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Interne sociale medier vinder frem i nutidens organisationer, og de har potentialet til at blive medarbejdernes kommunikationsarena. Når medarbejdere får en stemme i organisationen, får ledere og medarbejdere en mulighed for at lytte til og forstå hinanden. Men det kræver, at organisationen skaber rammerne for det.Interne sociale medier er den første grundbog på dansk, som giver en samlet indføring i det faglige arbejde med interne sociale medier. Den giver brugbare teoretiske perspektiver og gør denne viden konkret og anvendelig gennem eksempler, praktiske anvisninger og en række aktuelle cases fra bl.a. LEGO, Velux, Jyske Bank, Dansk Flygtningehjælp og Frederikshavn Kommune.Bogen giver bl.a. viden om:Interne sociale medier som en multivokal kommunikationsarenaPsykologisk tryghed og åbent kommunikationsmiljø som forudsætninger i organisationenRollen som ansvarlig for interne sociale medierBrugertyper og kommunikationsrollerStrategisk intern lytningMedarbejderne som kommunikatørerKommunikativt leder- og medarbejderskab.Interne sociale medier henvender sig til studerende i kommunikation, ledelse eller IT på videregående uddannelser samt til ledere, kommunikatører og ansvarlige for interne sociale medier, som ønsker at forstå og udvikle kommunikationen på interne sociale medier. Bogen er solidt funderet i den nyeste forskning i intern kommunikation, interne sociale medier og medarbejderne som kommunikatører.
SoMe-eksperten Camilla Stemann guider læseren gennem de essentielle elementer til at skabe større synlighed, salg og trafik på en virksomheds sociale medier – alt sammen på letforståelig og pædagogisk vis. Læseren bliver udstyret med de nødvendige redskaber til at skabe stærke forbindelser til og indflydelse blandt sine følgere: Det drejer sig i høj grad om, hvor personlig man tør være – for jo mere personlig og autentisk profilerne fremstår, jo flere følgere resulterer det i.Camilla trækker på sin solidt forankrede viden, erfaring og data og præsenterer læseren for både teori og strategier og hands on-værktøjer, der er afgørende for at skabe overbevisende og konsekvent indhold. Vigtigst af alt lærer Camilla læseren kunsten at finde den perfekte balance mellem professionalisme og autenticitet. Bogen henvender sig til alle lige fra indehaveren af et personligt brand og den nyuddannede social media-manager til den ambitiøse virksomhedsleder. CAMILLA STEMANN er cand.comm. med speciale i autentisk brug af sociale medier og har mere end 12 års erfaring på området. Hun har hjulpet over 3000 personlige brands og virksomheder med at få succes på de sociale medier og er fast underviser på Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole med "Det ultimative SoMe-kursus". Camilla har 45.500 følgere på Instagram og flere end 10.000 abonnenter på sit nyhedsbrev.
'History is made up of myths,' writes the renowned Russian dissident journalist Mikhail Zygar. 'Alas, our myths led us to the fascism of 2022. It is time to expose them.' Drawing from his perilous career investigating the frontiers of the Russian empire, Zygar reveals how 350 years of propaganda, bad historical scholarship, folk tales and fantasy spurred his nation into war with Ukraine.A noted expert on the Kremlin with unparalleled access to hundreds of players in the current conflict - from politicians to oligarchs, gangsters to comedians (not least Zelensky himself) - Zygar chronicles the power struggles from which today's politics grew, and digs out the essential truths from behind layers of seductive legend. By surveying the strange, complex record of Russo-Ukrainian relations, WAR AND PUNISHMENT reveals exactly how the largest nation on Earth lost its senses. A work of history can't undo the past or transform the present, but sometimes it can shape the future.
