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  • - En fortælling om stråleapparater og fødselsdag
    af Kirstine Monefeldt Lindgaard
    177,95 kr.

    Bogen her handler om brystkræft og operation. Den er en del af en lille serie af børnebøger, der omhandler de trebehandlingstiltag, som brystkræftpatienter typisk gennemgår: operation, kemoterapi (enten før eller efter operation) og strålebehandling. Alle brystkræftforløb er forskellige, men temaerne er universelle. Hvordan forklarer man et barn, hvad en kræftcelle er, og hvad behandlingen gør? Hvordan får man talt om frygt, ondt i maven, hårtab, ar, træthed og meget andet?Bogen er en invitation til samtale om det, barnet kan genkende sig selv i – rammet ind af et magisk illustrativt univers i børnehøjde. Den henvender sig til børn i alderen6-12 år og er tænkt til højtlæsning. Børn har brug for samtalerom det, der er svært og nyt. Ellers efterlades de alene medderes forestillinger. Denne lille serie af små bøger behandlerstore spørgsmål og lige så store følelser.

  • - En fortælling om hår og kemoterapi
    af Kirstine Monefeldt Lindgaard
    177,95 kr.

    Bogen her handler om brystkræft og operation. Den er en del af en lille serie af børnebøger, der omhandler de trebehandlingstiltag, som brystkræftpatienter typisk gennemgår: operation, kemoterapi (enten før eller efter operation) og strålebehandling. Alle brystkræftforløb er forskellige, men temaerne er universelle. Hvordan forklarer man et barn, hvad en kræftcelle er, og hvad behandlingen gør? Hvordan får man talt om frygt, ondt i maven, hårtab, ar, træthed og meget andet?Bogen er en invitation til samtale om det, barnet kan genkende sig selv i – rammet ind af et magisk illustrativt univers i børnehøjde. Den henvender sig til børn i alderen 6-12 år og er tænkt til højtlæsning. Børn har brug for samtalerom det, der er svært og nyt. Ellers efterlades de alene medderes forestillinger. Denne lille serie af små bøger behandlerstore spørgsmål og lige så store følelser.

  • af William Yang
    172,95 kr.

    This book explores the human search for meaning when people are confronted with a life-threatening illness such as cancer. Losing Me, Becoming Me delves into the relationship between body and mind in this challenging context. It argues for a compassionate and courageous stance towards ourselves as embodied beings. Despite its dire predicament, our body cries out to be acknowledged, taken care of, and accepted as-it-is. Living with cancer involves a profound journey into an existential crisis such as the 'dark night', and yet which also brings unexpected moments of inner light. This book argues that 'spirituality' is ultimately about facing the reality of our physicality and mortality. It is when we face this reality that we can discover the mystery lying at the very heart of human existence. The crisis of a cancer diagnosis for many people means having to reconnect with the body in a wholly different way. Losing Me, Becoming Me describes a form of body work that helps to rediscover our body at a deeper level. It is rooted in Chinese Qi Gong practice and the Christian tradition of Hesychasm. It describes an approach to an embodied spirituality which may be of interest to professionals working in cancer care, patients, carers, and cancer survivors. Dr William Yang and Ton Staps have been working with cancer patients for many years. In this book they map a journey which often involves losing and rediscovering the self. Losing Me, Becoming Me is a book which argues for a compassionate, empathic, and tender stance towards the reality that we are embodied beings. - Toine van den Hoogen, Emeritus Professor in Theology at Radboud University, Nijmegen the Netherlands. "William Yang and Ton Staps show how the loss of health because of cancer can lead to a profound transformation, which is grounded in the body. I have drawn on their thinking and approaches over many years in my work as a psychologist and pastoral care worker. In Losing Me, Becoming Me the authors offer a fascinating and challenging perspective on the journey through cancer." - Peter Zandvliet, Psychologist and Pastoral Care Worker.

  • - Mit liv bag tremmer
    af Maria Hirse
    247,95 kr.

