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  • af Helle Hedegaard Hein & Mads Davidsen
    273,95 kr.

    Sammen med en lang række af Danmarks absolut bedste sportsfolk undersøger forfatterne – en fodboldtræner og en ledelsesforsker – hvad det har af konsekvenser, når man ikke primært er motiveret af at vinde, men føler sig forpligtet af sit talent til at sætte sig spor på anden måde. Ofte bliver de misforstået med et potentielt talenttab til følge.Vi tror ofte, at topatleters primære drivkraft er at vinde. At de sætter sig mål, og at deres karriere og motivation kulminerer, når de løfter trofæet eller får guldmedaljen om halsen. Men langt fra alle har det sådan. Nogle dyrker deres sport for at vinde, andre ønsker at gøre en forskel. Andre igen er i konkurrence med sig selv og søger ikke sejrens ydre sødme. Alle vil gerne vinde, men sejr er ikke den primære drivkraft for alle.De atleter, hvis primære drivkraft ikke er at vinde, bliver ofte misforstået i en verden, der hylder de ydre præstationer. Når de bliver mødt med præstationskrav og resultatmål, mister de motivationen, de mister meningen med at dyrke deres sport, og de mister sig selv. I mødet med præstationskulturen indstiller nogle karrieren, før den overhovedet er kommet i gang, mens andre præsterer ringere og ringere, fordi deres flamme ikke længere brænder rent. Nogle bliver sat af holdet, fordi de bliver opfattet som arrogante, fordi de ikke motiveres af de målsætninger, de mødes med. Alt i alt er der risiko for et ødelæggende talenttab, hvis man ikke forstår, hvad disse atleter er drevet af, og hvordan de skal ledes.Talent tabes dog ikke kun i sportens verden. Det tabes også i erhvervslivet og i skolesystemet og andre steder, hvor den målstyrede præstationskultur dominerer. Målstyring motiverer nogle, men langt fra alle, og den motiverer slet ikke originalerne og de kreative og innovative talenter. Bogens casestudie af elitesport skal derfor illustrere et større talenttab: Det talenttab, vi som samfund ikke har råd til og derfor er forpligtet til at forhindre.Deltagerne i bogen er Mikkel Kessler (boksning), Rikke Møller Pedersen (svømning), Frederik Løchte Nielsen (tennis), Pierre-Emile Højbjerg (fodbold), Rasmus Henning (triatlon), Sara Slott (hækkeløb), Rene Holten Poulsen (kajak), William Kvist (fodbold), Lisbeth Seierskilde (dressurridning), Michael Maze (bordtennis).

  • af Daniel Gould & Robert S. Weinberg
    1.305,95 - 1.577,95 kr.

    Focusing on sport and exercise psychology, this book provides a thorough introduction to key concepts in the field and draws connections between research and practice and captures the dynamism of sport and exercise.

  • - Et nyt syn på præstation
    af doubleyou
    117,95 kr.

    Ordet præstation splitter folk. Nogle taler om ’high performance’ som om præstationer og resultater er meningen med livet. For andre er præstation et fyord associeret med forestillinger om folk der bevidstløst spæner rundt i en trædemølle. Begge opfattelser er forfejlede og udtjente. At præstere kan aldrig være et mål i sig selv. Men uden præstationer kommer vi ingen vegne. De udfordringer menneskeheden står over for, kræver at vi præsterer på et ekstraordinært niveau. Derfor må vi nytænke præstation og præstationsledelse og se det i en mere nutidig og menings-fuld kontekst.For at kunne præstere på et ekstraordinært niveau er vi nødt til at slippe mageligheden og træde ind i ubehaget. Vi skal blive bedre til at møde den usikkerhed og sårbarhed som præstation og ledelse af præstation indebærer, og være villige til at gå ad veje vi endnu ikke kender for at aktivere nye lag af vores ydeevne.Bogen fordyber sig i de psykologiske og filosofiske aspekter ved ubehag i en præstationskontekst, og udforsker hvad det vil sige at være et præste-rende menneske i vores tid. En tid, som kalder på en mere meningsfuld forbindelse mellem den ydre kompleksitet og den indre verden vi også besidder.

