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Webgrafik og webdesign

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  • - Adobe Creative Cloud CC
    af Daniel Riegels, Anne Sofie Olesen & Anders Bennekou
    208,95 kr.

    Alt du behøver at vide om Adobe Creative Cloud. Skab bøger, illustrationer og tryksager af professionel kvalitet med de grafiske programmer i Adobe Creative Cloud. Adobe er verdens førende producent af software til grafik, foto- og videoredigering. Med denne bog lærer du at arbejde smartere med de seneste udgaver af programmerne Photoshop CC, InDesign CC og Illustrator CC. Lær alt om hvordan Photoshop CC bruges til alt fra simple justeringer af billeder til hvordan du kan bruge redskaber som kloning og pensler til at finjustere grafik og foto ned til mindste detalje. Få mere ud af InDesign CC ved at lære om programfaciliteter som master-sider, listeopstillinger, fodnoter og tastaturgenveje. Få tips og tricks til design af tryksager, og hvordan du får det bedste resultat ved publicering af bøger, e-bøger, brochurer, plakater, visitkort mm. Vi gennemgår også Illustrator CC, som er et tegneprogram til udarbejdelse af tegninger, logodesign, wireframes til hjemmesider og meget mere. Du lærer hvordan du nemt og effektivt kan opbygge forskellige former for illustrationer. I Illustrator CC arbejder du med vektorgrafik. Det har den fordel, at det kan skaleres i uendelighed uden tab af kvalitet. Hver enkelt side beskriver en enkelt funktion i det pågældende program. Du kan derfor bruge bogen som et opslagsværk. Gennem letforståelige instruktioner får du for eksempel styr på hvordan du deler billeder, filer og andet indhold med Adobe Creative Cloud. Skrevet til begyndere såvel som øvede med lyst til at arbejde kreativt.

  • af Tom Simons
    146,95 kr.

    TommyInnit Says...The Quote Book is an exciting collection penned by none other than Tom Simons. Published recently on the 13th of October, 2022, this book has quickly made its mark in the literary world. The genre of this book is hard to pin down, as it encapsulates a range of emotions and experiences that are universal yet uniquely presented. The book is a testament to Simons' wit and wisdom, as it captures his most memorable quotes in a beautifully designed package. Published by Quercus Publishing Plc, this book is a must-have for fans of Simons and those who appreciate thought-provoking quotes. With TommyInnit Says...The Quote Book, each page turn brings a new insight, a new laugh, or a new perspective. Grab your copy today and dive into the mind of Tom Simons.

  • af Emil M Frandsen & Steeven Spangsdorf
    314,95 kr.

  • - Fra semiotisk design til strukturerede data
    af Lars Johnsen & Carl-Henrik Nielsen
    288,95 kr.

    Denne lærebog handler om nyere tendenser i moderne webdesign og om, hvordan man kan designe for såvel mennesker som medier og maskiner. Bogen fokuserer således på, hvordan man kan strukturere og kode indhold på websider, herunder mobile websider, således at det ikke alene kan opfattes af mennesker, men også sådan, at noget af dette kan læses, afkodes og anvendes af websystemer så som søgemaskiner, sociale medier og andet software.Bogen retter sig mod studerende og undervisere på videregående uddannelser, der arbejder med digitalt design i bred forstand samt andre med interesse for webdesign og -udvikling i en professionel kontekst.

  • - Fra idé til digital prototype
    af Morten Rold
    348,95 kr.

    Du kender nok frustrationen ved websites og apps, hvor interfacet er så besværligt at bruge, at du opgiver det, du ville. Omvendt er der tilfredsstillelsen, når interfacet er så intuitivt og enkelt at bruge, at det føles, som om det er skræddersyet til en. Interfacedesign – Fra idé til digital prototype lærer dig at designe et interface, der “føles rigtigt” for brugeren.I bogen deles designprocessen op i fem trin, der sikrer, at du får forholdt dig aktivt til de problemstillinger, der er særligt afgørende i forhold til interfacedesign, og samtidig sørger for, at du som designer får brugt dine ressourcer mest effektivt. Du lærer bl.a. at arbejde med idé- og konceptudvikling, skitsering, brugerflows, wireframes, typografi, farver, navigationsdesign og digitale prototyper.Bogen henvender sig til kommende og nuværende multimediedesignere, webdesignere, interaktionsdesignere, grafiske designere, UI-/UX-designere, frontend-udviklere og andre, der arbejder med visuelt design og design af digitale brugeroplevelser.2. udgave er gennemrevideret med nye eksempler og indeholder et nyt kapitel om test af interfaces.