    En hudløs ærlig Maria Hirse tager læseren med ind på kvindeafdelinger i landets fængsler, hvor der både er venner og fjender.Den tidligere Miss Danmark blev vækket og anholdt af to betjente en dag i september 2020. De sigtede hende for hærværk, forsøg på røveri og for at have opfordret til vold mod en ekskæreste.Maria Hirse erkendte sin skyld. Hun var klar til at tage sin straf, der endte med to års ubetinget fængsel. Men hun var på ingen måde klar til den virkelighed, der mødte hende bag tremmer.Det var en virkelighed, hvor volden og brutaliteten ulmede lige under overfladen, og hvor rotter, pis og tæsk var redskaber, når den interne hakkeorden skulle etableres. Når døren smækkede for natten, sad Maria Hirse alene med sine tanker og savnet til sine børn. En håbløs situation, der kun blev forværret af en fremadstormende sygdom i rygmarven, der krævede kemoterapi. Men livet bag tremmer bød også på omsorg og håb fra de mest overraskende steder. Nye venskaber opstod, og selv grå dage kunne være fyldt med smil og kram.Maria Hirse skriver om alt fra anholdelsen til løsladelsen i januar 2022. En brutal og ærlig skildring af livet som kvinde i danske fængsler, hvor det er svært at stole på nogen. Også sig selv.

  • af Ninette Victory
    182,95 kr.

    "Cervical Serenity: Finding Peace in the Midst of Cancer" by Ninette Victory is a moving and inspirational account of cervical cancer recovery. Victory uses her expertise and compassion to help readers cope with cervical cancer's emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects in this fascinating book.The book begins with a sympathetic acknowledgement of the first shock and emotional turmoil that can follow a cervical cancer diagnosis. Victory expertly guides readers through diagnosis, treatment, and post-treatment using her professional and personal experiences.Victory encourages readers to live in the moment and fight cancer with mindfulness and self-care. The book offers real-world advice on overcoming treatment obstacles, coping with uncertainty, and being cheerful.Beyond cancer treatment, "Cervical Serenity" emphasizes the significance of relationships, support, and love. Victory encourages readers to advocate for themselves and others, building community and understanding.Victory explores cancer's complex emotions, including fear, faith, and acceptance. The book shows how hope, meaningful objectives, and celebrating accomplishments may help readers overcome cancer and flourish after treatment.In "Cervical Serenity," Ninette Victory blends personal stories with expert counsel to create a real, empathetic guide. Victory urges readers to leave a legacy of love by sharing their tales, providing wisdom, and creating connections beyond illness.More than a guide, this book celebrates human resilience and the ability to find serenity in adversity. The kind and knowledgeable Ninette Victory leads readers on a transformative journey to discover peace despite cervical cancer.

  • af Subhash Sethi
    167,95 kr.

    This book aims to inspire readers to know some facts surrounding cancer and face the adversities in life and win over them through practical life lessons that I have shared from my valuable learning and experiences. The book is primarily about my fight against cancer and recovery from it. In different chapters, I have tried to share my learning in this journey from detection to treatment and my personal experiences. I am a strong believer in destiny and one of the lessons I have learnt is that destiny only decides our direction and our destination. I, therefore, advise you to not fret and rue over the past or be worried about the uncertain future. Life is all about living in the present and enjoying the moment. This book also focuses on expressing gratitude and being thankful to family members and close friends who stand firmly with us through the ups and downs in our lives. It is also about enjoying the little gifts of life that bring happiness and positivity to our lives. With a positive mindset and strong self-belief, we can take on any adversity in life, even a lethal disease like cancer. The chapters in this book are meticulously written to provide insights into cancer cells in the human body and the prime reasons for its occurrence while recommending that we should follow healthy patterns in life to be safe from this lethal disorder. This book also talks about different aspects of human traits that need to be revisited during moments of solitude. This tough and painful journey starting from diagnosis to treatment helped me understand a lot about life and the different attributes attached to it. The book also tells us to purposefully slow down sometime to reflect on life and its numerous facets. It also shares valuable lessons and I definitely hope that it will be able to impact lives and bring hope and positivity to the readers.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    107,95 kr.

