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Dansk: De danske højskoler tiltrækker ikke kun danske unge, men også unge fra hele verden. Det forunderlige er, at uanset kultur eller nationalitet, så trives og vokser de unge i dette miljø, som N.F.S. Grundtvig fik ideen til i det 18. århundrede. Men hvorfor trives de? Hvad er det, der gør højskoleånd til noget særligt? De spørgsmål forsøger Mette Højland, højskolelærer gennem 22 år, at besvare. Bogen kan ses som en gave til alle hendes internationale højskoleelever, som gennem årene har forladt skolen med en kommentar om, at sådan en skole burde de også have i deres hjemland. Men bogen stopper ikke der. Den er en (h)åndsrækning til alle, som ønsker at udbrede højskoleånden til verden, uanset om det er under et baobabtræ på savannen, i en kinesisk storby eller om et dansk køkkenbord. Højskoleånd afhænger ikke af bygninger, men af vilje og indsigt. Det er den vilje og indsigt bogen søger at støtte og videregive. Fortællestilen er både personlig og faglig – levende ord i skriftform.English: The Danish folk high schools attract not only Danish young people, but also young people from all over the world. The wonderful thing is that, regardless of culture or nationality, the young people thrive and grow in this environment, which N.F.S. Grundtvig came up with in the 18th century. But why do they thrive? What makes folk high school spirit special? Mette Højland, a folk high school teacher for 22 years, tries to answer those questions. The book can be seen as a gift to all her international folk high school students who over the years have left the stay with a comment that they too should have such a school in their home country. The book is a verbal reaching out for anyone who wants to spread the folk high school spirit to the world, regardless of whether it is under a baobab tree on the savannah, in a Chinese metropolis or at a Danish kitchen table. Folk high school spirit does not depend on buildings, but on will and insight. It is this will and insight the book seeks to support and pass on. The narrative style is both personal and professional – living words in written form.
Dit sind træffer alle dine beslutninger, derfor er denne bog et godt sted at starte, når du ønsker forandring.Det er dine daglige beslutninger og rutiner, der skaber din krop og dit liv.Med en daglig meditativ skriverutine træner du sindet, hvilket vil give dig mening og retning i livet.Med bogen GODE VANER TIL SUCCES får du mulighed for at opretholde din skrive rutine i 365 dage. Bogen indeholder sider med spørgsmål til dig som får dig til at reflektere over dine beslutninger. Hver dag får du et nyt citat eller affirmation og du får en lille tænkt når du har nået en ny milepæl.Det vil gøre dig i stand til at mestre dit liv.Vi ønsker dig masser af kærlig energi på din rejse og hører gerne om dine oplevelser.Gør hver dag til en fantastisk dag.Det er ikke situationen, der bestemmer din tilstand, men måden du vælger at opleve den på.
Meditation og bevidsthed er en guide til at lære at meditere. Til at blive mere fri af tankernes og følelsernes magt. Samt til at øge sit krops lige nærvær og bruge den kraft, der ligger i den seksuelle energi, til at udvide sin bevidsthed og udvikle sig som menneske. Væk fra tankemylder, indre uro og sænket livskraft hen imod større sindsro, vitalitet og mental frihed. Men bogen går også et spadestik dybere og dykker ned i nogle af de store eksistentielle spørgsmål om selvet, bevidstheden og det verdensbillede, som meditation bygger på. Spørgsmål, der ofte er omgærdet af mystik og forbundet med tro, men som bogen kaster et rationelt blik på. Meditation og bevidsthed bygger bro mellem videnskab og spiritualitet, mellem hoved og krop, intellekt og direkte erfaring. Brug bogen til at opnå bedre mental sundhed, større eksistentiel afklaring og en dybere forståelse af bevidst hedens mysterium. Kaspar Meitil (f. 1992) er psykolog, foredragsholder og forfatter til flere bøger om psykologi, filosofi og meditation. Han har gennem en årrække arbejdet som klinisk psykolog med mentaltræningsteknikker som meditation og mindfulness. Arbejder i dag som selvstændig med egen praksis, hvor han laver terapi og afholder kurser.
