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  • af George W. Phillips
    313,95 kr.

  • af Sabine Graß
    133,95 kr.

    What appeals to you about beekeeping? Is it the prospect of producing your own honey and having the delicious natural product fresh on your breakfast table every morning? Or is it the fascination for the organism "bee", which stands out as a masterpiece of evolution? Perhaps it is a mixture of both.When you hold this book in your hands, you have an exciting journey ahead of you! Perhaps the first bees are already buzzing in your garden and flying from the hive to collect plentiful honey. Or maybe you're just toying with the idea of eventually acquiring a colony.This book provides you with a solid basic knowledge about beekeeping and the tasks involved, about honey extraction and processing, and ultimately, of course, about the honey bee.

  • af Albert John Cook
    363,95 kr.

  • af Craig P. Burrows
    295,95 kr.

    "Produced and originated by Blackwell and Ruth Limited"

  • af Kean Bratton
    383,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿ "Take Your Beekeeping to the Next Level!" - The ultimate guide to starting and thriving as a beekeeper! ¿¿¿ Are you ready to embark on a journey that will benefit you and the environment?Beekeeping is a rewarding hobby that provides numerous benefits, including pollination for your garden and delicious honey for your table. But getting started can be daunting.That's why we've compiled the latest and most significant secrets to help you raise your first bee colonies, create thriving beehives, and harvest delicious honey in your backyard.Here's what you'll learn:Key practices for launching your beekeeping adventure, including time responsibility and dealing with bee stings.A thorough historical overview of beekeeping, including the origins and evolution of beekeeping, distinguishing differences among bees, and the perception of beehives.An in-depth understanding of a bee's life, including its digestive, circulatory, and excretory systems, and the roles of queen bees, worker bees, drones, and more.How to select the perfect location for your beehive and how to prepare for building a beehive.The most effective methods for introducing bees into your colony include bundling bees and gathering swarms.A comprehensive guide to honey production and handling, including types of honey, honey evacuation and handling, and honey quality.How to store your honey, including liquefying granulated honey, bundling and naming, and showcasing.A detailed look at common bee diseases, parasites, and pests and how to effectively control and prevent them.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced beekeeper, "Beekeeping for Beginners" is your one-stop shop for everything beekeeping.With this comprehensive guide, you'll have all the knowledge and skills to start your beekeeping adventure today!ORDER YOUR COPY NOW and START YOUR JOURNEY TO BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL BEEKEEPER!

  • af Tai Wei Lim
    1.011,95 kr.

    China is now considered a tech superpower in many areas. This book illustrates certain aspects and case studies of China's technological developments and further analyzes them under various areas like coal energy, housing, connectivity, digital and space technologies. Furthermore, it examines technological developments in the periphery of China, focusing especially on Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). This book does not pretend to be comprehensive in its coverage albeit surveys a spectrum of sectors in China and Hong Kong to get an idea of their developments. By peering into China through the mainland continental perspective and also looking into China from its periphery (e.g., "Greater China" perspectives from HKSAR), this book provides readers with the broad contours of technological development in China through a multidisciplinary area studies perspective.

  • af Mihaly Hevesi
    168,95 kr.

