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    af Thomas ”Guffi” Vestergaard
    247,95 kr.

    Denne gang har Thomas ”Guffi” Vestergaard valgt at fortælle sin livshistorie i digtform. Dels som prosadigte, dels som lyriske digte. Det er digte om egne erfaringer med misbrug, PTSD, tortur, vold, traumer, desperation, angst, selvmordstanker, selvskade og frygten for at blive forladt. Men det er også digte om recovery, selvudvikling, håb, ønsker, parforhold og drømme. Der er sat tanker, følelser og ord på fortidens traumer for bedre at kunne forstå, hvorfor han tænkte og reagerede, som han gjorde. For Thomas er det vigtigt at forstå sig selv og sin fortid, for lærer man ikke af sine fejl, er man dømt til at gentage dem. ”Mange har takket mig for at sætte ord på tanker og følelser, som de har gået rundt med i årevis, efter at have læst mine digte på sociale medier. Jeg er taknemmelig for, at mine dårlige erfaringer og personlige udvikling kan hjælpe andre mennesker i en positiv retning.” – Thomas ”Guffi” Vestergaard Uddrag af bogen Jeg ligger i min seng, helt stille. Jeg kan ikke bevæge mig, jeg kan ikke sove. Tårerne triller ned ad min næseryg på min allerede våde pude. Jeg græder, men der er ingen lyd, kun smerte. Jeg er træt af at kæmpe, træt af at blive misforstået, træt af at føle mig forkert. Hvor blev livsglæden af? Det gik lige så godt, og så puf. Så var vi tilbage igen. Tilbage i drama, problemer og stress. Hvor blev glæden af? Hvorfor ligger jeg her igen? For jeg har jo ikke lyst til at være her. Men her er trygt og godt, jeg kender fortvivlelsen og afmagten. Tristheden er min ven, den gør mig tryg. Om forfatteren Thomas ”Guffi” Vestergaard er tidligere misbruger, nazist og bandemedlem. I dag er han international præsident for KOSA NATION, Europas største stoffrie motorcykelfællesskab. Han har også over 10 års erfaring med selvudvikling, ligesom han er mentor og foredragsholder med over 300 foredrag i bagagen. Han har tidligere udgivet Mit liv til skræk og advarsel og Spørgsmål til en mønsterbryder.

  • af Peter Stimpfle
    388,95 - 501,95 kr.

  • af Luana Marques
    296,95 kr.

    ?My team and I have featured Dr. Luana Marques prominently both on our podcast and our app. Each time, the audience has loved it. Luana knows anxiety from the inside and can smoothly and compassionately guide you out of it. I'm quite confident this book will engage readers and help them.??Dan Harris, bestselling author of 10% HappierTurn your anxiety into strength with Harvard-based psychotherapist Dr. Luana Marques' 3-step method to living boldly?her clinically-proven approach that inspires patients from CEOs to at-risk teens and echoes lessons learned growing up in poverty in Brazil.Bold Move is Harvard-based psychotherapist Dr. Luana Marques' unique, tried and tested method to get you out of your rut and find the courage to create a more confident and meaningful life. Dr. Luana pinpoints the anxiety at the root of avoidance and shows how you can overcome it and achieve your goals.Dr. Luana understands anxiety. After decades of research, teaching, and clinical practice, she realized that the coping techniques she learned from her mother and grandmother while growing up in poverty in Brazil mimicked science-based CBT therapy. Now, she has synthesized that knowledge, developing a 3-step path that works for everyone?from teens in crisis to executives experiencing burnout.Bold Move includes concrete examples and exercises backed by the most recent clinical and scientific research. Dr. Luana's 3-step plan:Helps you recognize thinking patterns that leave you feeling tense, anxious, and worriedOutlines the many forms that avoidance can take, including seeking comfort from othersExplains the importance of being your own ?thought lawyer? Shows you why ?just do it? doesn't get it done.Strategizes how you can build on your values to establish boundaries and make room for your dreams.A blend of Unwinding Anxiety, Don't Believe Everything You Think, and Do Hard Things, Bold Move is a groundbreaking, transformative program that works for everyone?for practitioners, and most notably, those dealing with mental health challenges from underserved communities who have been overlooked and neglected for too long.

  • af Brendan Conboy
    133,95 kr.

