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  • - Özlem Cekic og Jair Melchior
    af Anne Knudsen & Steen Valgreen-Voigt
    198,95 kr.

  • - med det kristne håb
    af Steen Skovsgaard
    187,95 kr.

    Hvad sker der på dommedag?Hvordan vil dommen lyde over mit liv? Tanken om dommedag rejser spørgsmål, følelser, frygt og modløshed hos mange.Tidl. biskop Steen Skovsgaard tager dommedag dybt alvorligt.Samtidig slår han fast, at det allerede nu er muligt at vinke farvel til dommens dag. Frimodige og fulde af håb kan kristne gå dommedag i møde, for dommen er afsagt og straffen afsonet. Kristentroen kendes på glæden over, at dommedag allerede har fundet sted for den, der tror. Den ligger bag os, og derfor kan man med det kristne håb glæde sig over, at man kan sige farvel til dommedag.

  • - De 7 Barmhjertige Gaver
    af Inaya K
    162,95 kr.

    Tag med på en inspirerende rejse med Aisha og Bilal, når de udforsker de syv barmhjertige gaver: Gavmildhed, Respekt, Ærlighed, Taknemmelighed, Tålmodighed, Medfølelse, og Ansvar. Hver historie er fyldt med farverige oplevelser og vigtige livslektioner, som lærer børn at praktisere disse smukke værdier i hverdagen. Inspireret af islamiske principper er denne bog perfekt for unge læsere, der ønsker at vokse med visdom og venlighed i hjertet.Oplev glæden ved at give, kraften i at være ærlig, og vigtigheden af at tage ansvar gennem sjove og lærerige historier, der vil varme hjerter og inspirere sind.

  • af Tom Holland
    217,95 kr.

    A thrillingly panoramic and incredibly timely account of the rise of Islam, from the acclaimed author of Rubicon and Persian Fire. The evolution of the Arab empire is one of the supreme narratives of ancient history, a story dazzlingly rich in drama, character, and achievement. In this exciting and sweeping history-the third in his trilogy of books on the ancient world-Holland describes how the Arabs emerged to carve out a stupefyingly vast dominion in a matter of decades, overcoming seemingly insuperable odds to create an imperial civilization aspects of which endure to the present day. With profound bearing on the most consequential events of our time, Holland ties the exciting story of Islam's ascent to the crises and controversies of the present.

  • af T E Lawrence
    207,95 kr.

  • af Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    251,95 - 517,95 kr.

  • af Abdull¿h Siraj al-Din al-Husayni
    196,95 kr.

    This work by the late scholar, Imam ¿Abdull¿h Sir¿j al-D¿n al-¿usayn¿, contains an important collection of the morning and evening supplications. He has ordered them in such a manner that also mentions what each prayer has in the form of unique features in the tradition. He also highlights the narrations whence they are sourced.In his own words, the Shaykh says, "By Allah, these supplications have secrets, light, distinct features, and effects which the believing slave benefits from in this world and the next. Be diligent, therefore, my Muslim brother and sister in reciting them, and supplicate for goodness to the one who spread and compiled them."ABOUT THE AUTHORShaykh 'Abdullah Siraj al-Din was born in the lands of modern-day Syria just prior to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. He studied under the great scholars of the era and, through the mid to late 20th century, served as a teacher and mentor to an entire generation of ¿ulema. A rare master of the sciences of both the Qur'an and Hadith, he was known to have memorized over 100,000 Hadith narrations.

  • af Sari Medjadji
    114,95 kr.

    Tämä kirja on tarkoitettu suomalaisille lukijoille, jotka eivät vielä osaa lukea arabiaa, mutta haluaisivat opetella Koraanin suuria ulkoa. Mukana on myös lyhyt rukousohje. Uudet muslimit voivat esimerkiksi käyttää translitteroituja ohjeita harjoitellessaan rukousta.

  • af John Corrigan
    239,95 - 681,95 kr.

  • af Meir M Bar-Asher
    211,95 kr.

