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  • af Sergei Tiviakov
    245,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Barry Carter
    288,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Shahade
    108,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Engqvist
    176,95 kr.

    Lessons, motivation and coaching to make you a better chess player. Any aspiring chess player, at almost any level, would get better with a coach. If that's not possible, having chess champion coach Thomas Engqvist's book next to your chess set is the next best thing.

  • af Franco Masetti
    163,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Willemze
    225,95 kr.

    The best place to start your tactics training is in the endgame! Chess is 99% tactics and if you want to win more games, nothing works better than training tactics. Win a piece or find a mate. That will get you results.Since most of the pieces have left the board, endgame tactics have the clarity that enables you to grasp all basics concepts quickly and comprehensively. In the endgame, you can focus on what is important without any distractions by a couple of random pawns and pieces. In 1001 Chess Endgame Exercises for Beginners, IM Thomas Willemze does two things at once. He explains all the basic concepts, and provides you with a huge amount of exercises for each theme and each chess piece. Willemze uses all his experience as a coach, and his familiarity with the famous Step Method, to carefully build up your chess knowledge step-by-step. He shows you the strength of all pieces, from the lonely pawn to the almighty queen. And he guides you from the basics to more complex tactics in a highly instructive puzzle rush.

  • af Fred Reinfeld & Bruce Alberston
    213,95 kr.

    150,95 kr.

    "Denne skønne bløde Rasmus Klump Bamse, kan blive dit barns nye bløde bedste ven. Rasmus Klump elsker at rejse, så du kan tage ham med overalt - på tur, på ferie, ligesom i sammen kan gåpå opdagelse derhjemme. Dit barn vil elske at kramme denne bløde Rasmus Klump bamse og tage med ud på sjove og spændende eventyr. Barbo Toys produkter er designet med omsorg her i Danmark og med fokus på bæredygtighed og materialer af høj kvalitet. Vores produkter er designet og fremstillet efter filosofien “lær gennem leg” og understøtter og stimulerer aktivt barnets fantasi og læringsudvikling. Velegnet til børn i alderen 1+ år 35 cm høj. "

  • af Thorkild Hanghøj m.fl.
    78,95 kr.

    Spil og spildynamikker har til alle tider fascineret mennesker. Spil skaber engagement gennem leg, hvor alle kan være deltagere. Spil har klare mål og regler, hvor man kan fejle – og prøve igen. Et godt spil indeholder interessante udfordringer og muligheder for selv at træffe valg. Alt sammen er kendetegn, som også kan genfindes i den gode undervisning. Der kan ligge og tillægges mange meningsfulde former for faglighed i et godt spil. Temanummeret introducerer til feltet i både et alment- og fagdidaktisk perspektiv.

  • af Peter Dürrfeld
    68,95 kr.

    Den bedste skakbog til begyndere!Skakbrættet har 64 felter. Der 2 x 16 brikker. Reglerne er enkle. Og formålet er simpelthen at sætte modstanderen skakmat. Men skak er spillenes konge – intet andet spil har en historie, der er så mættet med myter og spækket med legendariske personligheder.’Bogen om skak’ er en begynderbog, som starter fra grunden:SkakbrættetBrikkerne, og hvordan de kan flyttesReglerneÅbningsspillet – de mest almindelige åbninger: Firspringerspil, Italiensk parti, Spansk parti, Fransk parti, Siciliansk, Dronninggambit, Nimzoindisk, Kongeindisk m.fl.MidtspilletSlutspilletSkakopgaver – 4 eksempler

  • - Den praktiske håndbog til dit studie af tarottens symbolfyldte verden
    af Katrine Zacho Bregner
    538,95 kr.

