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Sportsfiskeri, jagt, skydning

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  • - jagt uden foræringer i Alaska, New Zealand og Canada
    af Claus Ballisager
    246,95 kr.

    "Det er nu eller aldrig" er en bestseller indenfor jagtlitteratur. Det er den første i en række af udgivelser fra Claus Ballisager - mest af alt handler den om hvad der skulle vise sig at blive forfatterens levevej. Kom med Claus Ballisager på usædvanlige jagtoplevelser i Alaska, New Zealand og Canada - til steder hvor han har arbejdet for jagtguider af adskillige måneders varighed, og derigennem fået et dybt indblik i jagten på stedet. Det er blevet til en anmelderrost bog på 256 sider med ca. 100 billeder i. Læs bl.a. de fascinerende beretninger om: - Jagten på Alaskas kæmpe elgtyr. - Bjørnejagt, hvor man i dagevis spejder efter dyret og pludselig er den der - måske tættere på, end man tror! - Jagt i orkan efter The Rocky Mountain Goat, samt på Kodiak Island, hvor de har verdens tætteste bestand af brunbjørne. - Jagten i New Zealands bjerge efter thar og gemser - samt vildsvinejagt med kniv. - Oplevelser fra Yukon hvor det bl.a. blev til ulvejagt, jagt på Dall-sheep, elg og caribou. Anmeldelser: "Uhyggelig virkelighed for eventyrlystne. En vildmarksgyser. Jagtbogen, og dens illustrationer på forfatterens hjemmeside, er en ny form for beretning"(Nordjyske Stiftstidende) "CB tager i sin jagtbog læserne med på en fascinerende rejse til verdens største jagtmarker"(Berlingske Tidende) "Han er en god iagttager og fortæller i fin stil. Sådan gør en ægte eventyrer. Respekt!"(JÆGER) "Det er en flot og velskrevet bog"(Vejle Amts Folkeblad) "God at læse, hvis man selv vil et af stederne hen, med eller uden riffel, eller hvis man bare vil drømme om det"(Jyllands-Posten) "Jeg kan varmt anbefale CBs bog. Det er næsten som at være der selv"( "Det er fantastisk inspirerende læsning, og man bliver straks grebet. CB beskriver med ord og masser af billeder, og han gør det godt"(Østhimmerland Folkeblad) "Det er en pragtfuld bog"(JAGT (Dansk Land- og Strandjagt) Signeret udgave kan købes på forfatterens hjemmeside: Her kan du også læse om jagt i Alaska, spændende vildmarksture med trekking og rafting samt følge i hælene på forfatteren.

  • af Wilhelm Dinesen
    227,95 kr.

    Karen Blixens far Wilhelm Dinesen var en ivrig jæger, der elskede naturen og dyrene.Under pseudonymet Boganis, der betyder Hasselnød på indiansk, skrev han i slutningen af 1800-tallet en række jagtbreve, der er kendetegnet ved deres fine naturiagttagelser. Brevene blev oprindeligt trykt i Politken."Her er Naturhengivelse, Aand, Fantasi, Frihedsglæde, Erotik, Ræsonnement, Fortællerevne. [...] Hans Jagtbreve har blivende Værdi i dansk Litteratur."- Georg Brandesidden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlWilhelm Dinesen (1845-95) var en dansk officer, eventyrer, politiker og forfatter. Han har også skrevet fængslende skildringer af sine soldateroplevelser i krigen i 1864, den fransk-tyske krig 1870-71 og om Pariserkommunen i 1871. Han er i 2013 blevet portrætteret af Tom Buk-Swienty i den stort anlagte biografi "Kaptajn Dinesen". Han er far til den klassiske danske forfatter Karen Blixen.

  • - The Perfect Gamefish
    af James Sharpe
    196,95 - 382,95 kr.