  • - Teach Yourself
    af Simon Rea
    215,95 kr.

    Written by a Lecturer in Sport and Fitness with over ten years' experience in teaching and devising degree modules, Sports Science: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear, jargon-free English and providing added-value features like summaries of key experiments and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam.Each chapter covers a key introductory area, so by the end of the book you'll have a clear understanding of the essential principles of sport science. Starting with key points in anatomy and physiology, it covers sports psychology, biomechanics and also introduces sports nutrition, as well as how to plan research in sport.It is structured to mirror the way sports science is taught on many first year undergraduate and foundation degree courses. By the end you'll have a clear understanding of the essential principles of sport science.

  • - One Untamed and Courageous Life
    af Diana Nyad
    127,95 kr.

    Winner of the Cross Sports International Autobiography of the Year awardIn the 1970s, Diana Nyad was widely regarded as the greatest long-distance swimmer in the world and set many world records, such as circling Manhattan Island and crossing the 102.5 miles between the Bahamas and Florida. But one record continually eluded her: becoming the first woman to swim between Cuba and the Florida Keys without a shark cage. Finally, in September 2013, after four failed attempts and at the age of sixty-four, Diana completed the crossing after two days and two nights of continuous swimming - 53 consecutive hours, 110 miles. Millions of people watched her and cried and cheered and were dazzled and amazed by her tenacity and courage. Her memoir, Find a Way, is a dramatic, page-turning account of the epic endurance quest that led to that moment, and is also a galvanizing call to live life boldly, in-the-moment, fearlessly, passionately, with no regrets. What makes this book special is that it not only recounts an astonishing and hard won triumph, though it does tell the story of an extraordinary and improbable victory. What makes this book, and Nyad herself, so incredible is the fact of her monumental courage in the face of failure. Nyad failed, and failed, and failed, and failed, but never gave up, and this memoir shows her unwavering belief in the face of overwhelming odds. It is about perseverance, tenacity and commitment on an epic scale.

  • af Dan Carter
    127,95 - 193,95 kr.

    Ten timeless truths on leadership, purpose and potential - from the unique culture of the All Blacks, and the mind of a living legend.You might think success at the highest level insulates you from self-doubt.But nothing could be further from the truth.In this book, I take you inside a journey that has forced me to look inwardly in a way I've never had to before. It's been challenging, frustrating, rewarding and left me full of gratitude.Whether you're a leader on a steep learning curve, a person navigating change in their life or just someone of any age trying to get that little bit better every day, I hope that my experience can spur you on to greater heights.For the first time, sporting legend Dan Carter distils his two decades at the frontiers of high-performance into his 'perfect ten' lessons.You won't find conventional wisdom here, but hard-learned truths, including:- Why great leaders are made, not born, and why they must constantly evolve- How to forge a winning team culture- Why embracing your past can be every bit as important as looking towards your future- Why empowering others leads to the best decisions- Why confidence and self-belief are nothing without humility and a beginner's mindsetHonest, surprising and inspiring, The Art of Winning converts a legendary career into timeless lessons for readers in any walk of life. Step inside the unique culture of the All Blacks - and inside the mind of a legend.

  • af Matt Frazier
    192,95 kr.