    "The Esophageal Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Esophageal Cancer Management" is a comprehensive and compassionate guide that equips individuals and their loved ones with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the complexities of esophageal cancer. Beginning with an in-depth exploration of what esophageal cancer is and its various classifications, the book sheds light on the anatomy of the esophagus, the biological mechanisms behind cancer development, and crucial statistics that provide context. From risk factors to early signs and symptoms, the book offers a thorough understanding of the disease.The diagnostic journey is demystified, covering advanced techniques, biopsies, the TNM staging system, and prognosis based on stages. A dedicated section on the role of imaging prepares readers for crucial discussions about their diagnosis. Medical treatments are explored in detail, including surgery types, radiation therapy, chemotherapy regimens, targeted therapy, and the cutting-edge field of immunotherapy. Practical insights into managing treatment side effects and the potential of clinical trials are provided, offering hope and empowerment.This guide goes beyond medical treatments, addressing the emotional and practical aspects of living with esophageal cancer. From the psychological impact of the diagnosis to strategies for maintaining quality of life during treatment, the book is a holistic resource. Whether you're a patient, caregiver, or healthcare professional, "The Esophageal Cancer Mastery Bible" is a comprehensive roadmap for understanding, managing, and navigating the journey through esophageal cancer.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    142,95 kr.

    "The Liver Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Liver Cancer Management" is a comprehensive guide offering a holistic approach to understanding and managing liver cancer. Starting with the biology of liver cancer and its classification, the book explores signs, symptoms, and crucial risk factors for prevention. It navigates the diagnosis process, staging, and addresses the emotional impact of a liver cancer diagnosis. The guide comprehensively explains medical treatments, from surgery to immunotherapy, and includes insights into managing treatment side effects. Nutrition plays a crucial role, with a detailed focus on essential nutrients, dietary do's and don'ts, and liver-friendly recipes tailored to treatment phases. The holistic approach encompasses mind-body practices, herbal medicine, acupuncture, energy healing therapies, art, music therapy, and physical activity. Mental health, coping strategies, and building support systems are highlighted, along with lifestyle modifications for liver health, stress management, and coping with emotional highs and lows. The book delves into financial and legal considerations, providing guidance on health insurance, managing treatment costs, work rights, legal planning, and accessing disability benefits. It navigates the healthcare system, emphasizing personal advocacy, self-monitoring, and integrating complementary therapies. Decision-making in treatment, adapting to life after treatment, and creating a personalized cancer journey are covered, making this guide an invaluable companion for individuals and their loved ones facing the challenges of liver cancer.

  • af David J Frähm
    252,95 kr.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    197,95 kr.

    Embark on a comprehensive exploration of "Benign Tumor Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide," a definitive resource that delves into the intricacies of benign tumors. From understanding the nature and types of benign tumors to deciphering the critical differences between benign and malignant growths, this guide equips readers with invaluable insights. Uncover the causes, risk factors, and symptoms, followed by an in-depth exploration of the diagnostic journey, dispelling common myths along the way. The biopsychosocial model takes center stage, elucidating the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of tumor experiences. Engaging case studies highlight successful biopsychosocial approaches, offering inspiration. Discover prevention strategies, lifestyle modifications, and emerging treatments. Navigate the emotional and practical aspects of living with a benign tumor, including emotional well-being, support systems, and healthcare system nuances. This guide extends its reach to encompass diet, exercise, stress management, and alternative therapies, providing a holistic framework for individuals and caregivers. From legal considerations to holistic health and life after treatment, this guide empowers readers with knowledge and resilience.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    122,95 kr.

    "Acute Myeloid Leukemia Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide" is your authoritative companion for understanding, navigating, and overcoming acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Dr. [Author's Name] provides a comprehensive exploration of AML, unraveling its biology, categories, and subtypes. Statistics and epidemiology shed light on the prevalence, while signs and symptoms guide early recognition. The book demystifies the diagnostic process, detailing the stages of AML and introducing the biopsychosocial approach-a holistic model that encompasses biological, psychological, and social dimensions. From patient and family education to challenges in biopsychosocial care, the guide ensures a thorough understanding of AML. Prevention strategies, including nutritional interventions, physical activity, stress management, and vaccinations, are outlined. Treatment options, from chemotherapy and radiation therapy to stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy, are explored in detail. The book addresses the complexities of managing side effects and complications, providing insights into life after AML, recovery, and remission. Understanding remission, physical rehabilitation post-treatment, and emotional healing are crucial components for reintegrating into daily life. The guide emphasizes monitoring for recurrence, survivorship care plans, and the support offered by groups and communities. "Acute Myeloid Leukemia Demystified" is more than a guide; it is a roadmap to empowerment, offering knowledge, support, and hope for those navigating the challenges of AML.