  • af Uijun Park
    223,95 kr.

    Engaging users is essential to every area of online business... Discover everything you need to know to make sure that happens.Are you considering a career in UX design? Or maybe you collaborate with UX designers and don't fully understand what it is they do...It's a field that flummoxes many people because it's such a fast-growing industry, and if you have no background in design, it can seem like an intimidating field to break into.But UX design is critical to success in any online business - and you need only check the most recent statistics to see why...A negative user experience will compel 89% of consumers to use a competitorA well-designed and strategic user experience design can boost conversion rates by 400%And that's just the tip of the iceberg.It's clear to see that UX design is crucial... but the best part is that once you begin to understand how it works, it's a truly exciting field to work in.As you get to know more about what users want and find innovative ways to cater to their needs, you'll realize the power UX designers have... and you'll want to soak up information that will help you improve your design at every possible opportunity.The field of UX design is a field of growth and potential - not just for business, but for designers themselves. And no matter how inexperienced you feel you are right now, you're in exactly the right place to fling open the doors to an exciting future as a designer.Inside this comprehensive yet straightforward guide, you'll discover:The fundamentals of UX design demystified and clearly explainedHow UX design affects business success - and what you need to know to get your business on the right trackThe difference between UX design and UI design - and why it matters5 essential DESIGN THINKING steps to creating a UX design that truly engages users3 reasons why originality isn't the most important part of the equation (and what is!)Real-life case studies that illustrate design thinking (see what you can apply to your own process)Industry-proven UX design principles that serve as shortcuts to becoming a great designer quickly.How to establish a clear roadmap for a successful UX careerHow you can develop your skills to visualize ideas clearly... so you can bring them to lifeThings you need to know about creating a UX/UI portfolio (and why you'll want to do this)Essential design tools you need to know aboutAnd much more.¿If you're worried that your lack of design experience will prevent you from excelling in the field of UX, think again.No matter what your experience, you can make a success of UX design and enter an exciting and ever-changing new world. And you're in exactly the right place to get started...Discover the potential of UX design... and harness its incredible power

  • - Visual Presentation for the Web
    af Eric A. Meyer & Estelle Weyl
    713,95 kr.

    If youre a web designer or app developer interested in sophisticated page styling, improved accessibility, and saving time and effort, this book is for you. This revised edition provides a comprehensive guide to CSS implementation, along with a thorough review of the latest CSS specifications.CSS is a constantly evolving language for describing the presentation of web content on screen, printers, speech synthesizers, screen readers, and chat windows. It is used by all browsers on all screen sizes on all types of IoT devices, including phones, computers, video games, televisions, watches, kiosks, and auto consoles. Authors Eric Meyer and Estelle Weyl show you how to improve user experience, speed development, avoid potential bugs, and add life and depth to your applications through layout, transitions and animations, borders, backgrounds, text properties, and many other tools and techniques.This guide covers:Selectors, specificity, and the cascadeValues, units, fonts, and text propertiesPadding, borders, outlines, and marginsColors, backgrounds, and gradientsFloats and positioning tricksFlexible box layoutThe new Grid layout system2D and 3D transforms, transitions, and animationFilters, blending, clipping, and maskingMedia and feature queries

  • - A JavaScript and jQuery Developer's Guide
    af Addy Osmani
    524,95 kr.

    With Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, youll learn how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language. If you want to keep your code efficient, more manageable, and up-to-date with the latest best practices, this book is for you.Explore many popular design patterns, including Modules, Observers, Facades, and Mediators. Learn how modern architectural patternssuch as MVC, MVP, and MVVMare useful from the perspective of a modern web application developer. This book also walks experienced JavaScript developers through modern module formats, how to namespace code effectively, and other essential topics.Learn the structure of design patterns and how they are writtenUnderstand different pattern categories, including creational, structural, and behavioralWalk through more than 20 classical and modern design patterns in JavaScriptUse several options for writing modular codeincluding the Module pattern, Asyncronous Module Definition (AMD), and CommonJSDiscover design patterns implemented in the jQuery libraryLearn popular design patterns for writing maintainable jQuery plug-ins"e;This book should be in every JavaScript developers hands. Its the go-to book on JavaScript patterns that will be read and referenced many times in the future."e;Andre Hansson, Lead Front-End Developer, presis!

