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Interiørdesign og dekoration: Guides

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  • af Katie Ellis
    458,95 kr.

    Welcome to this stunning collection of charming cottage-style retreats.The 15 dream-worthy home tours in this book are separated into three unique chapters--outlining fresh ideas and design styles that cover classic, coastal, and country-inspired motifs. We invite you to join us as we highlight a blend of both personal and designer homes from across the country. These inviting spaces share stories of treasured collections, influential travels, long-awaited renovations, expert design tips, and of course, the thoughtful blending of old and new décor.This book is packed with 220 pages of beautiful photography on every page, which is sure to delight and inspire for years to come!

  • af Dann Foley
    365,95 kr.

    From celebrated interior designer Dann Foley, this book--part coffee-table stunner, part how-to guide--shows how to blend design elements to create the spaces where you can live your best life.

  • af Nicolas Davis
    213,95 kr.

    We'll guide you step-by-step from the moment the idea first comes to mind to the departure of your last guest. Learn how to decide what kind of party you want to give, where, how to budget, tips on planning your food and beverage menus, ideas for invitations, party themes, decorating, preparing your home, and much more.You'll also learn:How to make party planning easyGreat themes for guys-only and gals-only partiesHow to throw a great birthday partyDecorations that will make your party more special (and how to stay within your party budget)And much, much more.This book will walk you through the steps involved in planning any type of party and leave you prepared to handle unexpected complications or challenges. I've included questions to prompt you through each step of the planning process, reminders of possible stumbling blocks and surprises and a checklist to use for each of your fabulous events.

  • af Britta Krämer
    488,95 kr.

    Nach Häuser & Menschen und Raum & Zeit vervollständigt der Titel Orte & Visionen das aktuelle Buch-Trio von URLAUBSARCHITEKTUR.Jedem Ort wohnt ein ihm angeborenes, ureigenes Potential inne. Manchmal ist es fast unmittelbar greifbar, schimmert ungeduldig unter der Oberfläche und wartet nur darauf, ans Licht geholt zu werden. Oftmals schlummert es tief verborgen, versteckt sich scheu oder ist im Laufe der Zeit einfach in Vergessenheit geraten. Dann bedarf es Menschen mit feinem Blick und Gespür für das Wesen eines Ortes, für ungeschliffene Perlen und gewagte Möglichkeiten. Daraus entstehen Visionen, die ihren Ausdruck in Architekturprojekten finden, die Charakter, Kontext und Geschichte eines Ortes meisterhaft in Szene setzen - urlauben läßt es sich hier schlicht wunderbar. Auf den folgenden Seiten entführen wir Sie wieder an besondere Urlaubsorte in Europa, deren Architektur und Gastkultur neue Maß- stäbe setzen - vom verwunschenen Pyrenäenschloss mit modernem Twist zum Tête-à-Tête von Sichtbeton mit einem alten Bauernhaus, von der einsamen Holzhytte unter tanzenden Nordlichtern zur gebauten Hommage an die Zeitgeschichte eines stillen Tals. Wie immer präsentieren wir hier nur eine Selektion unserer architektonischen Charakterstücke. Alle Partnerhäuser unse- rer kuratierten Sammlung finden Sie online auf unserem Portal. Wir wünschen inspiriertes Reisen durch die Seiten und viel Vorfreude auf den nächsten Urlaub an Ihrem ganz persönlichen Lieblingsort!

  • af Chelsey Brown
    343,95 kr.

    Nowadays, highly curated social media feeds can leave you feeling like you'll need give up your life savings or knock down walls to have a home you love. But Chelsey Brown, owner of City Chic Decor, is here to show that with some creativity you can completely redesign any room in your house without declaring bankruptcy?and have fun while doing it. Shut the Front Door is filled with gorgeous rooms for inspiration, pro tips, easy DIYs, and more, so even if you've got Champagne tastes and a Diet Coke budget, you'll be able to transform your house into the home of your dreams.

