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Niels Jørgen Henriksens fortællinger er et levende tilbageblik på livet i og omkring den lille havneby, hvor han voksede op blandt strandjægere og kystfiskere i 1960’erneog 1970’erne.Bogen tegner et spændende billede af et miljø, som rummede barskhed og bidske bemærkninger, men også humor og hjertevarme. Den giver et fængslende indblik i en helt særlig kystkultur, som ikke længere findes.Læs om de farverige mennesketyper som forfatteren mødte og lærte jagtens og fiskeriets finesser af. Oplev kystfiskernes hårde liv med frihed og fællesskab. Og nyd de intense jagtberetninger, der er fortalt med nerve og solidt fagkundskab.
Fluebinderens bibel af Barry Ord Clarke er en uundværlig guide for enhver fluefisker. Bogen indeholder 100 forskellige fluer, hver med en QR-kode, der linker til detaljerede trin-for-trin videoer. Disse videoer viser Barry Ord Clarkes ekspertise og teknikker, som har gjort ham berømt i fluefiskerkredse verden over. Bogen dækker mønstre for ørred, havørred, stalling, røding, laks og gedde, hvilket gør den til en omfattende ressource for både begyndere og erfarne fluebindere. Barry Ord Clarke er en internationalt anerkendt fluebinder og YouTube-stjerne med millioner af visninger. Ideel både for begyndere og erfarne fluebindere. En omfattende guide, der kombinerer traditionelle teknikker med moderne teknologi.Om forfatteren: Barry Ord Clarke er en anerkendt fluebinder, forfatter og fotograf. Han har skrevet hundredvis af artikler i både norsk og international fiskepresse og har udgivet flere bøger om fluebinding. I 2021 blev han kåret til Fly Tyer of the Year af Fly Tyer Magazine. Barry er kendt for sin populære YouTube-kanal, hvor hans fluebindeinstruktioner har opnået over 7 millioner visninger. Hans hjemmeside, www.thefeatherbender.com, er en yderligere ressource for fluebindere verden over.
Jagtens Eventyr i Danmark, der oprindeligt udkom i 1936, er en af jagtlitteraturens klassikere.I bogen beskriver forfatteren med lune og refleksion jagtens væsen med udgangspunkt i selvoplevede jagthistorier. Sammen med gode jagtkammerater, som blandt andet digterpræsten Kaj Munk, blev der drevet jagt rundt om i hele landet. Her er alt fra tøndejagt i Vestjylland over sneppejagt ved Randers Fjord til klapjagter på øerne.Valdemar Rørdam (1872-1946) var i sin samtid en bredt anerkendt forfatter, der blandt andet modtog Holbergmedaljen og var indstillet til Nobelprisen i litteratur.Valdemar Rørdam blev af mange anset som Holger Drachmanns efterfølger i den nationalromantiske genre.Men i 1941 skrev Rørdam et digt, der hyldede Nazitysklands invasion af Sovjetunionen. Dette betød, at Rørdam mistede sin popularitet og sit litterære eftermæle.
Carl Peter Govertz Jensen (1845-1921) nærede en stor kærlighed til jagten og naturen. Det kom til udtryk i hans tre bøger: På jagt (1883), Jagtstemninger (1893) og Jægere (1903). Han var en af de første til at udgive selvoplevede jagtberetninger i litterær form.Bogen her er et udvalg af de bedste jagthistorier fra de tre bøger. Læseren kommer med på stemningsfulde jagter rundt om i landet: Andejagt på Lolland. Sneppejagt i Søhøjlandet. Urfuglejagt på den jyske hede og store godsjagter.Govertz Jensen var godsejersøn og jurist af uddannelse. I nogle år drev han en proprietærgård ved Skanderborg. Senere flyttede han til Lolland og blev avisredaktør, inden han i 1891 satte sig i redaktørstolen ved Dansk Jagtidende – en post, som han bestred i 30 år.
