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  • af Bradley Nelson
    245,95 kr.

    Step into the enlightening world of 'The Body Code' by Bradley Nelson. Published recently in 2023 by Random House UK Ltd, this book is a fascinating journey into the realm of self-discovery. As a pioneer in the genre of self-help and personal growth, Nelson has once again proven his mastery in understanding the human psyche. 'The Body Code' is not just a book; it's a guide to unlocking your potential, a key to understanding your own body and mind. The author's insightful narrative and thought-provoking ideas will captivate you from the first page to the last. Don't miss out on this masterpiece from one of the most respected authors in the field.

  • af Anodea Judith
    212,95 kr.

    "We all know what it's like to have a "charge" about something. It's a feeling of excitement, fear, sexual arousal, or irritation. But what we don't currently know is how tousecharge for the behaviors we want to create. Charge is a word for the basic life force running through us. This force is crucial if we are to meet the challenges of difficult situations, heal past wounds and traumas, and manage the stress of modern life. Even more, it is essential for understanding how to master your own life force and become all you can be. This book makes an important contribution to the growing field of Energy Medicine, by looking at charge as the interface between mind and body, and the missing ingredient in Mind-Body healing. It brings the reader into a deep intimacy with their own life force, as well as an understanding of how charge runs their relationships, their children, their clients, and patients. It examines how we can become "overcharged" or "undercharged" and how to bring about balance through practices of charging and discharging. Each chapter gives simple exercises to put these principles into practice. World-renowned teacher, somatic therapist, best-selling author, and advanced yoga teacher,Anodea Judith, Ph.D., addresses all this and more in her groundbreaking book on mastering the life force. Taken from her decades of teaching on the subject and her doctoral work in Mind-Body medicine, this book contributes something entirely new to the literature on healing self and others"

  • af Brian L Meyers
    217,95 kr.

    A book for both the new and experienced student, The Lantern of Tai Chi weaves together lore, historical traditions, and self-expression into a compelling narrative about an ancient art. Brian Meyers presents Tai Chi as a vigorous, vital, and very relevant practice that has the potential to help us deepen our understanding of ourselves, reconsider our place in the universe, and embrace our own well-being.More than philosophy, though, this book explores the core concepts, mind games, and spiritual advancement offered by Tai Chi. It lights the way forward and counts the treasures that Tai Chi can offer both the curious newcomer and the steadfast practitioner.

  • af Conrad Robinson
    152,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Keith Edward Foster
    287,95 kr.

  • af George Edwin Burnell
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Cashman
    232,95 kr.

    Harness the serenity and power of tai chi! Using more than 300 detailed pictures and meticulous explanations, An Introduction to Tai Chi allows the novice practitioner to immediately begin their journey into tai chi. Warm up exercises, stretches, and drills are shown in an easy-to-follow format, and the 24-Move Simplified Form is presented in its entirety. Important concepts such as yin/yang theory, five elements theory, qi, and jing are introduced and contextualized, as are critical skills such as rooting and breathing. This book is an excellent primer for the beginner and a useful addition to the library of more advanced students.

  • af Christopher Ford
    92,95 kr.

    "Navigeer naar Innerlijke Rust en Lichamelijke Harmonie met 'Tai Chi: Balans en Harmonie'"Dit boek is jouw toegangspoort tot de eeuwenoude kunst van Tai Chi, een pad naar innerlijke rust en lichamelijke harmonie. In "Tai Chi: Balans en Harmonie" word je meegenomen op een reis door deze prachtige bewegingskunst die de geest verheldert, het lichaam versterkt en de ziel voedt.Met "Tai Chi: Balans en Harmonie" ontdek je de tijdloze kunst van Tai Chi en transformeer je je leven door balans, harmonie en welzijn te omarmen. Haal dit boek vandaag nog in huis en begin je reis naar een rustiger, gezonder en meer gebalanceerd bestaan.

  • af N. Jayachander Reddy
    362,95 kr.

    Through this book, Shri NJ Reddy makes spirituality less jargon-y and more implementable. He offers you the opportunity to use the laws of the universe to upgrade your life, maximise your potential, and improve the quality of your life. This is the book for you if you have always felt like the daily grind and rat-race cannot possibly be the sole purpose of our existence.The book encapsulates the idea that happiness, spirituality, material abundance and health are interlinked, interdependent, and equally fundamental requirements of life. In the pages of this book, you will understand why spirituality is necessary and how it can help you to become better in your material pursuits. Because of this integrated, holistic approach to human existence, everyone who reads the book will be better equipped to fulfil their targets and to develop to their fullest potential.All the techniques of meditation, immunity building, etc. have been empirically evaluated multiple times and are backed by empirical research publications. This is spirituality backed by science!