  • af Jessica Mordy
    198,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • - En international affære
    af Christian Holmsted-Olesen
    248,95 kr.

    Nu tilgængelig i en kompakt og prisvenlig ny udgave.Design blev det kulturelle fænomen, som satte Danmark på verdenskortet midt i det 20. århundrede. Brandet Danish Design opstod i 1949, da amerikanske journalister begyndte at skrive om danske møbler fra Snedkerlaugets møbeludstilling i København. Hans J. Wegners ”Den runde stol” kaldte de ”The Chair” – ”Stolen”. Det blev ikke kun starten på et stort eksporteventyr, men også en udfordring for de danske designere, som blev verdenskendte for deres besættelse af at skabe den perfekte stol.Stolen er designernes prøvesten og designhistorikernes yndlingsobjekt. Den berører og spejler den krop, den skal bære med arme, ben, sæde og ryg. Og så er stolen et af vores mest kulturbærende designobjekter, og fortæller om den tid og det samfund, den er skabt i. Bogens særlige greb er, at den i ord, tegninger og billeder vil vise, at danske stole bygger på historiske møbeltyper, som forfines og raffineres i det uendelige. Budskabet og forklaringen på dansk møbelkunsts succes internationalt er, at dansk møbelkunst er baseret på fremme-de kulturer og på ældre tiders bedste frembringelser.

  • - kreativitet og inspiration til den kolde tid
    af Sofia Vusir Jansson
    223,95 kr.

    Løft juleklip og vinterpynt til nye højder med denne tidløse hyldest til kreativitet, holdbarhed og årets kolde måneder. Her finder du håndværk inspireret af arven fra nordisk kulturhistorie – for alle aldre.Med enkle trin for trin-instruktioner lærer du at lave magiske og stemningsfulde dekorationer og pynt til den kolde tid – selvfølgelig med udgangspunkt i bæredygtighed, genbrug og det, man ofte allerede har derhjemme.Sofia Vusir Jansson er designer og arbejder med foto, form og indretning. Hendes udgangspunkt er fantasiens verden, som hun igennem sine design forsøger at gøre levende og virkelig. Hun er i de seneste år desuden blevet kendt for sine fantastiske papirblomster, som har været udstillet flere steder.De stemningsfulde og smukke fotos i bogen står den svenske fotograf Maja Sten bag.

  • af Alli Koch
    108,95 kr.

    The coloring book for anyone who loves scrolling through Zillow—now in a mini size perfect for travel and coloring on the go!Featuring cabins, A-frames, airstreams, and more, this book will spark your imagination as you peek inside some of America’s coolest homes, including ones you’ve seen on Instagram or Airbnb.From properties like the mid-century modern Belding Bliss in Palm Springs to the HoneyTree treehouse in Fredericksburg, TX, you’ll have fun bringing these unique properties to life with color and styles you love. Bestselling author and artist Alli Koch has also included two full pages of velvet stickers that you can use to decorate your artwork as well.Coolest Homes Ever features:• 40+ illustrations inspired by popular trendy homes on Instagram and Airbnb• High-quality paper and perforated, removable pages—frame your art after you've finished coloring!• Two pages of colorable velvet stickers that can be used to decorate pages• A gorgeous, hand-illustrated cover with shimmery artwork that will look stunning on your bookshelf or coffee table

  • af Daniela Wirtz
    173,95 kr.

    "Floral design has been an art form for centuries, with floral arrangements being used to beautify everything from homes to weddings to funerals. However, a new tool in the floral designer's arsenal has revolutionized the art form: floral wire. In the book "Floral Wire Workshop: Florists' Techniques for Plants and Flowers in Every Season," author and floral designer Daniela Wirtz explores the endless possibilities of using floral wire to create stunning and unique floral designs. The book is a comprehensive guide to using floral wire in all aspects of floral design, from connecting and shaping flowers to creating elaborate decorative elements. The book is filled with beautiful, full-color photographs of floral designs created using floral wire, ranging from simple bouquets to intricate centerpieces. Each design is accompanied by detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to create it, making it easy for even beginners to follow along"--

  • af Chris van Uffelen
    453,95 kr.