Heinrich Emil Ferdinand Justesen (1845-1916) er en pioner i den danske jagtlitteratur. I 1881 udgav han bogen Jægerliv, som er den første danske bogudgivelse, der udelukkende består af selvoplevede jagthistorier. Genren blev folkeeje nogle år senere med Boganis’ jagtbreve.Denne bog indeholder et udvalg af jagtberetninger fra Justesens fem jagtbøger. Her kommer læseren blandt andet med Justesen og hans jagtkammerater på andejagt i de vestjyske fjorde, bekkasinjagt på Sjælland, fællesjagt på Sejerø og på klapjagt i de store skove. Her er masser af farverige beskrivelser af jagt og jægere fra en svunden tid.H.E.F Justesen var uddannet jurist og var blandt andet by- og herredsfuldmægtig i Holstebro og branddirektør på Falster. I 1884 var han med til at stifte Dansk Jagtforening og blev samtidig redaktør ved foreningens blad Dansk Jagttidende frem til 1891.
Den perfekte lommekalender foralle jægere og naturelskere.Noter dine jagtaftaler, og hav altid jagttiderne, schweissregisteret og jagtjournal mv. lige ved hånden.Temaet for Jagtkalenderen 2025 er vores hjortevildt, hvor der for hvermåned er indsat et billede af voksne og unge dyr af hver art.Dertil indeholder årets udgave vildtets ordensrækkefølge på vildtparaden samt jagtetik og etikette.Knæk og bræk!
Ebbe Jacobsen kan med rette kalde sig laksekonge, han har fanget over 3000 laks, de fleste i Bjerkreimselven i Norge.Ebbe Jacobsen kender elven som sin egen bukselomme.Det er blevet til ikke mindre end 50 års fiskeri i Bjerkreim.Det har ikke skottet på sjove og spændende oplevelser.Her fortæller lakselegenden om livet ved elven, om fiskepladser, fiskemetoder og tager læseren med på muntre fisketure gennem 50 glade lakseår.Ebbe Jacobsen stammer fra Odense.Han er inkarneret lystfisker med fokus på havørreder og laks, som han fanger i Vejle Å, Odense Å og i Bjerkreimselven.Ved Bjerkreimselven havde Ebbe Jacobsen i mange år sin egen hytte.En stor del af Ebbe Jacobsens og hustruen Kirstens liv er tilbragt ved den Norske elv.
Dansk Jagtordbog er en samlet fortegnelse over det danske jagtsprog i ordbogsform.Jagten i Danmark har en rig kultur med masser af traditioner og skikke. Og ikke mindst har jægerne deres helt eget sprog. Et sprog, der er formet i en smeltedigel af ord og udtryk fra især tysk, engelsk og fransk, der er blevet blandet med ærkedanske udtryk. Der er masser af slang, lydbeskrivende ord, farverig jargon og dialektord i jagtsproget.Bogen vil være nyttig for læsere af gammel dansk jagtlitteratur, men også for jægere og sproginteresserede, der ønsker at dygtiggøre sig i den sproglige jagtkultur.
