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Rumfartsteknologi og luftfartsteknologi

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  • af Marianne J. Dyson
    358,95 kr.

    NASA's flight control teams work diligently during every flight to safeguard spacecraft and their crews, but few people appreciate the significance of their contributions to the American Space Program. Shuttle Mission Control: Flight Controller Stories and Photos, 1981-1992, showcases twenty first-person accounts of Space Shuttle controllers solving problems from dangerous pressure readings to slippery satellites. The decisions made and actions taken by these unsung heroes, many recognized with the honor of hanging the mission patch, epitomize the motto of Mission Control, "Achievement through Excellence." Flight controller rosters and honorees plus an acronym list and index are included.

  • af David Buden
    263,95 kr.

    Interest in rockets that use fission reactors as the heat source has centered on manned flights to Mars. The demands of such missions require rockets that are several times more powerful than the chemical rockets in use today.Rocket engines operate according to the basic principles expressed in Newton's third law of motion: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In a chemical rocket, hot gases are created by chemical combustion; in a nuclear rocket heating of the propellant in a nuclear reactor creates hot gas. In either case, the hot gases flow through the throat of the rocket nozzle where they expand and develop thrust.Extensive development effort has been expended on nuclear rockets. The nuclear Rover/ NERVA rocket programs provide a very high confidence level that the technology for a flight nuclear rocket exists. These programs demonstrated power levels between 507 MWt and 4,100 MWt and thrust levels of up to 930 kN (200,000 Ibf). Specific impulse, a measure of rocket performance, was more than twice that of chemical rockets. Ground testing and technology development has been done on several concepts described in this book. However, though there appear to be no technical barriers to the development of a successful nuclear rocket, no nuclear rockets have been flown in space.This book describes the fundamentals of nuclear rockets, the safety and other mission requirements, developmental history of various concepts both in the U.S. and Russia, and it summarizes key developmental issues.

  • af David Buden
    288,95 kr.

    The advantages of space nuclear fission power systems can be summarized as: compact size; low to moderate mass; long operating lifetimes; the ability to operate in extremely hostile environments; operation independent of the distance from the Sun or of the orientation to the Sun; and high system reliability and autonomy. In fact, as power requirements approach the tens of kilowatts and megawatts, fission nuclear energy appears to be the only realistic power option. The building blocks for space nuclear fission electric power systems include the reactor as the heat source, power generation equipment to convert the thermal energy to electrical power, waste heat rejection radiators and shielding to protect the spacecraft payload. The power generation equipment can take the form of either static electrical conversion elements that have no moving parts (e.g., thermoelectric or thermionic) or dynamic conversion components (e.g., the Rankine, Brayton or Stirling cycle).The U.S. has only demonstrated in space, or even in full systems in a simulated ground environment, uranium-zirconium-hydride reactor power plants. These power plants were designed for a limited lifetime of one year and the mass of scaled up power plants would probably be unacceptable to meet future mission needs. Extensive development was performed on the liquid-metal cooled SP-100 power systems and components were well on their way to being tested in a relevant environment. A generic flight system design was completed for a seven year operating lifetime power plant, but not built or tested.The former USSR made extensive use of space reactors as a power source for radar ocean reconnaissance satellites. They launched some 31 missions using reactors with thermoelectric power conversion systems and two with thermionic converters.Current activities are centered on Fission Surface Power for lunar applications. Activities are concentrating on demonstrating component readiness.This book will discuss the components that make up a nuclear fission power system, the principal requirements and safety issues, various development programs, status of developments, and development issues.

  • af David Buden
    263,95 kr.

    For operating in severe environments, long life and reliability, radioisotope power systems have proven to be the most successful of all space power sources. Two Voyager missions launched in 1977 to study Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and their satellites, rings and magnetic fields and continuing to the heliosphere region are still functioning over thirty years later. Radioisotope power systems have been used on the Moon, exploring the planets, and exiting our solar system. There success is a tribute to the outstanding engineering, quality control and attention to details that went into the design and production of radioisotope power generation units.Space nuclear radioisotope systems take the form of using the thermal energy from the decay of radioisotopes and converting this energy to electric power. Reliability and safety are of prime importance. Mission success depends on the ability of being able to safely launch the systems and on having sufficient electrical power over the life of the mission. Graceful power degradation over the life of a mission is acceptable as long as it is within predictable limits. Electrical power conversion systems with inherent redundancy, such as thermoelectric conversion systems, have been favored to date. Also, radioactive decay heat has been used to maintain temperatures in spacecraft at acceptable conditions for other components.This book describes how radioisotope systems work, the requirements and safety design considerations, the various systems that have been developed, and their operational history.

