for tiden. Ikke bare er den fuld af sang, dans og musik, den handler om at finde en ubeskrivelig glæde ved at kende sit dybeste selv. Og det er en fortælling fra en tid, hvor Vesteuropa var bagefter, og det var Mellemøsten, der var det mest moderne sted i verden – med videnskab og religionsfrihed, endda udstrakt seksuel frihed og en pluralistisk kultur, hvor forskellige ideer og religioner levede fredeligt og frugtbart side om side. Ole Grünbaum (f. 1945) debuterede som forfatter i 1967 med bogen Provokér – lærestykker om den almindelige uorden. Herefter fulgte yderligere fire bøger, inden han som 27-årig trak sig tilbage fra samfundslivet i en ashram, hvor han boede i 10 år. Siden blev han journalist og redaktør af Politiken-tillægget Computer. I 2002 modtog han for bogen Teknofetichismen – og drømmen om det gnidningsløse samfund Dansk Forfatterforenings pris for årets bedste fagbog. Erindringsbogen Bar røv i 60’erne udkom i 2006 og i 2008 Den dag min fremtid forsvandt.

  • - Gayan Vadan Nirtan
    af Hazrat Inayat Khan
    247,95 kr.

    SUFI-Perler (Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan) er en spirituel perle og en syntese af Khans universelle Sufi-budskab. Som både musiker og mystiker udtrykte Khan sig altid i musiske vendinger, men altid med det samme mål for øje: modtagerens hjerte. Gayan betyder ”sang”, som metafor for Skaberordet. Vadan betyder ”Guddommelig Symfoni”, som metafor for Sfærernes Musik. Nirtan betyder ”Sjælens Dans”, som metafor for menneskets rejse gennem livet, gennem inkarnationerne, fra og til Gud.Hazrat Inayat Khan blev født 5. Juli 1882 i Indien. Han blev initieret i forskellige sufi-ordener, men hans primære initiation var i Chisti Ordenen. Sideløbende studerede han indisk musik og hinduismens Vedanta/Shankara-filosofi."Denne lille perle af en bog er svaret på enhver pilgrims og ethvert sandt søgende menneskes bøn. Og det af den simple grund, at dens ord taler så rent til hjertet, at selv det mest forhærdede hjerte må kapitulere overfor dens stille kraft." Lars Muhl

  • af Hazrat Inayat Khan
    264,95 kr.

  • af Ali Bin Abi Talib
    397,95 kr.

    The complete version of Nahjul Balagha, translated with precision and care, is a treasure trove of wisdom and insight for seekers of truth and knowledge. This unparalleled collection of sermons, letters, and aphorisms by Imam Ali (AS), the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is a masterpiece of Arabic literature and a testament to the richness and complexity of Islamic thought.The translation of Nahjul Balagha allows readers to delve deep into the heart of Islamic spirituality and discover the depth and breadth of Imam Ali's teachings. With its concise yet powerful language, Nahjul Balagha covers a wide range of topics, from theology and ethics to politics and governance, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of Islam and its values.As one of the most significant works of Islamic literature, Nahjul Balagha has been studied and revered by scholars and students of Islam for centuries. It's timeless wisdom and universal appeal make it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of Islam and its teachings.This translation of Nahjul Balagha, with its accessible language and insightful commentary, is an invaluable addition to the libraries of both scholars and laypeople alike. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of Islam and Imam Ali's (AS) teachings.

  • af Abdull¿h Siraj al-Din al-Husayni
    202,95 kr.

    This work by the late scholar, Imam ¿Abdull¿h Sir¿j al-D¿n al-¿usayn¿, contains an important collection of the morning and evening supplications. He has ordered them in such a manner that also mentions what each prayer has in the form of unique features in the tradition. He also highlights the narrations whence they are sourced.In his own words, the Shaykh says, "By Allah, these supplications have secrets, light, distinct features, and effects which the believing slave benefits from in this world and the next. Be diligent, therefore, my Muslim brother and sister in reciting them, and supplicate for goodness to the one who spread and compiled them."ABOUT THE AUTHORShaykh 'Abdullah Siraj al-Din was born in the lands of modern-day Syria just prior to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. He studied under the great scholars of the era and, through the mid to late 20th century, served as a teacher and mentor to an entire generation of ¿ulema. A rare master of the sciences of both the Qur'an and Hadith, he was known to have memorized over 100,000 Hadith narrations.

  • af Abd-ul-Hakim Al-Almani
    228,95 kr.