“Sort og Hvid Magi” kommer helt tæt på kafferbøfler, Afrikas mest farlige af de berømte fem store.Men bogen indeholder også unikke oplevelser med vandbøfler, bisonokser, moskusokser og vildkvæg, omtalt som Scrub Bulls.I bogen finder man f.eks. en beretning om en ældgammel og tonstung kæmpe og en helt ung bøffeljæger i sit første år som teenager. Et sammenstød, der kostede blod på begge sider ... Det er også beretningen om en ”tæt på død” oplevelse, der på dramatisk vis afsluttede en centralafrikansk bøffeljagt.Det er eventyr og drømme om sorte og hvide bøfler. For ikke alle bøfler fødes sorte eller mørke. Omkring en ud af ti millioner afrikanske bøfler kommer til verden som hvide. Det samme hævdes at være tilfældet hos nordamerikansk bison. Her betragtes det uhyre sjældne fænomen White Buffalo som varsel om bedre tider, men også som en påmindelse om vores samhørighed med naturen og det guddommelige.Undervejs i bogen præsenteres læseren for de vidt forskellige miljøer, hvor jagterne udspiller sig. Det er ikke kun jagt i sump og regnskov. Det er også bøffeljagt på afrikanske, australske og sydamerikanske sletter og på fjeldskråninger helt tæt på indlandsisen.Bogens mange artikler og tilhørende billeder er udvalgt blandt Michael Sands omfattende arkiv, og “Sort og Hvid Magi” er en jagtbog, som også berører flere etiske spørgsmål. Især begrebet jagt bliver vendt og drejet i en række dialoger.Artiklerne er skrevet og illustreret som reportager.De anvendte billeder knytter sig direkte til oplevelserne, og fortællingerne er gengivet uden make-up. De er skrevet umiddelbart efter, de udspillede sig. Bogen er altså ikke baseret på en samling ”så vidt jeg husker”-beretninger og vilkårlige tilbageblik.Artiklerne er skrevet endnu inden jagtfeberen helt havde lagt sig ...
Embark on the Journey of a Lifetime to America's Last FrontierImagine waking up to the ethereal glow of the Aurora Borealis, breathing in the crisp Alaskan air as a landscape of untamed beauty unfolds before your eyes. Alaskan Adventures: The Ultimate Vacation Handbook is your passport to savoring the exhilarating experiences that await in this majestic land. This essential travel companion not only serves as an adventurous guide but also becomes your storyteller, capturing the magic of the Alaskan wilderness in every meticulously crafted page.Dive into the heart of Alaska with our comprehensive introduction, outlining the splendors and the must-see wonders this vast state has to offer. From unparalleled wildlife encounters to the allure of northern lights, the booking of this adventure promises memories that will last you a lifetime.Travel with ConfidenceYour journey is shaped by the extensive knowledge found within these pages. Whether you're plotting the perfect itinerary, deciding on the ideal time to set forth on your escapade, or comparing cruise lines, Alaskan Adventures delivers. Discover the secrets to navigating the challenging yet breathtaking terrain, find the best trails tailored to your abilities, and learn the ins and outs of fishing in the bountiful Alaskan waters.Make Every Moment CountAre you seeking a family-friendly retreat or an opulent escape? Perhaps you're a solo explorer thirsting for a rugged, do-it-yourself journey? Within these chapters, you'll uncover the finest all-inclusive resorts, connect with child-centric adventures, plan scenic train excursions, and contemplate tranquil cabin stays for solitude or romance.From camping under the midnight sun to engaging with Alaska's rich traditions and wildlife, your exploration will be as diverse and vibrant as the terrain itself. Alaskan Adventures: The Ultimate Vacation Handbook is more than just a travel guide-it's a treasure trove of insider tips, heartfelt recommendations, and inspiring tales that will beckon you towards an unforgettable expedition into the wild heart of Alaska.Answer the call of adventure; the wonders of Alaska await.
The only complete reference on the dolphin, its life history, behaviour, fishing techniques and rigging. Capt. Jim Sharpe perfected many special trolling, spin casting and fly-fishing techniques for catching dolphin over his 35 years as a charter boat fisherman in the Florida Keys. For ten years, Capt. Sharpe shared his secrets on his television and radio shows, and in major fishing magazines. Now, he tells the whole story in a single volume complete with detailed how-to illustrations and photographs. Dolphin: The Perfect Gamefish offers anglers all of the time-proven techniques Capt. Sharpe uses to catch dolphin aboard his own boat the SEA BOOTS. You'll learn dead-boat and trolling/teasing techniques to bring big dolphin into casting range of fly and spin tackle; how to intercept and cast to tailing dolphin, and how to use a kite, a down-rigger or chum to attract dolphin. Learn how dolphin respond to their environment, and how changing seasons and weather conditions dictate the best fishing techniques to choose.