  • af Hao Chen
    1.133,95 kr.

    This book highlights the practical models and algorithms of earth observation satellite (EOS) task scheduling. EOS task scheduling is a typical complex combinatorial optimization problem with NP-Hard computational complexity. It is a key technology in aerospace scheduling and has attracted global attention. Based on the actual needs of the EOS operation control center, the book summarizes and reviews the state of the art in this research and engineering field. In both deterministic scenarios and dynamic scenarios, the book elaborates on the typical models, algorithms, and systems in centralized, distributed, and onboard autonomous task scheduling. The book also makes an outlook on the promising technologies for EOS task planning and scheduling in the future. It is a valuable reference for professionals, researchers, and students in satellite-related technology. This book is a translation of an original Chinese edition. The translation was done with thehelp of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation.

  • af Christian Mittelstedt
    1.041,95 kr.

    This book deals with the analysis of plates and shells and is divided into four sections. After briefly introducing the basics of elasticity theory and the energy methods of elastostatics in the first section, the second section is devoted to the statics of disk structures. In addition to isotropic disks in Cartesian and polar coordinates, approximation methods and anisotropic disks are also discussed. The following third section deals with plate structures, covering plates in Cartesian and polar coordinates, and also discussing approximation methods and higher-order plate theories. Other chapters in this section discuss plate buckling as well as geometric nonlinear analysis and laminated plates. The fourth and final section of this book is devoted to shells, i.e., curved thin structures, following the common division into membrane theory on the one hand and bending theory on the other hand. This book is intended for students at universities, but also for engineers in practice andresearchers in engineering science.

  • af Osonde A Osoba
    293,95 kr.

    This report describes the resilience assessment framework that RAND Project AIR FORCE developed to assess the potential impact of integrating select commercial space services on U.S. Space Force mission performance.

  • af Joel C Custer
    223,95 kr.

    When a severe thunderstorm pounces on 26-year-old auto mechanic Willard Custer, corners him in a barn, and then pops the barn's roof in a shocking display of atmospheric power, Willard's life is permanently altered. The banjo-picking son of a West Virginia blacksmith with an unfinished high school education, Willard conceives of a device that will employ the "speed of air" to shorten an aircraft's takeoff and landing (STOL) and, he believes, revolutionize the aircraft industry. This book tells the story of how Custer, charging into a world for which he has no preparation, secures the necessary patents and funding to build four unique aircraft. Then he publicly demonstrates their astonishing STOL and slow-flight capabilities, gaining converts among engineers, pilots, and business leaders. Over four decades, he guides two companies and spawns four others. He engages scientists, manufacturers and pilots in seven American states and Canada. He fights the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the Securities and Exchange Commission in court. And he relentlessly solicits the Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Defense, while overcoming corporate double-crossing in Detroit and New York.Described as one of aviation's great what-if stories and a contribution to American folklore, the story of the "father of powered lift" and his Channel Wing Aircraft will inspire readers to trust themselves, to act on their dreams, and to define success in their own terms.Also, in this special edition, aeronautical scientist Robert Englar in his Foreword names Willard Custer the "father of powered lift" by virtue of the precedence and simplicity of his design. Then in his Afterword, Englar describes modern NASA research that enhances the Channel Wing with current technologies and points the way to its ultimate integration into the aviation industry.

  • af Heribert Bieler
    433,95 kr.

    Ein kompaktes Lehrbuch für Studieneinsteiger*innen an Fachhochschulen mit Physik als Nebenfach. Die Stoffauswahl orientiert sich an den Lehrplänen der technischen Fächer, wie z. B. Maschinenbau und Luft- und Raumfahrtechnik. Die wesentlichen physikalischen Gesetze der klassischen Physik werden prägnant erklärt, ohne die Vermittlung der grundlegenden Zusammenhänge zu vernachlässigen. Daher wird dem Verständnis der Vorzug gegeben an Stelle einer mathematisch eleganten, formalen Herleitung. Neben den Kernthemen der klassischen Physik bildet die inkompressible Fluiddynamik einen weiteren Schwerpunkt. Damit wird der Grundstein gelegt, um die Physik hinter den technischen Fragestellungen im Ingenieurwesen zu verstehen. Verständnisfragen und Aufgaben ermöglichen eine Selbstüberprüfung des Wissens im ersten Studienjahr. Das Lehrbuch ist geeignet für Studieneinsteiger*innen, die Physik als Grundkurs hatten oder bei denen das Abitur mehr als ein Jahr zurückliegt.

