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Bierne er vigtige bestøvere af både vilde og dyrkede planter, men de vilde bier er gået voldsomt tilbage i antal. For at hjælpe bierne må vi beskytte vores vilde natur og tilbyde bierne gode levesteder. Det gør vi bl.a. ved at indrette haven bi-venligt og undlade at sprøjte med giftstoffer.Susanne Harding, der er entomolog, beskriver en række vilde biers levevis og de planter, der året igennem kan hjælpe bierne med at overleve.Illustreret med fotos og tegninger af adskillige kunstnere.
Denne bog præsenterer de almindeligste arter af sommerfugle i den danske natur og ikke mindst i vore haver. Her fortælles om deres interessante liv, som man selv kan iagttage, bare man ved, hvad man skal kigge efter, og om de planter, man med fordel kan anskaffe til haven for at få endnu flere sommerfugle.Dagsommerfugle er smukke, og de vækker uvilkårligt beundring med deres farvepragt og elegante flugt. Vi glædes ved synet af den første gule citronsommerfugl en solskinsdag i februar eller af den farvestrålende dagpåfugleøje, der flakser omkring i staudebedet.Men sommerfugle er også natsværmere, som man ikke ser så meget til, da de først er aktive om aftenen, og møl, der ofte er små, gråbrune kræ. Men også de har har deres egen skønhed og poesi, når man først får øjnene op for dem. De fleste af de sommerfugle, der omtales i denne bog, kan man træffe i en almindelig villahave, og med en blomsterrig have kan man lokke flere til.Illustreret med fotos og tegninger af Peter Nielsen.Forfatter er Susanne Harding, insektøkolog, der også har skrevet bogen "Vilde bier og biplanter" i samme serie bøger.
The Book of Wilding, penned by the talented Isabella Tree, is a captivating literary work that you simply cannot miss. Published in 2023 by the renowned Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, this book is a brilliant addition to the world of literature. The genre of the book is as intriguing as its title, promising an immersive reading experience. The Book of Wilding takes its readers on a journey that is as unpredictable as it is enchanting. Isabella Tree, with her masterful storytelling, weaves a narrative that keeps the readers hooked from the first page to the last. The publication of this book in 2023 marked a significant moment in literature, showcasing the author's prowess and versatility. Published by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, a name synonymous with quality literature, The Book of Wilding continues to enthrall its readers with its unique narrative and compelling storyline. This book is a testament to Isabella Tree's literary genius and is a must-have for all book lovers.
Retfærdig Naturbevarelse er et manifest for en ny biodiversitetspolitik i Danmark. I bogen skitserer Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse 10 utopiske visioner for et samfund i harmoni med de planetære grænser, ny økologisk bevidsthed, og en række helhedsorienterede politiske krav, der skal bane vejen for en grøn retfærdig fremtid.
Aldrig før har så mange ønsket at få en mere vild have. Men hvordan kommer man i gang, og hvad skal man gøre anderledes?TV-værten Lene Beier elsker sin have, for her er plads til pindsvin, insekter, fugle, blomster og selvfølgelig ukrudt. Men alligevel vil hun gerne vide endnu mere om den vilde natur. Derfor tager Lene Beier os med rundt i Danmark for at se, hvordan forskellige haveejere griber netop det an.VILDERE HAVE er historien om Lene Beiers egen frodige have, fortællinger fra otte spændende steder og ekspertens råd om biodiversitet. Og så er bogen fuld af smukke, inspirerende billeder og tips til alle, der gerne vil have mere vildskab ind bag hækken.
Hedestrik vil tilgængeliggøre og udbrede viden om og brugen af lokal uld. Denne bog er en samling af tekster, der med ulden i fokus arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem tekstil og landbrug. Bogen indeholder vejledninger til strikning med rå uld, strikkeopskrifter og Hedestriks politiske manifest. I bogen kommer Hedestrik med konkrete bud på, hvordan vi ved at se tilbage i vores tekstilhistorie og ved at lære at bruge de ressourcer, vi har lokalt, kan forandre den nuværende uld- og tekstilindustri.
