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Kogebøger: hovedretter

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  • af &1493, &1512, &1488, mfl.
    302,95 kr.

  • af &1072, &1090, &1084, mfl.
    310,95 kr.

  • af &1493, &1512, &1489, mfl.
    345,95 kr.

    המדריך לאוהבי המרקים הוא המשאב המומלץ עבור אוהבי מרקים ויצרני מרקים שאפתנים. עם עצות מומחים ו-100 מתכונים טעימים, המדריך המקיף הזה יעזור לכם לשלוט באומנות הכנת המרקים.להלן ארבע תכונות עיקריות של ספר בישול זה  מדריך מקיף בין אם אתה טבח מתחיל או מנוסה, ספר זה מציע טיפים וטכניקות מומחים להכנת המרק המושלם בכל פעם. מבחירת המרכיבים הנכונים ועד להשגת העקביות המושלמת, המדריך הזה מכסה את כל מה שאתה צריך לדעת. מתכונים מעוררי תיאבון עם 100 מתכוני מרקים טעימים לבחירה, לעולם לא תיגמר לך ההשראה. מהמועדפים הקלאסיים ועד ליצירות חדשות ויצירתיות, המתכונים האלה בטוח יספקו את התשוקה שלך. מרקים עונתיים ספר בישול זה מציע מתכונים לכל עונה, כך שתוכלו ליהנות ממרקי חורף מנחמים, מרקי קיץ מרעננים, ומה שביניהם. מנות מגוונות ניתן ליהנות מרקים כמנה עיקרית או כתוספת, וספר הבישול הזה מציע מתכונים לשניהם. בין אם אתם מחפשים ארוחת שבוע מהירה וקלה או מנה אלגנטית לאירוע מיוחד, תמצאו זאת בספר זה.לסיכום, "המדריך לאוהבי המרקים" הוא מוצר חובה לכל מי שאוהב מרק. עם טיפים של מומחים ו-100 מתכונים טעימים, ספר הבישול הזה בטוח יהפוך למרכיב עיקרי במטבח שלך

  • af &107, &1072, &1083, mfl.
    340,95 kr.

    ВОДИЧ ЗА ЉУБИТЕЛИТЕ НА СУПА е вистинскиот ресурс за љубителите на супи и амбициозните производители на супи. Со стручни совети и 100 вкусни рецепти, овој сеопфатен водич ќе ви помогне да ја совладате уметноста на правење супи.Еве четири клучни карактеристики на оваа книга за готвење  Сеопфатен водич Без разлика дали сте почетник или искусен готвач, оваа книга нуди стручни совети и техники за правење совршена супа секој пат. Од изборот на вистинските состојки до постигнувањето на совршена конзистентност, овој водич опфаќа сè што треба да знаете. Рецепти за напојување на устата со 100 вкусни рецепти за супи од кои можете да изберете, никогаш нема да останете без инспирација. Од класични омилени до нови и инвентивни креации, овие рецепти сигурно ќе ги задоволат вашите желби. Сезонски супи Овој готвач нуди рецепти за секоја сезона, за да можете да уживате во утешни зимски супи, освежителни летни супи и сè помеѓу нив. Разновидни јадења супите може да се уживаат како главно јадење или додаток, а овој готвач нуди рецепти за двете. Без разлика дали барате брз и лесен оброк за една недела или елегантно јадење за посебна пригода, ќе го најдете во оваа книга.Како заклучок, "ВОДИЧ ЗА ЉУБИТЕЛИТЕ НА СУПА" е задолжително за секој кој сака супа. Со стручни совети и 100 вкусни рецепти, овој готвач сигурно ќе стане главен во вашата кујна

  • af Zilan Meyer
    147,95 kr.

    Cooking on a budget doesn't have to be bland or boring. In fact, some of the most delicious and satisfying meals can be made with affordable, everyday ingredients. This cookbook is packed with easy-to-follow recipes that won't break the bank. From hearty soups and stews to flavorful stir-fries and skillet dinners, these meals are perfect for busy weeknights or feeding a crowd without overspending. Whether you're a student, young professional, or simply looking to save money, this cookbook is your ultimate guide to cooking delicious meals on a budget. With tips on how to shop smart and make the most out of your pantry staples, you'll be able to whip up affordable and delicious meals that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters. So why sacrifice flavor for cost when you can have both? Let this cookbook be your go-to resource for affordable and delicious meals

  • af &1086, &1072, &1088, mfl.
    392,95 kr.