    Denne praktiske guide til tarot kombinerer essentiel tarotteori med masser af plads til dine egne noter, hvilket gør den både til en uddannelsesressource og en personlig journal.En vej til Indre Visdom tilbyder en omfattende, brugervenlig guide til tarot, der bryder kompleksiteten ned og gør det tilgængeligt for alle. Forfatteren Katrine ønsker at udfylde kløften mellem nysgerrighed og mestring ved at levere detaljerede fortolkninger, klar vejledning og inspiration, der hjælper andre med at opdage og mestre tarot på en autentisk og meningsfuld måde.Det får du:* En dybdegående beskrivelse af både Store og Lille Arkana i de tre markante tarotsystemer Thoth Tarot, Rider-Waite-Smith og Tarot de Marseille - inklusivt de omvendte betydninger.* En dybdegående beskrivelse af Thoth symbolikken, som gør symbolerne forståelige for alle mennesker.* Portrætter af Store Arkana og hofkortenes personligheder sat i moderne kontekst.* En letforståelig beskrivelse af astrologien bag alle kort.* Blanke sider dedikeret til at skrive dine egne, personlige betydninger af dine egne kort.* Et opslagsværk med nøgleord i midten af bogen, hvor du kan finde stikord til alle kort samt naturelementerne og tallenes symbolik.* 3 grundlæggende teknikker til at læse alle typer af tarotkort.* 8 gode råd til hvad du kan gøre, hvis du ikke forstår tarotkortenes budskaber.* Adgang til lette oplæg til både hverdagsbrug og situationer med selvudvikling, beslutninger, relationer, økonomi og mere.* En kort sammenfatning af de astrologiske betydninger bag symbolerne.* En personlig invitation af Katrine bagerst i bogen.

  • af Gonca Mine Çelik
    174,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Skak gør os klogere og mere opmærksomme - og så er det sjovt at spille. Det hjælper os med at få nye venner, og måske kan du komme med på rejser rundt i verden til turneringer.Skak er et af verdens ældste og smukkeste spil. Med denne bog lærer du skakbrættet og dets brikker at kende, og du lærer de grundlæggende regler. Børn, der ønsker en sjov introduktion til skak, vil elske Min første skakbog.Min første skakbog er skrevet af Gonca Mine Çelik.

  • af Michael Basman
    322,95 kr.

    Skak er både sjovt, spændende og godt for din hjerneLettilgængelig praktisk guide til dig, der gerne vil lære at spille skak. Her finder du alt det, du behøver at vide, for at blive god til ét af verdens ældste og mest fascinerende spil.Få en grundlæggende forståelse for skakspillets mål og taktikI bogen kan du blandt andet læse om spillets oprindelse, historie og formål. Du lærer de forskellige skakbrikker at kende og får viden om, hvordan du bruger dem strategisk undervejs i spillet.Bogen er gennemillustreret med tydelige trin for trin-fotos og skakbræts-diagrammer, der viser brætpositioner og brikbevægelser.Igennem hele bogen findes små øvelser, som læseren opfordres til at gennemføre og derved få praktisk erfaring med forskellige typer af træk.Indeholder indholdsfortegnelse, ordliste og register.Forfatteren er international skakmester og har i årevis undervist i skak.Indbydende og lettilgængelig introduktion i skak. Bogen giver et godt overblik over spillet. Sproget er flydende og bogen er overskuelig og veldisponeret. Lækkert layout med mange flotte illustrationer.Dejligt med en ny flot børnefagbog om emnet. Den anbefales bredt indkøbt, på folkebiblioteker såvel som PLC.Lektørudtalelsen

  • af Thomas Skov & Emilie Bruhn
    78,95 kr.

    Nyt fra Snip Snap Snork: Holdet bag de populære historier og sange sender et hyggeligt spil på gaden samtidig med deres nye bog Snip Snap Snork – Sommerhistorier fra Sovgodtersgade. Lige til at tage med på ferie.Tegn og føl er en udvidelse af den evigt populære leg med at tegne hinanden på ryggen. Her går det bare ud på, at man selv skal prøve at få motivet ned på papir, samtidig med, at man bliver tegnet på. Motiverne får man på kortene, og der er flere sværhedsgrader, som man lærer spillet at kende. Det er enkelt, hyggeligt og lige til at gå til både for store og små.Spillet optræder i den sidste historie i samlingen af sommerhistorier og er opfundet af Thomas og Emilies datter, Ellen, og illustreret af Martin Sommer.Pakken består af 55 kort med motiver samt et enkelt hjælpekort.

  • - Historien og teknikken
    af Peter Dürrfeld & Sofie Bech Dürrfeld
    116,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Gedigen grundbog med spilleregler, åbnings-, midt- og slutspil, mange særligt lærerige og inspirerende mesterpartier samt et skakleksikon. "Den er ideel for begynderen og de mange hyggespillere, der gerne vil forbedre forståelsen og styrken ... Anden del af bogen kan også anbefales til de mere øvede klubspillere, der ikke kun får en masse flotte partier, men også en fin gennemgang af skakkens logik og historie. Specielt de mange fine billeder har gjort indtryk på mig, flere af dem har jeg aldrig set før!" - Carsten Høi, Kristeligt Dagblad.

