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This volume gathers select proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wave Mechanics and Vibrations (WMVC), held in Lisbon, Portugal, on July 4-6, 2022. It covers recent developments and cutting-edge methods in wave mechanics and vibrations applied to a wide range of engineering problems. It presents analytical and computational studies in structural mechanics, seismology and earthquake engineering, mechanical engineering, aeronautics, robotics and nuclear engineering among others. The volume will be of interest for students, researchers, and professionals interested in the wide-ranging applications of wave mechanics and vibrations.
This textbook has been written for the engineering students. This textbook covers the essentials of solid mechanics with reference to basic load-bearing members¿straight bars, thin-walled cylindrical and spherical pressure vessels, circular shafts, beams undergoing simple bending, and columns. It concisely elucidates the corresponding fundamental assumptions, important equations, and their range of validity without formal derivations. Subsequently, this textbook contains several carefully selected examples to illustrate sequence of steps in the analysis of forces, stresses and displacements, or stability. It further deals with combined loading, stress and strain transformations, energy methods, and failure analysis using commonly employed criteria. This textbook is a handy, yet complete, resource for graduate and postgraduate engineering students. It will also be a ready reference for a practicing engineers or graduate students preparing for an interview or a competitive examination.
This book discusses the features of composite materials and arch structures. Providing an in-depth fundamental and practical guide to the field, it systemically addresses all aspects of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) arch bridges, including a comprehensive overview on technical developments, structural systems, structural detailing, design and analysis, construction technology, and maintenance. The real-world examples presented have been carefully selected to highlight the advanced theoretical and technological solutions for CFST arch bridges and to motivate researchers to promote innovative and sustainable development in the area.The book couples fundamental concepts with advanced practices translated from the third edition of the author's Chinese book on CFST arch bridges, which has been the most significant book on the topic since the first edition published in 1999. This English translation can servers as an idea textbook for postgraduate students in the fields of civil, construction and environmental engineering, especially in bridge engineering, as well as a perfect review and reference guide for engineering practitioners and researchers.
This book is intended to establish a bridge between the GB 50010, Fib MC2010, BS 8110 and ACI 318 or EC2. The respective pros and cons of different theories and methods according to various standards are compared or analyzed. Undergraduate and graduate students, foreign exchange students of international classes at Chinese universities who desire to work in China, or who are willing to work abroad in the field of civil engineering can benefit from the book. As such, this book provides valuable knowledge and useful design methods based on the different theories or guidelines.
This monograph examines the stability of various coupled systems with local Kelvin-Voigt damping. The development of this area is thoroughly reviewed along with the authors' contributions. New results are featured on the fundamental properties of solutions of linear transmission evolution PDEs involving Kelvin-Voigt damping, with special emphasis on the asymptotic behavior of these solutions. The vibrations of transmission problems are highlighted as well, making this a valuable resource for those studying this active area of research. The book begins with a brief description of the abstract theory of linear evolution equations with a particular focus on semigroup theory. Different types of stability are also introduced along with their connection to resolvent estimates. After this foundation is established, different models are presented for uni-dimensional and multi-dimensional linear transmission evolution partial differential equations with Kelvin-Voigt damping. Stabilization of Kelvin-Voigt Damped Systems will be a useful reference for researchers in mechanics, particularly those interested in the study of control theory of PDEs.
