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Spiritualitet og religiøse oplevelser

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  • af Eckhart Tolle
    157,95 kr.

    The Power of Now, penned by renowned author Eckhart Tolle, is a compelling journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. First published in 2004 by INGRAM PUBLISHER SERVICES, this book has since become a beacon for those seeking to live in the present moment. Tolle masterfully blends philosophy, psychology, and spirituality to create a transformative reading experience. The book encourages readers to let go of past regrets and future anxieties, urging them to embrace the 'now'. It's a powerful tool for anyone looking to understand their existence and find peace in the current moment. The Power of Now is more than just a book; it's a guide to a more mindful and fulfilling life.

  • - Clairvoyance, healing og spiritualitet i hverdagen
    af Rikke Rasmussen
    217,95 - 230,95 kr.

    Rikke Rasmussen er clairvoyant, spirituelt medie og healer, og hendes livsmission er at gøre den spirituelle verden tilgængelig for alle mennesker. Vi er nødt til at forbinde os til den åndelige verden, hvis vi for alvor skal finde os til rette i tilværelsen og inderligt mærke, hvor heldige vi er at være i live.Det handler om nærvær, samhørighed og medmenneskelighed og om alt det, vi ikke kan se, veje og måle, men som er akkurat lige så virkeligt, som vores fysiske verden.Alt er energi! Og vi er allesammen ved at tage et kvantespring ind i en ny tid, hvor vi vil gøre mere brug af intuitionen. Det spirituelle liv sætter fokus på glæden og det, at vi mennesker er sjælelige væsener, der har adgang til åndelige indsigter, som giver livet substans og meningsfylde.Luk øjnene og begynd at se – Rikke guider dig i Find ind til sjælens lys ind i en for mange endnu ukendt verden i, og hun lærer dig at kontakte dine egne evner til clairvoyance og healing.Denne bog er et første skridt i retningen af at begynde at leve mere i overensstemmelse med dig selv og den vej, du ønsker at gå i livet.Lær omIntuitionHealingClairvoyanceChakrasystemetEnergikroppenReinkarnationSjælekontakt og tegn fra den anden sideHvordan universet guider dig og meget mere …Rikke Rasmussen er en af Danmarks dygtigste clairvoyante, og hun kendt fra adskillige tv- og radioprogrammer og podcasts. Hun er dybt passioneret omkring arbejdet med klienter og med formidlingen af den åndelige indsigt, vi mennesker har brug for.Rikke har gennem mange år undervist og holdt udsolgte foredrag og klarsynsdemonstrationer, og hun har omkring halvandet års ventetid på en session i sin praksis.Privat lever hun med sin mand og deres tre børn nord for København

  • af Marianne Aagaard Skovmand
    72,95 - 205,95 kr.

    Thomasevangeliet – der er et af de apokryfe eller hemmelige evangelier, der ikke kom med i Det Ny Testamente – blev fundet i Egypten i 1945 som en del af et større håndskriftsfund. Evangeliet foreligger her i en nyoversat, kommenteret oversættelse. Skriftets betydning er uomtvistelig, for i det videreføres motiver og tankeforestillinger fra den ældste kristendom, som uden vores kendskab til denne tradition ville være gået tabt. Hvor evangelierne i Det Nye Testamente fremstår som egentlige fortællinger om Jesus fra Nazareth, om hans liv, gerning, død og opstandelse, udgør Thomasevangeliet snarere en slags Jesusantologi; et kort og enestående ordsprogsevangelium, der giver sin fortolkning af traditionen om Jesus. I Thomasevangeliet gives der ingen fortolkning af ordene. Det er op til læseren selv at udlægge dem. Både i form og indhold minder mange af ordene om dem, vi kender fra Det Nye Testamentes evangelier, men der indgår også ord og lignelser som ikke tidligere har været kendt. I Thomasevangeliet optræder de kvindelige disciple, Maria Magdalene og Salome, på lige fod med de mandlige og stiller spørgsmål til Jesus. Og da Peter angriber Maria, fordi hun er kvinde og dermed ikke har samme ret som mændene, tages hun i forsvar af Jesus.

  • - Healing og selvhealing
    af Marzcia Techau
    297,95 kr.