  • af Max Schatz
    198,95 kr.

    Eine chronologische Sammlung von 111 überwiegend veröffentlichten Schachproblemen des jungen Problemschach-Komponisten Max Schatz.Das Buch gliedert sich in drei Teile: Der erste Teil lädt dazu ein, die Schachprobleme verschiedener Genres zu lösen. Im zweiten Teil findet man die ausführlichen Lösungen, wobei auf die traditionelle Art von Problemschach-Zeitschriften die Kritiker zu Wort kommen. Der dritte Teil mit der fachlichen Erläuterung der in den Schachproblemen vorkommenden Themen schließt das Buch ab.

  • af Jef Aldrich
    148,95 kr.

    From Dungeonmeister series authors Jef and Jon comes an all-new way to wow your party during game night! With tons of fascinating trivia about your favorite tabletop RPGs, it’s a fun way to test yourself and your friends as a pre-game warmup, over snacks, or as a game experience of its own!

  • af Henrik Andersen
    218,95 kr.

    Fra åbning til slutspil er 2. bind i Skak for sjov-serien, som har i alt tre bind. Bogen kan læses af børn, unge, forældre, skoleskakledere og andre, som beskæftiger sig med skak for begyndere og let øvede. Børnene skal have de grundlæggende færdigheder i at spille skak. Det vil sige, at de kender skakreglerne, herunder rokaden, og de ved, hvad skakmat er.Henrik Andersen har skrevet Skak for sjov-bøgerne på baggrund af 20 års erfaring som skakinstruktør for børn og unge. "Skak for sjov-serien er kærkommen forfriskende og pædagogisk velfungerende." (Lektørudtalelse fra Dansk BiblioteksCenter). "Skak for sjov er udmærkede bind, som starter med det basale og rykker gradvist videre." (Sune Berg Hansen, stormester i skak, i Politiken).

  • af Dara O'Kearney
    288,95 kr.

    "For years I've run my big final table hands by Dara. Now you can read about how he uses his imagination backed up by sound mathematical principles to exploit and how you can too." - Padraig O'Neil - EPT Prague ChampionGame Theory Optimal (GTO) poker has taken over the modern game, but it is not the most profitable way to play when your opponent has leaks in their game. You will always make the most money against exploitable players by counter-exploiting them.Beyond GTO: Poker Exploits Simplified is the first book to use solver technology to show how to truly exploit weaknesses in your opponents. There is no guesswork or anecdotal evidence, this book shows you how a perfect GTO player would make the most from a flawed human opponent. It provides actionable heuristics for you to crush soft games, including:How to exploit nits, calling stations, and maniacsWhy balance is important, even at low stakesWhat old school players got wrong about exploitative pokerHow to get into the mind of a professional player playing against weak opponentsSpecific preflop and postflop leaks, as well as flop, turn and river mistakesHow to avoid making the biggest errors yourselfDara O'Kearney is a professional poker player, sponsored Unibet Pro and the co-host of The Chip Race Podcast. He is highly regarded as one of the best tournament grinders and poker coaches in the world, with a particular focus on modern solver technology. He is the co-author of Poker Satellite Strategy, PKO Poker Strategy, Endgame Poker Strategy, GTO Poker Simplified and Mystery Bounty Poker Strategy.

  • af Willy Hendriks
    284,95 kr.

    The chess playing mind does not work like a machine. Selecting a move results from rather chaotic thought processes and is not the logical outcome of applying a rational method. The only problem with that, says International Master Willy Hendriks, is that most books and courses on improving at chess claim exactly the opposite. The dogma of the chess instruction establishment is that if you only take a good look at certain 'characteristics' of a position, then good moves will follow more or less automatically. But this is not how it happens. Chess players, weak and strong, don't first judge the position, then formulate a plan and afterwards look at moves. It all happens at the same time, and pretending that it is otherwise is counterproductive. There is no use in forcing your students to mentally jump through theoretical hoops, according to experienced chess coach Hendriks. This work shows a healthy distrust of accepted methods to get better at chess. It teaches that winning games does not depend on ticking off a to-do list when looking at a position on the board. It presents club and internet chess players with loads of much-needed no-nonsense training material. In this provocative, entertaining and highly instructive book, Hendriks shows how you can travel light on the road to chess improvement!