Embrace WordPress to unlock creative possibilities, discovering new design tools and patterns that will elevate your website's aestheticKey FeaturesExplore WordPress pattern directory for free patterns and create captivating designs with less codingLearn to use design tools effectively, stay updated on their evolution, and find tools for third-party blocksMaster block styles by understanding their concepts, applications, and seamless theme integrationPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionExperience a revolutionary WordPress styling transformation with WordPress Styling with Blocks, Patterns, Templates, and Themes by uncovering a wealth of features that redefine the future of WordPress. This guide introduces you to full-site editing and block design tools that enable you to shape the overall aesthetics and layout of your dream website with unprecedented ease. Get ready to harness the power of diverse cutting-edge features as you delve into this WordPress book, focusing on the Gutenberg editing experience. Guided by examples that demonstrate effortless customization entirely suited to your preferences, you'll master the design tools, patterns, and full site editing capabilities to shape impactful websites that mirror your distinct vision and creativity. As you immerse yourself in the core of WordPress styling, you'll understand the rationale and terminology underpinning each element and how to use it to its full potential.By the end of this book, you'll be equipped to build your dream website, reflecting your distinctive style.What you will learnAcquire skills in block recognition, CSS-free customization, and identifying supported block design toolsRecognize the significance of global styles in modern WordPress themesLocate sources for block themes and kickstart personal creationsDiscover, create, and share editor patterns and integrate them into themesComprehend the WordPress Pattern Directory, locating and adding patternsMaster the effective use, availability, and implementation of website design toolsWho this book is forThis book is your go-to resource for exploring and unleashing your creative potential using the latest styling features available in WordPress. Whether you're a non-coder, a hobbyist, or a seasoned WordPress user, this guide will help you discover the full range of new options. With no prior knowledge assumed, each step is carefully explained to ensure that you make the most of the latest version. Starting with a no-code approach, the book progressively introduces some coding for those interested in taking their learning further.Table of ContentsIntroducing blocksBlock design toolsBlock stylesBlock and styles wrap-upUnderstanding block patternsDiscovering and creating block patternsDiscovering the WordPress Pattern DirectoryWrapping up patternsAn introduction to full site editingDiscovering and creating template partsDiscovering and creating templatesTemplates wrap-upUnderstanding how themes have changedDiscovering stylesDiscovering WordPress block themesWrapping up themes
In this provocative new book, Lucy Ash reveals how, under Putin, religion is being stripped of its spiritual content and used as a weapon to control the population in a way never seen before. Orthodox clerics and their acolytes are trying to drag Russia backwards into a new Middle Ages.Combining historical research with vivid present-day reportage, The Baton and the Cross explores the impact the Church is having on millions of Russians' lives - from the tower blocks of Moscow and the big cities to far-flung villages in Siberia. Delving into the underbelly of politics, state security and big money, Ash shows how these forces have formed an unholy alliance with Orthodoxy.
Take a trip around the world of technical wonders with our in-depth manual, "iPhone 16 User Guide." This approachable handbook is international in scope, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the iPhone 16's marvels. Regardless of your level of experience with technology, this guide will help you make the most out of Apple's most recent flagship iPhone.With "iPhone 16 User Guide," you'll have the skills and information necessary to utilize your iPhone 16 to its full potential wherever you are in the globe. This user-friendly manual will assist you in navigating and making use of all the features and capabilities of the iPhone 16, regardless of your level of technical expertise. Prepare to travel the world discovering technological wonders and improve your iPhone experience with our in-depth guide.Important characteristics:¿¿¿¿ Examine Cutting-Edge Functionalities: Explore the cutting-edge features of the iPhone 16, including its sophisticated functionality and svelte form, and learn how it raises the bar for smartphones.¿¿¿¿ Insights into Global Connectivity: Recognize how the iPhone 16 guarantees uninterrupted worldwide connectivity, enabling you to stay connected wherever life may lead you.¿¿¿¿ Comparisons with Rivals: Make an informed choice by gaining knowledge from in-depth comparisons with major devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, iPhone 11, iPhone 14, OnePlus 11, and iPhone 13.¿¿¿¿ Evolutionary Timeline: Follow the progression of the iPhone, starting with the iPhone 11 and ending with the iPhone 14, as well as the OnePlus 11, to see how the iPhone 16 evolved.¿¿¿¿ Unlocked Freedom: Discover the advantages of having an unlocked iPhone and look at models like the iPhone XR and iPhone SE, which provide unrivaled connectivity freedom all over the world.¿¿¿¿ Mastery of the Pro Max Series: Improve your photographic abilities with the Pro Max series, which includes the most recent iPhone 14 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max, and iPhone 11 Pro Max.¿¿¿¿ Privacy and Protection: Make sure your data is safe by prioritizing privacy with accessories like the Speck iPhone 14 Pro Case and Privacy Screen iPhone 14 Plus.¿¿¿¿ Sonic Excellence: Upgrade your listening experience by immersing yourself in sonic splendor with accessories like Raycon Earbuds, Apple Headphones, and Apple AirPods Max.¿ Wearable Tech Revolution: Embrace the future with the Series 8, Series 9, Series 7, and Series 6 Apple Watches, which will effortlessly integrate into your daily activities and provide you with worldwide connectivity.¿¿¿¿ Entertainment Redefined: With a look at Apple TV, Apple TV 4K 3rd Generation, and Apple TV Ultra, you can redefine your entertainment experience and enjoy a worldwide cinematic experience.¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Fitness and Connectivity: Adopt a healthy lifestyle with the Fuel Rod and Peloton Guide, accessories that will help you stay connected across the world and advance your fitness goals.Don't pass up this chance to master the iPhone 16. Get "iPhone 16 User Guide" now to improve your tech experience and become a part of the worldwide community of iPhone enthusiasts who have embraced the future!