    Din sjæl, dit liv er en bog om at hjælpe sig selv til at komme tættere på den, vi er inderst inde. Vores sjæl. Med sin baggrund som biolog og med ny viden om nervesystemet samt bl.a. Bruce Liptons teorier om intelligente celler og Peter Levines chok-/traumeterapi viser Marzcia Techau, hvad vi kan opnå, når vi arbejder med både vores følelser, tanker, krop og sjæl. Som healer og clairvoyant rådgiver har Marzcia Techau ofte oplevet klienter og kursister komme til hende, frustrerede over at arbejde med det samme tema eller mønster i lang tid. Her kan den åndelige verden og vores egen sjæl (som er to sider af samme sag) hjælpe. I den åndelige verden findes hjælp fra guider, afdøde slægtninge og et uendeligt guddommeligt nærvær. Vores nervesystem orienterer sig efter omverdenen, hvilket gør os i stand til at være i kontakt med det guddommelige nærvær og modtage healing. Din sjæl, dit liv præsenterer os for forskellige måder at samarbejde med den åndelige verden på – karmisk, epigenetisk og gennem indre barn-arbejde – og indeholder en række øvelser til selvhealing. Desuden deler Marzcia Techau historier fra sit eget og en række af sine kursisters liv, hvor blokeringer eller traumer er blevet opløst med hjælp fra den åndelige verden og har ført til bedre liv. ”I min tid har jeg igen og igen set, hvor stor en forskel det kan gøre i det menneskeliv, vi har her og nu, at vi gør plads til sjælen og forbinder os med hjælpen fra den åndelige verden. At vi healer på nuværende, tidligere og slægtsmæssige traumer, får løsnet op og gjort plads. Ligesom når vi rydder op derhjemme og smider det gamle og ubrugelige ud for nænsomt at give plads til det, der skal vokse og have plads fremover.”Citat fra bogen. Marzcia Techau (født 1971) er biolog, clairvoyant rådgiver og healer. Hun arbejder som medie, har klienter og underviser i healing og clairvoyance. Hun har tidligere skrevet bogen Når ånderne banker på og medvirket i en række artikler, tv- og radioudsendelser, bl.a. Ånderne vender tilbage på TV3+.

  • af Erwin Raphael McManus
    257,95 kr.

  • af Meggan Watterson
    152,95 kr.

    --WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER-- The Gospel of Mary Magdalene reveals a very different love story from the one we've come to refer to as Christianity. Harvard-trained theologian Meggan Watterson leads us verse by verse through Mary's gospel to illuminate the powerful teachings it contains. A gospel, as ancient and authentic as any of the gospels that the Christian bible contains, was buried deep in the Egyptian desert after an edict was sent out in the 4th century to have all copies of it destroyed. Fortunately, some rebel monks were wise enough to refuse-and thanks to their disobedience and spiritual bravery, we have several manuscripts of the only gospel that was written in the name of a woman: The Gospel of Mary Magdalene. Mary's gospel reveals a radical love that sits at the heart of the Christian story. Her gospel says that we are not sinful; we are not to feel ashamed or unworthy for being human. In fact, our purpose is to be fully human, to be a "true human being"- that is, a person who has remembered that, yes, we are a messy, limited ego, and we are also a limitless soul. And all we need to do is to turn inward (again and again); to meditate, like Mary Magdalene, in the way her gospel directs us, so that we can see past the ego of our own little lives to what's more real, and lasting, and infinite, and already here, within. With searing clarity, Watterson explains how and why Mary Magdalene came to be portrayed as the penitent prostitute and relates a more historically and theologically accurate depiction of who Mary was within the early Christ movement. And she shares how this discovery of Mary's gospel has allowed her to practice, and to experience, a love that never ends, a love that transforms everything.

  • - Visdom fra mit liv som buddhistmunk
    af Björn Natthiko Lindeblad
    202,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Som 25-årig opgiver svenske Björn Lindeblad en kometagtig erhvervskarriere og sælger alle sine personlige ejendele for at blive buddhistisk skovmunk i Thailand. Her får han sit munkenavn Natthiko, der betyder ’den, der vokser i visdom’.17 år senere vender han i 2008 tilbage til Sverige. Fortabt, arbejdsløs og uden en krone på lommen ryger han ind i en dyb depression, men med hjælp fra sin lærdom som munk og fra folk omkring ham finder han igen en mening med livet.I sin selvbiografi deler han ud af sin indsigt i, hvordan vi hver især kan frigøre os fra vores selvkritiske og negative tanker, og han viser os øvelser til at finde vores indre ro og forbedre vores mentale sundhed.VINDER AF STORYTEL AWARDS

  • af Chandra Easton
    205,95 kr.

