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  • af Peter Paul Thomas
    182,95 kr.

    Construction Site Project Logbook Help you To Record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and many many more ... This premium logbook designed for Foremen, Construction Site Managers, or supervisors to provides a clear, consistent, complete format to make record-keeping easier. Ideal to keep everything recorded in one place.¿ Date, Day¿ Foreman¿ Contarct No¿ Hours Lost Due to Bad Wheater¿ Wheater conditions¿ Visitors¿ Problems, delays¿ Schedule - completion date, days ahead of schedute,days behind schedute ¿ Safety issues¿ Accidents¿ Summary of Work Performed Today¿ Equipment on Site Features Construction Site Project Logbook:¿ Good quality paper with glossy modern cover¿ Double-sided pages, to improve thinness and handling¿ Size 6 x 9 inches¿ Book with 120 Pages

  • af Rick Richards
    342,95 kr.

    Discover a potent tool to ace your EPA 608 certification examination and soar in your HVACR career with "The Comprehensive EPA 608 Certification Study Guide"!Delving into the HVACR world can feel overwhelming, but this comprehensive study guide will be your steady companion, providing in-depth knowledge and practice questions that precisely match the EPA 608 examination structure.Inside this book, you will find an exhaustive array of information on all the critical aspects needed to pass your exam with flying colors. Whether it's understanding the different types of low-pressure appliances (Type III) or the intricate dynamics of the refrigeration process and its components, this guide has got you covered. It doesn't stop there; you will also learn all about leak detection techniques, system evacuation, and vacuum, to refrigerant disposal and recordkeeping.What sets this study guide apart is the rich selection of real-world applicable case studies and multiple-choice practice questions, designed to make complex concepts easily understandable. The questions are thought-provoking, in-depth, and created in alignment with the actual exam pattern. Also, the answers include detailed explanations that will reinforce your understanding of the topic."The Comprehensive EPA 608 Certification Study Guide" is not just another exam prep book; it's a launchpad for your success in the HVACR industry. The friendly, human tone, combined with meticulous coverage of all aspects of the syllabus, makes this study guide a reliable resource for both beginners and experienced professionals.By purchasing this book, you are investing in your future. You are stepping into a reservoir of knowledge that will help you attain the Universal Certification, opening doors to new opportunities and broadening your professional horizon.So, why wait? Take the first step towards acing your EPA 608 certification today with "The Comprehensive EPA 608 Certification Study Guide". You have the dream and the potential; we have the tools to help you achieve it. Success is just a page away!

  • af Yasmina Mayordomo
    172,95 kr.

    Libro de registro del proyecto de construcción Ayuda a registrar el nombre del proyecto de construcción, los visitantes, el calendario, los problemas, las cuestiones de seguridad, resumen de trabajo, empleado y muchos muchos más ...Nuestro Libro de Registro, diseñado para capataces, jefes de obra o supervisores, ofrece un formato claro, coherente y completo para facilitar el mantenimiento de registros. Libro de registro del proyecto de construcción:¿ Papel de buena calidad con cubierta moderna mate¿ Páginas a doble cara, para mejorar la finura y el manejo¿ Tamaño 6 x 9 pulgadas¿ Libro con 120 páginas

  • af Ann-Christin Siegemund
    267,95 kr.

    In these times of climate change, the effects of climatic conditions on the composition of building materials, components and structures are coming to the fore alongside the use of resource-efficient materials. Of particular importance is the role of thermal insulation in structural physics. Approaches such as reducing heat influx, using design features to prevent interior cooling in low outdoor temperatures, and the choice of materials can reduce the need for energy-intensive air conditioning. This volume looks at various objectives of thermal insulation, grounded in principles of structural physics, materials science, and structural design. A valuable addition to the Basics series on the theme of structural physics Foundational knowledge for all students of architecture Interdisciplinary view of structural physics, building materials, and structural design

  • af Ann-Christin Siegemund
    267,95 kr.

    In Zeiten des Klimawandels rücken neben dem Einsatz ressourcenschonender Materialien auch die Auswirkungen der klimatischen Bedingungen auf die Zusammensetzung von Baustoffen, Bauelementen und innerhalb der Baukonstruktion in den Vordergrund. Der Wärmeschutz als Bestandteil der bauphysikalischen Lehre spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle. Ziele, wie die Reduzierung des Wärmeeintrags in Gebäude und eine Verhinderung der Auskühlung von Innenräumen bei geringen Außentemperaturen durch konstruktive Maßnahmen und die Wahl richtiger Materialien reduzieren den Einsatz zusätzlicher Energien für die Klimatisierung. In diesem Band werden die weiteren Ziele des Wärmeschutzes ausgearbeitet, durch bauphysikalische Grundlagen hinterlegt und die Umsetzung im Rahmen der Baustofflehre und Baukonstruktion dargestellt. Ergänzung des Bereichs Bauphysik innerhalb der Reihe Grundlagenwissen für alle Studierende der Architektur Fächerübergreifende Betrachtung Bauphysik, Baustofflehre, Baukonstruktion

  • af Franz-Josef G. Bürger
    412,95 kr.

    Der Arbeitsbereich des ¿Energieeffizienten Bauens¿ bietet eine gute Zukunftsperspektive. Die fachliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema ¿Energieeffizientes Bauen¿ erfordert interdisziplinäres Arbeiten. Architekten und Bauingenieure werden bei der Planung und Ausführung der gebäudetechnischen Einrichtungen zunehmend mit den Aufgabenstellungen des Maschinenbaus und der Elektrotechnik konfrontiert. Die Buchinhalte beschreiben die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für die richtige Wahl der Baumaterialien und Baukonstruktionen im Hinblick auf Energieeffizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Methoden zur Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung. Aufgaben am Ende der Kapitel ermöglichen die Selbstkontrolle und Festigung des angeeigneten Wissens.