Um bei der Fertigung von Faserverbundkunststoffen Zeit, Energie und Kosten sparen zu können, werden möglichst viele Informationen über die Vorgänge während des Fertigungsprozesses benötigt. Die Integration von Foliensensoren in die hergestellten Bauteile ist eine von mehreren Möglichkeiten, diese Informationen zu erhalten. Foliensensoren bestehen aus einer thermoplastischen Folie, auf der metallische Elektroden strukturiert sind. Ihre Integration in das Bauteil bringt unterschiedliche Vor- und Nachteile mit sich. Einerseits sind bauteilintegrierte Sensoren flexibler einsetzbar als werkzeugintegrierte Sensoren und ermöglichen eine feinere räumliche Auflösung der Aushärtevorgänge. Andererseits werden sie bei der Fertigung zum Produktbestandteil. Sie sollten deswegen einfach und kostengünstig sein, sowie die Lasttragfähigkeit nicht beeinträchtigen. Aus mechanischer Sicht bringen Foliensensoren vor allem ein Delaminationsrisiko mit sich. Die Wahl des thermoplastischen Substratmaterials macht dabei den entscheidenden Einflussfaktor aus. Während Sensoren auf Basis des häufig verwendeten Materials Polyimid ein erhebliches Delaminationsrisiko mit sich bringen, ist der Einfluss von Polyetherimid weit weniger schädlich oder verbessert sogar einzelne Festigkeitskennwerte. Neben dem Substratmaterial wirken sich auch die metallischen Sensorstrukturen auf die Belastbarkeit aus. Zur Gestaltung minimalinvasiver Sensoren sollte ein möglichst geringer Metallisierungsgrad angestrebt werden. Das verbreitetste Design für Foliensensoren zur Aushärteüberwachung sind sogenannte Interdigitalelektroden, die eine elektrische Kapazität bilden, deren Impedanz von der direkten Umgebung beeinflusst wird. In variothermen Fertigungsprozessen besteht eine Herausforderung darin, den Einfluss der Temperatur von dem des Aushärtegrades zu trennen. Die an integrierten Sensoren gemessenen Impedanzinformationen müssen dazu eine Verarbeitung durchlaufen, in deren Verlauf die Frequenzabhängigkeit und die Einflüsse von Temperatur und Sensorgeometrie aus den Daten entfernt werden. Für eine variotherme Aushärteüberwachung ist daher die Verwendung eines zusätzlichen Temperatursensors unverzichtbar. Die Sensordaten bieten darüber hinaus Potential für die Ermittlung des Faservolumengehalts oder zur Detektion von Harzfehlanmischungen.
This textbook covers the fundamentals and applications of mechanical vibrations and is useful for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. It provides a concise and clear presentation of dynamics and vibrations including many examples to provide instant illustration and applications of the mathematical relations obtained. It contains self-explanatory sketches, graphs, and figures to curtail long text. Numerous illustrated examples, exercises, and problems at the end of each chapter serve as good sources to grasp the basic principles presented in the text. Review questions and sufficient problems have also been included at the end of each chapter with answer keys for self evaluation. This textbook can also be used as a reference book by researchers and professionals interested in vibrations.
This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Fluid Flow and Thermal Sciences (ICAFFTS 2021) and summarizes the modern research practices in fluid dynamics and fluid power. The content of the book involves advanced topics on turbulence, droplet deposition, oscillating flows, wave breaking, spray structure and its atomization and flow patterns in mini and micro channels. Technological concerns relevant to erosion of steam turbine blade due to droplets, influence of baffle cut and baffle pitch on flow regime, bubble formation and propagation in pool boiling, design optimization of flow regulating valves are included in the book. In addition, recent trends in small-scale hydropower plant and flow stability issues in nanofluids, solar water heating systems and closed-loop pulsating heat pipes are discussed. Special topics on airflow pattern in railway coach and vortex tube are also included. This book will be a reliable reference for academicians, researchers and professionals working in the areas of fluid dynamics and fluid power.
Das Verständnis der Physik von Festkörpern hat im letzten Jahrhundert enorme Fortschritte gemacht und unser tägliches Leben in vielerlei Hinsicht revolutioniert. Diese Entwicklung geht weiter, und es besteht kaum ein Zweifel daran, dass die moderne Festkörperphysik notwendig ist, um einige der Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, denen wir uns heute gegenübersehen. In seiner 6., überarbeiteten Auflage deckt das Werk ein breites Spektrum physikalischer Phänomene ab, die in Festkörpern auftreten, und erörtert grundlegende Konzepte zu deren Beschreibung. Das Material ist so ausgewählt, dass alle relevanten aktuellen Teilgebiete einbezogen werden und zusammen einen umfassenden Überblick bieten. Eine Besonderheit dieses Lehrbuches ist, dass die Physik ungeordneter Festkörper, die üblicherweise meist nur sehr kurz oder gar nicht dargestellt wird, konsequent in die Behandlung des Stoffes einfließt und die Physik der idealen Kristalle ergänzt. Ungeordnete Festkörper sind in unserem täglichen Leben allgegenwärtig und spielen in zahlreichen technischen Anwendungen eine wichtige Rolle. Das Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende, die Festkörperphysik auf einführendem und fortgeschrittenem Vorlesungsniveau studieren wollen.
