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  • af Kirsten Ahlburg & Maya Fridan
    247,95 kr.

    Maya Fridan er kendt fra tv-programmerne Fornemmelse for mord, Den sjette sans og Oraklerne. Bogen handler om hendes oplevelse af den åndelige verden, hvordan man kan udvikle sig personligt og åndeligt, og hvordan man kan lære sig selv at kende og udvikle egne clairvoyante evner. Der er mange øvelser i bogen, som man kan anvende på sig selv. Man lærer om åndelige guider, skytsånder, personlig udvikling, åndelig opvågnen, intuition, sensitivitet og meget mere. Læs om den clairvoyante Maya Fridan og find ud af, om du også selv er clairvoyant!

  • - Mit liv blandt engle og ånder
    af Karen Seneca & Marzcia Techau
    72,95 - 247,95 kr.

    NÅR ÅNDERNE BANKER PÅ er en fascinerende og meget ærlig beretning fra et moderne spirituelt medie. Det er Marzcia Techaus historie om, hvordan den spirituelle verden valgte hende, i begyndelsen meget imod hendes vilje. Vi får alle detaljer fra hendes arbejde, inklusive de voldsomme kampe, hun ofte må kæmpe med de afdøde, for at de levende kan leve et fredeligt liv.

  • af Marion Dampier-Jeans & Dijana Jonjic
    227,95 - 267,95 kr.

    Der er mere mellem himmel og jord, end det vi umiddelbart kan se og måle. Den sandhed forstår mange mennesker mere eller mindre intuitivt. Men hvordan kommer vi bedst i kontakt med den åndelige verden? Og hvad kan vi lære af den?Marion Dampier-Jeans er internationalt anerkendt spiritistisk medium med mere end 50 års erfaring. I bogen her giver hun sine personlige perspektiver på en lang række emner, der knytter sig til spiritismens historie, og hvordan den praktiseres i dag. Hun forklarer dybdegående, hvad spiritisme er, og hvad det spiritistiske arbejde kræver. Hun fortæller om, hvordan den åndelige verden kan give os stor indsigt og udvikling, hvis vi er parate til selv at gøre en indsats – og hvad den indsats går ud på, såvel for spiritistiske medier som for alle, der ønsker en bedre forståelse af de usete kræfter omkring os.I spiritismens tjeneste er desuden Marions personlige bidrag til debatten om spiritisme i et videnskabeligt perspektiv. Her kommer hun ind på nogle af de mennesker, der har arbejdet og stadig arbejder for at bevise den åndelige verdens eksistens, såvel som på nogle af dem, der har modarbejdet denne indsats. Med sit udgangspunkt i stor erfaring og personlige historier fra en af de vigtigste stemmer på det spiritistiske felt er bogen oplagt læsning for alle, der interesserer sig for den åndelige verden.Marion Dampier-Jeans (f. 1950) har arbejdet som spiritistisk medium i mere end 50 år. Hun er bosat i England, men født i Danmark. Hun besøger hyppigt Danmark, Norge og Grønland for at dele ud af sin viden om mentalt og fysisk mediumskab. I Danmark er hun særligt kendt for sin medvirken i tv-programmerne 'Rædslernes nat', 'Åndernes magt' og 'Fornemmelse for mord', ligesom hun er en efterspurgt foredragsholder. Hun står desuden bag en række bøger om åndelige emner, hvoraf I spiritismens tjeneste er den femte, der udkommer på dansk.

  • - Et essay om den spirituelle strømning fra øst til vest
    af Jes Bertelsen
    90,95 - 132,95 kr.