    "Tara, the Buddhist goddess of compassion, can manifest within all of us. In this accessible, illustrated introduction to Tara's twenty-one forms, respected female Buddhist teacher and practitioner Dorje Lopèon Chandra Easton guides you to activate your own power and healing by inviting Tara's awakened energy to come alive in yourself. Embodying Tara is a practical guide to core Buddhist concepts and teachings, featuring meditations, mantra recitations, and journal exercises to connect with Tara and your innate wisdom. The relatable stories from Buddhist history and the author's personal reflections will give you the tools to live a more compassionate life, befriend your fears, and overcome everyday challenges. The book lends a fresh approach and down-to-earth connection to one of Buddhism's most popular deities through stories of important women in modern history, like Jane Goodall, Nawal El Saadawi, Dipa Ma, Oprah Winfrey, and Yandana Shiva, and broader movements started by women, like Black Lives Matter and Me Too, that embody the qualities and enlightened activities of Tara. They demonstrate real-world compassion and generosity, as well as the capacity to transform anger into wisdom, harness joy to overcome adversity, and protect others from fear and danger. Their stories will inspire you to bring these aspects of Tara into the world in creative and socially conscious ways for the benefit of all"--

  • af Annie Ridout
    132,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Nostradamus
    192,95 kr.

    Nostradamus (Michel de Nostradame) was born on December 14, 1503 in St. Remy, Provence, France. Nostradamus came from a long line of Jewish doctors and scholars. He is considered by many as one of the most famous and important writers of history prophecies. He is famous mainly for his book 'The Prophecies, ' consisting of quarantine in rhyme. Supporters of the trustworthiness of these prophecies attribute to Nostradamus the ability to predict an incredible number of events in world history, including the French Revolution, the Atomic bomb, the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and the attacks of 11 September 2001. However, no one has ever proved that Nostradamus's quarters can provide reliable data for the foreseeable future. Nostradamus had the visions which he later recorded in verse while staring into water or flame late at night, sometimes aided by herbal stimulants, while sitting on a brass tripod. The resulting quatrains (four line verses) are oblique and elliptical, and use puns, anagrams and allegorical imagery. Most of the quatrains are open to multiple interpretations, and some make no sense whatsoever. Some of them are chilling, literal descriptions of events, giving specific or near-specific names, geographic locations, astrological configurations, and sometimes actual dates. It is this quality of both vagueness and specificity which allows each new generation to reinterpret Nostradamus.

  • af Osho
    155,95 kr.

    "Happiness is not an achievement. It is your nature." - OshoHappiness is the twelfth title in the Osho bestselling Insights for a New Way of Living series, and the first new title in the series since 2017.The popular Insights for a New Way of Living challenges readers to examine and break free of the conditioned belief systems and the prejudices that limit their capacity to live life in all its richness. The books shine light on beliefs and attitudes that prevent individuals from being their true selves. The text is an artful mix of compassion and humor, and readers are encouraged to confront what they would most like to avoid, which in turn provides the key to true insight and power.

  • af John of the Cross
    147,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Levine
    147,95 kr.

    In his new book, Stephen Levine, author of the perennial best-seller Who Dies?, teaches us how to live each moment, each hour, each day mindfully--as if it were all that was left. On his deathbed, Socrates exhorted his followers to practice dying as the highest form of wisdom. Levine decided to live this way himself for a whole year, and now he shares with us how such immediacy radically changes our view of the world and forces us to examine our priorities. Most of us go to extraordinary lengths to ignore, laugh off, or deny the fact that we are going to die, but preparing for death is one of the most rational and rewarding acts of a lifetime. It is an exercise that gives us the opportunity to deal with unfinished business and enter into a new and vibrant relationship with life. Levine provides us with a year-long program of intensely practical strategies and powerful guided meditations to help with this work, so that whenever the ultimate moment does arrive for each of us, we will not feel that it has come too soon.

  • af Andrew Rudd
    179,95 kr.