  • af Martin Simon
    378,95 kr.

    Denne bog giver dig alt, hvad du behøver at vide for at komme i gang med Lightroom i 2024-udgaven og tidligere udgaver - også hvis du er en helt ny bruger af Lightroom. Du lærer om hele processen, fra start til du er godt i gang. Installering af programmet via Creative Cloud, som du lærer det meste om. Hvordan du importerer billeder/videoer til skyen og opretter en database, så du nøjagtig ved, hvor billeder og videoer er placeret. Du lærer også, hvordan du arbejder med billeder/videoer på disk uden at uploade til skyen, som er en stor nyhed i Lightroom, og du lærer, hvordan du håndterer, organiserer og søger efter billeder plus meget mere.I anden halvdel af bogen lærer du om de mange muligheder, du har for at billedbehandle i Lightroom. Alle former for billedbehandling bliver gennemgået i bogen også de mere avancerede muligheder samt AI-baserede funktioner. Billedbehandlingen er fantastisk og ikke destruktiv – dine original-filer ændres aldrig, medmindre du selv sletter original-filer manuelt.Hvis Photoshop er installeret på computeren, og du vil billedbehandle med lag, kan du sende et billede til Photoshop og billedbehandle med lag og synkronisere det tilbage i Lightroom.

  • af Giles Turnbull
    264,95 kr.

    This is a short, practical guide for people and teams who are keen to start working in the open. Agile comms is a set of simple techniques for bringing work and comms closer together - it helps teams communicate about work, as it happens.Giles Turnbull has worked with lots of teams in government and the private sector, helping them bring a more accessible, human tone to their communication material. This book brings together the things he's learned along the way.Agile comms isn't the same as content design, but the two ideas have a lot in common. This book is useful for content designers, product owners, delivery managers, user researchers, comms professionals, strategists, founders, digital transformation professionals and senior leaders. It's lively, accessible, readable and short. There are tea-related jokes.

  • af Dan Mall
    588,95 kr.

    After years of building the same interface elements, some designers and developers get wise and try to create reusable, common solutions to help everyone stop reinventing the wheel every time. Most fail. In Design That Scales, design systems expert Dan Mall draws on his extensive experience helping some of the world's most recognizable brands create design practices that are truly sustainable and successful."Dan's book is a game-changer for our approach to design systems, leading to significant changes at my company, making it a must-read for streamlining anyone's complex design systems!" --Nadine Sarraj, Product Designer, 365 Retail Markets"A lively and paradigm-challenging evaluation of what makes good system designs work at any scale."--Kirkus Reviews Who Should Read This Book?People who are building and maintaining design systems, large or small. Designers, engineers, and product managers who are in search of a more efficient way to work. Leaders and executives who want to effect change but aren't sure how to do it. People who have designed web forms and tables, but don't know what's next.TakeawaysA design system is crucial for any organization managing two or more digital products. Learn how to create, manage, and sustain a successful design system.See how the ecosystem of a design system works in order to understand the context for success.Figure out where the people involved in a design system fit and how they can best collaborate.Learn the metrics for success within a design system and how to measure them.Determine the best techniques for marketing your design system to stakeholders.Learn what guidance and relationships are crucial for a design system to succeed.See the end-of-chapter questions that highlight how to guide your design system to a profitable outcome.

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    408,95 kr.

    Como Aprender HTML5, CSS e Javascript, Volumen 2.Eu sei que existem recursos online mais do que suficientes para ensinar aos iniciantes tudo o que eles precisam para aprender o desenvolvimento web do zero. Mas este livro é diferente porque aborda alguns problemas de desenvolvimento web. A credibilidade de um desenvolvedor web é muito mais do que suas credenciais. Na verdade, trata-se da força de seu portfólio.As oportunidades de emprego geralmente vêm de amostras de trabalho e habilidades concretas, em vez de um diploma universitário. Então, você precisa aprender bem o suficiente. Este livro não apenas ajudará você a aprender bem e a construir um portfólio impressionante, mas também fornecerá ajuda e suporte contínuos.Com este livro e minha equipe dedicada de ajuda e suporte 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, não há nada a temer. Eu ajudei muitos desenvolvedores web a atualizar suas habilidades de desenvolvimento, lançar carreiras de sucesso e serem contratados para trabalhos remotos. Percebo que mesmo os iniciantes mais ambiciosos podem ter problemas, como não conseguir decidir por onde começar. Às vezes, eles se perdem completamente no caminho e, portanto, precisam de mais ajuda.A verdade é que todo mundo precisa de ajuda em um ponto ou outro para aprender html5, CSS ou Javascript corretamente em sua jornada de desenvolvimento web. Coloquei desafios de codificação suficientes e suas soluções neste livro. Você obterá folhas de dicas atualizadas regularmente, exercícios de codificação, um impressionante portfólio de desenvolvedor da Web para mostrar suas amostras de trabalho, projetos práticos, gráficos e capturas de tela usados neste livro. Você também obterá mais ajuda se usar o link de suporte gratuito no final deste livro. Vou ajudá-lo a aprender bem.Por fim, se você comprar este livro, vou adicioná-lo à minha comunidade de desenvolvimento web para que você possa continuar a aprender e obter mais ajuda até se tornar um profissional bem pago.