This book presents selected, peer-reviewed contributions from the 9th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES 2021), organized by the University of Tokyo and Saitama University from September 17-20, 2021 on the Hongo campus of the University of Tokyo, and hosted in an online format. The event brought together engineers, scientists, researchers, and practitioners, providing a forum for discussing and disseminating the latest developments and achievements in all major aspects of dynamic testing for civil engineering structures, including instrumentation, sources of excitation, data analysis, system identification, monitoring and condition assessment, in-situ and laboratory experiments, codes and standards, and vibration mitigation. The topics of EVACES 2021 included but were not limited to: damage identification and structural health monitoring; testing, sensing and modeling; vibration isolation and control; system and model identification; coupled dynamical systems (including human-structure, vehicle-structure, and soil-structure interaction); and application of advanced techniques involving the Internet of Things, robot, UAV, big data and artificial intelligence.
This book provides an overview of direct methods, such as limit and shakedown analysis, which are intended for avoiding cumbersome step-by-step calculations to determine the limit states of mechanical structures under monotone, cyclic or variable actions with unknown loading history. The book comprises several contributions that demonstrate how tremendous advances in numerical methods, especially in optimization, have contributed to the success of direct methods and their applicability to practical engineering problems in structural mechanics and mechanics of materials. The contents reflect the outcomes of the workshop ¿Direct Methods for Limit State of Materials and Structures,¿ held in Cosenza, Italy in June 2022.
Dieses Buch bietet eine moderne Einführung in analytische und numerische Verfahren zur Lösung gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen (DGLn). Im Gegensatz zum traditionellen Format - dem Theorem-und-Beweis-Format - konzentriert sich das Buch auf konstruktive analytische und numerische Methoden. Das Buch liefert eine Vielzahl von Problemen und Beispielen, die von der elementaren bis zur fortgeschrittenen Ebene reichen, um die Mathematik von DGLn einzuführen und zu studieren. Der analytische Teil des Buches befasst sich mit Lösungstechniken für skalare lineare DGLn erster und zweiter Ordnung sowie für Systeme linearer DGLn - mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Laplace-Transformation, Operatortechniken und Potenzreihenlösungen. Im numerischen Teil werden theoretische und praktische Aspekte von Runge-Kutta-Methoden zur Lösung von Anfangswertproblemen und Schießverfahren für lineare Zweipunkt-Randwertprobleme betrachtet. Das Buch ist als Grundlagentext für Kurse über die Theorie von DGLn und die numerische Behandlung von DGLn für fortgeschrittene Studenten im Grundstudium und für Studenten im Anfangsstadium ihres Studiums gedacht. Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass der Leser über Grundkenntnisse der elementaren mathematischen Analysis, insbesondere der Integrationsmethoden, und der numerischen Mathematik verfügt. Physiker, Chemiker, Biologen, Informatiker und Ingenieure, die mit der Lösung von DGLn zu tun haben, werden das Buch auch als Nachschlagewerk und Hilfsmittel für das Selbststudium nützlich finden. Das Buch wurde im Rahmen eines deutsch-iranischen Forschungsprojekts zu mathematischen Methoden für DGLn erstellt, das Anfang 2012 begonnen wurde.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.
This book provides an overview of various methods of concrete reinforcement against corrosion. It consists of chapters, discussing reinforced concrete, concrete damages, causes of damages, protection, concrete maintenance, principles of corrosion, and how to conduct experiments to obtain reinforced concrete data. This book contributes to the infrastructure industry and is useful for the wider community to add insight into the field of corrosion and material damage. Reinforced concrete is a construction material that combines concrete and steel reinforcement. Thus, studying corrosion is useful for knowing when a material will break down and what will happen to the metal now and in the future. Knowing the corrosion process will prevent sudden damage, so it can provide early preparation. For this reason, knowledge is needed on how to check for damage to concrete, the process of corrosion mechanisms, corrosion prevention, methods for calculating corrosion rates, and how to maintain reinforced concrete so that it lasts longer. This book caters to researchers, administrators, academicians, policymakers, entrepreneurs, practitioners, instructors, and students who are looking to enrich their understanding of concrete reinforcement against corrosion.