Sig hej til HEJ! HEJ! er en smukt illustreret børnebog for de 2- til 5-årige, fuld af skønne dyr og sjove rim. En stor bog til de små om forskelle, ligheder og fællesskab – og et finurligt indblik i den mageløse og mangfoldige dyreverden. Og så er der vigtig pointe med det hele. For mange af dyrene er ved at forsvinde, og det er med at møde dem nu og forstå deres store betydning for kloden, hvis vi skal nå at handle og gøre noget.
Start Small, Think Big is a primary-science picture book series that takes young readers from the small and familiar to new areas of knowledge where they need to think big! Little Brown Nut is about the Brazil nut tree told clearly and carefully to build knowledge about its lifecycle, the Amazon, and the world's rainforests, with a fold-out map.
Following on from its hugely successful launch in 1999, Collins Bird Guide - the ultimate reference book for bird enthusiasts - now enters its second edition.
En skelsættende og central bog om verdens fremtid og masseudryddelsen af planetens artsrigdom, der udspiller sig for øjnene af os. I løbet af den sidste halve milliard år har der været fem masseudryddelser, hvor mangfoldigheden af liv på jorden er faldet pludseligt og dramatisk. Forskere verden over registrerer i øjeblikket en sjette udryddelse af arter, der spås til at blive den mest omfattende siden asteroide-nedslaget på Yucatanhalvøen i Mexico for 66 millioner år siden, da dinosaurerne blev udslettet. Men denne gang kommer katastrofen ikke udefra. Det er os, der skaber den: menneskeheden.I Den sjette masseuddøen formidler videnskabsjournalist og forfatter Elizabeth Kolbert feltarbejdet i biodiversitetens frontlinje, som snesevis af forskere inden for et halvt dusin discipliner har foretaget gennem de seneste årtier. Hun tager almindelige læsere med derud, hvor masseudryddelsen er i fuld gang: til bunden af dybhavet, hvor geologerne studerer borekerner og dokumenterer krisen i oceanerne; til trægrænsen, der klatrer højere og højere op ad Andesbjergene til stor bekymring for botanikerne; til Great Barrier Reef, hvor havbiologerne ser livet rinde ud i korallerne. På levende og øjenåbnende vis introducerer Elizabeth Kolbert også læseren til et dusin utrolige arter, som for nogles vedkommende allerede er væk, mens andre står over for udryddelse og kun holdes i live i unaturlige omgivelser, for eksempel den panamanske gyldne tudse, alkefuglen og sumatranæsehornet.Gennem sine beretninger fra felten leverer Kolbert en bevægende beretning om udryddelsen af arter, der finder sted overalt omkring os, og samtidig undersøger hun artsudryddelsens begrebshistorie, fra pioneren Georges Cuvier i Paris i 1800-tallet og frem til i dag, hvor det snart står klart for enhver, at udryddelsen er et faktum, og at menneskeheden bærer et hovedansvar. Det bliver næppe de syv vidundere, månelandingen og internettet, som vil stå tilbage som menneskehedens verdensarv, men den sjette udryddelse. Som Kolbert skriver, tvinger det os til at genoverveje det grundlæggende spørgsmål om, hvad det vil sige at være menneske.Elizabeth Kolbert vandt en Pulitzer Prize for Den sjette masseuddøen, og den er nr. 1 på The Guardians "100 Best Nonfiction Books of All Time".
Gennem mere end 10 år har forfatteren Robert Zola Christensen rejst i hælene på den kendte danske klimaforsker Sebastian H. Mernild. Sammen har de to været på ekspedition til nogle af verdens mest fjerne egne for at dokumentere, hvad det forandrende klima gør ved vores klode. For der hersker ingen tvivl. Klimaet er under enorme forandringer. Der bliver målt stigende vandstande mange steder, det er blevet varmere, og isen smelter på polerne. Konsekvenserne er enorme.I Da kulden forsvandt tager Sebastian H. Mernild og Robert Zola Christensen os med ud på Indlandsisen for at bore efter is i flere kilometers dybde, vi er fanget i en snestorm højt oppe i Andesbjergene, og så møder vi de mennesker, der må forlade deres hjem, fordi klimaet tvinger dem væk.Bogen er en barsk og samtidig livsbekræftende reportagerejse til klimafronten, hvor to venner – naturvidenskabsmanden og humanisten – dokumenterer den brutale og uundgåelige udvikling, vi alle er vidne til, og sammen reflekterer de to over, hvad der skal til for at fylde fremtiden med håb.