    The use of honey, propolis, and bee venom helps in many conditions caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi either by destroying them or by stimulating our immune system.The author has collected the practices that have worked well in his four decades of experience as a beekeeper and self-healer for bacterial and viral infections like influenza, colds, gastric ulcers, reflux, insomnia, injuries, burns. This is a second updated edition with 40 pages more content including the instruction for a massage technique with bee venom cream, + an interview with a leading apitherapist"The title of this book may be provoking - writes the author in the introduction - but there is valid scientific proof in vivo that the compound of bee venom, called melittin can destroy the HIV-virus, Hepatitis-B- and C viruses and it can kill tumor cells."You'll learn from the book:Why the smart and regular consumption of honey is the best choice for protecting the balance of gut microbiota ecosystem, reducing high cholesterol levels, in some cases also obesity, getting rid of insomnia, improving blood sugar levels, and improving our immune system;How to use propolis as a powerful remedy for fighting bacterial. fungal and viral infections like gastric ulcers, influenza, colds, etc.How to prepare simple honey and propolis recipes/healthy and delicious substitutes for chocolates, sweets, and soft drinks.Why bee venom is a viable consideration for those suffering from long-lasting and chronic conditions like Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, other autoimmune diseases, aggravated influenza if controlled by an expert.Why some medical doctors propose bee venom and propolis in the recent pandemic for persons at the highest risk. You'll read about the science behind this suggestion.The author also describes how he keeps bees - besides in his apiary - in an observation hive that he uses for educational purposes and for self-healing.Reviews:A truly excellent book that you should have in your library! - Dr. Stefan Stangaciu, MD, General Secretary of the International Federation of ApitherapyThis book provides insight into natural alternatives to medication that are right in our kitchen. It gives easy-to-follow advice on how to use bee products to stay healthy and get well faster when we are ill and shares many of the author's own personal experiences. - Jennifer Tusz, Teacher (M.A.) DEAK FBees Help Fight Viruses is a needed book that contains the key to ending the cycle of infections that ruins many of our lives. A simple alternative medicine that works! And by the way, It's a good read! - Eve Bakos-Neurodevelopmental-TherapiesI've been susceptible to flu and colds for my entire life. And then I met Mihaly: he taught me how to use propolis and honey in my home pharmacy. He also showed me how to take some hygienic measures I've never heard before. He gave me back control over this issue that has plagued my life. - Andrea Kaufmann, Chief Content Officer, lingua-W

  • af Georgios Mavrofridis
    328,95 kr.

    The present book is an original study on beekeeping which, apart of course for the existing modern literature, is based on four pillars:1. the study of the relevant ancient Roman and Byzantine literature; 2. the study of the works by foreign travelers who visited Greece from the 17th to the 19th centuries to gather information on beekeeping and wicker hives;3. the study of archival, mainly unpublished, material; and4. the results of the author's on-the-spot investigations throughout Greece during the last seventeen years. All types of Greek woven hives are explored, as well as the methods of practicing beekeeping by these means during the last centuries. Their construction techniques and the materials used, both by the beekeepers themselves and by professional basket weavers, are also recorded. The proposed theses of the possible use of woven hives during the Bronze Age are examined, as well as all written sources concerning beekeeping with this sort of hive during Greco-Roman antiquity and the Middle Ages. The possible introduction of open-at-the-bottom wicker hives to the Greek region is also being investigated.Finally, the influence of a specific type of Greek woven hive, namely the open-at-the-top with movable combs, on the evolution of world beekeeping, both in the developed and the developing world, is examined.

  • af Jonathan Steele
    368,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿ "Take Your Beekeeping to the Next Level!" - The ultimate guide to starting and thriving as a beekeeper! ¿¿¿ Are you ready to embark on a journey that will benefit you and the environment?Beekeeping is a rewarding hobby that provides numerous benefits, including pollination for your garden and delicious honey for your table. But getting started can be daunting.That's why we've compiled the latest and most significant secrets to help you raise your first bee colonies, create thriving beehives, and harvest delicious honey in your backyard.Here's what you'll learn:Key practices for launching your beekeeping adventure, including time responsibility and dealing with bee stings.A thorough historical overview of beekeeping, including the origins and evolution of beekeeping, distinguishing differences among bees, and the perception of beehives.An in-depth understanding of a bee's life, including its digestive, circulatory, and excretory systems, and the roles of queen bees, worker bees, drones, and more.How to select the perfect location for your beehive and how to prepare for building a beehive.The most effective methods for introducing bees into your colony include bundling bees and gathering swarms.A comprehensive guide to honey production and handling, including types of honey, honey evacuation and handling, and honey quality.How to store your honey, including liquefying granulated honey, bundling and naming, and showcasing.A detailed look at common bee diseases, parasites, and pests and how to effectively control and prevent them.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced beekeeper, "Beekeeping for Beginners" is your one-stop shop for everything beekeeping.With this comprehensive guide, you'll have all the knowledge and skills to start your beekeeping adventure today!ORDER YOUR COPY NOW WITH "1-click" and START YOUR JOURNEY TO BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL BEEKEEPER!