    Ein Haus am Meer, umgeben von Dünen, Klippen und weiten Stränden, ist eine Glücksvision vieler Menschen. Ganz selbstverständlich bestimmt diese bevorzugte Lage am Wasser dabei die Bauweise: Strandhäuser müssen ebenso vor Wind und Wellen schützen, wie sie als Architektur gewordene Sehnsucht dem Naturerlebnis Raum geben sollen.Dieser Band lädt ein, das Leben am Meer neu zu entdecken und neu zu definieren. Die vorgestellten Projekte zeigen die planerischen und konstruktiven Möglichkeiten im Umgang mit diesen besonderen Voraussetzungen. Vorgestellt werden kreative Gestaltungs- und Raumkonzepte eines traumhaften, entspannten und genussvollen Wohnens aus der ganzen Welt: Tür auf und ab zum Meer.

  • af Kiana Underwood
    349,95 kr.

    "A gorgeous visual guide to designing jaw-dropping botanical arrangements from world-renowned floral artist Kiana Underwood"--

  • af Kurt Heppke
    423,95 kr.

    Viele Fotos von wirklich exzellenten Wohnräumen können Sie in diesem Band sehen. Dabei geht es nur um das Schöne am Wohnen. Das Wohnen kann uns dabei helfen, uns auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren. Eine Wohnung ist einer der wichtigsten Aspekte unseres Lebens, denn sie erfüllt viele Zwecke. Sie bietet uns Sicherheit und Schutz vor den Elementen und eine komfortable Umgebung, in die wir nach einem langen Tag zurückkehren können. Eine Wohnung hält uns nicht nur im Winter warm und im Sommer kühl, sondern kann uns auch ein Gefühl von Gemeinschaft, Sicherheit, Unabhängigkeit und Geborgenheit vermitteln.Tauchen wir also ein bisschen ein in die Wohnwelten der Anderen. Wir können und dürfen daran haben, und uns manche Entdeckungen die wir finden zu Eigen machen. Ich wünsche Ihnen und uns damit viel Freude.

  • af Claire Bingham
    195,95 kr.

    Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch Mehr für weniger: In einem praktischen Format zu einem günstigen Preis bieten die neuen Bildbände der Wohninspirationsreihe umso mehr Inspirationsmaterial. Authentische Interior-Design-Stimmen: mit einem Vorwort der renommierten Expertin Claire Bingham und Einrichtungsempfehlungen bekannter Interior Designer:innen. Fortsetzung der bereits bestehenden Reihe: Die beiden Coffee Table Books ergänzen die Vorgänger-Titel und bauen auf deren Design auf, sodass den Leser:innen die Möglichkeit einer eleganten Sammlung echter Design-Pieces geboten wird. Aktuelles Thema: mehr Nachhaltigkeit im eigenen Zuhause. "grüne" Interior-Trend zum Staunen und inspirieren lassen. "Eco Materials" ist der neueste Band aus der Interieur-Design-Reihe "Wohninspiration by teNeues". Dieses Mal präsentiert die Einrichtungsjournalistin Claire Bingham auf über 200 Bildern Dekoideen und Einrichtungsvorschläge mit Naturmaterialien. Sie widmet sich dafür einer eher jungen Strömung in der Innenarchitektur, dem Natural Living oder auch Eco Chic Style. Hauptmerkmal ist der Einsatz von Naturfasern wie Papier, Bambus, Trockenblumen und Pampas-Gras, eingebettet in ein Wohnsetting aus möglichst naturbelassenem Holz. Stoffe aus naturbelassener Baumwolle, Makramee oder Wolle dominieren das Szenario. Die Farbwelt ist geprägt durch helle Naturtöne und ein bisschen erinnert der Wohnstil an Scandi im Mix mit Ethno-Design und ergänzt durch eine verspielte Komponente. Heraus kommt ein natürliches und gemütliches Wohngefühl, welches die Aufnahmen in dem trendigen Design-Bildband "Eco Materials" auf eine nahezu einzigartige Weise vermitteln. Ziel ist es, dem interessierten Leser zu einem intuitiven Gespür für die Besonderheiten dieses naturverbundenen Einrichtungsstils zu verhelfen. Claire Bingham, führt den Betrachter dafür zielsicher mitten in die Welt des Natural Living und zeigt dabei den natürlichen Wohntrend von seiner schönsten Seite. Das Buch ist mit seinen zahllosen Deko-Vorschlägen eine Inspiration für alle, die nach neuen Ideen für das eigene Home-Makeover suchen. Zusammen mit den anderen Bänden der Interieur-Design-Reihe bildet "Eco Materials" eine tolle Möglichkeit, sich eine ansprechende Sammlung zum Thema Inneneinrichtung aufzubauen. Wer schon Coffee-Table-Books aus der Serie besitzt, wird sich mit Sicherheit über diesen großartigen Bildband als Geschenk freuen.

