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Thomasevangeliet – der er et af de apokryfe eller hemmelige evangelier, der ikke kom med i Det Ny Testamente – blev fundet i Egypten i 1945 som en del af et større håndskriftsfund. Evangeliet foreligger her i en nyoversat, kommenteret oversættelse. Skriftets betydning er uomtvistelig, for i det videreføres motiver og tankeforestillinger fra den ældste kristendom, som uden vores kendskab til denne tradition ville være gået tabt. Hvor evangelierne i Det Nye Testamente fremstår som egentlige fortællinger om Jesus fra Nazareth, om hans liv, gerning, død og opstandelse, udgør Thomasevangeliet snarere en slags Jesusantologi; et kort og enestående ordsprogsevangelium, der giver sin fortolkning af traditionen om Jesus. I Thomasevangeliet gives der ingen fortolkning af ordene. Det er op til læseren selv at udlægge dem. Både i form og indhold minder mange af ordene om dem, vi kender fra Det Nye Testamentes evangelier, men der indgår også ord og lignelser som ikke tidligere har været kendt. I Thomasevangeliet optræder de kvindelige disciple, Maria Magdalene og Salome, på lige fod med de mandlige og stiller spørgsmål til Jesus. Og da Peter angriber Maria, fordi hun er kvinde og dermed ikke har samme ret som mændene, tages hun i forsvar af Jesus.
Maria Magdalene er en af Jesu trofaste disciple og ifølge Det nye Testamente den første, som den opstandne Jesus viser sig for. I Mariaevangeliet fremstår hun som en ledende discipel, der fortæller om den åbenbaring, hun har fra Jesus selv. Mariaevangeliet er ikke bevaret i sin helhed, men giver alligevel et indblik i kirkens ældste historie. En tid præget af konflikter om den sande og rette lære og om hvem, der havde autoritet til at bringe den videre ud i verden. Mariaevangeliet blev fundet i 1896 og udgivet første gang i 1955. Det er nyoversat fra koptisk af Marianne Aagaard Skovmand, som skriver en grundig introduktion til skriftet og reflekterer over dets betydning.
Spirituel bog om at følge din hunds gode eksempelTænk at være en hund! Hvor ville livet bare være enkelt … Men hvorfor er det, at vi tænker sådan? Det var netop det spørgsmål, der satte tankerne i gang hos forfatteren til Min hund er min guru. Ud fra betragtningen, at hans hund, Skottï, altid er tilpas, fordomsfri og lykkelig for de små ting i livet, har forfatteren nedfældet 11 grundregler, som vi mennesker med fordel kan leve efter. Med hunden som læremester kan vi således frigøre os fra en masse negative tanker og handlemønstre her i livet! Bogens budskaber er enkle. ’Lev i nuet’, ’vær taknemmelig’ og ’stol på din intuition’ lyder blot nogle af principperne for et bedre liv, sådan som forfatteren ser dem. Med stor ydmyghed – og et glimt i øjet – guider han os gennem sine pointer, som alle understøttes i de helt store livsfilosofier. Der trækkes tråde til både store tænkere og mægtige bøger, uden at læsningen bliver tung eller kedsommelig. Min hund er min guru er den perfekte bog til enhver hundeejer. For hvilken hundeejer har ikke prøvet at kigge sin hund dybt i øjnene og anet de dybder, der gemmer sig?
From the author of the New York Times bestseller The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook comes a never-before-published oracle deck and guidebook that takes readers on a journey of self-discovery through the realm of archetypes, the place where myth and dreams meet.