Unlock the hidden potential of blogging with 'Blogging Income Genesis: The Secret Blueprint for Maximizing Profits From Blogging With Minimum Risk.' Discover proven strategies and insider tips to turn your blog into a lucrative income stream. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned blogger, this comprehensive guide provides practical steps to skyrocket your earnings while minimizing risks. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your passion into profit. Get your copy now and start your journey to blogging success
Diese Studie widmet sich der Bedeutung des Einsatzes von Miniaturen beim Unterrichten der Werke von Alisher Navoi im Bereich der Literaturdidaktik. Die Bedeutung der Verwendung von Miniaturen im Unterricht der Werke von Alisher Navoi, die Vorteile, Möglichkeiten und Annehmlichkeiten der innovativen pädagogischen Technologien, die im Unterricht der Werke von Alisher Navoi verwendet werden, werden hervorgehoben, und die Erfahrung ihrer Verwendung im Sprachunterricht in unserem Land und im Ausland wird untersucht.Das erste Kapitel der Arbeit beschreibt die theoretischen Fragen des Themas. Das Kapitel beschreibt die Bedeutung des Einsatzes von Miniaturen im Unterricht zu den Werken von Alisher Navoi sowie theoretische und wissenschaftliche Ansichten über die Analyse von Miniaturen und Miniaturschulen. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die pädagogischen Grundlagen des Unterrichts, der Lehrplan des erziehungswissenschaftlichen Programms, die Aufgaben zur vergleichend-typologischen Analyse während des Praktikums zum Thema und die methodische Unterstützung des Praktikums dargestellt.Abdullaeva Madina Madaminovna ist Literaturwissenschaftlerin, Doktorandin der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Republik Usbekistan.
Este estudo é dedicado à importância da utilização de miniaturas no ensino das obras de Alisher Navoi no domínio da metodologia do ensino da literatura. Destaca-se a importância da utilização das miniaturas no ensino das obras de Alisher Navoi, as vantagens, possibilidades e conveniências das tecnologias educativas inovadoras utilizadas no ensino das obras de Alisher Navoi e estuda-se a experiência da sua utilização no ensino das línguas no nosso país e no estrangeiro. O capítulo descreve a importância da utilização das miniaturas no ensino das obras de Alisher Navoi, bem como os pontos de vista teóricos e científicos sobre a análise das miniaturas e as escolas de miniaturas. No segundo capítulo, são apresentados os fundamentos pedagógicos do ensino da disciplina, o programa do curso de ciências da educação, as tarefas de análise comparativo-tipológica durante a formação prática da disciplina, o suporte metodológico da formação prática.Abdullaeva Madina Madaminovna é uma estudiosa da literatura, doutoranda da Academia de Ciências da República do Uzbequistão.
Dannoe issledowanie poswqscheno znacheniü ispol'zowaniq miniatür w prepodawanii proizwedenij Alishera Nawoi w oblasti metodiki prepodawaniq literatury. V rabote raskrywaetsq znachenie ispol'zowaniq miniatür w prepodawanii proizwedenij Alishera Nawoi, osweschaütsq preimuschestwa, wozmozhnosti i udobstwa innowacionnyh obrazowatel'nyh tehnologij, ispol'zuemyh w prepodawanii proizwedenij Alishera Nawoi, izuchaetsq opyt ih primeneniq w qzykowom obrazowanii w nashej strane i za rubezhom.V perwoj glawe raboty raskrywaütsq teoreticheskie woprosy temy. V glawe opisywaetsq wazhnost' ispol'zowaniq miniatür w obuchenii tworchestwu Alishera Nawoi, a takzhe teoreticheskie i nauchnye wzglqdy na analiz miniatür i miniatürnye shkoly. Vo wtoroj glawe dany pedagogicheskie osnowy prepodawaniq predmeta, uchebnyj plan uchebno-nauchnoj programmy, zadaniq po srawnitel'no-tipologicheskomu analizu na prakticheskih zanqtiqh po predmetu, metodicheskoe obespechenie prakticheskih zanqtij.Abdullaewa Madina Madaminowna - uchenyj-literaturowed, doktorant Akademii nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan.