  • af Matt Straight
    227,95 kr.

    "Controlling The Odds" is your comprehensive guide to regaining control of your life after a cancer diagnosis. This all-in-one resource empowers you to become an active participant in your journey back to wellness. Controlling The Odds was written out of my frustration and disappointment when my mother was misdiagnosed and shortly after passed away from pancreatic cancer. This book embodies everything I wish I knew back then and so much more.We explore essential insights on nutrition, mindset management, building support networks, internal and external toxin avoidance, questions to ask your doctor, essential tests to request and how to interpret the results, common treatment terminology, and so much more.With this knowledge, you can make informed decisions and start controlling the odds in your favour, taking charge of your path to recovery.Start Taking Control of Your Journey to Wellness Today!

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    157,95 kr.

    "The Benign Tumor Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Benign Tumor Management" is your comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of benign tumors. From understanding their types, growth patterns, and biological mechanisms to recognizing symptoms and early detection, this book equips you with the knowledge needed for informed decision-making. Debunk myths surrounding benign tumors and explore various diagnostic approaches, from medical imaging techniques to genetic testing. Learn how to prepare for a diagnostic appointment, interpret results, and seek second opinions for a well-rounded understanding.Explore medical management options, including surgical removal, radiation therapy, and pharmacological interventions. Gain insights into follow-up care, monitoring, and handling complications. Navigate insurance, financial considerations, and treatment options, including non-invasive treatments and active surveillance. Decipher clinical trials and emerging treatments to make informed decisions about your health.Delve into holistic approaches to tumor management, including nutritional strategies, the power of exercise, herbal remedies, and mind-body techniques for stress reduction. Discover the role of acupuncture, aromatherapy, and homeopathy in benign tumor management. Lifestyle modifications and self-care practices, such as stress reduction techniques, sleep hygiene, and environmental considerations, are highlighted.Address the psychological aspects of coping with benign tumors, understanding anxiety and depression, and embracing coping strategies like cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness. Patient stories and case studies provide real-world insights, triumphs, challenges, and holistic health transformations. Navigate the healthcare system effectively, from choosing the right healthcare provider to understanding medical bills and advocating for patient rights. Whether you are facing a benign tumor diagnosis or seeking preventive measures, this book empowers you with a comprehensive blueprint for complete benign tumor management.

  • af Stacy Watkins
    142,95 kr.

    Cancer can be a scary word, especially when the doctor is looking at you. But with knowledge of science and God's Word, it doesn't have to be.When the Lord tells you to move, you move. When cancer hit three times, and the Lord healed me, it is time to share my story with the masses. He pressed it on my heart to help others who may be worried about a diagnosis. I can tell you that there is no reason for stress and anguish; all you need to do is just give it all to Jesus. He will give you the peace you are searching for.

  • af Johanna Budwig
    597,95 kr.

    NEW REVISED 3rd EDITIONContemporary nutritional science owes a great deal to Dr. Budwig's early discoveries on fat metabolism and healing.This brilliant scientific mind has put together a wonderfully imaginative best seller "cookbook" - a guide for the use of healthy oils in daily meal preparation.Not only will readers discover over 500 imaginative and delicious meal possibilities using the healing powers of flax oil, they will also learn more about how "good" fats and "bad" fats impact our health and our lives - as Dr. Budwig continues to elaborate on her scientific studies throughout the contents of this book. Learn about 'good' fats and 'bad' f ats - and the proper use of fats in daily cooking Find out how to select nutritionally superior foods Discover how Quark and Flax Seed Oil offermaximum strength & energy Recipes for the young & the young-at-heart, the convalescing, as well as the athlete Create healthy entrees, soups & salads, sauces,snacks, dips and desserts - for the whole family

  • af Linda C Stansberry
    247,95 kr.