The "King of Archery," "The World's Greatest Archer," "One-Shot," all names referring to Howard Hill -the champion of the longbow. No matter the title, Howard Hill was legendary, and his success led to the promotion of traditional archery and a surge of interest in the American Semi-Longbow.Howard Hill viewed the longbow as the most perfect hunting weapon. His modification of the English longbow to suit his needs, became the American Semi-Longbow. The American Semi-Longbow is synonymous with a Hill-style longbow -the bow that led him in his success.Today there are many versions of the American Semi-Longbow. In a quest to find the features that Howard Hill demanded in his own bows, a weapon that he perfected, was the impetus of this study. We can identify his standards by how his bows were built, what he insisted on in his own line of bows offered to the public, and what he taught to the bowyers employed by him. By examining Howard's original bows and following the progression of design until he perfected this weapon, we understand the qualities necessary in a Hill-style longbow. If you would like to know more about the equipment and the bow that led to his success, then you will enjoy this book.Metadata may include Howard Hill, John Schulz, Traditional Archery, Bamboo Bows, Stick Bows, Self Bows, ASL, Hill-Style Longbow, Archery Hunting, Archery History in America, Hunting with the Bow and Arrow, and Hunting the Hard Way.
American Trout-Stream Insects, written by Louis John Rhead more than a century ago, is the first American book of its kind. Still a useful guide today, it covers such topics as:Why It Is Best to Copy NatureSystem and ClassificationTrout Flies of April: When Insects First AppearTrout Insects for MayThe Best Trout Insects for JuneTypical Insects of JulySome Trout Insects for AugustSix Best Flies for Each MonthThe Making of an Artificial FlyNew Artificial Nature LuresPrinted on acid-free, archival-quality paper, this edition is a beautifully produced facsimile of the original, including illustrations in both color and black and white. Written with deep passion and an intimate knowledge of angling, American Trout-Stream Insects is an essential reference book for all trout-fishing enthusiasts.
First Place Winner of The Poetry Box Chapbook Prize 2023The Squannacook at Dawn revolves around fishing, exploring the poet's loss of his father, the natural world, aging, environmental change, and spirituality.
J.W. Dunne's Sunshine and the Dry Fly is one of the great classics of fly-fishing. First published in 1924, it was written as much to engage and enthuse as to inform, and it succeeded. Its author went down in history as "one of the prophets of old."The book breaks down into two halves, the first describing the art of dry-fly fishing for trout, the flies they eat and his efforts to develop artificial copies, the second a primer on how to make these copies for yourself.This extended third edition is published in its 100th year. It includes a number of lost and hard-to-find treasures, not least two short but lyrical essays aimed at the beginner, recipes for four more dry flies which he had intended for the second edition but mislaid, more complete detail on his fly-dressing materials and three unique archive images.
As young children growing up across America, no one could have predicted their unlikely career paths. They came from the Mississippi lowlands and forests, the hills of Kentucky, Erie County in New York, and North Carolina. They had humble beginnings working in barbershops, restaurants, farming, gunsmithing, and woodworking. They were taught to love the land and appreciate the cycle of life through hunting. While the American wild turkey would be largely absent from the backyards and farms of their youth, they built multi-million dollar game-call businesses rooted in making turkey calls with which to yelp and gobble. Wild turkeys had been driven nearly to extinction by the 1920s. But thanks to hunters, landowners, conservation organizations, researchers, and state game agencies who were driving restoration efforts by the 1950s, the proliferation of wild turkeys is now a sensational success story. Soon, millions of wild turkeys returned across the country, and over two million hunters began seeking the hunting products needed to serve turkey at their tables.A few enterprising individuals born in a ten-year span from 1942 to 1952 were uniquely positioned at the right time in history. Using cutting-edge materials of construction, technologies, production methods, and marketing tools, they went from cobbling together crude turkey calls on kitchen tables, garage floors, and basements to supplying nationwide retailers. They built iconic outdoor brands: KNIGHT & HALE, PRIMOS®, and QUAKER BOY®.In Yelp & Gobble, Inc., you will discover the insider's story of how Harold Knight, David Hale, Will Primos, Jimmy Primos, and Dick & Bev Kirby (continued by their son, Chris) built their game call production companies, enabled by inventors like Mike Battey and technology adopters like Anthony Foster. This is the story of the American dream brought to life.