KRASH! Flaskebjerget brækker af Skraldøen og flyder bort – med Admiral Affald og Spir på! Klunserne udtænker en redningsaktion. Og for første gang møder klunserne De langbenede (du ved – os mennesker) og forsøger sammen med dem at redde i hundredvis af havskildpadder.Læs også: Klunserne på Skraldøen. Gennemillustrerede op- eller selvlæsningsbøger for børn, tilrettelagt med god luft og læsevenlig skrift, så den er lettilgængelig for nye eller tøvende læsere.
Legendary conservationists show us that we still have the power to prevent critical consequences of the sixth extinction in this game-changing book.
Syv sommerfugleture er en begynderguide til danske sommerfugle skrevet af Kurt Ramskov Laursen. Bogen består af syv ture spredt hen over sommeren til forskellige naturtyper.Hvor og hvornår finder du forskellige sommerfugle i Danmark?Danmark rummer omkring 50 almindelige sommerfuglearter, der kan ses om dagen – arter som skovrandøje, kejserkåbe og tidselsommerfugl.På syv ture til forskellige naturtyper og på forskellige tidspunkter i sommerhalvåret får du her en guide til at opleve alle de almindelige danske sommerfugle. Du får vejledning til, hvor du skal kigge efter arterne, og hvordan du kan genkende arterne. Turene vil give dig et godt indblik i de danske sommerfugles skønhed og levevis.Bogen kræver ingen forhåndsviden og giver dig de nødvendige praktiske råd, så du får størst muligt udbytte af turene. Bogen er rigt illustreret med billeder af de omtalte arter.Lidt om Kurt Ramskov Laursen:Kurt Ramskov Laursen er passioneret sommerfugleobservatør og har siden 2016 registreret mange tusinde fund af sommerfugle fra de fleste områder i Danmark. Han har en baggrund som underviser i gymnasieskolen og fungerer som frivillig guide på sommerfugleture for Danmarks Naturfredningsforening. Han er desuden involveret i overvågning og registrering af nogle af de sjældnere sommerfuglearter på Sydsjælland.
Bring home the Photo Ark, by celebrated National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore, with this collectible set of 50 postcards, including some of the most celebrated images taken of our planet's most precious species.Curated from the #1 best-selling The Photo Ark, these 50 iconic portraits highlight the beauty of some of the world’s most endangered species. A powerful collection of Sartore's major initiative and lifelong project to shed light on these invaluable creatures, it will inspire you to save these species for our planet.
Featuring a new introduction from the author, Wild Roses Are Worth It remains a timely collection of provocative, personal, and thoughtful essays for an Alberta in transition.This selection of works by naturalist, hunter, conservation activist, and outdoors journalist Kevin Van Tighem will both inspire and provoke because it offers an unflinching challenge to cherished myths and conventional wisdom in a troubled province beset with profound questions about its future. Even at their most provocative, however, these writings remind us of what is best about the Alberta spirit, and offer the possibility of a more sustaining relationship with our place and with one another.The rich imagery in these writings is drawn from the author's intimate relationship with the streams, forests, grasslands, and mountains of the Canadian West. There may be no sacred cows in Van Tighem's prose, but even the most unblinkingly critical of his writings resonate with a love of place and an abiding respect for the people whose lives he shares. He reminds us that Alberta's stories were always meant to be about much more than oil. At a time when social, economic, and environmental changes confront and confound what is still one of Canada's greatest provinces, we need better ways of remembering our past, knowing our present, and imagining our future. That's what this inspiring body of work offers - just in time for tomorrow.
A new collection of essays that will engage readers, inspire change, raise awareness, nurture empathy, and reshape perspectives on environmental stewardship towards a sustainable future.Travels Up the Creek intricately crafts stories of environmental awakening, drawing inspiration from Aldo Leopold, Stan Rowe, Wendell Berry, and Rachel Carson. This engaging journey confronts ecological challenges, advocating a shift in perspective and encouraging readers to embrace curiosity and scrutiny in contemplating the significance of our natural landscape. Urging environmental stewardship rooted in science, the book challenges groupthink, offering knowledge, motivation, and agency to those dedicated to creating a better world.Exploring human-nature connections and stark realities, Lorne Fitch's new book underscores empathy, prompting readers to safeguard imperiled species and threatened places. A call to action in a world grappling with seemingly insurmountable issues, the book inspires change through education and a touch of righteous anger. A compelling guide for Earth stewards, it promises to contribute to a sustainable future for all.