    Den vestlige verden har udviklet væsentlige goder som industri, teknologi, velstand, demokrati. Men vi har trods fordelene mistet kontakten til det essentielle i livet. Materialismen har gjort os orienteringsløse. Samtidig har vi de seneste årtier oplevet en flodbølge af spirituelle strømninger fra østlig visdom, som netop tilbyder at retablere kontakten til menneskets kerne, til bevidsthedens væsen og hjertets kerne. Jes Bertelsen undersøger i denne bog essensen af visdomsstrømmen fra Østen – frem for alt den meditative fordybelse - og dens assimilering i en vestlig sammenhæng. Denne fordybelse ses som en væsentlig mulig forudsætning for udviklingen af den empati og det nærvær, der mere end noget andet er brug for på kloden. Bogen indeholder lette meditationsøvelser.

  • af Richard Rudd
    202,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Richard Rudd
    192,95 - 260,95 kr.

  • af Richard Rudd
    247,95 - 437,95 kr.

  • - Samtaler med Quan Yin, Lady Nada, Pallas Athena, Liberty, Lady Portia, Lady Vista og Sanat Kumara
    af Robby Curdorf & Dennis Søndergård
    167,95 kr.

  • af Clarissa Pinkola Estés
    337,95 kr.

    Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species. Though the gifts of wildish nature come to us at birth, society's attempt to "civilize" us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become over-domesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D., Jungian analyst and cantadora storyteller, shows how woman's vitality can be restored through what she calls "psychic archeological digs" into the bins of the female unconscious. In Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Estes uses multicultural myths, fairy tales, folk tales, and stories chosen from over twenty years of research that help women reconnect with the healthy, instinctual, visionary attributes of the Wild Woman archetype. Dr. Estes collects the bones of many stories, looking for the archetypal motifs that set a woman's inner life into motion. "La Loba" teaches about the transformative function of the psyche. In "Bluebeard", we learn what to do with wounds that will not heal; in "Skeleton Woman", we glimpse the mystical power of relationship and how dead feelings can be revived; "Vasalisa the Wise" brings our lost womanly instincts to the surface again; "The Handless Maiden" recovers the Wild Woman initiation rites; and "The Little Match Girl" warns against the insidious dangers of a life spent in fantasy. In these and other stories, we focus on the many qualities of Wild Woman. We retrieve, examine, love, and understand her, and hold her against our deep psyches as one whois both magic and medicine. In Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Estes has created a new lexicon for describing the female psyche. Fertile and lifegiving, it is a psychology of women in the truest sense, a knowing of the soul.

  • af Thomas Hübl & Julie Jordan Avritt
    157,95 - 199,95 kr.

    A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Healing Shared TraumaWhat can you do when you carry scars not on your body, but within your soul? And what happens when those spiritual wounds exist not just in you, but in everyone in your family, community, and even beyond?Spiritual teacher Thomas Hübl has spent years investigating why it is that old and seemingly disconnected traumas can seed their way through communities and across generations. His work culminates in Healing Collective Trauma, a new perspective on trauma that addresses both its visible effects and its most hidden roots. Thomas combines deep knowledge of mystical traditions with the latest scientific research. "In this way," writes Thomas, "we are weaving a double helix between ancient wisdom and contemporary understanding."Thomas details the Collective Trauma Integration Process, a group-based modality for evoking and eventually dissolving stuck traumatic energies. Providing structured practices for both students and group facilitators, Healing Collective Trauma is intended to build a practical tool kit for integration. Here, you will learn:. The innumerable ways trauma shapes our world-from identity and health to economy, geopolitics, and the state of the environment. The concept of "trauma loyalty"-unconscious group bonds based in a pain narrative. How the climate crisis is both a manifestation of humanity's collective trauma and an opportunity to heal . "Retrocausality"-how the power of presence can reshape the past and make new futures possibleIncluding essays contributed by experts such as Dr. Gabor Maté, Dr. Otto Scharmer, Dr. Christina Bethell, and Ken Wilber, Healing Collective Trauma offers not just an advanced look at community trauma but also a hopeful glimpse of the future. As Thomas declares, "Together, I believe we can and must heal the 'soul wound' that marks us all. In so doing, we will awaken to the luminous possibility and profound potential of our true, mutual nature as humankind."

  • - Slangeilden
    af Benni Bødker & Rune Ryberg
    166,95 kr.