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The only research-based guide for connecting a plant-based diet with peak athletic performance, featuring interviews with professional athletes who've made the switch from meat to plants.The Plant-Based Athlete by Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke reveals the incontrovertible proof that the human body does not need meat, eggs, or dairy to be strong. Instead, research shows that a consciously calibrated plant-based diet offers the greatest possible recovery times, cell oxidation, injury prevention, and restorative sleep, and allows athletes to train more effectively, with better results.However, committing to a plant-based diet as an elite athlete, first-time marathoner, or weekend warrior isn't as simple as swapping vegetables for meat. Even the slightest food adjustments can impact performance. That's why Matt Frazier, founder of No Meat Athlete, and Robert Cheeke, founder of Vegan Bodybuilding, wrote this groundbreaking book, to guide those interested in making this important shift in how to do so with the best, most transformative results.The Plant-Based Athlete offers readers:A persuasive body of evidence for adopting a plant-based lifestyle, with key information about how macronutrients, micronutrients, and calories fuel a body running on plant foodsAn entire chapter devoted to protein - why plant sources of protein are preferable over meat, and how plant protein can be used to increase strength, muscle mass, and power60+ delicious and nutritious plant-based recipes, including Veggie Burger Patties, Garden Meatballs, Summer Pasta Salad, Vegan Mac & Cheese, French Toast, Acai Bowl, and a High-Energy SmoothieInsights from winning plant-based athletes in nearly every sport including champion ultrarunners Rich Roll and Scott Jurek; former NFL player David Carter; champion boxers Yuri Foreman, Unsal Arik, Cam Awesome, and Vanessa Espinoza; and Olympic-level swimmers, cyclists, figure skaters, sprinters, and more.A Day in the Life of a Plant-Based Athlete - examples of what, when, and how different athletes eat to fuel their varied workoutsAn instant classic and mainstay on health and fitness shelves everywhere, The Plant-Based Athlete is the ultimate invitation for joining the growing community of athletes who use plants to power their workouts and their every day.

  • af Lars Robl
    247,95 kr.

    Tidligere jægersoldat Lars Robl hjælper nogle af Danmarks skrappeste atleter med at holde hovedet koldt og tage guldet hjem, når blodet og tankeren bruser afsted. Nu deler han sine erfaringer og metoder med læserne, så de kan lære at optimere deres hverdag. Han har hjulpet e-sportsmestrene Astralis, tenniskometen Holger Rune danske mestre fra FC Midtjylland og på chefgangen hos Kellogg’s, Coloplast og og NCC Bogen er bygget op omkring Robls konkrete oplevelser fra frontlinjen i Irak og Afghanistan og på sidelinjen i store sportsarenaer og mødelokaler hos de tunge erhvervsledere.

  • af Matt Fitzgerald
    237,95 kr.

    "Drawing on modern psychology, neuroscience, and performance theory, The Other Talent offers a fascinating exploration of the best athletes' winning mindset, revealing how you can tap into your own potential and strengthen your self-discipline for better emotional intelligence and sustainable performance improvements"--

  • af Nick Thompson
    162,95 - 191,95 kr.

  • af Michael Lardon
    257,95 kr.

  • af Adam Anderson
    112,95 kr.