This book comprises the select peer-reviewed proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS 2022). It aims to provide a comprehensive and broad-spectrum picture of the state-of-the-art research and development in diverse areas, such as contact mechanics, biomechanics and biomaterials, fracture and damage mechanics, impact mechanics and dynamic materials, structural health monitoring, and mechanics of functional and smart structures, among others. This book is a valuable resource for researchers and professionals working in academia and industry in the areas of mechanical engineering.
This unique compendium stresses on physical concepts and the applications to practical problems. The authors' decades of experience in teaching, research and industrial consultancy are reflected in the choice of the solved examples and unsolved problems.The second edition has three additional chapters containing topics of vibration and acoustic sensors and instruments, finite element method (FEM), boundary element method (BEM) and statistical energy analysis (SEA), etc, thus enabling students to solve real-life problems in industrial and automotive noise control.The useful reference text targets senior undergraduate mechanical and environmental engineering students as well as designers of industrial machinery and layouts. The book can readily be used for self-study by practicing designers and engineers. Mathematical derivations are avoided and illustrations, tables and empirical formulae are included for ready reference.
This book offers a current state of the art in analysis and modeling of creep phenomena with applications to the structural mechanics. It presents the some presentations from the IUTAM-Symposium series "Creep in Structures", which held in Magdeburg (Germany) in September 2023, and it discusses many advances and new results in the field. These are for example: interlinks of mechanics with materials science in multi-scale analysis of deformation and damage mechanisms over a wide range of stresses and temperature; development and analysis of new alloys for (ultra)high-temperature applications; formulation and calibration of advanced constitutive models of inelastic behavior under transient loading and temperature conditions; development of efficient procedures and machine learning techniques for identification of material parameters in advanced constitutive laws; introduction of gradient-enhanced and non-local theories to account for damage and fracture processes; and applicationof new experimental methods, such as digital image correlation, for the analysis of inelastic deformation under multi-axial stress state.
Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & Experimental Techniques, Volume 5: Proceedings of the 40th MAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2022, the fifth volume of nine from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Structural Dynamics, including papers on:Analytical MethodsEmerging Technologies for Structural DynamicsEngineering ExtremesExperimental TechniquesFinite Element Techniques
This book presents select, recent developments in nonlinear and complex systems reported at the 1st Online Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, held on November 23-25, 2020. It provides an exchange recent developments, discoveries, and progresses in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity. The collection presents fundamental and frontier theories and techniques for modern science and technology, stimulates more research interest for exploration of nonlinear science and complexity; and passes along new knowledge and insight to the next generation of engineers and technologists in a range of fields.
Many materials can be modeled either as discrete systems or as continua, depending on the scale. At intermediate scales it is necessary to understand the transition from discrete to continuous models and variational methods have proved successful in this task, especially for systems, both stochastic and deterministic, that depend on lattice energies. This is the first systematic and unified presentation of research in the area over the last 20 years. The authors begin with a very general and flexible compactness and representation result, complemented by a thorough exploration of problems for ferromagnetic energies with applications ranging from optimal design to quasicrystals and percolation. This leads to a treatment of frustrated systems, and infinite-dimensional systems with diffuse interfaces. Each topic is presented with examples, proofs and applications. Written by leading experts, it is suitable as a graduate course text as well as being an invaluable reference for researchers.
This book presents the proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC 2021). It gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of vibration and technology of machinery. Topics include concepts and methods in dynamics, dynamics of mechanical and structural systems, dynamics and control, condition monitoring, machinery and structural dynamics, rotor dynamics, experimental techniques, finite element model updating, industrial case studies, vibration control and energy harvesting, and MEMS. The contributions, which were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process, share exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations. The book is useful for the researchers, engineers and professionals working in the area of vibration engineering and technology of machinery.