    Should this book have been written? Should it be read? Why is there still so much stigma, shame and taboo associated with mental health? Why do men struggle so much to talk about their problems? Are we adequately equipped? In the workplace, in your home, in the church, in society?The introduction in this book briefly explains how our brains work, it is a powerful organ. Are you trapped in a negative mindset? This book will change the way that you think.A survey of 1,000 men carried out by the Priory Group revealed the following:77% of men polled suffered from common mental health symptoms such as anxiety, stress and depression.40% of men have never talked to anyone about their mental health.29% of those who haven't talked say that they are "too embarrassed" to speak about it, while 20% say that there is a "negative stigma" about the issue.The biggest causes of mental health issues in men's lives are work (32%), their finances (31%) and their health (23%).40% of men polled said that it would take thoughts of suicide or self-harm to compel them to seek professional help.This book is dedicated to the brave men,who found the courage to talk abouttheir mental health.Asking for help and sharing the pain that you live with is the most courageous thing you can do.Also, to all men, especially:The silent onesThe lonely onesThe still suffering onesThe recovering onesThe shameful onesThe painful onesThe unspoken onesThe broken onesThe rejected onesThe disrespected onesThe ones who want to dieThe ones who never cryThe ones who believe the lieThe ones who would denyThatBig Boys DO CRY

  • af Tracey Terry
    247,95 kr.

    IT'S TIME TO TAKE BACK YOUR POWER ..... The Secret To Transforming Depression Is To Discover And Know That The Answers Lie Within YOUFind Out How To Ignite Your Inner Spark, Find the Brilliance Of You And Emerge Transformed - A New You!The problem today is that when it comes to depression, everyone thinks medication istheir only solution. The consequence is people are being medicated when they don'tneed to be! This often leads to other problems with the individual never looking at orsolving the real root cause. As a result, people are suffering unnecessarily.The truth is - change is possible, without medication.The reality is YOU can turn YOUR life around by taking responsibility for YOURSELF.This book is filled with practical, hands-on ways you can transform your life.In this book, you'll discover the 3 key ideas to turn your life around. You will learn how to:¿ Take back your power¿ Believe in yourself again¿ Transform depression into self-love and happinessImplement the ideas in this book, and your life will never be the same again."Make a conscious decision to heal yourself. Set the intention, know you are worth it and never give up. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can transform depression into gold just as I have! I know you can do this!"Tracey is an energy alchemist and therapist who has transformed her own life. Her passion is to assist people of all walks of life and ages to learn to reconnect, reclaim and remember to love themselves, to become empowered so they are able to transform themselves and their lives. She especially loves to empower young adults to live their best lives.To claim your free gift go to

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    182,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    197,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    187,95 kr.

  • af Bruce Schutter
    172,95 kr.

    Mental Heath Warrior Program is a grass roots approach to mental health, empowering you to take charge of your mental health and triumph over your life's challenges!

  • af Oshri Hakak
    242,95 kr.

    Tending the Tumlin is about using our ability to self-sooth to comfort our tummy, and to relate to our bodies with care and curiosity.

  • af Jamie Ryser
    157,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af David Makepeace
    137,95 kr.

    New author David Makepeace zagged into the reality of living with schizoaffective disorder. David writes chapters with valiant heart through a messy journey-his life, post-psychotic break.

  • af Ermal Bojdani
    397,95 kr.

    Dr. Bojdani invites you on a journey of self-discovery and growth. How can you hit the reset button, clarify what matters to you, and change how you think and what you do in order to become the best version of yourself and achieve your dreams?

  • af Marya Hornbacher
    177,95 kr.

    A classic of psychology and eating disorders, now reissued with an important and perhaps controversial new afterword by the author, Wasted is New York Times bestselling author Marya Hornbacher's highly acclaimed memoir that chronicles her battle with anorexia and bulimia.Vivid, honest, and emotionally wrenching, Wasted is the story of how Marya Hornbacher willingly embraced hunger, drugs, sex, and death?until a particularly horrifying bout with anorexia and bulimia in college forever ended the romance of wasting away.In this updated edition, Hornbacher, an authority in the field of eating disorders, argues that recovery is not only possible, it is necessary. But the journey is not easy or guaranteed. With a new ending to her story that adds a contemporary edge, Wasted continues to be timely and relevant.

  • af Jonathon Masters
    157,95 kr.