Questo studio è dedicato all'importanza dell'uso delle miniature nell'insegnamento delle opere di Alisher Navoi nel campo della metodologia di insegnamento della letteratura. L'importanza dell'uso delle miniature nell'insegnamento delle opere di Alisher Navoi, i vantaggi, le possibilità e le convenienze delle tecnologie didattiche innovative utilizzate nell'insegnamento delle opere di Alisher Navoi sono evidenziati, e l'esperienza del loro uso nell'educazione linguistica nel nostro Paese e all'estero è studiata.Il primo capitolo del lavoro descrive le questioni teoriche dell'argomento. Il capitolo descrive l'importanza dell'uso delle miniature nell'insegnamento delle opere di Alisher Navoi, nonché i punti di vista teorici e scientifici sull'analisi delle miniature e sulle scuole di miniatura. Nel secondo capitolo vengono fornite le basi pedagogiche dell'insegnamento della materia, il syllabus del programma di scienze dell'educazione, i compiti di analisi comparativa-tipologica durante la formazione pratica sulla materia, il supporto metodologico della formazione pratica.Abdullaeva Madina Madaminovna è una studiosa di letteratura, dottoranda dell'Accademia delle Scienze della Repubblica dell'Uzbekistan.
Cette étude est consacrée à l'importance de l'utilisation des miniatures dans l'enseignement des ¿uvres d'Alisher Navoi dans le domaine de la méthodologie de l'enseignement de la littérature. L'importance de l'utilisation des miniatures dans l'enseignement des ¿uvres d'Alicher Navoï, les avantages, les possibilités et les commodités des technologies éducatives innovantes utilisées dans l'enseignement des ¿uvres d'Alicher Navoï sont soulignés, et l'expérience de leur utilisation dans l'enseignement des langues dans notre pays et à l'étranger est étudiée.Le premier chapitre du travail décrit les questions théoriques du sujet. Le chapitre décrit l'importance de l'utilisation des miniatures dans l'enseignement des ¿uvres d'Alicher Navoï, ainsi que les points de vue théoriques et scientifiques sur l'analyse des miniatures et des écoles de miniatures. Le deuxième chapitre présente les fondements pédagogiques de l'enseignement du sujet, le programme des sciences de l'éducation, les travaux d'analyse comparative et typologique pendant la formation pratique sur le sujet, le soutien méthodologique de la formation pratique.Abdullaeva Madina Madaminovna est une spécialiste de la littérature, doctorante à l'Académie des sciences de la République d'Ouzbékistan.
¿nternetin Gazetecilik ve Haber Kültürüne Etkileri: Gazetecilerin Konuya Dair Yaklä¿mlar¿Eren Ekin ErcanKanaat Önderi mi? Sembolik Seçkin mi? Tan¿nan Habercilere Yönelik Youtube ¿zleyici Yorumlar¿ Üzerinden Bir MaxQda Çal¿¿mas¿Serkan BulutGençlerin Sosyal Medyay¿ Kullanma Deneyimleri: Anadolu Üniversitesi ¿leti¿im Bilimleri Fakültesi Son S¿n¿f Ö¿rencileri Üzerine Bir AnalizTezcan Özkan Kutlu, Ferhat YasavSosyal Televizyon Bälam¿nda Yerli Dizilerin Sosyal Medya Kullan¿m¿ Üzerine Bir ¿nceleme: Sen Çal Kap¿m¿ Örne¿iÜrün Y¿ld¿ran ÖnkReklam¿n ¿¿leyi¿ Sürecinde Etki Hiyerar¿isi Modelleri ve Sosyal MedyaSimge AksuHalkla ¿li¿kiler Uzmanlar¿ Nereye Köuyor? Sosyal Medyan¿n Ruhunu Yakalamak Mümkün mü?Berrin Balay Tuncer¿nsan Kaynaklar¿ Yönetiminde Sosyal MedyaBeste Gökçe ParsehyanCovid¿19 Pandemi Sürecinde 'Influencer Marketing'Zeynep Alkan, Sevilay UläKriz ¿leti¿imi Bälam¿nda Covid 19 Salg¿n¿ Süresince Säl¿k Bakan¿ Fahrettin Koca'n¿n Sosyal Medya Araçlar¿ndan Twitter'¿ Kullan¿m¿ Üzerine Bir De¿erlendirmeÖmer Faruk ÖzgürSäl¿k ¿leti¿imi Kavram¿ ve Sosyal Medyada Säl¿kl¿ "Säl¿k ¿leti¿imi"Seçil Utma
Sevilay Ulä - Kâr Amac¿ Gütmeyen Kurumlar ve Etkile¿im ¿li¿kisinde Sosyal Medyan¿n RolüEmel Demir Askerölu - Halkla ¿li¿kiler Perspektifinden Säl¿k ¿leti¿iminde Uygulama ve Örneklerle Instagram Kullan¿m¿Seçil Utma - Säl¿k ¿leti¿imi ve Sosyal Medya ¿li¿kisi: Säl¿k Okuryazarl¿¿¿ Kavram¿ Çerçevesinde Kuramsal Bir De¿erlendirmeSimge Aksu - Säl¿k ¿leti¿iminde Sosyal Medya Kullan¿m¿n¿n EtkileriAli Emre Dingin - Sosyal Medyan¿n Örgütlenme GücüHicabi Arslan, Asl¿han Topal, Gizem Gürel Dönük - Ele¿tirel Medya Okuryazarl¿¿¿nda Yeni Boyut: Sosyal Medya Okuryazarl¿¿¿Dilan Çiftçi, Pelin Agocuk - Sosyal Medya Devrimleri ve Siyasal ¿leti¿im Alan¿ Olarak SinemaMustafa Aslan, Serhat Yetimova - Sinema Filmlerinin Tan¿t¿m ve Pazarlanmas¿nda Sosyal Medyan¿n Etkisi: 2019 Y¿l¿ Türkiye Örne¿iTezcan Özkan Kutlu - Sosyal Medya ve Yeni Yay¿nc¿l¿k Formlar¿: Türkiye'de Podcast Yay¿nc¿l¿¿¿n¿n Geli¿imiMenderes Akdä - K¿sa Film Atölyelerinin Çocuklarda ve Gençlerde Sosyal Medya Bä¿ml¿l¿¿¿n¿n Azalt¿lmas¿ndaki Rolü