  • af Kim Flottum
    233,95 kr.

    The Backyard Beekeeper, 5th Edition is your complete honey bee resource, loaded with essential information for beginning and maintaining healthy hives.

  • af L E Snelgrove
    233,95 kr.

    Born in 1879, Mr Snelgrove originated from Sutton Veny, near Warminster where his father was a blacksmith. He was educated at Culham College, Oxford and Bristol University. Mr Snelgrove became an assistant master at Weston-super-Mare Central School for Boys in 1900. In 1909 he became headmaster and in 1914 was appointed Inspector of Schools for Somerset Education Committee, a position he held for 31 years.After several years as an evening student at Bristol University Mr Snelgrove went to Queen's University, Belfast, as a graduate. In 1907 he took an honours science degree in physics and chemistryand in 1920 was awarded a M.Sc. degree for research on the etiology of the then named "Isle of Wight Disease of Bees". As a result of his research in Latin literature relating to Roman Bee Lore he obtained his MA degree in 1922. This volume is a copy of a previously unpublished typescript dated 1922 based on his MA research which was presented by his daughter Miss I Snelgrove to the IBRA(Biographical information taken from Somerset Beekeepers and Beekeeping Associations by David Charles 2005)

  • af Nelson Pomeroy
    288,95 kr.

    Bumblebee keeping is a unique enterprise. Forget what you know of (honey) beekeeping: this is a different game, and Nelson Pomeroy lays it bare.In a candid account of his career as a student, scientist, businessman and teacher, he details most aspects of working with bumblebees: outdoor nesting sites, laboratory observation hives, crop pollination and commercial-scale rearing. His innovations range from specialist concrete to electric heating systems, mass-producible colony starting containers and bumblebee feeding systems. Bumblebee colonies are small, with a peak of up to a few hundred bees. He grapples with this from various angles-from measuring colony productivity and foraging strength to measuring pollination stocking rates.Bumblebee Keeper blends a personal narrative with practical information. It will interest readers from pollination management through bee biologists to those with an interest in agro-technologies. It concludes with a selection of bumblebee conservation issues and challenges decision-makers on the best approach to sustainability of pollination for food security.

  • af Jean Martin
    278,95 kr.

