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  • af Pétur Ívarsson
    442,95 kr.

    Það er spennandi fyrsta skref þegar litla barnið þitt byrjar að færa sig í átt að heimi fíns veitinga og framandi smekks. Einn daginn mun gleðipakkinn þinn njóta pizzu með vinum eftir skóla, krabbafætur og snittur á uppáhaldsveitingastaðnum þeirra og eðalvín með einhverjum öðrum. En fyrst verða þeir að sigra undirstöðuatriði barnamatar - og þú líka!Það er ekki alltaf eins einfalt og það kann að hljóma að færa barnið þitt úr fljótandi brjóstamjólk eða þurrmjólk yfir í stöðugt fastari fæðu. Mörgum mæðrum finnst að fæða barnið vera eitt af erfiðari og fyrirferðarmeiri verkefnum fyrsta árs. Hins vegar, með þessari handbók sem auðvelt er að fylgja eftir innan seilingar, geturðu kennt barninu þínu að borða af sjálfstrausti og færni. Með rétta þekkingu í höndunum munt þú lágmarka höfuðverk og tryggja að barnið þitt þrói matarhæfileika sína fljótt, skilvirkt og eins skemmtilegt og mögulegt er

  • af Emily Soto
    167,95 kr.

    Welcome to the "Best Lunchbox Recipes for Kids"cookbook, a culinary trip that turns the mundane process of packing lunch into a tasty and wholesome adventure! As parents, guardians, and defenders of our kids' wellbeing, we are aware that cooking nutritious meals for them is not only a daily struggle but also a genuine act of love.This cookbook contains a variety of original, kid-tested lunchbox meals that strike the ideal harmony between flavour, convenience, and nutrition. These dishes are created to appease even the pickiest eaters while supplying them with the vital nutrients they require to flourish. With everything from vibrant salads and savoury wraps to delectable muffins and entertaining finger snacks, our objective is to make lunchtime enjoyable for both of you.

  • af Heike Braun
    217,95 kr.

  • af Publications International Ltd
    172,95 kr.

    When it comes to mealtime, pleasing everyone in the family can be a challenge--so make them the dishes they love! This collection includes all the tried-and-true favorites, like gooey mac and cheese, crispy oven-fried chicken, loaded baked potatoes and pizza casserole. More than 90 sensational recipes and taste-tempting photos. The whole family will enjoy hearty soups and stews, slow-cooked barbecued meats, spicy tacos and flavor-packed pastas, all guaranteed to please. Beyond main dishes, you'll find classic breakfasts, tasty snacks, breads, sides and dozens of irresistible desserts--these are the special recipes that bring the family together. Chapters include Breakfast & Brunch, Soups, Salads, Chicken & Turkey, Beef & Pork, Meatless Meals, Vegetables & Sides, and Desserts Hardcover, 192 pages.

  • af Catherine Jane Wood
    162,95 kr.

  • af Annabel Karmel
    212,95 kr.

    Everything you need to know about your baby's food journey Wean your baby confidently and safely, with guidance from bestselling baby and child nutrition author, Annabel Karmel. Weaning guides you through every aspect of weaning your baby, with advice on when to start weaning, which foods to introduce first, how to prepare foods safely, and how to spoon-feed purees and solid foods. With up-to-date information on critical nutrients for your baby, advice on allergies and intolerances, and tips on combining foods to build up flavours and textures, you can be sure your baby is getting exactly what their growing body needs. Over 60 enticing and versatile weaning recipes take you from six months to 12 months and beyond, along with nutritionally balanced menu planners. Every recipe can be adapted to cater for common allergies and intolerances, and many recipes suggest simple ingredient swaps to challenge and excite your baby's maturing palate. With real-world advice, encouragement and troubleshooting strategies from Annabel along the way, Weaning will lay the foundation for a lifetime of happy, healthy eating.

  • af Adam Pickens
    127,95 kr.

