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  • af Evelyn Underhill
    118,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af The Spirit Scribe
    164,95 kr.

    Warum geht die Liebe wortwörtlich durch den Magen? Warum lässt sie uns mit Schmetterlingen im Bauch zurück? Welche Mechanismen ermöglichen und steuern diese wunderbarste aller Energieformen, und warum schmerzt es so entsetzlich, wenn ein geliebtes Wesen uns verlässt?Im Spätsommer 2020 klopfte ein unscheinbares Geistwesen namens Lillysander an meine Türe und wünschte sich ein eigenes Interview für diese Buchreihe, um mir von Mitgefühl, Partnerschaft, universeller Liebe und unserer Rolle zwischen den Sternen zu erzählen. Wir sprachen über ihren Platz auf der Erde und im Universum. In jedem und jeder von uns. Und über die enorm wichtigen Jahre des Aufstiegs, die jetzt vor der Menschheit liegen.

  • af Neville Goddard
    198,95 kr.

  • af Walter Feldman
    305,95 - 1.298,95 kr.

  • af Charles Godfrey Leland
    148,95 kr.

    During the past few years the most serious part of the author's study and reflection has been devoted to the subjects discussed in this book. These, briefly stated, are as follows: Firstly, that all mental or cerebral faculties can by direct scientific treatment be influenced to what would have once been regarded as miraculous action, and which is even yet very little known or considered. Secondly, in development of this theory, and as confirmed by much practical and personal experience, that the Will can by very easy processes of training, or by aid of Auto-Suggestion, be strengthened to any extent, and states of mind soon induced, which can be made by practice habitual. Thus, as a man can by means of opium produce sleep, so can heby a very simple experiment a few times repeated-an experiment which I clearly describe and which has been tested and verified beyond all denial- cause himself to remain during the following day in a perfectly calm or cheerful state of mind; and this condition may, by means of repetition and practice, be raised or varied to other states or conditions of a far more activeor intelligent description.

  • af Evelyn Underhill
    258,95 kr.

    In ihrem bahnbrechenden Werk "Praktische Mystik" zeigt uns die englische Autorin Evelyn Underhill, wie wir uns auf eine Reise der spirituellen Entdeckung begeben können. Mit klarem und präzisem Schreibstil erklärt sie die Grundlagen der Mystik und wie wir sie in unserem täglichen Leben anwenden können. Underhill zeigt uns, wie wir unsere Sinne schärfen und uns für die Gegenwart Gottes öffnen können, um eine tiefere Verbindung mit der göttlichen Natur zu erfahren. Dieses Buch ist ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für alle, die ihr spirituelles Leben vertiefen und eine tiefere Verbindung mit der Welt um sich herum suchen. "Praktische Mystik" ist ein zeitloses Werk, das auch heute noch relevant und inspirierend ist.

  • af Rubi Astrólogas
    418,95 kr.

    Chaque signe a une relation différente avec l'argent, et L'astrologie est un outil puissant pour savoir si une personne va réussir économiquement et professionnellement.Avec ce livre, vous comprendrez non seulement la magie de l'argent, mais aussi la place qu'il a dans votre vie, et comment profiter des opportunités et des potentiels selon votre signe du zodiaque pour gagner plus d'argent et vivre une vie en abondance totale.

  • af Neville Goddard
    128,95 kr.

  • af Mary Kuhn & Greg Kuhn
    168,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • af David Lane
    133,95 kr.

  • af Daniel A. Dombrowski
    402,95 - 1.077,95 kr.

  • af Tanja Angelina Bischofberger
    233,95 kr.

    Was haben Schafe mit Spiritualität zu tun? Wie hängen Nebelwanderungen in Schottland mit der Unendlichkeit zusammen? Und wieso kann einem ein Knoten im Karma völlig egal sein? ln ihrem Buch zeichnet die Schweizer Autorin Tanja Angelina Bischofberger die wichtigsten Stationen ihres spirituellen Weges nach. Mit eindrücklichen Erzählungen aus ihrer Biografie lässt sie uns daran teilhaben, wie ihre Geschichte als Adoptivkind aus Bangladesch und die frühe Auseinandersetzung mit den Themen Tod und Sterben ihr spirituelles Empfinden auf eine ganz eigene Weise geprägt haben. Mit viel Gespür und einem leichten Augenzwinkern schildert sie ihre Wahrnehmung des einen schöpferischen Seins, das sich in unterschiedlichen Facetten zeigt. Wir werden eingeladen, uns ohne Dogma und ohne Guru auf den Weg zu machen, um in uns selbst ein bisschen Ewigkeit zu finden.