  • af Yongjian Gu
    1.342,95 kr.

    Heating and Cooling of Air Through Coils combines theory and practice to cover the fundamentals in the processes of heating and cooling of air through coils and the key aspects in coil fluid piping systems, coils, and energy sources for the fluid in the coils.

  • af Moncef Krarti
    1.403,95 kr.

    Energy-Efficient Electrical Systems for Buildings, Second Edition offers systematic and practical approaches to design and analyze electrical distribution and utilization systems in buildings. It considers safety and energy efficiency, focusing on sustainability and resiliency, to design electrical distribution systems for buildings.

  • af Wolfgang Krings & Horst Herrmann
    424,95 kr.

    Der Autor bietet konkrete Hilfe und zeigt, dass Statik kein wesensfremdes Gebiet, sondern ein ständiger Begleiter im beruflichen Alltag ist. Das in der 19. Auflage aktualisierte Lehrbuch "Kleine Baustatik" mit bewährtem Inhalt vermittelt wichtige Grundlagenkenntnisse der Baustatik und umfasst alle aktuellen EuroCode-Normen im Holz-, Mauerwerks- und Stahlbetonbau. Dabei wird die oft so gefürchtete Statik einfach und leicht dargestellt.An über 75 Beispielen werden die einzelnen Berechnungsgänge erläutert, und über 90 Übungen sollen dazu dienen, die erlernten Stoffinhalte zu vertiefen und zum selbstständigen Lösen von Aufgaben anzuhalten. Die hierzu erforderlichen Zahlenwerte und Auszüge aus den aktuellen Eurocodes sind im Anhang, Kapitel 12 in 45 Tabellen enthalten.Abschließend ist in Kapitel 11 für ein einfach konzipiertes, kleines Wochenendhaus eine statische Berechnung nur der wichtigsten Bauteile angefügt. Hierbei sollen viele Erkenntnisse, die man beim Durcharbeiten des vorliegenden Buches erworben hat, im Rahmen einer praxisnahen Anwendung noch einmal wiederholt und vertieft werden.

  • af Tomris Tangaz
    267,95 kr.

    Step-by-step tutorials guide readers through the entire design process, starting with planning the space, and instructions on choosing color schemes and furnishings, as well as working with a variety of materials. Get advice on becoming a professional interior designer along with detailed tips for preparing a portfolio and marketing your skills.

  • af Ethan Viall
    297,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af John Norman Pring
    342,95 - 452,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Wanamaker
    257,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Henri Moissan
    272,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Harry Archer Hornor
    272,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Chandler Robbins Clifford
    172,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Ryszard Klos
    1.281,95 kr.

    The book provides a derivation of the models used for calculating the risk and hazard of central oxygen toxicity pertaining to diving based studies consistent with the research conducted earlier by the Royal Navy & the US Navy. This book forms the basis for extending the possibility of undertaking nitrox dives in combination with oxygen dives.

  • af Andrea Graser
    392,95 kr.

    Dynamic artificial light in museums In galleries and museums, one's perception of art, space, and atmosphere is largely determined by lighting. But which light settings should art and museum experts and exhibition designers choose, and on what basis are those choices made? Pioneering LED technologies make customized lighting scenarios possible, turning artificial light into an interactive material in museum architecture - not only in terms of design practice, but also in terms of real-time spatial experiences. Computer-controlled lighting technologies are breaking boundaries, allowing the individual to take full control of lighting design. Light Up explores the potential of dynamic artificial lighting technologies in museum architecture, offering new insights into the use of light in exhibition spaces. How LED technologies can be used to develop customized lighting scenarios Studies in the real context of art institutions as well as programming of interactive light simulations Documents the research project "White Cube Teleporter"

  • af Ulrike Brandi
    485,95 kr.

    In this planning guide, the renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi documents all her findings on the topics of lighting design, daylight, sustainability and healthy living spaces. It is a challenge to create holistic lighting design in times of advancing mechanization, but it is the right thing to do in terms of achieving sustainability in the use of light and energy. The renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi explains this attitude with the words, "It's better to make the most of natural light from the start, rather than compensating with artificial light afterwards". The guideline Light Nature Architecture proves how essential, but also simple, it is to integrate natural light into architectural planning and thus into the design of healthy and pleasant living and working environments. This richly illustrated handbook is structured based on natural light phenomena and combines Ulrike Brandi's wealth of experience, theoretical principles, and design methods to create a reference work and source of inspiration. Richly illustrated basic work for holistic lighting design Insight into the extensive practical experience and the individual approach of the renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi Source of inspiration for professional planners, architects and laypeople Available in English and German (Licht Natur Architektur, ISBN 9783035624083)

  • af Norman A. Kellyman
    187,95 kr.

  • af Rolt Hammond
    342,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af George H. (George Harold) Brown
    317,95 - 467,95 kr.

  • af Saeed Banihashemi
    1.709,95 kr.

    This book presents a research-led approach to identifying the massive opportunities that BIM and AI offer to sustainable design and strategies.

  • af Jesse Yoder
    1.036,95 kr.

    Conventional Flowmeters covers the origin, principle of operation, development, advantages and disadvantages, applications, and frontiers of research for conventional technology flowmeters: differential pressure and primary elements, positive displacement, turbine, open channel, and variable area.

  • af Gregor Mendel
    207,95 kr.

  • af General Electric Company
    232,95 kr.

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