    In the delightful children's book "Gourmet Gus Eats In New Orleans," young readers join Gus, the food-loving raccoon, on an epic culinary adventure through the vibrant city. With captivating hand-drawn illustrations and mixed media collage, this visually stunning book immerses children in a world of flavors and imagination.Gus's insatiable appetite drives him to seek out new taste sensations. Guided by Chef Pierre, he explores the bustling streets of the French Quarter, encountering sizzling Cajun dishes, mouthwatering aromas, and captivating sights. The book's hand-drawn illustrations and mixed media collage bring the vibrant food culture of New Orleans to life, engaging children's senses and sparking their imagination.As Gus discovers iconic Southern classics like "Shrimp and Grits" and delectable beignets, young readers are invited to imagine themselves in Gus's kitchen, cooking up these mouthwatering treats. The illustrations beautifully portray the culinary journey, immersing children in the diverse flavors of New Orleans.Beyond the food, "Gourmet Gus Eats In New Orleans" offers a glimpse into the city's rich history, culture, and traditions. The fusion of African, French, and Spanish influences is brought to life through the illustrations, capturing the city's architecture, music, and vibrant atmosphere.With engaging storytelling, celebration of flavors, and visually stunning hand-drawn illustrations with mixed media collage, "Gourmet Gus Eats In New Orleans" entertains, educates, and inspires. It sparks culinary curiosity, encourages exploration of new flavors, and invites children on a visual journey through the streets of New Orleans.Prepare for a mouthwatering adventure as Gus and young readers explore the city's culinary wonders, all beautifully portrayed through the captivating hand-drawn illustrations with mixed media collage. "Gourmet Gus Eats In New Orleans" is a delightful feast for the eyes and imagination, bringing the flavors of New Orleans to life on every page.

  • af Angela Banner Joseph
    147,95 kr.

    Spend time with your child with this cheerful coloring book, while they learn about cooking in the kitchen, and outside. It was a pleasure to prepare a coloring book that measures approximately 8.5" x 11" inches, and have about 36 pages of great designs with large spaces and lines to easily color for relaxing fun. An excellent gift idea for children and adults who prefer large print.

  • af True Ju
    317,95 kr.

    Introducing "Papa, I'm Hungry: 50 Simple Meals Your Child Can Prepare Daily" - a revolutionary cookbook designed to empower young chefs aged 10-16 and provide busy parents with a solution for healthy meals despite their work constraints.¿This innovative cookbook brings together clear and age-appropriate recipe instructions that enable young chefs to take charge in the kitchen, fostering their culinary skills and self-confidence. Each recipe is carefully curated to ensure it delivers not only on taste but also on nutrition, providing the healthiest options for growing children.The book is not just about cooking; it's a journey of motivation and encouragement. With each recipe, readers will discover a delightful motivational quote, inspiring them to explore their creativity and embrace the joy of cooking. This positive reinforcement serves as a constant reminder that they are capable of achieving great things in the kitchen and beyond.Designed with busy parents in mind, "Papa, I'm Hungry" acts as a reliable partner in the quest for nourishing meals. It empowers young chefs to take the lead in meal preparation, allowing parents to trust in their children's capabilities and cultivate a sense of independence.The book's online presence is further amplified because it is a time-saving cookbook for busy parents, which features child-friendly recipes, healthy meals for children, and age-appropriate cooking, empowering young chefs all around the world. "Papa, I'm Hungry" is destined to be a valued asset in your kitchen, reaching the audience it was created to serve - parents looking for nutritious meal solutions and aspiring young chefs eager to embark on a culinary adventure.Discover a world of culinary delights, learning, and inspiration as young chefs embark on their cooking journey with "Papa, I'm Hungry." This cookbook is not just about nourishing the body but also nurturing the spirit, one delectable meal and motivational quote at a time.

  • af Cristi Voinea
    447,95 kr.