    Sports Betting Bible is a revolutionary platform that has redefined the way sports enthusiasts engage with their favorite games. Combining cutting-edge technology with a passion for all things sports, Sports Betting Bible offers a unique and immersive experience for fans worldwide.At the core of Sports Betting Bible's appeal is its user-friendly interface, designed to cater to both seasoned sports aficionados and casual viewers. The platform covers a diverse range of sports, from mainstream favorites like football, basketball, and soccer to niche interests such as extreme sports, eSports, and even emerging sports that are gaining popularity globally.One standout feature of Sports Betting Bible is its real-time updates and live coverage, ensuring that users never miss a moment of the action. Whether it's a buzzer-beater in basketball, a last-minute goal in soccer, or a thrilling finish in a motorsport race, Sports Betting Bible delivers the excitement directly to users' screens. The platform also provides comprehensive statistics, analysis, and expert commentary, enhancing the overall viewing experience and allowing users to delve deeper into the intricacies of their favorite sports.For those who prefer a more interactive experience, Sports Betting Bible goes beyond traditional sports broadcasting. The platform incorporates gamification elements, allowing users to participate in fantasy leagues, prediction games, and challenges. This adds a layer of competitiveness and engagement, turning passive viewers into active participants in the sports community.Another standout aspect of Sports Betting Bible is its commitment to inclusivity. The platform recognizes that sports fandom knows no boundaries, and it celebrates the diversity of athletes, teams, and fans around the world. Users can access content in multiple languages, ensuring that sports enthusiasts from different regions can enjoy a personalized experience in their native tongue.In addition to its focus on mainstream sports, Sports Betting Bible also spotlights inspiring stories and lesser-known sports, giving a platform to athletes who may not receive widespread attention. This commitment to showcasing the breadth and depth of the sports world sets Sports Betting Bible apart as a platform that values the entire spectrum of athletic achievement.Social connectivity is a key component of Sports Betting Bibles vision. Users can engage with fellow fans, share their thoughts, and participate in discussions through the platform's integrated social features. This sense of community fosters a shared passion for sports and creates a space where fans can connect regardless of geographical distances.Sports Betting Bible's dedication to innovation extends to its technological infrastructure. The platform utilizes state-of-the-art streaming technology, ensuring high-quality video and seamless playback across various devices. Whether users are watching on a big screen at home or on the go with their mobile devices, Sports Betting Bible adapts to deliver an optimal viewing experience.In conclusion, Sports Betting Bible is more than just a sports streaming platform; it's a dynamic and inclusive community for sports enthusiasts worldwide. By combining real-time updates, interactive features, inclusivity, and cutting-edge technology, Sports Betting Bible has elevated the sports viewing experience to new heights, catering to the diverse tastes and preferences of fans across the globe.

  • af Aidan McLennan
    62,95 kr.

    Want to learn what Utah did wrong, and how you can spot these warning signs with your favourite franchise?The Utah Jazz During the Donovan Mitchell & Rudy Gobert Era were a regular season juggernaut and a regular playoff disappointment for over a half-decade - a relative eternity in today's ever-changing NBA landscape.So what went wrong?In this book, I will attempt to answer just that, by means of examining: Each of the two-star players that drove Utah's success from 2016-2022The challenges of roster building in a salary-capped leagueThe most important offseason Utah had during this time periodA compounding mistakeAnd a summarizing and value-added note on modern success.Read today to understand how Utah's mistakes could have been foreseen, and how they apply to many teams moving forwards.

  • af Mike Krzyzewski
    127,95 kr.

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER, AS SEEN ON THE BEARIn this informative and inspirational book, Coach K explains how he motivates peak performances from his players, relying on lessons he learned as a captain in the U.S. Army and applied over four decades as the head of Duke basketball.

  • af Matt Rogers
    232,95 kr.

    "This is the playbook every young athlete needs. Developing a strategic plan for the recruiting process is essential, and Rogers' book is a detailed outline from someone who knows the process inside and out." -Lori Chalupny Lawson, NCAA Division I, U.S. Women's World Cup and Olympic Champion Significant Recruiting is the ultimate playbook for prospective college athletes, offering a step-by-step guide to maximizing student-athlete exposure to college coaches at colleges that fit them best. Coach Matt Rogers, a 26-year veteran high school and college coach, athletic director, and national scout, guides families through their recruiting journey by helping them accomplish their recruiting goals without them having to invest 10,000 hours, 10,000 dollars or 10,000 sleepless nights. Discover the psychology behind recruiting - how college scouts and coaches think, attract top colleges and create leverage in your negotiations, so you can attain and achieve a fulfilling and significant college athlete placement and career. "I can't imagine how daunting the recruiting process must be for parents without their own student-athlete experiences such as mine. Matt's labor of love for young people wanting to achieve their student-athlete dreams shines through in this easyto-follow recruiting process. It's THE playbook.">"Significant Recruiting is well written with some great stuff for the high school athlete trying to find a college fit.">"Matt Rogers has artfully synthesized nearly 30 years of coaching and recruiting to deliver a practical guide to navigate the complexities of college selection. He is a master relationship builder, as demonstrated by thecommentary from a diverse group of educators he has collected throughout his career.">"Significant Recruiting refreshingly puts the power back into the hands of the student athlete while teaching its readers that you must want it, you must own it and you must be accountable."- Emily Brydon, World Champion Alpine Skier, 3x Winter Olympian, Founder & CEO of Emily Brydon Youth Foundation

