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  • - Samtaler om genopbygningen af jorden i Danmark
    af Sofie Isager Ahl & Sille Skovgaard
    207,95 kr.

    Jorden er grundlaget for vores fødevareproduktion og fødevaresikkerhed. Den er hjem for mere end en fjerdedel af klodens biodiversitet og fungerer som planetens største vandfilter. FN har anslået, at hvis udpiningen af jorden fortsætter, vil mere end 90 % af klodens jorder være svært udpinte i 2050. Regenerativt landbrug er blevet beskrevet som en jordbrugsrevolution, der har potentialet til at vende denne udvikling ved at genopbygge jordfrugtbarheden og øge kulstofbindingen i jorden. Her præsenteres for første gang en række centrale skikkelser i den regenerative jordbrugsbevægelse i Danmark i en samtalebog, der giver et indblik i jordbrugernes arbejde og formidler et grundlæggende skifte i vores forståelse af, hvad jord overhovedet er.Sofie Isager Ahl (f. 1988) er forfatter og har skrevet ph.d. i antropologi om regenerativt landbrug. Hun har tidligere udgivet de skønlitterære bøger Naboplanter (2018) og Demeters latter (2022). I 2023 udkom den etnografiske monografi Regeneration, der tegner et portræt af en ny bevægelse af regenerative jordbrugere i Skandinavien.Sille Skovgaard (f. 1989) er uddannet økologisk jordbruger og antropolog med speciale i regenerativt landbrug. Hun har lavet filmen Jeg tror, vi starter som lys (med Emma Harris, 2024) om regenerative jordbrugeres eksperimenter med jordfrugtbarhed og sidder i bestyrelsen for foreningen Andelsgaarde.

  • af Leif Petersen
    277,95 kr.

  • af Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse
    187,95 kr.

    Levedygtigt Landbrug er et bud på, hvordan vi kan løse de ­økologiske, ­økonomiske og sociale kriser, som det ­danske ­landbrug står i. I bogen skildrer Den Grønne Ungdoms­bevægelse en fremtids­vision for et jord­forbundet og retfærdigt ­land­brug og præsenterer de ­konkrete politiske tiltag, der kan føre os dertil. Et utopisk opråb for alt det, vi har at vinde.

  • - Brødet og øllets historie
    af Åsmund Bjørnstad
    331,95 kr.

    Åsmund Bjørnstad er professor emeritus i planteforædling i Norge. I Kornbogen – brødets og øllets historie bygger han på det seneste tiårs indsigter indenfor genomforskning, arkæologi, kulturhistorie og bæredygtighedsforskning.Vi tæmmede kornet, og det os! Åsmund Bjørnstad formidler med kulturhistorisk spændvidde kornenes – det vil sige majsens, risens, hvedens, sorghums, hirsens, havrens og rugens – historie, fra vi begyndte at tæmme de vilde frø - og de tæmmede os. For ti, tolv, fjorten tusind år siden. Gennem denne kultivering opstod skriftsprog, tidsregning, religioner og klassesamfund – og den mangfoldighed af mutationer, som vi dagligt, uafvidende sætter på tallerkenerne. Eller svinger kruset med øl! Korn nok? Det var spørgsmålet for stenalderkvinden, som tæmmede kornet og frem til spørgsmålet ligesom gik i glemmebogen, og så lød det: Kød nok? Men nu er kornet igen kommet på den internationale dagsorden: Korn nok? At hver andet korn i dag går til dyrefoder eller til bioenergi, beskriver den nuværende udvikling. Kan den mon fortsætte – i et ændret klima, i en ny verdensorden? Bogens billedside er i absolut særklasse. Omkring 300 illustrationer rummer bogen.

  • - Uses of Botanicals
    af Mohd Kafeel Ahmad Ansari
    1.638,95 - 1.893,95 kr.