    Could you ever see your cancer as a gift? Linda was reunited with the love of her life. Her divorce was behind her and she was creating a new and healthy life for herself. She was on top of the world. Then in 2013, just weeks before her 49th birthday, the unthinkable happened. Linda was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer. This memoir is a look back on Linda's cancer journey a decade after her diagnosis. The intention of this book is to inspire, illuminate, and expand the minds and hearts of those embarking on their own cancer journey, as well as loved ones and caretakers of cancer patients. This is a no-holds-barred, raw, and raucous portrait of Linda's search for her zen within her diagnosis. She journaled her way through cancer treatment in 2013. And now, ten years later, she reflects on that journey that has expanded her conscious awareness and awakened her to the spiritual journey she is on today. If you're willing to embrace an honest depiction of the ugly truths and the deep dives, along with the lighter side of cancer treatment that led to Linda's heart-centered, spiritual revelations that she uncovered within the journey, then this book is for you! Several years ago, Linda left her corporate television career to fulfill her dream of becoming a small business owner, running a successful photography studio, Linda Stansberry Photography.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    237,95 kr.

    "Cigarette Smoking Dangers" is a comprehensive book that delves deep into the many facets of cigarette smoking and its profound effects on health, society, and the environment. This book uncovers the historical roots of smoking, providing a clear picture of how this habit has evolved over time. It also gives recent statistics showing how widespread smoking is and its serious impact on public health.The book then takes a scientific turn, explaining the chemistry behind cigarettes. It talks about the dangerous substances in cigarettes, like nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide. It shows how cigarettes burn and create toxic compounds, and how these toxins affect our bodies at a molecular level. This detailed look into the chemistry of cigarettes makes it clear why they are so harmful.A major part of the book focuses on health risks. It links smoking to deadly diseases like lung cancer, heart problems, and respiratory issues including COPD and emphysema. It doesn't stop there; the book also covers other health concerns like stroke and diabetes.But the dangers of smoking aren't just to the smoker. The book talks about secondhand smoke and its risks, and how cigarette waste hurts our planet. It explores policies and efforts to reduce these dangers.The social and economic sides of smoking are also covered. The book explains how smoking-related diseases cost society a lot of money. It looks at how tobacco companies have influenced public opinion and policy and discusses smoking as an issue of public health disparity. The economic burden of smoking on healthcare systems is also highlighted.Addiction and quitting smoking is a key topic. The book explains why nicotine is so addictive and discusses different ways to quit, including both behavior and medicine. It looks at how successful these methods are and talks about the support available for those trying to quit.Marketing strategies of cigarette companies are critically examined. The book explores the history of cigarette advertising, the targeting of specific groups, and the impact of these ads on starting and maintaining smoking habits. It also talks about the rules around cigarette marketing.The book then goes global, looking at the cultural and worldwide aspects of smoking. It explores how different societies view smoking, global smoking patterns, and international efforts to address smoking-related issues.Innovations and alternatives to traditional smoking methods, like new technologies for quitting and harm reduction strategies, are also discussed. The book looks at how these alternatives might affect public health.Finally, the book covers policies and advocacy, looking at the history and current efforts in tobacco control, and the role of advocacy groups in fighting smoking. It ends with personal stories and testimonials, offering a human touch with real-life accounts of how smoking has affected lives and stories of successful quitting."Cigarette Smoking Dangers" is a thorough and accessible guide, offering a clear understanding of the many dimensions of cigarette smoking and its impacts. It's not just a book of facts; it's a call to action, inspiring readers to understand and join the fight against the dangers of smoking.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    122,95 kr.

    In "The Uterine Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Uterine Cancer Management," delve into a comprehensive guide that transcends the conventional understanding of uterine cancer. From demystifying the biology of uterine cancer and identifying types and stages to exploring risk factors and prevention strategies, this book equips readers with a profound knowledge base. Navigating through the complexities of diagnosis, emphasizing the importance of early detection, and dispelling myths versus facts, the author empowers readers to become informed advocates for their health. The exploration of treatment options, including surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy, provides a nuanced perspective on making critical decisions. Beyond medical interventions, the book integrates holistic health strategies, emphasizing nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and complementary therapies. Readers will find a roadmap for emotional well-being, addressing anxiety, depression, and the impact on relationships. Practical considerations, such as financial and legal aspects, insurance coverage, and long-term care planning, round out this holistic guide. From the initial diagnosis to survivorship, "The Uterine Cancer Mastery Bible" is a comprehensive resource offering support, knowledge, and empowerment for those navigating the challenging landscape of uterine cancer.