    A compelling book that casts the Qur'anic encounter with Jews in an entirely new lightIn this panoramic and multifaceted book, Meir Bar-Asher examines how Jews and Judaism are depicted in the Qur'an and later Islamic literature, providing needed context to those passages critical of Jews that are most often invoked to divide Muslims and Jews or to promote Islamophobia. He traces the Qur'anic origins of the protection of Jews and other minorities living under the rule of Islam, and shows how attitudes toward Jews in Shi'i Islam are substantially different from those in Sunni Islam. Bar-Asher sheds light on the extraordinary contribution of Jewish tradition to the Muslim exegesis of the Qur'an, and draws important parallels between Jewish religious law, or halakha, and shari'a law.An illuminating work on a topic of vital relevance today, Jews and the Qur'an offers a nuanced understanding of Islam's engagement with Judaism in the time of Muhammad and his followers, and serves as a needed corrective to common misperceptions about Islam.

  • af Abd-ul-Hakim Al-Almani
    234,95 kr.

    Stell dir vor, du begibst dich auf eine lange Reise ins Jenseits. Du weißt nicht, wann sie beginnt, aber am Ende erwartet dich entweder das Paradies oder eine schreckliche Bestimmung. Deine Vorbereitung besteht aus deinen Taten: gut oder schlecht. Geld, Familie, Ruhm werden zurückgelassen; nur deine Taten begleiten dich. Welche guten Taten hast du vorausgeschickt für das Paradies? Unser Herr hat uns durch Offenbarung wertvolle Perlen geschenkt - rechtschaffene Taten und edle Eigenschaften, die Er am meisten liebt und am stärksten belohnt. Autor Abd-ul-Hakim Al-Almani hat diese Perlen gesammelt, um uns auf diese Reise vorzubereiten. Weißt du, wann deine Reise beginnt? Starte jetzt mit deinen Vorbereitungen!

  • af Noor-Un-Nisa Gretasdottir
    214,95 kr.

    38 International contributors reflect on finding Goddess within (and without) Christianity and Islam."How did we go from a place where women were honored and respected and rape was inconceivable, to a place where women are treated as little more than intelligent animals to be used and tossed away?" -Liona Rowan"Why would God create half of humanity only to be subjugated, and then give that oppressed half the divine spark in our wombs?" -Tamara Albanna"Can You Kill the Spirit? What Happened to Female Imagery for God in Christian Worship?" -Carol P. Christ, PhD"My father was not love, so how could I even think of the male deity and its offshoots: Lord, King...Kingdom...? How can the triune God be in community with nothing but men or masculine archetypes?" -Bonnie Odiorne, PhD"Why do I need Jesus to mediate what conversations I have with God? How is it reasonable to posit that those who do not profess a belief in him are condemned to hell? Explain how God is a three-personed deity who imposes a set of rules we are to follow but who also sets certain biological instincts in opposition to those rules? And what the hell is all this business about God creating man, but man creating woman?" -Dominique Christina"By altering tradition - and amending the translation from the (now) traditional "He" to "She" - does the collective consciousness of the Ummah shift? Do we authentically reclaim The Divine Feminine inside Allah that was acknowledged 1400 years ago? Do we eliminate the neo-patriarchal paradigm that infects the Islam of our "modern" era?" -Shahla Khan Salter"When was the last time we experienced true prophecy? The last prophets gave us patriarchy. Since then, our connection to the divine has seemingly ceased while mainstream religion continues to regurgitate the old destructive message. Simultaneously, current low rates of church attendance attest to the irrelevance of that message. We clearly need a new message." -Mary PetietContributors include:Dr. Amina Wadud, Andrew Gurevich, Anna Ruiz, Bonnie Odiorne, Ph.D., Carol P. Christ, Ph.D., Dominique Christina, Donna Snyder, Glenys Livingstone, Ph.D., Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D., Rev. Dr. Karen Tate, Kelly Stewart Hall, Kim Mohiuddin, Laurence Galian, Liona Rowan, Lisa Artis, Marianne Widmalm, Marilyn McFarlane, Mary Petiet, Mary Saracino, Monette Chilson, Nano Boye Nagle, Nicola O'Hanlon, Noor-un-nisa Gretasdottir, Patty Kay, Penny-Anne Beaudoin, Poet on Watch, Rachael Patterson, Shahla Khan Salter, Shehnaz Zindabad, Susan Klahr, Susan Morgaine, Susannah Gregan, Tamara Albanna, Trista Hendren, Vanessa Rivera de la Fuente, Victoria A. Brownworth and Wynn Manners.

  • af Ibrahim Koçyi¿it
    972,95 kr.