The book serves as a comprehensive guide to firearms, focusing on their mechanics, history, legalities, and safety with a specific Australian context. Aimed at potential and current gun owners, it educates on best practices to ensure safety and enhance shooting experiences. It provides a thorough understanding for those considering gun ownership and assists in making informed decisions about firearm selection and maintenance. This is particularly useful for individuals seeking firearm licenses in areas requiring specific exams or training. BOOK BREAKDOWN PART 1 - The Shooting Landscape Introduces responsible gun ownership and the role of shooting clubs in Australia. Topics include firearm history, related dangers, regulations, categorization, and storage necessities. PART 2 - Rifles Discusses everything about rifles: licensing, components, ammunition, shooting techniques, manual actions, and specific details like muzzle attachments. PART 3 - Shotguns Focuses on shotguns, their history, components, shooting methods, shotgun shell nuances, maintenance, and cleaning. PART 4 - Handguns Centres on handguns, detailing licensing, storage, handgun types, air pistols, and precision shooting techniques. PART 5 - Hunting, Reloading And Collecting Covers hunting in Australia, including regulations, legal game, methods, and safety. Introduces shooting aids, firearm accessories, reloading, and the realm of firearm collecting.
The author's short stories tell of a lifetime of fishing adventures, from the time he was a teenager floating the Cowpasture River to age 83 when he caught a 10-pound rainbow trout. But this small book is more deeply about how he used fishing as a "positive" addiction to calm his cyclothymia-a mild version of bipolar disorder. Fishing enabled him to have a generally happy and productive life despite this mild handicap. He used fishing, and especially fly fishing, to help him navigate the tough times in his life.Full Circle tells stories of not only catching fish, but of harrowing experiences in some of the wildest and most beautiful waters in the United States---of being treed by a mother grizzly with cubs in Yellowstone to nearly falling to his death in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. Among his other stories is one about his fifth-great grandmother who after being captured by the Shawnees in 1755, escaped and made her way back through the wilderness to her home in Virginia.Van Lear was the Robert Adger Bowen Professor of Forestry at Clemson University when he retired in 2005. He is also a life member of Trout Unlimited and received their Distinguished Service Award in 2010 for his nearly 20 years of leading projects for the Chattooga River Chapter to restore trout habitat and helping to bring back the southern Appalachian brook trout to the mountains of South Carolina. He has published two books since his retirement, Memories Made and Lessons Learned during a Lifetime of Angling, and Turning Points in the Life of a Fisherman.
Pennsylvania Freshwater Fishes is a portable reference guide to 80 native species of freshwater fish that inhabit Pennsylvania's lakes and rivers. The illustrated, waterproof 12-panel folding guide features a watershed map to which each species is keyed, and provides descriptions of anatomy and distinguishing features. Made in the USA.
California Freshwater Fishes is a portable reference guide to 80 native species of freshwater fish that inhabit California's lakes and rivers. The illustrated, waterproof 12-panel folding guide features a watershed map to which each species is keyed, and provides descriptions of anatomy and distinguishing features. Made in the USA.
Det, du sidder med i hånden, er mere end bare en bog. Det er begyndelsen til din fremtid, som jæger. Det er en fremtid, der vil indeholde mange oplevelser og udfordringer, men også frustrationer og følelsesmæssige rutscheture, som man har svært ved at forstå, før man selv har prøvet det. Det, at gå på jagt, er nemlig meget mere end bare en hobby. Det er en lidenskab – og den ligger så dybt i mennesket, at den har formet vores historie, vores landskab, ja selv vores genetik. Mennesket har nemlig altid været jæger. Og selvom verden i dag er anderledes, end dengang vi gik på jagt med stenalderredskaber, så er der stadig mange aspekter af jagten, der ikke har ændret sig.