  • af Juan Rockermeier
    167,95 kr.

    El 25% de las regalías del libro se donará a la investigación del Dr. Seyfried.Este libro es un resumen del trabajo del Dr. Thomas Seyfried "Cancer as a metabolic disease" y comprende transcripciones de sus charlas y entrevistas, así como textos de su colega el Dr. Dominic D'Agostiono y Travis Christofferson (cuya fundación será apoyada por este libro).Aquí la descripción original del libro:El libro aborda las controversias relacionadas con los orígenes del cáncer y ofrece soluciones para su tratamiento y prevención. Amplía la conocida teoría de Otto Warburg de que todo cáncer es una enfermedad del metabolismo energético. Sin embargo, Warburg no relacionó su teoría con los "rasgos distintivos del cáncer", por lo que su teoría fue desacreditada.Este libro pretende aportar pruebas, mediante estudios de casos, de que el cáncer es principalmente una enfermedad metabólica que requiere soluciones metabólicas para su tratamiento y prevención. El apoyo a esta posición se deriva de la evaluación crítica de las teorías actuales sobre el cáncerLos estudios de casos de cáncer de cerebro se presentan como una prueba de principio de las soluciones metabólicas para la gestión de la enfermedad, pero se establecen similitudes con otros tipos de cáncer, incluidos los de mama y colon, debido a las mismas mutaciones celulares que demuestran.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    132,95 kr.

    "The Prostate Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Prostate Cancer Management" is a definitive guide offering comprehensive insights into understanding, navigating, and managing prostate cancer. From exploring the anatomy and function of the prostate to debunking myths and addressing the emotional impact of diagnosis, this book provides a thorough foundation. Readers gain an in-depth understanding of medical interventions, including surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, and learn about emerging therapies in prostate cancer. The holistic dimension is explored, encompassing the role of diet, exercise, mind-body techniques, herbal remedies, and support groups. Lifestyle modifications, stress management, sexual health, and emotional wellness are addressed with practical strategies. As the journey progresses, the book delves into advanced prostate cancer, covering pain management, palliative care, end-of-life planning, and the crucial role of caregivers. Whether at the early stages or facing advanced disease, this blueprint empowers individuals with knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of prostate cancer with resilience and dignity.

  • af Lynn Soles
    142,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Nanda Rajaneesh
    232,95 kr.

    Cancer Prevention - A guide is a comprehensive book on prevention of cancer that covers the latest research on cancer prevention. It discusses the role of diet, exercise, stress reduction, sleep, yoga and other complementary therapies in cancer prevention. The book also provides practical advice on how to make lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of cancer.SOCIETY FOR PREVENTION OF CANCER- Until now, extensive scientific research has been done on various diseases and ways to treat them. Due to the covid outbreak, the focus is shifting towards immunity building and disease prevention. The need for cancer prevention has also been highlighted in the recent discovery of a Japanese scientist, Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi, on the way cells consume themselves, a process that plays a key role in cancer and other diseases. Throughout history, our ancient Vedas and revered Ayurvedic teachings have consistently emphasised the critical importance of prevention. At the heart of this philosophy is the resonating motto "Let the well be well and help the sick," which captures the essence of proactive care. The Atharva Veda, brimming with profound meditative and medical wisdom, is regarded as an invaluable treasure by ancient Indian physicians. The importance of prevention is further emphasised in various sections of the renowned Charaka Samhita, immortalising its enduring relevance. In the contemporary world, the significance of prevention through dietary and lifestyle modifications has resurfaced and regained prominence. Within the realm of medical terminology, this aligns with the concept of 'Public Health,' which endeavors to avert issues before they manifest in the population, epitomizing the timeless adage: "Prevention is better than cure." In pursuit of its noble objective, the Society for Prevention of Cancer (SPOC) was established in January 2021. Its purpose is to elevate consciousness regarding cancer prevention and foster an understanding of how lifestyle modifications rooted in scientific insights can deter cancer occurrence and recurrence. With utmost humility, we present this book, a profound exposition that encompasses the breadth and depth of cancer prevention, aiming to galvanize a collective movement. It is our sincere aspiration that medical practitioners, public health specialists, aspiring healthcare professionals, and scholars in allied scientific disciplines will unite with us, forging ahead together in this noble endeavor. This book represents the Society's latest endeavor to impart comprehensive knowledge to students and the general public regarding cancer prevention and its prevention of recurrence. It serves as a valuable resource, equipping readers with the necessary information to proactively safeguard against cancer and its reoccurrence. Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh Chairman, Society for Prevention of Cancer

  • af Paul
    317,95 kr.