  • af Charles Buchanan
    242,95 kr.

    There are few things more powerful than a team of high-character athletes and leaders who make each other and their communities better. There are also few things more dangerous than a team led by leaders who have bad intentions or weak character. Winning with Character addresses the challenges of developing strong character. The book describes The "Elite Leader of Character framework as a both a model and a set of tools to develop leaders of character. The book is for coaches and athletes alike who want to develop principled leadership in themselves or their teams. It is clear that winning matters, it is also clear that winning without integrity (dishonesty, cheating, poor sportsmanship and weak teamwork) is not a lesson that you want to teach as a coach, or learn as a player. Winning with Character helps leaders learn how to lead the right way, and to avoid developing a toxic, "win-at-all cost" culture. Winning with Character emphasizes that winning matters AND winning can be achieved the right way. What is the "cost" of a win-at-all-cost culture? The cost is character. A win-at-all-cost culture teaches athletes and future leaders that it is okay to do whatever they want to win, including lying, cheating, stealing, or disrespecting others. These toxic behaviors stick with the athletes into adulthood making them adults that don't understand what it means to work hard, love others, and live lives of integrity and honor. Winning matters but it shouldn't come at the expense of ruining an athlete and coaches' character. Winning with Character helps develop character in athletes by presenting a leadership development model (TEACH), a principled leadership framework (Elite Leader of Character), and numerous examples of good and bad character that athletes can model or learn from.

  • af Valerie R. Alston
    172,95 kr.

    Is your Child a Confident Calm and Reliable Clutch Performer Right Now?Valerie R. Alston played elite travel softball from age 8-18, she was a 4 year starter for the Minnesota Gophers Softball Team, earned her Masters in Sports Psychology from Boston University and is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant with the Association of Applied Sport Psychology who has been teaching Mental Resilience to Elite US Army soldiers since 2008. Her insight. And experience is perfectly suited to help you enhance your mental toughness.Are you tired of seeing your young athlete struggle with self-doubt, lack of focus, and crumbling under pressure? Look no further! "Confident, Calm and Clutch" is the ultimate mental strength and confidence book for boys and girls that will revolutionize your young athlete's mindset and transform their performance on and off the field.Are you ready for a winning edge? Ask yourself:What if you could equip your mental youth athlete with the tools to conquer nerves and perform under pressure like a pro?How would it feel to witness your child exude confidence, make quick decisions, and bounce back from setbacks with resilience?Imagine the immense pride of seeing your young athlete develop an unshakable belief in themselves and their abilities?Here's what you'll discover in the best mental toughness book for teens and young athletes on the market today,Fact 1: Learn the secrets of elite athletes - Uncover the proven techniques used by top sports psychologists to build unwavering confidence, enhance focus, and develop mental toughness.Fact 2: Overcome self-doubt - Gain practical strategies to help your young athlete silence their inner critic, boost self-esteem, and believe in their capabilities, even in the face of adversity.Fact 3: Develop unbreakable focus - Discover powerful concentration exercises and mindfulness techniques that will sharpen your athlete's focus, eliminate distractions, and keep them in the zone when it matters most. Transform your child into a resilient, confident athlete. Develop mental toughness to overcome setbacks and adversity.Enhance focus, concentration, and decision-making skills.Master effective goal setting and visualization techniques.Harness the power of positive self-talk and motivation.Build resilience and bounce back from failures stronger than ever.Develop emotional control and manage pre-game nerves.Strengthen teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.Empower your young athlete to excel both on and off the field.Thousands of young athletes have transformed their mindset and achieved breakthroughs with the strategies shared in this book. Youth coaches have used these techniques to begin coaching better every season. It is truly one of the best Sports Psychology Books for young athletes and their parents on the market today. If you want to improve the mental game of baseball hitting pitching or fielding this is the sports coaching book for you.Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity!"Confident, Calm and Clutch" is the ultimate guide to unlocking your young athlete's true potential. Empower them with unwavering confidence, mental toughness, and a winning mindset!