Brianna Wiest får dit sind til at slå kolbøtter, når hun med inspiration fra verdenshistoriens største tænkere og filosoffer folder sine tanker ud. Med udgangspunkt i tre tusind års erfaring og visdom kan du lade dig inspirere til et liv i balance, hvor du bliver bedre til at håndtere negative tanker og rette op på dårlige vaner.Ved at blive bevidst om måden, du tænker og handler på, vil du lære at sætte mere pris på dagligdagens rutiner og finde en større mening med det liv, der nu er dit. For lykken er der; vi skal bare blive bedre til at få øje på den.
En dag i april er en inspirerende historie af Morten Andersen. Det er en stærk fortælling om, hvad der sker når en ung mand fra det ene øjeblik til det andet bliver kørestolsbruger. Man får indblik i de fysiske og følelsesmæssige udfordringer en ulykkesramt mødes af. Men der er stadigvæk plads til smil, grin og kærlighed. Med et arbejde som medhjælper på en kvæggård, en plan om et ophold på Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup og en karriere ved militæret for at ende med en uddannelse til politibetjent ligger livet lige foran Morten. Men en dag i april går det galt, og alle planer må vendes 180 grader.Den unge mand er i gang med at fejre sin 18-årsfødselsdag, da han lettere påvirket, sammen med to venner, sætter sig bag rattet i en bil og begiver sig ud på vejen. Det ender helt galt. Ved et voldsomt uheld, hvor bilen smadres til ukendelighed, brækker Morten ryggen og bliver kørestolsbruger fra den ene dag til den anden. Et liv, som han slet ikke kunne se sig selv i, før det sker.Men før Morten kan vende tilbage til livet uden for hospitalsverdenen, skal alt læres på ny.Da han ankommer til Fysiurgisk Hospital i Hornbæk, kan han intet andet end at spise selv. Alt skal læres igen. Og da alle muskler i den del af kroppen, der ikke er lammet, stort set er forsvundet, men kan genvindes, bliver det mange måneder med blod, sved, tårer og sex.Som læser får du et indblik i en verden, som de færreste oplever på egen krop. Samtidig får du den autentiske historie om Morten og hans kamp for at overleve og vende tilbage til et normalt liv. En livsbekræftende og stærk fortælling fra et virkeligt liv.
A Secret Life Around You & Me by Anna Świetlik-Horodecka is an invitation to stop, look around, imagine, and feel. It portrays the world as a magical and colorful place, supported by whimsical and unique illustrations.Have you ever looked around and imagined what all those little things you see would do or say to us?Anna did. And in the book she shares what she saw… It is a collection of illustrations with charming, sweet, and meaningful descriptions of A secret life around you and me. They show how we can appreciate and cherish simple things, moments, and emotions that we can experience every day, in every season.
Livets hemmelige glæder – omkring dig og mig af Anna Świetlik-Horodecka er Årets Værtindegave. Det er en invitation til at stoppe op, se sig omkring, forestille sig og at føle. Den viser verden som et magisk og farverigt sted, som de finurlige og unikke illustrationer underbygger.Har du nogensinde stoppet op, kigget dig omkring og forestillet dig, hvad alle de små ting, du ser, ville lave med os eller sige til os?Det har Anna. Og i bogen deler hun, hvad hun så… Det er en samling af illustrationer med charmerende, søde og meningsfulde beskrivelser fra Livets hemmelige glæder, som vi kan finde omkring os. De viser, hvordan vi kan værdsætte og værne om enkle ting, øjeblikke og følelser, som vi kan opleve hver dag, hver sæson.
Livsbalance er en overskuelig bog til dig, der savner mere ro, overskud og energi i hverdagen. Med små ændringer og fokus på nye vaner kan du øge din trivsel markant og få mere balance i dit liv.Ved hjælp af viden, teknikker og øvelser guider bogen dig ad 7 forskellige veje:Mærk, hvordan du egentlig har det.Søvn er alfa og omega.Få et tættere forhold til naturen.Skab ro med fordybelse.Din livsstil er nøglen til dit helbred.Dit åndedræt er en superkraft.Mærk verden med sanserne.Gitte Just har på egen krop mærket, hvordan et højt tempo og præstationer kan lede til stress og få kroppen ud af balance. Livsbalance er baseret på hendes livserfaringer, faglige viden og mangeårige erfaring som leder, coach og underviser.Man kan ikke forandre alt på samme tid, så vælg et område og begynd dér.