    Bun venit la ¿Dulci Scoops: O carte de bucate delicioase pentru înghe¿at¿". Aceast¿ colec¿ie încânt¿toare de re¿ete de înghe¿at¿ este conceput¿ pentru a v¿ duce papilele gustative într-o c¿l¿torie delicioas¿ printr-o lume a deliciilor înghe¿ate. Fie c¿ e¿ti un pasionat de înghe¿at¿ experimentat sau un novice în buc¿t¿rie, aceast¿ carte de bucate are ceva de oferit pentru toat¿ lumea. Înghe¿ata a fost un r¿sf¿¿ îndr¿git de secole, iar versatilitatea sa permite o creativitate nesfâr¿it¿. De la arome clasice care evoc¿ nostalgie pân¿ la combinäii unice care surprind ¿i încânt¿, prepararea înghe¿atei acas¿ v¿ permite s¿ controläi ingredientele, s¿ experimentäi cu arome ¿i s¿ personalizäi dup¿ cum dori¿i. În aceast¿ carte de bucate, vom explora o gam¿ larg¿ de re¿ete, de la înghe¿at¿ neted¿ ¿i cremoas¿ pe baz¿ de crem¿ pân¿ la sorbeturi r¿coritoare de fructe ¿i op¿iuni f¿r¿ lactate. Ve¿i g¿si instruc¿iuni pas cu pas, sfaturi utile ¿i tehnici pentru a v¿ asigura c¿ creäiile dvs. înghe¿ate ies perfect de fiecare dat¿. A¿adar, ia-¿i aparatul de înghe¿at¿, îmbrac¿-¿i ¿or¿ul ¿i hai s¿ ne scufund¿m în lumea înghe¿atei de cas¿! S¿ pornim într-o c¿l¿torie a gustului ¿i texturii, creând capodopere congelate care v¿ vor impresiona familia, prietenii ¿i, cel mai important, papilele dvs. gustative. A¿adar, preg¿te¿te-te s¿ explorezi noi arome, s¿ amesteci ¿i s¿ asortezi ingredientele ¿i s¿ experimentezi bucuria de a crea delicii congelate care te vor men¿ine r¿cori în zilele toride de var¿ ¿i vor aduce zâmbete pe fe¿e pe tot parcursul anului. A¿a c¿, f¿r¿ alte prelungiri, haide¿i s¿ lüm püin¿ fericire ¿i s¿ ne scufund¿m în lumea magiei înghe¿atei de cas¿!

  • af Klaus Heim
    352,95 kr.

    Dieses Grill-Kochbuch ist voll von köstlichen, leicht zuzubereitenden Rezepten! Mit über 500+ Rezepten zur Auswahl, finden Sie in diesem Kochbuch bestimmt das, wonach Sie suchen...Grillen, aber wie? - Die ersten Schritte sind einfach, solange Sie drei Dinge bei sich habenDen Grill, das Gas und das Essen. Wenn Sie diese drei Dinge haben, können Sie offiziell mit dem Grillen beginnen. Zuerst müssen Sie das Gas an den Grill anschließen. Die meisten Gasgrills werden mit einem Schlauch geliefert, der an den Gastank angeschlossen wird. Der Tank muss geöffnet werden, damit das Gas fließen kann. Einige Grills haben auch ein Gasventil. Stellen Sie also sicher, dass alles geöffnet ist, bevor Sie versuchen, den Grill anzuzünden.Das Anzünden des Grills ist einfach, aber seien Sie sich bewusst, dass Sie mit einem leicht entzündlichen Gas arbeiten. Wenn Sie vor oder nach dem Anzünden Gas riechen, schalten Sie alles aus und überprüfen Sie die Anschlüsse. Ein Gasleck ist ein ernsthaftes Problem, das Sie aber wahrscheinlich nicht haben werden, wenn Sie alles richtig anschließen.Bei einem Gasgrill müssen Sie sich nicht um das Aufwärmen der Kohlen oder das Halten einer gleichmäßigen Temperatur kümmern.Nachdem Sie den Grill angezündet haben, lassen Sie ihn vorglühen. Etwa 15 Minuten bei mittlerer bis hoher Hitze sollten genügen. Sobald der Grill vorgeheizt ist, können Sie mit dem Grillen beginnen, aber zuerst müssen Sie den Grill reinigen. Die Reinigung eines Grills ist viel einfacher, wenn er heiß ist. Wenn die Roste heiß werden, werden sie auch desinfiziert. Zum Reinigen Ihres Grills benötigen Sie eine Drahtbürste. Sie können auch ein Stück Alufolie oder Zwiebeln zum Reinigen verwenden, aber die Drahtbürste ist am besten geeignet. Sie können auch eine Bürste mit einem Holzgriff verwenden, denn viele haben einen Kunststoffgriff, der schmilzt.Ein Kunststoffgriff könnte bei diesen Flammen schmelzen, Holz brennt nur etwas an. Jetzt, wo das Gas angeschlossen, der Grill angezündet und gereinigt ist, können Sie endlich loslegen. Drehen Sie die Hitze ein wenig auf mittlere Stufe herunter und halten Sie die Temperatur heiß, aber nicht zu heiß.Das richtige Zubehör¿.1. GrillhandschuheGut isolierte Handschuhe sind beim Grillen von unschätzbarem Wert. Sie schützen Ihre Hände vor heißen Fettspritzern, wenn das Grillgut gewendet wird. Achten Sie beim Kauf dieser Handschuhe darauf, dass sie lang genug sind, um das Handgelenk und nach Möglichkeit auch einen Teil des Unterarms zu schützen.2. GrillschürzeDie kochende Person sollte immer eine Schürze aus festem Stoff tragen, um die Kleidung und die nackte Haut vor heißen Fettspritzern zu schützen. Die Schürze darf keine Kunstfasern enthalten, da diese leicht entflammbar sind.3. GrillzangeMit einer robusten Grillzange lassen sich Fleischstücke jeder Größe leicht wenden. Bitte verwenden Sie zum Wenden des Fleisches keine Gabel, da diese das Fleisch einstechen und den Saft austreten lassen würde, so dass es trocken wird.(mehr Informationen finden Sie im Buch)