"Il Manuale della Pesca Fai Da Te" è più di una guida, è un invito a creare e pescare con cuore e anima e a esplorare il mondo affascinante dell'autocostruzione per la pesca in mare e in acqua dolce.Le pagine di questo manuale vi accompagneranno in un viaggio avvincente, esplorando le diverse tecniche di pesca, dalla canna fissa allo spinning, dal light rock fishing alla tenkara. Non solo imparerete a costruire canne da pesca, galleggianti ed esche artificiali, ma vivrete l'emozione unica di vedere il frutto del vostro lavoro prendere vita.La soddisfazione personale che deriva dalla curva di una canna fatta a mano o dal luccichio di un'esca artigianale è insuperabile. Questa esperienza è testimoniata dalla passione di Lelio quando pesca con le sue creazioni. Ogni cattura diventa un trionfo, un connubio di abilità artigianale e strategia di pesca che crea un legame speciale tra il pescatore e i suoi strumenti.La gioia di catturare un pesce con attrezzature autocostruite è impareggiabile. È un momento in cui la creatività, la dedizione e l'abilità si fondono per creare un'esperienza di pesca unica e memorabile. "Il Manuale della Pesca Fai Da Te" vi accompagnerà in questo viaggio, offrendo non solo istruzioni pratiche ma anche la promessa di una soddisfazione che va al di là della semplice cattura.Vi invito a immergervi in questa avventura, a costruire con le vostre mani e a pescare con il cuore, scoprendo il piacere autentico di ogni singola cattura.Buona lettura e buona costruzione!
This book chronicles many stories that cover deep-sea fishing in the Bahamas and a lightning strike there, too, as well as fly fishing in the Catskills. Then there is hunting quail in Florida and big game in Kenya. Not left out are stories of Palm Beach society, adventures in Mexico, and memorable automobile moments. These are just a few of many varied tales best told next to the fireplace with a drink in hand. Some stories should bring a chuckle or a real belly laugh. Enjoy the many adventures.
In A Full Net, Daignault tells the story of how she came to be an enthusiastic and gifted angler, sharing triumphs (such as 150-lb halibut she caught while serving on a Coast Guard cutter in Alaska) and disappointments (we're looking at you, triggerfish). She shares her knowledge and experience with both the reader and the many people in her book, who range from professional guides to newbies. Through it all shines clearly her love for the waters of the world and respect and admiration for the creatures who call them home.
The word education comes from the Latin word educo, 'to lead out'. I always considered travel as one of the best educators. It broadens the mind with real-life experiences. Travel also broadens the angler's mind and sharpens his or her skill. You meet many anglers from different countries, with their own national culture and of course their own angling traditions. In this book, I try to recount my memoirs of fishing, work and travel. It shows that you don't need a large wallet if you want to catch the fish of your dreams. You may be a student or worker, so take your opportunities when they come. Better to have tried, and caught nothing, than to never have fished at all!
Never before have so many exciting, hair-raising tales of bear encounters been collected into one book. Read about a man who swam into a lake to try to escape a furious bear only to find to his horror that bears can swim too! Or of the old gold prospector who got mauled and sewed up his own stomach-and lived to tell about it! When a bear attacks, it does so with devastating ferocity. Although the average attack lasts but thirty seconds, grievous injury can result from powerful paws and jaws. Strangely enough, most attacks are nonfatal. This book is filled with true-life episodes of close-calls, maulings, and deaths by all three North American bears: black, grizzly, and polar. These stories are not fiction. All are, eerily enough, based on complete fact. Even the FOX TV show When Animals Attack uses Kaniut's material for their shows. The author of two previous best-selling books on dangerous bears brings you a cliffhanger-you won't want to miss his latest and best yet!
Arno E. Schmidt's 1922 quintessential introduction to trapping muskrats, which also serves as an examination of passion and a reverence for nature, presented in a new edition with an introduction from Kyle François.
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