    Si l'idée d'élever des abeilles vous trotte dans la tête mais que vous ne savez pas par où commencer, où trouver les abeilles, comment les installer, comment aménager vos ruches pour une production optimale de miel, comment maintenir la santé de votre colonie et bien plus encore, continuez à lire...Vous êtes sur le point de découvrir comment commencer à élever des abeilles pour le miel ou la cire, à partir de zéro, même si vous n'avez jamais rien fait de tel auparavant ! Les abeilles sont probablement les insectes les plus importants au monde, non seulement pour leur miel et leur cire, mais aussi parce qu'elles jouent un rôle important dans la pollinisation, ce qui signifie que sans elles, nous n'aurions probablement pas les fruits juteux que nous croquons. Il n'est pas étonnant que l'apiculture commerciale représente une valeur économique supplémentaire de 15 à 20 milliards de dollars chaque année ! Cela explique probablement pourquoi l'élevage d'abeilles devient de plus en plus populaire chaque jour - et ce n'est pas seulement parce que c'est un passe-temps intéressant, mais aussi parce que c'est l'un des meilleurs moyens d'économiser, de gagner de l'argent, de dynamiser votre jardin de plantes et d'obtenir les produits apicoles les plus propres et les plus sûrs (miel et cire) directement sur votre table.Et ce n'est pas tout.Ces insectes sont parmi les animaux les plus indépendants de la planète. En fait, ils préfèrent qu'on les laisse tranquilles. Il s'agit plus ou moins d'un jeu, fournissez-leur des conditions optimales pour qu'elles prospèrent en évitant les pesticides, et oubliez - les abeilles se débrouilleront toutes seules et n'auront besoin d'aucune autre contribution de votre part ! Et elles vous récompenseront largement pour cela avec des tonnes de miel, de cire et de plantes pollinisées !Oui, bon... tout cela semble appétissant, mais comment vais-je commencer ? Je n'ai jamais fait ça avant... Vous vous demandez ? Bonne question. Si vous avez de telles questions et préoccupations, alors vous avez besoin de ce guide de l'apiculture pour débutants. Ce livre vous fera découvrir tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette pratique facile, depuis le choix de l'abeille elle-même jusqu'à la vente du miel, en passant par l'installation de votre colonie, son alimentation et les problèmes courants, pour ne citer que quelques exemples.Plus précisément, ce livre vous apprendra :- L'histoire et l'évolution de l'apiculture, et ce que la recherche dit de cette pratique.- Les différents types d'apiculture - les avantages et les risques de l'apiculture- comment choisir le bon type d'abeille et installer la colonie d'abeilles- Les types de ruches et comment choisir celle qui vous convient le mieux- Ce que vous devez regarder lorsque vous inspectez votre ruche - Ce que vous devez savoir sur les prix du miel et la demande du marché- Ce qu'il faut savoir sur les activités des colonies aux différentes saisons- Comment récolter le miel et la cire d' bien d'autres choses encore !Donc, si vous avez toujours désiré établir vos propres ruches, mais que vous avez eu une certaine appréhension à commencer parce que vous ne pouviez pas trouver comment le faire sans risquer votre argent, votre temps et votre vie, je crois que vous avez maintenant une meilleure raison de commencer aujourd'hui !Même si vous êtes effrayé et confus, ce livre apaisera vos craintes et vous donnera la confiance nécessaire pour vous lancer et réussir !Il suffit de faire défiler la page et de cliquer sur Acheter en 1 clic ou sur Acheter maintenant pour transformer vos doux rêves en réalité !

  • af Alan Wade
    498,95 kr.

    Alan Wade is a research scientist and has kept bees for well over forty years. In Highways and Byways of Beekeeping he ventures down some of the many back roads beekeepers have taken. He explores the limits of our knowledge and understanding of honey bees while introducing us to some of the lost arts of beekeeping practice. Highways and Byways also explores the world of bees not amenable to being kept in hives.Highways focuses on the overarching life cycle of bees: the queen in the hive and the colony mission to reproductively swarm, elements of bee proclivity that the beekeeper needs to master. It then segues to hive management and hive construction practices that have enhanced their keep.Byways courses a broader view of what we know about the twelve or so species of honey bee and their many opportunistic foes. It also sketches the contributions of lesser known but exemplary beekeepers who have so fundamentally influenced the way Alan keeps bees.Highways and Byways of Beekeeping is a discursive take on the social life of bees and the way we interact with them. It calls for progressive beekeeping practice while avoiding a prescriptive approach to setting up and operating bee hives. Highways and Byways scopes the biology of honey bees and the very remarkable ways that beekeepers have kept them.

  • af Larisa Jasarevic
    358,95 - 993,95 kr.

  • af Adam Langstroth
    153,95 - 173,95 kr.

  • af Abu Hassan Jalil
    988,95 kr.