Unlock the parallels of a golf swing and life's lessons with Follow Through: A Swing For Life. Seasoned golfer and spiritual thinker Kerwin Owens provides actionable tips, seamlessly connecting golf swing mechanics with spiritual dimensions. Each golf swing phase mirrors life's challenges, offering inspiration and insight for personal and spiritual growth. Follow Through is more than a book; it's a unique and enlightening experience reshaping your perspective on the game and life's journey.
Discover the Ultimate Strategies That Will Rewire Your Mindset and Welcome Happiness and Positivity Into Your Life - Stop Overthinking, Negativity, and Unhappiness by Nurturing a Positive Lifestyle! It's no secret that most days feel like a blur. Sometimes, you just can't bring yourself to get out of bed and tackle your challenges for the day. Everything just feels so dull and lifeless.Studies show that in the modern day, 80% of your thinking is negative thoughts. Negative thinking patterns are taking over our brains, and if we continue talking down to ourselves day after day, it could lead to some horrible consequences.It's time to put a stop to that harmful cycle.Discover the art of positive thinking through actionable strategies that are designed to empower you to take control of your thoughts and take steps to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life! In this guide, you'll explore:The science of positivity: Dive into the psychology behind positive thinking and gain a deeper understanding of how your thoughts shape your reality. You'll also learn how to steer them in a more positive direction.Ways to rewire your mindset: Stop overthinking by learning how to turn any negative into a positive with these easy steps!Better relationships with yourself and people around you: Get people to like you and explore how positive thinking can greatly enhance your relationships. Create a ripple of healthy positivity!And so much more.Life doesn't have to feel so hard anymore.If you're ready to break free from the harmful cycle of negative thinking patterns and go on a journey toward a more prosperous and happy life, then this is the guide for you! It's time to change your life, one thought at a time.
This book is a guide to understanding and embracing the profound themes that shape our lives, from the words we speak to the love we share. Each page is designed to offer insights and practices that encourage reflection, growth, and connection. As you turn these pages, you'll be embarking on a path of self-discovery, learning to navigate life with intentionality, courage, service, resilience, and love:Intentionality: Considering the impact of our words and actions. Being mindful and deliberate in how you interact with others, recognizing that even small gestures or words can have a significant impact on those around you.Courage: Courage: You are encouraged to face and overcome your fears, especially those related to seeking approval or validation from others. This section challenges you to find your inner strength and to act bravely, even when you feel uncertain or intimidated.Service: The healing and transformative power of serving others. This section emphasizes the healing and transformative power of helping others. By engaging in acts of kindness and compassion, you can experience personal growth and fulfillment, and foster a deeper sense of connection with your community.Resilience: Recognizing the role of challenges in personal growth-viewing all challenges and obstacles as opportunities for personal growth. This section encourages you to see difficulties not as setbacks, but as chances to learn and develop, highlighting the importance of recovering and emerging stronger from tough situations.Love: Exploring the various forms and expressions of love, from romantic relationships to self-love, and the love found in acts of forgiveness and compassion. You are invited to open your heart to experiencing and recognizing love in its many forms in your life.Consider this book as a daily companion designed to enrich your journey toward a more intentional and fulfilling life. Here's how to make the most of this book:Start Each Day with Purpose: Embrace each morning with a passage from "The Contemplative Morning." Let these insights be the backdrop of your day, infusing each moment with mindfulness and intent.Dive into Deep Reflection: At the close of each insight, you'll encounter thought-provoking inquiries. These are not just questions, but gateways to deeper self-awareness. Whether through meditation, journaling, or quiet reflection, engage with these inquiries to uncover layers of your inner self.Actionable Daily Steps: Every insight is paired with a practical action. These steps are your toolkit for weaving the day's wisdom into the fabric of your everyday life. From small acts of kindness to moments of courage, these practices are your pathway to personal evolution.Journal Your Journey: Accompany your reading with a personal journal. Document your thoughts, emotions, and revelations to chronicle your growth. Reflect, Revisit, and Grow: Regular introspection is key. Revisit the insights and lessons you've absorbed. Each rereading can unveil fresh perspectives, adapting as you grow in your journey.Share Your Insights: Consider this book a conversation starter. Discuss your discoveries in group settings or with a partner. Sharing not only deepens your understanding but also creates bonds of shared growth and understanding.
