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  • af Timothy Mulder
    217,95 - 482,95 kr.

  • af Nancy Meyer
    182,95 kr.

    It's not about trauma; it's about triumph! Dr. Nancy Meyer's Defying Fear: Finding Courage to Embrace Your True Value isn't just a book--it's a beacon of hope for those navigating through the shadows of doubt and adversity. Through the captivating tale of Lila, a composite character born from the resilience of real women, Meyer masterfully intertwines personal experiences, biblical truths, and profound insights to illuminate the path to unwavering self-worth. Readers embark on a journey that is both heart-wrenching and uplifting, as Lila's struggles mirror the silent battles many face in their own lives. From the depths of heartache to the heights of triumph, Meyer's narrative resonates with authenticity, drawing readers into Lila's world of uncertainty and redemption. As Lila confronts the daunting specters of abuse, betrayal, and fear, her unwavering faith and indomitable spirit serve as a guiding light, illuminating the way toward self-discovery and empowerment. With each turn of the page, readers are not only inspired but equipped with practical tools to confront their own fears and embrace their inherent value. Through poignant storytelling and timeless wisdom, Meyer offers a road map for transformation, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, there is light to be found. Defying Fear is more than just a book--it's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a testament to the power of faith to conquer fear.

  • af Peter Madsen Gubi
    1.110,95 kr.

    Enriching Awareness and Practice in the Pastoral and Reflective Supervision of Clergy increases and enriches the awareness, knowledge, and skills of pastoral and reflective supervisors who work with clergy in a pastoral/reflective supervision context.

  • af Susanne Gödecke
    152,95 kr.

    Während der Dortmunder LOGOS-Tagung lud der Siebenerkreis alle Tagungsteilnehmer zu einer Stunde ein, in der Aspekte des Sakraments der Priesterweihe aus verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet wurden. Die Oberlenker Oliver Steinrueck, João Torunsky und Christward Kröner haben dieses besondere Ereignis gemeinsam mit ihren Lenkerkolleginnen und -kollegen Susanne Gödecke, Gisela Thriemer, Stephan Meyer und Jaroslaw J. J. Rolka gestaltet.

  • af Anne Dryburgh
    162,95 kr.

    Provides a biblical basis and Christ's transforming hope for counselors seeking to help female rape victims. Clears up common myths surrounding rape and gives insight into how this trauma impacts all aspects of their lives.

  • af Franz-Josef Bormann
    1.292,95 kr.

    Tod und Sterben gehören zu den existentiellen Grunderfahrungen des Menschseins, die seit jeher Gegenstand kultureller Deutung sind. Der erste Teil des Bandes nähert sich dem Thema aus der Perspektive der philosophischen und theologischen Anthropologie, wobei zunächst die philosophischen Grundmodelle des Leib-Seele-Problems und ihre variantenreiche Rezeption im Raum der drei abrahamitischen Religionen thematisiert werden. Auf dieser Grundlage sind dann im zweiten Teil des Bandes mit der Debatte um Hirntod und Suizidassistenz zwei aktuelle medizinethische Konfliktfelder zu thematisieren, in denen unterschiedliche Todesverständnisse virulent werden.

  • af Tender Tulip
    147,95 kr.

    The end of Us... I gave my allBut it wasn't enoughLove turned to painAnd I was left feeling rough I thought I was strongBut he broke me downI thought I was lovedBut he wore the crown Now I see the truthAnd it sets me freeBut the question remainsIs love worth the cost to me? Get Your Copy Now to Unravel This Amazing Poetry Book of It Ends With Us

  • af Billy Shaw
    143,95 kr.

    With the unexpected challenges life can hold, it is very difficult to find hope for something good or better to happen when one's hope is waning, see-sawing, or perhaps even lost. For those struggling with feelings of hopelessness or intermittent hope, author and pastor Billy Shaw has created an inspirational guide to help get these kinds of souls to house an always hope. There Is Always Hope focuses on Shaw's personal experiences as well as promises God made to His children in the Bible and helps target specific areas where hope can be difficult to find or hang onto such as finances, relationships, personal wellness, and more. "Billy Shaw's focus on hope in this Biblical, personal, and practical volume is welcome in these days of false hope, and hopelessness for many. Readers in Christ can and will be strengthened by this book. Those outside of Christ will read about the real hope that is available through the Lord Jesus Christ." -Dr. David L. Olford, President, Olford Ministries International, Inc. "There are many reasons why I really love and heartedly endorse Pastor Billy Shaw's book, There Is Always Hope, but one stands out the most. It's the faces. The faces of people that I can see by faith who will read it and find the hope that will lead them to Christ, the ultimate source of all hope. I believe every reader will find encouragement no matter what they may be facing." -Don Newman, Executive Director of Publishing, Salem Author Services A native of Charlotte, NC, Billy Shaw is a pastor, entrepreneur, and public speaker. He holds degrees from Tennessee Temple University, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Regent University. He and his wife Ashley live in South Florida with their son Liam. For booking information and more, log onto