  • - En bog om clairvoyance og inspiration til dit liv
    af Dortea Berg-Jensen (Uggerhøj)
    207,95 kr.

    Lektørudtalelse fra DBC: En personlig beretning med et indhold, der rækker ud over det personlige. Let at læse med budskab til mange. “I selskab med ånder” er til interesserede, der gerne vil læse en god, personlig beretning om et liv med ånder, og samtidig selv udvikle sig. Dortea fortæller i denne selvbiografiske bog om, hvordan sygdom fik hende til, at sadle om fra rideskoleejer til clairvoyant. "I selskab med ånder" er ikke alene en håndbog, hvor du får forklaringer på spirituelle emner, men er også en bog der giver dig redskaber til selvudvikling og inspiration til at nå dine egne mål i livet. Dortea fortæller om, hvordan hun allerede som barn talte med ånder. Og hvordan hun i sit voksne liv måtte erkende, at livet skulle tage en gevaldig drejning, hvis ikke hele hendes krop skulle sove. Bogen indeholder også klientberetninger, hvori mennesker der har fået clairvoyance af Dortea fortæller om deres oplevelser, og du som læser får forslag til øvelser, så du kan træne dine egne spirituelle energier. Mange tusindevis har mødt Dortea til foredrag rundt i landet og bogen er et herligt gensyn og er du interesseret i den mediumistiske og spirituelle verden, vil du nyde hendes levende måde at fortælle om ånder og åndeverdenen på.

  • - Flammeherrerne
    af Benni Bødker & Rune Ryberg
    166,95 kr.

    Tag med dr. Harryhausen, fanatisk bekæmper af falske medier og okkulte selskaber, og ikke mindst Homunuculus, hans hemmelige våben, på en rejse dybt ind i sindets og virkelighedens rædsler. I kampen mod Ashra-Selskabet drejer det sig om liv og død i indtil flere inkarnationer ...Andet bind af to i en forrygende okkult tegneserie af Benni Bødker og Rune Ryberg.

  • af Sherianna Boyle
    175,95 kr.

    A contemporary take on manifesting based on processing our emotions within the context of metaphysical truths to create a full lifeThe universe responds to our feelings. This idea is crucial in manifestation-but when we try to put it into practice, things fall flat and we feel stuck. We can become afraid of what our fear is manifesting or defeated when our feelings aren't positive enough. If your emotions aren't flowing and your manifestation practice just isn't working, Sherianna Boyle has good news: you can achieve a loving mastery of your emotions that will help you create the life you want. Energy in Action explores how emotions-when in flow-raise your vibration to cultivate an optimal inner state for successful manifestation. By applying her signature emotional detoxing and CLEANSE system, Sherianna helps you get to know the spiritual laws of the universe as a guidance system for energetic alignment. You'll learn to create from an inner space of discernment, insight, intuition, and levelheadedness. Here, you'll explore: . How the universe responds to your emotional states. Preparing to move energy with the CLEANSE system. How to overcome the most common blockages to manifestation. The spiritual laws of the universe beyond the law of attraction. Practical tools to align your emotional energy for each law"Emotional habits can seem tough to change," says Sherianna, "but as you follow this process, you'll discover that you're not alone-the laws of the universe are supporting you each step of the way. You can realize your most joyful and connected life."

  • af John of the Cross
    152,95 kr.

  • af Acharya Shunya
    197,95 kr.