    The Quiet Path is a book for the walker, or the armchair traveller, the clear-sighted tourist, or the bewildered wanderer. Blending reflection and poetry, it shows how the simple practice of walking can become a quiet path of wonder, and how a brief pause in a busy day can turn into contemplation. It explores how the ordinary practices of walking and noticing, recognizing and writing can help us discover depth and spirituality in everything we encounter and find a deeper awareness of a Presence in all things. This book is not about the big idea, the motorway, the A-road, the bypass. It's about snickets, byways, bridleways and gentle lines across the map. Every page is a signpost pointing down a quiet path, ready for you to take a walk through the landscape of the heart.

  • af Amos Smith
    257,95 kr.

    When people hear the word Quaker, their first association is often oats, motor oil, or the Amish-but oatmeal, automobile lubricant, and avoiding electricity have nothing to do with the Quakers' holistic mysticism. What is central to Quaker spirituality is the Divine Center, an inner sanctuary where the very Presence of God dwells. As Quaker theologian Rufus Jones wrote: "The kingdom of God is not a place where we go, but a state of being we can live in." And we don't need to take the journey by horse and buggy! "Let Amos Smith open your heart and expand your mind. Quakerism holds wisdom we desperately need today. Read, contemplate, and prepare to be transformed."-Phileena Nikole, author of Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation and Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life"I am grateful to Amos Smith for sharing himself, for bringing alive these voices from Quaker tradition, and for making clear that mysticism is not confined to monasteries or otherwise isolated from the problems of the world."-Margery Post Abbott, author of To Be Broken and Tender "My own interior work by the Spirit of Christ has been affirmed on many levels by this new book by Amos Smith. . . . Read, relish, and be renewed."-David Sanford, Executive Editor of Tyndale House's Holy Bible: Mosaic Amos Smith is a practicing Quaker (Friends General Conference) and a long-term centering-prayer practitioner, as well as a writer, workshop leader, and rehabilitation counselor. He emphasizes centering prayer and contemplative arts as the saving graces of his life. He is also the author of Healing the Divide (Resource, 2013) and Be Still and Listen (Paraclete, 2018). For more information, go to (password: friends).

  • af Lee Irwin
    1.177,95 kr.

    Sophos Ontology: On Post-Traditional Spirituality discusses religious plurality and post-traditional perspectives on emergent forms of sacred sensibility, particularly for those identifying as "spiritual but not religious." This book is divided into three parts. The first part is a retrospective account of multiple religious traditions, with emphasis on esoteric thought as influenced by mystical writings, covering western, eastern, and Native American traditions. The second part discusses the need for a new conceptualization of the "sacred" as expressed through multiple spiritual perspectives relevant to a pansentient, post-traditional process ontology. Other topics in this section include the importance of an ethically shaped spirituality, collective influences, dreams, imagination, and the role of pluralism in shaping beliefs. Part three explores the role of faith, redefined as spiritual commitment, mysticism as direct experiential knowledge, and transpersonal theory influenced by comparative studies in altered states of consciousness, paranormal research, and the metaphysics of discovery - all contributing to the development of present and future spirituality.

  • af Michelle Tea
    174,95 kr.

    In this enchanted sibling to the cult classic Modern Tarot, literary and tarot icon Michelle Tea returns to her magical roots, offering stories, little-known history, traditions, rituals, and spells for any witch seeking a deeper spiritual practice.A self-described DIY witch and professional tarot reader, literary and feminist icon Michelle Tea provides a fascinating magical history and spiritual traditions from around the world, giving us the tools, spells, and rituals to navigate our stressed-out, consumer-driven lives. Witty, down-to-earth, and wise, she bewitches us with tales of how she crafted her own magical practice and came into her own. She also shares enchanting stories from her earliest witchy days as a goth teen in Massachusetts as well as insights from her adult practice. Modern Magic gives us the tools to tap into a stronger, distinctive magic that lies within us, one that incorporates queer, feminist, anti-racist, intersectional values. These include: Love Magic for the 21st centuryHexes for when you really need them (and an exploration of magical ethics)Sleep Magic, from dream interpretation traditions to prophetic dreamsThoughts on why magic practice is spiritual practiceMichelle shares her truth and observations about the world around us as well as her vision for what it could be. For novice and seasoned witches alike, Modern Magic is the essential guide for defining and deepening a practice that aligns with our individual political and spiritual values.

  • af Mirabai Starr
    196,95 kr.