  • af Melanie Phillips
    137,95 kr.

    This oracle-style inspirational book is a bridge between the realms of the material and the ethereal, designed to channel profound insights from your Higher Self and unlock the wisdom hidden within your soul. Every page is woven together with divine energy, creating a seamless blend of mystical teachings and practical advice. All throughout you wil learn to embrace both the light and shadow aspects of your being, fostering self-compassion and empowering you to step into your full potential. Embrace the messages, trust your intuition, and let your Higher Self become your most trusted ally.

  • af Lindsay Mastro
    192,95 kr.

    Ever felt like you're two different people - one at work and another outside those office walls? It's time to tear down that curtain. This book teaches how to blend our authentic selves seamlessly, whether you're in a boardroom meeting or chillin' at home in your comfy clothes. Authenticity is the new normal.You've stumbled on a profound guide that speaks directly to visionary executive leaders and business owners seeking harmony amidst the demands of their careers and their inner spiritual essence.With a practicality-meets-profundity approach, Lindsay bridges the gap between the pragmatic and the spiritual, offering the work-focused intuitive pragmatic insights into leading with authenticity while navigating a corporate landscape.You're about to unveil a roadmap to success redefined on your individual terms. This method resonates deeply with those who feel a calling beyond the conventional, yearning for a more purpose-driven connection to their work. Rejecting complex esoteric concepts and rigid corporate frameworks, you'll find an approach is relatable, tangible, and empowering, urging readers to infuse passion and meaning into their work.Lindsay's personal journey from corporate HR ladder climber to spiritual mentor uniquely positions her as an ideal guide for individuals seeking equilibrium between professional responsibilities and their inner callings. Her distinct voice harmonizes intuition with practicality, fostering alignment between personal values and professional aspirations, facilitating positive transformations for individuals and teams alike.For those striving to lead authentically, "Becoming Conscious in a Corporate World (Without Losing Your Sanity)" serves as an essential companion on the voyage towards holistic success, offering guidance for bridging the gap between the corporate world and personal spiritual growth.

  • af Sven Frank
    206,95 - 321,95 kr.

  • af Ulf Angerer
    231,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Gurutej Khalsa
    112,95 kr.

    The 13th Month is for everyone who's ever wished they had more time on their hands to do what they've always wanted to do in life. It offers the truth about sleep, waking up properly, the foods you eat, meditation, exercise and breath, your breath. It is a book for those who want more and are fearless about what they are willing to do to achieve great success, at any age.

  • af J. P. F. (Joseph Philippe Fran Deleuze
    337,95 kr.

  • af Tokyo Henshbu Waseda Daigaku
    427,95 kr.

  • af James Cravens
    447,95 kr.

    Chen Tai Chi Chuan is a textbook written primarily for the students of James Cravens or their students associated with Chinese Boxing Institute International. James has studied directly with Christopher Casey, Tao Piang Siang, Yan Gaofei, Chen Quanzhong, Chen Xiaowang, and Chen Bing. He has been an indoor student of Chen Xiaowang since 2006. The book records details of the following topics: Fang Song (loosening exercises), How to Stand, How to Turn, How to Shift weight, How to Step, and breathing, all part of the fundamentals of the art. Secondly, Tai Chi uses silk reeling movement when practicing Tai Chi. All movements are from the body's center, moving unitarily in a spiral or silk-reeling manner. The body turns while maintaining a strict alignment which will keep the body in a position where blood circulation and chi are optimal while practicing. The circulation is enhanced by better posture and fewer deviations from the Tai Ch template. In silk reeling, you use two prime circles and eight two-handed options using the primary two circles. While all Tai Chu moves in a unitary silk reeling manner, the basic exercises recorded in the book are the basics of all the movement. Next, the entire famous Chen style form, Laojia Yilu, is documented in detail with pictures. Beyond this, several chapters speak of other principles and teachings in Tai Chi. QR Codes appear on several pages in the book allowing one to scan with their phone or tablet and then press a web link. The link will take one to a video demonstrating what is being described in the book. Pages - 220 with over 800 images plus video instruction with the scanning of QR Codes.