A road map to harness the power of our collective human consciousness as a source for healing our traumatized worldWe are all interconnected-and dependent on each other to shape the world in which we live. Yet even though technology has allowed us to digitally share our lives with more people than ever, the result has been a growing pattern of personal isolation, alienation, and division. Why is this? "We are seeing the manifestation of collective trauma," says luminary Thomas Hübl, who has reached thousands of people around the world through his teachings on mysticism and healing. "The profoundly complex challenges we face demand a new level of human collaboration." In Attuned, Hübl, together with writer Julie Jordan Avritt, shares a visionary guide for individuals, therapists, and other professionals committed to healing our struggling world. Attuning to a person, group, or organization means coming into resonance by listening mindfully to the inner sensations, feelings, images, and information that arise. At the core of the book is the "relational field"-a vast matrix of energy through which information is shared within, around, and between us. In each chapter, you'll find insights and practices for perceiving and tuning in to oneself and others, and ultimately contributing to the healing of this field, including:. The mystical and evolutionary principles behind human development and connection. Resources for embodying resilience, processing toxic stress, and regulating our individual and collective nervous systems. Attunement practices for working with the effects of trauma in yourself and across communities. Transparent communication-a practice of relating through authentic awareness and vulnerability. Guidance for group facilitators, healing ancestral trauma, and moreBy embracing our interdependence, we can activate what is needed to respond to and evolve through the challenges of our age. "It may take only a small number of us," explains Hübl, "to establish a new level of collective coherence-to share our light, heal our wounds, and realize the unawakened potential of our world."
How Do You Minister to People Who Are Spiritual but Not Religious?In a secular age that offers a buffet of spiritualities focused on the self and on personal transformation, Andrew Root demonstrates the difference between these reigning mysticisms and an authentic Christian view of transformation."Root playfully illustrates how we have become trapped in the present by way of the past, and neither heroics nor introspection nor ourselves will save us. Instead, he posits an enticing, ancient transformation in confession and surrender to something beyond ourselves. A balm for those guilted by Instagram and self-help, Root's book is both illuminating intellectual history and an essential guide for spiritual leaders navigating secular mysticisms."--Erin Raffety, Princeton University and Princeton Seminary"A theological gem. This book is a primer on spiritual theology and philosophical theology that inspires readers to recover and reconsider traditions of confession and surrender. Root balances wit and humor with intellectual depth. This thought-provoking book is an important read that challenges mainline pastors and congregations striving for relevance in the secular age."--Kermit Moss, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary"A gifted practical theologian, Root invites us to wrestle with the nature of historical and contemporary mysticism in the Western world so that we might resist a spirituality that essentially ends in the self and respond to the transformative invitation to Christ-centered relationships. Ministry leaders will benefit greatly from Root's practical wisdom."--Angela Reed, Truett Seminary, Baylor University"Root's final book of the Ministry in a Secular Age series passes on a legacy: the mystery of how a theology of the cross paradoxically offers a path for transformation of the self. At the end of his secular pilgrimage, Root becomes a mystical guide, pointing passionately at how transcendence may be found in the receptive life--a life of passive surrender and confession."--Bård Norheim, NLA University College, Norway; coauthor of The Four Speeches Every Leader Has to Know
Dion Fortune, som er en af de mest indflydelsesrige esoteriske tænkere i dette århundrede, giver i denne bog nogle højst interessante detaljer vedrørende kærlighed og kønsforhold. Hun viser at den fysiske kærligheds goder ikke udelukkende stammer fra kroppens funktioner, men fra de energistrømme de skaber i det æteriske legeme, det subtile stof som vore fysiske legemer er bygget over. Bogen handler også om de karmiske bånd mellem sjælene, hvordan man som sjæl finder sin mage, spørgsmålet om ´tvillingesjæle´ og den esoteriske lære om børnebegrænsning, abort og homosexualitet. Forfatterinden løfter sløret for ting der har været indvielses-hemmeligheder, men som i dag beskæftiger mange udviklede mennesker: det såkaldte himmelske ægteskab, dvs. ægteskabet med den indre partner.