This book describes the design experience of automatic machines and the theoretical background for controlling them. Unlike the existing literature, it includes design concepts and their relationship with the dynamic behavior of automated devices, and links the dynamic response of the machine elements with the actuators that constitute an automatic machine. As such, it demonstrates that it is vital to properly model any automatic machine as a single system and find the final response to have a good design and control scheme. The introduction describes the background for designing automatic machines, their uniqueness in machine design, and the need to understand dynamic behavior. The following chapters provide the background for modeling multibody systems, examples of typical automatic machines, and the basis for determining the dynamic response of the most common actuators (motor, pneumatic, and hydraulic pistons and valves). The fourth chapter describes the dynamic response of the most common sensors utilized in automatic machines, while the fifth chapter includes the dynamic models of the machine elements that connect the actuators with the end effects (specific tools for each particular application). The final chapters contain examples of dynamic models for different automatic machines, including all the elements that affect the final response, and describe the simulation techniques (and their application to the examples) and the application of the transfer function for estimating the transient response of automatic machines.
Balancing of rotors is an indispensable process for the quality management, involving many stages from design to commissioning. With every further development of rotors - with new concepts, materials and machining methods - the demands on balancing technology change. In the search for the optimum solution to these complex tasks, no patent remedies will help, but only a sound knowledge of the theoretical background of balancing, its practical implementation and the performance of the various balancing systems.This book is intended to support systematic familiarisation with the subject and ongoing training - in practice as well as in theory.The focus of current balancing standards is on deviations that occur during balancing - intentionally generated, or accidentally created. They must be properly analysed and taken into account in order to determine the permissible indications for residual unbalance. In addition, the acceptance criteria were specified so that the balancing objective - the targeted balancing quality - can be reliably achieved.When balancing rotors with shaft-elastic behaviour, work is often still carried out according to outdated patterns. For this reason, the new modal approach was further elaborated - partly on the basis of DIN ISO 21940 Part 12, Supplement 1. For practical application, the difficult choice of compensation planes and the relevant bending eigenmodes is explained by means of examples.
This book acts as a guide to simple models that describe some of the complex fluid dynamics, heat/mass transfer and combustion processes in droplets and sprays. Attention is focused mainly on the use of classical hydrodynamics, and a combination of kinetic and hydrodynamic models, to analyse the heating and evaporation of mono- and multi-component droplets. The models were developed for cases when small and large numbers of components are present in droplets. Some of these models are used for the prediction of time to puffing/micro-explosion of composite water/fuel droplets - processes that are widely used in combustion devices to stimulate disintegration of relatively large droplets into smaller ones. The predictions of numerical codes based on these models are validated against experimental results where possible. In most of the models, droplets are assumed to be spherical; some preliminary results of the generalisation of these models to the case of non-spherical droplets, approximating them as spheroids, are presented.
This book overcomes the separation existing in literature between the static and the dynamic bifurcation worlds. It brings together buckling and post-buckling problems with nonlinear dynamics, the bridge being represented by the perturbation method, i.e., a mathematical tool that allows for solving static and dynamic problems virtually in the same way. The book is organized as follows: Chapter one gives an overview; Chapter two illustrates phenomenological aspect of static and dynamic bifurcations; Chapter three deals with linear stability analysis of dynamical systems; Chapter four and five discuss the general theory and present examples of buckling and post-buckling of elastic structures; Chapter six describes a linearized approach to buckling, usually adopted in the technical literature, in which pre-critical deformations are neglected; Chapters seven to ten, analyze elastic and elasto-plastic buckling of planar systems of beams, thin-walled beams and plate assemblies, respectively; Chapters eleven to thirteen, illustrate dynamic instability phenomena, such as flutter induced by follower forces, aeroelastic bifurcations caused by wind flow, and parametric excitation triggered by pulsating loads. Finally, Chapter fourteen discusses a large gallery of solved problems, concerning topics covered in the book. An Appendix presents the Vlasov theory of open thin-walled beams. The book is devoted to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as engineers and practitioners. The methods illustrated here are immediately applicable to model real problems.The BookIntroduces, in a simple way, complex concepts of bifurcation theory, by making use of elementary mathematicsGives a comprehensive overview of bifurcation of linear and nonlinear structures, in static and dynamic fieldsContains a chapter in which many problems are solved, either analytically or numerically, and results commented
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