  • af Claire Bingham
    345,95 kr.

    Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch Mehr für weniger: In einem praktischen Format zu einem günstigen Preis bieten die neuen Bildbände der Wohninspirationsreihe umso mehr Inspirationsmaterial. Authentische Interior-Design-Stimmen: mit einem Vorwort der renommierten Expertin Claire Bingham und Einrichtungsempfehlungen bekannter Interior Designer:innen. Fortsetzung der bereits bestehenden Reihe: Die beiden Coffee Table Books ergänzen die Vorgänger-Titel und bauen auf deren Design auf, sodass den Leser:innen die Möglichkeit einer eleganten Sammlung echter Design-Pieces geboten wird. Der Inbegriff des gemütlichen Wohnens: Lassen Sie sich von diesen Boho-Interieurs verzaubern. "Boho Style" ist ein ganz besonderes Coffee-Table-Book für alle Stilmix-Fanatiker. Kaum ein anderer Wohnstil hat es geschafft, in so kurzer Zeit die Herzen von Interieurbegeisterten zu erobern wie Boho Chic. Und müsste man passende Attribute für ihn benennen, wären wohl Gemütlichkeit, Freiheit und Kreativität, die Top-drei. Bohemian Chic leitet sich von einer Kulturbewegung französischer Intellektueller, Künstler und Literaten im Paris des 19. Jahrhundert ab, den Bohème. Sie verkörperten einen Lebensstil, der unkonventionell, bunt und frei war. Und auch der heutige Boho-Stil ist gekennzeichnet von vor allem einer Regel: Es gibt keine, erlaubt ist, was gefällt. In dem Bildband "Boho Style" zeigt die Einrichtungsjournalistin Claire Bingham, auf über 200 beeindruckenden Aufnahmen Beispiele, besonders schön gestalteter Wohnungen. Sie präsentiert den wilden Mix- und Match-Look, der sich mit einer beschwingten Leichtigkeit völlig selbstverständlich präsentiert und unterschiedliche Materialien, Stile, bunte Farbe und Naturtöne auf einzigartige Weise zu einer gefälligen Gesamtkomposition mit Hippie Flair vereint. Hier passt alles und nichts zusammen und durch die Kombination von Designerstücken, exotischen Reisesouvenirs und Flohmarktfunden entsteht eine individuelle Raumgestaltung mit echtem Wohlfühlcharakter. Kein Wohnensemble gleicht dabei dem anderen und jede Aufnahme von Claire sprüht nur so vor Charme und Inspiration. Wer auf der Suche nach immer neuen Dekoideen für seine eigenen vier Wänden ist oder es einfach nur liebt, Bildern von großartig gestalteten Innenräume zu versinken, für den ist "Boho Style" das ultimative Coffee-Table-Book. Der wundervolle Bildband gehört zu der Interieur-Design-Reihe "Wohninspiration by teNeues" und bildet zusammen mit den anderen Bänden der Reihe die Möglichkeit einer eleganten Sammlung echter Design-Pieces zum Thema Inneneinrichtung.