  • af Ozer Mumcu
    448,95 kr.

    El Sistema de Londres es un sistema de apertura que ha ganado notable popularidad tanto entre los grandes maestros como entre los jugadores amateurs en los últimos años. Existen varias razones principales para esta situación. Probablemente la más importante de ellas sea que, con el respaldo de programas informáticos, la teoría de aperturas hoy en día es increíblemente profunda, y los jugadores buscan formas de escapar de extensas preparaciones de aperturas y de la memorización de variaciones específicas. De esta manera, podrán concentrar su tiempo y energía de manera más eficiente en las etapas de mediojuego y final. El Sistema de Londres es perfecto para este propósito. Eliminar el tedioso trabajo de apertura no es la única ventaja del Sistema de Londres. A menudo ejerce presión psicológica sobre el jugador que juega con las piezas negras debido a su incapacidad para implementar su propia preparación de apertura. Esto se debe a que, en respuesta a casi todas las preferencias posibles de las piezas negras, las blancas pueden optar por el Sistema de Londres. Otras ventajas del Sistema de Londres son su solidez, su relativo desconocimiento y su apariencia sólida, a pesar de sus ricos temas tácticos, trampas y posibilidades de ataque al rey.

  • af Seigen Go
    253,95 kr.

    This book is the second volume of Go Seigen¿s Tsumego Collection, again a brilliant selection of 200 problems, each and every containing amazing tesuji and surprising moves. When you come to think you have the right answer, you will have to read it again just to be sure, much like you did in the previous volume.There are many, many surprising moves in Go, especially in Go Seigen¿s Tsumego.

  • af SureShot Books Publishing LLC
    148,95 kr.

    Decipher Royal Gambits in Chess Puzzle Mastery: Embark on a journey of chess intellect with "Royal Gambits Chess Puzzle." Immerse yourself in a strategic odyssey where each puzzle unveils royal gambits waiting to be deciphered. Engage your mind in a regal challenge, mastering the art of chess puzzle triumph. Experience Engaging Chess Challenges: Dive into a world of chess mastery with "Engaging Chess Challenges." This collection transcends the ordinary, offering puzzles that captivate and challenge players of all levels. Each chessboard becomes a battlefield of wits, providing an intellectually stimulating experience. Strategic Brilliance Unleashed: Unleash strategic brilliance as you navigate through royal gambits and engaging challenges. "Royal Gambits Chess Puzzle" and "Engaging Chess Challenges" redefine chess puzzle mastery, offering a diverse range of challenges that demand both intellect and strategic finesse. Regal Chess Odyssey: Immerse yourself in a regal chess odyssey, where each puzzle presents a unique gambit. This collection caters to chess enthusiasts seeking an adventure that transcends traditional puzzle-solving, providing the satisfaction of overcoming challenges fit for chess royalty.

  • af SureShot Books Publishing LLC
    148,95 kr.

    Checkmate Strategies Chess Puzzle: Elevate your chess skills with a collection of intricate puzzles designed to by hone your checkmate strategies. Immerse yourself in a chess puzzle mastery experience that challenges and refines your tactical prowess on the chessboard. Engaging Chess Challenges: Explore a series of engaging chess challenges, each puzzle strategically crafted to deepen your understanding of checkmate strategies. This collection is a must-have for chess enthusiasts seeking to enhance their gameplay. Chess Puzzle Mastery: Delve into the world of chess puzzle mastery, where each checkmate puzzle is a step towards refining your strategic thinking and tactical execution. Sharpen your mind and elevate your chess game with this comprehensive collection. Comprehensive Puzzle Collection: Unleash the full potential of your chess skills with a comprehensive collection of puzzles that cover various checkmate scenarios. From beginner to advanced challenges, this chess puzzle book caters to players of all levels.

  • af John Finnemore
    196,95 kr.

    "A body is found stabbed to death in a locked room. The police find no weapon, no motive and no suspects. However, the murderer has in their possession a box of one hundred cryptic picture postcards which - if properly understood - would explain not just this murder, but nine others. These are those cards. Solvers must rearrange the pages of text to unravel the story and identify the murderer, victim and location for each of the ten murders. They must also consider the separate puzzles presented by the curious images on the other sides"--

  • - An Essential Guide to Pawn Structures
    af Ivan Sokolov
    308,95 kr.

