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I den nye Steen Ulnits-bog, Laks & havørred, øser han ud af al sin viden om disse kongefisk. Undertitlen er Opgangsfisk, da der er særligt fokus på de forhold, der gør sig gældende, når man vil fange de fisk, der er på vej op i vandløb for at gyde. Desuden inddrages andre arter, fx Røding og Stalling, som har samme opgangsadfærd som Laksefisk.Bogen indeholder alt, hvad en fluefisker har brug for at vide, om standpladser, grejet, fluerne, fiskenes adfærd, teknikker og meget andet. Det hele er krydret med tipsbokse og rigtige lystfiskerhistorier!Både nybegyndere og øvede vil finde gode råd og ny viden i denne guldgrube af en lystfiskerbog.
I den nye Steen Ulnits-bog, Tørflue og nymfe, behandler han med sædvanlig kyndig hånd den fiskemetode, som regnes for den fineste inden for fluefiskeri. Fluefiskeri med tørflue og nymfe er en kunstart, der kræver indgående kendskab til insekternes liv, adfærd og formering.Bogen indeholder detaljeret viden om de for fisk – og fiskere – vigtigste insekter og deres levevis. Med indsigt i livet under vandet bliver fluefiskeren i stand til at vælge både rette tid, sted og flue, hvilket fører til flere fangede fisk!I Tørflue og nymfe er der ud over dybdegående kapitler om insekterne også kapitler om grejet, særlige teknikker, ørrederne og fluemønstre, så man kan binde sine egne tørfluer.De mange tipsbokse giver ekstra viden om særlige emner, og lystfiskerhistorierne fra så godt som hele verden gør Tørflue og nymfe til en sand læseoplevelse.
Landets vandtårne er, med deres himmelstræbende arkitektur, en vigtig del af den danske kulturhistorie.De fornemme bygninger er et monument over de almene forbedringer af levevilkårene i by og på land.Vandtårnene tegner desuden et fint billede af den arkitektoniske udvikling over de sidste 150 år.I bogen er der billeder og beskrivelser af langt hovedparten af de bevarede danske vandtårne, ligesom vandtårnenes overordnede historie bliver fortalt.
Denne bog rummer alt, hvad du skal vide om vandforekomster, vandindvinding og vandforsyning,Den nødvendige teori er grundigt forklaret og illustreret med mange figurer og praktiske eksempler. Et omfattende stikordsregister gør bogen let at slå op i, og de mange referencer gør det muligt altid at finde frem til yderligere oplysninger om emnerne. Bogen er således anvendelig både som lærebog på de videregående uddannelser og som håndbog for den praktiske vandværksmand eller den projekterende ingeniør.
Revised, updated, and more relevant than ever, the bestselling business classic by two internationally renowned management theorists shows how companies of all sizes can become the most efficient organizations possible. 20 charts.
Vi tog skraldet er fortællingen om virksomheden R98s 113 år lange historie. Det er historien om udviklingen i den københavnske renholdning fra latrin i trætønder og metalspande båret på skuldrene til kildesorteret genanvendelse på hjul og lift. Fra skraldemændenes forklæde og bærevest af læder til sikkerhedssko og arbejdstøj i trafiksikkert design. Fra hestevogn til mobilsug. Fra en tid hvor 15-20 bajere på en arbejdsdag ikke var unormalt til totalt alkoholforbud. Bogen er et stykke industri-, social-, arbejder- og lokalhistorie, der følger hele virksomhedens historie fra en tid før kloaker og verdenskrige, og før ord som forurening og miljø kom på mode i 1960erne. Bogen følger hele udviklingen fra ”Lortemøllen” ved Kløvermarken med transportbånd til toiletindhold og ”natmænd”, som mødte klokken to om natten og ikke fik mulighed for at bade, til en moderne veldrevet og effektiv virksomhed, der tilbyder sine ansatte fitness, squash og sauna. Igennem ord og billede giver bogen et levende indblik i skraldemændenes liv og hverdag før og nu. Og vi møder vor tids karismatiske skraldemænd, fx ”Hesten”, ”Alperosen”, ”Radisen” og virksomhedens eneste skraldekvinde, som alle fortæller deres historie.
An Independent Climate Book of the Year 2023In this sweeping work of science and history, the renowned climate scientist and author of The New Climate War shows us the conditions on Earth that allowed humans not only to exist but thrive, and how they are imperiled if we veer off course.For the vast majority of its 4.54 billion years, Earth has proven it can manage just fine without human beings. Then came the first proto-humans, who emerged just a little more than 2 million years ago - a fleeting moment in geological time. What is it that made this benevolent moment of ours possible? Ironically, it's the very same thing that now threatens us - climate change.Climate variability has at times created new niches that humans or their ancestors could potentially exploit, and challenges that at times have spurred innovation. But the conditions that allowed humans to live on this earth are fragile, incredibly so. There's a relatively narrow envelope of climate variability within which human civilisation remains viable. And our survival depends on conditions remaining within that range. In this book, renowned climate scientist Michael Mann arms readers with the knowledge necessary to appreciate the gravity of the unfolding climate crisis, while emboldening them - and others - to act before it truly does become too late.