Good old-fashioned associate promotion is the lifeblood of many businesses, but it is often underrated or disregarded in favour of other factors. In this handbook, I will take you on a journey through the inner workings of a well-oiled associate software. We'll discuss everything from the importance of using one of these systems to getting associates to sell when you need them to, as well as some statistics to help you prove that this is one of the most profitable aspects of online business, and I'll make sure to include at least one interactive quiz to make things more exciting and to test your knowledge.
If you're looking for a way to create your own following, share your passions, and make reliable income while doing it, then Social Media Influencer: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Social Media Influencer Career is for you! From Tiktok and Instagram to YouTube, there are tons of ways to monetize a social presence. We're living in the age of the influencer, and it's easier than ever before to make money from your home. If you're looking to build your brand or already have a business, reaching a wide audience is the key to sustained success. Social media is a great source of passive income, and you can make reliable, great money while amassing a group of followers when you share your talents with your world using the resources in Social Media Influencer: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Social Media Influencer Career . No matter what you have to share with the world - whether it's business savvy tips or tips for the perfect airbrushed makeup look - there is an audience for it!The best part is, you don't need to do a ton to get started! Inside Social Media Influencer: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Social Media Influencer Career, you will discover:How to find your social media niche and the importance of connecting with your audience to build a loyal followingThe best ways to successfully reach your target audience, learn what they want, and give it to them better than your competitorsWhat you need to navigate the social platforms, including creating effective content strategies and schedules, optimizing your channels, and branding yourself for successHow to create viral content that actually brings in followers, using your influence to attract money through brand deals, partnerships, and affiliate products...PLUS the tips, tricks, and resources to keep you on track at every stage of the planning process! Social media is now more important than ever, and you don't want to miss your chance to jump in. You can reap all of the benefits while getting your product, ideas, or talents out there to thousands (if not millions!) of people. Create your amazing brand and make real money with Social Media Influencer: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Social Media Influencer Career !
The main unifying theme is the idea of an intelligent agent. AI is the study of agents that receive percepts from the environment and perform actions. Each such agent implements a function that maps percept sequences to actions, and covers different ways to represent these functions, such as reactive agents, real-time planners, and decision-theoretic systems, and explains the role of learning as extending the reach of the designer into unknown environments and show how that role constrains agent design, favoring explicit knowledge representation and reasoning and treat robotics and vision not as independently defined problems, but as occurring in the service of achieving goals. The importance of the task environment is in determining the appropriate agent design. Our primary aim is to convey the ideas that have emerged over the past fifty years of AI research and the past two millennia of related work and tried to avoid excessive formality in the presentation of these ideas while retaining precision.
