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  • af Lou Reed
    296,95 kr.

    A new book.

  • af Vianna Stibal
    212,95 kr.

    First developed twenty years ago by Vianna Stibal, ThetaHealing is essentially applied quantum physics. Using a theta brain wave, which until now was believed to be accessible only in deep sleep or yogi-level meditation, the practitioner is able to connect with the energy of All That Is - the energy in everything - to witness healings of the physical body, and to identify and change limiting beliefs. This book is for those who have already started to experience the magic of this energy healing modality, and wish to deepen their understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence - the philosophy behind the creation of ThetaHealing. Vianna presents exciting new information to help you take your skill with this work to the next level, and brings the reader into dimensions that she believes to be the beginnings of life itself, on a journey that leads outward, past the universe, to transform beliefs, showing that with a theta state of mind it is possible to connect to a Divine Energy before it becomes anything in this universe.

  • af Denise Linn
    182,95 kr.

    "This book helps you discover the cables, ropes, ribbons, strands, threads, and filaments of energy that flow to and through you. By learning ancient shamanic techniques, you'll learn how to release the cords that bind you and empower the strands that strengthen and heal you. Some energy strands allow us to feel vibrant and alive. Others deplete and weaken us. Most people are unaware of these energy strands, but they can feel them on a subconscious level. In Energy Strands, Denise Linn shares some of the methods she's learned over the years to support you in finding harmony and balance in your life through understanding these lines of energy. Topics covered include attachments with family, ancestors, friends, lovers, crowds, and pets. Energy Strands also explores the connection between sound (crystal bowls), breath, meditation, and visualization in strands. You will gain practical tools to clear negative cords from unhealthy attachments, toxic relationships, and spaces. "Discovering and releasing the energy cords that don't empower you is a voyage of letting go and stepping into the flow of life.""--

  • af William Bengston
    212,95 kr.

    With The Energy Cure, Dr. William Bengston presents astonishing evidence that challenges us to totally rethink what we believe about our ability to heal. Drawing on his scientific research, incredible results, and mind-bending questions, Bengston invites us to follow him along his 35-year investigation into the mystery of hands-on healing, and to discover a technique that may activate your healing abilities. Part memoir and part instruction, this provocative book explores:Bengston's paradigm-shifting experimental results and why they seem so difficult for some medical practitioners to accept. Image cycling, a unique preparation method for a hands-on-healing treatment. Why traditional Western medicine isn't always best, the value of skepticism, the strengths of energy medicine, and moreWilliam Bengston, PhD, is a professor of sociology at St. Joseph's College in New York. In his early twenties, he received hands-on healing that ended his chronic back pain. A self-proclaimed rationalist, he began a 35-year investigation that has made him one of today's leading researchers into the mystery and power of energy medicine.This product can be shipped within the US and Canada only.

  • af Laurel Parnell
    197,95 kr.

    Never has it been so effortless to activate your inner power and resilience than with the remarkable technique known as "resource tapping." Tapping In makes available for the first time a self-guided program for learning this revolutionary EMDR-related method. With step-by-step instruction in bilateral stimulation (a core component of EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Tapping In teaches you a clinically recognized system for tapping both sides of the body to overcome trauma, boost confidence, calm the body on a deep, physiological level, and to respond better to stress. Join world-renowned EMDR expert Dr. Laurel Parnell as she shares a series of easy-to-learn exercises to access your "latent positive resources"-your neurological foundation for internal resilience and stability.

  • af Diane Stein
    232,95 kr.

    Women are naturally healers. Throughout time, they have performed curative roles as mothers, midwives, caregivers, and wisewomen, but modern medicine has suppressed this important tradition. Ancient women healers knew that the body is more than what is seen: through body, emotions, mind, and spirit, we can connect with the Goddess and actively choose to heal ourselves and others. By relearning and using ancient skills like aura and chakra work, creative visualization, meditation, laying on of hands, psychic healing, and working with crystals and gemstones, women can prevent or transform many dis-eases of the body and spirit before they become matters for modern medicine. In THE WOMEN'S BOOK OF HEALING, Diane Stein, author of the best-selling ESSENTIAL REIKI, demystifies, explains, and teaches these skills in ways that modern women can learn and use. She first introduces basic healing, then applies those skills to healing with crystals and gemstones-a beautiful, effective, and empowering aspect of the ancient woman's healing methods. A comprehensive guide from a knowledgeable healer, THE WOMEN'S BOOK OF HEALING proves that well-being is within a woman's choice and natural abilities, and reaffirms her timeless role as healer of herself and others. • An affirmation of woman's traditional role as healer, speaking to a national trend toward alternative medicine and natural healing methods. • Demystifies, explains, and teaches the healing capabilities of auras, chakras, laying on of hands, crystals, gemstones, and colors. • Thoroughly revised and updated, with a new introduction. • Diane Stein's books have sold more than 600,000 copies.

  • af Joachim Stuhlmacher
    197,95 kr.