    Cancer is a word that strikes fear into the hearts of many people. It is a disease that affects millions of individuals across the globe, regardless of age, gender, or background. In this subchapter, we will explore the basics of cancer, shedding light on what it is, how it develops, and how it affects the lives of those diagnosed with it.At its core, cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. These cells have the potential to invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs, leading to serious health complications. While there are over 100 different types of cancer, they all share a common characteristic: the disruption of the body's natural balance of cell growth and death.Understanding the development of cancer is crucial in comprehending its impact. The disease starts at a cellular level, with mutations occurring in the DNA of a cell. These mutations can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental exposures, lifestyle choices, and certain infections. Over time, these abnormal cells multiply, forming a tumor. While tumors can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous), it is the latter that poses the greatest threat to human health.Cancer can affect any part of the body, with some of the most common types being breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer. Each type has its own unique characteristics, symptoms, and treatment options. It is important to note that cancer not only impacts the physical well-being of an individual but also takes a toll on their emotional, social, and financial aspects of life.Early detection and timely treatment play a vital role in the fight against cancer. Regular screenings, such as mammograms, Pap smears, and colonoscopies, can help identify cancer at its earliest stages when treatment is often more successful. Additionally, adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, can reduce the risk of developing cancer.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    162,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with "The Lung Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Lung Cancer Management." This comprehensive guide illuminates the complexities of lung cancer, from understanding its basics and types to exploring causes, risk factors, and stages. Dive into the symptoms to watch for and navigate the intricate landscape of diagnosis and screening, unraveling biological mechanisms.Unveil medical treatments, from surgery and radiation therapy to chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and the opportunities presented by clinical trials and emerging therapies. Discover the crucial role of nutrition in lung cancer, addressing dietary needs during treatment, embracing beneficial foods, and managing side effects through a strategic diet.The psychological battle is explored, guiding readers on coping with diagnosis, stress management, anxiety, and depression. Discover the importance of social support, therapy, and the power of positive thinking. Prepare for advanced stages with lifestyle adjustments, emphasizing the significance of quitting smoking, exercise, restorative rest, environmental toxin awareness, and personal care.Holistic and alternative therapies are unveiled, encompassing complementary medicine, herbal remedies, acupuncture, meditation, yoga, energy healing practices, homeopathy, and the world of supplements. Empower yourself with self-help techniques, breathing exercises, journaling, self-massage, creative expression, and mind-body connection practices.Navigate healthcare systems with insights into complementary management plans, personal health goals, treatment roadmaps, progress monitoring, and adjusting plans. Learn about long-term health through lifestyle changes, financial management, emotional well-being, and family and caregiver support. Gain a profound understanding of the patient's experience, effective communication, caregiver stress management, and available resources.Face the future with hope, exploring advancements in lung cancer research, the future of treatment, survivorship, life after cancer, preventing recurrence, end-of-life planning, the power of advocacy, and a message of hope. "The Lung Cancer Mastery Bible" is more than a guide; it's a comprehensive companion for those navigating the journey of lung cancer with knowledge, support, and resilience.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    157,95 kr.