Miss Wurtzel is back, and this time she's armed with advice for the modern woman. She's found the secret of life, and it's within everyone's reach. It's about enjoying your mistakes. It's about being strong. It's about eating dessert. It's about having opinions. It's about adoring feminism. It's about embracing fanaticism. It's also about saying your prayers, not overpacking, and making your boyfriend do the dishes.. Some of her words of wisdom:- Think Productively: It's not that you have to see it to believe it; on the contrary, you have to believe it to see it.- Be Gorgeous: I myself believe that I am about ten times prettier than I actually am. By dint of sheer will power, I have managed to convince many people of this.- Enjoy Your Single Years: Do not think that the whole point of being single is being married; men don't think this way, and neither should you.In Radical Sanity, these lessons, and many more, are delivered with the sharp wit and candor we've come to expect -- and love -- from Elizabeth Wurtzel.
"The 9 Wonders" by Akhilesh Somani is a transformative book series delving into the intricacies of personal development and success. Through nine insightful volumes, including "How to Manage Mind," "How to Manage Behavior," "How to Manage Money," "How to Manage Time," "How to Manage Goals," "How to Manage Health," "How to Manage Wealth," "How to Manage Relationships," and "How to Manage Life," Somani provides practical guidance and actionable strategies. This series, akin to a roadmap for personal and professional excellence, empowers readers to unlock their potential, cultivate a success-oriented mindset, and embark on a fulfilling journey towards a purposeful life.
"A gentle story that offers support and may help allay some fears." - Kirkus ReviewsSuzie loves to sing and dance and read and dream, but she prefers to do these things alone. Because when she feels other children are watching her, Blush shows up. At school, Suzie can usually hide Blush well, but when the teacher asks her a question one day, Suzie notices that her cheeks suddenly start to glow . . .This captivating story delves into themes of embarrassment, self-confidence, and overcoming insecurities. Through Suzie's journey, readers witness her struggle with managing her emotions and the 'blush' that holds her back. As Suzie learns to confront her fears, the illustrations cleverly depict the shrinking presence of her blush, making it easier for children to grasp this abstract concept.With its relatable narrative and engaging artwork, Suzie and Blush not only entertains but also educates young readers about managing emotions and building self-confidence.A heartwarming picture book about a shy girl who overcomes her insecurities. For children ages 5 years and up.
This book takes 100 real-life questions from actual people and endeavors to bring us back to the self-love and self-worth we didn't have to be convinced of before we were talked out of it by the cruelties and pains of life and circumstances. The goal of this book is to advocate for this and that, instead of this or that. Cruelties and pains have taught us so much, but the goal is to learn the lessons without the price being paid by love.
@ toi en quête d'une vie meilleure... Viens retrouver dans ce troisième volume de "Le LIVRE qui te rendra LIBRE", 365 nouveaux messages inspirants, encourageants et motivants.Imagine ceci : À quoi pourrait ressembler ton quotidien si tu pouvais te lever chaque matin avec l'esprit LIBRE et SUPER motivé, vidé de toute forme de stress et rempli de TOUTE l'énergie mentale dont tu as besoin pour appréhender chaque jour avec confiance ? Après tout...La qualité de notre vie ne dépend-t-elle pas - par extension - de celle de nos journées ?Dans Le LIVRE qui te rendra LIBRE il serait très surprenant que tu n'aies pas quelques déclics par-ci, par-là - au détour d'une phrase - avec le RÉEL pouvoir de t'aider à mener une vie plus libre et épanouie...... Quelle que soit ta situation aujourd'hui.Avant que tu te demandes légitimement, en quoi je pourrais bien être qualifié pour t'accompagner dans ta recherche d'une vie meilleure... Permets-moi de me présenter rapidement :Je m'appelle Eric Nicolas et pour te la faire courte, je vis une vie LIBRE tant sur le plan personnel que financier et ce, malgré un bagage de milieu très modeste, un faible niveau d'études, et toute une série d'obstacles a priori infranchissables.L'idée ici c'est pas de m'envoyer des fleurs ni faire pleurer dans les chaumières, mais de te faire passer un message IMPORTANT :D'où que tu viennes et où que tu en sois aujourd'hui, dans ta vie...Quel que soit ton niveau actuel de motivation, et même s'il est inexistant en ce moment... tu as TOUT ce qu'il faut en toi pour aller OÙ TU VEUX et si tu ne le vois pas, ça ne veut pas dire que ce n'est pas là mais juste que tu ne l'as pas encore trouvé !Le LIVRE qui te rendra LIBRE va clairement t'y aider à travers 90 messages quotidiens - simples mais à fort impact - pour que tu puisses =Mieux faire face aux défis de la vie, avec beaucoup + de motivation, de force et d'énergie...Trouver en toi les réponses que tu cherches depuis longtemps...Accentuer ou retrouver ton bien-être intérieur, mais aussi ta joie de vivre...Améliorer la qualité de ta vie, et de tes relations avec les autres...Atteindre tes objectifs financiers et autres...Mener une vie totalement LIBRE et selon tes propres termes...... Et bien plus encore, avec toutes les clefs pour rebooster ta vie et en faire une nouvelle aventure au-delà de tes espérances.TRÈS sincèrement, je me réjouis de partager tout ça avec toi ¿@u plaisir de t'y retrouver,Eric