    The only complete reference on the dolphin, its life history, behaviour, fishing techniques and rigging. Capt. Jim Sharpe perfected many special trolling, spin casting and fly-fishing techniques for catching dolphin over his 35 years as a charter boat fisherman in the Florida Keys. For ten years, Capt. Sharpe shared his secrets on his television and radio shows, and in major fishing magazines. Now, he tells the whole story in a single volume complete with detailed how-to illustrations and photographs. Dolphin: The Perfect Gamefish offers anglers all of the time-proven techniques Capt. Sharpe uses to catch dolphin aboard his own boat the SEA BOOTS. You'll learn dead-boat and trolling/teasing techniques to bring big dolphin into casting range of fly and spin tackle; how to intercept and cast to tailing dolphin, and how to use a kite, a down-rigger or chum to attract dolphin. Learn how dolphin respond to their environment, and how changing seasons and weather conditions dictate the best fishing techniques to choose.

  • - På jagt efter alverdens bøfler
    af Michael Sand
    289,95 kr.

    “Sort og Hvid Magi” kommer helt tæt på kafferbøfler, Afrikas mest farlige af de berømte fem store. Men bogen indeholder også unikke oplevelser med vandbøfler, bisonokser, moskusokser og vildkvæg, omtalt som Scrub Bulls.I bogen finder man f.eks. en beretning om en ældgammel og tonstung kæmpe og en helt ung bøffeljæger i sit første år som teenager. Et sammenstød, der kostede blod på begge sider ... Det er også beretningen om en ”tæt på død” oplevelse, der på 
dramatisk vis afsluttede en centralafrikansk bøffeljagt. Det er eventyr og drømme om sorte og hvide bøfler. For ikke alle bøfler fødes sorte eller mørke. Omkring en ud af ti millioner afrikanske bøfler kommer til verden som hvide. Det samme hævdes at være tilfældet hos nordamerikansk bison. Her 
betragtes det uhyre sjældne fænomen White Buffalo som varsel om bedre tider, men også som en påmindelse om vores samhørighed med naturen og det guddommelige.Undervejs i bogen præsenteres læseren for de vidt forskellige miljøer, hvor jagterne udspiller sig. Det er ikke kun jagt i sump og regnskov. Det er også bøffeljagt på 
afrikanske, australske og sydamerikanske sletter og på fjeldskråninger helt tæt på indlandsisen. Bogens mange artikler og tilhørende billeder er udvalgt blandt Michael Sands omfattende arkiv, og “Sort og Hvid Magi” er en jagtbog, som også berører flere etiske spørgsmål. Især begrebet jagt bliver vendt og drejet i en række dialoger. Artiklerne er skrevet og illustreret som reportager. De anvendte billeder knytter sig direkte til oplevelserne, og fortællingerne er gengivet uden make-up. De er skrevet umiddelbart efter, de udspillede sig. Bogen er altså ikke baseret på en samling 
”så vidt jeg husker”-beretninger og vilkårlige tilbageblik.Artiklerne er skrevet endnu inden jagtfeberen helt havde lagt sig ...

  • af William Frye Sr.
    139,95 kr.

    Embark on the Journey of a Lifetime to America's Last FrontierImagine waking up to the ethereal glow of the Aurora Borealis, breathing in the crisp Alaskan air as a landscape of untamed beauty unfolds before your eyes. Alaskan Adventures: The Ultimate Vacation Handbook is your passport to savoring the exhilarating experiences that await in this majestic land. This essential travel companion not only serves as an adventurous guide but also becomes your storyteller, capturing the magic of the Alaskan wilderness in every meticulously crafted page.Dive into the heart of Alaska with our comprehensive introduction, outlining the splendors and the must-see wonders this vast state has to offer. From unparalleled wildlife encounters to the allure of northern lights, the booking of this adventure promises memories that will last you a lifetime.Travel with ConfidenceYour journey is shaped by the extensive knowledge found within these pages. Whether you're plotting the perfect itinerary, deciding on the ideal time to set forth on your escapade, or comparing cruise lines, Alaskan Adventures delivers. Discover the secrets to navigating the challenging yet breathtaking terrain, find the best trails tailored to your abilities, and learn the ins and outs of fishing in the bountiful Alaskan waters.Make Every Moment CountAre you seeking a family-friendly retreat or an opulent escape? Perhaps you're a solo explorer thirsting for a rugged, do-it-yourself journey? Within these chapters, you'll uncover the finest all-inclusive resorts, connect with child-centric adventures, plan scenic train excursions, and contemplate tranquil cabin stays for solitude or romance.From camping under the midnight sun to engaging with Alaska's rich traditions and wildlife, your exploration will be as diverse and vibrant as the terrain itself. Alaskan Adventures: The Ultimate Vacation Handbook is more than just a travel guide-it's a treasure trove of insider tips, heartfelt recommendations, and inspiring tales that will beckon you towards an unforgettable expedition into the wild heart of Alaska.Answer the call of adventure; the wonders of Alaska await.