Unleash your financial prowess with "The Girl Math Bible" by Penny Wise! Navigate the world of savings, bargains, and happiness through the Girl Math Formula. From mastering negotiation to tackling dilemmas, this book is your ultimate guide to a frugal yet fulfilling lifestyle.
Die Zukunft des Einkaufens beginnt jetzt - Sind Sie bereit?Das Einkaufen im Internet ist längst zur Routine geworden, doch eine bahnbrechende Veränderung steht bevor. In diesem visionären Buch erkunden Sie die Zukunft des Online-Handels, in der fortschrittliche Kundenbindungs- und Vergütungssysteme neue Standards setzen. Entdecken Sie, wie Sie durch Empfehlungen nicht nur kaufen, sondern auch verdienen können, und lernen Sie die Mechanismen hinter diesem revolutionären Ansatz kennen. Es werden sowohl die Chancen als auch die Herausforderungen dieses Modells beleuchtet, um eine nachhaltige und faire Kundenbeteiligung zu fördern. Tauchen Sie ein in diese faszinierende Welt und erfahren Sie, wie die E-Commerce-Branche kurz davor steht, in eine neue Ära der Kundenbindung und finanziellen Freiheit einzutreten. Sind Sie bereit, Teil dieser Revolution zu sein?
The dark web is the internet's evil twin, where anything can be bought and sold. Drugs, weapons, and hackers-for-hire are available at the touch of a button.¿Most who visit merely look around, happy to satisfy their curiosity before leaving, never to return. But some are sucked into the criminal underworld and find themselves doing things they would never have contemplated in the real world ordering a hit on a love rival or bidding on an auction for the people in this book a Minnesota dog trainer is found dead of an apparent suicide after detectives find her details on a dark web murder-for-hire site. Learn who created the Dark Web and how long it's been in existence. Discover the people who dedicated their lives to the technology that runs the Dark Web, and why they made such sacrifices. You'll read about those who rose to dizzying heights plumbing riches in the dark net, and who fell because of their vanity and overconfidence.
Le nombre d¿utilisateurs de téléphones mobiles croît de façon exponentielle. Cette expansion se traduit aujourd¿hui par le fait que nous sommes souvent au voisinage immédiat d¿un émetteur radio. Les interactions avec les tissus biologiques de l¿être humain sont de deux types: les effets thermiques, dues à l¿échauffement induit par les ondes dans le corps humaine, et les effets athermiques qui regroupent les effets biologiques qui ne se manifestent pas par élévation de la température des tissus. Pour étudier cette propagation, plusieurs méthodes de modélisation numériques ont été développées. C¿est dans ce cadre qüon se propose d¿analyser les conséquences possibles de ces absorptions sur notre système nerveux, en étudiant les effets thermiques de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques. Son principal objectif consiste à évaluer le débit d¿absorption spécifique (DAS) le long de la tête humaine pour les fréquences 900, 1800 et 2450 MHz. Pour ce faire, un programme de simulation basée sur la méthode de matrice de lignes de transmission étendue aux milieux dissipatifs inhomogènes a été développé et mis au point. Les résultats de cette étude sont synthétisés sous forme de graphes.
Embark on a transformative journey through the digital landscape with "Social Sector - Check What Awaits You," a compelling guide that unveils the hidden threats lurking in the vast realms of the internet. Authored with expertise and insight, this book is an essential companion for anyone navigating the online world. Explore the intricacies of cybersecurity, social engineering, and digital privacy, gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges that await you. With real-world examples and practical advice, "Social Sector" empowers readers to safeguard themselves against cyber threats, ensuring a more confident and secure online presence. The narrative is engaging, providing a riveting exploration of the evolving social sector and the potential dangers it holds. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a concerned parent, or a digital novice, this book offers invaluable insights and tools to navigate the digital landscape with resilience and awareness. Don't miss the opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge needed to thrive in the online realm - "Social Sector" is your indispensable guide to a safer and more informed digital future.
