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Ingeniørvidenskabens og teknologiens historie

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  • af Walter Isaacson
    267,95 - 344,95 kr.

    From the author of Steve Jobs and other bestselling biographies, this is the astonishingly intimate story of Elon Musk, the most fascinating and controversial innovator of our era—a rule-breaking visionary who helped to lead the world into the era of electric vehicles, private space exploration, and artificial intelligence. Oh, and took over Twitter. When Elon Musk was a kid in South Africa, he was regularly beaten by bullies. One day a group pushed him down some concrete steps and kicked him until his face was a swollen ball of flesh. He was in the hospital for a week. But the physical scars were minor compared to the emotional ones inflicted by his father, an engineer, rogue, and charismatic fantasist. His father’s impact on his psyche would linger. He developed into a tough yet vulnerable man-child, prone to abrupt Jekyll-and-Hyde mood swings, with an exceedingly high tolerance for risk, a craving for drama, an epic sense of mission, and a maniacal intensity that was callous and at times destructive. At the beginning of 2022—after a year marked by SpaceX launching thirty-one satellites, Tesla selling a million cars, and him becoming the richest man on earth—Musk spoke ruefully about his compulsion to stir up dramas. “I need to shift my mindset away from being in crisis mode, which it has been for about fourteen years now, or arguably most of my life,” he said. It was a wistful comment, not a New Year’s resolution. Even as he said it, he was secretly buying up shares of Twitter, the world’s ultimate playground. Over the years, whenever he was in a dark place, his mind went back to being bullied on the playground. Now he had the chance to own the playground.For two years, Isaacson shadowed Musk, attended his meetings, walked his factories with him, and spent hours interviewing him, his family, friends, coworkers, and adversaries. The result is the revealing inside story, filled with amazing tales of triumphs and turmoil, that addresses the question: are the demons that drive Musk also what it takes to drive innovation and progress?

  • - Sådan vil kunstig intelligens revolutionere fremtiden
    af Anders Bæk
    195,95 - 237,95 kr.

    ChatGPT og de moderne AI-chatrobotter har allerede revolutioneret mange aspekter af vores hverdag. Men vi befinder os fortsat i den spæde begyndelse af AI-epoken.Vi står i disse tider over for verdenshistoriens største teknologiske revolution. AI – eller kunstig intelligens, som teknologien kendes på dansk – er en samfundsændrende teknologi, der vil transformere alle aspekter af vores liv over de kommende år. AI vil revolutionere vores hverdag, arbejdsplads, skolevæsen og meget mere.Anders Bæk er AI-ekspert og en af landets mest benyttede foredragsholdere, når det gælder kunstig intelligens. I denne bog tager han læseren på en rundvisning ind i fremtiden. Han fortæller gennem konkrete eksempler, hvordan vores fremtid vil blive forandret på både godt og ondt takket være denne science fiction-lignende teknologi.Det kan allerede afsløres nu, at det ikke er småting vores civilisation har i vente …Anders Bæk (f. 1992) er AI-ekspert og en af landets mest benyttede foredragsholdere til at fortælle om den store AI-revolution. Er uddannet civilingeniør i software- og forretningsudvikling, og har studeret AI’s udvikling siden 2015. Han er fast paneldeltager i landets største erhvervspodcast “Millionærklubben”, udtaler sig ofte til landets medier om AI- og tech-emner, og han udgiver en af landets mest lyttede podcasts om kunstig intelligens, ”AI Revolutionen”.

  • af Roma Agrawal
    125,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • - The Definitive Visual History
    af DK
    294,95 kr.

    Definite visual history and glorious celebration of all things train and trackThe Train Book traces the history and role of trains from the first steam engines to diesel engines and then to today's high-speed bullet trains. You'll take a journey through the most important trains of each period and see iconic trains such as the Orient Express, the Fairy Queen, the Mallard and the Javelin in incredible detail, discovering the anatomy of these legendary engines. The Train Book gives you a truly international view of trains, exploring some of the world's most impressive rail routes from South Africa to Siberia, including the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway and the high-speed Japanese Tokaido Shinkansen line. You'll discover the stories of key innovators, designers and engineers who advanced rail travel, the challenges they faced and the cultural backdrop against which the railways were built.The Train Book is the perfect gift for train enthusiasts of all ages.

  • af Rebecca Struthers
    344,95 kr.