    Plant-based medicines and aromatics are increasingly in demand in the healthcare sector all over the globe, where they are used, not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also for maintaining good human health. Plants as Medicine and Aromatics: Uses of Botanicals reviews modern uses of ancient botanicals as medicine and aromatics, including chapters on both traditional usage to modern drug discovery development, as well as clinical research and development in ancient medicinal herbs.FeaturesAssesses the status of aromatics and medicinal plants as well as their modern uses.Elucidates the uses of plants within traditional culture practices for the prevention and treatment of diseases.Examines contemporary approaches being used to explore medicinal botany.A volume in the Exploring Medicinal Plants series, Plants as Medicine and Aromatics: Uses of Botanicals presents a comprehensive understanding in terms of modern uses of botanicals of medicinal and aromatic plants. It is useful to researchers, teachers, cultivators, students, and for those interested in herbal medicine.

  • af Felipe Luis Palombini
    1.024,95 kr.

    Bamboo is one of the most sustainable materials in nature due to its fast growth, rapid regeneration, outstanding mechanical properties, and applications in numerous industries. Latest technological advances have been allowing the plant to be studied and applied to exciting new projects. Being bamboo an icon of sustainable development, this book approaches the latest developments in the study of the plant, either as a natural resource or as a source of inspiration for more efficient designs. With the global urging demand for more sustainable practices, innovations in bamboo science and technology are key to the development of environmentally sound solutions.

  • af Altaf Ahmad
    519,95 - 1.971,95 kr.

    Herbal drugs play a pivotal role in modern medicine however only limited biotechnology application has been seen. Revolutions in high-throughput approaches emphasize omics approaches. A volume in the Exploring Medicinal Plants series, this book provides in-depth analysis of breakthroughs in the research of medicinal plants.

  • af Kamal Kishore Chaudhary
    2.163,95 kr.

    The Present Volume aims to summarize and update the information on utilization of soil microbes for management of plant parasitic nematodes. This volume will include more than 16 high quality chapters dealing with paradigms and mechanisms of nematode management using soil microbes, various soil microbes and their effectiveness in management of certain nematode diseases and regional case studies/success stories and lessons learnt for nematode management in various crops across the globe.Written for researchers, academicians, scientists, working in the field of Plant nematode management.

  • af Lee Newman, Sarvajeet Singh Gill, M. Naeem, mfl.
    1.981,95 - 1.990,95 kr.

  • af Nurlan Dulatbekov
    1.590,95 - 1.597,95 kr.

    The collection contains materials of archival documents and memoirs concerning the famine of 1931-1933 in Central Kazakhstan. Various documents from the archives reveal to the reader the most difficult period of the Soviet history of Kazakhstan, associated with the dispossession of the kulaks and debaiization of the Kazakh village and aul, Stalinist forced collectivization, forced sedentarization of nomadic Kazakh farms, large-scale cattle, meat and grain procurements, famine and epidemics in the republic. The publication introduces previously unpublished archival materials from the Central and regional archives of Kazakhstan into scientific circulation. In addition, the collection includes the memories of famine witnesses preserved by their descendants. The collection is addressed to researchers, students, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the history of Kazakhstan.

  • af Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu
    896,95 - 1.581,95 kr.

  • af Prasun Kumar
    1.561,95 kr.

  • af Hupenyu Allan Mupambwa
    1.732,95 - 2.163,95 kr.

  • af Ritu Mawar
    1.732,95 - 2.167,95 kr.

  • af Pierre Gasselin
    1.561,95 kr.

    This book analyses situations of coexistence and confrontation of agricultural and food models according to four major dimensions of territorial development: the tension between specialisation and diversification; innovation; adaptation; and food transition. New agricultural and food models are being deployed in territories around the world in response to criticisms of the old forms of agriculture and food production, and in order to meet new challenges. These models embody archetypes of the observed diversity, actors¿ projects or new norms.A number of conceptual studies and case studies from France and other countries allow us to understand the interactions between these models (confrontation, complementarity, co-evolution, hybridisation, etc.), taking us well beyond the characterisation of their diversity and the evaluation of their relative performances. The coexistence and confrontation of these models build up their capacity for radical change.The book asks original questions about the analytical framework, its methodological challenges and the expected outcomes for the support of agricultural and food development in rural and urban territories. It is intended for researchers, teachers, students and professionals interested in territorial development.Pierre Gasselin, Sylvie Lardon, Claire Cerdan, Salma Loudiyi and Denis Sautier are the scientific coordinators of this book. They are geographers and economists at CIRAD, INRAE and VetAgro Sup, where they conduct research on the transformation of agriculture, food systems and territories in France and other countries. This book is the result of a collective research process involving 36 authors from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Burkina Faso, France, Japan, Switzerland and Vietnam.Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, author of the Foreword, is Professor Emeritus of Rural Sociology at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands and Associate Professor of Agricultural Sociology at the China Agricultural University in Beijing. He has conducted extensive research on processes of agricultural transition and on dynamics of rural development.