  • - How to Uncover Compelling Insights
    af Steve Portigal
    358,95 - 628,95 kr.

    Interviewing is a foundational user research tool that people assume they already possess. Everyone can ask questions, right? Unfortunately, that's not the case. Interviewing Users provides invaluable interviewing techniques and tools that enable you to conduct informative interviews with anyone. You'll move from simply gathering data to uncovering powerful insights about people.

  • - Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services
    af Jon Yablonski
    508,95 kr.

    An understanding of psychologyspecifically the psychology behind how users behave and interact with digital interfacesis perhaps the single most valuable nondesign skill a designer can have. The most elegant design can fail if it forces users to conform to the design rather than working within the blueprint of how humans perceive and process the world around them. This practical guide explains how you can apply key principles in psychology to build products and experiences that are more intuitive and human-centered. Author Jon Yablonski deconstructs familiar apps and experiences to provide clear examples of how UX designers can build experiences that adapt to how users perceive and process digital interfaces.Youll learn:How aesthetically pleasing design creates positive responsesThe principles from psychology most useful for designersHow these psychology principles relate to UX heuristicsPredictive models including Fittss law, Jakobs law, and Hicks lawEthical implications of using psychology in designA framework for applying these principles

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    408,95 kr.

    I know there are more than sufficient resources online to teach absolute beginners everything they need to learn web development from scratch. But this book is different because it addresses a few web development problems. The credibility of a web developer is much more than their credentials. It's actually about the strength of their portfolio.Employment opportunities often come from work samples and concrete skills, rather than a college degree. So, you need to learn well enough. This book will not only help you learn well and build a stunning portfolio, it will also provide you continuous help and support.With this book and my dedicated 24/7 help and support team, there's nothing for you to fear. I have helped many web developers update their development skills, launch successful careers and get hired for remote jobs. I notice that even the most ambitious beginners can run into problems, such as unable to decide where to begin. Sometimes they get completely lost on the way and therefore need further help.The truth is everyone needs help at one point or the other to learn html5, CSS or Javascript correctly in their web development journey. I put sufficient coding challenges and their solutions in this book. You will get regularly updated cheat sheets, coding exercises, a stunning web developer portfolio to show off your work samples, practice projects, and graphics/screenshots used in this book. You will also get further help if you use the free support link at the bottom of this book. I will help you learn well.Finally, I will add you to my web development community so you can continue to learn and get more help until you become a well-paid professional.

  • af Andy Gardiner
    543,95 kr.