    Synopsis: This compendium is set in six parts covering the main Philippine regions. The first part is CALABARZON Region IVA which covers Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal & Quezon provinces. The second part is MIMAROPA Region IVB, and this covers Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon and Palawan. The third part is Bicol Region V and the fourth is Visayas Region VI, VII & VIII. This part covers the islands of Panay, Guimaras, Negros, Cebu, Bohol, Leyte and Samar. The next part covers Davao Region XI in Mindanao. The vignettes and notes on each part are accounts of meliponaries and observations by the author from visits to more than 70 meliponaries throughout the Philippines over six years. In the final part, 'Meliponiculture Distribution' in Central Luzon Regions I - III, and also the other regions not covered by the text, are shown in charts in the Appendices. The Addenda contain lists of beekeepers and meliponiculturists in the regions. The last section has excerpts from an advanced meliponiculture course. All the parts together contain 312 sets of more than 500 images and about two dozen charts, maps and tabulations. it is hoped this can be a useful learning aid for the conscientious beekeeper intending to advance their knowledge and meliponiculture skills in and around the Philippine region.

  • af Eduardo Herrera Gonzalez
    295,95 kr.

    "An introduction to the natural history of bees. Approximately half the bee genera occurring in Costa Rica are illustrated with close-up photographs, with notes on identification and biology. Also covered are enemies of bees, plants that attract bees, crops that are pollinated by bees, and practical suggestions on how to conserve and protect bees"-- Provided by publisher.

  • af Small Footprint Press
    228,95 kr.

  • af Adrian Quiney
    163,95 kr.

    People with a beginner's interest in bees are often disturbed to learn that their bees will die without some form of varroa mite control. I was, and some of mine did. Yet they didn't all perish. Data that I obtained from the Bee Informed Partnership for my region showed that the average overwintering survival rate for the bees of non-migratory beekeepers, even with chemical mite control, is around half. Luck, intuition, skepticism, thrift, research, the observations of others, and the help of generous online mentors has led me to develop a method that has allowed me to overwinter more than two thirds of my colonies consistently without chemical mite control. I have written this book to offer an alternative to traditional methods that have not been working for sustainable beekeeping. This book is meant to save you money and, increase your chances of having a surplus of bees in the spring.Adrian Quiney RN BSN

  • af Shamsul Bahri Abd Razak, Jumadil Saputra & Tuan Zainazor Tuan Chilek
    1.858,95 - 2.413,95 kr.

  • af Eric McEwen
    295,95 kr.

    "With over 100 color photographs and illustrations, Raising Resilient Bees is the comprehensive source for new and experienced beekeepers, offering a sustainable, natural, and repeatable model of care for hive health and production. Global pests and diseases present an unprecedented challenge for the modern honey bee. Hobby and commercial beekeepers alike continue to experience troubling rates of mortality for their colonies, with potentially deleterious consequences for the stability of our wider ecosystems and overall food security. It is time for a global focus on restoring the health of the shared apiary through naturally reared, genetically diverse, and resilient lines of bees. Raising Resilient Bees establishes these parameters and provides guidance for new and experienced beekeepers alike to translate these goals into real practice, thereby safeguarding the honey bee from the unknown threats of the future. Authors Eric and Joy McEwen take two decades worth of beekeeping experience, experiments, and professional production to deliver groundbreaking methods in queen-rearing, varroa mite management, and Natural Nest hive design. Inside, you'll discover: -Revived and adapted heritage Integrated Pest Management techniques -How to naturally rear queens and select for resilient, mite-resistant genetic lines without relying on swarming or grafting -Key tenets of apicentric beekeeping -Advice for establishing a flourishing and sustainable business with beekeeping at the center -How to naturally rear bees with distinctive characteristics suitable to their locale As in large-scale agriculture, the trend toward genetic homogenization is having long-term implications for bees' capacity to withstand diverse environmental stressors. With expert advice, enthusiasm, and easy-to-follow instructions, Raising Resilient Bees delivers important and timely information for every beekeeper to create a healthier future"--

  • af A. J. Cook
    273,95 - 373,95 kr.

  • af Howexpert & Emily Helton
    273,95 - 396,95 kr.

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