This book discusses the origins of internet in the context of globalization, the emergence of World Wide Web and Podcasting phenomena. It focuses on a young man's opinion in the context of digitalization and war. The author uses a historical perspective and his journalistic ability to objectively describe Joe Rogan as an individual who has influence on society due to his communication output. The book is full of humorous takes on irreversible societal and technological changes, war, and communication as a whole. This book is recommended for everyone interested in politics, podcasting, comedy or technology. 'Creating these robots and observing how they learn, we want to see how they gradually begin to understand that they are created by us, that their existence is conditioned by simulation. Doing all this, being so inventive, we find a way to continue fighting. Rivers of blood flow. The gods of war are pleased, but their hunger never ends. The technologies I mentioned earlier march hand in hand with human interest. Drones are used to blow up houses, and artificial intelligencespies on your private life. Private? What's that? Artificial intelligence continues to carry packets encoded with ones and zeros through fields and mountains, carried by electricity and thin cables. Bullets, explosions, dirt, and poverty are much closer and more tangible concepts for an ordinary worker...In Ukraine, the land is nourished by blood, ashes, and the remains of the fallen. Later, it will yield crops and sunflowers. Fields and meadows will flourish. The harvest will be abundant because the fertilizers were highly effective and plentiful. The fields will fall under Corporate America and Corporate Deutschland. They will cultivate and sell food for future generations. Everything is planned and calculated. Fields will be worked by robots, occasionally unearthing the bones of Ukrainian soldiers.'
Stay prepared for the next wave of technological innovation with VR and AR¿DESCRIPTION Virtual and extended reality technologies have come a long way since their inception, and today, they are poised to change how we work, learn, and interact with the world. From gaming and entertainment to education, healthcare, and beyond, these technologies have the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. Understand the advancement of VR hardware, then master immersive design principles and analyze the powerful role of AI in XR. Explore the frontiers of VR/AR applications, from revolutionizing healthcare with virtual surgery simulations to bringing history to life with interactive AR experiences. Learn the business landscape of VR/AR, perfect the ethical considerations, and gain a deep understanding of the technical workings behind these incredible technologies. With practical guidance on building VR apps in Unity and monetizing your creations.By the end of the book, readers will have a deep understanding of the potential benefits and risks of these technologies, as well as the knowledge and tools needed to build successful VR and AR applications that are both innovative and ethical.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN¿ Understand fundamentals of Immersive technologies like AR, VR, and XR.¿ In-depth understanding of the concepts of presence.¿ Understand the ethical considerations surrounding VR and AR.¿ How VR applications can be built with unity and the scope of monetization.WHO THIS BOOK IS FORThis book is for tech enthusiasts, educators, healthcare professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs alike, offering a captivating journey into the future of immersive technologies.
Unlock the full potential of Streamlit, mastering web app development from setup to deployment with practical guidance, advanced techniques, and real-world examplesKey FeaturesIdentify and overcome web development challenges, crafting dedicated application skeletons using StreamlitUnderstand how Streamlit's widgets and components work to implement any kind of web appManage web application development and deployment with ease using the Streamlit Cloud servicePurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionThis book is a comprehensive guide to the Streamlit open-source Python library and simplifying the process of creating web applications. Through hands-on guidance and realistic examples, you'll progress from crafting simple to sophisticated web applications from scratch. This book covers everything from understanding Streamlit's central principles, modules, basic features, and widgets to advanced skills such as dealing with databases, hashes, sessions, and multipages.Starting with fundamental concepts like operation systems virtualization, IDEs, development environments, widgets, scripting, and the anatomy of web apps, the initial chapters set the groundwork. You'll then apply this knowledge to develop some real web apps, gradually advancing to more complex apps, incorporating features like natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, dashboards with interactive charts, file uploading, and much more. The book concludes by delving into the implementation of advanced skills and deployment techniques.By the end of this book, you'll have transformed into a proficient developer, equipped with advanced skills for handling databases, implementing secure login processes, managing session states, creating multipage applications, and seamlessly deploying them on the cloud.What you will learnDevelop interactive web apps with Streamlit and deploy them seamlessly on the cloudAcquire in-depth theoretical