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Teknisk hygiejne

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  • af Kim Lykke Jensen
    167,95 kr.

    Landets vandtårne er, med deres himmelstræbende arkitektur, en vigtig del af den danske kulturhistorie.De fornemme bygninger er et monument over de almene forbedringer af levevilkårene i by og på land.Vandtårnene tegner desuden et fint billede af den arkitektoniske udvikling over de sidste 150 år.I bogen er der billeder og beskrivelser af langt hovedparten af de bevarede danske vandtårne, ligesom vandtårnenes overordnede historie bliver fortalt.

  • af Anders Hahn Kristensen, Elin Dichmann Jensen, Erik Karlsen, mfl.
    537,95 kr.

    Denne bog rummer alt, hvad du skal vide om vandforekomster, vandindvinding og vandforsyning,Den nødvendige teori er grundigt forklaret og illustreret med mange figurer og praktiske eksempler. Et omfattende stikordsregister gør bogen let at slå op i,  og de mange referencer gør det muligt altid at finde frem til yderligere oplysninger om emnerne. Bogen er således anvendelig både som lærebog på de videregående uddannelser og som håndbog for den praktiske vandværksmand eller den projekterende ingeniør.

  • - Renholdning i København 1898-2011
    af Søren Federspiel
    257,95 kr.

    Vi tog skraldet er fortællingen om virksomheden R98s 113 år lange historie. Det er historien om udviklingen i den københavnske renholdning fra latrin i trætønder og metalspande båret på skuldrene til kildesorteret genanvendelse på hjul og lift. Fra skraldemændenes forklæde og bærevest af læder til sikkerhedssko og arbejdstøj i trafiksikkert design. Fra hestevogn til mobilsug. Fra en tid hvor 15-20 bajere på en arbejdsdag ikke var unormalt til totalt alkoholforbud. Bogen er et stykke industri-, social-, arbejder- og lokalhistorie, der følger hele virksomhedens historie fra en tid før kloaker og verdenskrige, og før ord som forurening og miljø kom på mode i 1960erne. Bogen følger hele udviklingen fra ”Lortemøllen” ved Kløvermarken med transportbånd til toiletindhold og ”natmænd”, som mødte klokken to om natten og ikke fik mulighed for at bade, til en moderne veldrevet og effektiv virksomhed, der tilbyder sine ansatte fitness, squash og sauna. Igennem ord og billede giver bogen et levende indblik i skraldemændenes liv og hverdag før og nu. Og vi møder vor tids karismatiske skraldemænd, fx ”Hesten”, ”Alperosen”, ”Radisen” og virksomhedens eneste skraldekvinde, som alle fortæller deres historie.

  • - en kommentar
    af Mogens Moe & Alex Puggaard
    507,95 kr.

    Få svar på spørgsmål om prisen for udledning af spildevandVed selskabsafgørelsen af spildevandsforsyningsselskaberne blev der fra 1. januar 2010 skabt en ny arbejdsdeling mellem kommunalbestyrelse, teknisk forvaltning og forsyning.Forsyningen har siden i langt højere grad kunnet bestemme, hvad regningen til kunden skal lyde på. Men på den anden side er der en række bestemmelser i betalingsloven, som skal overholdes, og som på nogle punkter er vanskelige at fortolke.Spildevandsbetalingsloven med kommentarer knytter sig til bekendtgørelse af lov om betalingsregler for spildevandsforsyningsselskaber m.v., nr. 633 af 7. juni 2010 med senere ændringer. Lovkommentaren er baseret på lovforarbejder samt den righoldige retspraksis og kommunale tilsynspraksis.Nyt i 2. udgaveBogen er ajourført frem til 31. oktober 2014 med lovstof, administrativ praksis m.v. samt de ændringer, der følger heraf.MålgruppeBogen henvender sig dels til spildevandsforsyningsselskaber og dels til andre, der har behov for at sætte sig ind i, hvad der skal betales for udledning af spildevand, f.eks. kommuner og virksomheder.Om forfatterneAdvokat lic. jur. Mogens Moe. Han var indtil 1994 chef for Miljøstyrelsens Tilsyns- og Lovkontor. Derefter har han praktiseret som advokat med miljøsager som speciale.Landsdommer i Østre Landsret Alex Puggaard. Han har tidligere i en længere årrække arbejdet som advokat med speciale i miljøret.

