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  • af Kreg Yingst
    231,95 kr.

    Pray and meditate along with saints through this luminous collection of one hundred block prints by artist Kreg Yingst, curator of the Instagram account @psalmprayers. Mystics like Teresa of Avila, Howard Thurman, Black Elk, and Fannie Lou Hamer come alive. Everything Could Be a Prayer is a rich resource for private prayer and communal reflection.

  • af Mattie Jackson
    181,95 kr.

    "Honest and simple practices for grieving sincerely and hopefully with God in this accessible, year-long devotional full of scriptural insight and grounded hope"--

  • af John J. Howarton
    287,95 kr.

    YOU WERE MADE FOR PASSIONATE LOVE! CHRISTIAN, IF YOUR TANK IS EMPTY, THE IT'S TIME TO GET FILLED AGAIN. "Passion," "zeal," enthusiasm," and "wholeheartedness" are words that accurately describe how Jesus Christ's life was given for the Father's glory. "My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work." The prophecy, "Zeal for your house will consume me," perfectly portrayed Christ's passion in serving His Father. Jesus' passionate love for the Father was the fuel was the fuel that drove Him forward. This book is written to assist believers in embracing the same passion, to "see" Him as He is, thereby being transformed to love extravagantly, which will result in a life lived to the fullest in outrageous obedience to God.

  • af C J Vegter
    127,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Matanga
    107,95 kr.

    Are you struggling with fear and discouragement? Courage for Daily Life provides bite-sized doses of encouragement and strength.In this devotional, Joyce Matanga provides:· Scriptures about God's presence· Questions to ponder· Personal application· Prayer for the dayEvery believer faces battles. You can march into the war with courage. Allow this gem to equip you for victory.Start living your best life.

  • af Will Johnson
    442,95 kr.

    Understanding Your "Spiritual Identity" in Jesus Christ!This is a daily Spiritual devotional of self-discovery regarding one's relationship with God & all other existence. The key to abundant living filled with the power, knowledge, and presence of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begins with a solid foundation of understanding our dual nature of being an "eternal" spirit having a "temporary" human experience.

  • af Tony Mejia
    122,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Nathan Griffin
    247,95 kr.

    Life is full of change, actually the only thing that is constant in life is change. Joseph Griffin experienced many ups and downs in his emotional, spiritual and physical life and wrote about them very transparently, realizing all of us on planet earth are very much the same. He was an avid reader of God's Word and actually read through the Bible five times during the past year. As he read, he began to realize God's hand in all of his own life and wanted the nuggets of truth found therein to be an inspiration, blessing and encouragement to others who may read.We all face storms...that's just "life," but the thread running through this entire book is captured in his very last writing, completed less than 15 hours before he went home to be with the Lord: "God's hand is stretched out still." Regardless of what goes on in our lives, regardless of changes that can leave us devastated at times and storms that seem to wreck havic, God is constant...He never changes and He remains faithful to those who come to Him with all their heart. He will hold you until, like Joseph, you touch His hand in Heaven. His Hand is stretched out still to you!

  • af Marjorie Holmes
    247,95 kr.

    In this classic inspirational work, Marjorie Holmes shares her conversations with God, touching upon the big issues and the smaller details of a woman's everyday life. From marital difficulties, routine household tasks, and problems with children, to keeping healthy and sane in an increasingly violent world, I've Got to Talk to Somebody, God reminds us all that no matter where we are or what we do, God is watching over.

  • af Brian Johnston
    137,95 kr.

    For a number of decades, Golden Bells has been feeding Christians around the world with God's word in tear-off wall and desk calendar formats. For the first time, Golden Bells is now also being made available in book format - taking an 'evergreen' undated approach so that you can start reading the daily thoughts at any time during the year. In this volume, each 7 days cycle through one of seven different approaches to enjoying a short extract from God's Word: an encouraging word to get us thinking about mission; whether that's evangelism or other service for the Lord; a quote or an anecdote to enjoy and share; a study or meditation about a particular Bible word or phrase; food for thought about God's word or our disciple lives; poetry or prose to meditate upon; a motivational challenge; and, a warm thought to stimulate our hearts and minds for worship; Many of the daily thoughts are also accompanied by portions of a hymn for further meditations, including Annie Johnson Flint, Frances Ridley Havergal, John Newton, J.G. Deck, C.M. Luxmoore, Horatius Bonar, Isaac Watts, R.C. Chapman, D.W. Whittle, Sir Edward Denny, Thomas Kelly, Christina Rossetti, Ada Habershon, Charles Wesley and many more!