Practical Ways to Balance Your Life and Lift Your Energy LevelMany of us are struggling to live well in a world that is not well. Boost offers thought-provoking information and intelligent advice for making positive and healthy changes for the way ahead, for ourselves, AND for our ailing planet. We are overloading on technology as we, and our children, have become addicted to being entertained! As technology inserts itself deeper into every day, we are paying a price in chronic tiredness and exhaustion, stress, illness, mounting debt, fractured families, diminishing communities, and ultimately, world unrest. Our lives are becoming unbalanced-and without balance, we must eventually trip and fall over.In Boost you will discover:The surprisingly simple way to create a balance in your life How to get off the technology treadmillHow to make small adjustments that will lift your energy levelsHow to raise the energy level in your home so that it recharges you "Light bulb" moments of understanding as you gain personal insights about yourself and learn how simple changes can produce huge results.Boost offers wisdom and facts that will support you, and the people you love, to blossom and grow. This book is about regaining balance, improving health, and finding the energy to truly enjoy life in the 21st century. Boost is about energy-something most people can't get enough of!Boost answers your questions about energy: what it is, where it comes from, and most important of all, how to get more so you can live a better life!It IS possible to feel switched on and energized every day, all day, and that's where Boost comes in to show you ways to lift your energy levels.Boost shows you how to make your workday more rewarding, and how to compartmentalize it so it doesn't drive you 24/7.
It's time to take control of your thoughts,and fashion the life you dream of.Dr. McLean has shared her experiences and knowledge in this book Gratitude Keeper® with the world.This epic, impactful series reveals...¿¿¿¿ proven techniques to remap your thoughts and build coherence with your inner voice.¿¿¿¿ how you can free yourself from the spiral effect of unfruitful thinking and release unwanted emotions of the past.¿¿¿¿ techniques to create an alignment between your thoughts and feelings to overcome emotional fatigue and create synergy within.Create a massive transformation in your life and the lives of others.This book will be a must addition to your book collection and book club. Enjoy inspiring affirmations, quotes and meditations.Inspire And Strengthen Your Spirit!Be Inspired And Strengthen Your Inner Core!"My experience is that we are each blessed with a piece of life's giant puzzle.Therefore, I welcome you to take a peek into this exponential journey and the value of practicing gratitude...Build confidence and magnify your dreams with...Drive - Passion - Perseverance - Ingenuity - Authenticity and Resilience."- Maxine McLean Ph.DDoctor of Integrative Medicine, Medical Intuitive Healer, Author, Creative Entrepreneur, Health & Meditation Coach/Speaker, Homeopath, Humanitarian.
Don't get left behind in the past-embrace the future of business networking and unlock the $150,000 method for success!
"Think you've never experienced a miracle? The New York Times bestselling author of Win the Day reminds us of the millions of miracles God performs every day and inspires us to live with a clearer sense of identity and purpose"--
Lori Gentles, through her raw honesty and "tell it like it is" style shares insights and lessons into her journey from low self-esteem and powerlessness to unstoppable and profound confidence, courage and self-love. Her unique style and message instantly resonate with her readers. She says out loud what people think and feel privately. It's shocking, sometimes crass but true! Ultimately, Dear Jane is a most unusual love story. The author systematically walks you through a series of difficult but necessary break-ups. Saying goodbye to any relationship (work, church, family, romantic, friend, self) that no longer serves you is the highest form of self-love. This is more than a self-development book, it's a love story about falling in love with you and attracting the love you deserve.