    Layout multipage documents faster for print and digital output in this part-color guide, with consistent control over typography, color and positioning, all whilst using the latest Adobe InDesign 2023 features to automate repetitive and complex tasksKey Features- Create engaging design solutions for print and digital media such as posters, magazines, books, and brochures- Master the powerful tools InDesign offers to simplify complex tasks and avoid potentially disastrous mistakes- Discover InDesign best practices to increase productivity and speed up the design process with this illustrated guideBook DescriptionAdobe InDesign is the leading desktop publishing and layout software for producing brochures, magazines, flyers, books, posters, and a wide range of digital documents. It allows you to rapidly draft your documents with precise control over typography, images, positioning, alignment, color, and other interactive features. However, InDesign's interface, tools, and workflows can be a bit challenging to get to grips with. This cookbook will assist you in building unparalleled InDesign workflows with tried and tested recipes.With Designing the Adobe InDesign Way, you'll learn how to add and edit content, create color swatches, and use features such as tables, all while applying software best practices and techniques to ensure that your work is fast, efficient, and easily maintained. Additionally, you'll explore advanced InDesign features such as text styles, parent pages, tables of contents, and pre-flighting. Finally, you'll take a closer look at the many export options in InDesign and ways to truly maximize its capabilities.By the end of this book, you'll be well equipped to draft and design your own projects while ensuring your work is compatible with industry standards for print and digital documents.What You Will Learn- Navigate and customize the InDesign interface- Understand how to set up new documents for different types of content- Explore how to add and adjust content within your documents- Discover a range of tools to speed up your workflow and make you more efficient- Check your documents for errors and make the required corrections- Share your document output in different formats based on specific requirementsWho this book is forThis book is for marketing and communications professionals, marketing executives, marketing managers, marketing assistants, communications officers, communications managers, graphic designers, publishers, bids and tender teams, PR professionals, and brand managers looking to gain a deep understanding of InDesign. Anyone seeking to learn InDesign to create more professional content and advance their skills will find the book useful.Table of Contents- Customizing the InDesign Interface and New Document Settings- Working with Text in InDesign- Creating and Using Tables- Using the InDesign Frame Tools- Adding Images to Your Document- Taking Images Further - Creating and Applying Parent Pages- Working with Colours and Gradients- Formatting with Paragraph and Character Styles- Generating and Updating a Table of Contents- Creating Interactivity and PDF Forms- Using and Collaborating with CC Libraries- Preflighting and Outputting

  • af Ojula Technology Innovations
    408,95 kr.

    Como Aprender HTML5, CSS e Javascript BemEu sei que existem recursos online mais do que suficientes para ensinar aos iniciantes tudo o que eles precisam para aprender o desenvolvimento web do zero. Mas este livro é diferente porque aborda alguns problemas de desenvolvimento web. A credibilidade de um desenvolvedor web é muito mais do que suas credenciais. Na verdade, trata-se da força de seu portfólio.As oportunidades de emprego geralmente vêm de amostras de trabalho e habilidades concretas, em vez de um diploma universitário. Então, você precisa aprender bem o suficiente. Este livro não apenas ajudará você a aprender bem e a construir um portfólio impressionante, mas também fornecerá ajuda e suporte contínuos.Com este livro e minha equipe dedicada de ajuda e suporte 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, não há nada a temer. Eu ajudei muitos desenvolvedores web a atualizar suas habilidades de desenvolvimento, lançar carreiras de sucesso e serem contratados para trabalhos remotos. Percebo que mesmo os iniciantes mais ambiciosos podem ter problemas, como não conseguir decidir por onde começar. Às vezes, eles se perdem completamente no caminho e, portanto, precisam de mais ajuda.A verdade é que todo mundo precisa de ajuda em um ponto ou outro para aprender html5, CSS ou Javascript corretamente em sua jornada de desenvolvimento web. Coloquei desafios de codificação suficientes e suas soluções neste livro. Você obterá folhas de dicas atualizadas regularmente, exercícios de codificação, um impressionante portfólio de desenvolvedor da Web para mostrar suas amostras de trabalho, projetos práticos, gráficos e capturas de tela usados neste livro. Você também obterá mais ajuda se usar o link de suporte gratuito no final deste livro. Vou ajudá-lo a aprender bem.Por fim, se você comprar este livro, vou adicioná-lo à minha comunidade de desenvolvimento web para que você possa continuar a aprender e obter mais ajuda até se tornar um profissional bem pago.

  • af Hannah Milloch
    103,95 kr.