  • af Bruce Sloan
    192,95 kr.

    The early American landscape painters would often paint, in the background of their art, magnificent towering mountains. These beautiful mountains represented the power and majesty of God. Whatever the landscape, we are drawn to the great hope and protection found in God the Creator.Mountains have also been seen as having a special place to the understanding of the spiritual life. Both Moses and Jesus had important events on the mountain. "And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou may teach them." (Exodus 24:12) "And after he (Jesus) had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray. Immediately before choosing his twelve apostles." (Mark 6:46)In Japan, Mount Fuji is very much understood as a spiritual mountain for the Japanese. Mount Taylor in New Mexico is seen as a sacred mountain to the Navajo Nation. In almost every nation, there are mountains that call for the spiritual part of our life to lift our eyes unto the hills. Some take pilgrimages up the mountain. There is a sense of being closer to God, not so much in physical distance but in spiritual awareness.Mondays are the beginning of the week for secular life. Saturday and Sundays are marked as days of rest and worship. As some say, "we live for the weekends." And that leaves Monday as the culprit of ending our happy time. We are called back to our work, our labor, our schedules set by others. There is this feeling of beginning all over to make it to Friday. And yet, Monday is a day that God has given to us. It is a day that all of God's promises hold true for us. The word Monday came from an earlier English word for Moon. The Moon is essential for the immigration of birds and the impact of the ocean tides. It is the work of our Mondays to guide us into a new week. Just as our spiritual life is to guide us, so are the Mondays that we face. It really becomes an opportunity to adjust our secular understanding of Monday to a spiritual awareness that every day is a good day in God's realm.Mountain Monday is a simple way to express that God has made both the mountains and our Mondays for His glory and our good. It is just how we want to make the day. On a mountain or not, we are God's greatest love.Bruce Sloan

  • af Carol Mersch
    322,95 kr.

    A chronicle of hope and inspiration, Lifting Up & Letting Go opens the doorway to each day with ringing words of inspiration from thirteen religious leaders inviting you to join them in a walk through your day-365 days of the year. Your life is a living biography in which you animate to others the very essence of your being. If no one else ever writes a book about your life, you, through journaling in Lifting Up & Letting Go, can give the world a snapshot of the life you lived while passing through this wonderful journey. Don't let another moment go by without capturing your thoughts and making a commitment to the most important person in your life-you!

  • af David Jon Stanford
    196,95 kr.

    Book Description:A daily devotion for men¿

  • af Stephen W. Hiemstra
    187,95 kr.

    If the Bible is an outreach document written by and for missionaries, then the Holy Spirit is the instrument of that evangelical call. The Image of the Holy Spirit and the Church examines the Bible's description of the Holy Spirit from before Pentecost and the call the church in view of current challenges. Image of the Holy Spirit and the Church is written in a devotional format with a reflection, prayers, and questions for study. Hear the Words; Walk the Steps; Experience the Joy!

  • af Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
    327,95 kr.

    Civilization is fighting to survive tragic times. On Spiritual Combat is a spiritual warfare guide for military members, law enforcement officers, first responders, and all sheepdogs. This spiritual warfare book prepares their hearts and minds for battle, teaching them to identify, understand, and fight evil forces...

  • af Dan Britton
    251,95 kr.

    Pursue. Partner. Pass it on. People have been deriving wisdom from Solomon's writings for thousands of years. The Wisdom Challenge unlocks the secret to a sustained approach of acquiring wisdom that profoundly changes you. Join authors Dan and Ron as they share a simple, effective strategy for pursuing wisdom, partnering in the pursuit, and passing it along.

  • af Os Hillman
    244,95 kr.