    An award-winning watchmaker?one of the few practicing the art in the world today?chronicles the invention of time through the centuries-long story of one of mankind's most profound technological achievements: the watch.Timepieces have long accompanied us on our travels, from the depths of the oceans to the summit of Everest, the ice of the arctic to the sands of the deserts, outer space to the surface of the moon. The watch has sculpted the social and economic development of modern society; it is an object that, when disassembled, can give us new insights both into the motivations of inventors and craftsmen of the past, and, into the lives of the people who treasured them.Hands of Time is a journey through watchmaking history, from the earliest attempts at time-keeping, to the breakthrough in engineering that gave us the first watch, to today ? where the timepieces hold cultural and historical significance beyond what its first creators could have imagined. Acclaimed watchmaker Rebecca Struthers uses the most important watches throughout history to explore their attendant paradigm shifts in how we think about time, indeed how we think about our own humanity. From an up-close look at the birth of the fakes and forgeries industry which marked the watch as a valuable commodity, to the watches that helped us navigate trade expeditions, she reveals how these instruments have shaped how we build and then consequently make our way through the world.A fusion of art and science, history and social commentary, this fascinating work, told in Struthers's lively voice and illustrated with custom line drawings by her husband and fellow watchmaker Craig, is filled with her personal observations as an expert watchmaker?one of the few remaining at work in the world today. Horology is a vast subject?the ?study of time.? This compelling history offers a fresh take, exploring not only these watches within their time, but the role they played in human development and the impact they had on the people who treasured them.

  • af Malcom Harris
    195,95 - 294,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca Struthers
    165,95 kr.

  • af Hans P. Steenfos & Jørgen Taagholt
    43,94 - 269,95 kr.

    Den ultimative bog om den rivende udvikling, Grønland har gennemgået på det teknologiske område siden landet i 1953 skiftede status fra at være en koloni til at blive en ligeværdig del af det danske rige med Hjemmestyrets indførelse. Det har været en særdeles voldsom og hurtig udvikling, hvor Grønland er gået fra at være et højt udviklet fangersamfund til at blive et supermoderne samfund på lige fod med andre industrilande i verden.

  • af Carsten Olsen
    412,95 kr.

    Midt om natten den 26. april 1986 eksploderede reaktor 4 på atomkraftværket Tjernobyl, der ligger lidt uden for byen Pripjat i Ukraine. Det blev begyndelsen på den værste atomkraftulykke nogensinde .Ulykken fandt sted på Tjernobyl-atomkraftværket, da værkets reaktor 4 eksploderede. Ulykken anses for at være den hidtil værste på et atomkraftværk i verden. Eksplosionen sendte en radioaktiv sky ud i atmosfæren, som især ramte det vestlige Sovjetunionen (nu Ukraine, Hviderusland og Rusland), men også Europa, Skandinavien og det østlige USA .Carsten Olsen har som fotograf været på flere besøg i Tjernobyl, og resultatet kan ses i denne fotobog om emnet med mange fortællinger fra Tjernobyl-zonen. Fotobogen er en fortælling om den stilhed, der hersker overalt i Tjernobyl-zonen og byen Pripjat, som i dag står forladt som en spøgelsesby. Billederne i bogen viser, hvordan der ser ud 35 år efter eksplosionen. Tjernobyl er alt andet end det dødsrige, man forestiller sig. I de forgangne 35 år har naturen ikke stået stille. Der er vokset træer op overalt, så det hele nærmest er én stor skov, hvor der lige pludselig dukker et forfaldent højhus eller en fodboldtribune op mellem stammerne. Lige så tomt og uhyggeligt der er indenfor i bygningerne, lige så levende og lyst er der udenfor. Billederne viser også, hvor stærkt det gik med at forlade området. Ting er blevet efterladt, legetøj i børnehaver står stadigvæk fremme og venter på børnene, og man kan se bygninger med senge uden madrasser. Det meste har fået lov at stå uberørt siden katastrofen. Alle fotos i bogen er taget i spærrezonen omkring Tjernobyl- atomkraftværket. Spærrezonen har været et lukket og forbudt område siden katastrofen i 1986.

  • af Vaclav Smil
    200,95 kr.