  • af Steve Chapman
    107,95 kr.

    Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just taking your first steps on this wonderful adventure, 365 Things Every Hunter Should Know brings you suggestions and musings that will leave you encouraged, prepared, and excited for your next journey into the woods.

  • af Curt Menefee
    197,95 kr.

    Behind every pivotal winning moment in sports history lies an equally memorable moment of crushing disappointment.From Hank Aaron's 715th home run, which broke Babe Ruth's record, to Christian Laettner's famous buzzer-beating shot for Duke in the NCAA tournament?every sports fan recalls the winning moments that have shaped sports history. But often forgotten are the stories on the other side of these history-making moments, the athletes who experienced not transcendent glory but crushing failure: the cornerback who couldn't prevent the big touchdown; the baseball manager whose team was one strike away from World Series victory; the world-record-holding Olympian who fell on the ice. And while history is written by the victors, even the losers have lessons to teach us.In Losing Isn't Everything, famed sportscaster Curt Menefee, joined by bestselling writer Michael Arkush, examines some of the biggest ?disappointments? from the wide world of sports, interviewing the athletes and personalities at the heart of each loss and uncovering what it means to be associated with failure?months, years, or decades later. Telling the losing stories behind such famous moments as the ?helmet catch? in Super Bowl XLII, with the Patriots' Rodney Harrison defending the Giants' David Tyree; Mary Decker's fall in the 3,000 meters at the 1984 Olympics; and Craig Ehlo's giving up ?The Shot? to Michael Jordan in the 1989 NBA playoffs, Menefee examines the legacy of the hardest losses, revealing the unique path that athletes have to walk after they flop on their sports' biggest stages. Shedding new light on some of the most recognizable scapegoat stories in the sports canon, he also revisits both the Baltimore Colts' loss in Super Bowl III, as well as the Red Sox' loss in the 1986 World Series, showing why, despite Bill Buckner's years of humiliation, it might not have all been his fault.What emerges is a powerful portrait of the grit and resolve required to bounce back from the hardest losses. Illustrated with sixteen pages of color photos, this considered and compassionate study offers invaluable lessons about pain, resilience, disappointment, remorse, and acceptance that can help us look at our lives, our mistakes, and ourselves in a profound new way.

  • af Charley McCrone
    160,95 kr.

    I am an old geezer now, and these are some of the stories of my adventures fishing and hunting in Hawaii and Alaska. Tales of moose and marlin, giant Yellowfin Tuna and Pacific Halibut, King, Silver and Sockeye Salmon, Mahi Mahi and more. Fishing from Kewalo Basin to Kona, and from Prince of Wales Island to the mighty Kenai River. Take a seat in my little Willie drift boat as we pursue salmon and halibut. Come aboard Captain Lee's 42' Pacifica yacht as we win a Marlin Tournament. Watch us achieve a Clean Sweep with a hundred pound 'ahi and a 250 pound Pacific Blue Marlin. Take in the action from the flying bridge as we boat more than fifty mahi mahi. Join us for a trip to Prince of Wales Island that would surely be a tall tale if it were not for the photographs. Hunt feral goats in the wild mountains of Hawaii and come along for the fly-in float-out moose hunt of a lifetime.Let the adventures begin!

  • af Michael Beutel
    197,95 - 303,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Frederick Salter
    427,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Geoffrey Budworth
    138,95 kr.