    Bring the power of God to your workplace. The majority of our waking hours are spent at work, but few of us understand how to use the Word of God in our professional lives to help us succeed and have impact. 31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Work Life provides thirty-one covenant promises for you to decree and claim over your company, team members, community, and family.

  • af Rafael Lima
    187,95 kr.

    Qual a relação da poesia com Deus?A poesia está intimamente relacionada a Deus. Através da poesia foram produzidas lindas canções de louvor e adoração.Através da poesia diversas histórias foram declamadas e repassadas através das gerações.Então, hoje a poesia continua sendo capaz de falar com cada um e estabelecer uma conexão com Deus.

  • af Gerard Assey
    152,95 kr.

    'I am so Blessed: Embracing the Blessings of Life and GOD's Abundance.' is a profound journey through the blessings of the Bible. Each letter in "I AM SO B.L.E.S.S.E.D." reveals a unique blessing for believers: Insight, Abundant Life, Miracles, Serenity, Overflowing Joy, Breakthrough, Love, Empowerment, Strength and Wholeness of Health, Salvation, Enlightenment, and Divine Guidance. With powerful insights from biblical verses, examples from the lives of key figures in the Bible, and practical action plans, this book offers a transformative guide to living a life marked by God's supernatural supply, joy, love, and guidance. Declarations of faith and thanksgiving verses empower readers to make these blessings a reality in their lives."I am so Blessed." is a roadmap to a truly blessed life, grounded in the unchanging promises of God's Word. .

  • af Rafael Lima
    187,95 kr.

    ¿Cuál es la relación entre la poesía y Dios? La poesía está estrechamente relacionada con Dios. A través de la poesía se produjeron bellos cantos de alabanza y adoración. A través de la poesía se recitaron varias historias y se han transmitido de generación en generación. Entonces, hoy la poesía es capaz de hablar con cada uno y establecer una conexión con Dios.

  • af Rafael Lima
    187,95 kr.

    What is the relationship between poetry and God? Poetry is closely related to God. Through poetry were produced marvelous songs of praise and adoration. Through poetry, many histories were declaimed and passed through generations. Then, today, the poetry continues able to talk to each one and establish a connection with God.

  • af Tami Treat-Boyne
    167,95 kr.

    You have been walking along the beach of life, hearing the surf and seeing the sunsets, when wham, you have been knocked down by the mountain of life and your chronic disease. Your Goliath. Depression oft times hits like a tidal wave, taking us down. Again, our Goliath has raised his ugly head. And we are left standing at five feet, facing our Goliath of nine feet. This book is not for the weak or faint of heart--but if you suffer from any of the plethora of diseases that plague our world today, this book is for you. If you are walking this path, I pray this sixty-day devotional will serve you well. It is not intended to replace your medical regiment but to enhance it. Goliath will try to take away your hope and peace. This book is intended to give you sixty days of joy, encouragement, and uplifting thoughts. Sixty days of giving you a hope and a future in the Lord. Sixty days of helping you revitalize your spirit. Goliath. You. The Lord. Sixty days to find the stone. Come on in and find a way to beat your Goliath. Blessings and gentle hugs, my friends.

  • af Gerard Assey
    152,95 kr.

    'A Grateful Heart: Importance of Sharing Testimonies of GOD's Grace' is a transformative exploration of the power of gratitude and the profound impact of sharing personal testimonies of God's grace. This inspirational guide delves into the significance of nurturing a heart full of gratitude and how, by sharing one's experiences of divine blessings and transformation, individuals can inspire and uplift others. Drawing from the wisdom of biblical verses and real-life examples, the book provides practical advice and exercises for readers to cultivate gratitude, replace negativity with thankfulness, and craft genuine and impactful testimonies. It showcases how testimonies, both from the Old and New Testaments, have shaped faith and community throughout history.Readers are encouraged to embrace gratitude as a way of life and confidently share their testimonies with humility and enthusiasm.'A Grateful Heart' is a heartfelt call to celebrate and spread God's grace through gratitude and shared stories

  • af Daniel First
    187,95 kr.

    Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. -Ecclesiastes 12:13 ESVJesus offered us an abundant life. That life is not measured in the acquisition of earthly wealth and monetary gain. It does not include the promise of perfect physical health. It does not shield us from temptation. It does not guarantee that we are elevated in the sight of others. So, what is this abundant life?The abundant life is the experience of righteousness, peace, and joy found only on the other side of obedience to God. The Scriptures lay out our path in the form of principles and commands. Obeying God is choosing to seek life and blessings. Disobeying God is choosing death and curses. When we disregard His scriptural mandates, we should expect negative consequences. God's medicine is usually preventative in nature. He gives us guidance so we do not destroy ourselves and those we love. The good news? This information is available to us all!

  • af Mark Anderson
    322,95 kr.

    A greater reality stands waiting for us. A reality with no end transcending the mind. We can only marvel and trust, and glorify God for the possibilities that lie beyond this life, a life of wonders. Ecclesiastes from the Old Testament reminds us that God ". . . set eternity in their heart," Man will not fully understand the works of God until eternity and will require eternity to comprehend. Man will one day live forever in the presence of all mighty God. We will be at peace with one another, living in perfect harmony with our Creator. Until then, give praise to God for His creative work as presented through every book of God's inspired Word.

  • af Nyiesha Harrington
    162,95 kr.

    Miracles happen every day but sometimes we don't see them because we are not declaring God's Word over our lives. Author, Nyiesha Harrington, walks you through how to pray and verbally declare the Word of God over various areas of your life. This prayer journal has targeted scriptures that you can pray over in these seven areas:Personal lifeMarriageChildrenRelationships with othersHealthSphere of influenceGod's plan for your lifeEach journal page has space for you to jot down your own prayers, scriptures that come to mind, or revelatory knowledge that the Holy Spirit reveals to you during your prayer time.

  • af Janet Torres
    187,95 kr.

    I have always known Jan as a gifted encourager - it's in her DNA; it is who God made her to be. And that is what you will find in this book; the gift of encouragement! No matter what you're facing or what challenges you've experienced in the past, the steps outlined in this book will help you take the necessary strides to rise above. -DAPHNE DELAY, Christian Bible Teacher, Founder of Mirror Ministries, Co-pastor of Transformation Church in Seminole, Texas. You were created by God for a purpose. Regardless of age or situation, there may be seasons in life where you wonder, now what? where do I go from here? What do I do? God has those answers. The purpose of this book/journal is to help you find the answers to those questions as you seek His face and spend time with Him. "For I know the plans I have for you, declare the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

  • af Sr. James R. Love
    167,95 kr.

    ENDURE UNTIL VICTORY COMES IS A JOURNEY DISCOVERY, WITH THE HELP OF SCRIPTURE, TO LEARN HOW TO OVERCOME PAIN AND DISAPPOINTMENT. THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF REALITY IN THIS FALLEN WORLD IS TO LEARN TO ENDURE HARDSHIP. YOU WILL DISCOVER THAT VICTORY COMES WHEN YOU LEARN THE SECRET OF HOW ENDURE. Be encouraged in the midst of the vicissitudes of life to wait patiently on the Lord to change the situation. The message of this book is that life is often unfair and unreasonable. Job was right when he said, "Man born of a woman is of a few days and full of trouble" (Job 14:1). There are some things that life will throw at you that you will not be able to wiggle, finagle, or talk your way out of! At such moments you have to stand firm until victory comes.

  • af Kaylesa M. Hinsey
    187,95 kr.

    Throughout history, God called many unqualified people to do His work; fear is never an excuse. Have you spent most of your life searching for validation by achieving or choosing to watch life from the sidelines but always longed to get in the game? Who am I? Why am I here? These are questions we all ask ourselves as we make plans, fail, succeed, and start anew throughout life. As course corrections unfold, we answer with decisions that push against change or welcome it, but no matter how long we take to reach the destinations God planned for us, He remains faithful.This story will motivate you to:Face the internal issues that hold you backEmbrace the lessons that accompany difficultyOvercome fear of failure and successFind safety within yourself, God, and communitySay goodbye to the imposter within.

  • af Rupert Hinds
    297,95 - 567,95 kr.

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