  • af Patric Richardson
    298,95 kr.

    "Patric Richardson is known as 'The Laundry Evangelist, ' but his genuine love for household chores extends far beyond the laundry room. His philosophy is simple: tidying up is a privilege and a task you do for those you love (including yourself), and there are a million ways to infuse joy into the everyday tasks behind maintaining a home. House Love is his sunny guide to freshening up every inch of the house--from the entryway to the attic, the backyard to the bedroom. Patric shares his best design inspiration, DIY projects, and, of course, cleaning tips, so you can fall in love with your home all over again--or for the very first time"--

  • af Liz Marie Galvan
    232,95 kr.

    Create your own quiet refuge with tips and affordable décor ideas from popular blogger and author Liz Marie Galvan. Liz's friendly blend of inspiration, interactive elements, and intentional living ideas will help you create cozy spaces, healthy habits, and will fill your home with peace and connection.

  • af Tim Holding
    395,95 kr.

    A beautifully-photographed personal account of a couple renovating a ruined 18th-century chateau in regional France

  • af Marin Montagut
    345,95 kr.

    The art of collecting and accumulating kindred objects¿from artist¿s palettes still freckled with oil paint, to hand carved picture frames, to a menagerie of toy animals¿is at the core of timeless French style. 'Inspired by a lifetime of collecting ¿objects of every kind¿, Montagut offers a glimpse inside the troves of 10 collectors, showcased in playful mood boards. Among the curious finds are embroidered 18th-century Madonnas at Atelier Vime, papier-mâché ducks in Normandy and coffee mills at Paris¿s Marché aux Puces.' - Financial Times, 'How To Spend It' 'This unique and eccentric book is a real page-turner, the scope of these collections is wonderful, and Pierre Musellec¿s photography paired with Montagut¿s illustrations showcases how much these objects are loved.' - The Guardian French artist, designer, and talented antique hunter Marin Montagut celebrates the joy of collecting everything from textiles to mercury glass candlesticks to architectural details, taking readers inside ten private homes, flea markets, and unusual ateliers to discover the most whimsical treasure troves in France. From a film prop house¿s array of bistro chairs to a vintage stock of brushes for all purposes, and from an art studiös Grecian plaster casts to an amateur designer¿s selection of antique clothing, and from Marin¿s own wonder wall assemblages to a cook¿s haven filled with copper dessert molds and pots¿objects, when presented together as a series, create unforgettable interiors that radiate charm. Inspiration comes in repetition: a grouping of belle époque furniture ornamentation creates an artful space. The spare wooden forms of capipotes¿devotional statues used in religious processions, their eyes turned heavenward in ecstasy¿and silver ex votos can be the point of departure for the theme of an entire room. Marin¿s moodboards and watercolor illustrations for each chapter provide endless ideas for the home.

  • af Lyndsey Caleo
    345,95 kr.

    Featuring a collection of homes that embody the influential Brooklyn Home Company’s aesthetic, this book introduces readers to the design firm’s signature method. By fusing design and development with a cohesive vision for mindful living and modern style, brother-and-sister-team builder Bill Caleo and designer Lyndsay Caleo founded the popular Brooklyn Home Company, which operates as a local, family-run design collective. The Brooklyn Home features ten iconic Brooklyn homes that they have designed and unpacks the secrets to creating light, comfort, and calm, even within the chaos of a big city. With a focus on sustainable living and personalized charm, each home is uniquely stunning. From a company known for designing and building locally sourced, perfectly artful spaces, complete with minimalist interiors, these projects feature bespoke details with integrated art pieces and hand-carved elements by artist-in-residence Fitzhugh Karol. The Brooklyn Home is for interior design enthusiasts who want an inside look at the borough’s most stylish, livable, and sustainable homes.Includes Color Images

  • af Ivana Jost
    236,95 kr.