  • af Bill Skiles
    143,95 kr.

    New Dimensions in Healing is an important book for those ready to take the spiritual healing journey. Herb Fitch represents what can be attained when we give up all belief in personal sense. He is one of the most advanced mystics the world has ever known. His love and dedication for helping us to step into the Kingdom here and now are unparalleled.Bill Skiles has lovingly compiled the Kauai 1989 preparation tapes & Chicago 1990 healing seminar into this volume to be shared with the world.In 1979 after hearing a tape by Herb Fitch called "Follow Me," Bill Skiles drove 300 miles to a spiritual seminar up in Avila Beach, California, in order to meet Herb Fitch. Before he could have a private session with him, Bill attended his class on Saturday called "Healing Outside of Time."During the class, he went deeply into the Silence. While sitting there, he suddenly felt lifted up above my physical body. I was on a higher plane, another level of Consciousness. The Experience was intense.Herb Fitch's understanding of scripture through revelation is phenomenal. He still works behind the scenes in the Invisible for all of us.This book covers the 1989 Kauai Preparation talks and the 1990 Chicago Healing Seminar. The principles of healing are explained and proven. Read a paragraph or two at a time and then meditate. You will see that these healing principles are truly timeless.

  • af Heike Stuckert
    373,95 - 413,95 kr.

  • af Reno Longmoons
    98,95 kr.

  • af Genevieve Behrend
    133,95 kr.

  • af Caroline Hill
    288,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Jacqueline Noiret
    323,95 kr.

    Ce livre réalise en symboles L'ARBRE et L'ÊTRE en un programme d'évolution de L'ÊTRE en son ESSENCE PROFONDE, à l'image de la croissance de DIX ESSENCES D'ARBRES à la MÉMOIRE ANCESTRALE. Il s'adresse à toutes celles et tous ceux qui sont prêts à prendre leur bâton de pèlerin pour arpenter le chemin qui les conduira à leur ARBRE ORIGINEL.Je suis une femme ordinaire sans savoir particulier. Il m'a fallu 25 années pour écrire cet ouvrage, comprendre le sens des messages reçus en ÉCRITURE INSPIRÉE, ne sachant pas comment et pourquoi cette tâche m'était confiée, mais consciente de la nécessité de le transmettre. J'espère avoir su rendre ce livre lisible et fidèle aux messages reçus, afin qu'il soit un outil pour que chacun découvre le sens de ce qu'il doit mettre en son destin.

  • af Donna Goddard
    143,95 kr.

    This is the COMBINED VOLUME of the 2-book Love and Devotion Series, which includes The Love of Being Loving and The Love of Devotion. A grand and magnificent truth radiates from within all of life and each of us. May you discover in your heart a sweet lightness, the luminescent glow of God's beauty, and a genuine appreciation for the wonderful gift of life, which glows unmarred through every human error. We are loved by the Divine, loved into existence. That, in itself, is enough to reassure each one of us of our inestimable worth. The Love of Being Loving is about the earlier adult years of my spiritual development. Dr Thomas Hora (Metapsychiatry) and Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science) were the most significant influences on my spiritual path during my twenties and thirties. The second book is The Love of Devotion. In my forties, I started reading a series of metaphysical books by Dr David R. Hawkins. I realised they profoundly impacted my growth, and Dr Hawkins became my next spiritual teacher. Dr Hawkins (Devotional Nonduality) and Dr Hora came from similar spiritual and intellectual terrain. We are drawn to a certain field of truth that resonates with our inner leanings. My interest in understanding thought drew me to teachers who also had a deep interest in human consciousness.

  • af David Lane
    123,95 kr.

    In this partially autobiographical book, Professor David Christopher Lane, PhD., a long-time skeptic of religion and the paranormal, explains why he meditates and why he believes it is extremely beneficial to human well-being. Includes a detailed section on how to meditate using an ancient technique called shabd yoga (listening to the inner sound) without resorting to mythological concepts or overlays.From the Text: I don't meditate with an end goal or with some underlying desire for a specific enlightened state mentioned in some ancient holy book or postulated by a revered sage. I meditate just like I surf: for the bliss of the ride. Where it will eventually take me is not dissimilar to where life takes us: to the unexpected and to the unexplored.In other words, it is the means of meditation and not some desired end that is fulfilling. I have noticed that if I get anxious about some result or when I feel a rush, as if entering a time and space portal to a new world, I lose my own balance by clutching. Letting go, surrendering, to our own consciousness and not succumbing to the endless stream of virtual simulations (which our brains are evolutionarily designed to do) is to apprehend the meta program and experience why it emerged.