    A rallying cry for women everywhere to break free from the shackles of patriarchy and awaken their true nature, brought to life through India's primary goddess archetypes"Roar Like a Goddess is a portal to the power of the three wisdom goddesses that lie within each of us. This book is a transmission that will awaken and empower you." -Tracee Stanley, author of Radiant Rest and Empowered Life Self-Inquiry Oracle DeckWithin you is a wellspring of strength and resilience, the ability to create and enjoy abundance, and an expansive sense of inner freedom and divinity. Yet after centuries of living in patriarchal societies, many women don't realize how powerful they are-or how much they've been enculturated to keep their true nature hidden. In Roar Like a Goddess, trailblazing Vedic spiritual teacher Acharya Shunya empowers women everywhere to step into their divine immensity and lead powerful, abundant, and wise lives through her revolutionary revisioning of ancient India's primary goddess archetypes: . Part 1 features the Goddess Durga-A role model who vanquishes internalized oppression, Durga teaches you how to take back your full feminine power. . Part 2 introduces the Goddess Lakshmi-Known for her beauty and generous spirit, Lakshmi guides you to cultivate unshakable inner contentment and soul-aligned abundance.. Part 3 celebrates the Goddess Saraswati-The ultimate teacher of our deepest journey to Self, Saraswati illuminates the gifts of wisdom, peace, and inner freedom.Throughout Roar Like a Goddess, Shunya honors her progressive Vedic roots while breaking the shackles of tradition to bring modern-day women an inclusive, feminist spirituality. Sharing classic myths, original insights, and empowering practices, Shunya offers a profound process for awakening the many faces of goddess within. "It is time for all women to come out of the closet and roar with all their spiritual power," she writes, "because that is our true sound."

  • af Louis Jensen
    43,94 - 195,95 kr.

    To lig bliver fundet kort tid efter hinanden. Halsen skåret over, begge ridset i panden og på kroppen. Der er ingen tvivl om, at der er tale om en seriemorder. Efterforskningen går i tomgang. Kriminalkommissæren er helt på bar bund og står komplet magtesløs over for de mærkeligt arrangerede lig med de mystiske ridser i huden. Han ser sig derfor nødsaget til at indhente utraditionelle forstærkninger, og et anonymt tip sætter ham i kontakt med en billedkunstner, hvis særlige intuition og psykiske konstitution måske kan sætte ham i stand til at nytænke sagen. Dermed befinder en billedkunstner sig pludselig midt i en mordgåde. STJERNEBILLEDER er en hvirvlende roman om mord og kunst, sandhed og tro. Med et sikkert greb og sit sædvanlige skæve blik vender Louis Jensen de sædvanlige krimi-konventioner på hovedet og erstatter retsmedicinerens kolde facts med kunstens særlige erkendeform.

  • af Travis Hemingway
    173,95 kr.

    Are you seeking solace in a world that never pauses for breath?Do you yearn for a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos?"Sound Healing and Chakra Balancing" is your personal invitation to find peace within the harmonies of the universe.Imagine if each breath could turn dissonance into harmony within you. What if you could literally tune your body's energy like a masterful symphony? This book isn't just a read; it's an experience that resonates with the deepest parts of your soul.Have you ever noticed how a certain melody can lift your spirits?Now, picture harnessing that power to orchestrate your well-being. This guide is where ancient tradition and modern understanding compose the soundtrack to your personal revival.Ask yourself:Are you ready to explore the healing wonders of sound that have been revered for centuries?Do you wish to discover the vibrant chakras within, turning your inner chaos to a chorus of clarity?Are you prepared to elevate your spirit with the simple, yet profound, act of listening?Within the pages of "Sound Healing and Chakra Balancing," these questions find their answers.You will:Venture into the realm of sound and uncover its capacity to soothe the soul.Gain practical advice for inviting healing frequencies into your everyday life.Learn to navigate your inner landscapes to achieve balance and peace.Embrace the symphony of your senses, and find comfort in the knowledge that you are your own best healer.Don't let the discord of life's relentless pace dictate your inner rhythm. Take control and find your harmony. Embrace the chance to transform-not just hear, but to truly listen-and heal.Let "Sound Healing and Chakra Balancing" be your guide to the sanctuary of self.

  • af Kamila Barambas
    182,95 kr.

