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  • af P. V. Timbadiya
    1.687,95 kr.

    This book comprises the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2021) focusing on broad spectrum of emerging opportunities and challenges in the field of soft computing and geospatial techniques in water resources engineering. It covers a range of topics, including, but not limited to, satellite derived data for hydrologic applications, GIS and RS applications in water resources management, rainfall and streamflow prediction, hydro-informatics, data driven and artificial intelligent based hydrological modelling, optimization of water resources systems, etc.Presenting recent advances in the form of illustrations, tables, and text, it offers readers insights for their own research. In addition, the book addresses fundamental concepts and studies in the field of Soft Computing and Geospatial Techniques in Water Resources Engineering, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and researchers wanting tofurther their understanding of hydraulics, water resources and coastal engineering.

  • af Marcello Biocca
    2.420,95 - 2.750,95 kr.

    This book gathers the latest advances, innovations and applications in the field of agricultural biotechnology, agro-food systems and forestry, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the 5th International Conference on Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture and Agro-food Systems (SHWA), held in Ragusa, Italy, on September 15-18, 2021. The papers cover a range of topics such as agricultural assistive technologies, machine milking, animal welfare, sustainable livestock farming, work organization and logistic in agro-food supply chain, agricultural instrumentation and equipment, safety and health in building, agriculture 4.0, automation, occupational health, precision farming, effect of landscapes on human health, environmental safety, rural health, agricultural machinery, ROPS, augmented reality and IoT, cyber security. The contributions included in the book were selected by means of a rigorous peer-review process, and offer an extensive and multidisciplinary overview of interesting solutions in the field of sustainable agriculture.

  • af Reinhard Stransfeld
    293,95 kr.

    In der Entwicklung der Kultur stellt das Bekenntnis zur Menschenwürde einen großen Schritt zu einer umfassenden praktischen Ethik dar. Durch die einhergehende Ausweitung technisch-materieller Potenz ist unserer Spezies nichtsdestoweniger eine reale Gefahr erwachsen: Der Mensch könnte sich selbst vernichten. Wie immer er sich als Gemeinschaftswesen organisiert hat - es ist ihm nicht gelungen, eine Ordnung zu schaffen, die eine solche Entwicklung bedenkt und ihr entgegenwirkt.Eine neue Orientierung in einer erweiterten Ordnung, die dem dramatisch veränderten Sachstand Rechnung trägt, ist unabdingbar. Bisher ausgeblendet, müssen darin Kernfragen zur Gemeinschaft als Basis materieller Existenz des Menschen beantwortet werden. Darüber hinaus gilt es, einen Aspekt neu zu diskutieren, der im Zuge der Humanisierung geächtet wurde: notwendige Konsequenzen zu Abwendung von existenziellen Bedrohungen der Gesellschaft durch Elemente ihrer selbst.

  • af Moonisa Aslam Dervash
    437,95 kr.

    Most imperative environmental concerns are Cultural eutrophication pertaining to industrialization and urbanization which lead to proliferation of weeds in aquatic environs disturbing these ecosystems. Alarming increase in CO2, CH4, CFC¿s, N2O and water vapour in the atmosphere cause enhanced greenhouse effect, among all these CO2 is accountable for 55-60 % of total enhanced effect. Phyto- and Nutrient sequestration via plants helps storage of atmospheric CO2 in the vegetation to get rid of contaminants. Carbon and nutrient sequestration can be braided together for sustainable development goals. The chapters adopt the hierarchy as follows: significance of quality environs, quantification and bio-monitoring of culprit contaminants, the issues relevant to global warming and accelerated eutrophication and their ecological impacts followed by various sequestration technologies.

  • af Maulin P. Shah
    1.759,95 kr.

  • af Dragana Randelovic
    1.534,95 kr.

    Aromatic Plant-based Phytoremediation: Socio-Economic and Agricultural Sustainability provides knowledge and insights into the phytoremediation capabilities of aromatic crops. This book aims to raise awareness of aromatic crop-based phytoremediation among ecologists, environmental scientists, practitioners, policymakers, and other interested parties. Furthermore, it brings together new and existing knowledge on various aspects of aromatic crop-based phytoremediation, presenting this information in a single source that provides a cutting-edge synthesis of scientific and practical knowledge on polluted site restoration and application that is useful to both practitioners and scientists. Aromatic crop-based phytoremediation provides a solid foundation on which scientific knowledge in the field of aromatic crop-based phytoremediation can grow and expand. This book is a good and instructive text with a format that is easy to grasp and read. It employs a dense literary composition that is rich in depth, clarity, and coverage

  • af Eddy Y Zeng
    1.171,95 kr.