    From the New York Times-bestselling author, a new volume on the history of human ingenuity-and its attendant breakthroughs and busts.The world is never finished catching up with Vaclav Smil. In his latest and perhaps most readable book, Invention and Innovation, the prolific author-a favorite of Bill Gates-pens an insightful and fact-filled jaunt through the history of human invention. Impatient with the hype that so often accompanies innovation, Smil offers in this book a clear-eyed corrective to the overpromises that accompany everything from new cures for diseases to AI. He reminds us that even after we go quite far along the invention-development-application trajectory, we may never get anything real to deploy. Or worse, even after we have succeeded by introducing an invention, its future may be marked by underperformance, disappointment, demise, or outright harm.Drawing on his vast breadth of scientific and historical knowledge, Smil explains the difference between invention and innovation, and looks not only at inventions that failed to dominate as promised (such as the airship, nuclear fission, and supersonic flight), but also at those that turned disastrous (leaded gasoline, DDT, and chlorofluorocarbons). And finally, most importantly, he offers a "e;wish list"e; of inventions that we most urgently need to confront the staggering challenges of the twenty-first century.Filled with engaging examples and pragmatic approaches, this book is a sobering account of the folly that so often attends human ingenuity-and how we can, and must, better align our expectations with reality.

  • af John Tinnell
    283,95 kr.

    "As a pioneer of ubiquitous computing-the embedding of technology in everyday objects from thermostats to doorbells-computer scientist Mark Weiser's descriptions of smart homes, now thirty years later, might seem to approach our reality. Weiser's views certainly influenced our technology's developers-his 1991 Scientific American article 'The Computer for the 21st Century' was flagged a must-read by Microsoft's Bill Gates and then circulated among the day's digirati, including those Silicon Valley insiders who crowded his beer garden-based 'office hours.' Unlike many of his contemporaries, Weiser's vision was motivated by the philosophies of Michael Polanyi and Martin Heidegger, collaboration with anthropologists such as Lucy Suchman, and insights from artists including Natalie Jeremijenko. He hoped to realize 'tacit computing' as an escape from a single attention-grabbing screen as a portal to work, entertainment, and education. When rivals such as Nicholas Negroponte at MIT's Media Lab championed the development of smart agents (the ancestors of Siri and Alexa) or pervasive sensing in wearable technologies (proto-Fitbits or Apple Watches), Weiser balked. Weiser wanted computers to be something closer to the white cane a person with low vision might use to navigate the world. Good technology, he argued, should not mine our experiences for data to sell or demand our attention. Technology should not rob its users of the hardships that establish their expertise, but instead give them the ability to conceive of the world in new ways. In this compelling biography of a person and idea, digital studies scholar John Tinnell shows Weiser, who died of cancer at 46, would be heartbroken if he had lived to see the ways we use technology today. Informed by deep archival research and interviews with Weiser's family and Xerox PARC colleagues, this book uses Weiser's life to offer a new history of today's technological reality, an inside view of Xerox PARC during its heyday, and a compelling vision of what computers failed to be"--

  • af David Gwyn
    245,95 kr.

  • af Scott La Counte
    227,95 kr.

    Capture your next adventureThe GoPro Hero is arguably the best action camera that money can buy. If you have dreams of recording your journeys, action shots, or more, then you will be dazzled by the quality of video that it produces. On paper, the spec sheet looks impressive. In practice, there's a lot to learn to get the most out of those features.This book will walk you through all the features that you need to know and get you on your way to a cinematic adventure! It is based on the Hero10, but if you have a Hero9 or Hero8, most of the features will still apply.It covers: - Recording Videos and Photos- Gestures- Power Tools- Protune- Looping- HiLight- Transferring Media- Custom Presets- Mounting- Software- Mods- And MoreThis book is not endorsed by GoPro, Inc. and should be considered unofficial.

  • af Amit Katwala
    117,95 - 195,95 kr.

    Truth, murder and the birth of the lie detector

  • af Peter Weibel, Sharon Kanach, ZKM / Hertz-Labor & mfl.
    475,95 kr.

  • - Landscape, Environments and Historical Archaeology
    297,95 kr.

    In presenting 25 industrial sites of national significance in the context of changing techno-economic paradigms, this book considers the development of Danish industrial landscapes and built-up environments in the period 1840-1970.Three case studies of ports, sugar mills, and cement plants are also presented. The book concludes with two chapters that discuss perceptions and strategies for the conversion of industrial sites, and an overview is given covering the preservation of industrial heritage in Denmark, historically."Although Denmark is often perceived as an agricultural country, industry is a very important sector in the Danish economy, employing a large number of people and having considerable influence on Danish society and culture in general. The appreciation of industrial history, as well as the tangible and intangible remains of industry, is an important heritage."Anne Mette RahbækGeneral Director of the Danish Agency of Culture

  • af Ian Milligan
    443,95 kr.

    How the internet's memory infrastructure developed-averting a 'digital dark age'-and introduced a golden age of historical memory.