  • af Deepmoni Deka
    1.563,95 kr.

  • af Maulin P Shah
    1.812,95 kr.

    Role of Environmental Microbiology in Industrial Wastewater Research focuses on environmental bioremediation concepts providing a comprehensive view of recent trends and emerging technologies in environmental bioremediation, addressing the current limitations and challenges pertaining to generally accepted and applied bioremediation strategies, and discussing corrective strategies for the removal of pollutants from the environment. Describing the broader role of environmental microbiology specifically in the treatment of industrial wastewater research Includes the recovery of resources from wastewater this book will be of interest to environmental microbiologists, biotechnologists, environmental engineers, chemical engineers and those working in the bioremediation field.

  • af Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu
    1.136,95 kr.

    Environmental impacts created by the entire textile and fashion supply chain have been an important topic of discussion in recent decades. Different life cycle phases of a textile product from raw material extraction through manufacturing to consumer use and disposal are all responsible for various magnitudes of environmental impact. Mitigating the environmental impacts created by the textile manufacturing sector is of paramount import as manufacturing is a critical point to alleviate the impacts arising from the entire textiles and clothing supply chain. This contributed volume is meant to illustrate and draw useful conclusions from initiatives taken by the textile manufacturing sector and to identify key practices invented and being practiced by textiles and clothing manufacturers toward making the industry more sustainable.

  • af Enrique Rosales-Asensio
    1.307,95 kr.

  • af George Christopher Davies
    292,95 - 346,95 kr.

    ""Norfolk Broads and Rivers or The Waterways, Lagoons, and Decoys of East Anglia"" is a book written by George Christopher Davies in 1884. The book is a comprehensive guide to the waterways, lagoons, and decoys of East Anglia, particularly the Norfolk Broads and Rivers. It covers the history, geography, and ecology of the region, as well as the various activities that can be enjoyed there, such as fishing, boating, and bird-watching. The book is richly illustrated with maps, diagrams, and photographs, which help to bring the region to life. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the natural beauty and cultural heritage of East Anglia, as well as for those who wish to explore the region's waterways and wildlife.""This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af David A Sear
    2.172,95 kr.

    In this book, the authors use their extensive experience gained through fieldwork, analysis, and input to the design process to provide a thorough understanding of geomorphology in the river environment and describe effective ways to incorporate geomorphological science into river engineering and management.

  • af Abdelkader Anouzla
    1.392,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

  • af John Willmuth Hill
    282,95 - 325,95 kr.

    The Purification Of Public Water Supplies is a book written by John Willmuth Hill, originally published in 1898. The book is a comprehensive guide to the various methods of purifying public water supplies, with a focus on the technologies available at the time. The author provides a detailed analysis of the different types of water sources, the contaminants that can be found in them, and the best methods for removing these contaminants. The book covers a wide range of topics, from the mechanics of filtration and sedimentation to the use of chemicals such as chlorine and ozone for disinfection. Hill also discusses the importance of proper maintenance and monitoring of water treatment facilities. The Purification Of Public Water Supplies is an important historical document that sheds light on the early development of water treatment technology and its role in improving public health.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Or First Steps On The Waterway Of Edom (1884)
    af Henry Edward Colvile
    277,95 - 316,95 kr.

    The Accursed Land: Or First Steps On The Waterway Of Edom is a book written by Henry Edward Colvile and published in 1884. The book is a travelogue that describes the author's journey through the land of Edom, which is located in the southern part of modern-day Jordan. The author explores the historical and cultural significance of the region, which was once home to the ancient Edomites. He also provides a detailed account of the landscape, including the mountains, valleys, and waterways of the region. The book is written in a descriptive and engaging style, and it offers a unique perspective on the history and culture of the Middle East. Overall, The Accursed Land is a fascinating read for anyone interested in travel writing, history, or the Middle East.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Alok Prasad Das
    1.477,95 kr.