    Stell dir vor, du begibst dich auf eine lange Reise ins Jenseits.Du weißt nicht, wann sie beginnt, aber am Ende erwartet dich entweder das Paradies oder eine schreckliche Bestimmung. Deine Vorbereitung besteht aus deinen Taten: gut oder schlecht. Geld, Familie, Ruhm werden zurückgelassen; nur deine Taten begleiten dich. Welche guten Taten hast du vorausgeschickt für das Paradies? Unser Herr hat uns durch Offenbarung wertvolle Perlen geschenkt - rechtschaffene Taten und edle Eigenschaften, die Er am meisten liebt und am stärksten belohnt. Autor Abd-ul-Hakim Al-Almani hat diese Perlen gesammelt, um uns auf diese Reise vorzubereiten. Weißt du, wann deine Reise beginnt? Starte jetzt mit deinen Vorbereitungen!

  • af Noor-Un-Nisa Gretasdottir
    221,95 kr.

    38 International contributors reflect on finding Goddess within (and without) Christianity and Islam."How did we go from a place where women were honored and respected and rape was inconceivable, to a place where women are treated as little more than intelligent animals to be used and tossed away?" -Liona Rowan"Why would God create half of humanity only to be subjugated, and then give that oppressed half the divine spark in our wombs?" -Tamara Albanna"Can You Kill the Spirit? What Happened to Female Imagery for God in Christian Worship?" -Carol P. Christ, PhD"My father was not love, so how could I even think of the male deity and its offshoots: Lord, King...Kingdom...? How can the triune God be in community with nothing but men or masculine archetypes?" -Bonnie Odiorne, PhD"Why do I need Jesus to mediate what conversations I have with God? How is it reasonable to posit that those who do not profess a belief in him are condemned to hell? Explain how God is a three-personed deity who imposes a set of rules we are to follow but who also sets certain biological instincts in opposition to those rules? And what the hell is all this business about God creating man, but man creating woman?" -Dominique Christina"By altering tradition - and amending the translation from the (now) traditional "He" to "She" - does the collective consciousness of the Ummah shift? Do we authentically reclaim The Divine Feminine inside Allah that was acknowledged 1400 years ago? Do we eliminate the neo-patriarchal paradigm that infects the Islam of our "modern" era?" -Shahla Khan Salter"When was the last time we experienced true prophecy? The last prophets gave us patriarchy. Since then, our connection to the divine has seemingly ceased while mainstream religion continues to regurgitate the old destructive message. Simultaneously, current low rates of church attendance attest to the irrelevance of that message. We clearly need a new message." -Mary PetietContributors include:Dr. Amina Wadud, Andrew Gurevich, Anna Ruiz, Bonnie Odiorne, Ph.D., Carol P. Christ, Ph.D., Dominique Christina, Donna Snyder, Glenys Livingstone, Ph.D., Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D., Rev. Dr. Karen Tate, Kelly Stewart Hall, Kim Mohiuddin, Laurence Galian, Liona Rowan, Lisa Artis, Marianne Widmalm, Marilyn McFarlane, Mary Petiet, Mary Saracino, Monette Chilson, Nano Boye Nagle, Nicola O'Hanlon, Noor-un-nisa Gretasdottir, Patty Kay, Penny-Anne Beaudoin, Poet on Watch, Rachael Patterson, Shahla Khan Salter, Shehnaz Zindabad, Susan Klahr, Susan Morgaine, Susannah Gregan, Tamara Albanna, Trista Hendren, Vanessa Rivera de la Fuente, Victoria A. Brownworth and Wynn Manners.

  • af Martin Lings
    217,95 kr.

    This collection of the essential writings of Martin Lings brings together some of the most outstanding chapters from his wide range of works. In addition to selections dealing with the perennial philosophy, such as "Do the Religions Contradict One Another?", the anthology includes sections from his extensive writings on Islam and Sufism, and on the spiritual dimensions to be found in Shakespeare's mature plays.

  • af Raymond Farrin
    211,95 kr.

  • af Antonia Cimiotti
    327,95 kr.