  • af William D. Adams
    193,95 kr.

    Meet NASA inventor Penny Boston! She's here to introduce readers to Martian cave colonies. Alongside Penny, readers will learn about astrobiology and the possibilities of living in caves on Mars. They'll explore caves throughout the solar system, microbes, inflatable cave liners, bioreactors, and oxygen. The Inventor Challenge at the back of the book encourages readers to create their own inventions. For more information about interesting space inventions, check out other titles in the Out of This World series!

  • af János D. Pintér & Giorgio Fasano
    1.208,95 kr.

  • af Jiazhong Zhang
    1.502,95 - 1.759,95 kr.

    This contributed volume presents recent developments in nonlinear dynamics applied to engineering. Specifically, the authors address stability and bifurcation in large-scale, complex rotor dynamic systems; periodic motions and their bifurcations in nonlinear circuit systems, fault diagnosis of complex engineering systems with nonlinear approaches, singularities in fluid-machinery and bifurcation analysis, nonlinear behaviors in rotor dynamic system with multi-mistuned blades, mode localization induced by mistuning in impellers with periodical and cyclic symmetry, and nonlinear behaviors in fluid-structure interaction and their control. These new results will maximize reader understand on the recent progress in nonlinear dynamics applied to large-scale, engineering systems in general and nonlinear rotors and impellers in particular.

  • af Viorel Badescu
    3.738,95 kr.

    Earth has limited material and energy resources, while these resources are virtually unlimited in space. It is only a matter of time, before planetary resources are mined and used in-situ to sustain human and robotic exploration or returned to Earth for commercial gain. This book covers a number of aspects related to space resources. In particular, subjects related to mission concepts, exploration approaches, mining and extraction technologies, commercial potential, and regulatory aspects of space resources are covered in detail. This book is therefore a good resource for readers who seek background and deeper understanding of space resources related activities.

  • af Melih Cemal Ku¿han
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book offers a comprehensive look at materials science topics in aerospace, air vehicle structures and manufacturing methods for aerospace products, examining recent trends and new technological developments. Coverage includes additive manufacturing, advanced material removal operations, novel wing systems, design of landing gear, eco-friendly aero-engines, and light alloys, advanced polymers, composite materials and smart materials for structural components. Case studies and coverage of practical applications demonstrate how these technologies are being successfully deployed. Materials, Structures & Manufacturing for Aircraft will appeal to a broad readership in the aviation community, including students, engineers, scientists, and researchers, as a reference source for material science and modern production techniques.

  • af Jun Xie & Changfeng Yang
    2.422,95 - 3.148,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Loquercio
    1.318,95 kr.

    This book presents the astonishing potential of deep sensorimotor policies for agile vision-based quadrotor flight. Quadrotors are among the most agile and dynamic machines ever created. However, developing fully autonomous quadrotors that can approach or even outperform the agility of birds or human drone pilots with only onboard sensing and computing is challenging and still unsolved.Deep sensorimotor policies, generally trained in simulation, enable autonomous quadrotors to fly faster and more agile than what was possible before. While humans and birds still have the advantage over drones, the author shows the current research gaps and discusses possible future solutions.

  • af Marco Ceccarelli
    2.443,95 kr.

    This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of space robots as presented at the International Conference on Robots for Space Applications in Orbital Stations (TORVEASTRO), held in Rome, Italy on April 20-21, 2023. Topics addressed include history of space and robotics, bio-inspired space robotics, grasping, handling and intelligent manipulation, kinematics and dynamics, navigation & motion planning, robot vision and control, human-machine interfaces, new designs and prototypes, humanoid astronaut robots, and service space robots.

    507,95 kr.