    Are you tired of anger controlling your life and dictating your reactions? Do you find yourself regretting outbursts that hurt your loved ones and undermine your professional integrity?"Calm in the Storm" is a transformative guide that delves deep into the roots of anger, offering a compassionate understanding of this powerful emotion. Through compelling insights and real-life examples, this book shines a light on the triggers and habits that lead to anger, providing you with the self-awareness needed to begin your journey towards change.Imagine possessing the tools to navigate the tumultuous seas of anger with grace and composure. Envision improving your relationships, excelling in your career, and achieving a state of calm that endures through life's challenges. "Calm in the Storm" is not just about managing anger; it's about transforming it into a force for positive change. With each chapter, you'll unlock proven techniques that fuse modern psychology with practical steps, allowing you to:Recognize and dismantle anger triggersCommunicate effectively, even in conflictBuild resilience against stress and emotional upheavalStrengthen your relationships with empathy and understandingTake the first step towards mastering your emotions and reclaiming your inner peace. "Calm in the Storm" is your guide on this journey. Embrace the calm, and transform your life today!

  • af Mikiejhyia Bolin
    247,95 kr.

    This book is about being trapped in limbo. Reacting to your triggers and sabotaging yourself through your trauma. It's time to learn to speak the answer not the problem!

  • af Little Brighouse
    137,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af David Kessler
    177,95 kr.

    Love is the antidote for the pain of grief. When you experience grief, your world can feel overwhelming. It can be difficult to imagine a future. You feel lost and hopeless. International grief expert and noted author David Kessler has spent decades working with thousands of people experiencing the depths of their grief. He knows the pain deeply, personally. And he also knows the path to begin to find hope, and healing, again. In this companion workbook to David's bestselling book Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief, you will come to understand your unique and personal experience with grief and begin to work through the loss, releasing the hurt and learning to grieve with more love than pain . . . because love never dies. And it is in that love where you can find meaning. Written with warmth, sensitivity, and unique insight, you'll feel like you are sitting with David, having a conversation along your path to healing. The Finding Meaning workbook is filled with: Self-reflective exercises Journaling opportunities Warmhearted guidance for releasing pain Navigation techniques for complicated grief Tools for guilt, rumination, and overwhelming feelings

  • af Jennifer Huang-Harris
    262,95 kr.

    What is depression really? A psychological disorder? An emotional problem? A spiritual weakness? A medical condition? People struggling with depression are often given simplistic answers, which can lead to fear of seeking help, and even a sense that they have personally failed in some way. With compassion developed from their personal and clinical experience as psychiatrists, the authors tackle the complexities of depression from a multi-disciplinary approach. In this thoughtful and practical guide, they weave together Scripture with science, theology with cutting edge scientific research, and the stories of many Christians who have suffered, to help those with depression to find healing. For Christians, hope for depression lies in a deep understanding of both what it means to inhabit broken bodies in a fallen world, and the hope we have in the gospel. By fully grasping the implications of both for our bodies, minds, and souls, can we learn what it means to walk by faith even through the dark valley of depression.

  • af Luis Diaz
    112,95 kr.

    En un caluroso verano, de no hace mucho tiempo, un joven adulto encontró lo que parecía ser un diario improvisado de alguien que parecía tener una rara condición conocida como Esclerosis Múltiple. En el mismo hablaba de la condición, de sus síntomas y de cómo estaba lidiando con ella. Uno de los síntomas predominantes de esta, y que lo estaba afectando sobremanera, era la depresión. La depresión le estaba quitando las ganas de vivir. En su diario describía cómo era su batalla con la depresión y la esclerosis múltiple; en el mismo nos ofrecía técnicas y sugerencias para librar esta batalla día con día, luz en la oscuridad ... espero que no sea demasiado tarde.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    352,95 kr.

    In "Breaking the Chains of Anger: Liberation through Self-Awareness," author Sreekumar V T takes readers on an insightful journey into the intricate realms of human emotions, providing a unique perspective on understanding and transcending the powerful grip of anger. With profound wisdom and practical guidance, Sreekumar V T explores the transformative potential of self-awareness as the key to breaking free from the chains of anger.This book goes beyond conventional approaches to anger management, offering a holistic understanding of the roots and triggers of anger. Sreekumar V T draws upon his expertise to present a comprehensive framework that empowers readers to unravel the complexities of their emotional landscape and navigate towards a path of self-liberation.Through relatable anecdotes, real-life examples, and practical exercises, Sreekumar V T skilfully guides readers on a journey of self-discovery, helping them identify and transform destructive patterns of anger. The book emphasizes the importance of cultivating emotional intelligence, encouraging mindfulness, and fostering a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of anger."Breaking the Chains of Anger" is not just a guide; it is a roadmap to personal transformation. Sreekumar V T invites readers to explore the profound connection between self-awareness and emotional freedom, providing a roadmap for cultivating a life of greater harmony, resilience, and authentic connection.Whether you are grappling with your own anger or seeking to support others on their journey, this book by Sreekumar V T offers a refreshing perspective and practical tools for breaking free from the chains of anger. It is a compelling resource for those who aspire to embrace a life of emotional liberation and self-awareness.