    The essential, full-color, step-by-step illustrated guide to tying more than seventy-five fishing knots.

  • af April Capil
    197,95 kr.

    "Never forget, Little Fish - a Lure is just an illusion, a thing pretending to be something else. If you can remember that, you'll be just fine."For generations, the lessons of The Six Lures have been passed down from fish to fish, and over a long weekend in Far Grotto, Little Fish learns from his Auntie Perch how to navigate the dangers of Big River, and stay safe in a world where things aren't always what they seem.A short book with a simple message, Little Fish and The Six Lures is a story not just for fans of fly fishing, but those hoping to share important life lessons with a young person they care about.

  • af Joseph Thomas Cunningham
    172,95 - 202,95 kr.

    The Preservation of Fishing Nets is a book written by Joseph Thomas Cunningham and published in 1902. The book is a comprehensive guide on how to preserve fishing nets, which were an essential tool for fishermen during that time. The author covers various topics related to fishing nets, such as the different types of nets, their construction, and the materials used to make them. He also discusses the proper methods of repairing and maintaining fishing nets to ensure their longevity. The book provides detailed instructions on how to clean and dry nets, how to store them properly, and how to prevent damage from insects and other pests. The author also includes tips on how to identify and repair common problems that occur with fishing nets, such as holes, tears, and frayed edges. The Preservation of Fishing Nets is a valuable resource for fishermen, net makers, and anyone interested in the history and preservation of traditional fishing methods. The book provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of fishing during the early 20th century and offers practical advice that is still relevant today.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Cortlandt Gordon MacKenzie
    197,95 - 232,95 kr.

    Notes For Hunting Men is a book written by Cortlandt Gordon Mackenzie in 1901. It is a comprehensive guidebook for hunters, containing detailed information and advice on all aspects of hunting. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the different types of game, hunting equipment and techniques, hunting dogs, and hunting ethics. The author draws on his own extensive experience as a hunter and provides practical tips and suggestions for hunters of all levels of experience. The book is written in a clear and concise style, making it easy to follow and understand. It is an essential resource for anyone interested in hunting, whether for sport or for food.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Reginald Charles Fulke Maugham
    367,95 - 392,95 kr.

    Wild Game In Zambezia is a travelogue written by Reginald Charles Fulke Maugham in 1914. The book describes the author's journey through the Zambezia region of Africa, where he hunted various wild animals such as lions, elephants, and antelopes. Maugham also provides vivid descriptions of the local people, their customs, and the natural beauty of the region. The book is a fascinating account of a bygone era of African exploration and big-game hunting, and provides a unique insight into the colonial attitudes of the time. It is a must-read for anyone interested in African history, wildlife, and adventure.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - A Popular Account Of The Sea Fisheries And Fishing Ports Of Those Countries (1904)
    af Frederick George Aflalo
    317,95 - 360,95 kr.

    ""The Sea Fishing Industry of England and Wales"" is a comprehensive and informative book written by Frederick George Aflalo in 1904. The book provides a detailed account of the sea fishing industry in England and Wales, including the various sea fisheries and fishing ports of those countries. The author covers a wide range of topics related to the sea fishing industry, including the different species of fish that are caught, the methods used for fishing, the equipment and vessels used, and the economic and social impact of the industry on the local communities. The book is written in a popular style, making it accessible to a wide range of readers, from fishermen and industry professionals to those with a general interest in the subject. The author draws on his extensive knowledge and experience in the field to provide a fascinating and engaging account of the sea fishing industry in England and Wales during the early 20th century. Overall, ""The Sea Fishing Industry of England and Wales"" is an important historical document that provides a valuable insight into the sea fishing industry of the time, and is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of fishing and maritime industries in the UK.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - An Angler's Sketches Of Home Sport And Colonial Life (1888)
    af William Senior
    331,95 - 392,95 kr.