  • af Vinod Kumar Yata
    1.956,95 - 1.965,95 kr.

  • af Naser A. Anjum
    1.512,95 kr.

    Phosphorus (P) stands second to nitrogen in terms of its essentiality as a plant macronutrient, as well as due to its involvement in almost all plant developmental stages, primary and secondary plant metabolisms, maintenance of membrane structures, and in the structural skeleton of major biomolecules. An optimum P-supply also helps plants combat abiotic stress impacts. Most P in soil remains unavailable for uptake by plants. P-containing fertilizers are being added to agricultural lands to sustain high yields. Only the least amount of the applied P (20%¿30%) is used by most cultivated plants, and the rest remains as legacy P (P surpluses), which eventually causes eutrophication. This book, Phosphorus in Soils and Plants, reviews P in soils and plants, P dynamics in the soil¿water¿sediment environment, the major roles of P in the photosynthetic dark phase-biochemical pathways, major approaches for the sustainable management of P in agriculture, main mechanisms underlying the role of P in the regulation of plant¿microbe interactions in the rhizosphere, literature on the role of microbial phosphate solubilization in management of soil and plant nutrients, and insights into P recovery through waste transformation. This volume is an important resource for plant biologists involved in teaching or research who wish to advance their knowledge of P in soils and plants.

  • af Tofael Ahamed
    2.497,95 kr.

    This book focuses solely on the issues of agricultural productivity analysis with advanced modeling approaches bringing solutions to food-insecure regions of the world, especially in south and southeast Asia and in Africa. Advanced modeling tools and their use in regional planning provide an outstanding opportunity to help face the challenges of climate change. The sudden effect of flash floods, drought, salinity, and sea water rises causing saltwater intrusions and its impact on agricultural production are some of the disastrous results of climate change.In this edited volume, information on climate-induced impacts for flooding, flash floods, and drought impact on agricultural crops is provided to address possible solutions for food security in south Asia, southeast Asia, and some regions of Africa. Leading-edge research methodology is presented as it relates to remote sensing applications for regional science and allied fields. In regional policy planning, agriculture andforestry play key roles in food security along with environmental conservation and depend on geo-spatial variability. Satellite remote sensing and geographical information systems have an immense potential to encompass all these factors and to catalogue the regional variability of climate change and climate economics. In the satellite remote sensing domain, advanced modeling tools, deep learning applications, and cloud-based earth engines significantly increase the flexibility of decision making and its application for regional perspectives. The result can increase agricultural and forest productivity and ensure its resilience and sustainability.The book¿s chapters introduce modeling techniques such as machine learning and fuzzy expert system using satellite remote sensing datasets based on cloud application. These methods assist regional planners to increase crop production, land use, and detection of changes in land cover in order to better understand their vulnerability toclimate-related disaster. Furthermore, remote sensing and in-depth GIS analysis are integrated with machine learning to address natural uncertainties such as flash floods, droughts, and cyclones so that emergency responses for agricultural production management can be adopted more effectively.

  • af Xiwen Chen
    1.221,95 - 1.573,95 kr.

  • af Simone Busetti
    512,95 - 1.578,95 kr.

    This book examines policy responses to food waste and loss, an issue of significant, global concern, with one-third of food produced for human consumption lost or wasted.

  • af Anushree S. Lokur
    1.476,95 kr.

    This book discusses the applications of nanotechnology in clinical microbiology, food microbiology, and green solutions of nanoparticles using microorganisms for a range of benefits. It describes nanotechnology¿s rapid progress in the development of materials used in industry, medicine, drug delivery, and dentistry. The authors further explore how microbiology and nanotechnology separately have proven to be effective for human health solutions keeping an ecological and environmental balance. Domains covered include environmental microbiology, medical microbiology, food microbiology (to control food spoilage), biosynthesis of nanomaterials using microorganisms, water microbiology, nanofluidic devices for isolation and analysis of individual biomolecules such as DNA that can lead to a new detection scheme for cancer, and various fields such as pharmacy, clinical research, agriculture etc. This book will be essential reading to a wide range of scholars and researchers interestedin microbiology along with nanotechnology applications for efficient solutions to cancer detection, biosensors, vaccines research, agriculture, wastewater management etc.