    In the book "Create a New Website with WordPress and Joomla," author Hannah Milloch presents a comprehensive guide that equips readers with the knowledge and skills needed to create their own dynamic websites using two popular content management systems, WordPress and Joomla. With Milloch's expert guidance and practical instructions, readers will embark on an empowering journey, mastering the art of web design and establishing a compelling online presence. Milloch begins by introducing the key features and benefits of both WordPress and Joomla, enabling readers to make an informed choice based on their specific needs and preferences. Through clear explanations and hands-on examples, she guides readers through the installation and setup process, ensuring a solid foundation for their website-building journey. As the book progresses, Milloch delves into the customization options available in both platforms. Readers will learn how to select and personalize themes, templates, and layouts, enabling them to create visually stunning websites that align with their brand or vision. From choosing color schemes to organizing content, Milloch's guidance ensures that readers can design websites that leave a lasting impression on visitors. In addition to aesthetics, Milloch emphasizes the importance of website functionality. Readers will explore the extensive plugin libraries of WordPress and Joomla, discovering how to integrate essential features such as contact forms, social media sharing, e-commerce capabilities, and more. Milloch's instructions enable readers to enhance user experience and meet the unique needs of their target audience. Furthermore, the book delves into content creation and management, offering valuable insights on structuring pages, creating engaging blog posts, and optimizing content for search engines. Milloch's practical tips empower readers to create compelling, high-quality content that drives traffic and encourages visitor engagement.Recognizing the significance of responsive design in the mobile era, Milloch dedicates a section to ensuring that websites are optimized for various devices. Readers will learn how to make their websites accessible and visually appealing across desktops, tablets, and smartphones, enabling seamless user experiences regardless of the platform. "Create a New Website with WordPress and Joomla" also covers essential website maintenance and security practices, teaching readers how to protect their websites from threats, perform backups, and ensure smooth operation and updates. Milloch's insights into website management empower readers to maintain a professional online presence with ease. Whether readers are beginners or seasoned web designers, entrepreneurs, or bloggers, "Create a New Website with WordPress and Joomla" provides an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to establish a robust online presence. With Milloch's guidance, readers will gain the skills and confidence to create stunning websites that effectively convey their message, attract visitors, and achieve their online goals using the powerful combination of WordPress and Joomla.

  • af Joel Marsh
    395,95 kr.

    Many UX designers are surprised to learn that much of the job isn't about drawing things. It's about knowing what to draw and how to convince people to build it. Whether you're a one-person design team making products from scratch or a C-level product leader managing many products and strategies, UX for Business is your missing guide to real-world business design. You'll not only learn how to think about design as a professional but also discover how design can move the needle for your entire company. Author Joel Marsh helps you understand stakeholders, business models, the process of designing valuable solutions, dangerous choices that can ruin a product, and how to gain the attention your work deserves. You'll also explore the principles of designing common types of digital products and services, from portfolio sites to social networks to ecosystems. With this book, you'll learn: How to design the right things by understanding value, diagnostics, and probability How to conduct UX research and analysis without the luxury of time or money The most important aspects of common digital business models Methods for getting things done under less-than-ideal circumstances How to avoid common pitfalls caused by inexperience

  • af Calvin Baltimore
    143,95 kr.

    People now have more power than ever before to make a fortune on the Internet. That includes you.Whether you're a part-time dabbler, an existing marketer looking for serious passive income who just can't get consistent sales with your current funnel, or a newbie with no experience and a lot of desire, you have the ability to pull six-figure profits off the Internet as consistently and routinely as clockwork. In fact, the only thing that distinguishes the wannabes from the wealthy, the tinkerers from the doers, is that successful Internet entrepreneurs have learnt how to efficiently and persistently draw people to whatever it is they are delivering in an ever-changing Internet world.This book contains more information on how to make money on the internet during these difficult times. Get your copy today!

  • af Preston So
    368,95 kr.

    From stone tablets to paper pages to backlit screens, humans have always created and shaped content to fit the containers available to us. But increasingly, the lines between our physical and digital surroundings are blurring-and we need to design usable and accessible content for an ever-expanding array of contexts.Preston So guides designers, content strategists, and engineers on a journey through the emerging realm of immersive content design. Learn to create incisive and inclusive user-centered experiences across augmented, extended, and virtual realities, transforming the physical world into an exciting new canvas for content.THIS BOOK EXPLORES:Immersive tech like beacons, digital signs, and extended realityAssessing and leveraging existing content for immersive environmentsTechniques for storyboarding, diagramming, and mapping spatial contentStrategies for designing accessible and inclusive immersive contentBest practices for testing immersive content

  • af Pascal Thormeier
    398,95 kr.

  • af Scott Jehl
    223,95 kr.

    Responsive design has immeasurably improved multi-device, multi-browser visual layout-but it's only the first step in building responsively. Learn how to turn a critical eye on your designs as you develop for new contexts (what does mobile really mean?) and screen features, speedy and lagging networks, and truly global audiences. Serve the right content across platforms, and tune for performance. Scott Jehl tackles those topics and more, ensuring that the sites and apps you build today last far into the future.

  • af Eric Meyer
    248,95 kr.