    Includes printed Test Prep book plus Prepware software download code to study and prepare for your FAA Knowledge Exam Test Prep bookOperating a drone for non-hobby operations requires a Remote Pilot Certificate. You must successfully complete the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Knowledge Exam to earn a Remote Pilot Certificate with a Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) rating. Rely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Remote Pilot Test Prep to prepare for your exam. Test material is expertly organized into chapters based on subject matter and includes introductory text and illustrations, questions, answer choices, answers, explanations (for correct and incorrect answers), and references for further study. This topical study promotes understanding and aids recall to provide an efficient study guide. The ASA Test Prep includes the figures, legends, and full-color charts from the Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement so you'll be familiar with the information you'll be issued at the test center. Prepware softwareRely on the most trusted source in aviation training with ASA's Prepware software for your FAA Knowledge Exam. More than a "question and answer" recounting of test questions, it combines a powerful software program with the accurate and instructional material you expect from ASA. Questions are supported with explanations for correct and incorrect answers, FAA references for further study, and airman test report codes for remedial study. Easy to use in both study mode and test mode, Prepware gives you the tools and confidence needed to ace the test. Also includes a 24-month subscription to Prepware Online so you can study from any internet-connected device when on the go. ASA's free email subscription service offers book and software updates to ensure you're always using the most current information available. Use for the following Part 107 FAA Knowledge Exams: UAG: Unmanned Aircraft General-Small

    758,95 kr.

    "Rely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Instrument Rating Test Prep to prepare for your FAA Knowledge Exam. Test material is expertly organized into chapters based on subject matter and includes introductory text and illustrations, questions, answer choices, answers, explanations (for correct and incorrect answers), and references for further study. This topical study promotes understanding and aids recall to provide an efficient study guide. The ASA Test Prep includes the figures, legends, and full-color charts from the Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement so you'll be familiar with the information you'll be issued at the test center. Rely on the most trusted source in aviation training with ASA s Prepware software for your FAA Knowledge Exam. More than a 'question and answer' recounting of test questions, it combines a powerful software program with the accurate and instructional material you expect from ASA. Questions are supported with explanations for correct and incorrect answers, FAA references for further study, and airman test report codes for remedial study. Easy to use in both study mode and test mode, Prepware gives you the tools and confidence needed to ace the test. Also includes a 24-month subscription to Prepware Online so you can study from any internet-connected device when on the go"--

    758,95 kr.

    Includes printed Test Prep book plus Prepware software download code Test Prep bookRely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Commercial Pilot Test Prep to prepare for your FAA Knowledge Exam. Test material is expertly organized into chapters based on subject matter and includes introductory text and illustrations, questions, answer choices, answers, explanations (for correct and incorrect answers), and references for further study. This topical study promotes understanding and aids recall to provide an efficient study guide. The ASA Test Prep includes the figures, legends, and full-color charts from the Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement so you'll be familiar with the information you'll be issued at the test center. Prepware softwareRely on the most trusted source in aviation training with ASA's Prepware software for your FAA Knowledge Exam. More than a "question and answer" recounting of test questions, it combines a powerful software program with the accurate and instructional material you expect from ASA. Questions are supported with explanations for correct and incorrect answers, FAA references for further study, and airman test report codes for remedial study. Easy to use in both study mode and test mode, Prepware gives you the tools and confidence needed to ace the test. Also includes a 24-month subscription to Prepware Online so you can study from any internet-connected device when on the go. ASA's free email subscription service offers book and software updates to ensure you're always using the most current information available. Use for the following FAA Knowledge Exams: CAX: Commercial Pilot Airplane CRH: Commercial Pilot - Helicopter CRG: Commercial Pilot - Gyroplane CGX: Commercial Pilot - Glider CBH: Commercial Pilot Balloon - Hot Air CLA: Commercial Pilot - Airship CBG: Commercial Pilot Balloon - Gas CCP: Commercial Pilot - Airplane Canadian Conversion CCH: Commercial Pilot - Helicopter Canadian Conversion MCN: Military Competency

    758,95 kr.