    Die interreligiöse Hermeneutik erweist sich in einer von kultureller Vielfalt und religiöser Pluralität geprägten globalisierten Welt als unverzichtbar für den interreligiösen Diskurs. Sie bietet einen Rahmen für einen konstruktiven Dialog zwischen verschiedenen Glaubensrichtungen und ermöglicht den Brückenschlag zwischen unterschiedlichen religiösen Traditionen. Vor diesem Hintergrund leistet der vorliegende Sammelband zu theologischen und religionspädagogischen Begründungen einer interreligiösen Hermeneutik einen wichtigen Beitrag. Die Autor*innen reflektieren aus theologischer und philosophisch-hermeneutischer Perspektive und untersuchen verschiedene Aspekte, darunter interreligiöse Ansätze der Weltreligionen, theologische Grundlagen für den Dialog, die Ableitung einer interreligiösen Hermeneutik aus den heiligen Schriften und die Nutzung philosophisch-hermeneutischer Konzepte für die theologische Begründung des interreligiösen Dialogs. Diese kritische Reflexion und Weiterentwicklung einer pluralitätsfähigen Perspektive im interreligiösen Dialog trägt dazu bei, neue Wege für den theologischen Umgang mit religiöser Vielfalt zu eröffnen.

  • af Józef Sobolewski
    1.413,95 kr.

    Stefan Schreiner bietet hier die kommentierte Übersetzung eines islamischen Katechismus ( Ilmihal ), den Józef Sobolewski, ein in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts aktiver polnisch-litauischer Muslim und Richter in Nowogródek (heute: Navahrudak, Belarus), auf Polnisch verfasst hat. Im ersten Teil enthält der Band eine Auslegung der "Sechs Säulen des Glaubens" ( iman ), im zweiten Teil der "Fünf Säulen des Tuns" ( islam ). Im Wortlaut eingefügte, mit der Erfüllung der religiösen Pflichten verbundene Gebete bilden in der Summe ein muslimisches Gebetbuch. Religionsrechtlich folgt der Autor der hanafitischen Rechtsschule, in theologischer Hinsicht der Schule Maturidis. Der 1830 in Vilnius von einem jüdischen Verleger herausgebrachte Katechismus ist das erste gedruckte Buch der religiösen Literatur der seit dem 13./14. Jahrhundert bis heute auf dem Territorium des einstigen Großfürstentums Litauen lebenden tatarischen Musliminnen und Muslime. Entstanden in dessen multiethnischem und multireligiösem, christlich und jüdisch geprägten Kontext, ist er zugleich ein bemerkenswertes Selbstzeugnis tatarisch-muslimischer Präsenz als Teil europäischer Geschichte und Gesellschaft.

  • af Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
    126,95 kr.

    'The Sunna is the first subsidiary source (masdar far¿i) after the Qur'an among the sources of Islamic law. We describe it as a subsidiary source because it is the Qur'an that actually indicated that it is a source, and the basis of everything is the Qur'an. The Qur'an commanded us to follow the messenger of Allah: therefore we follow the messenger of Allah.'-Shaykh Muhammad Säid Ibn Mulla Ramadan al-Buti"The meaning of the expression Binding Proof of the Sunnah is that the Sunna points to the judgment of Allah Most High, either as definitive knowledge (¿ilm) or as as probable knowledge (zann), bringing it out and disclosing it for us. We understand the Divine rulings by means of the Sunna and it becomes binding upon us to put its content into practice, So the real meaning of the Sunna as binding proof is exposition and proof-inference necessitating obligatory practice of their results because the latter is the Divine decision." ~Dr. ¿Abd al-Ghani ibn ¿Abd al-KhaliqThe book also contains the translation of Imam Ibn Hajar al-¿Asqalani's explanation of the Hadith on Islam, Iman and Ihsan also known as Gibril's hadith from Fathul-Bari.ABOUT THE AUTHORAuthor of Four Imams and Their Schools, The Musnad of Ahl al-Bayt, The Muhammadan Light and other works, Shaykh Gibril Haddad has translated from Arabic to English: Qadi al-Nabahani's The Prophet Muhammad's Knowledge of the Unseen, Imam al-Baydawi's The Lights of Revelation and the Secrets of Interpretation: Hizb One of the Commentary on the Quran and many other works.Born in Beirut in 1960, Dr. Haddad embraced Islam while a graduate student in French Literature at Columbia University in New York. He studied at the feet of many of the greatest scholars of Sham, Cyprus and Yemen and has ijazas in numerous hadith transmissions. He lives in Brunei Darussalam.