    Die Chinesische Medizin - umfassend, praktisch anwendbar und anschaulich dargestellt.Qigong-Übungen, Akupunkturpunkt- und Meridian-Massagen und spezielle Meditationsübungen sind die Behandlungsmethoden aus der Chinesischen Medizin, welche sich für die Selbstanwendung eignen. Die Klassiker warten hier mit einem wahren Schatz an Möglichkeiten auf, wie sich mit einfachen Maßnahmen Beschwerden und Erkrankungen behandeln lassen. So hilft die Übung "Die Magenleitbahn anregen durch Klopfmassage" bei Verdauungsbeschwerden, "Das Himmelstor klopfen" bei der Vorbeugung von Demenzerkrankungen, "Den HeguPunkt massieren" bei Schmerzen, "Der SSS-Laut für die Lunge" bei Schlafstörungen, "Laogong massieren" bei hohem Blutdruck oder "Die rote heiße Kugel" bei sexuellen Störungen. Joachim Stuhlmacher erklärt jede der Übungen in Ausführung und Wirkungsweise, so dass sie zu Hause leicht praktiziert werden können.Register der Gesundheitsprobleme und BeschwerdenAnämieAngst / FurchtÄrger / ZornArmbeschwerden (z.B. Berührungsempfindlichkeit der Oberarmmuskel)Arthritis / ArthroseAsthmaAtembeschwerden / AtemnotAugenerkrankungen wie Bindehautentzündung / trockene AugenAusdauer, mangelndeBauspeicheldrüsenentzündungBeine, unruhige (Restless Legs)Bewegungsmangel, Beschwerden durchBindegewebsschwächeBlasenbeschwerden (Inkontinenz, Blasenentzündungen, Reizblase, übelriechender Urin)Blutdruck, hoher oder niedrigerBrennender Anus / SchließmuskelschwächeBronchitisDarmentzündungDemut, fehlendeDenken, dumpfes, unklaresDenken, zu vielDepression Diabetes (und andere Magen / Pankreas-Probleme)Durchfall (oder ungeformter, breiiger Stuhl)EileiterbeschwerdenEisenmangelEllbogenproblemeEmotionen, übertriebeneEngegefühleErkältungEssstörungen (wie Bulimie)FersenschmerzenFrigiditätFrustFüße, chronisch kalteGallenblase (Steine oder Entzündung)GebärmutterbeschwerdenGefühlskälteGehirnerkrankungen wir Alzheimer oder Demenz (Im Anfangsstadium oder zur Vorbeugung)Gehirnprobleme (wie Anfälle, Reizempfindlichkeit, Gedächtnisproblematiken)GelbsuchtGrippeGrübeln, ständiges (sich zu viel sorgen)HaarausfallHaare, frühzeitiges Ergrauen der HalswehHarndrang, häufigerHauterkrankungenHerz / Kreislauf (zur Vorbeugung)Herzinfarkt (Vorbeugung oder Nachsorge, es sollte täglich mindestens 45 Minuten geübt werden)Herzrhythmusstörungen / HerzrasenHexenschussHirnstörungen, organischeHodenbeschwerdenHüftschmerzen, HüftgelenksbeschwerdenImmunsystem, schwachesKloß im Hals ('Pflaumenkerngefühl')KnieschmerzenKonzentrationsstörungenKopfschmerzen, MigräneKrebs, Brust- Krebs, Darm-Krebs, Hoden-Krebs, Unterleibs-LebensmittelallergienLeber, Entzündung derLunge, allgemein zur VorbeugungLustlosigkeitMagenerkrankungen wie Schleimhautentzündung / Aufstoßen / SodbrennenManieMenstruationsbeschwerdenMüdigkeit, chronische / MattigkeitNachtblindheit NackenbeschwerdenNieren, allgemein zur VorbeugungNierenentzündungOrgansenkungenPanikattackenPilzerkrankungenPotenzstörungenProstatabeschwerdenRachenerkrankungenRastlosigkeitRheumaRückenbeschwerdenSchlafstörungenSchlaganfall (Vorbeugung und Nachsorge)Schmerz (allgemeiner Art wie Zahnschmerz, Kopfschmerz, Bauchschmerz)Schmerz (spezieller Art wie Gelenkschmerz)Schmerzen, im BrustkorbSchultererkrankungen / SchulterblattbeschwerdenSchwerhörigkeit SchwindelSchwitzen, übermäßigesSehen, unklares (auch psychisch)StirnhöhlenbeschwerdenTinnitusTrauerÜbelkeit, ständigeUnfruchtbarkeitUnruhe, innereUnterleibskrämpfe, BeckenbeschwerdenUnzufriedenheit, zu viel WollenVaginalbeschwerdenVerbitterungVerdauungsstörungen wie Bauchgurgeln / Blähungen / breiiger StuhlVerstopfte Nase, NasennebenhöhlenbeschwerdenVerstopfungWasser in den BeinenWillensschwächeWirbelsäulenerkrankungenZahnbeschwerden wie ZahnfleischblutenZysten im Unterleib

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