    "This gorgeous, transformative, welcoming book is for anyone who longs to feel more present, more alive, more joyful and aware of the holiness of daily life."--Anne Lamott, author of Dusk, Night, Dawn and Help, Thanks, WowWelcome to the temple of your regular life.So begins beloved spiritual guide Mirabai Starr's stunning exploration of finding the extraordinary in the everyday. In Ordinary Mysticism, she helps readers discover their own inner mystic and let go of the limiting belief that spiritual life exists only in traditional places of worship. Mysticism, she explains, is a direct experience of the sacred--no church or clergy required. Our everyday life can be an encounter with the sacred if we pay attention. Starr explores the magic of mundane life, from weeding in our humble gardens to a slow evening walk with a friend to a full kitchen table surrounded by family. Embracing mysticism in our everyday is a way of being more alive in the world, an awakening to the interconnectedness between all things. You can visit an ashram in the Himalayas or kneel in a church pew to connect to the spirit or examine life's big questions--but these aren't the only opportunities to discover the sacred. Life, Starr reminds us, is holy ground. Lyrical and tender, filled with profound wisdom and mind-opening insights, Ordinary Mysticism is about finding wonder in regular life, grounded in lessons from spiritual teachers across the centuries--from Julian of Norwich to Ram Dass. Starr combines their ancient wisdom with the story of her own personal and spiritual journey--from surviving the heartbreak of her fourteen-year-old daughter's death to growing up amid the 1960s counterculture that introduced her to mysticism to her self-made spiritual practice of today. Alongside storytelling and age-old teachings, Starr offers practices and writing prompts for help our souls seek holy ground.When you decide to walk the path of the mystic, the mundane shows up as miraculous, the boring becomes fascinating, and your own shortcomings turn out to be your greatest gifts. May we all find meaning and wonder in our most ordinary moments.

    244,95 kr.

    "Returning to the topic of her beloved classic bestseller Return to Love, spiritual guide Marianne Williamson builds on the ideas introduced in that book to lead us toward the light through the inspiring guidance of the mystic Jesus"--

  • af Henry Shukman
    121,95 - 232,95 kr.

    The essential meditation guide for the twenty-first century: renowned mindfulness teacher Henry Shukman replaces the concept of original sin with original love, teaching us to tap into the love that shapes our world and can transform who we are. An increasing number of people today feel disconnected, disengaged, and lonely. Many of us are seeking solace, beginning with ourselves. Original Love is the secular spiritual handbook we need to ease our troubles and find the highest possible happiness.Henry Shukman, spiritual director of Mountain Cloud Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico, provides a way forward based on four paths--Mindfulness, Support, Absorption, and Awakening--that promote growth and healing through meditation for practitioners of any level. And it works! Shukman includes inspiring stories from the students of his Original Love program that reveal how it has transformed their lives.Urgently needed, Original Love helps us create peace for ourselves and our times byreducing stress, anxiety, and depression;relaxing the mind and body;easing feelings of worry, regret, anger, and irritation;and improving decision-making and executive functioning.Finding a sense of love is a critical purpose of meditation. Finding your way back to the loving peace that lives at the center of things is Original Love.

  • af Andrea Bertolini
    467,95 kr.

    Questo libro colma un vuoto nell'ambito della copiosa letteratura dedicata al grande maestro armeno G.I. Gurdjieff, sia per quanto riguarda le origini del suo insegnamento, sia in relazione a due degli strumenti più preziosi della Quarta Via: l'Enneagramma e la Tavola degli Idrogeni. Il pensiero di Gurdjieff è costituito soprattutto dall'Alchimia e dal Cristianesimo Esoterico che oggi può chiaramente essere definito con il termine GNOSI. In questo libro scopriremo passo passo come Gnosi, Alchimia e Quarta Via siano diverse espressioni di una medesima conoscenza situata nell'alveo della Tradizione Iniziatica Occidentale e verranno svelate le chiavi nascoste della trasformazione interiore, nonché diversi aspetti inesplorati della scienza segreta.Il libro è corredato dalle splendide immagini curate da Franca Ferrario.Altri libri dell'autore:Viaggio nella GnosiManuale di Quarta ViaDialoghi con un'iniziata

  • af Patricia Bean
    627,95 kr.