Hvis vi sætter alt det, vi mener at vide om Jesus, på pause og ser på evangelierne med friske øjne, vil vi få øje på en større Jesus – en mesterlig visdomslærer, hvis ærinde først og fremmest var at bryde vores vanetænkning og føre os ind i en radikal forvandling af bevidstheden.Cynthia Bourgeault giver i denne bog en tankevækkende og velunderbygget indføring i Jesu vision: At vi bliver forvandlet fra vores selvcentrerede liv og dualistiske vi-og-dem-tænkning – til et liv i kærlighed og barmhjertighed, når vi begynder at se verden, sådan som Jesus oplevede den.Bogen er langt mere end teori: I bogens sidste del gennemgår forfatteren en række øvelser fra den kristne visdomstradition, der kan befordre processen og give os en unik erfaring af en dybere enhed med Gud og verden omkring os.Cynthia Bourgeault er mystiker, episkopal præst, forfatter og international kendt retræteleder. Hun har udformet en retræteform, som kaldes en visdomsskole, og hun har organiseret og undervist i visdomsskoler siden 1999. Hun er forfatter til en række bøger, hvoraf foreløbig to, "Det vågne hjerte" samt nærværende bog, er udgivet på dansk.Det er en stor gave, at denne bog nu udkommer på dansk! Den har været en bærende bog for mig siden 2009, for den er en mesterlig, velunderbygget og logisk udlægning af, hvad Jesus kan gøre ved os og vores måde at være i livet på.– Charlotte Rørth, journalist, forfatter til "Jeg mødte Jesus"Der findes kun ganske få åndelige lærere, som evner at give os ny og ægte indsigt – og endnu færre, som evner at give os redskaber til at kunne tilegne os denne indsigt. Cynthia Bourgeault evner begge dele på bedste vis.– Richard Rohr, præst og retræteleder, forfatter til "Den uforgængelige diamant"
Conjure the magic within you with this modern guide to the ancient art of spell-work and manifestation - all you need is a little hocus focus. Including a variety of spells for every place and occasion - and tips and tricks on how to cast them - this enchanting book is the perfect introduction to invoking the universal energies at your disposal.
Do you resonate with aspects of Christianity, but struggle with the coherence of its claims? After having a mystical experience that upended her traditional evangelical beliefs, Heather Hamilton reluctantly found herself in this place. Her seeking led to the most unexpected insights. Returning to Eden is a field guide for the journey that every true spiritual seeker ultimately takes. The highest truths that set us free are hidden in places that most people are not looking. Returning to Eden reexamines the Bible stories of childhood and opens them up as symbolic maps into the inner world. Stories like Jonah and the Whale, the Parting of the Red Sea, Noah's Ark, and the Virgin Birth are illuminated with penetrating depth and intellectual integrity. Faith is no longer a white-knuckled grip on implausible beliefs, but a relaxation into a deep inner knowing. You may be surprised to find yourself reinvigorated and enlightened by stories you thought you knew inside and out. Returning to Eden has the potential to cultivate a renaissance of wonder and curiosity for anyone from the most seasoned Christians to the most committed atheists, and everyone in between.
Nostradamus (Michel de Nostradame) was born on December 14, 1503 in St. Remy, Provence, France. Nostradamus came from a long line of Jewish doctors and scholars. He is considered by many as one of the most famous and important writers of history prophecies. He is famous mainly for his book 'The Prophecies, ' consisting of quarantine in rhyme. Supporters of the trustworthiness of these prophecies attribute to Nostradamus the ability to predict an incredible number of events in world history, including the French Revolution, the Atomic bomb, the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and the attacks of 11 September 2001. However, no one has ever proved that Nostradamus's quarters can provide reliable data for the foreseeable future. Nostradamus had the visions which he later recorded in verse while staring into water or flame late at night, sometimes aided by herbal stimulants, while sitting on a brass tripod. The resulting quatrains (four line verses) are oblique and elliptical, and use puns, anagrams and allegorical imagery. Most of the quatrains are open to multiple interpretations, and some make no sense whatsoever. Some of them are chilling, literal descriptions of events, giving specific or near-specific names, geographic locations, astrological configurations, and sometimes actual dates. It is this quality of both vagueness and specificity which allows each new generation to reinterpret Nostradamus.