We need to act five times faster to tackle climate change before it is too late. A policy insider, Simon Sharpe provides compelling ideas on how to rethink our strategies and reorganise our efforts in the fields of science, diplomacy, and economics to speed up progress in addressing climate change.
'Well researched, clearly written, beautifully presented and, above all, fact-packed books such as Inconvenient Facts are absolutely essential to the very survival of democracy, to the restoration of true science, and to the ultimate triumph of objective truth.''-Christopher Monckton, Viscount of Brenchley
When it comes to the climate, we don't need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action. The climate is the fundamental issue of our time, and now we face a critical decision. Whether to be optimistic or fatalistic, whether to profess skepticism or to take action. Yet it seems we can barely agree on what is really going on, let alone what needs to be done. We urgently need facts, not opinions. Insights, not statistics. And a shift from thinking about climate change as a "me" problem to a "we" problem. The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and illustrators that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. Drawing on over 1,000 data points, the book uses cartoons, quotes, illustrations, tables, histories, and articles to lay out carbon's impact on our food system, ocean acidity, agriculture, energy, biodiversity, extreme weather events, the economy, human health, and best and worst-case scenarios. Visually engaging and built to share, The Carbon Almanac is the definitive source for facts and the basis for a global movement to fight climate change. This isn't what the oil companies, marketers, activists, or politicians want you to believe. This is what's really happening, right now. Our planet is in trouble, and no one concerned group, corporation, country, or hemisphere can address this on its own. Self-interest only increases the problem. We are in this together. And it's not too late for concerted, collective action for change.
"Every Action Matters will lay out the issues facing the planet and offer up 100 important actions that readers can take to help slow the adverse affects of climate change. Each action will get a spread and be accompanied by an infographic, statistic, or display quote to provide visual impact to the topic at hand"--
Få svar på spørgsmål om prisen for udledning af spildevandVed selskabsafgørelsen af spildevandsforsyningsselskaberne blev der fra 1. januar 2010 skabt en ny arbejdsdeling mellem kommunalbestyrelse, teknisk forvaltning og forsyning.Forsyningen har siden i langt højere grad kunnet bestemme, hvad regningen til kunden skal lyde på. Men på den anden side er der en række bestemmelser i betalingsloven, som skal overholdes, og som på nogle punkter er vanskelige at fortolke.Spildevandsbetalingsloven med kommentarer knytter sig til bekendtgørelse af lov om betalingsregler for spildevandsforsyningsselskaber m.v., nr. 633 af 7. juni 2010 med senere ændringer. Lovkommentaren er baseret på lovforarbejder samt den righoldige retspraksis og kommunale tilsynspraksis.Nyt i 2. udgaveBogen er ajourført frem til 31. oktober 2014 med lovstof, administrativ praksis m.v. samt de ændringer, der følger heraf.MålgruppeBogen henvender sig dels til spildevandsforsyningsselskaber og dels til andre, der har behov for at sætte sig ind i, hvad der skal betales for udledning af spildevand, f.eks. kommuner og virksomheder.Om forfatterneAdvokat lic. jur. Mogens Moe. Han var indtil 1994 chef for Miljøstyrelsens Tilsyns- og Lovkontor. Derefter har han praktiseret som advokat med miljøsager som speciale.Landsdommer i Østre Landsret Alex Puggaard. Han har tidligere i en længere årrække arbejdet som advokat med speciale i miljøret.
Ansvarssuccession ved forurenede ejendomme- med kommentarer til Jordforureningslovens kapitel 4 B & Miljøbeskyttelseslovens § 35 c om basistilstandsrapportI hvilken udstrækning kan en ny ejer af en ejendom eller en virksomhed blive gjort ansvarlig for en forurening, der er forvoldt af tidligere ejere?Problemstillingen betegnes ansvarssuccession og retsstillingen er kompliceret, bl.a. fordi planlovgivningen og forureningslovgivningen følger to forskellige systemer, hvortil kommer, at miljøbeskyttelsesloven og jordforureningsloven indeholder forskellige successionsordninger.Senest er der på baggrund af EU’s direktiv om industrielle emissioner (IE-direktivet) indført en helt særlig successionsordning, der har vidtgående konsekvenser ved overtagelse af større industrielle anlæg.Bogen giver et overblik over de forskellige successionsordninger med analyse af nyere retspraksis. I bogen belyses bl.a.:Hvem er forurenerenEr en ny ejer efter planloven forpligtet til at fjerne ulovligheder begået af tidligere ejerJordforurening og grundejeransvarAnsvarssuccession for affaldHvem er påbudsadressat for forurening ved dødsboerHvem er påbudsadressat, når der er flere forurenereHvem har ansvaret for ældre forureningHvornår overtager ny ejer ansvaret for tidligere ejers forurening efter IE-direktivetHvornår kan man forpligtes til at undersøge en forurening.MålgruppeBogen er relevant for alle, der beskæftiger sig med køb og salg af fast ejendom, ligesom aktører på boligmarkedet som ejendomsselskaber og rådgivende ingeniørfirmaer kan have gavn af bogen.Om forfatterenPeter Pagh har siden 1999 været professor i miljøret ved Københavns Universitets Juridiske Fakultet.