  • af Pernille Kim
    72,95 - 147,95 kr.

    Svær psykisk sygdom farvede livet sort med en alvor og tyngde, som stod det ikke til at ændre. Overlægen mente, det aldrig ville blive bedre. Pernille Kim vover den antagelse, at man i bedste fald kan komme gennem psykisk sygdom, men kun ved at lære at leve med sygdommen. mellem rum er en digtsamling, der kan vække genklang hos mennesker, som har oplevet eller oplever psykisk sårbarhed tæt inde på livet. Digtene henvender sig til alle, da de handler om almenmenneskelige og livsfilosofiske temaer. Digtene kan med deres betragtninger vække genkendelse og refleksion, men vigtigst være opbyggelige og give håb hos læseren. Læseren kan i mødet med teksten opleve følelsen af ikke at være alene, men føle sig set, mødt og ikke dømt. Formen poetisk minimalisme fortæller ikke mere end højst nødvendigt, og læseren må derfor selv involvere sig i teksten og skabe sammenhængene og betydningerne.

  • af Lucy Foulkes
    197,95 kr.

    Adolescence is the most misunderstood period of our lives. Coming of Age draws on a decade of expert research to get beneath the stereotypes, expose the myths and reveal the real reasons why teens behave the way they do.'Fascinating, moving . . . there is insight and kindness throughout this book' Daily Mail'Wise and compassionate, well-researched and straight-talking . . . shows how today's adolescents can be helped to flourish in life' Dr Gavin Francis, author of Recovery'Excellent and insightful . . . expertly presented . . . Foulkes is steeped in knowledge about, as well as respect for, teenage life' Observer'Hopeful, inspiring . . . leaves you with a greater understanding of your own adolescence, and greater compassion for those currently in its throes' Camilla Nord, author of The Balanced BrainCovering all the characteristic behaviours of adolescents - from peer pressure and risk-taking, to sex, love, bullying, friendship and more - adolescent psychologist Lucy Foulkes shows that time and again we mistake, dismiss and even try to prevent what is actually normal and healthy. Among many surprising insights, she explains why self-consciousness, anxiety and sensation-seeking are crucial features of this developmental phase. She shows that teenagers are socially conservative as much as rebellious, and that apparent recklessness is usually calculated. She reveals why being popular can be just as hard as being lonely, and why friendships at this age shape us for life.Adolescence is often difficult, sometimes extremely so, and most of us have yet to come to terms with our own. And yet Foulkes shows that adolescents have an extraordinary capacity for resilience, empathy and mutual support, and that even the most challenging experiences are part of an essential process of self-discovery. This is why understanding adolescence is the key to understanding ourselves.'Wonderful and deeply moving . . . shows us the potentially positive aspects of adolescent experiences so often seen as negative' MARK HADDON'Myth-busting . . . eye-opening . . . delivers many counter-intuitive insights' Guardian'Thank goodness . . . for this timely . . . and eminently sensible book . . . You will read this book and sigh in recognition . . . just knowing that everything they - and we - struggle with is normal, and necessary, is helpful' Telegraph'A must read for everyone interested in what is going on with adolescents' Essi Viding, Professor of Developmental Pyschopathy, UCL'Compelling, useful and fascinating . . . revealing adolescence's unwritten rules' JO BRAND'Comprehensive, accessible and super useful' Dr Tara Porter, clinical psychologist and author of You Don't Understand Me

  • af James Y. Pennington
    147,95 kr.

    For those shattered by PTSD and psychological trauma comes a ground-breaking new guide to treating trauma in a novel but effective way. Combining the widely accepted technique of narrative therapy with faith and spirituality, author and retired Army chaplain James Pennington offers new hope for the battle-scarred, the caretakers, and the emotionally wounded.Beginning with an explanation of how writing about traumatic events and incorporating God or spirituality in the narrative facilitates healing, Trauma Treatment Using Narrative Therapy and Theological Reflection guides readers through the simple-to-follow process. You'll learn:¿ The different types of trauma¿ Symptoms of trauma¿ Biblical parallels to the trauma response through the story of Joseph¿ How to write about your trauma¿ How attaching emotion and linking your trauma to an event speeds up healing¿ How to conduct individual and group writing exercises¿ And much more.Rewrite the narrative of your trauma through the lens of faith to break free from the pain, find meaning in the brokenness, and achieve wholeness and healing.