A refreshingly new literary voice celebrating natural beauty, mountain landscapes, and what it means to be truly alive and connected to nature.Senescence - defined as the gradual process of aging - takes readers on a captivating journey through the rhythmic beauty of nature. Syrian writer Amal Alhomsi's personal account of a year in Alberta's Bow Valley creates a rich tapestry of reflections. In summer, he skillfully parallels the leaf miner's toil with the work of eschatologists. Fall explores the intricate connections among texts, land, and bodies. Winter introduces muskrats and marmots, while spring unfolds the metamorphosis of moths and reflections on love. Amid the contrasts of fire and flood, Alhomsi paints a vivid portrait of life's essence. Those who dive into this evocative narrative will forge a connection with the soul of nature and the universal themes of human experience.
"Called the Jane Goodall of wolves, world-renowned wildlife biologist Diane Boyd has spent four decades studying and advocating for wolves in the wilds of Montana near Glacier National Park. When she started in the 1970s, she was the only female biologist in the United States researching and radio-collaring wild wolves. With her two dogs for company, she faced the rigors of the Montana winter in an isolated cabin without running water or electricity. Boyd fearlessly forded icy rivers, strapped on skis to navigate thick stands of lodgepole pine, and monitored packs from the air in a tiny bush plane that skimmed the treetops so she could count wolves and see what they were feeding on. She faced down grizzly bears, mountain lions, wolverines -- and the occasional trapper -- as she stalked her quarry: a handful of wolves that were making their way south from Canada into Montana. Resilient and resourceful, she devised her own trapping methods and negotiated with locals as wolf populations grew from the first natural colonizer to more than 3,000 wolves in the West today. In this captivating book, Boyd takes the reader on a wild ride from the early days of wolf research to the present-day challenges of wolf management across the globe, highlighting her interactions with an apex predator that captured her heart and her undying admiration. Her writing resonates with her indomitable spirit as she explores the intricate balance of human and wolf coexistence."--
“Fans of Merlin Sheldrake’s Entangled Life and Suzanne Simard’s Finding the Mother Tree will enjoy Seifert’s latest... A perspective-shifting guide to our microfungal matrix.”—KirkusEven though we can’t always see them, fungi exist all around us. From forests and farms to food and medicine—and even our homes and bodies—fungal connections shape how we live.In this illuminating book, readers will “discover how these marvels of nature enrich (and sometimes threaten) our lives.”(Peter Wohlleben, New York Times-bestselling author of The Hidden Life of Trees.Esteemed career mycologist Keith Seifert reveals the important role that microscopic fungi, including yeasts, molds, and slimes, play in our lives, all while remaining invisible to the naked eye. Divided into sections, each one exploring a different environment where fungi thrive, The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi introduces readers to the fascinating world of mycology, with information on:How fungi are at the heart of life-changing medical breakthroughs, including the development of antibiotics such as penicillin and organ transplant drugs.Where fungi live in our homes and how they influence our health, from our gut to our scalps.How fungi add important vitamins to our diet and make our favorite foods and drinks possible, including wine, cheese, chocolate, and beer.The essential role fungi are playing in innovative technologies, such as creating alternative energy sources, reducing plastic pollution, cleaning up toxins from oil spills, and even building architecture for a Mars colony.Despite their many benefits, we hold a precarious relationship with fungi: fungal diseases lead to over 1 million deaths each year, and they have played a destructive role in disasters ranging from the Irish Potato Famine to possibly even the extinction of the dinosaurs. The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi urges us to better understand our relationship with fungi—and to plan our future with them in mind—while revealing their world in all its beautiful complexity.