    This second edition of Microplastic Contamination in Aquatic Environments: An Emerging Matter of Environmental Urgency presents 14 chapters, through which a team of global, expert contributors cover a full range of microplastic research. The first chapter describes the general patterns for sources, occurrence, and transport of microplastics to lead off the book. The next batch of chapters covers sampling analytical methods for quantifying microplastics in the environment, followed by chapters addressing the association of chemicals with microplastics. A large cluster of chapters focus on the fate and transport of microplastics in wastewater treatment plants, freshwater systems, marine environment, terrestrial settings, and riverine runoff that connects terrestrial and marine systems. The next few chapters examine biotransport and effects of microplastics in organisms. The last two chapters are dedicated to two emerging research areas: nanoplastics in the environment and management strategies for global plastic pollution. Outlooks for future research to better understand the situation and further improvements of microplastic research are also covered. In the 6 years since the previous edition published, this fast-moving area has evolved, and the contents of this revision reflect that. There are numerous brand-new chapters, chapters that have been revised, and chapters that have been completely refocused. This book provides an overview of microplastics research. It is a guide for researchers to better understand the occurrence of microplastics. Ideally, this book provides basic background knowledge of microplastics for oceanographers, ecologists, and climatologists.

  • af Joao Carlos Fernandes Serodio
    558,95 kr.

  • af Yukun Ma
    437,95 kr.

    This book presents a detailed analysis in relation to human health risk assessment of the main toxic chemical pollutants in urban stormwater generated from urban traffic and land use activities. The knowledge presented in this book was derived based on comprehensive experimental investigations including field sampling, laboratory testing, mathematical modelling, spatial analysis and multivariate and univariate statistical data analyses.The key highlights of the book include the quantitative assessment of the human health risk posed by key toxic chemical pollutants in urban stormwater and the development of linkages between risk and traffic and land use. Additionally, a suite of mathematical equations are presented to predict human health risk based on traffic and land use characteristics through mathematical modelling. These outcomes can significantly assist in effective stormwater risk management under changing traffic and land use in the urban environment. The knowledge presented is of particular interest to readers such as stormwater treatment design specialists, decision-makers and urban planners since these outcomes provide practical suggestions and recommendations for effective urban stormwater treatment design.

  • af Rajarshi Dasgupta
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book provides a knowledge base of the existing indigenous and local water knowledge, values, and practices, and how this water knowledge can be mainstreamed into the decision-making process. The book not only demonstrates the perks of using indigenous knowledge but also illustrates the barriers and gaps that should be considered while planning for mainstreaming traditional knowledge and values at a local scale. The chapters incorporate case studies from various parts of the world demonstrating how indigenous, and religious and cultural values of water have translated into water use and conservation behavior among indigenous people ensuring resource sustainability over a long period of time. There has been global attention towards combining indigenous and local knowledge with new information and innovation to attain future water security. In this regard, this book is timely, relevant, and significant as it is the first attempt, as per the best of our knowledge, to publish a book that solely addresses indigenous and local knowledge, values, and practices regarding water management, quality monitoring, use, and conservation. With increasing emphasis on the inclusion of indigenous and local knowledge into natural resource governance and conservation by international agencies like the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the proposed book will significantly contribute to the existing knowledge base and demonstrate the importance of mainstreaming indigenous water knowledge and practices into water governance and decision making. The UN SDGs, recognizing the significance of indigenous knowledge systems, emphasized its inclusion in most aspects and principles of SDGs. Apart from direct links with SDGs like zero hunger (SDG 2), no poverty (SDG 1), and climate action (SDG 13), indigenous and local knowledge system is considered to be directly connected to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6). The book will be useful to researchers and students in the field of indigenous knowledge and education, water governance, community-level planning, and water sustainability. The book can be referred to for postgraduate courses and beyond, as well as policymakers, conservationists, non-governmental organizations, development practitioners, and local government officials.

  • af Alok Garg, Shivani Garg, Swapnila Roy & mfl.
    1.318,95 kr.

  • af P. V. Timbadiya
    2.428,95 kr.

    This book comprises the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2021) focusing on broad spectrum of emerging opportunities and challenges on the impact of climate change on water resources. It covers a range of topics, including, but not limited to, climate change assessment and downscaling issues, climate change impact and adaptive measures, influence of climate variability on hydro-climatic variables, impact of climate change on water resources of Indian Rivers, etc. Presenting recent advances in the form of illustrations, tables, and text, the content offers readers insights for their own research. In addition, the book addresses fundamental concepts and studies on the impact of climate change on water resources, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and researchers wanting to further their understanding of hydraulics, water resources and coastal engineering.

  • af Sangeeta Kumari, Chintalacheruvu Madhusudana Rao, K. C. Patra & mfl.
    2.643,95 kr.

  • af Siau Chen Chian, Sreevalsa Kolathayar & Arpita Mondal
    2.200,95 kr.

  • af Haoyu Niu
    1.208,95 kr.