    The main character is an artist who is looking for a healthy relationship with a female. The book talks about her difficult chapter of life in overcoming life's obstacles while fighting with depression and mental health problems. In relationships with doctors who are sensitive are seen as angels, in which she is looking for a mentor and life advice. It shows how much she cares about a healthy relationship with herself. She opens up to people using artistic dialogues. While looking for a diagnosis, she meets a lot of people who help her get back on her feet and recover. It focuses on the feelings they experience during life's twists and turns. It shows how much art has in common with medicine. It reveals a hidden feeling in a relationship with a female and how much it affects her state of mind. The main theme is love for art. The main character learns reciprocity and growing up, but also self-discipline, mental strength, self-confidence and care for her own health.

  • af Michaela Grace
    199,95 kr.

    "Voices of the Angels: Learning to Listen, Understand, and Be Guided" by Michaela Grace is more than just a book; it's a gateway to a profound spiritual journey, inviting you to unlock the secrets of communicating with the celestial realm. Michaela shares her personal experiences with angelic beings, offering a heartfelt and inspiring guide to finding comfort, clarity, and purpose through angelic guidance. This book is a treasure trove of wisdom, filled with practical advice, meditation techniques, and stories that illuminate the path to a deeper connection with the divine.Through her narrative, Michaela Grace not only teaches you how to listen to the whispers of angels but also how to interpret their messages and integrate them into your life. Each chapter is designed to bring you closer to understanding the angelic influences around you, empowering you to embrace their presence and utilize their guidance in overcoming life's challenges. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual practitioner or new to the concept of angelic communication, this book offers a fresh perspective on the ways we can connect with the higher powers that guide us.Embark on a transformative journey with "Voices of the Angels" and discover how to open your heart and mind to the angelic messages that surround us. Michaela Grace's insights provide a comforting and enlightening companion as you explore the boundless love and support waiting in the celestial realm. This book is an essential read for anyone looking to enhance their spiritual practice, find peace amidst chaos, and live a life guided by the profound wisdom of the angels.

  • af Niina Niskanen
    110,95 kr.

    Discover the enchanting world of Finnish mythology and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of ancient Finnish festivals. Unearth the tales of powerful gods, mystical creatures, and epic adventures that have shaped Finland's cultural heritage. Delve into the depths of folklore and gain a deeper understanding of the vibrant traditions that have been passed down through generations. Whether you are a mythology enthusiast or simply seeking to expand your knowledge, this book will transport you to a realm of wonder and intrigue. Embark on a journey through time and embrace the magic of Finnish mythology today! Finnish mythology is filled with stories from northern gods and goddesses, magical animals and feisty forest spirits. Finland was an agricultural society for hundreds of years and before that the inhabitants were hunter-gatherers. Our mythology and folktales are intertwined with the surrounding nature, clear lakes, northern lights and the forest, which was the home of all kinds of mysterious events. Summer Solstice was the time to honor the thunder god Ukko, who brought the rain and life with him. This was the time to party and be merry. All kinds of spells and magic was performed during this magical day. The biggest festival of the year, however was the harvest festival Kekri. This was the time when the spirits and ghosts wondered among the living. Ancestors were remembered and they were invited to join the festivities. Many of the modern Finnish Christmas traditions, are in fact, based on the old Kekri celebration.In March when the earth woke up from it's sleep, the goddess Akka was celebrated. Spring equanox was known as matopäivä the day of the snakes. During this day, snakes woke up from hibernation and they danced to honor the earth goddess.

  • af Three Initiates
    236,95 kr.

    Dive into the enigmatic world of ancient wisdom and profound teachings with "The Kybalion." This timeless masterpiece unravels the mysteries of Hermetic philosophy, offering readers a profound exploration into the fundamental principles governing the universe.In this illuminating text, the authors, believed to be the mysterious "Three Initiates," unveil the core principles of Hermeticism, drawing from ancient Egyptian and Greek traditions. Through concise yet profound aphorisms and teachings, they elucidate the Hermetic principles of Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. These principles serve as the foundation upon which the cosmos operates, providing readers with a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.As you journey through the pages of "The Kybalion," you will uncover profound insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and the universe itself. Each principle is explored in depth, offering practical wisdom that can be applied to every aspect of life, from personal development to understanding the workings of the cosmos.Whether you are a seeker of esoteric knowledge, a student of philosophy, or simply curious about the underlying principles of existence, "The Kybalion" serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards deeper understanding and self-realization. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey of discovery as you unlock the timeless wisdom contained within the pages of this extraordinary book.