  • af David Lane
    398,95 kr.

    Surprisingly, one of the more lucid insights on the philosophy of the Tibetan Book of the Dead comes from a Hindu mystic, named Baba Faqir Chand, who apparently was not familiar with the original Tibetan text or its English translation. Although Faqir was not conversant with the Bardo Thotrol, he was nevertheless steeped in its philosophy as taught to him by his guru, Shiv Brat Lal of Gopiganj. Faqir Chand, like his lama counterparts, spent much of his life in meditation, attempting to consciously go through the dying process in order to prepare himself for his final exit. However, unlike others of his kind, Faqir left a detailed account of his some 70-plus years of meditation (ranging from three to 12 hours daily) which led up to his enlightenment. The result is a richly detailed account which provides a thorough understanding of how inner visions and the like are projected in the intermediate stages between life and death.

  • af Therese of Lisieux
    138,95 kr.

    Queremos amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, pero a menudo nos encontramos esforzándonos por agradarle, muy conscientes de nuestras debilidades. A medida que se acumulan nuestros fracasos, nos frustramos y desanimamos. ¿Hemos perdido la esencia del evangelio? ¿Existe una manera simple, pero verdadera, de servir a Dios, que pueda llenarnos de gozo y paz en lugar de miedo y desánimo? Santa Teresa de Lisieux enfrentó luchas similares. Como mujer joven que deseaba entregarse a Dios, se sintió intimidada ante la "la empinada escalera de la perfección". Thérése escudriñó las Escrituras hasta que descubrió un camino hacia la libertad. La llamó "pequeño camino". Este es "el camino de la infancia espiritual, el camino de la confianza y la entrega absoluta". Es un reconocimiento de que mientras somos pequeños e imperfectos, tenemos un Dios poderoso que nos alcanza con infinito amor, gracia y fuerza para cuidar de todas nuestras necesidades. Mientras Thérése seguía este nuevo camino, se consideraba una "pequeña flor" en el jardín de Jesús. Ella entendió que era amada por su Padre celestial y hermosa ante sus ojos, y que podía florecer justo donde Él la plantó mientras diariamente demostraba Su amor incondicional a los demás, en pequeños, pero significativos actos de bondad, e intercedió en su nombre. Este hermoso libro de regalo destaca la profunda comprensión de Santa Teresa sobre la fe y la devoción, mientras captura visualmente, a través de flores como simples ilustraciones, el tema de la sencillez que impregnó su vida. Al leer extractos de la autobiografía, la poesía y las cartas de Santa Teresa, con los versículos bíblicos que los acompañan, aprenderá a descansar en los brazos amorosos de su Padre celestial, permitiendo que su propia fe crezca y florezca. We want to love God with all our hearts, but we often find ourselves striving in our efforts to please Him, acutely aware of our weaknesses. As our failures pile up, we become frustrated and discouraged. Have we missed the essence of the gospel? Is there a simple but true way to serve God that can fill us with joy and peace rather than fear and discouragement? St. Thérèse of Lisieux faced similar struggles. As a young woman who desired to abandon herself to God, she felt daunted at the thought of climbing "the steep stairway of perfection." Thérèse searched the Scriptures until she discovered a path to freedom she called her "little way." This is "the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute surrender." It is a recognition that while we are small and imperfect, we have a mighty God who reaches out to us with infinite love, grace, and strength to take care of all our needs. As Thérèse followed this new path, she considered herself a "little flower" in Jesus's garden. She understood that she was beloved by her heavenly Father and delightful in His eyes. And she could bloom right where He planted her as she daily demonstrated His unconditional love to others in small but meaningful acts of kindness and interceded on their behalf. This beautiful book highlights St. Thérèse's deep insights into faith and devotion, while visually capturing, through simple floral illustrations, the theme of simplicity that permeated her life. As you read excerpts from St. Thérèse's autobiography, poetry, and letters--tracing such themes as "littleness," God's immense love for us, our devotion to God, loving others, prayer, humility, surrender, sacrifice, trust, and the joys of heaven--you will learn to rest in the loving arms of your heavenly Father, allowing your own faith to grow and flourish.