"This book holds up the honey bee colony as a lens through which we can view the evolutionary processes that give rise to complex organisms"--
Waste-derived Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Applications, and Sustainability embarks on an illuminating exploration at the intersection of waste management and nanotechnology. Delving deep into the realm of nanoparticle synthesis, this comprehensive volume meticulously examines various waste sources, ranging from industrial residues to electronic waste, uncovering their potential for sustainable innovation. Through detailed discussions on synthesis methodologies and characterization techniques, each chapter offers insights into the intricate processes involved in transforming waste materials into functional nanoparticles. Beyond synthesis, the book ventures into the diverse applications of waste-derived nanoparticles, offering transformative solutions to pressing environmental challenges. From revolutionizing wastewater treatment to combating air pollution and advancing energy technologies, these applications hold promise for a greener future. With a forward-looking perspective, this book envisions a shift toward a circular economy, where waste materials are not only repurposed but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious world. This book serves as a beacon, guiding us toward a future where waste becomes a valuable resource in our quest for a cleaner and healthier planet.
Water Pollution Calculations: Quantifying Pollutant Formation, Transport, Transformation, Fate and Risks provides a comprehensive collection of relevant, real-world water pollution calculations. The book's author explains, in detail, how to measure and assess risks to human populations and ecosystems exposed to water pollutants. The text covers water pollution from a multivariate, systems approach, bringing in hydrogeological, climatological, meteorological processes, health and ecological impacts, and water and wastewater treatment and prevention.After first reviewing the physics, chemistry, and biology of water pollution, the author explores both groundwater and surface waters. This is followed by an in-depth look at water quality indicators, measurements, models, and water engineering. Groundwater remediation, risk assessment, and green engineering round out the text with forward-thinking ideas towards sustainability. This invaluable reference offers a practical tool for those needing a precise and applicable understanding of different types of water pollution calculations.
The Afrotropical Streams and Rivers: Structure, Ecological Processes and Management is a comprehensive guide that provides assessment of major rivers and tributaries in Africa. Unlike other books available, the editors present a thorough study of geomorphological, hydrological, biological, and ecological processes incorporating a range of plant and animal communities, while considering implications of human communities that depend upon them. This book, edited by a diverse cohort of researchers and/or scholars, is intended as an educational and practical guide for graduate students, researchers and scientists who focus on the biodiversity, conservation and management/policy issues of the African river systems.
Artificial Intelligence for a More Sustainable Oil and Gas Industry and the Energy Transition: Case Studies and Code Examples presents a package for academic researchers and industries working on water resources and carbon capture and storage. This book contains fundamental knowledge on artificial intelligence related to oil and gas sustainability and the industry’s pivot to support the energy transition and provides practical applications through case studies and coding flowcharts, addressing gaps and questions raised by academic and industrial partners, including energy engineers, geologists, and environmental scientists. This timely publication provides fundamental and extensive information on advanced AI applications geared to support sustainability and the energy transition for the oil and gas industry.
Green Chemistry: A Path to Sustainable Development provides updated information and knowledge on green chemistry, analyzes greener solutions for environmental sustainability, and includes principles and practices, metrics, green chemical technologies, and real-world applications. Chapters explore interdisciplinary approaches to green chemistry, as well as value added through by-products, conversion of waste to value added products, remodeling from a conventional approach to a greener approach, and the challenges, opportunities, and future scope of green chemistry. Finally, this book discusses green methodologies, processes, and new chemical development.
Decision-making is a key factor to achieve success in any discipline, especially in a field like civil engineering, which is based on calculations and requires large amounts of information being taken into account. Most processes and procedures are a compendium of many different tasks and requirements specific to each project under development, and making decisions in such environments can often be an arduous endeavor. That is why the need for analytical criteria capable of assisting with untangling complex scenarios has arisen preponderantly. As an all-encompassing resource, Multicriteria Decision-Making Analysis for Civil Engineering Applications facilitates civil engineers by outlining state-of-the-art techniques for quantitative decision-making to optimally select the appropriate approach when faced with operational issues or to prioritize among multiple options. Authored by recognized experts in the field, this book proves to be a balanced reference volume that is essential not just for civil engineers, but also for a wide variety of audiences in interconnected disciplines.