    Barzaha ist eine kleine Jenseitswelt - eine von vielen, die sich in einer Art schwarzem Meer befinden. Die Bewohner Barzahas wissen, dass sie auf der Ebene der Ersten Manifestation - wie man unsere Realität hier nennt - in unterschiedlichem Alter verstorben sind und danach von den geheimnisvollen Hütern auf ihre weitere Existenz in Barzaha vorbereitet würden. Die meisten von ihnen sind Muslime, aber es gibt in dieser Welt auch Christen, Buddhisten, andere Religionen und Atheisten, die auf demokratische Weise zusammenleben und vielleicht aus ihrer vorherigen Existenz ein besseres Miteinander gelernt haben. So ist man in Barzaha nicht nur auf das friedliche Miteinander unterschiedlicher Weltanschauungen stolz, sondern auch verschiedenen Hautfarben sind eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Vier Ich-Erzähler berichten von ihren Erlebnissen, die miteinander vewoben sind. Aliyah, die wichtigste Protagonistin, kam als kleines Kind nach Barzaha und ist nun eine junge Frau in der Ausbildung zur Diplomatin. Als ihre Welt von einem tödlichen Nebel bedroht wird muss sie Barzaha verlassen, eine Zeitlang in die Ebene der Ersten Manifestation zurückkehren und dabei gefährliche Abenteuer bestehen. Sie findet Unterstützung , trifft einen Mann den sie liebt und findet ebenso denjenigen, der sie damals, mitten im Nahostkonflikt, getötet hatte . Währenddessen muss ihre Heimatwelt nicht nur gegen den Nebel kämpfen, sondern auch seltsame Flüchtlinge retten und wird von einer Invasion bedroht. Ist es möglich, die plurale Gesellschaft Barzahas zu erhalten und kann Aliyah zurückkehren, um ihre Welt zu retten?

  • af Eduard Tropea
    245,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Faruk Salman
    412,95 kr.

    This is a beautiful, rich and comprehensive reader-friendly primer for young adults on ritual purity, prayer, fasting, zakat, pilgrimage and sacrifice according to the Hanafi School. It is beautiful in its design, alternating its clear topical presentations with multifaceted quizzes that ensure one reads and re-reads the material and colourful narratives that enliven it as well as give it human depth. It is rich because it provides young wayfarers with all the necessary wares for a safe, successful journey from this world to our Maker through the salutary and salvific acts and words that frame our true identity - servanthood. Finally, it is comprehensive in that it covers the gamut of essential issues in Tahara, Salat, Siyam, Zakat and Hajj with the same scrupulously accurate and exhaustive concern of the concise classics of bygone times, all in the most accessible contemporary idiom.Dive into the heartwarming world of "My Beautiful Religion," a beacon of Islamic knowledge tailored for our beloved children. This book unravels the essence of our beautiful religion, Islam, paying tribute to the teachings of our master, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and his esteemed family and Companions.¿ Key Highlights:1. Love as the Essence: Explore the profound love of God, the very essence of our religion. Learn how this love, initially etched in our hearts, shapes our behavior, transforms us into accomplished beings, and deepens our faith through good deeds and acts of worship.2. Faith March Through Generations: Follow the sacred faith march initiated by our Prophet, continuing through generations. Acknowledge the responsibility that our beloved children carry as the future torchbearers of material and moral values, passed down from the heart to heart.3. Engaging Approaches for Learning: - Quranic Verses and Hadiths framed for emphasis. - Purposeful Commands and Prohibitions explored to unveil their wisdom and benefits. - "Question and Answer" method enhances comprehension. - Visual elements, including pictures, tables, and graphs, to captivate young minds. - Sweet evocations of Prophet Muhammad and prayers to enrich the soul.

  • af Muhammad Al-Bukhari
    267,95 kr.

    Nel quarto volume della racconta di tradizioni del Profeta Muhammad redatte dall'Imam Muhammad al-Bukhari troviamo i seguenti titoli:il libro dei lasciti e dei testamenti, il libro dell'impegno strenuo sulla via di Dio, il libro delle storie dei profeti ed il libro delle virtu'.

  • af Muhammad Al-Tijani
    212,95 kr.

    Sayyid Al-Tijani takes us on a journey of self-discovery. Born a Tunisian Sunni, Al-Tijani's early experiences were rooted in the Maliki school and the Tijani Sufi order. However, his path would lead him far beyond these familiar shores.

  • af Imam Khomeini
    242,95 kr.

    Based on the lectures of Imam Sayyid Ruhullah Khomeini, this book was first published in 1970, and is perhaps the most influential document written in modern times in support of Islamic government.

  • af Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    197,95 kr.