They Came To Earth Millions Of YearsAgo To Spread The Poison Of Hatred,War And Catastrophe...They Are With Us Still...Human history is a seemingly endless succession of bloody conflicts and devastating turmoil. Yet, inexplicably, in the light of astonshing intellectual and technological advancement, Man's progress has been halted in one crucial area: he still indulges the primitive beast within and makes war upon his neighbors.As a result of seven years of intense research, William Bramley has unconvered the sinister thread that links humanity's darkest events -- from the wars of the ancient pharaohs to the assissination of JFK. In this remarkable, shocking and absolutely compelling work, Bramley presents disturbing evidence of an alien presence on Earth -- extraterrestrial visitors who have conspired to dominate Humankind through violence and chaos since the beginning of time...a conspiracy which continues to this very day.
Seeing and experiencing the world as it is is freedom and peace in itself, but the spiritual seeker who seeks the answer to life’s biggest mystery, "Who is the experiencer of the I," must aspire, through self-contemplation, to find an articulate, all-embracing answer to the true meaning and significance of the concepts of “freedom” and “peace.” What is their true power. Can freedom and peace be internalized through the intellect, or is true, genuine freedom and peace an experience and a state in itself, a state where true and false do not configure, a state where opposites cannot force their entry, an unshakable point in the emptiness, in the empty space. In the empty inner and outer space, united and undivided, where silence and awareness merge in an ...By embracing silence in an atmosphere of absolute presence, where the limitations of language fade away and the all-pervading power of silence fills the space surrounding the human body, communication will occur without effort. This eternal, ever-present silence is the universal language for all beings that enter this universe. Observing each other in silence is to transcend the world of conclusions, where outwardly, two different entities with their own perceptions of the world, limited by nationality, culture, and religion, merge into one entity that communicates through the timeless language of silence.The most profound discovery we can make on this stage of life is that there is no “I,” that our existence is merely a mental projection playing out in the mind, through the stormy sea of learned concepts and ideas.
Joyful meditations to start your day intentionally and wake each morning to your soul with chart-topping GoOD Mornings podcast host Nikki Walton.Imbued with spirit, warmth, and unconditional love, Wake Up to Love draws inspiration from many traditions and experiences, opening our awareness to the moment and deepening our connection to spirit.Unexpected success created a spiritual crisis for Nikki Walton, which ultimately lead her to search her soul, scour religious texts, and come into closer connection with the divine in her daily life. This inspired GoOD Mornings, 5-minute meditations centering love and spirit to start the day, a popular podcast which has established her as a spiritual leader. She also offers prompts and insight into how this practice has opened her heart to expansiveness and freed her of fear.Wake Up to Love gathers the 52 best episodes Nikki has recorded so far, crystalized and accompanied by prompts for further reflection, organized around the principles ofFinding LoveSustaining LoveBeing LoveSpreading LoveInviting spirit to enter and casting the glow of God's love upon us all, Wake Up to Love puts us into the moment in all its radiant joy.
Do you know who you truly are?Do you understand the life your soul wants you to live?Author and psychic Lesley Corte lives a spirit-filled life, but it hasn't always been that way. As a child, Lesley was taught to suppress her voice, limit her spirituality, and confine her sense of feminine power. Desiring to break out of this restrictive childhood mindset, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and uncovered answers to questions that the rational mind alone could not answer. Gathering decades of visions of past lives and wisdom from spirit guides, Gems of Time: Past Lives with Mystery, Romance, and Spirit Guides chronicles how one woman learned to open her being to the direction of her magnificent soul. With guidance from the Spirit realm, Lesley will lead you towards an understanding of how you can harness your inner power to create the love and happiness we all seek as we live out our own souls' scenarios.This book is a call to choose your own adventure in the most profound way possible. We are here on Earth to explore, create, and find alignment with our souls. If you take the chance to delve deeper, you will enrich your life.