    The purpose of this book is to discuss the challenges that have arisen due to petroleum hydrocarbon wastes, their harmful effects to the ecosystem, and limitations as well as improvement of current biological techniques¿ use for management of petroleum hydrocarbon wastes. This book focuses on the role of advanced green engineering technologies for sustainable petroleum waste management in building an economic supportable society as a basic need of developing countries. The rapid economic growth achieved in last decade has been paralleled by an increase in global energy consumption resulting generation of massive amount of industrial wastes. Petroleum wastes release through spillages and leakage from underground tanks, steamers, unplugging of oil wells, and abandoned oil refinery sites that cause extensive contamination of surface soils, groundwater, seas, and ocean resulting in ecosystem damage. Apart from these, petroleum industries release a significant amount of hydrocarbonwastes during processing of crude oil. Improper waste management technique of these petroleum wastes may cause a serious effect toward the living beings. The presence of these hazardous wastes in the environment will make vulnerable conditions to the aquatic as well as terrestrial life. Till date, a number of conventional techniques have been implemented to treat these petroleum hazardous wastes, but biological treatment is more efficient among all on basics of economic and environmental point of view. Bioaugmentation, biostimulation, and combinatorial bioaugmentation and biostimulation waste management strategies are implemented to treat these wastes. In addition to these techniques, biocomposting/biopile, land treatment, and bio-slurry methods have also been employed to reduce the endanger effects of petroleum wastes. Integrating waste management through environmental sustainability and economic development is one of the prime milestones in the circular economy. There is anexigent necessity for developing countries to go ahead toward a circular economy for achieving its Sustainable Development Goals.

  • af Ruby Aslam
    623,95 kr.

    This book highlights established research and technology on corrosion inhibitors and bio-waste management. It further discusses emerging aspects of utilizing food waste in the field of corrosion inhibition. The topics covered include overview on bio-waste and their management, different types of food waste (i.e., agricultural, vegetable and fruit/fruit juice, plant waste, slaughterhouse trash), and their application as corrosion inhibitors and mitigation of corrosion. It also discusses economic aspects and commercialization of food waste as corrosion inhibitors. The book is a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals working in the areas of sustainability, food waste management, and material science.

  • af Seeram Ramakrishna
    1.775,95 kr.

    This book provides comprehensive and practical information on the design and implementation of circular systems for various industries, with a focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. The scope of the handbook is to cover the materials circularity in a deeper analysis in accordance to ESG used in various industries such as oil and gas, IT, electronics, medicine, textile, and more. The handbook also covers the key principles of the circular economy, including material efficiency, resource conservation, and waste reduction, and how they impact to different industries. It further critically analyses the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing circular systems in these industries, including the framework for new business models and technical innovations, and the potential benefits in terms of environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic competitiveness. In addition to providing practical information, the handbookalso addresses the ESG factors associated with the circular economy exclusively for each industry. This would include the impact of circular systems on the environment, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the protection of biodiversity, as well as the social benefits, such as job creation, and the economic benefits, such as cost savings and increased competitiveness. The ultimate goal of the handbook should be to provide guidance and support in a niche evaluation for the development of a more sustainable and equitable future, where the circular economy is a key enabler.

  • af Akanksha Gupta
    1.192,95 kr.

    This book explores a diverse spectrum of waste materials, encompassing industrial hazardous and non-hazardous waste, agricultural waste, biomass waste, radioactive waste, municipal solid and liquid waste, as well as e-waste, and investigates their adverse impacts on the environment. It is an exciting exploration of various approaches to waste management, highlighting the importance of adopting sustainable practices such as the 7Rs principle, utilization of nanomaterials and photocatalysis, zero waste management techniques, recycling and upcycling techniques, and IoT-enabled strategies. It provides a critical assessment of the challenges and opportunities in transforming waste into value-added products for the industry. This book is designed to provide constructive insights for researchers, environmentalists, policy makers and professionals engaged in enhancing waste management, fuelling the circular economy, and paving the way for a sustainable future.

  • af Pratima Bajpai
    1.187,95 kr.

    Recycling and Deinking of Recovered Paper, Second Edition covers recent advances in recycling technologies. This second edition examines this new process, which is more eco-friendly than the virgin-papermaking process, and which uses less energy and natural resources, produces less solid waste and fewer atmospheric emissions, and helps to preserve natural resources and landfill space. In addition, the most recent information about the recycling of fibers into various grades of paper and board, the control of stickies, and the effects of recycled fiber on paper machines are also covered. Recycling technologies have been improved in recent years due to advances in pulping, flotation deinking, and cleaning/screening, resulting in the quality of paper made from secondary fibers remarkably approaching that of virgin paper.