  • af Paul Moes
    195,95 kr.

    "A particularly fresh, engaging, and accessible exploration"This book helps readers understand the range of options for integrating faith and psychology, allowing them to explore where various views fit on a continuum of approaches to integration and to understand the perspectives of other Christians in the field of psychology."Kudos to Paul Moes and Blake Riek for gifting students with a big-idea book--a lucid synopsis of the philosophical, psychological, and theological perspectives that frame our thinking about psychology and faith. Read this, and you will better understand your own worldview."--David G. Myers, Hope College, coauthor of Psychology; author of A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists: Musings on Why God Is Good and Faith Isn't Evil"A particularly fresh, engaging, and accessible exploration of how to thoughtfully and humbly engage psychological research and practice. The writing is crisp, and the text is focused and brief without sacrificing nuance. Rather than being prescriptive or preachy, the authors address the strengths and weaknesses of multiple perspectives, encouraging readers to think for themselves and giving them the tools to do so. I would readily use this book to engage all my students, including those from other faith traditions or none."--Heather Looy, The King's University"This is a brief, succinct, and well-written introduction to the major models and worldviews for the integration of Christian faith and psychology. It covers philosophical foundations or worldviews related to natural science, human nature, contemporary psychology and religion, and models of integration in a helpful and clear way. Highly recommended!"--Siang-Yang Tan, Fuller Theological Seminary; author of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Christian Perspective

  • af Juliano Pozati
    457,95 kr.

    "Como reencontrar um Evangelho soterrado por séculos de institucionalismo religioso? Essa foi a dor e a motivação de Juliano Pozati para mergulhar no estudo de Yeshua, pronúncia do aramaico para o nome de Jesus. Com o objetivo de investigar o verdadeiro espírito do homem que dividiu a história ocidental e abalou profundamente o curso evolutivo da atual humanidade, este livro é um convite para olhar para Jesus como você talvez nunca tenha olhado e percorrer temas como crucificação, ressurreição, identidade cósmica, milagres, curas e muito mais que sua vida nos revela. A bibliografia é vasta, mas trabalhada com desenvoltura e didática, e traz diferentes pontos de vista: espiritualista, esotérico, ocultista e religioso. Porque é na diversidade que nasce a verdadeira unidade. Nossa humanidade terrestre precisa urgentemente compreender o Evangelho, talvez como nunca antes em sua história; mais do que compreender, nós precisamos viver. O Verbo precisa realmente se fazer carne em nós. O conhecimento do Cristo Planetário precisa gerar movimento em nós e transformação no planeta Terra."

  • af David Murray
    182,95 kr.

    This accessible resource answers 30 commonly asked questions about mental health from a Christian perspective, providing caregivers with the biblical wisdom necessary to care for those with mental illnesses.

  • af Thomas Vaughn
    137,95 kr.

    The Philosophy of Not provides a deep-rooted description of the underlying infrastructure for all of existence. The existence of Not, once fully understood, mandates the existence of Life. From the axiom of Life, we then move on to the spirit-consciousness - your awareness of your own awareness. The ideology of Authorism then builds on that base and gives us a new way of looking at the world. Through authoring your own life and securing your own self-authorization instead of seeking external authorization, you can build an unshakeable foundation and structure of belief. This foundation and structure of belief can then be used as a touchstone in the chaos of life in the modern economically driven technological society.

  • af Chuck Chapman
    347,95 kr.