and practical expertise in using Streamlit for app developmentUse themes and customization for visually appealing web apps tailored to specific needsImplement advanced features including secure login, signup processes, file uploaders, and database connectionsBuild a catalog of scripts and routines to efficiently implement new web appsAttain autonomy in adopting new Streamlit features rapidly and effectivelyWho this book is forThis book is for Python programmers, web developers, computer science students, and IT enthusiasts with a foundation in Python (or any programming language) who have a passion for creating visually appealing applications. If you already know how to write programs, this book will help you evolve into an adept web application developer skilled at converting command-line tools into impressive, cloud-hosted applications.Table of ContentsGetting to Know Streamlit - A Brief OverviewSetting Up the Python Coding EnvironmentExploring Streamlit's Features and FunctionalityStreamlit Essentials - Configuring the Environment, Managing Packages, and MoreOrganizing and Displaying Content with Columns, Expanders, and NLP TechniquesImplementing NLP Techniques for Text Analysis and Processing in StreamlitSharing and Deploying Your Apps on the Cloud Using Streamlit ShareAdvanced Environment Setup and Package Management for Building an AI-Powered Web AppOptimizing Streamlit Web App UX with Customization and UI FeaturesUtilizing Pretrained Models to Create Specialized and Personalized Web Applications(N.B. Please use the Look Inside option to see further chapters)
Digitale medier griber ind i vores liv på flere og flere måder og påvirker stadigt nye arenaer i vores samfund og vores hverdagsliv – fra de mest intime livsområder til de storpolitiske spilleregler. Vi forstår og fremstiller os selv på nye måder, vi skaber relationer anderledes end tidligere, og vilkårene for den offentlige debat er markant forandret.Samtidig påvirkes de digitale mediers udvikling også af stukturene og værdierne i det samfund, de er opstået i, og digitale medier fungerer som katalysator for allerede eksisterende samfundstendenser.DIGITAL KULTUR – EN INTRODUKTION TIL DIGITALE MEDIER OG SAMFUND belyser denne gensidige påvirkning mellem de nye kommunikationsmidler og den kultur, de er en del af.Forfatterne sporer den digitale kulturs historie og undersøger de tendenser og handlemønstre, der skabes og nedbrydes i vekselvirkningen mellem digitale medier og samfund.Bogen består af fire dele, der til sammen præsenterer en bred vifte af tilgange til at forstå og analysere digital kultur:Del 1 opridser det komplekse sammenspil mellem det digitale og samfundet, indkredser de digitale mediers væsentligste kendetegn og opridser de seneste 40 års debat om digitale medier.Del 2 præsenterer tre forskellige teoretiske perspektiver, der kan anlægges i analysen af digitale medier: et kommunikationsfagligt perspektiv, et teknologisk perspektiv og et antropologisk, kulturanalytisk perspektiv.Del 3 introducerer læseren til brugen af algoritmer og belyser dataindsamling og personalisering i relation til emner som overvågning og selvovervågning.Del 4 stiller skarpt på sociale aspekter af digitaliseringen, herunder forskellige interaktions- og deltagelsesformer på sociale medier samt deres betydning for politisk kommunikation og offentlig debat.Bogen henvender sig især til studerende på universiteterne, men kan læses af enhver, der interesserer sig for eller arbejder med digitalisering og nye kommunikationsformer i et samfundsperspektiv.
Nestrukturirowannye dannye - äto dannye, kotorye ne imeüt zaranee ustanowlennoj formy ili struktury i soderzhat mnogo textowyh dannyh. Tipichnymi nestrukturirowannymi sistemami qwlqütsq älektronnye pis'ma, otchety, telefonnye razgowory ili soobscheniq i t. d. Osnownoj cel'ü dannoj raboty qwlqetsq izwlechenie klüchewyh slow iz razgowora s pomosch'ü metodow roewogo intellekta (SI). Klüchewye slowa gruppiruütsq w sootwetstwii s ih klassifikaciej i zatem predlagaütsq pol'zowatelü. V predlagaemoj rabote, blagodarq ispol'zowaniü metodow perekrestnogo poiska, klüchewye slowa legko iskat' i predostawlqt' nekotorye wazhnye klüchewye slowa. Dlq poiska i klasterizacii ispol'zuütsq otdel'nye algoritmy. Dlq klasterizacii ispol'zuetsq algoritm "swetlqchok", kotoryj pozwolqet wyqwit' pohozhie klüchewye slowa. Rezul'taty pokazywaüt, chto metody SI imeüt luchshij äffekt i shodimost' po srawneniü s suschestwuüschimi raznoobraznymi metodami izwlecheniq klüchewyh slow.
Les données non structurées sont celles qui n'ont pas de forme ou de structure préétablie et qui sont pleines de données textuelles. Les systèmes non structurés typiques comprennent les courriels, les rapports, les conversations téléphoniques ou par messagerie, etc. L'objectif principal de ce travail est d'extraire les mots-clés d'une conversation à l'aide de techniques d'intelligence artificielle (SI). Les mots-clés sont regroupés en fonction de leur classification, puis suggérés à l'utilisateur. Dans le travail proposé, en utilisant des techniques de recherche croisée, les mots-clés sont faciles à rechercher et fournissent quelques mots-clés importants. Des algorithmes distincts sont utilisés pour la recherche et le regroupement. L'algorithme Firefly est utilisé pour le regroupement afin d'identifier les mots-clés similaires. Enfin, les résultats montrent que les techniques SI ont un meilleur effet et une meilleure convergence par rapport aux diverses techniques d'extraction de mots-clés existantes.
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