    Seasons of Wisdom is mostly collated from the closing unscripted talks given by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri at annual conferences held in South Africa.Seasons of Wisdom is mostly collated from the closing unscripted talks given by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri to seal the annual conferences held by the Academy of Self Knowledge in South Africa. It was his love for Qur'an that brought about a situation of regularly sharing commentaries and delights in the eternal Truth that whatever is known and unknown emanates from one Cosmic Source that is not subject to space or time."Every living entity is a combination of a mysterious divine spirit or soul, which provides life and is eternal and boundless in nature, and a physical identity which connects the divine attributes of the soul with all earthly, transient realities and shadows. With intelligence and faith you will realize how these descriptions will provide seeds of prescriptions. If you dwell on either, you realise they are two facets of the same reality. One describes and the other leads to responsibility and drive. From the inert to the dynamic and moving." Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri

  • af Dara Alani
    486,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch, das auf einer Dissertation basiert, bietet eine gründliche Analyse der theologischen Schriften von al-Gili (gest. 1424), einem der bedeutendsten Sufis der Geschichte. Er untersucht, wie sein Denken für die heutige Theologie relevant gemacht werden kann und schlägt eine Brücke zwischen historischer sufischer Lehre und zeitgenössischen theologischen Fragen. Es reflektiert auch die Rolle der Moderne und Postmoderne im theologischen Diskurs. Als erste umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit al-Gilis Werk in einer europäischen Sprache richtet sich das Buch sowohl an Wissenschaftler, Studierende der Religionswissenschaft und Theologie als auch an Interessierte und bietet tiefe Einblicke in Grundfragen des Glaubens und der menschlichen Existenz.

  • af Mohammad H Tamdgidi
    1.142,95 - 1.262,95 kr.

  • af Mohammed Rustom
    527,95 kr.

    A comprehensive introduction to the life and thought of one of the Islamic intellectual tradition's most original and profound authors.

  • af Mohamed Faouzi Al-Karkari
    187,95 kr.

    Candles on the Path by Marouen Jedoui offers a transformative exploration of Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi ­al-Karkari's teachings, specifically crafted for English-speaking followers. This compelling work skillfully narrows the gap between complex Sufi principles and a Western readership, rendering the Shaykh's profound insights both comprehensible and engaging. With meticulous care, Jedoui presents key Sufi concepts in a format that resonates with novices and seasoned practitioners alike, exploring diverse themes from the Vicegerency of God to spiritual authorization, and from `itrat ahl al-bayt to divine witnessing.As an indispensable resource for those on the Karkariya path, Candles on the Path stands as a beacon of clarity and depth, enhancing readers' spiritual journeys. It elevates fundamental Sufi teachings, serving as a pivotal tool for those seeking spiritual depth and enlightenment. The book's seamless transition from practical advice to profound spiritual insights highlights the depth of Shaykh al-Karkari's teachings, casting light on the intricate avenues of spiritual growth and self-discovery.

  • af Jonathan Bornman
    727,95 kr.

    American Murids is a major new ethnography of an African Sufi Muslim immigrant community in the United States. It is particularly timely given the current contentious discourse concerning Muslims and immigration. By listening to what Murids say about themselves, author Jonathan Bornman gives us the first ever look at how the spiritual and ethical values of Murids in the diaspora influence the ways they interact with other communities in New York City.No other religious group in West Africa has generated more scholarship than the Muridiyya of Senegal. Much of this literature has focused on history, social and political science, economics, migration, and transnationality. This book offers a fresh look by using the lens of nonviolence, revealing the Murid commitment to shared peace. The discovery of a transnational Murid youth movement in New York City, balancing tradition and new expressions of faith, points towards the emergence of an American Muridiyya.

  • af Hajjah Naziha Adil
    722,95 kr.

    Secrets of Heavenly Food, the follow-up to Hajjah Naziha's Heavenly Foods, contains over 150 recipes from a broad range of locales. Ranging from Cyprus, Lebanon, the Indian-subcontinent to Southeast Asia and even the US, these invariably delicious recipes range in difficulty from simple to involved. With step-by-step instructions and pictures it is possible for even a novice to successfully prepare the most complex dishes in this book. Introductions by the author's father, Shaykh Nazim, her husband Shaykh Hisham, and herself, expound upon the connection between food and spirituality. The heart of this book is the legacy it carries from Hajjah Amina ¿, the author's mother, a scholar and a refugee from Russia. During the advent of communism, Hajjah Amina's family fled their native homeland of Kazan, Russia, in order to preserve their right to observe their religious faith. They sacrificed home, country, and language for the sake of their spirituality. Herein are the recipes which Hajjah Naziha has passed down from her blessed mother, Hajjah Amina. A number of recipes are exceedingly rare, and cannot be found in other sources, including the Small Meat-Filled Dumplings in Savory Tomato Broth (Peel Meen), Rose Pastries (Gul), and Golden Fingertip Pastries (Borsok). The Gul and Borsok were famously prepared by Hajjah Amina ¿ in celebration of both Eids and Mawlid an-Nabi. Hajjah Amina brought these recipes from her native country and passed them down to her daughter, Hajjah Naziha, who in turn passed them down to her own daughter, Sajeda. Through this work, Hajjah Naziha generously passes down these recipes to her "daughters" in tariqah, the female students who come to learn on the Sufi path.