    Includes printed Test Prep book plus Prepware software download code Test Prep bookRely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Instructor Pilot/CFI Test Prep to prepare for your FAA Knowledge Exam. Test material is expertly organized into chapters based on subject matter and includes introductory text and illustrations, questions, answer choices, answers, explanations (for correct and incorrect answers), and references for further study. This topical study promotes understanding and aids recall to provide an efficient study guide. The ASA Test Prep includes the figures, legends, and full-color charts from the Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement so you'll be familiar with the information you'll be issued at the test center. Prepware softwareRely on the most trusted source in aviation training with ASA's Prepware software for your FAA Knowledge Exam. More than a "question and answer" recounting of test questions, it combines a powerful software program with the accurate and instructional material you expect from ASA. Questions are supported with explanations for correct and incorrect answers, FAA references for further study, and airman test report codes for remedial study. Easy to use in both study mode and test mode, Prepware gives you the tools and confidence needed to ace the test. Also includes a 24-month subscription to Prepware Online so you can study from any internet-connected device when on the go. ASA's free email subscription service offers book and software updates to ensure you're always using the most current information available. Use for the following FAA Knowledge Exams: FOI: Fundamentals of Instructing BGI: Ground Instructor - Basic AGI: Ground Instructor - Advanced FIA: Flight Instructor - Airplane FRH: Flight Instructor - Helicopter FRG: Flight Instructor - Gyroplane FIG: Flight Instructor - Glider AFA: Flight Instructor - Airplane (Added Rating) HFA: Flight Instructor - Helicopter (Added Rating) GFA: Flight Instructor - Gyroplane (Added Rating) AFG: Flight Instructor - Glider (Added Rating) MCI: Military Competency Instructor SIA: Flight Instructor - Sport Airplane SIB: Flight Instructor - Sport Balloon SIG: Flight Instructor - Sport Glider SIL: Flight Instructor - Sport Lighter-than-Air (Airship) SIP: Flight Instructor - Sport Powered Parachute SIW: Flight Instructor - Sport Weight Shift Control SIY: Flight Instructor - Sport Gyroplane

    508,95 kr.

    Includes printed Test Guide book plus Prepware software download code Test Guide bookRely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Test Guides to prepare for your Aviation Mechanic FAA Knowledge Exams. Test questions are expertly organized to align with the Aviation Mechanic Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-1) subjects and are supported with answers, explanations, and references for further study. This topical study promotes understanding and aids recall to provide an efficient study guide. Prepware softwareRely on the most trusted source in aviation training with ASA's Prepware software for your FAA Knowledge Exam. More than a "question and answer" recounting of test questions, it combines a powerful software program with the accurate and instructional material you expect from ASA. Questions are supported with explanations for correct and incorrect answers, FAA references for further study, and airman test report codes for remedial study. Easy to use in both study mode and test mode, Prepware gives you the tools and confidence needed to ace the test. Also includes a 24-month subscription to Prepware Online so you can study from any internet-connected device when on the go. Questions, answers, and explanations aligned with the Aviation Mechanic ACS to accelerate learning and encourage retention. Powerful Prepware software with unlimited study sessions and practice tests, and a 24-month subscription to Prepware Online with access from any internet-connected device ACS codes included with each question for remedial study and to prepare for the Oral & Practical. Figures from the FAA Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement. FAA Aviation Mechanic Certificate requirements. Quick cross-references for easy question-finding. Free online updates and subscription service to stay informed of test changes. Includes test tips and instructions, and an Oral & Practical Study Guide. Use for the AMP Aviation Mechanic--Powerplant Knowledge Exam.

    1.078,95 kr.

    Includes printed Test Prep book plus Prepware software download code Test Prep bookRely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Airline Transport Pilot Test Prep to prepare for your FAA Knowledge Exam. Test material is expertly organized into chapters based on subject matter and includes introductory text and illustrations, questions, answer choices, answers, explanations (for correct and incorrect answers), and references for further study. This topical study promotes understanding and aids recall to provide an efficient study guide. The ASA Test Prep includes the figures, legends, and full-color charts from the Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement so you'll be familiar with the information you'll be issued at the test center. Prepware softwareRely on the most trusted source in aviation training with ASA's Prepware software for your FAA Knowledge Exam. More than a "question and answer" recounting of test questions, it combines a powerful software program with the accurate and instructional material you expect from ASA. Questions are supported with explanations for correct and incorrect answers, FAA references for further study, and airman test report codes for remedial study. Easy to use in both study mode and test mode, Prepware gives you the tools and confidence needed to ace the test. Also includes a 24-month subscription to Prepware Online so you can study from any internet-connected device when on the go. ASA's free email subscription service offers book and software updates to ensure you're always using the most current information available. Use for the following FAA Knowledge Exams: ADX: Aircraft Dispatcher ATS: ATP Single Engine Airplane (Part 135) ATM: ATP Multiengine Airplane ATH: ATP Helicopter (Part 135) ARH: ATP Helicopter - Added Rating (Part 135) ASC: ATP Canadian Conversion SE ACM: ATP Canadian Conversion ME ACH: ATP Canadian Conversion Helicopter FEJ: Flight Engineer Turbojet (Added Rating) FEN: Flight Engineer Reciprocating Engine (Basic) FEP: Flight Engineer Turboprop (Added Rating) FER: Flight Engineer Reciprocating Engine (Added Rating) FET: Flight Engineer Turboprop (Basic) FEX: Flight Engineer Turbojet (Basic)

    508,95 kr.