    The CIVIC is about human civilization, cooperation and progress, virtues, beliefs, opinions, and promoting global peace and friendship. The CIVIC is a modern worship book that was divinely inspired for those who believe in unity, peace, and the divine Spirit of God that has been called by Many Great Names. The CIVIC teaches that we are all a part of God's universe. We were all born naked into this world, and when we depart, we cannot take anything with us, except our spirit or soul, and where does it go? Life is short, so enjoy your life and make it the best it can be; our lives are short journeys in the vastness of time. Human lives are fragile and our spirits may become uncertain, so we seek God for reassurance. Let us give praise and thanks to God, in good times and bad. Let there be no more religious fighting, but respect of different spiritual beliefs, and let there be peace among all people. Our unified belief in a Spiritual Creator should be more important than the religions that humans have created. Humans cannot comprehend the actual truths that exist in the divine realm; faith is what we call it. If humans do not come together in peace,kindness and cooperation to save the world, the world may not exist for future generations.

  • af Pyar Troll-Rauch
    308,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch leitet uns Pyar: zur Meditation, zu wahrer Stille, zu unzerstörbarem Glück. Jenseits von Glaubensvorstellungen und Konzepten spricht sie aus dem Herzen zum Herzen über Liebe, Hingabe, Wahrheit, über Frieden, Stille, Mensch-Sein, über Freude, Grundlegende Gutheit, Da-Sein. Diese deutsche Mystikerin lehrt die Essenz der Religionen - hier und heute. Sie spricht aus der inneren Autorität eines Wissens, das sich nicht zwischen zwei Buchdeckel einsperren lässt. Und doch ist dieses Buch eine Schatztruhe. Wer es aufschlägt, wird an der Hand genommen, um Frieden, Glück und Stille zu erfahren und im Alltag umzusetzen. In ihren Vorträgen und in Gesprächen mit Suchern und Schülern herrschen Klarheit, Wärme, absichtslose Kraft, Freude ohne Grund, und Liebe, die klar und mitfühlend, unbegrenzt und bodenständig ist. Dabei bezieht Pyar sich häufig auf Texte aus dem tibetischen Buddhismus, dem Zen, aus dem Sufismus und vielen weiteren Weisheitstraditionen. Legendäre Meister wie Tilopa und Milarepa, Sosan und Rinzai werden lebendig.Sehr ausführlich widmet sie sich in diesem Buch den fünf Dhyani-Buddhas oder Weisheits-Buddhas, die in der tibetischen Tradition als fünf Aspekte der einen Weisheit gesehen werden. "Stille und Leben, Spiritualität und Welt, Göttlichkeit und Menschlichkeit, Leere und Fülle sind nicht zu trennen. Das Mysterium ist unendlich, immer weiter und weiter und tiefer und tiefer."

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    172,95 kr.

    "On the centennial of the first appearance (1923) of Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus, award-winning translator Mark Burrows reveals their depth and meaning with a brilliant new introduction and translation. This new translation captures the lyric beauty of Rilke's poems, honoring their syntactic peculiarities and grammatical complexities as few translators have dared to do. Burrows' versions maintain the essential strangeness of language and abruptness of metaphor by which the sonnets attain their distinctive character in German. Burrows' approach replicates what one reviewer describes as the poems' "dazzling obscurity," refusing to resolve the deliberate difficulties Rilke's formulations present. The effect invites readers to linger with these sonnets, allowing themselves to be shaped in their encounter with them"--

  • af Shefali Tsabary
    197,95 kr.

    Instant National and International BestsellerA revolutionary new parenting method by the New York Times bestselling author of The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family. Every parent is capable of raising happy, healthy, and emotionally grounded children. Despite this, too many of us struggle along the journey. From the fast-changing realities of social media to the fear that permeates our culture, to the generational expectations that are unconsciously placed on children, the pressures on parents and children have reached a critical moment. We feel it and our children feel it. But there is a solution.With over two decades experience working directly with parents, acclaimed clinical psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Shefali offers a profoundly practical and groundbreaking parenting solution that helps parents actualize their deepest desires for their children. This step-by-step guide disrupts toxic inherited patterns and replaces them with authentic connections that allow us to see and respond to our children for who they are and who they can become.This is the evidence-based manual that every parent has been searching for. Complete with paradigm shifting wisdom, illuminating client stories, and detailed practices, The Parenting Map guides the way to empowering our children while transforming ourselves.

  • af Debie Thomas
    197,95 kr.

    Disillusioned by narrow theology and constricted dogma, people are leaving Christianity in droves. But Jesus describes the reign of God as a house with many rooms. What if there are nooks and crannies of faith we have yet to explore? In A Faith of Many Rooms, Debie Thomas claims that the space where God dwells is expansive and full of belonging.

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