  • af Prabhu Pingali
    530,95 - 632,95 kr.

  • af Masudulla Khan
    2.497,95 kr.

    This book provides new insight and a better understanding of nanotechnology in mitigating crop biotic stresses.It covers crop diseases and different nano-based management strategies used to manage pathogens and plant-parasitic nematodes damaging crops. Nanoparticles have the potential to revolutionize crop yield and can control plant biotic stress. Nanotechnology in plant pathology is a new frontier among various nanotechnological applications. Nanotechnology applications include the development of nano-based pesticides and nanoformulations of chemicals for crop improvement by reducing biotic stress. Different nanomaterials like ZnONPs, SiO2NPs, CuONPs, AgNPs, and TiO2NPs have been examined for their impacts on plant growth and biotic stress management. This book deals with the advanced use of nanotechnology in managing the biotic stress of crops and improving crop production. It covers these issues and many more. Each chapter focus on one particular topic. Incorporate chapters provide detailed information on nanotechnology and may help in future research. This book will be useful for researchers, professors, and postgraduate and undergraduate students, especially concerning agriculture and plant pathology.

  • af Nitish Kumar
    2.718,95 kr.

    Industrial crops offer farmers new market opportunities to increase their revenue by producing high-value products, focusing on fiber, forest, and energy crops, industrial oilseeds, rubber and resins, pharmaceuticals, and more. Technological innovations in agriculture have facilitated higher yields, but conserving crop genetic resources and diversity remains crucial for sustainable agricultural production. This poses a challenge that can be addressed through modern tools of biotechnology and genomics, utilizing the wealth of sequenced plant genomes. This book addresses the need for knowledge in managing the risks and conservation of genetic diversity associated with advanced technology. It provides comprehensive coverage of plant genomics and biotechnology, catering to post-graduate students, researchers, employees of seed and biotechnology companies, as well as instructors in plant genetics, breeding, and biotechnology fields.

  • af Rupesh Deshmukh
    1.107,95 - 1.688,95 kr.

  • af Wesley A. C. Godoy
    1.958,95 kr.

    This book combines chapters emphasising mathematical, statistical, and computational modelling applied to insect populations, particularly pests or natural enemies in agricultural landscapes. There is a gap between agricultural pest experimentation and ecological theory, which requires a connection to supply models with laboratory, and field estimates and projects receiving inputs and insights from models. In addition, decision-making in entomology with respect to pest management and biological conservation of natural enemies has been supported by results obtained from different computational and mathematical approaches. This book brings contemporary issues related to optimization in spatially structured landscapes, insect movement, stability analysis, game theory, machine learning, computer vision, Bayesian modelling, as well as other frameworks.

  • af Alfred E. Hartemink
    1.391,95 kr.

    Sandy soils cover approximately 900 million ha worldwide, and there are extensive areas of sandy soils under cultivation. Most sandy soils have high water permeability, low water-holding capacity, low ability to retain and exchange nutrients, weakly developed soil structure and they may be prone to erosion by wind. As irrigation is required for obtaining good crop yields, there is a risk of substantial leaching of nutrients and pesticides, and ground water depletion. Due to global pressure on land resources, marginal soils such as sandy soils are taken into production or cultivated more intensely. Sandy soils ¿ as a group of soils with specific characteristics and ecological limitations ¿ have received limited research attention. This books presents the main papers from the Global Conference on Sandy Soils which was held in June 2023 in Madison, USA. This book focuses on novel and exciting aspects of research on sandy soils which is presented into three sections: Distributionand Assessment, Soil Carbon and Soil Health, and Water and the Environment. It presents a global glimpse on what recent progress has been in the study of sandy soil and their properties and management.

  • af James Adrian Bizzell
    184,95 - 321,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Graciela Metternicht, Joseph Alfred Zinck, Marcos Angelini & mfl.
    1.023,95 - 1.107,95 kr.

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