  • af William Eleazar Barton
    212,95 kr.

  • af Leah Bodenbach
    172,95 kr.

    Boost your baby’s brain health and microbiome with healthy, delicious, homemade first foods! Complete nutrition guide and organic baby food cookbook made explicitly for baby’s gut health.As parents, you possess great powers to help foster the growth of a healthy baby, starting with nourishing foods. In Brain Food for Your Baby, holistic health coach and registered nurse Leah Bodenbach offers a step-by-step nutritional guide to baby’s first foods along with 125 easy, brain-boosting, gut-healthy recipes for every age and stage. And the biggest perk of all is that you’ll be making your own homemade baby food, so you’ll know each and every ingredient your baby is eating. More than just a cookbook, this book has parents covered with:  125 yummy, nutrient-dense recipes: Easy and tasty recipes, from bone broth and single-ingredient purées to toddler snacks and family meals everyone can enjoy Foods for each age and stage: Nutritional and developmental guidance that follows your baby’s growing needs, including which foods to introduce and when Gut-friendly food prep for baby: How to safely prepare fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, and seafood, as well as grains, beans, legumes, and nuts for easy digestion and nutrient absorption   Intro to an infant’s microbiome: Learn how to maintain your baby’s microbiome to help their brain development as well as reduce their risk for allergies, asthma, and autoimmune diseases    Food allergies and intolerances: Information on which foods to avoid during the first year as well as advice on introducing new foods and common allergens  Organic food 101: How to shop organic on a budget, decipher the labels, and other low-toxin living tips Hybrid feeding approach: Includes baby-led weaning recipes to develop baby’s motor skills, regulate their appetite, and encourage self-feeding Tips to expand your baby’s palate: Advice for introducing superfoods as well as new flavors to help your baby develop an adventurous palate and a healthy relationship with food

  • af The Official Minecraft Team
    267,95 kr.

    This official Minecraft cookbook expands beyond its sixty recipes, giving aspiring young chefs the tools needed to begin a lifelong love of cooking—as well as important lessons on environmental stewardship. Welcome to The Crafter’s Kitchen, your starting point for a food journey across the Overworld and our very own planet! Your guide is a Minecraft chef named the Gourmand who sees the planet Earth with wonder—as well as concern. Where they come from, apples don’t come out of plastic bags. Every ingredient has its own story and has its own place in nature. And everyone composts. The sixty recipes in The Crafter’s Kitchen are ideal for kitchen first-timers and kids learning to cook with their parents. Each chapter features a different biome of the Minecraft world, from the deepest ocean to the highest mountain, spotlighting delicious, easy-to-make recipes as well as environmental issues facing similar areas in our own world, like:• Ocean: Garlicky Ratatouille Kabobs, Banana Dulce de Leche Batido, and cleaning up at the beach• Forest: Applesauce Snacking Cake, Chicken Cacciatore, and starting your own garden• Taiga: Cardamom Bear Paws, Swedish Meatballs, and supporting wildlife refuges Through the magic of Minecraft—and cuisine—kids can expand and explore their understanding of the food they eat and the world they will grow up to inherit and protect.

  • af Triana Yanira
    217,95 kr.