Do you believe your voice can create a ripple effect of positivity in the world?Let this book be your guide, a sign from the universe that you can speak your truth and feel empowered to share your voice!In this fourth volume of Voices of Impact, you will read the inspiring stories of 22 entrepreneurial and visionary women.Sharing incredible Inspirational stories of BRAVERY, COURAGE and DETERMINATION to overcome and become the best versions of themselves to IMPACT the world.You will be moved to take inspired action in your own life after reading their stories of TRANSFORMATION.Ladies, it's your time to step up, step out and share your vision for impact!Featuring: Ash BarlowStephanie BarlowKris CotterChrissie DillonSonia HaytonSara HerringJulie-Ann HumphrisJ.A KernichPamela LariviereMichelle LowryElosie ParkerEva PorterJenny PowellMaria SarafoudisEileen ScottDr Ruchi Mishra SharmaJo SpehrVikki SpellerAngela TurpinMaria VedisClaire WilliamsTracey Wright
Discover the winner inside of you. A "bad hand" doesn't mean it's a losing hand. You were born to Win! Life can send intense blows, making you feel like you are going out for the count. This book is for the reader feeling overwhelmed with life and stuck trying to move forward. Maybe you started strong and have become weary. In Fight Don't Faint, you will release feelings of defeat and build endurance. Have you ever asked yourself: Will I come out of this?How will I come out of this? Do I want to come out of this? Through personal testimonies and practical insight, you will gain awareness of 6 proven tools to overcome opposition and win like a champion. Put Your Dukes Up; It's Time To Fight!
"The Good Habits Playbook" stands out as a unique guide in the world of habits books, showing you how to make significant improvements in your life without overwhelming effort. This engaging good habits book offers a playful and innovative perspective on habit transformation, appealing to both men and women. It is a journey into making the development of good habits an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Whether you are looking to reshape your lifestyle or fine-tune your existing routines, this forming good habits book provides practical, easy-to-implement strategies that make the process of changing your habits not only effective but also fun.
Assess your current situation and identify areas of clutter and excess that hinder your progress. Learn effective decluttering techniques, overcome attachment to belongings, and create efficient storage solutions. Streamline your space, from furniture to digital clutter, and create functional and aesthetically pleasing environments. Embrace a minimalist mindset by letting go of consumerism, focusing on experiences rather than material possessions, and cultivating gratitude and contentment. Extend minimalism to other areas of your life, from your wardrobe to relationships and social commitments, simplifying and finding true fulfillment. In this transformative book,You'll delve into the timeless wisdom of monks who have mastered the art of unwavering concentration, discipline, and inner peace.This book, "Monk Mode," is not about retreating from the world but about adapting these ancient principles to modern life.It's a guide that will teach you to harness your inner monk, achieve your goals, and find true contentment in an over stimulated world.Through the increased awareness that monk mode gives us, everything we do in life will become clear and conscious to us and we will not be guided by the ego.If you are interested in developing awareness and want to achieve your goals, I think this book will change a lot in your life :) If you are open minded to experiences and observations of others, reading this book you will learn a lot of new, useful things.
In her highly anticipated third book, Brenda Oriedi provides a transformative journey through the foundational principles she aptly names "Power Pillars." Her fresh perspective on redefining power delves into the profound insights of perception and cultivation, and also redefines the very essence of what it means to be powerful. This life-changing guide blends spiritual wisdom, practical guidance, and a coaching voice to offer a perspective shift that will empower you to master your life with purpose and responsibility. In a world often fixated on might and control, Oriedi challenges conventional wisdom by shifting the paradigm from strength to responsibility. She provides a unique perspective, one stemming from a deep-rooted connection to a higher source. You will discover that true power is not about domination, but the capacity to shape our interactions with the world around us. Drawing from biblical references, psychological insights, and her signature coaching voice, Oriedi presents a roadmap for applying these life-changing principles to your own journey. You will unlock the secrets to mastering your life, harnessing the latent potential within to create a meaningful, purpose-driven existence. You will: Gain a fresh understanding of power from a spiritual perspective.Discover how perception and cultivation can reshape your reality.Uncover the secrets to responsible and purpose-driven living.Find practical guidance and actionable steps for personal transformation.Embrace your innate potential to create a life of fulfillment and significance. Are you ready to take control of your destiny? Wisdom, insight, and guidance await in this inspiring and enlightening book. It's time to step into your true power and master your life as never before. (About the Author) Brenda Oriedi merges coaching, consulting, and prophetic insight serving in the charity sector with purpose.
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