  • af Claude Sobry
    880,95 - 987,95 kr.

    This book brings together examples and cases from across the world to discuss how sport has and can further contribute to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development agenda. It discusses the major steps that international bodies have taken so far and can further take in the progressive integration of sport for sustainable development. Contributors from 21 countries take up at least one of the 17 UNO Sport for Development and Peace goals, and present and analyse examples of national, regional or local policies using sport as a lever for sustainable development. From traditional games to major competitions, from gender equality to social development and developing governmental transparency, the chapters showcase diverse experiences and demonstrate that sport is today much more than just physical activity. This book is based on the network of the International Research Network in Sport Tourism (IRNIST) with the collaboration of Sport 4 Impact. It is the first step of a collaboration between universities and the world of associations working in partnership with organizations such as the UN or the European Union. The book is an important resource not just for students and researchers of sport science but for policy makers, bureaucrats and sport administrators. 

  • af Ewan McKenzie
    222,95 kr.

    Includes complete 2023 season results in which Verstappen will become 3rd on the list of all- time F1 winners surpassing Sebastian Vettel and behind only Schumacher and Hamilton.

  • af W Timothy Gallwey
    257,95 kr.

    The timeless guide to achieving the state of "relaxed concentration" that’s not only the key to peak performance in tennis but the secret to success in life itself—now in a 50th anniversary edition with an updated epilogue, a foreword by Bill Gates, and an updated preface from NFL coach Pete Carroll"Groundbreaking . . . the best guide to getting out of your own way . . . Its profound advice applies to many other parts of life."—Bill Gates, GatesNotes ("Five of My All-Time Favorite Books") This phenomenally successful guide to mastering the game from the inside out has become a touchstone for hundreds of thousands of people. Billie Jean King has called the book her tennis bible; Al Gore has used it to focus his campaign staff; and Itzhak Perlman has recommended it to young violinists. Based on W. Timothy Gallwey’s profound realization that the key to success doesn’t lie in holding the racket just right, or positioning the feet perfectly, but rather in keeping the mind uncluttered, this transformative book gives you the tools to unlock the potential that you’ve possessed all along. "The Inner Game" is the one played within the mind of the player, against the hurdles of self-doubt, nervousness, and lapses in concentration. Gallwey shows us how to overcome these obstacles by trusting the intuitive wisdom of our bodies and achieving a state of "relaxed concentration." With chapters devoted to trusting the self and changing habits, it is no surprise then, that Gallwey’s method has had an impact far beyond the confines of the tennis court. Whether you want to play music, write a novel, get ahead at work, or simply unwind after a stressful day, Gallwey shows you how to tap into your utmost potential. In this fiftieth-anniversary edition, the principles of the Inner Game shine through as more relevant today than ever before. No matter your goals, The Inner Game of Tennis gives you the definitive framework for long-term success.

  • af Andrea Kiesel
    1.307,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

    This handbook on human multitasking provides an integrative overview on simultaneous and sequential multitasking and thus combines theorizing on dual task limitations as well as costs related to task switching. In addition to a wide range of empirical findings and their theoretical integration, the editors provide a number of applications of multitasking, like training, interindividual differences and applied research in traffic and health psychology and music expertise.The book is suitable for people interested in multitasking, that is, for researchers and graduate students of cognitive psychology, movement science, sport psychology, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive and neurological rehabilitation, aging sciences, and broader cognitive science.