    ¿Es usted un padre cansado de teorías y métodos de desarrollo y aprendizaje para su hijo que no parecen funcionar? ¿Anhela ofrecer a su pequeño lo mejor en términos de crecimiento y dejar que su potencial florezca desde los primeros pasos? ¡No busque más! "Método Montessori: La guía definitiva para criar a tu hijo lo mejor posible con más de 50 actividades prácticas para desarrollar su personalidad y liberar su potencial desde los primeros pasos" es la solución perfecta que transformará tu visión sobre la educación de tu hijo. Este libro ha sido creado pensando en usted, el padre, para ofrecer a su hijo lo mejor en términos de desarrollo y aprendizaje. Con más de 50 actividades prácticas cuidadosamente seleccionadas, descubrirá cómo crear un entorno estimulante y atractivo para su pequeño. Desde actividades sensoriales que alimentan su curiosidad y descubrimiento, hasta actividades prácticas que fomentan su independencia y creatividad, dispondrá de una amplia gama de opciones para acompañar a su hijo a medida que crece. Estos son algunos de los aspectos más destacados que encontrarás en el interior del libro:Cómo crear un entorno estimulante y atractivo para tu hijo, con consejos sobre cómo organizar el espacio, seleccionar los materiales adecuados y crear zonas dedicadas al aprendizaje.Actividades prácticas que fomentan el desarrollo de la concentración, la coordinación óculo-manual y la motricidad fina de tu hijo.Cómo fomentar la autonomía y la independencia de tu hijo mediante actividades que estimulen su capacidad para tomar decisiones, resolver problemas y completar tareas de forma independiente. La importancia de la comunicación no verbal en el contexto Montessori y descubrir cómo utilizar gestos, señales y expresiones faciales para promover la comprensión y la comunicación efectiva.Cómo introducir conceptos matemáticos de una manera práctica y concreta, a través de materiales y actividades que involucran números, formas, medidas y problemas matemáticos.Cómo fomentar la curiosidad científica de su hijo mediante experimentos, observaciones y actividades que estimulen su interés por la naturaleza, la ciencia y el mundo que nos rodea.Estrategias para desarrollar la autoestima, la resiliencia y la conciencia emocional de su hijo, a través de actividades que fomentan la exploración de las emociones y el reconocimiento de las propias capacidades.Una amplia gama de actividades prácticas Montessori, incluyendo trabajo en la cocina, actividades sensoriales, juegos divertidos y más, para proporcionar a su hijo una variedad de experiencias ricas y significativas. No pierda esta oportunidad de transformar la vida de su hijo y ofrecerle un camino de crecimiento extraordinario.

  • af Vanessa Ridley
    187,95 kr.

    Are you a parent tired of theories and methods of development and learning for your child that don't seem to work? Do you long to offer your little one the best in terms of growth and to let his or her potential blossom from the very first steps? Look no further! This Guide is the perfect solution that will transform your view on your child's education. This book was created with you in mind, a parent eager to offer your child the best in development and learning. With over 50 carefully selected hands-on activities, you will discover how to create a stimulating and engaging environment for your little one. From sensory activities that nurture his curiosity and discovery, to hands-on activities that foster his independence and creativity, you'll have a wide range of options to accompany your child as he grows. Here are some of the highlights you will find within the book: How to create a stimulating and engaging environment for your child, with tips on how to organize space, select the right materials and create dedicated learning areas.Hands-on activities that encourage the development of your child's concentration, hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.How to encourage autonomy and independence in your child through activities that stimulate the ability to make decisions, solve problems and complete tasks independently.The importance of nonverbal communication in the Montessori context and learn how to use gestures, signals, and facial expressions to foster understanding and effective communication.How to introduce math concepts in a practical, hands-on way through materials and activities involving numbers, shapes, measurements, and math problems.How to encourage your child's scientific curiosity through experiments, observations and activities that stimulate interest in nature, science and the world around us.Strategies for developing your child's self-esteem, resilience, and emotional awareness, through activities that encourage exploration of emotions and recognition of one's abilities.A wide range of hands-on Montessori activities, including chores, sensory activities, fun games and more, to provide your child with a variety of rich and meaningful experiences. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your child's life and offer him or her an extraordinary path to growth.

  • af Emily Soto
    177,95 kr.