*Two great Saints appear, marry me, & assist me with Souls in Purgatory - lifting a huge number at one time! Sri KALESHWAR & SHIRDI SAI BABA!*I say Mass for Pope John Paul II & he already ascended with NO PURGATORY! I see him in Heaven enjoying Bliss in a Celestial Forest!¿ Dreams & experiences of Purgatory - Souls which Ascend into Heaven!¿ Spiritual matters-what is Holiness, What is spiritual perfection? The Gospel of Jesus according to Rasa, against'prosperity' preachers¿ Comments on the Holy Divine Stigmata¿ St. Martin Luther King, Jr. appears on his Feast Day to get a roomful of clients {in Purgatory} to ascend into Heaven.¿ How to build a Church in your home - Make Holy Water, Exorcism, say the Holy Mass¿ Litanies & Prayers to Jesus & Mary¿ Account of St. Mary of Agreda¿ "A Russian Legend" re Holy Mary¿ Prosperity Preachers teach the Gospel of Satan - speak of Costi Hinn, nephew of Benny Hinn & his conversion¿ Who & What is God? Discussion with William Bond & Pete Jackson¿ Lisa Lyon Ascends 12-1-23 with a 'deathbed word' for Rasa¿ Jesus & Mary appear with Rasa's Xmas Gifts - Jesus has Keys for ministry, Mary a new white Mantle for her embroidered with gold-thread roses of True Love!¿ James Brown Ascends 12-21-23 after 17 years in Purgatory!¿ Anthony Quinn Ascends!¿ Great Gurus Ozay Tulku Rinpoche & Ahiranta speak
Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D. (1893-1953), was a Discalced Carmelite priest, confessor and spiritual director. He was an expert in the writings of venerated Carmelite Mystics such as St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. For the last decade of his life Fr. Gabriel was the spiritual director for the Discalced Carmelite nuns of the Monastery of St. Joseph in Rome. It was with their assistance that he compiled his writings and mystical insight, arranging his material to correspond with the liturgical year, while following the ascent of the soul to transforming union with God.Originally published in 1949, this work was intended to serve as an introduction to a more comprehensive study of the works of St. Teresa. According to the author, St. Teresa's books, written rapidly and sometimes without a fixed plan, do not easily reveal the inner structure of her thought to the reader. This book serves to guide the reader to reveal the inner structure of her thought and to weave the various themes she touches upon into a more comprehensive narrative. It takes the reader through the several threads in St. Teresa's work to present the Tapestry more fully.
A groundbreaking study of Farid al-Din ¿A¿¿¿r, one of Persian literature's greatest poets.
A guide to connecting with the nine dimensions of consciousness
Discover a rich legacy of audacious women who forged a spirituality that is more inclusive, surprising, and empowering than we ever imagined.“The feminist reading of women mystics I’ve wanted for ages . . . invites us into the hopeful possibility for communal healing that we desperately need right now.”—Sarah Bessey, bestselling author of Field Notes for the Wilderness and Jesus FeministIs there a Christian spirituality that embraces the entire reality of womanhood?The answer, Shannon K. Evans suggests, is an emphatic yes. There is a spirituality that meets us in every part of our lives, developed by the women who came before us. Six mystics—Teresa of Ávila, Margery Kempe, Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, Catherine of Siena, and Thérèse of Lisieux—revealed a faith big enough to hold the female experiences of sex and desire, the yearning for bodily autonomy, the challenges of motherhood and identity, as well as life with male authority and—sometimes—violence. These women, self-determining, stubborn, and unapologetically themselves, asked questions in their time that are startlingly prescient today, and fought for women’s experiences to be heard, understood, respected, and recognized as holy.In The Mystics Would Like a Word, readers will discover the story of Christian faith and spirituality as told by these extraordinary and wise women, one that speaks directly to today’s unique experiences, and leads to wholeness, healing, and spiritual vitality.
How can one find inner and outer peace in a world without peace?This book presents seven peace meditations based on the writings of the Essenes, as found in the Essene Gospel of Peace. The author also provides insight into the worldview of the Essenes, their teachings, and spiritual practices.
Collects and interprets the literary legacy of N¿r¿, an early Sufi master known for his ecstatic behaviour, eccentric acts, and passionate poems of mystical love.
The study of the Hermetic Qabalah has long been thought to be a daunting task filled more with academia and less with opportunity for practical application. Acorns From the Hermetic Tree of Life provides the reader with an approach to this ancient wisdom that is easy to assimilate and apply immediately to daily experience. Affirmation, Contemplative Practice, Openings, Ritual, Nuances and Standing in the power of each sphere offer and entry point into Qabalah for any practitioner.
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