    Пица е рамна пита со отворено лице од италијанско потекло, која се состои од кора слична на леб, прелиена со зачинет сос од домати и сирење, често украсена со солени месо и зеленчук. Традиционално, пицата се класифицира по дебелина, форма и платформа за склопување. Категоризирање на пиците A. Дебелина на кора Пицата доаѓа во верзии со тенка, средна и густа кора. Количината на тестото е главниот фактор што влијае на дебелината на кората. Сепак, износот на пораст, исто така, игра улога. Тестото што е или недоволно нараснато или прераснато, или пак е сплескано пред печењето, има тенденција да создаде потенка кора од онаа што е дозволено да нарасне (или докаже) до оптимално ниво по виткањето и пред печењето. B. Облик Пиците исто така се класифицирани по форма - имено, тркалезни и правоаголни. Пицата што се прави во правоаголна тава понекогаш се нарекува пица "италијанска пекара" - местото од каде што потекнува. Сепак, кругот е најчестиот облик во пицериите, веројатно затоа што е најлесно за правење. Постојат и специјални облици, како што е пицата во облик на срце, која е повеќегодишен омилен ден на вљубените. C. Собрание Пиците исто така се класифицирани според платформата на која се склопуваат. Во основа, постојат три тава, екран и кора (или лопатка) - познати како пица од тавче, пица на екран и пица печена на огниште, соодветно. Пица од тавче се нарекува и пица со длабоко јадење и пица со тава. Пиците со подебела кора обично се прават во тава, додека потенките често се собираат на екран или кора. Кога се прави на кора, пицата се пече директно на огништето или на палубата на рерната. Варијација на пица печена на огниште вклучува правење и печење на пица на хартија обработена со силикон што не гори

  • af 1040, &1072, &1085, mfl.
    347,95 kr.

    The Ultimate Soup Handbook" е най-добрият ресурс за любителите на супи и амбициозните производители на супи. С експертни съвети и 100 вкусни рецепти това изчерпателно ръководство ще ви помогне да овладеете изкуството на приготвянето на супи.Ето четири ключови характеристики на тази готварска книга  Изчерпателно ръководство Независимо дали сте начинаещ или опитен готвач, тази книга предлага експертни съвети и техники за приготвяне на перфектната супа всеки път. От избора на правилните съставки до постигането на перфектната консистенция, това ръководство обхваща всичко, което трябва да знаете. Приятни рецепти Със 100 вкусни рецепти за супа, от които да избирате, никога няма да останете без вдъхновение. От класически любими до нови и изобретателни творения, тези рецепти със сигурност ще задоволят желанията ви. Сезонни супи Тази готварска книга предлага рецепти за всеки сезон, така че можете да се насладите на успокояващи зимни супи, освежаващи летни супи и всичко между тях. Разнообразни ястия Супите могат да се консумират като основно ястие или гарнитура, а тази готварска книга предлага рецепти и за двете. Независимо дали търсите бързо и лесно вечерно ястие или елегантно ястие за специален повод, ще го намерите в тази книга.В заключение, "The Ultimate Soup Handbook" е задължителен за всеки, който обича супа. С експертни съвети и 100 вкусни рецепти, тази готварска книга със сигурност ще се превърне в основен продукт във вашата кухня

  • af &36, &3604, &3592, mfl.
    359,95 kr.

