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Du kommer ikke uden om det: Nogle gange skal din cykel efterses; vedligeholdes eller repareres.Heldigvis er hjælpen nær i form af denne grundige og overskuelige bog; der fører dig sikkert og kompetent igennem de fleste af cykelejerens små og store reparationsdilemmaer.Få hjælp til alt lige fra lapninger og daglig vedligeholdelse til mere avancerede teknikker til hjulopretning og eksempelvis justering af gear eller bremser til din racer eller mountainbike.Bogen giver også et længe tiltrængt indblik i; hvordan du griber det an; når din nye cykel skal samles enten helt fra grunden eller delvist; fordi den er leveret “90 % samlet”.Alt forklares overskueligt og illustreres med masser af tegninger og billeder.Den populære bestsellerforfatter og cykelentusiast Per Henrik Brask giver dig her alle sine bedste fif og teknikker – i det håb; at du for fremtiden vil komme til at sætte pris på at kunne reparere og vedligeholde din egen cykel. Det skulle gerne blive noget; du udfører med stolthed; sikkerhed og glæde – og ikke bare en sur pligt!Per Henrik Brask har tidligere skrevet adskillige populære bøger om cykling og skisport.
Ældre, der træner til triatlon, langdistancecykelløb, svømmekonkurrencer og skiløb er ikke længere noget særsyn. Seniormotionister i USA, der træner intensivt og hårdt og dyrker elitesport, kender Joe Friel og hans bog Fast after 50, der på dansk hedder +50 og hurtig. Bogen er allerede blevet en klassiker.Forfatteren Joe Friel trækker på den nyeste forskning, og den viser, at ældre sagtens kan træne hårdt og skabe gode præstationer, selv om de kommer godt over 50 år.+50 og hurtig indeholder højintensive træningsprogrammer, øvelser til styrketræning, tips til restitution, crosstræning og ernæringsprogrammer for højintensiv træning.Af bogens indhold:Hvordan reagerer kroppen på træningsprogrammer efterhånden, som man bliver ældre? Man får tips til at tilpasse træningen, så man ikke overtræner.Hvordan kommer man af med kropsfedt og genvinder muskelstyrke?Hvordan opsætter man niveauer for træningen, så man trinvist kan styrke kroppen?Øvelsesanvisninger, forslag til tests og metoder til at måle træningsintensiteten.
Du har investeret i en god cykel og tilbringer masser af timer i sadlen. Men matcher dit input med dit output? Kører du lige så stærkt, som al din træning gør dig fortjent til, eller bliver du jævnligt sendt tilbage til start på grund af skader?Der findes en masse bittesmå knapper at skrue på, som gør en verden til forskel for din komfort, udholdenhed, fart og skadesrisiko. Og det er dem, denne bog handler om. De knapper, der fintuner din cykels og din krops biomekanik, så du forebygger skader og får det optimale udbytte af hvert eneste tråd.Du får i bogen en trin-for-trin guide til, hvordan du indstiller klamper, sko, sadel og styr, så det fungerer mest effektivt for netop dig, din krop og dine mål.Den rigtige cykelposition har afgørende betydning for din præstation på cyklen - uanset om du kører racercykel, mountainbike eller tri/enkeltstartcykel.Du lærer at indstille din cykel korrekt, så du øger komforten og ydeevnen, reducerer skadesrisikoen og gør din cykeloplevelse langt bedre. Når du når sidste side, er du klædt på til at indstille din cykel, så du får den bedst mulige ydeevne, kraftoverførsel, aerodynamik og komfort.På den måde forebygger du skader og unødigt slid på kroppen - og din cykling bliver både hurtigere og sjovere.Med i bogen får du også Thomas Bundgaards egne anekdoter, erfaringer og forberedelser til cykelløb og bikefit af nogle af de bedste cykelryttere over hele verden.
Den første selvbiografi fra den tredobbelte verdensmester i landevejscykling Peter Sagan. Fra 2015 til 2017 vandt Peter Sagan verdensmesterskabet i cykling tre gange i træk. I sig selv en umulig bedrift. Ingen anden cykelrytter har formået at vinde den regnbuefarvede trøje tre gange i træk. Denne bedrift har gjort Peter Sagan til en af cykelsportens absolut største navne. Peter Sagans bedrift er kun en del af historien. Peter Sagan elsker ikke kun at vinde. Han elsker også at underholde. Cykelentusiaster over hele verden elsker ham for det. De jubler, når han han laver en “wheelie” og krydser mållinien på kun et hjul eller laver sjov på en af de mest besværlige stigninger på Mount Ventoux. Hans skæve smil og underfundige kommentarer til pressemøderne er værdsat og elsket af journalister. I bogen beretter Sagan med egne ord om opvækst, familieliv, træningsprogrammer og de store sejre, han har vundet. Hans tid sammen med Bjarne Riis og den russiske rigmand Oleg Tinkoff kommer han også ind på.