    Estimating evapotranspiration (ET) has been one of the most critical research areas in agriculture because of water scarcity, the growing population, and climate change. The accurate estimation and mapping of ET are necessary for crop water management. Traditionally, researchers use water balance, soil moisture, weighing lysimeters, or an energy balance approach, such as Bowen ratio or eddy covariance towers to estimate ET. However, these ET methods are point-specific or area-weighted measurements and cannot be extended to a large scale. On the other hand, while remote sensing is able to provide spatially distributed measurements, the spatial resolution of multispectral satellite images is often not enough for crops with clumped canopy structures, such as trees and vines. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can mitigate these spatial and temporal limitations. Lightweight cameras and sensors can be mounted on the UAVs and take high-resolution images. Unlike satellite imagery, the spatial resolution of the UAV images can be at the centimeter-level. UAVs can also fly on-demand, which provides high temporal imagery. This book examines the different UAV-based approaches of ET estimation. Models and algorithms, such as mapping evapotranspiration at high resolution with internalized calibration (METRIC), the two-source energy balance (TSEB) model, and machine learning (ML) are discussed. It also covers the challenges and opportunities for UAVs in ET estimation, with the final chapters devoted to new ET estimation methods and their potential applications for future research.

  • af Willis Gwenzi
    1.318,95 kr.

    Biochar for Environmental Remediation: Principles, Applications, and Prospects synthesizes state-of-the-art knowledge on biochar-based systems for environmental remediation. This book examines a wide variety of biochar applications for the remediation of inorganic, organic, microbial, and emerging contaminants in various environmental media, including drinking water, industrial wastewater, urban stormwater, industrial and indoor air pollution, and contaminated lands and soils. An increasing body of evidence shows that biochars have potential applications in environmental remediation of contaminants in soils, aqueous systems, and air pollution control. This book uses a systematic approach, covering biochar preparation, properties and characteristics, removal mechanisms, industrial applications, regeneration and disposal of spent biochar, life cycle analysis, and environmental and human health risks. Researchers, engineers, and graduate students will find this to be a valuable reference for understanding opportunities for the use of biochar in environmental remediation as it fills the gaps in existing literature and offers a clear roadmap to guide future research.

  • - Recent Advances and Applications
    af Seema Garg
    2.200,95 kr.

    This book comprises a detailed overview on the role of photocatalysts for environmental remediation, hydrogen production and carbon dioxide reduction. Effective ways to enhance the photocatalytic activity of the material via doping, hybrid material, laser light and nanocomposites have been discussed in this book. The book also further elaborates the role of metal nanoparticles, rare earth doping, sensitizers, surface oxygen vacancy, interface engineering and band gap engineering for enhancing the photocatalytic activity. An approach to recover the photocatalytic material via immobilization is also presented. This book brings to light much of the recent research in the development of such semiconductor photocatalytic systems. The book will thus be of relevance to researchers in the field of: material science, environmental science & technology, photocatalytic applications, newer methods of energy generation & conversion and industrial applications. 

  • af James Carter
    113,95 kr.

  • af Joanna Barnes
    1.108,95 kr.

  • af Balasubramani Ravindran
    1.454,95 kr.

    Recent Trends in Solid Waste Management presents comprehensive information on recent advances in solid waste treatment and management processes. The book covers a wide range of topics related to solid waste treatment, disposal and handling. Readers will also learn about up-to-date/background information on global annual solid waste generation and effective waste management strategies (recycle, reuse, remediate). Furthermore, future study directions (open questions) are identified. This book will assist both the academic and industrial communities by providing extensive information on waste separation procedures and technologies for solid waste treatment.

  • af Han-Yong Jeon
    1.625,95 - 2.438,95 kr.

  • af Raheel Nawaz
    543,95 kr.

    Visual pollution is an emerging, multi-dimensional, subjective, and under studied area of manmade environments that has recently received researchers' focus. Visual Pollution: Concepts, Practices and Management Framework offers the first substantial cutting-edge exploration of visual pollution in urban settlements, uncovering the conceptualisation, geography-specific visual pollutants, methods of visual pollution assessment and management frameworks.Nawaz and Wakil dive into the contrasting prevalence of visual pollution geographically and the connection of human behaviour with urban aesthetics, urban management, measurement tools, information systems and regulatory frameworks. This novel contribution fills the international knowledge gap to generate dynamic and practical solutions for the mitigation in regulatory and enforcement frames.Providing a holistic picture to a diverse multi-dimensional readership interested to explore the phenomena of visual pollution, Visual Pollution: Concepts, Practices and Management Framework is an essential read for those working and researching in the fields of urban design, property management, planning, building, and policymakers confronted with a rapidly urbanising planet.

  • af Jennifer Gabrys
    295,95 kr.

    "Citizens of Worlds is the first thorough study of the increasingly widespread use of digital technologies to monitor and respond to air pollution. Drawing on data from the Citizen Sense research group, Jennifer Gabrys presents practice-based research on working with communities and making sensor toolkits to detect pollution while examining the political subjects, relations, and worlds these technologies generate"--

  • af Stanislaw Lubienski
    106,95 - 168,95 kr.

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