    Ivan Sokolov, a famous grandmaster who has beaten world champions like Kasparov, Kramnik and Anand, has written a lucid guide on how to win chess middlegames, by addressing an almost universally ignored but extremely important topic: pawn structures. With very accessible verbal explanations this book helps you to solve the basic problems of chess middlegames: space, tension and initiative. Study of this important book, with dozens of highly instructive and clearly explained games from the greats of chess, will enhance your middlegame skills and will let you understand why pawns are considered to be ?the souls of chess?.

  • af Thomas Willemze
    263,95 kr.

    The best chess training closely resembles the activity you're training for. This book provides you with an essential component - decision-making in the crucial positions of a real game of chess, played by club players rather than grandmasters. You have to answer the same questions that you face when you stare at the chess board and have to find a move.Amateur games can be very instructive. Studying the games of top players will undoubtedly help you to improve. However, it is often more enlightening to make decisions or see mistakes at a lower level, as they are easier for most of us to relate to.Thomas Willemze has carefully selected thirty games that illustrate an important theme, for example:Dealing with irreversible movesRerouting your rooksAligning your bishop and pawnsConverting a long-term advantageTaming the LondonWillemze is a master at choosing just the right positions to help you improve your chess knowledge and understanding.

  • af Evelyn Richards
    208,95 kr.

    Welcome to "The Mathematician's Bluff: A Guide to Statistical Dominance at the Poker Table." There is more to poker than just cards; it's a fascinating blend of strategy, psychology, and mathematics. Knowing the odds, probabilities, and statistics in poker can make all the difference in the world-between folding cautiously and boldly bluffing to win or lose. This Book is your comprehensive guide to mastering the statistical aspects of poker. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced player aiming to fine-tune your skills, we'll embark on a journey through the world of poker, equipped with the tools of mathematics and statistics. Poker is a game of incomplete information, where success is not solely determined by the hand you're dealt but also by the decisions you make based on probabilities and expected values. In "The Mathematician's Bluff," we'll delve into the core principles of poker mathematics, exploring how to calculate pot odds, expected value, and implied odds to make informed choices at the table. We'll also examine the art of bluffing through a statistical lens, uncovering when and how to use deception effectively. Bankroll management, advanced strategies, and the psychological aspects of poker are also part of our journey. So come along on this thrilling journey into the world where mathematics and poker collide, whether your goal is to dominate your home game or compete at the highest levels. Let's use statistics to improve your poker skills.

  • af Theo Henderson
    208,95 kr.

    Welcome to "Bet Smart, Win Big: The Essential Guide to Poker Math." If you're holding this book in your hands, you've already taken the first step towards becoming a smarter, more successful poker player. Poker is known as a game of strategy, skill, and, perhaps most importantly, mathematics.In the world of poker, understanding the numbers that underpin every decision is a game-changer. It's the difference between making guesses and making informed choices. Whether you're a novice looking to sharpen your skills or an experienced player having a goal to take your game to the next level, this book is your indispensable companion.Poker is a fascinating game that combines psychology, strategy, and mathematics. While the first two elements are essential, it's the mathematics of poker that often separates the winners from the losers. From calculating pot odds to understanding expected value, mastering these fundamental concepts can greatly enhance your ability to make profitable decisions at the table.

  • af Lucas King
    208,95 kr.

    Welcome to "Math of the River: Playing the Odds in Texas Hold'em." If you've ever been intrigued by the mystique of poker, drawn to the green felt tables of casinos, or simply fascinated by the blend of strategy, psychology, and mathematics that define this iconic card game, you're in for an exciting journey. Texas Hold'em is more than just a game of chance; it's a game of skill, precision, and calculated risk-taking. This book is your key to unlocking the secrets behind the game and enhancing your poker prowess. In Texas Hold'em, the river card is the final puzzle piece, the moment of truth, where decisions can make or break a player's fortune. But to navigate the river successfully, one must first understand the river's mathematics, the art of playing the odds. Throughout these pages, we will dive deep into poker mathematics, exploring the probabilities, odds, and strategic insights that separate the novice from the expert. You'll discover how to assess your starting hands, make informed decisions on the flop, turn, and river, and gain a deeper appreciation for the mental acumen required to outmaneuver your opponents.

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