"In his latest book, award-winning author and renowned wolf researcher, Rick McIntyre, explores the intricate world of wolf behavior in Yellowstone National Park and highlights the individual character traits that allow wolf packs to thrive. Unveiling power struggles, pack politics, the roles of family protection, inter-pack conflicts, and more, Rick skillfully follows the intricacy of packs and the unique attributes each wolf has. In these true stories, he celebrates the many lessons we can learn from wolf packs and the dynamic personalities that enable them to expand across new territories amidst adversity."--
"This vibrantly illustrated graphic novel follows Peter as its loveable main character, revealing the secret network of the forest and sharing struggles and triumphs from his career protecting trees. Told in Peter's warm, conversational voice, not unlike that of a beloved grandfather chatting fireside, this visually stunning book offers scientific insights and pearls of wisdom gained from Peter's decades of observing forests, including how trees impact weather and climate, how they communicate with each other, and how they interact with fungal networks deep within the ground. It also offers poignant memories from Peter's personal life"--
The development of plant structures like prickles involves a complex interplay of genetic pathways and regulatory networks. In this book, author used molecular analysis to identify potential gene networks and transcription factors regulating prickle development in Solanum viarum, a prickly plant species.The prickleless mutant was used as a model system to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in prickle development. RNA sequencing and transcriptomic analysis were used to identify differentially expressed genes in the prickleless mutant compared to wild type plants. Further analysis of these genes revealed potential signaling pathways and genetic pathways involved in prickle development. Proteomic and metabolomic analysis were also used to identify potential protein-protein interactions and secondary metabolic pathways involved in the regulation of prickle development.To reconstruct gene networks involved in prickle development, gene co-expression and clustering analysis were performed, and gene ontology analysis was used to predict protein function. Pathway analysis was performed to identify potential pathways involved in prickle development, and the findings were validated by gene knockouts and other genetic manipulations.This book revealed the prickle development in Solanum viarum is regulated by a complex network of genes and pathways, including those involved in plant morphology, growth, and cell differentiation. Hormonal regulation also played a significant role, with plant hormones like auxin, cytokinin, abscisic acid, gibberellins, ethylene, and jasmonic acid being involved in the regulation of prickle development.Additionally, plant defense and secondary metabolism pathways were identified as playing a role in prickle development. The identification of potential gene networks and regulatory pathways involved in prickle development provides important insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the development of plant structures; the information in this book could be used to develop new strategies for improving plant growth and development, as well as for crop breeding and genetic engineering.
Crows are all around us, shouting from lamp posts, poking around on lawns, and generally taking a bright-eyed interest in everything that moves st of us don't know much about their lives. In How to Know a Crow, award-winning author Candace Savage invites us into the fascinating world of these big, brash, and surprisingly brainy birds.
"In Eavesdropping on Animals, George Bumann shares the fascinating stories and insights he has gained from studying wildlife around the world for more than forty years, the last twenty of which have been spent leading popular programs on animal language and intelligence in Yellowstone National Park. Bumann shares tips, tricks, and advice for readers living in areas and clearly shows us that you don't need an exotic vacation or a biology degree to have transformative wildlife encounters. Listening to and observing creatures in your own backyard, on nearby trails, and in local parks, seashores, fields, and forests can lead to extraordinary experiences and a profound sense of belonging."--
"The story of one woman's remarkable work with a trio of charismatic, endangered bird species-and her discoveries about the devastating threats that imperil them. In Feather Trails, wildlife biologist and birder Sophie A. H. Osborn reveals how the harmful environmental choices we've made-including pesticide use, the introduction of invasive species, lead poisoning, and habitat destruction-have decimated Peregrine Falcons, Hawaiian Crows, and California Condors. In the Rocky Mountains, the cloud forests of Hawai'i, and the Grand Canyon, Sophie and her colleagues work day-to-day to try to reintroduce these birds to the wild, even when it seems that the odds are steeply stacked against their survival. With humor and suspense, Feather Trails introduces us to the fascinating behaviors and unique personalities of Sophie's avian charges and shows that what endangers them ultimately threatens all life on our planet. More than a deeply researched environmental investigation, Feather Trails is also a personal journey and human story, in which Sophie overcomes her own obstacles-among them heat exhaustion, poachers, rattlesnakes, and chauvinism. Ultimately, Feather Trails is an inspiring, poignant narrative about endangered birds and how our choices can help to ensure a future not only for the rarest species, but for us too"--
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