  • af Mehmet Bulut
    1.615,95 kr.

    The edited collection offers a comprehensive and intricate exploration of Ottoman cash waqfs, extending its scope from the early modern era to the onset of the twentieth century. It delves into the historical evolution of these private Islamic financial institutions, shedding light on their enduring influence and drawing insightful parallels with both contemporary Middle Eastern and European financial systems. Leveraging newly uncovered data spanning various regions of the Ottoman Empire, this work scrutinizes the dynamic functions of waqfs, revealing their significant imprint on today's financial paradigms. It advances existing scholarship by employing quantitative methodologies and systematic analysis of these emergent datasets, facilitating a sophisticated, longitudinal study of cash waqfs within the broader spectrum of historical interest rate trends and global credit markets. The chapters trace the transformation of waqfs from entities primarily holding immovable assets to those managing movable assets (cash waqfs), delineating their role in generating revenue for diverse purposes. These encompass funding state debts, fostering infrastructure development, and extending microcredit to economically marginalized segments of society. Additionally, the book explores the challenges and failures encountered in the transition of financial institutions during the Ottoman era, particularly in the context of the emergence of large public banks. The concluding segment of the book offers a comparative analysis of financial systems across various countries, including the shift from private to public banking in Italy, and contemplates the potential applicability of waqf models in contemporary microcredit initiatives and sustainable development strategies. This volume will appeal to scholars of financial history, economic history, Ottoman studies, and Islamic finance.

  • af Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
    127,95 kr.

  • af Wbwinner Publishing
    109,95 kr.

    300 Questions Answers Quizz about IslamThanks to this book, you can test your knowledge, play quizzes alone, with friends or family. This quiz consists of a series of 300 questions for which there is only one right option.Characteristics of this book:- 300 Questions Answers.- With solutions at the end of the book.- 4 Themes : The Holy Quran - The Prophet Muhammad - The Prophets - General knowledge in Islam. Scroll Up and Buy your Islam Quizz Book Today !

  • af Islamic Book Store
    132,95 kr.

    The Treasure of Dua ¿¿¿¿We have been taught by Rasulullah( PBUH ) to recite duas at different occasions of our life. In this manner our entire day passes in the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala. It is mentioned in the Hadith that Rasulullah( PBUH ) used to remember Allah Ta'ala at all times. A great amount of the constant remembrance was by means of the recitation of the duas for the various occasions. The recitation of these duas also strengthens our bond with Allah Ta'ala and increases the love for our Creator in our hearts.Benefits of Reading Manzil. Manzil prayers are a collection of verses and short Surahs taken from the Quran which are practiced as a remedy for protection and antidote. The manzil prayer may be used for protection from several factors which include ruqya from black magic, jinn, witchcraft, sihr, sorcery, evil eye and so forth. It gives a person protection from various other harmful and evil forces. The manzil prayer is endorsed to be perused one or three times in one sitting. This has to be performed more than one time. Ideally, it should be recited once in the morning and once at night. This dua is the best cure for magic and evil effects. This dua is also very beneficial for curing any kind of sickness or ailment.Please note this Manzil prepared in Arbic with Urdu translation.¿¿¿It is a divine order that good is rewarded with good. After Allah Ta'ala whose favours are beyond calculation, it is the one who was sent by Allah Ta'ala as the mercy to the worlds, Muhammad PBUH the last Messenger who was the greatest benefactor mankind has ever had. The Prophet PBUH was sinless, and had the guarantee of Allah's Ta'ala eternal and infinite love, yet he spent night after night, day after day, begging Allah Ta'ala for our salvation. The physical torture hurled at him by the opposition for propagating Islam, the psychological anguish suffered by him when seeing his beloved followers persecuted and the mental torment undertaken by him in his unending concern for his people are all but a small part of the debt that we owe to this selfless man PBUH.

  • af Halal Quest
    132,95 kr.