  • af Lindsay Weinberg
    277,95 kr.

    How surveillance perpetuates long-standing injustices woven into the fabric of higher education.

  • af Marina Gerner
    225,95 kr.

    Women make over 80 percent of healthcare decisions in the U.S. yet have been excluded from designing the health system for too long. It was only 1993 when women and people of color were officially included in clinical trials. Heart attacks are the number one killer of women worldwide, but women are 50 percent more likely to be given a wrong diagnosis. Only four percent of all healthcare research and development is focused on women's health issues. From periods and childbirth to menopause, female pain has been normalized, as society shrugs and says "Welcome to being a woman" instead of coming up with better solutions.In The Vagina Business, award-winning journalist Marina Gerner PhD takes an eye-opening-and often times shocking-look at the inequities when it comes to scientific research and the funding of female-focused health companies. She exposes the obstacles entrepreneurs around the world face in the boardroom and beyond. Most of all, she shows us that it doesn't have to be this way. From a life-saving bra to non-hormonal contraception and new takes on fertility and menopause, she shines a light on innovation that matters. Women should not be denied solutions to health issues just because people are embarrassed to talk about vaginas. We deserve much better.

  • af Joe Parkinson
    195,95 kr.

    A 2021 Daily Telegraph Book of the YearWinner of the Overseas Press Club of America's Cornelius Ryan Award ?Everyone should read the testimonies of the Chibok girls who survived the capture. We need to help with efforts to liberate all of them and become more responsible for women and girls' protection in conflicts.? ? Malala YousafzaiWhat happens after you click Tweet? The heart-stopping definitive account of the mission to rescue hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls whose abduction ignited a global social media campaign and a dramatic worldwide intervention. In the spring of 2014, millions of Twitter users, including some of the world's most famous people, unwittingly helped turn a group of 276 schoolgirls abducted by a little-known Islamist sect into a central prize in the global War on Terror by retweeting a call for their release: #BringBackOurGirls. With just four words, their tweets launched an army of would-be liberators. Soldiers and drones, spies, mercenaries, and glory hunters descended into an obscure conflict that few understood, in a remote part of Nigeria that had barely begun to use the internet. When hostage talks and military intervention failed, the schoolgirls were forced to take survival into their own hands. As their days in captivity dragged into years, the young women learned to withstand hunger, disease, and torment, and became witnesses and victims of unspeakable brutality. Many of the girls were Christians who refused to take the one path offered them?converting to their captors' fundamentalist creed. In secret, they sang hymns, and kept a diary, relying on their faith and friendships to stay alive.Bring Back Our Girls unfolds across four continents, from the remote forests of northern Nigeria to the White House; from clandestine meetings in Khartoum safe houses to century-old luxury hotels on picturesque lakes in the Swiss Alps. A twenty-first century story that plumbs the promise and peril of an era whose politics are fueled by the power of hashtag advocacy, this urgent and engrossing work of investigative journalism reveals the unpredictable interconnectedness of our butterfly-wings world, where a few days of online activism can bring years of offline consequences for people continents away.

  • af Sirimal Premakumara
    954,95 kr.

    This book reports five wild Ceylon cinnamon species from Sri Lankan forest reserves and the essential oil compositions of leaf, stem bark and root bark of the species. These wild cinnamon plants were collected by exploring four Sri Lankan forest reserves namely, Singharaja, Kanneliya, Ritigala and Nilgala. This is the first ever systematic exploration of Sri Lankan forest reserves for aromatic plants and their aroma chemicals.

  • af Roger Cragg
    367,95 kr.

    First published in 1985, this edition covers Wales and the Western part of central England from Cheshire in the north to just south of Bristol. It is illustrated and contains location maps and notes on access to sites, and the achievements of such famous names as Thomas Telford, James Brindley, and George and Robert Stephenson.

  • af Adam Bly
    192,95 kr.