    พิซซาเป็ นพายแบบเปิดหน้าแบนที่มีต ้นก ่ ำเนิดจากอิตาลี ประกอบด ้วยแป้งคล ้ายขนมปัง ราดด ้วยซอสมะเขือเทศปรุง รสและชส มักตกแต่งด ้วยเนื้อส ี ตว์และผักรสเผ็ด ั ตามเนื้อผ ้า พิซซ าถูกจ ่ ำแนกตามความหนา รูปร่าง และแท่น ประกอบ การจ ัดหมวดหมู่พิซซา่ A. ความหนาของเปลือกโลก พิซซามีทั้งแบบเปลือกบาง กลาง และหนา ปริมาณแป้งเป็ น ่ ปัจจัยหลักที่สงผลต่อความหนาของแป้ง อย่างไรก็ตาม ่ จำนวนที่เพิ่มขึ้นก็มีสวนเช ่ นกัน แป้งที่ขึ้นน้อยหรือเกิน หรือ ่ แบนราบก่อนอบ มีแนวโน้มที่จะสร ้างเปลือกที่บางกว่าแป้งที่ ได ้รับอนุญาตให ้ขึ้น (หรือพิสูจน์ได ้) ในระดับที่เหมาะสมหลัง การรีดและก่อนอบ B. รูปร่าง พิซซายังจ ่ ำแนกตามรูปร่าง ได ้แก่ กลมและส เหลี่ยม พิซซ ี่ าที่ ่ ทำในกระทะแผ่นสเหลี่ยมบางครั้งเรียกว่า ี่ "พิซซาอิตาเลี่ยน ่ เบเกอรี่" ซงเป็ นแหล่งก ึ่ ำเนิด อย่างไรก็ตาม ทรงกลมเป็ นรูป ทรงที่พบมากที่สุดในร ้านพิซซา อาจเป็ นเพราะท ่ ำง่ายที่สุด นอกจากนี้ยังมีรูปร่างพิเศษเชนพิซซ ่ ารูปหัวใจซ ่ งเป็ นที่ช ึ่ น ื่ ชอบในวันวาเลนไทน์ตลอดกาล C. การประกอบ พิซซายังจัดประเภทตามแพลตฟอร์มที่ประกอบ โดยทั่วไปมี ่ สามอย่าง กระทะ ตะแกรง และเปลือก (หรือไม ้พาย) - เรียกว่าพิซซากระทะ พิซซ ่ าหน้าจอ และพิซซ ่ าอบเตา ตาม ่ ลำดับ แพนพิซซาเรียกอีกอย่างว่าพิซซ ่ าจานลึกและพิซซ ่ า่ กระทะ พิซซ าเปลือกหนามักจะท ่ ำในกระทะ ในขณะที่พิซซา่ ที่บางกว่ามักจะประกอบกันบนตะแกรงหรือเปลือก เมื่อทำบน 8 เปลือกพิซซาจะอบโดยตรงบนเตาไฟหรือเตาอบ ความแตก ่ ต่างของพิซซาอบด ้วยเตาคือการท ่ ำและอบพิซซาบน ่

  • af Jay Reifel
    419,95 kr.

    For every lover of food culture, this scrupulously researched and accessible cookbook presents one-of-a-kind dinner parties inspired by seminal moments in culinary history.In ten chapters—each an important moment in food history, from Ancient Rome to Al-Andalus in Spain, from the Ethiopian Empire to nineteenth-century New York City—the authors pair menus with immersive retellings of historic culinary breakthroughs, and present the ingredients and modern techniques adapted for today’s kitchens to allow cooks of all abilities to entertain with dishes that were created and enjoyed hundreds of years ago but remain relevant to today’s food tastes and values.  Readers learn to orchestrate feasts from Apicus, blend spices from the Silk Road, feature indigenous ingredients of the Americas, revisit the “classics” from the Court of the Sun King, and savor the complex delicacies from the birth of the American restaurant scene. The home cook can prepare an entire seven-course Tudor feast, for example, or pick and choose dishes from around the world throughout time. Rich illustrations, hand-drawn maps, and contemporary photography create an immersive experience, while Harris’s foreword puts these historic foodways and their legacies into contemporary context.

  • af Shelly Westerhausen Worcel
    287,95 kr.

    Every day is a good day for soup! From broths and gazpachos to chowders and chilis, this flexible cookbook is overflowing with scrumptious soups for every season. These simple base recipes for healthy, yummy soups are easy to prepare and so satisfying. And the best part? You can riff on them endlessly with toppings and fixings - add mini meatballs, grilled cheese croutons, or a handful of grains.

  • af Adriana Cavita
    215,95 kr.

    Experience authentic Mexican dishes on a culinary journey around the country with a celebrated chef and restaurateur.

  • af &4312, &43, &4317, mfl.
    366,95 kr.

    წვნიანი თავისუფლად არის თხევადი დაფუძნებული, კერძი სადაც ინგრედიენტები როგორიცაა ბოსტნეული,, ხორცი ან პარკოსნები ან ამ სამის ნებისმიერი კომბინაცია ( ) იხარშება წყალში ბულიონში ან ბულიონში რათა, შედუღდეს და გააუმჯობესოს კერძის სარგებლობა . არსებობს მრავალი სახეობის წვნიანი დაწყებული, ნაღების ხახვიდან დაწყებული და დამთავრებული კარაქის გოგრამდე მაგრამ სუპის მთავარი მახასიათებელი, ის არის რომ ბევრი სითხეა თქვენ იცით რომ გაქვთ, ., წვნიანი თუ ის უნდა მიირთვათ კოვზით და მიირთვათ, თასში ან ჭიქაში ან ხელნაკეთი პურის თასი . .

  • af &1493, &1497, &1505, mfl.
    355,95 kr.