    "The Oral Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Oral Cancer Management" is a comprehensive guide providing an in-depth understanding of oral cancer, from its biology and risk factors to types, stages, and signs and symptoms to watch for. The book navigates the diagnostic journey, addressing the emotional impact of a diagnosis and presenting essential statistics and facts. Conventional medical treatments, including surgical interventions, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy, are explored alongside practical advice on nutrition during treatment, managing side effects, and follow-up care. The holistic health section integrates complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approaches, herbal remedies, mind-body practices, and personalized holistic plans for recovery. Lifestyle modifications, including physical activity, oral care post-treatment, smoking cessation, alcohol moderation, stress management, and sleep hygiene, are detailed. The psychological journey of coping with the diagnosis, mental health support, and navigating relationships is sensitively addressed. Nutritional strategies, meal planning, supplement safety, and hydration for health are discussed, complemented by recipes for recovery. Integrative treatment approaches, building healthcare teams, and customizing treatment plans are emphasized. The book guides readers through self-help techniques, mindfulness, journaling, art and music therapy, breathwork, resilience-building, and cognitive-behavioral techniques. Social support, advocacy, understanding patient rights, participating in clinical trials, engaging with support groups, education, outreach, fundraising, and research contribution are integral components. Beyond treatment, the book covers long-term health monitoring, life after cancer, rehabilitation, vocational counseling, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, relationships, and celebrating milestones. It offers insights into thriving as a survivor, creating legacy, and embracing a new normal.

  • af Jan Bonn
    217,95 - 342,95 kr.

    Eighteen-year-old Hilary Bonn was just starting out in life, preparing for college and adventures beyond her small-town beginnings, when leukemia interrupted all of her plans. To help her body fight the ugly disease, Hilary required a stem cell transplant. While she endured PICC lines, pills, and endless precautions against germs, her family encouraged her and one another with Christmas lights, thoughtful words, warm hugs, soft music, action movies, entertaining books, and their abundant love.During this time, Jan Bonn kept family and friends updated of her daughter's treatment and progress through frequent e-mail messages. Love, Jan is a compilation of these messages. Jan's accounts of medical consultations and procedures, the uncertainties of life-changing decisions, and times of expectant waiting are infused with humor, insight, and hope told from the heart of a loving mother and faithful child of God.Love, Jan, Hilary's story of faith, hope, and joy, will inspire and encourage stem cell transplant patients and those who love them.

  • af Daniele Conduma
    312,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    122,95 kr.

    "The Breast Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Breast Cancer Management" is a comprehensive guide that empowers individuals facing the challenges of breast cancer. This book takes readers on a journey from understanding the nuances of breast cancer, including types, biology, and risk factors, to exploring symptoms, early detection, and diagnostic procedures. Delving into medical treatment strategies such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and emerging therapies, it also introduces holistic health perspectives, emphasizing nutrition, herbal medicine, and mind-body therapies. A unique focus on personalization guides readers in customizing their cancer journey, covering genetic counseling, navigating healthcare systems, and the vital role of caregivers. Legal and financial planning, emotional well-being, survivorship, and beyond are addressed, providing a holistic approach to managing breast cancer. The book offers coping strategies, mental health insights, and creative outlets, ensuring that readers not only survive but thrive beyond breast cancer, celebrating milestones and building resilience.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    122,95 kr.

    "The Bowel Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Bowel Cancer Management" is a comprehensive guide that empowers individuals facing the complexities of bowel cancer. From understanding the disease, its causes, and risk factors to exploring screening methods for early detection, this book provides a holistic view of bowel cancer. Delving into conventional medical treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, it also introduces holistic approaches encompassing nutrition, exercise, stress management, and complementary therapies. The book emphasizes the integration of conventional and holistic methods, offering personalized treatment strategies, considering age, overall health, and genetic factors. It guides readers through treatment decision-making, the emotional impact of bowel cancer, and practical tips for daily living. With a focus on building a robust support network, the book extends beyond treatment to survivorship, thriving, and advocacy. Inspirational stories, prevention tips, and future directions in bowel cancer research make this book an invaluable resource, providing readers with a blueprint for complete bowel cancer management and a pathway towards a healthier, more informed life.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    162,95 kr.

    "The Cervical Cancer Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Cervical Cancer Management" is a comprehensive guide offering empowerment and support to individuals navigating the complexities of cervical cancer. From understanding the biology and stages to exploring advanced medical treatments and emerging therapies, this book serves as a beacon of knowledge. It delves into complementary and alternative medicine, lifestyle adjustments, and personalized nutrition plans. The psychological journey is addressed with insights into managing emotions, counseling, and community support. With a focus on post-treatment care, survivorship, and the crucial role of caregivers, this book is a holistic roadmap for resilience, recovery, and hope.

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