    Seed magazine brings together a unique gathering of prominent scientists, artists, novelists, philosophers + other thinkers who are tearing down the wall between science + culture.We are on the cusp of a twenty-first-century scientific renaissance. Science is driving our culture and conversation unlike ever before, transforming the social, political, economic, aesthetic, and intellectual landscape of our time. Today, science is culture. As global issues?like energy and health?become increasingly interconnected, and as our curiosities?like how the mind works or why the universe is expanding?become more complex, we need a new way of looking at the world that blurs the lines between scientific disciplines and the borders between the sciences and the arts and humanities. In this spirit, the award-winning science magazine Seed has paired scientists with nonscientists to explore ideas of common interest to us all. This book is the result of these illuminating Seed Salon conversations, edited and with an introduction by Seedfounder and editor in chief Adam Bly. Science Is Culture includes:E. O. Wilson + Daniel C. DennetSteven Pinker + Rebecca GoldsteinNoam Chomsky + Robert TriversDavid Byrne + Daniel LevitinJonathan Lethem + Janna LevinBenoit Mandelbrot + Paola AntonelliLisa Randall + Chuck Hoberman Michel Gondry + Robert StickgoldAlan Lightman + Richard Colton Laurie David + Stephen SchneiderTom Wolfe + Michael GazzanigaMarc Hauser + Errol Morris

  • af Louis Pelletier
    490,95 kr.

    Cinema's multiple lives as an art, a form of entertainment, an industry, or a tool for education and propaganda all share one thing: they rely on machines and technical objects. For more than a century, this essential fact has shaped the life cycle of moving images, from their production and exhibition to their eventual preservation. The tales told by these pieces of cinemachinery, from the iconic to the seemingly mundane, are consequently apt to reveal how cinema developed in often widely different ways around the globe. Yet, these tales also frequently enable us to conceive film histories that go beyond individual inventors and film auteurs, or the specificities of national cinemas, by making visible the international networks through which film technology was conceived, circulated, used, and constantly adapted to emerging practices. /Tales from the Vaults: Film Technology over the Years and across Continents collects 100 stories of boundless creativity and ingenuity. Submitted by the archives and film preservationists who now care for this long-neglected heritage alongside historians, these tales cover a wide range of pre-cinema, cinema, video, and digital devices developed since the 18th century, and used all around the world by filmmakers, showmen and women, hobbyists, and archivists./ This new bilingual book published by FIAF in partnership with Technès

  • af Dietrich Eckardt
    615,95 - 712,95 kr.

  • af Dionysius Lardner
    341,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af David Kreps
    1.378,95 kr.

    This project was motivated by the upcoming fiftieth anniversary of the IFIP Human Choice and Computers (HCC) conference, the event that led to IFIP¿s Technical Committee 9 (TC 9). Although IFIP committees are mainly technical, TC 9 is dedicated to research at the intersection of information and communication technology (ICT) with society. In addition to sponsoring HCC, TC 9 supports groups that have specific research interests. In consultation with their members, the leaders of each group offer chapters about their groups¿ history and goals. An additional chapter describes TC 9¿s formation, and an appendix details the national groups that work closely with TC 9. Overall, this volume is a useful guide to the historical development of research on ICT and society, providing readers with important reference works and relevant themes, and also points to likely new trends in these domains.

  • af Lester Wells
    167,95 kr.

    Step Back in Time to Discover the FutureImagine a world where Da Vinci's robots roamed the Renaissance, where ancient skies were cut by wings far before the Wright brothers took flight, and where the hum of electricity powered cities long before it was a reality. "Before Their Time: 200 Inventions That Were Too Early" opens a captivating window into the audacious human spirit-the dreamers and thinkers who dared to envision beyond the limitations of their epochs.Dive into tales of flush toilets that arrived before their sewers, high-speed travel concepts that outpaced society's pace, and mechanical wonders that forecasted the digital age in an era of iron and steam. Each chapter in this mesmerizing book explores the breadth of human ingenuity through the lens of those whose visions were so advanced, they sparked transformations far beyond their lifetimes.Chapter by chapter, witness the fates of these visionary inventions: from telecommunications that nearly preempted the age of the smartphone to medical breakthroughs that could have rewritten history itself. You'll be transported into the lives of legendary and lesser-known inventors alike, whose forward-thinking creations posed questions society wasn't ready to answer.Through the accounts of the "Prophets of the Practical" and "Visionaries of Velocity," experience the exhilarating rush of ideas that could have propelled our ancestors into a different modern age-if only they had succeeded. What could our world have been if the practical application had met their pioneering potential? This is the question that lingers in the echoes of each "what if" scenario presented within the pages of this compelling narrative.With stunning detail and a storyteller's touch, "Before Their Time: 200 Inventions That Were Too Early" is not merely a historical account but a journey through an alternate reality of technological advancement. It's a call to the curious, the inventors, and the dreamers of today to leap boldly towards the future. Uncover where we've come from to envision where we could go next-your ticket to the past, rewriting the present, awaits.

  • af Steen Hyldgaard Christensen
    1.393,95 - 1.402,95 kr.

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