    Are you tired of the misconceptions surrounding Islam? Have you ever wondered about the truth behind the stereotypes and misunderstandings? Look no further than "Some Of the Benefits of Islam." In this eye-opening book, we move into the misconceptions that have plagued Islam, challenging beliefs such as the notion that Islam is inherently violent or that women are oppressed within the faith. Through careful examination, we separate fact from fiction, providing clarity on these complex issues. But that's not all. We also tackle the sensitive topics of handling criticism and Islamophobia, revealing how these challenges affect the Muslim community and offering strategies for solving them with grace and resilience. Contrary to the belief that Islam is a monolithic faith, "Some Of the Benefits of Islam" highlights the diverse experiences and perspectives within the Muslim world, showcasing the richness and complexity of Islamic tradition. And for those who question the impact of Islam on the lives of its followers, this book offers a compelling rebuttal. Through personal stories and insightful analysis, we demonstrate how Islam provides guidance, solace, and meaning to millions around the globe. So, if you're ready to find out the truth about Islam and discover the myriad benefits it offers, grab a copy of "Some Of the Benefits of Islam" today.

  • af Isaac Donoso
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the written heritage of Muslims in the Philippines, the historical constitution of chancelleries within the Islamic sultanates, and the production of official letters to conduct local and international diplomacy. The standard narrative on Muslims in the Philippines is one that centres political and armed struggles within the region. However, two important aspects remain unattended: the cultural and intellectual production of the sultanates, and the Moro involvement in Southeast Asian Islamic civilization. This book connects the development and personality of the Philippine sultanates into the regional context of local communities that adopted an international faith. Political alliances and religious missions altered different ethnolinguistic groups and furnished them with the Word, the Qur¿anic message, and the Arabic script. Indeed, customary orality and Adab shaped a way of being and acting modelled after what was called the Bichara. Particularly, the book studies the Moro Letter as cultural craft with political meaning, and Jawi heritage in the Philippines. A general catalogue of Jawi manuscripts from the National Archives of the Philippines is provided as appendix.

  • - Being The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah, Asma-El-Husna (1883)
    af Edwin Arnold
    256,95 - 258,95 kr.

    ""Pearls of the Faith or Islam's Rosary: Being the Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of Allah, Asma-El-Husna"" is a book written by Edwin Arnold in 1883. The book is a collection of the ninety-nine names of Allah, which are considered to be the most beautiful and sacred names in Islam. Each name is accompanied by a brief explanation of its meaning and significance in Islamic tradition. The book is intended to serve as a guide for Muslims seeking to deepen their understanding of Allah and their faith. The author, Edwin Arnold, was a British poet and journalist who converted to Islam later in life. His book is considered to be a valuable resource for Muslims and non-Muslims alike who are interested in learning more about Islam and its beliefs.With Comments In Verse From Various Oriental Sources, As Made By An Indian Mussulman.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Amara Farah
    203,95 - 316,95 kr.

  • - En spirituel rejse, der rører sjælen og henvender sig til dit sind
    af Amr Khaled
    97,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Den egyptiske prædikant, dr. Amr Khaled, rejser på retreat med seks unge mænd og kvinder, alle med forskellig national og kulturel baggrund, men forenet i Guds kærlighed. Mellem dem opstår en højstemt spirituel atmosfære, efterhånden som de over programmets tredive afsnit arbejder sig nærmere en forståelse af universets skønhed og det sande omfang af Guds skaberværk. Hver episode bevæger sind og sjæl og hjælper dig på vej mod Ihsan - en tilstand, hvor du tilbeder Gud, som om du ser Ham - ved at ihukomme Gud og leve et liv i overensstemmelse med Hans smukke navne og deres manifestationer overalt omkring os i livet og i verden.

  • af Vernon Richards
    207,95 kr.

    Discover the truth about radical Muslims and how they use Islamic texts to justify their destructive actions and attract followers in the Islamic world.This book offers a thorough examination of "Real Islam," exploring its history, culture, beliefs, and modern practices. Explore the roots of extremism and gain insight into the complex dynamics shaping the Islamic world both past and present. A Critical Analysis of "Real Islam": Its People, Culture, Philosophy, and Practices Yesterday and Today.

  • af Joseph Kasule
    320,95 kr.

    Examines the historical, political, religious, and social dynamics of Muslim minority status in Uganda, and important themes of pre- and post-colonial political community, religion and national identity.

  • af Raymond Farrin
    204,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Leonard C Sebastian
    1.250,95 kr.