Nanoferrites for Emerging Environmental Applications discusses the synthesis and structure of nanoferrites, as well as their electrical, optical, and magnetic properties. This book also provides a detailed discussion of the use of nanoferrites for various environmental applications, such as for water and air pollution detection and remediation. This book covers almost every aspect of nanoferrites for environmental applications and will be of great use to researchers working in multidisciplinary areas. Nanoferrites’ superior electronic, optical, and magnetic properties make them promising agents in a wide spectrum of applications. After looking at the fundamentals of nanoferrites, this book proceeds to analyze their application in a comprehensive range of environmental applications. Topics covered include wastewater treatment, the removal of heavy metal ions, remediation of organic and inorganic pollutants, and their use in the detection and remediation of both air and solid pollution. Future opportunities for research are also addressed.
Microplastics: Origins, Risks, and Mitigation discusses the sources, origin, and health risk assessment of microplastics in the environment. The various contamination indices, like contamination factor, atmospheric behavior, enrichment factor, and marine pollution are also included to provide further context on the state of microplastics in the environment and environmental impacts. The book present reviews on microplastics toxicology research, health hazards, and green remedial solutions for pollution control in terrestrial and aquatic environments, aiming to provide scientists and researchers with the knowledge to combat microplastic pollutants through sustainable means. Covering a variety of approaches, techniques, and scenarios, this book is a key resource for environmental scientists working to address microplastic environmental pollutants. It presents reviews on microplastics toxicology research, health hazards, and green remedial solutions for pollution control in terrestrial and aquatic environments.
Industrial Decarbonization and the Energy Transition: Innovative Solutions for a Carbon-Free, Sustainable, and Clean Environment provides detailed information on a range of cutting-edge solutions, supporting decarbonization, clean energy production, and energy transition. Sectors covered include chemical and photochemical, cement and concrete, class, pulp and paper, steel and iron-making, fertilizer, clay, methanol, refineries, sugar, and thermal power plants. Technology, regulations, climate impact, and finance are considered for each sector, and throughout the book, emphasis is placed on the industry perspective and expertise, with thorough techno-economic analysis and in-depth discussion of other key considerations such as scale-up, cost reductions, waste, and future possibilities. This book is of interest to engineers, R&D, and other professionals involved in energy transition and decarbonization of industrial processes and plants across a range of industrial sectors, as well as academic researchers, scientists, and advanced students in energy transition, renewable energy, engineering, decarbonization, and sustainability.
Antibiofouling Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment: Principles and Applications covers most recent advances, challenges, and industrial applications of antibiofouling membranes to help in reducing cost and increasing sustainability of long term-filtration performance of membranes in water and wastewater treatment. This book will provide a compact source of relevant and timely information on antibiofouling membranes and will be of great interest to scientists, engineers, industry R&D personnel, and graduate students engaged in the development, engineering scale-up, and applications of antibiofouling membranes, as well as other readers who are interested in microfiltration, membrane bioreactor, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and related topics.
Greening Our Economy for a Sustainable Future examines the green economy by balancing social needs, the environment, and the economy. It argues that different economic models must be developed to address the environment caused by economic expansion. The book not only looks at the opportunities of having a green economy, but also goes into areas such as greenwashing, social washing, sustainability, economics, and more. In addition, it addresses how one can improve well-being through a symbiotic relationship between economic growth and environmental stewardship.
Photothermal Materials and Membranes for Solar-Driven Water Treatment provides a comprehensive understanding of the chemistry of different photothermal materials, mechanistic pathways for light-to-heat energy conversion, design, and development of various 3D evaporation systems configurations, and photothermal membranes for water treatment. The book contributes to the understanding of photothermal materials to system design for efficient solar-to-heat conversion and solar-steam generation and paves the way forward to meet increasing freshwater demand through a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach. The book provides an in-depth introduction to emerging concepts such as steam generation; gives the basics of solar light and solar-light-adsorbing materials’ function, efficiency, and applications; discusses the preparation of photothermal materials and membranes; analyzes the key characteristic properties of photothermal materials; elaborates on water evaporation using nature-inspired system design; and highlights the key commercialization approaches and technologies. This book is an excellent resource for chemical engineers, materials scientists, energy technologists, environmentalists, policymakers, and regulatory bodies working on water treatment, wastewater decontamination, photothermal materials and membranes, photocatalytic materials, membrane separation, and membrane filtration.
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