Danmark er en af de mest cykelglade nationer i verden – faktisk har 9 ud af 10 danskere en cykel. Hvis du er en af de cyklister, der drømmer om en original og anderledes cykel, går ind for genbrug frem for brug-og-smid-væk og samtidig kan lide at bruge dine hænder, så er dette bogen, du har ventet på. Dette er den ultimative guide til dig, som vil i gang med at bygge din egen cykel! Her er udførlige beskrivelser og billeder af, hvordan værktøjet fungerer, hvor og hvordan man finder de rigtige reservedele, hvilke elementer en cykel er bygget op af, samt hvordan man skiller og samler den fra A-Z. Den selvlærte cykelbygger Christian Rindorf taler ud fra mange års erfaring. Med masser af tips i posen og et glimt i øjet tager han dig i hånden og guider dig gennem junglen af værktøj og cykledele. Mange flotte billeder viser på en overskuelig måde, hvordan du kan forvandle selv det mest forældede cykellig til en funklende flot, ny cykel hjemme i din egen stue. Alle kan være med, uanset køn, alder eller baggrund. Og alle kan lave deres egen cykel derhjemme, uanset om man bor på et kammer eller i en kæmpe villa. Bogen er en slags ‘kogebog’ for cykler, hvor den glade amatør kan begynde, og den mere erfarne kan hente yderligere inspiration. Om forfatteren Christian Rindorf er musiker, skolelærer og selvlært cykelbygger. Han uddanner sig i dag til bygningssnedker. Han har skruet på og arbejdet med cykler i mange år og er absolut autodidakt, hvilket underbygger bogens relevans for den almindelige amatør. Christian har undervejs fået mange gode råd og vejledning af forskellige cykelsmede, og han deler gavmildt ud af sin viden i bogen.
Crossing Bridges: What Biking Up the East Coast Taught Me About Life After 60"One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now."-Paulo CoelhoAt fifty-eight, Lisa Watts felt restless. She had built a carefully balanced life of work and play, but it all seemed to add up to a life of mediocrity. She and a dear friend headed out to bike from Key West to Canada, a trip she'd dreamed of taking for decades. Those two months on the road offered a time of transition, teaching her mostly that she doesn't have to live as an armchair traveler through life's third act.In this engaging travel memoir, Watts shares essays about friendship, marriage, self-doubt, and more. Her aim: to nudge others out the door to go do that thing they've always wanted to do.
In "Two Wheels and Two Feet: Cities Embracing Change," Robert Ornig takes us on a transformative journey through the world's cities as they evolve and adapt to the pressing needs of our time. From bustling metropolises to quiet towns, discover how communities are turning to bicycles and their own two feet, moving away from a car-dominated past. With compelling stories, global insights, and a vision for a more sustainable urban future, this is the blueprint for a revolution that's been long in the making.Reviews:"A captivating read on cities in flux!" - Miranda L."Ornig brilliantly captures the urban evolution!" - John K."A must-read for city planners and dreamers alike." - Tasha P."Thought-provoking and filled with hope!" - Carlos G."An illuminating exploration of modern cityscapes." - Farah W."Ornig paints a world I want to live in!" - Elena S."A bicycle revolution wrapped in pages!" - Raj V."From cover to cover, an urban revelation!" - Nate H."The future is on two wheels and two feet!" - Sophia Q."Ditch the car, grab this book!" - Liam T.There is a distinct thrill in the simple act of stepping forward - whether it's the momentum of feet upon cobblestone streets or the rhythmic turn of pedals propelling one through an urban mosaic. "Two Wheels and Two Feet: Cities Embracing Change" isn't just a title; it's a manifesto, an invitation, and a reflection of the transformation we witness in the world around us.I had the pleasure of first meeting Robert Ornig during a city planning conference in Amsterdam, a city where bicycles rule and cars are mere guests. The passion with which Robert spoke of the potential for urban change, for a world where streets are reclaimed by the people, was infectious. I knew then that his observations and insights needed to be shared with the world.This book isn't just about urban planning or transportation. At its heart, it's about humanity's innate desire for connection - with each other, with our environment, and with the future we envision for ourselves. Through the intricate web of stories and analyses that Robert weaves, we are compelled to see our cities not as they are, but as they could be.In a world striving for sustainable change, amidst the chaos of traffic jams and the cacophony of honking horns, the solution might just lie in the quiet whirr of bicycle chains and the soft patter of footsteps. As you delve into the pages of this masterpiece, I hope you find not just information, but inspiratio