    Asap Recovery--for Those Seeking Cure over Maintenance! The old recovery foundations have cracked beyond the point of repair, and each year countless people in our community are needlessly dying because of it! The only question is--will you be one of them before something changes? ASAP Recovery: Tearing out the Old Foundation exposes seven reasons why yesterday's Steps and Traditions are no longer working for the majority of us in recovery today. This book is about the freedom and victory the God of the Bible alone offers to all of us and what He expects from us in order to achieve it! It is also about your individual path to victory and why it has eluded you for so long. ASAP Recovery is for those rare individuals seeking cure over maintenance for addiction and willful sin but just can't seem to find it by building on the old foundation. So if you're finally ready to start rebuilding your life on the only foundation that will never crack or crumble, then this is the book, program, and path for you. Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall. (Matthew 7:24-27 NJKV) Welcome to Where Addiction Recovery and the Word of God Meet!

  • af Vera-Maria Giehler
    1.032,95 kr.

    In welchem Verhältnis standen Selbstverständnis und Praxis institutionalisierter nichtkonfessioneller sowie katholischer Eheberatungsstellen? In ihrer an der Schnittstelle von Sozialgeschichte, Geschichte der Sozialen Arbeit und Kirchengeschichte angesetzten Studie blickt Vera-Maria Giehler auch auf der Mikroebene in die Beratungssituation selbst. Mit den zum ersten Mal ausgewerteten Briefwechseln, Protokollen und Berichten aus Beratungsstellen soll so eine Forschungslücke zu einem zeitgenössisch viel diskutierten Themenfeld geschlossen werden. Eheberatung diente den Ratsuchenden, jedoch auch gesellschaftlichen Ordnungsvorstellungen. Die Autorin arbeitet verschiedene Aspekte der Beratungen heraus: individuelle Hilfe, soziale Kontrolle, Institutionalisierung, Professionalisierung sowie Beratende und auch Ratsuchende als die Situation beeinflussende Akteure. Dabei wird eine starke Ambivalenz aufgezeigt - zurückzuführen auf miteinander verwobene institutionelle Ebenen, denen unabhängig agierende Beratende gegenüberstanden. Selbstverständnis und Zielsetzung vorgesetzter Ebene spiegelten sich nur selten in der Praxis, die sich eher an den Bedürfnissen der Ratsuchenden orientierte. Darüber hinaus werden insbesondere die Kontinuität eugenischen Denkens in der nichtkonfessionellen Eheberatung und die weibliche Laienarbeit mit personalem Ehe- und Liebesverständnis in der katholischen Beratung verdeutlicht.

  • af Mary McDaniel Cail
    252,95 kr.

    Churches have a vital role in helping people with dementia and their caregivers, and much to learn from them too. Cail pairs poignant stories with strategies, lesson plans, and advice for ministries that compliment community needs and church resources. Readers will find here tools for preparing their congregations to engage this important work.

  • af Micah L McCreary
    197,95 kr.

    "This book lives at the intersection of trauma, race, and counseling. African (Black), Latino/a/x, Asian, and Native (Indigenous) Americans (ALANAs) experience trauma in the context of systemic, institutionalized, and cultural racism. Any work by trauma-informed professionals must take into consideration the intersection of race and trauma"--

  • af Rachel Pallitan
    237,95 kr.

    Spiritual encouragement with uplifting Biblical insights set out in days and months or just pick a number between 1 and 365 at random. Especially in these hard times we need all the help we can get and that includes that which comes from the Word that God speaks to us. This book is simple to understand and apply to our daily lives, one day at a time or however the reader chooses to read it.

  • af Georg P. Loczewski
    245,95 - 332,95 kr.

  • af Edward T Welch
    152,95 kr.

    Bestselling author and counselor Edward T. Welch walks readers through the difficult task of coming alongside grieving people with genuine compassion and humility.

  • af John Chapman
    182,95 kr.

    Facilitating Counseling Groups, the second book in the Church-Based Counseling series, provides training for lay leaders to guide a group-based church counseling ministry (G4 model) that addresses common life struggles.

  • af Curtis Solomon
    152,95 kr.

    Counselor and trauma expert Curtis Solomon helps those who have suffered the disorienting effects of a traumatic experience to reorient their lives to the path God has for them.

  • af Camille Cates
    152,95 kr.

    Counselor Camille Cates points women who may be facing hurt, confusion, and unanswered questions after an abortion to finding grace and mercy in God's love.

  • af Brad Hambrick
    182,95 kr.

    This first book in the Church-Based Counseling series provides a framework for guiding churches through the process of building a volunteer-led counseling ministry.

  • af Anne Dryburgh
    107,95 kr.

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