  • af David Lane
    228,95 kr.

    The Radhasoami Tradition is an important contribution to several scholarly literatures: on Southeast Asian studies; the sociology of religion, and the sociology of politics. Dr. Lane has gathered a truly impressivearray of data on the process of choosing a new guru in the Radhasoami tradition. No serious scholar of Indian religion can ignore Lane's work. The data he has collected will be the building blocks for all future researchon this area. To this data, David has applied a very insightful, original conceptual framework combining elements of Weberian theory on the transmission of charisma, of phenomenological theory on the sociology ofexperience, and the theories of "ideological work" developed by Bennett Berger. The result is the kind of scholarship that deeply respects the authenticity of the religious experience of the Radhasoami communitywhile at the same time making it possible to understand that experience in the context of cultural processes and organizational dynamics common to many different religious communities. --Professor Madsen, Co-author of Habits of the HeartThe Radhasoami Tradition is one of the best works I have read in many years in the field of modern religion and society. Its great strength, I feel, is its understanding of the concept of authority in the Radhasoami tradition and in religious communities in India in general. At no greater time is this concept tested and honed than in the process of succession from one spiritual master to another. These are often difficult moments for the Radhasoami communities, and for this reason inside knowledge about guru succession is very difficult to obtain. Dr. Lane not only has this information, he has it in abundance. He is able to work with this vastknowledge of Radhasoami history and make useful sociological observations on the basis of it.--Professor Juergensmeyer, Author of Radhasoami RealityThe Radhasoami Tradition is a masterful work. Dr. Lane demonstrates the dynamics and history of Indian religious movements in the Hindu tradition and provides a basis for comparative analysis. Building on the classics in the sociology of religion and new studies of religious movements, Dr. Lane skillfully show how religious traditions are maintained in the midst of change, conflict, and negotiation. --Professor Jules-Rosette, Author of The New Religions of Africa

  • af Terrell Frazier
    213,95 - 309,95 kr.

    PLANET SYLVIA was supposedly an imaginary world that the author created in his mind to escape his hardships and trauma of his rough youth and teenage years, that is until a dream or vision of some sort that he got in his late twenties changed everything. The Author believes that Planet Sylvia exists hiding out there in the vastness of space in a planetary system called the Pullar System.

  • af Scott Shaw
    248,95 kr.

  • af David Lane
    168,95 kr.

    The long-awaited sequel to The Making of a Spiritual Movement: The Untold Story of Paul Twitchell and Eckankar, this work goes into further detail about Paul Twitchell's extensive plagiarism, his cover-ups, his neo-mythology, and the acrimonious break-up of Darwin Gross and Harold Klemp. Includes documents, photographs, and a plethora of intriguing materials on the evolution of Eckankar as a New Age religion.

  • af Richard Reuss
    148,95 kr.

    Aleister Crowley è oggi considerato una fonte di ispirazione da molte persone in cerca di illuminazione spirituale e istruzioni nella pratica magica. Così, mentre durante la sua vita i suoi libri si vendevano poco e i suoi discepoli non furono mai molto numerosi, oggigiorno tutti le sue opere importanti sono costantemente in stampa e le persone che si definiscono "thelemiti" (cioè seguaci della nuova religione di Crowley) sono diverse migliaia in tutto il mondo. Inoltre, l'influenza di Crowley sui nuovi movimenti religiosi orientati magicamente è stata in alcuni casi molto profonda e pervasiva. Sarebbe difficile comprendere, ad esempio, alcuni aspetti del neopaganesimo anglosassone e del satanismo contemporaneo senza una solida conoscenza delle dottrine e delle idee di Crowley. In altri campi, come la poesia, l'alpinismo e la pittura, potrebbe essere stato una figura minore, ma è giusto ammettere che, nel limitato contesto dell'occultismo, ha svolto e svolge tuttora un ruolo di primo piano.

  • af Ahriana Platten
    263,95 kr.

    The purpose of this book is to empower you to use rites and rituals to improve your life. Don't believe it's possible? You will once you read the stories inside from people who've experienced amazing healing and transformation! It's a book for everyone-and especially for healers, intuitives, and spiritual innovators ready to find new ways to help a suffering world. Grab your copy now!

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