Cycling is not just a form of locomotion. Bike culture is in constant interaction with fashion, music, design, politics and urban planning. Cycling is a way of life and a form of protest. The Easy Rider Road Book shows the wild, subversive side of cycling and the powerful bond it can create between people. It aims to inspire utopian thinking and show where the bike can take us. The pioneers of this new bike culture can be found in subcultures across the globe. In New York and Berlin, bike punks are building both fantastic and sustainable vehicles out of scrap metal and old bike frames. Riding a bike is a form of emancipation: When thousands of teenagers ride through London during BikeStormz, they are expressing their hope for a better future. Similarly, the Chilangos Lowbike Club's Sunday rides through Mexico City are a symbol against violence. The bicycle is a promise of freedom. This book presents the bicycle as a vehicle for communal action that has the potential to change life in the city and, ultimately, the city itself.The MUSUKU, MUSEUM OF SUBCULTURES, is a Berlin-based project of artists and creatives. IT aims to reflect the enormous relevance of subcultures, to give space to their narratives, and to be a place of experimentation, discussion and discourse. The projects are conceived in collaboration with a diverse community as temporary exhibitions in changing venues as well as in the open street.
Two Wheels Good examines the bicycle's past and peers into its future, challenging myths and clicéhs while uncovering cycling's connection to colonial conquest and the gentrification of cities. But the book is also a love letter: a reflection on the sensual and spiritual pleasures of bike riding and an ode to an engineering marvel--a wondrous vehicle whose passenger is also its engine.
Den Edge 1040 verstehen und lieben lernen. Kannst Du Dir nicht vorstellen? Wie das geht zeigt dieses für GPS-Einsteiger verfasste Buch.- auch für die Edge-Modelle 540 und 840 anwendbar, beim Edge 540 über Tastenbedienung -Leicht und locker beginnen wir die Bedienung und Funktionen des Edge 1040 zu entdecken und das Gerät an die persönlichen Vorlieben anzupassen, um die Tacho- und Navigationsfunktionen vollends nutzen zu können.Erfahre was Tracks, Strecken und Routen voneinander unterscheidet, wie man schöne Bike-/Fahrradtouren plant oder wo man auf die Schnelle Touren findet (zu Hause am PC, aber auch unterwegs am Handy).Für alle die mehr möchten zeigt Kapitel 4 alles zur Auswertung von Tour- und Trainingsdaten, der Nachbearbeitung sowie der Trainingsgestaltung mit dem Edge und u.a. dessen neuen Helferleins Stamina und Power Guide.Am Ende wirst Du ihn mögen - Deinen Edge !!!(PC-Anleitung für Windows-Nutzer bestens geeignet, Mac mit Abweichungen)
Object Lessons is a series of short, beautifully designed books about the hidden lives of ordinary things. These days the bicycle often appears as an interloper in a world constructed for cars. An almost miraculous 19th-century contraption, the bicycle promises to transform our lives and the world we live in, yet its time seems always yet-to-come or long-gone-by. Jonathan Maskit takes us on an interdisciplinary ride to see what makes the bicycle a magical machine that could yet make the world a safer, greener, and more just place.Object Lessons is published in partnership with an essay series in The Atlantic.
I Danmark har vi cykler. Racercykler. Cykler med barnesæde.Christianiacykler. Damecykler. Herrecykler. Børnecykler.Kørende cykler. Parkerede cykler. Cykler med i toget.Efterladte cykler. Fundne cykler. Bagfra; en velformet kvindepå cykel, som er en ung mand når vi indhenter ham. En cykelsom er stjålet, når vi har mest brug for den. Cykler til alleformål og alle anledninger. Cykler som vi elsker at hade, oghader at elske. Men vi elsker dem. Cyklerne.In Denmark we have bicycles. Racing bikes. Bicycles with childseat. Cargo bikes. Women's bicycles. Men's bicycles. Children'sbicycles.Riding bicycles. Parked bikes. Bicycles on the train. Bicyclesleft behind. Bicycles found. From behind; a shapely womanon a bicycle who is a young man when we catch up with him.A bike that is stolen when we need it most. Bicycles for allpurposes and all occasions. Bikes that we love to hate, andhate to love. But we love them. The bicycles.