    מרק באופן רופף הוא מאכל המבוסס על נוזלים שבו מרכיבים כמו ירקות בשר או קטניות או כל שילוב של השלושה מבושלים במים, ) (, . ציר או מרק כדי להתמזג ולשפר את טובות המנה ישנם סוגים רבים, של מרקים מחמין שמנת ועד דלעת חמאה מרוחה אבל המאפיין . העיקרי של מרק הוא שיש הרבה נוזלים אתה יודע שיש לך מרק אם . צריך לאכול אותו עם כפית ולהגיש אותו בקערה או כוס או קערת לחם תוצרת בית

  • af &956, &953, &96, mfl.
    362,95 kr.

    Η σούπα, χαλαρά, είναι ένα πιάτο με βάση τα υγρά, όπου συστατικά όπως λαχανικά, κρέατα ή όσπρια (ή οποιοσδήποτε συνδυασμός των τριών) βράζονται σε νερό, ζωμό ή ζωμό για να λιώσουν και να ενισχύσουν τις εύνοιες του πιάτου. Υπάρχουν πολλά είδη σούπας, από κρεμώδη σούπ μέχρι πολτοποιημένο κολοκυθάκι βουτύρου, αλλά το κύριο χαρακτηριστικό της σούπας είναι ότι έχει πολλά υγρά. Ξέρετε ότι έχετε σούπα, αν πρέπει να τη φάτε με ένα κουτάλι και να τη σερβίρετε σε ένα μπολ ή ένα φλιτζάνι. Ή ένα σπιτικό μπολ ψωμιού.

  • af Ali Rosen
    284,95 kr.

    Discover the ultimate time-saving solution with 15 Minute Meals. This indispensable guide to fast, flavorful, and healthy family recipes by James Beard, IACP, and Emmy-Nominated Ali Rosen features step-by-step instructions for super quick dinner ideas—actually ready in 15 minutes—to satisfy the busiest person.

  • af Elías Jónsson
    452,95 kr.

    Súpa, lauslega, er réttur sem byggir á vökva þar sem innihaldsefni eins og grænmeti, kjöt eða belgjurtir (eða einhver samsetning af þessu þrennu) eru soðin í vatni, soði eða seyði til að blanda saman og auka hylli réttarins. Það eru til margar tegundir af súpum, allt frá rjómalöguðum kæfu til maukaðs kartöflumús, en það sem helst einkennir súpuna er að það er mikill vökvi. Þú veist að þú átt súpu ef það þarf að borða hana með skeið og bera hana fram í skál eða bolla. Eða heimagerð brauðskál.

  • af Jacob Ward
    227,95 kr.

    Welcome to our soup cookbook! Here, you'll find a collection of delicious and comforting soups to warm you up on chilly days. From classic vegetable soup to hearty chili and everything in between, there's something for everyone in this book. Every recipe is accompanied by the description of the soup's origin. Here's what you'll discover:Tomato SoupPotato Leek SoupMinestrone SoupCauliflower SoupChicken Noodle SoupLentil SoupTomato and Basil SoupCauliflower and Potato SoupCarrot and Ginger SoupCreamy Mushroom SoupSplit Pea SoupMinestrone Soup with ChickenPotato SoupSpicy Black Bean SoupCorn ChowderCreamy Potato Leek SoupSpicy Tomato Basil SoupGumbo Soup Creamy Carrot SoupButternut Squash SoupCreamy Broccoli SoupSpicy Sweet Potato SoupChili Soup RecipeCarrot Ginger SoupCreamy Leek and Potato SoupSpiced Sweet Potato SoupSpicy Butternut Squash SoupCreamy Zucchini SoupFrench Onion SoupFish SoupCrema Parmentier Chicken and Rice SoupCreamy Prawn SoupAvgolemono Soup Borscht Soup Bouillabaisse SoupGazpacho SoupTom Yum Soup Maryland Crab Chowder Sauerkraut Soup Pearl Barley Soup And more...Soups are a versatile and comforting dish that can be enjoyed all year round. With this recipe book, you now have a collection of delicious soup recipes to choose from, each with its own unique flavor and ingredients. Whether you prefer creamy, hearty, or light soups, there is something for everyone in this collection. So, gather your ingredients, heat up your pot, and start whipping up some soul-satisfying soups!

  • af &1575, &1604, &1587, mfl.
    268,95 kr.

  • af Amber Richards
    112,95 - 122,95 kr.

  • af Edith Maxwell
    212,95 kr.