    "Yummy Toddler Food" is a delightful and practical cookbook designed specifically to make mealtime a joyous adventure for your little ones. Created with love and expertise, this cookbook is packed with a wide array of nutritious and delicious recipes that will delight the taste buds of even the pickiest eaters.Featuring over 70 creative and easy-to-follow recipes, "Yummy Toddler Food" is a treasure trove of ideas to help parents and caregivers provide wholesome meals that toddlers will eagerly devour. From finger foods and snacks to main courses and desserts, each recipe has been thoughtfully crafted to cater to the unique nutritional needs of growing children while introducing them to a variety of flavors and textures.Inside this cookbook, you'll find a collection of mouthwatering recipes that are both appealing to the eye and packed with essential nutrients. Discover clever ways to sneak in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins, ensuring your toddler receives a balanced and nourishing diet.The recipes in "Yummy Toddler Food" are not only healthy but also designed to inspire creativity and encourage family participation in the kitchen. With helpful tips on ingredient substitutions, food allergies, and toddler-friendly cooking techniques, this cookbook becomes an invaluable resource for parents navigating the sometimes-challenging world of feeding toddlers.

  • af &1608, &1605, &1610, mfl.
    334,95 kr.

  • af &15, &1493, &1500, mfl.
    336,95 kr.

  • af Kandice Merrick
    287,95 kr.

    Slime-Tastic: 101 Ways to Make the Perfect Slime for Kids" is the ultimate guide to creating the most awesome slimes for kids using a variety of easy-to-follow recipes. From glitter slime and crunchy slime to fluffy slime and magnetic slime, this book will help your kids unlock their creativity and immerse themselves in endless amounts of slimy fun. Packed with step-by-step instructions that are easy enough for kids to follow, this book is sure to bring hours of entertainment and joy to any young slime enthusiast. It's the perfect way to spend an afternoon in the kitchen and create something truly Slime-Tastic!

  • af Liwia Szulc
    477,95 kr.

    Ta ksi¿¿ka jest pe¿na przepisów na popcorn, które s¿ niezwykle zabawne i niedrogie do zrobienia w domu. 100 smacznych przepisów zawiera znacznie wi¿cej ni¿ tylko znane smaki karmelu i sera cheddar. Znajdziesz tu kreatywne przepisy, takie jak pizza Pepperoni, bekon teriyaki, smaki taco limonki, gooey s'mores, a tak¿e zabawy z popcornem dla dzieci i inne tylko na ¿wi¿ta. Tak bogata oferta popcornu smakowego sprawia, ¿e znajdzie si¿ porcja idealna na käd¿ okazj¿. Co wi¿cej, popcorn jest naturalnie wegäski, wegetariäski i bezglutenowy, co stanowi doskonä¿ alternatyw¿ dla niezdrowych, przetworzonych przek¿sek. Ta t¿tni¿ca ¿yciem ksi¿¿ka to ostateczny przewodnik po popcornie!

  • af Gooseberry Patch
    97,95 kr.

    More than 60 tried & true recipes sure to please a houseful of kids!

  • af 914, &95, &953, mfl.
    305,95 - 345,95 kr.

  • af Antonina Lorbiecka
    167,95 kr.

    Nasz dziennik noworodka pomo¿e Ci ¿ledzi¿ dzie¿ Twojego dziecka. Zmiany pieluch, harmonogramy spania, karmienie, zaj¿cia, nastrój dziecka, leki i notatki s¿ uwzgl¿dnione. Ten tracker dla dziecka zostä zaprojektowany tak, aby by¿ prosty, pi¿kny i ¿atwy w u¿yciu.Dziennik pok¿adowy noworodka:¿ Wymiary: 6 "x 9" cali ¿ Kädy dziennik zawiera obszary do zapisywania daty, godziny, karmienia oraz informacji o aktywno¿ci i ¿nie ¿ ¿led¿ wizyty u lekarza, szczepienia, karmienia, spanie, zaj¿cia, zmiany pieluch i nie tylko ¿ Wn¿trze: biäy papier ¿ Ksi¿¿ka ze 120 stronami

  • af Tanya J. Cole
    192,95 kr.

    You'll never say "I can't cook" again. If recipes look like secret codes and boiling an egg might as well be rocket science, How to Cook for Beginners is for you. Easy lessons and delicious recipes teach you everything you need to know to get started in the kitchen. Cooking seems daunting, but with this practical choice in cookbooks for beginners-and a little practice-you can become a skilled home chef. Begin with guides to must-have equipment, a well-stocked pantry, and kitchen safety. Master fundamental techniques with recipes designed to teach you dicing, pan cooking, broiling, and more.

  • af Sarah Müller
    191,95 kr.