    Near And Far: An Angler's Sketches Of Home Sport And Colonial Life is a book written by William Senior and published in 1888. The book is a collection of sketches that describe the experiences of the author as an angler in both his home country and in colonial territories. The book is divided into two parts, with the first part focusing on the author's experiences in England, Scotland, and Ireland, while the second part focuses on his experiences in colonial territories such as India, South Africa, and Australia.The author provides vivid descriptions of the various fishing locations he visited, the types of fish he caught, and the techniques he used to catch them. He also shares his observations on the local cultures, customs, and people he encountered during his travels. The book is filled with anecdotes, humor, and insights into the life of an angler in the late 19th century.Overall, Near And Far: An Angler's Sketches Of Home Sport And Colonial Life is a fascinating account of the adventures of an angler who traveled far and wide in search of the perfect fishing spot. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in fishing, travel, and colonial history.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Or Adventures In Klondyke (1897)
    af Hume Nisbet
    272,95 - 312,95 kr.

    Hunting For Gold: Or Adventures In Klondyke is a book written by Hume Nisbet and first published in 1897. The book is a first-hand account of the author's experiences in the Klondike Gold Rush of the late 19th century. The book is a thrilling adventure story that takes the reader on a journey through the rugged wilderness of Alaska and the Yukon, as the author and his companions search for gold in the harsh and unforgiving landscape. The book is filled with vivid descriptions of the natural beauty of the region, as well as the dangers and challenges faced by those who ventured into the wilderness in search of fortune. The book is also a fascinating historical document, providing a glimpse into the lives and experiences of the gold miners who flocked to the Klondike during this tumultuous period in American history. Overall, Hunting For Gold: Or Adventures In Klondyke is a captivating and thrilling read that is sure to appeal to anyone interested in adventure, history, or the great outdoors.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - The Incomplete Angler (1876)
    af Francis Cowley Burnand
    277,95 - 311,95 kr.

    ""Round About My Garden, Occasional Happy Thoughts, Part 2: The Incomplete Angler"" is a book written by Francis Cowley Burnand and originally published in 1876. The book is a collection of humorous essays and anecdotes that revolve around the author's garden and his love for fishing. The title is a play on words, referencing Izaak Walton's famous book ""The Compleat Angler.""The book is divided into two parts, with the second part focusing on Burnand's experiences as an angler. He shares his humorous and sometimes unsuccessful attempts at fishing, as well as his thoughts on the sport and its enthusiasts. The essays are written in a light-hearted and witty style, with occasional illustrations throughout the text.In addition to fishing, Burnand also writes about his garden and the various plants and animals that inhabit it. He shares his observations on nature and the joys of gardening, as well as his humorous mishaps and successes in tending to his plants.Overall, ""Round About My Garden, Occasional Happy Thoughts, Part 2: The Incomplete Angler"" is a charming and entertaining book that offers a glimpse into the mind of a witty and observant writer. It is a must-read for fans of humorous essays, gardening, and fishing.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af George Dawson
    301,95 - 303,95 kr.

    The book ""Pleasures Of Angling With Rod And Reel For Trout And Salmon"" was written by George Dawson and was first published in 1876. The book is a comprehensive guide to angling for trout and salmon with a rod and reel, and provides detailed instructions on the techniques and equipment required for successful fishing. The author shares his personal experiences and insights into the sport of angling, providing valuable tips and advice for both novice and experienced anglers. The book is divided into chapters that cover topics such as the selection of fishing tackle, the art of casting, the different types of flies and lures, and the best methods for catching trout and salmon in various types of water. The book also includes beautiful illustrations and photographs of the fish and the equipment used in angling. Overall, ""Pleasures Of Angling With Rod And Reel For Trout And Salmon"" is a timeless classic that will appeal to anyone who loves the sport of fishing and wants to improve their skills and knowledge.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af John Lee
    232,95 kr.