    This book focuses on Islam in Indonesia, showcasing the wide range of Muslim organisations, belief systems and movements, together with an analysis of the political behaviour of Indonesian Muslims. It includes an investigation of the structure of groups, organizations, and societies, and how Muslims within the archipelago interact within these contexts. In doing so, it promotes a more nuanced understanding of Indonesian Muslim society by approaching it through the utilisation of scholarly frameworks. Theories related to religion and society are used, especially in characterising the transition of the Indonesian Muslim society from pre-New Order to post-New Order. Particularly significant is Abdullah Saeed's framework in understanding one¿s attitude towards key and contemporary issues, originally used to understand one¿s attitude towards the religious ¿other¿. The authors thus adopt this framework in the book, as a method of categorising people in a diverse society which in turnhelps readers to understand the nuances of Islam and Muslims in a huge country like Indonesia.

  • af Antonia Cimiotti
    316,95 kr.

    Barzaha ist eine kleine Jenseitswelt - eine von vielen, die sich in einer Art schwarzem Meer befinden. Die Bewohner Barzahas wissen, dass sie auf der Ebene der Ersten Manifestation - wie man unsere Realität hier nennt - in unterschiedlichem Alter verstorben sind und danach von den geheimnisvollen Hütern auf ihre weitere Existenz in Barzaha vorbereitet würden. Die meisten von ihnen sind Muslime, aber es gibt in dieser Welt auch Christen, Buddhisten, andere Religionen und Atheisten, die auf demokratische Weise zusammenleben und vielleicht aus ihrer vorherigen Existenz ein besseres Miteinander gelernt haben. So ist man in Barzaha nicht nur auf das friedliche Miteinander unterschiedlicher Weltanschauungen stolz, sondern auch verschiedenen Hautfarben sind eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Vier Ich-Erzähler berichten von ihren Erlebnissen, die miteinander vewoben sind. Aliyah, die wichtigste Protagonistin, kam als kleines Kind nach Barzaha und ist nun eine junge Frau in der Ausbildung zur Diplomatin. Als ihre Welt von einem tödlichen Nebel bedroht wird muss sie Barzaha verlassen, eine Zeitlang in die Ebene der Ersten Manifestation zurückkehren und dabei gefährliche Abenteuer bestehen. Sie findet Unterstützung , trifft einen Mann den sie liebt und findet ebenso denjenigen, der sie damals, mitten im Nahostkonflikt, getötet hatte . Währenddessen muss ihre Heimatwelt nicht nur gegen den Nebel kämpfen, sondern auch seltsame Flüchtlinge retten und wird von einer Invasion bedroht. Ist es möglich, die plurale Gesellschaft Barzahas zu erhalten und kann Aliyah zurückkehren, um ihre Welt zu retten?

  • af Idris Ismail (Abu Zayd)
    197,95 kr.

    It is with immense joy and gratitude to Allah that I present to you this book, "Muslim Daily Dua (from the Quran and Sunnah)," specially crafted for the students of Manaahilulfurqaan International School for Qur'an and Islamic Studies. This book has been meticulously compiled to provide you with a comprehensive collection of supplications from the Qur'an and the Sunnah, tailored to support your spiritual growth and enhance your journey as dedicated students of knowledge.To embark on the path of seeking knowledge is to embark on a noble and transformative journey. As students of Manaahilulfurqaan International School, you have been blessed with the opportunity to immerse yourselves in the study of the Qur'an and the teachings of Islam. The importance of dua, or supplication, in this endeavor can not be emphasized enough. Dua is a means of seeking Allah's guidance, mercy, and blessings, and it serves as a powerful tool to aid you in your pursuit of knowledge and righteousness.In this book, you will find a carefully curated collection of daily duas, addressing various aspects of your academic and personal lives. Each supplication has been selected with the utmost care, drawing upon the wisdom of the Qur'an and the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These duas encompass a wide range of topics, including seeking knowledge, seeking success in exams, cultivating good character, seeking protection from evil, and much more.I have strived to present each dua in a format that is easily accessible and understandable for students of all ages. The Arabic text of each supplication is provided alongside transliteration and a clear English translation. Furthermore, I have included brief explanations to shed light on the meaning and significance of each dua, allowing you to deepen your understanding and connection with these beautiful prayers.As you journey through your studies at Manaahilulfurqaan International School, I urge you to incorporate these duas into your daily routine. Make it a habit to recite them with sincerity, mindfulness, and conviction, knowing that your Lord is ever attentive to your supplications. These duas are meant to serve as a constant reminder of Allah's presence in your life, guiding and supporting you in your pursuit of knowledge and spiritual growth.

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