    Stews come in handy in a number of ways. Do you crave a combination of ingredients that you don't want to sweat on? Try stews!Do you crave to cook for a large gathering, and you want something even the finickiest of eaters would love? Try stews!Do you need something to cool your body temperature in summer other than water and canned junk? Why not try stews?!Stews are your go-to meal at any point in time. You can never go wrong with cooking stews. Here is a preview of the recipes you will learn: Kielbasa stewPumpkin stewRutabaga stewMexican stewOyster stewMuch, much more!If it's served in a bowl, soups stews &chilis will provide you everything you need to make it foolproof. In addition to the tested until foolproof recipes, we've armed you with an essential soup, stew, and chili primer that reveals the test kitchen's best tips and techniques for building flavor, valuable information on storage and reheating, and an essential cookware guide. Make hearty beef stew with fork-tender meat, tender vegetables, and a velvety, flavorful broth. Create chicken stews with complex flavor and moist chunks of chicken. Expand your chili horizons with a whole chapter on new and flavorful variations - from all-american ground beef chili to green chile-infused white chicken chili.

  • af Vikki R. Franklin
    107,95 kr.

    It's raining outside and the clouds look like popcorn. Today is not a day to play outdoors. Looking for something to do, a young boy sees his dad cooking breakfast and begs his mom to allow him to cook. After giving it some thought, his mom gives him the OK. They gather many of his favorite ingredients - including cooked popcorn, pumpkin seeds, and dried fruit, to name a few. When the dish is finished, his parents ask what he made, to which he answers: Popcorn Soup!

  • af &12473, &12452, 12472, mfl.
    348,95 kr.

  • af &1072, &1088, 1052, mfl.
    359,95 kr.

  • af Gooseberry Patch
    228,95 kr.

    Recipes for every occasion...all made in a versatile 13"x9" pan. Whether it's aluminum or steel, glass or ceramic, you'll find yourself reaching for your favorite pan all the time.

  • af Jessica Romano Roberts
    297,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lanza
    195,95 kr.

    Nourishment meets flavor in this collection of vibrant and delicious vegan recipes.Nourishing Vegan Every Day embraces the flow of everyday life by providing recipes that range from nutritious to decadent, recognizing the importantbalance between time and taste buds. Whether you're in need of a quick and energizing breakfast or a show-stopping meal to impress your guests, this book will provide inspiration for delectable plant-based meals. With gorgeous photography for every recipe and helpful kitchen tips, discover family favorites like Cheesy Pesto Tomato Swirl Buns; weeknight meals like Cashew Cauliflower and Spinach Dahl; and delightful vegan desserts like Strawberries andCream Cheesecake. Beyond bringing flavorful meals to the kitchen table, this book creates a basis for nourishment and satisfaction, giving you the tools to build your own plant-based pantry. From kitchen staples to easy vegan swaps, learn more about low-waste meal preparation and methods to enhance your cooking experience as you craft delicious meals, snacks, and desserts.Breakfast: Nourish on the go with quick morning recipes such as Nourish Me Smoothies or Overnight Oats! The choice is yours. Brunch: Lazy weekends and beautiful brunches are the perfect time to serve up towering plates of delicious Chocolate Chip Raspberry Waffles orVegan Eggs Benedict. Lunches, Salads, and Light Meals: Liven up your lunch break with easy-to-prep recipes like Herby Chickpea Tabouleh Salad andMoroccan Style Quinoa Salad. Dinner: Vegan dinner has never been more versatile! Chock full of vegetables and nourishment, recipes like Sweet Potato Gnocchi and Sesame Chili and Garlic Tofu Noodles will be a hit at the dinner table. Snacks: Easy recipes such as No-Bake Chocolate-Covered Muesli Bars and 2-Ingredient Flatbreads will have youreaching for homemade plant-based snacks, whether you're craving something salty or sweet. Desserts: Enjoy a variety of vegan treats sure to satisfy any sweet tooth, such as No-Churn Salted Caramel Cookie Dough Ice Cream orApple and Blackberry Crumble Pie. Celebration and Gathering Dishes: These sweet and savory recipes will prove to be crowd-pleasers at your next gathering. Impress your family and friends with aVegan Celebrations Snack Board or Pumpkin Layer Cake.

  • af &1086, &1072, &1085, mfl.
    392,95 kr.

  • af &945, 925, &964, mfl.
    396,95 kr.

  • af Mitch Lane
    165,95 kr.

    Feed Your Family for Under a Fiver, a book by Mitch Lane, is a must-have for every household. Published in 2023 by HarperCollins Publishers, this guide offers practical tips and recipes for feeding your family on a budget without compromising on taste or nutrition. The book belongs to the genre of cookbooks and is written in an easy-to-understand language. The author, Mitch Lane, is renowned for his innovative cooking methods and budget-friendly meal plans. This book is not just a cookbook; it's a comprehensive guide to managing your kitchen expenses efficiently. HarperCollins Publishers have done a fantastic job in presenting a book that is not only informative but also visually appealing. So, if you're looking to cook up a storm without burning a hole in your pocket, Feed Your Family for Under a Fiver is your go-to guide.

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