    Hast du jemals davon geträumt, deine eigenen Eiscremesorten zu kreieren, die genau deinen Geschmack treffen? Bist du es leid, im Supermarkt immer wieder die gleichen langweiligen Eissorten zu finden und möchtest etwas Einzigartiges probieren? Fühlst du dich frustriert, wenn du versuchst, cremiges Eis zu Hause zuzubereiten, aber es nie die richtige Konsistenz hat?Dann ist dieses Buch die perfekte Wahl für dich! Mit meinem Kochbuch kannst du das Eis deiner Träume kreieren und die süßen Genüsse in vollen Zügen genießen.Warum solltest du dein eigenes Eis herstellen? Hier sind einige Gründe:- Frische und natürliche Zutaten: Du hast die volle Kontrolle über die Qualität der Zutaten, die du verwendest. Keine künstlichen Aromen oder Konservierungsstoffe, nur pure Frische.- Grenzenlose Kreativität: Mit der Eismaschine bist du der Chefkoch und kannst jedes erdenkliche Geschmacksabenteuer erkunden. Von klassischen Favoriten wie Vanille und Schokolade bis hin zu exotischen Kombinationen wie Karamell-Kaffee-Eis oder Basilikum-Erdbeer-Eiscreme - deiner Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.- Individuelle Anpassung: Hast du eine spezielle Ernährungsweise oder Allergien? Kein Problem! Du kannst die Rezepte nach deinen Bedürfnissen anpassen, sei es glutenfrei, laktosefrei oder vegan. So kannst du Eis genießen, das perfekt zu dir passt.- Kostenersparnis: Selbstgemachtes Eis ist nicht nur lecker, sondern auch budgetfreundlich. Im Vergleich zu teuren Eisdielen oder Markenprodukten im Supermarkt sparst du eine Menge Geld, indem du dein eigenes Eis herstellst.In diesem Buch findest du nicht nur Rezepte, sondern auch wertvolle Tipps und Tricks, um das beste Ergebnis zu erzielen. Von der richtigen Textur bis zur idealen Konsistenz - hier erfährst du alles, was du wissen musst, um professionell wirkendes, selbstgemachtes Eis zu kreieren.Hier sind weitere Gründe, warum dieses Kochbuch ein absolutes Muss ist:- Leichte Zubereitung: Die Rezepte sind einfach und verständlich geschrieben, sodass du auch als Anfänger problemlos köstliches Eis herstellen kannst.- Vielfältige Geschmackserlebnisse: Von erfrischenden Fruchtsorbets über cremige Eissorten bis hin zu verlockenden Eistorten - dieses Buch bietet eine breite Palette an Rezepten für jeden Geschmack.- Familienfreundlicher Spaß: Mach das Eis Selbermachen zu einem unterhaltsamen Aktivität für die ganze Familie. Lass deine Kinder beim Rühren und Verzieren mithelfen und schaffe unvergessliche gemeinsame Momente.Also, worauf wartest du noch? Erfülle dir den Traum vom selbstgemachten Eis und entdecke die endlosen Möglichkeiten, die dir dieses Buch bietet.

  • af Lisa Dauphin
    192,95 kr.

    Did you know that a six-month-old has different nutritional needs than a one year old? Or that babies' reactions to food texture changes as they grow and their digestive system develops?As a new parent, how do you know what foods to give your baby during the different stages of development? Which foods do they need to avoid until they're older?This book will show you everything you need to know in order to prepare the best and most wholesome baby food for your quickly growing infant according to its stage of development.Stage 1: 4-6 monthsStage 2: 7-9 monthsStage 4: 9-12 monthsEven if you have no experience with cooking, this book will show you how to easily prepare healthy and delicious baby food without breaking the bank or needing special equipment.What you'll learn from this book:100 of the most delicious, nutritious and easy to make recipes for different agesWhat equipment you will need and how to use itWays to save time cooking in your busy scheduleHow to store your baby foodThe best ways to make smoothies and pureesHow to combine flavorsHow to introduce new foods to picky eatersWhat foods to avoidHow to alter recipes to avoid certain allergiesTips on nutrition for your babyHow to avoid these common problems:Added sugar, chemicals, unhealthy fats and preservativesAvoiding spoilageFeeling forced to buy costly (and often unhealthy) commercial baby foodScroll up and click "Add To Cart" today!

  • af &1080, &1084, &110, mfl.
    344,95 kr.

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