  • af Maulin P. Shah
    1.733,95 - 1.758,95 kr.

  • af Amol Vilas Ganjare
    417,95 kr.

    The presence of the suspended solids is the most easily visible impurity in the liquid streams in several processes or the urban and industrial wastewater. These suspended particles may be either organic or inorganic in nature and can create problems in the process. The separation of the suspended solids using gravity settling to produce clarified overflow and thickened solids underflow has been used in the wastewater industry. The terms sedimentation or clarification are used to describe the process of gravity separation, depending on if the process focus is on the clarified water or the thickened solids, respectively. The standard gravity settler design often fails to achieve the desired separation efficiency due to deviation from the normal operation conditions. This happens due to changes in the upstream i.e., feed to the gravity settler. In this situation, the behavior of the flow and particles in the top region of the tank is of particular interest since the particles remain in the supernatant and are carried to the effluent reducing the separation efficiency of the gravity settlers. The separation of the particles in the gravity settler depends on several factors. One of the most important factors is the recirculation zones in the gravity settlers. The prediction of these recirculation zones is important in order to modify the design of the gravity settler for enhancing the separation efficiency.

  • - Comprising The General Motions Of The Atmosphere, Monsoons, Cyclones, Tornadoes, Waterspouts, Hailstorms, Etc. (1889)
    af William Ferrel
    362,95 - 558,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af William Reed Veazey
    172,95 - 195,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Aldo Alvarez-Risco
    729,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

    This book highlights the relevant and timely global change movement: green entrepreneurship. Presented in this book is relevant literature and academic knowledge. The book is expected to  support in creating more green entrepreneurship initiatives in collaboration with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • af Majeti Narasimha Vara Prasad
    1.267,95 kr.

    Environmental Materials and Waste: Circular Economy and Pollution Abatement, Second Edition, contains the latest information on environmental sustainability as a wide variety of natural resources are increasingly being exploited to meet the demands of a worldwide growing population and economy. The book takes a multidisciplinary approach to fully realize the number of by-products which can be remanufactured, providing the foundation needed across disciplines to tackle this issue. As awareness and opportunities to recover valuable resources from process and bleed streams is gaining interest, sustainable recovery of environmental materials, including wastewater, offers tremendous opportunity to combine profitable and sustainable production. In this 2nd edition, operational principles of circular economy for sustainable development with reference to environmental waste shall be covered. Circular economy research is discussed in depth as it has gained considerable momentum in the scientific literature thus far, and both conceptual debates and the creation of useful implementation strategies are still in their infancy. Although circular systems are now being implemented, this book will emphasize the importance to properly consider and convert circular economy goals and principles into actions. As a whole, this 2nd edition of Environmental Materials and Waste covers a wide range of issues that must be covered in order to improve environmental sustainability.

  • af John Lathrop Mathews
    264,95 - 392,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!

  • af Alonzo Barton Hepburn
    212,95 - 256,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Hugh Coleman Davidson
    282,95 - 325,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af T. S. Krishnan
    379,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the economic, political, and cultural factors that make up Indiäs ¿informal processors,¿ which are the highly networked, multi-generational systems that reuse, repurpose, and otherwise dispose of 80% of Indiäs electronic waste. The research includes insight from more than ninety interviews with forty-nine key stakeholders working within Indiäs e-waste processing industry. This vital resource explores the complexities of the e-waste industry, and it comprehensively explains the importance of developing context-specific solutions that leverage the inherent strengths of informal processors. The resulting resource offers a counterpoint to mainstream arguments that dismiss the value of expertise from informal processors.

  • af Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu
    1.307,95 kr.

    Natural dyes offer a time-tested and generally more sustainable alternative to synthetic dyes in the textile industry. The issues surrounding synthetic dyes are well-known, and in the literature it is generally accepted that natural dyes have a smaller environmental impact. However, even natural dyes have issues that must be dealt with in order to ensure sustainability in the industry. For example, the mordants needed to improve the dyeing process may release hazardous heavy metal pollutants when used. This book is dedicated to exploring cases such as this that illustrate the benefits and drawbacks to natural dyes and steps that must be taken for their sustainable use in the textile industry.

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