    Includes printed Test Guide book plus Prepware software download code Test Guide bookRely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Test Guides to prepare for your Aviation Mechanic FAA Knowledge Exams. Test questions are expertly organized to align with the Aviation Mechanic Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-1) subjects and are supported with answers, explanations, and references for further study. This topical study promotes understanding and aids recall to provide an efficient study guide. Prepware softwareRely on the most trusted source in aviation training with ASA's Prepware software for your FAA Knowledge Exam. More than a "question and answer" recounting of test questions, it combines a powerful software program with the accurate and instructional material you expect from ASA. Questions are supported with explanations for correct and incorrect answers, FAA references for further study, and airman test report codes for remedial study. Easy to use in both study mode and test mode, Prepware gives you the tools and confidence needed to ace the test. Also includes a 24-month subscription to Prepware Online so you can study from any internet-connected device when on the go. Questions, answers, and explanations aligned with the Aviation Mechanic ACS to accelerate learning and encourage retention. Powerful Prepware software with unlimited study sessions and practice tests, and a 24-month subscription to Prepware Online with access from any internet-connected device ACS codes included with each question for remedial study and to prepare for the Oral & Practical. Figures from the FAA Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement. FAA Aviation Mechanic Certificate requirements. Quick cross-references for easy question-finding. Free online updates and subscription service to stay informed of test changes. Includes test tips and instructions, and an Oral & Practical Study Guide. Use for the AMA Aviation Mechanic--Airframe Knowledge Exam.

    258,95 kr.

    "Operating a drone for non-hobby operations requires a Remote Pilot Certificate. You must successfully complete the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Knowledge Exam to earn a Remote Pilot Certificate with a Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) rating. This book is your key to success. Rely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Test Prep Series to prepare for your FAA Knowledge Exam. Test material is expertly organized into chapters based on subject matter and includes instructional material, questions, answer stems, correct answers, explanations, and references for further study. This topical study promotes understanding and aids recall to provide an efficient study guide. FAA regulations, the National Airspace System, weather, loading and performance, and operations are among the subjects covered. When you're done studying, take 5 FREE practice tests with ASA's online simulated testing program at no additional cost! The ASA Test Prep includes the figures, legends, and full-color charts from the FAA Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement to you'll be familiar with the information you'll be issued at the testing center. ASA's Remote Pilot Test Prep is the best resource for successful test-taking and safe small UAS operations" --

    653,95 kr.

    Rely on the time-proven and dependable ASA Instructor Pilot/CFI Test Prep to prepare for your FAA Knowledge Exam. Test material is expertly organized into chapters based on subject matter and includes introductory text and illustrations, questions, answer choices, answers, explanations (for correct and incorrect answers), and references for further study. This topical study promotes better understanding and aids recall to provide a more efficient study guide. When you're done studying, take 5 FREE practice tests with ASA's online simulated testing program at no additional cost!The ASA Test Prep includes the figures, legends, and full-color charts from the Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement so you'll be familiar with the information you'll be issued at the test center. You can count on ASA to provide you with the latest changes in the FAA Knowledge Exams through a free email subscription service and updates. ASA's Instructor Pilot/CFI Test Prep is the pilot's best resource for successful test-taking.Use for the following Knowledge Exams: FOI: Fundamentals of Instructing BGI: Ground Instructor - Basic AGI: Ground Instructor - Advanced FIA: Flight Instructor - Airplane FRH: Flight Instructor - Helicopter FRG: Flight Instructor - Gyroplane FIG: Flight Instructor - Glider AFA: Flight Instructor - Airplane (Added Rating) HFA: Flight Instructor - Helicopter (Added Rating) GFA: Flight Instructor - Gyroplane (Added Rating) AFG: Flight Instructor - Glider (Added Rating) MCI: Military Competency Instructor SIA: Flight Instructor - Sport Airplane SIB: Flight Instructor - Sport Balloon SIG: Flight Instructor - Sport Glider SIL: Flight Instructor - Sport Lighter-than-Air (Airship) SIP: Flight Instructor - Sport Powered Parachute SIW: Flight Instructor - Sport Weight Shift Control SIY: Flight Instructor - Sport Gyroplane

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