  • af Odeh Muhawesh
    507,95 kr.

    Introducing the revised edition of "F¿¿imah (as) the Gracious" by Shaykh Odeh A. Muhawesh. This comprehensive book offers new scholarly perspectives on the life and legacy of Sayyidah F¿¿imah (as) al-Zahr¿¿, shedding light on her profound contributions to Islamic history. Dedicated to providing accurate historical insights and challenging prevailing beliefs, this edition delves into her multifaceted persona, pivotal role in the post-Prophet era, and significance for Muslims today. Including historical sermons and speeches, it is a valuable resource for students, scholars, and individuals with a keen interest in history, filling a notable gap in the English library concerning this exceptional figure. Explore the captivating life of Sayyidah F¿¿imah (as) and gain a deeper understanding of her enduring impact on our faith.

  • af Hazrath Ghousi Shah
    242,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • af Nurullah Shushtari
    97,95 kr.

    Central to the discourse between Sh¿¿ites and Sunnis is the question of how the companions of the Prophet should be regarded. On one side of the spectrum, there are those who advocate for unwavering reverence and regard all companions as inherently good and righteous individuals. They argue that the companions' close proximity to the Prophet and their unwavering loyalty make them deserving of utmost respect.However, an opposing viewpoint emerges, challenging the notion of universal reverence for the companions. This perspective posits that the companions, like any other group of people, encompass both virtuous and flawed individuals. It emphasizes the importance of critically assessing the actions and character of each companion, rather than embracing a blanket perception.Within this broader debate, certain individuals among the companions become focal points of contention. One such figure is Abu Bakr, who assumed authority and power following the Prophet's demise. Sunnis grant Abu Bakr an elevated status, considering him superior among all Muslims from the generation of the companions. However, Sh¿¿ites hold contrasting beliefs, citing accusations against him in their books, deeming him unworthy of respect and authority.A significant aspect of this debate revolves around the interpretation of a specific verse in the Quran, known as the verse of the cave. This verse recounts the event when the Prophet, facing persecution, sought refuge in the cave of Thawr and subsequently fled to Medina.This treatise delves into a profound analysis of the frequently referenced verse regarding the cave, which holds different interpretations within the Sunni and Sh¿¿ites perspectives. Sunnis commonly view this verse as a testament to the virtue of Abu Bakr, whereas Sh¿¿ites argue that it serves as a condemnation of the individual in question. The treatise provides a comprehensive exploration of the various arguments and evidence put forth by both sides, shedding light on the divergent interpretations and seeking to establish a deeper understanding of the verse's intended meaning.N¿rullah Sh¿shtari, the author of this treatise, holds a distinguished position as an accomplished scholar within the Sh¿¿ite circles. He brings into discussions the words of Ni¿am al-D¿n Al-N¿s¿b¿ri, a prominent Sunni scholar from the Sh¿fi¿ite school, renowned for his extensive work of tafs¿r titled ghar¿¿ib al-qur¿n wa-ragh¿¿ib al-furq¿n.

  • af Sayyidina Ali Ibn Abi Talib
    152,95 kr.

    "Sacred sound must not be read analytically for the sake of control or comprehension, but with the intention of entering a space of intimate sparks of Divine Reality. This prayer, the Jaljal¿tiyya, carries sounds and letters anchored in the Beautiful and Majestic Names of our Origin, sustenance, protection, guidance, and evolving journey."Imam Kamau Ayubbi"Among the countless knowledges that the Prophet ¿ deposited in the heart of Sayyidina Ali (r) are the spiritual secrets that connect heaven and earth, the breaths that undergird the sounds and voices of the Qur¿an, God's final testament and revelation to humanity. All of these can be found in the litany at hand: al-Jaljal¿tiyya. This prayer should be considered the source and origin of the countless supplications written by Muslim saints throughout history, many of whom were themselves descendants of Sayyidina Ali (r).Dr. Ali Hussain

  • af Thomas Rüedi
    296,95 - 393,95 kr.

  • af Haddad Hamdi
    322,95 kr.

    This book sheds light on a lesser-studied aspect of Safavid history, particularly the Safavid Persian panegyric, and offers valuable insights into the complex dynamics of power and ideology during this influential dynasty. It's a vital resource for scholars, historians, and anyone intrigued by the intersections of politics, culture, and literature in the Safavid era. Explore the world of Safavid panegyric poetry and its role in shaping the ideological landscape of the time.

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