Discover the secrets of a successful bicycle tour. This book is all about learning how to bicycle tour from the ground up--and quickly--because that's just what authors Tim and Debbie Bishop did when they ventured across America after marrying. "How-To" contains tips on equipment, security, pre- and post-trip logistics, the daily routine, technology, and much more. Readers will even learn how much a tour can cost and how to reduce expenses. Includes a sample packing list and trip costs as well as website addresses of an illustrative trip journal, maps, and logs. What are you waiting for? It's time for a grand adventure!
With hints, tips, and pieces of advice from cycling mechanics, this book is a guide to prepping your bike like the pros. Go behind the scenes of the Tour de France and get exclusive insights and images from the life of a Tour mechanic.
Lavishly illustrated, comprehensive, and authoritative, this guide to the 1,001 most important and groundbreaking bicycles is the perfect book for cycling enthusiasts and bike experts alike. This latest volume in the hugely popular 1001 series surveys the world's most popular mode of transport-the bicycle. Ever since the nineteenth century, when bicycles first appeared, they have captivated the imaginations of those around them, inspiring great feats of innovation, design, sporting prowess, and healthy and green living. A visually stunning compendium, this book allows readers to trace the fascinating evolution of the bicycle from its early incarnations in wood to the latest racing machines made of titanium and carbon fiber. Never before have so many bicycles been profiled within a single illustrated volume. 1001 Bicycles to Dream of Riding celebrates the designs and individual stories behind the world's most influential and high-profile models from every discipline, including mountain and road biking as well as BMX and track racing. Lavishly photographed in full color, each bike is accompanied by its specifications and manufacturing history as well as insightful text revealing the impact it has had on the bicycle industry as a whole.
Most long distance travelers carry something they depend on, their anchor, their foundation. For some it is their faith in God, others dig down into their inner depths. Some count on their physical conditioning, family, friends, or providence. On Amos's four thousand five hundred mile bicycle trip across these United States, three things served as his sustenance: Beer, Ice cream, and Benevolence.In the summer approaching his 55th birthday, Amos embarked on a 4,500 mile, self-supported, solo bicycle ride from his home in Vermont. He had absolutely no idea what lay ahead. On his westward journey he encountered innumerable acts of kindness, was gifted countless beers, met unanticipated adversity and was blessed repeatedly with hospitality, good will and prayers. This is the story of his journey and the people he met.
In the 1890s, bicycling was a cultural activity for the wealthy elite, with a bicycle costing about twenty weeks of a laborer's pay. And even if you were to somehow acquire one, you were most likely going to land face-first on the gravel roadway. There were strict cultural norms and bicyclists were painted as scofflaws in the media. Kittie Knox, a teenage Black girl, began making headlines in her hometown of Boston, showing up in homemade tailored suits while most participants had expensive, specialized clothing. Knox soon took home a first prize and was bolstered to attend the League of American Wheelmen's national event in Asbury Park, NJ. The only problem, of course, is that Kittie was absolutely not welcome. The League had recently passed the color bar, saying that only white people could join the organization. But Kittie showed up anyway, turned heads, made her mark, and changed bicycling forever. In this excellent, deep-research piece full of cultural analysis, you can see how Knox's actions continue to affect cycling today.
Mit dem Fahrrad über die Alpen, durch das Land oder den Kontinent. Diese Ferntouren einmal im Leben zu fahren, davon träumt so ziemlich jeder Bikepacker."Nichts ist vergleichbar mit der einfachen Freude Rad zu fahren. - John F Kennedy. Und so machen sich jedes Jahr mehr Menschen auf, ihr Land oder andere Länder mit dem Fahrrad zu entdecken. Bikepacking, das ist Unabhängigkeit, Landschaft erleben , sowie Menschen kennenlernen. Bikepacking Experte Stefan Amato stellt die legendären Radtouren vor, von denen jeder Bikepacker träumt: die Trans-Pyrenäen-Tour zwischen Frankreich und Spanien, die Ruta Austral in Patagonien, die Iditarod durch Alaska und viele mehr. Er erläutert Geschichte und Geografie der Routen, gibt nützliche Tipps zu Vorbereitung, Ausrüstung und den jeweiligen Eigenheiten der Routen. Ein Buch sowohl für geübte Tourenfahrer aber auch Ansporn und Motivation für all jene, die dem Zauber des Fahrrades gerade erst erlegen sind.
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