  • af David Henry Patton
    384,95 - 466,95 kr.

  • af Panache Desai
    211,95 kr.

    NATIONAL BESTSELLERA spiritual thought-leader and featured guest on Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday helps us learn to quiet fear and anxiety and discover the powerful wholeness that exists within us all in this inspiring and affirmative guide.Achieving equilibrium in today's age of anxiety can seem like a near-impossible?even frivolous?task. Panache Desai offers a refreshing, surprisingly unusual approach to meet the challenges of the modern moment and heal the fractured self it produces.For Desai, the soul?whole, unbroken, at peace, and one with the life source?isn't a destination. It already exists within each of us, just waiting to be revealed. It is not something we have to work to develop?it is our birthright. And when we are in union with our soul, we experience a personal evolution that not only illuminates our individual cosmic purpose but helps us to engage the sense of purpose and presence necessary to remake the world itself.You Are Enough offers a straightforward, non-judgmental, and approachable process of revealing the soul, of coming into alignment and harmony with our true selves. Combining personal narrative, clear and inspiring philosophy, and prescriptive practices, it reveals that the way through is the way in?that the way through fear, self-doubt, and anxiety is accepting and embracing dissonance and emotional and psychological blockages, so that we can approach our lives and the world from a perspective that understands our fears are not who we are. Desai's goal is simple: to guide readers through radical self-acceptance toward a life of ultimate peace and fulfillment.Beautifully designed, this enlightening volume by a fresh voice shows us that while life may have caused us to forget our power, potential, light, and love, they are always there, just waiting to be discovered.

  • af Hank Wesselman
    212,95 kr.

  • af Manly Hall
    192,95 - 214,95 kr.

  • af Joshua Free
    217,95 kr.

    Each of the "Keys to the Kingdom" Advanced Training Course Manuals will further a Seekers reach on the Pathway leading out of this Universe.

  • af Niaby Codd
    97,95 kr.

    Humanity's Deception is a poetry book like no other. Channelled from Source, this book seeks to take the reader on a journey into truth. Both the truth of self and the truth of the society that has created the self that we have become. In a bid to help to release people from the chains that we are shackled to, each poem takes the reader into a deeper understanding and awareness of how we have become disconnected from the true reality of who we are and who we came here to be. My personal mission is to play my part in helping to set as many people free from a system that seeks to control and enslave us as is possible for me to do so. This poetry book is an expression of that mission and a step in the right direction to help people to start to see through the open eyes of consciousness. Whilst this anthology of poems has been carefully collated in an order that takes the reader on that journey into truth, it can also be used as an oracle, opening the book up at a random page and receiving the wisdom of the poem that may be just what you needed to hear on that day. This is a book that should be read many times. The more you go on your journey into truth and the more you discover about who you are and the world in which we live, the more you will discover the hidden depths of the messages within the poetry. Allow this book to be your guide, for the journey into self is the greatest journey that you shall ever take.

  • af Arthur Chambers
    283,95 - 285,95 kr.

    ""Thoughts Of The Spiritual"" is a book written by Arthur Chambers and published in 1905. The book is a collection of spiritual thoughts and reflections on various topics such as faith, prayer, love, and the meaning of life. The author draws on his own experiences and beliefs to provide insights into the nature of spirituality and the importance of living a meaningful life. The book is written in a clear and concise style, making it accessible to readers of all backgrounds and beliefs. Whether you are looking for guidance on your own spiritual journey or simply seeking inspiration and wisdom, ""Thoughts Of The Spiritual"" is a valuable resource that will help you deepen your understanding of the spiritual world and the mysteries of life.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

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