  • af Amarion Fisher
    1.582,95 kr.

    Physical education is defined as the education related to the training of the body for improved development of the body and mind. It plays a crucial role in the achievement of optimal, positive emotional and mental benefits. The objectives of physical education encompass managing stress and anxiety, reducing depression, developing self-esteem, reducing juvenile delinquency, and character development. Physical exercise increases the levels of central nervous system neurotransmitters that help in reducing the effects of depression. Some of the notable psychosocial effects of regular physical activity and sports include enhanced self-esteem, improved competency, and increased intelligence and academic performance. Individuals that practice regular physical activity are also able to achieve better personal growth in terms of persistence, deeper self-reliance, commitment and motivation, and resourcefulness. This book includes some of the vital pieces of works being conducted across the world, on the effect of physical activity and sports on the psychological well-being of the individuals. It consists of contributions made by international experts. The book aims to equip students and experts with the advanced topics and upcoming concepts in this area of study.

  • af Amarion Fisher
    1.597,95 kr.

    Physical education and sport (PES) is a discipline that aims to transform students' potential with the help of available resources to help them act and progress. Physical education focuses on improving in human performance with the help of physical activities. The objective of PE is to teach the ways to acquire ability to develop strength, speed, endurance and coordination. It also focuses on acquiring social qualities like empathy, cooperation, friendliness, team spirit, and respect for rules. Psychology plays a major role in the teaching and practice of physical education and sport since psychological factors such as confidence, self-control and attention can influence performance in sports. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about physical education and sport from a psychological perspective. Through it, an attempt has been made to further enlighten the readers about the new concepts in this field of study.

  • af S. K. Mangal
    408,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • af Donald R Marks
    518,95 kr.

    A compendium of relevant empirical research and clinical best practices for assessment and treatment, this handbook charts the course that clinical sport psychology has taken since its inception as a distinct clinical specialty and highlights future directions for this rapidly growing practice domain.

  • af Alfred Archer
    473,95 kr.

    This volume brings together experts in the philosophy of sport and games and experts in the philosophy of emotion to investigate this important area of research.

  • af Deborah Agnew
    473,95 kr.

    Athlete Transitions into Retirement provides contemporary viewpoints on athlete transitions from elite sport in a global context. This volume is a collaboration of research from leading authors around the world, offering global perspectives to athlete transitions into retirement.

  • af James Leath
    132,95 kr.

    "Mental Toughness for Youth Athletes" is a guide by James Leath, a Mental Performance Coach and dedicated advocate for youth sports. With a career spanning over 20 years, James brings a wealth of expertise to the table, presenting practical strategies and exercises to help young athletes cultivate unshakable mental resilience.This book gives parents and coaches valuable insights to navigate sports challenges with a growth mindset. Through inspiring stories and actionable advice, James delves into various obstacles young athletes may face and provides effective tools to overcome them. The book covers a wide array of mental performance exercises, including visualization techniques that help young athletes envision their success in the game, positive affirmations to foster stress management, controlled breathing exercises to manage emotions, and resilience training to bounce back from failure.James emphasizes the importance of fostering a growth mindset in young athletes, teaching them to view challenges, setbacks, and failures not as roadblocks but as stepping stones toward success. He helps parents and coaches create a supportive environment that encourages open communication, validates emotions, and offers emotional support during the highs and lows of the sports journey. Whether your child is just beginning their sports adventure or striving to reach new heights, this book equips you with the essential tools to instill mental toughness and personal growth. From dealing with performance anxiety and managing expectations to celebrating progress and embracing the learning process, "Mental Toughness for Youth Athletes" ensures your child develops as an athlete and a resilient and confident individual.

  • af Jackie Reardon
    187,95 kr.

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