    The "King of Archery," "The World's Greatest Archer," "One-Shot," all names referring to Howard Hill -the champion of the longbow. No matter the title, Howard Hill was legendary, and his success led to the promotion of traditional archery and a surge of interest in the American Semi-Longbow.Howard Hill viewed the longbow as the most perfect hunting weapon. His modification of the English longbow to suit his needs, became the American Semi-Longbow. The American Semi-Longbow is synonymous with a Hill-style longbow -the bow that led him in his success.Today there are many versions of the American Semi-Longbow. In a quest to find the features that Howard Hill demanded in his own bows, a weapon that he perfected, was the impetus of this study. We can identify his standards by how his bows were built, what he insisted on in his own line of bows offered to the public, and what he taught to the bowyers employed by him. By examining Howard's original bows and following the progression of design until he perfected this weapon, we understand the qualities necessary in a Hill-style longbow. If you would like to know more about the equipment and the bow that led to his success, then you will enjoy this book.Metadata may include Howard Hill, John Schulz, Traditional Archery, Bamboo Bows, Stick Bows, Self Bows, ASL, Hill-Style Longbow, Archery Hunting, Archery History in America, Hunting with the Bow and Arrow, and Hunting the Hard Way.

  • - Researches On The Evidence Of Caves Respecting The Early Inhabitants Of Europe
    af William Boyd Dawkins
    327,95 - 529,95 kr.

    Cave Hunting: Researches On The Evidence Of Caves Respecting The Early Inhabitants Of Europe is a book written by William Boyd Dawkins. The book is a comprehensive study of the prehistoric caves of Europe and the evidence they provide about the early inhabitants of the continent. Dawkins explores the geological formation and history of the caves, as well as the ancient artifacts and fossils found within them. He also discusses the different theories and interpretations of the evidence, providing his own insights and conclusions. The book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of human civilization and the development of early societies in Europe.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Karl Weixlmann
    322,95 kr.

    "Steelhead Alley"-the southern Lake Erie shoreline from Buffalo, New York to Toledo, Ohio-is considered by many to be the best location in the Great Lakes region to catch steelhead on a fly. In this book the author shares tips, local fly patterns, rigs, and techniques that will help you put more fish in the net.

  • af Mary Orvis Marbury
    622,95 - 737,95 kr.

  • af Louis Rhead
    232,95 kr.

    American Trout-Stream Insects, written by Louis John Rhead more than a century ago, is the first American book of its kind. Still a useful guide today, it covers such topics as:Why It Is Best to Copy NatureSystem and ClassificationTrout Flies of April: When Insects First AppearTrout Insects for MayThe Best Trout Insects for JuneTypical Insects of JulySome Trout Insects for AugustSix Best Flies for Each MonthThe Making of an Artificial FlyNew Artificial Nature LuresPrinted on acid-free, archival-quality paper, this edition is a beautifully produced facsimile of the original, including illustrations in both color and black and white. Written with deep passion and an intimate knowledge of angling, American Trout-Stream Insects is an essential reference book for all trout-fishing enthusiasts.

  • af Richard Jordan
    157,95 kr.

    First Place Winner of The Poetry Box Chapbook Prize 2023The Squannacook at Dawn revolves around fishing, exploring the poet's loss of his father, the natural world, aging, environmental change, and spirituality.

    317,95 kr.

    Relive the good old days in Boone and Crockett Club's Vintage Hunting...

  • af Howard P Monsour
    212,95 kr.

    A collection of 40 thrilling stories about adventure for big game...

    367,95 kr.

    The evolution of elk hunting beginning in the 1880s is beautifully illustrated with vintage field and portrait photographs making An American Elk Retrospective the ultimate collection of days gone by for big game hunters.

  • af J. W. Dunne
    842,95 kr.

    J.W. Dunne's Sunshine and the Dry Fly is one of the great classics of fly-fishing. First published in 1924, it was written as much to engage and enthuse as to inform, and it succeeded. Its author went down in history as "one of the prophets of old."The book breaks down into two halves, the first describing the art of dry-fly fishing for trout, the flies they eat and his efforts to develop artificial copies, the second a primer on how to make these copies for yourself.This extended third edition is published in its 100th year. It includes a number of lost and hard-to-find treasures, not least two short but lyrical essays aimed at the beginner, recipes for four more dry flies which he had intended for the second edition but mislaid, more complete detail on his fly-dressing materials and three unique archive images.

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