    You can't always predict who will use your products, or what emotional state they'll be in when they do. But by identifying stress cases and designing with compassion, you'll create experiences that support more of your users, more of the time.Join Sara Wachter-Boettcher and Eric Meyer as they turn examples from more than a dozen sites and services into a set of principles you can apply right now. Whether you're a designer, developer, content strategist, or anyone who creates user experiences, you'll gain the practical knowledge to test where your designs might fail (before you ship!), vet new features or interactions against more realistic scenarios, and build a business case for making decisions through a lens of kindness. You can't know every user, but you can develop inclusive practices that support a wider range of people. This book will show you how.

  • af Erica Jorgensen
    728,95 kr.

    Good content isn't magical--it's thoughtful, creative, and well researched words put together with finesse. In Strategic Content Design, you'll learn how to create effective content, using hard-won research methods, best practices, and proven tips for conducting quantitative and qualitative content-focused research and testing."This is me, shouting from the rooftops: Strategic Content Design belongs in the hands of absolutely anyone who cares about content in UX--by which I mean EVERYONE."--Kristina Halvorson, CEO and Founder, Brain TrafficWho Should Read This Book?Content professionals of all types--copywriters, strategists, designers, managers, operations managers, and leaders of content people. It's also useful if you're part of a user experience or product team, including UX writers, researchers, and software developers.TakeawaysRealistically assess the current state of your content.Learn how to write content research questions. Create a content research study and evaluate your content&apos: s effectiveness. Identify which specific words or content elements to test. Analyze your research results. Identify which specific words or content elements to test.Determine which research methods and tools are ideal for your team's content research needs.Elevate the role of content design in your company, proving that content is key to creating an outstanding customer experience--and improving your bottom line.Create a content research roadmap.Learn from professional content people in case studies that highlight practical examples.

  • af Dan Mall
    208,95 kr.

    Pricing projects can feel tricky, but it doesn't have to be. Dan Mall explains how to earn more, by understanding what goes into a price (and why hourly rates don't work) and what your clients really want-and are willing to pay for. Learn the right questions to ask and when, and ways to turn client requirements into numbers, with a real-world example from Dan's agency. Whether you're running a shop or going solo, this is a book you can't afford to miss.

  • af Rachel Nabors
    233,95 kr.

  • af Ibrahim Nugwa Abdulrazak
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    Harness the latest capabilities of HTML5 and CSS to create a single UI that works flawlessly on mobile phones, tablets, and desktops - plus everything in-between - now with color images!Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF format.Key Features:Understand what responsive web design is and its significance for modern web developmentExplore the latest developments in responsive web design and CSS, including layout with Grid and Subgrid, CSS Cascade Layers, Wide Gamut colors, and CSS FunctionsGet to grips with the uses and benefits of new HTML elements and attributesBook Description:Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS, Fourth Edition, is a fully revamped and extended version of one of the most comprehensive and bestselling books on the latest HTML5 and CSS techniques for responsive web design. It emphasizes pragmatic application, teaching you the approaches needed to build most real-life websites, with downloadable examples in every chapter.Written in the author's friendly and easy-to-follow style, this edition covers all the newest developments and improvements in responsive web design, including approaches for better accessibility, variable fonts and font loading, and the latest color manipulation tools making their way to browsers. You can enjoy coverage of bleeding-edge features such as CSS layers, container queries, nesting, and subgrid.The book concludes by exploring some exclusive tips and approaches for front-end development from the author.By the end of the book, you will not only have a comprehensive understanding of responsive web design and what is possible with the latest HTML5 and CSS, but also the knowledge of how to best implement each technique. Read through as a complete guide or dip in as a reference for each topic-focused chapter.What You Will Learn:Use media queries, including detection for touch/mouse and color preferenceLearn HTML semantics and author accessible markupFacilitate different images depending on screen size or resolutionWrite the latest color functions, mix colors, and choose the most accessible onesUse SVGs in designs to provide resolution-independent imagesCreate and use CSS custom properties, making use of new CSS functions including 'clamp', 'min', and 'max'Add validation and interface elements to HTML formsEnhance interface elements with filters, shadows, and animationsWho this book is for:Are you a full-stack or back-end developer who needs to improve their front-end skills? Perhaps you work on the front-end and you need a definitive overview of all modern HTML and CSS has to offer? Maybe you have done a little website building but you need a deep understanding of responsive web designs and how to achieve them? This is the book for you! All you need to take advantage of this book is a working understanding of HTML and CSS. No JavaScript knowledge is needed.

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