  • af Charles-Nicolas D' Eslon
    397,95 kr.

  • af Sabrina Mesko
    232,95 kr.

    MUDRAS for your HEART, Heal your Love Matrix In this guidebook, the Mudra authority and bestselling author Sabrina Mesko, takes you through an 8-Week self-healing journey of your heart. You will find clear instructions depicting specific Mudra practice to help heal and transform your perception and experience of love. The author shares with you a powerful selection of 48 Mudras, coordinated Chakras, mantras, affirmations, healing colors and breathing exercises, to help you develop emotional resilience and balance of your mind and heart. Book includes detailed photos and worksheets. This book is for you, wherever you are in your love journey and regardless of your relationship status. Your individual love and relationship pattern is imprinted in your unique Love Matrix. This subtle energy pattern can remain with us through many lifetimes and may cause us getting stuck in repeated avoidance, self-sabotage or fear of an open-heart and deeply spiritual love connection. Learn to recognize your Love Matrix as a map to your heart and perception of love, that needs to be understood, transformed and elevated through self-empowerment and self-love. This self-care journey requires your full dedication, patience and disciplined practice. The ancient technique of MUDRA - hand yoga positions will unlock the transformative healing power of your own hands, as your tools for restructure and thriving. Mudras will help cleanse any old subtle energy congestion in your Aura and chakras, so you can function and experience love at your optimal capacity. In order to overcome previous traumatic relationship experiences, you need to understand the complexities of how the subtle energy works. The energy cords can keep you connected to another person with whom you share ANY kind of emotional dynamic. Learn how to remove negative energy cords and free yourself to experience the ideal love partnership with a spiritually compatible soul-partner. Recognize that perhaps fears triggered in relationship you may be experiencing in your present life, have nothing to do with people or situations in this lifetime. Emotional scars that are not connected or a consequence of your current lifetime, most likely originate in your past life. Healing a traumatic relationship experience on a deeper holistic level, will help you become crystal clear about your priorities, purpose and a way to experience inner peace, happiness and love with a healed and open heart. In these pages you will learn how to: UNDERSTAND YOUR LOVE MATRIX BALANCE YOUR MIND AND HEART OPEN YOUR HEART LEARN SELF-LOVE DEVELOP EMOTIONAL SELF-RELIANCE YOUR PAST-LIFE LOVE PATTERNS FINDING SPIRITUAL COMPATIBILITY IN LOVE Bestselling author and Mudra expert Sabrina Mesko Ph.D.H. authored the first practical guide for unleashing the healing power of hand Mudras over twenty years ago. Her book HEALING MUDRAS - Yoga for Your Hands, became an international bestseller classic and is translated into more than 14 languages. She has authored over twenty books on this subject and founded the world's only Mudra Mastery(TM) Certification Mentorship with certified Mudra Teachers and Mudra Therapists in more than 27 countries around the world. Visit her website at

  • af Claude Perronnet
    377,95 kr.

  • af Conrad Robinson
    152,95 kr.

    The third and final book of a three book series detailing the full Lee Family Tai Chi Form as taught at Hand of the Wind Taijiquan classes. Along with movements ninety-six to one hundred and forty of the Tai Chi Form, this book also continues the Feishou Form from books one and two (movements sixty-one to ninety-five).

  • af Noel Molina Torres
    217,95 kr.

    El presente libro recuerda las leyes de la creación que rigen el Universo y al tiempo nos permite reflexionar sobre la Naturaleza y su papel de protectora, en temas como la salud, si así se quiere ver, del hombre.

  • af Kelli Brooker
    217,95 kr.

    Walk in Beauty is here to help you connect with the universe and Mother Earth. Learn about crystals, healing, reiki energy, spirituality and unlocking your inner intuition.

  • af Conrad Robinson
    137,95 kr.

    A training manual for students of Hand of the Wind Taijiquan. Covers the complete Short Form (up to move number fifty, the end of the sequence: The Edge of The Cyclone) and the Feishou Form up to movement number thirty. Hand of the Wind Taijiquan teaches the Lee Family Internal arts of Taiji and Qigong as taught by Professor Chee Soo. This manual also covers basic training principles and common stances used within the Forms.

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