  • af Roddy Carter
    192,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Bassey Ikpi
    177,95 kr.

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!In I'm Telling the Truth, but I'm Lying Bassey Ikpi explores her life?as a Nigerian-American immigrant, a black woman, a slam poet, a mother, a daughter, an artist?through the lens of her mental health and diagnosis of bipolar II and anxiety. Her remarkable memoir in essays implodes our preconceptions of the mind and normalcy as Bassey bares her own truths and lies for us all to behold with radical honesty and brutal intimacy.A The Root Favorite Books of the Year • A Good Housekeeping Best 60 Books of the Year • A YNaija 10 Notable Books of the Year • A GOOP 10 New Favorite Books • A Cup of Jo 5 Big Books of Fall • A Bitch Magazine Most Anticipated Books of 2019 • A Bustle 21 New Memoirs That Will Inspire, Motivate, and Captivate You • A Publishers Weekly Spring Preview Selection • An Electric Lit 48 Books by Women and Nonbinary Authors of Color to Read in 2019 • A Bookish Best Nonfiction of Summer Selection"We will not think or talk about mental health or normalcy the same after reading this momentous art object moonlighting as a colossal collection of essays.? ?Kiese Laymon, author of HeavyFrom her early childhood in Nigeria through her adolescence in Oklahoma, Bassey Ikpi lived with a tumult of emotions, cycling between extreme euphoria and deep depression?sometimes within the course of a single day. By the time she was in her early twenties, Bassey was a spoken word artist and traveling with HBO's Def Poetry Jam, channeling her life into art. But beneath the façade of the confident performer, Bassey's mental health was in a precipitous decline, culminating in a breakdown that resulted in hospitalization and a diagnosis of Bipolar II.In I'm Telling the Truth, But I'm Lying, Bassey Ikpi breaks open our understanding of mental health by giving us intimate access to her own. Exploring shame, confusion, medication, and family in the process, Bassey looks at how mental health impacts every aspect of our lives?how we appear to others, and more importantly to ourselves?and challenges our preconception about what it means to be "normal." Viscerally raw and honest, the result is an exploration of the stories we tell ourselves to make sense of who we are?and the ways, as honest as we try to be, each of these stories can also be a lie.

  • af Anne Marie Geisler Andersen
    117,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Først blev maratonløb et hit hos danskerne. Da det blev allemandseje, begyndte vi at bevæge os ud på længere distancer. Først var det triatlon, hvor flere prøver kræfter med halve og hele ironmen. De senere år har ultraløb vundet indpas. Ultraløb er løb, der er længere end maratondistancen.Men hvorfor løber vi overhovedet så langt? Hvad er det, der motiverer os til at bevæge os helt derud, hvor alt andet er skrællet af, og hvor det kun handler om at sætte den ene fod foran den anden?Dette vil Anne Marie Geisler Andersen, en af Danmarks bedste kvindelige 24-timersløbere gennem tiden, forsøge at svare på. Et spørgsmål, der for alvor blev interessant, da hun, efter at have sat tre Danmarksrekorder i streg, stoppede midt i et løb, fordi hun ikke længere vidste, hvorfor hun løb. Bogen berører også den mentale sundhed, og hvordan Anne Marie har løbet fra sine depressioner.

  • af Shawn E. Ellis
    307,95 kr.

    Delve into a crucial exploration of the pervasive issue of sexual violence in underrepresented groups with "Ka Uma." This work sheds light on the sobering statistics-1 in 4 women and 1 in 26 men in the United States, and 6% of women globally-highlighting the prevalence of sexual violence. Recognizing the higher rates within underrepresented communities, the study draws on reputable sources such as the CDC, HRC, and RAINN to emphasize the urgency of addressing this issue.Scientific studies, including those by van der Kolk in 2014, reveal the profound mental and physical health implications for survivors of sexual violence. In response, this work advocates for the identification and establishment of a comprehensive framework for understanding the experiences and processes of healing from sexual trauma specifically tailored to underrepresented groups. By doing so, the study aims to contribute to the addressing and healing of the mental and physical health issues faced by survivors within these communities.

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