    Eighteen beginner to advanced-level projects using natural, durable, and long-lasting dried flowers for home décor, entertaining, and even wearing

  • af Jeremiah Brent
    295,95 kr.

    Interior designer and television personality Jeremiah Brent explores the look and feel of homes along with the emotional meaning of a home through extensive interviews with the homeowners and photographs of the homes' details that make peoples' spaces so personally significant.

  • af Philip Alvare
    594,95 kr.

    A vibrant collection of projects from the Mexican architect and interior designer Jorge Loyzaga, exquisitely captured by one of today’s most exciting travel and interiors photographers.Based in Mexico City, Jorge Loyzaga’s multidisciplinary practice has focused on the preservation of traditions within architecture, interiors, furniture, and the decorative arts since its founding in 1969. Informed by a passion for classic design, heritage, and timeless craftsmanship, as well as Loyzaga’s training in the restoration of historical monuments, the firm’s sophisticated perspective of architecture and interiors translate time-honored style and local traditions into a contemporary, international visual language.This volume presents over 20 houses and estates among Loyzaga’s finest projects. With classical models serving as inspiration—ranging from Spanish Baroque cathedrals to Beaux-Arts boulevards and 18th-century French châteaux—the featured buildings and interiors display Loyzaga’s one-of-a-kind mix of pre-Hispanic, Spanish, and other European elements. Unpublished photographs showcase striking designs of both interiors and exteriors enlivened by Loyzaga’s signature style, defined by vibrant, luxurious touches and a detailed approach to historic influences. From a Tuscan-style villa with ornate Italian décor to a Mexican Colonial abode and a private home that evokes a Parisian hotel particulier, this volume offers endless inspiration for the modern interiors enthusiast.

  • af Heidi Hendricks
    494,95 kr.

    The glorious Connecticut property of Heide Hendricks and Rafe Churchill (of the architecture and interior design firm Hendricks Churchill) illustrates how a late nineteenth-century farmhouse can be adapted for stylish and comfortable twenty-first-century living.Rafe and Heide discovered their true home in a late 1800s New England farmhouse after a decade of living in Brooklyn, New York. The historic property, Ellsworth, is a showplace for their shared aesthetic and sensibility of designing for real life, and not for formality. At the core is a house of pared-down traditionalism with references to Shaker tranquility, Arts & Crafts practicality, and bohemian chic. Whimsical wallcoverings, striking colors, a mix of contemporary furniture and antiques, exciting works of art, and comfort abound—turning a workaday house from the nineteenth century into a creative laboratory of the twenty-first.The house and its surroundings—a constant work in progress with evolving interiors, landscaping objectives, a reconfigured sunroom, a barn restoration, and planned hiking trails—have become an endless source of inspiration for the couple’s many projects, which include residences in New England, New York’s Hudson Valley, New York City, Oyster Bay, Boulder, and Austin. The narrative of the book addresses the couple’s design process in terms of architecture, decoration, and final installation. As many Americans are deciding to leave cities for calmer, more connected lives in the country, Heide and Rafe illustrate how this transition can be one of beauty and logic.

  • af Nina Farmer
    395,95 kr.

    A debut book from award-winning designer Nina Farmer, known for her sophisticated eye and interiors that are elegant, comfortable, and timeless.Designer Nina Farmer has made a name for herself with her classically beautiful interiors. From reimagining century-old homes to more modern dwellings, Farmer has a way of creating looks that celebrate the past and simultaneously live squarely—and stylishly—in the present. In these pages, Farmer introduces readers to the design solutions she has found for creating that special combination: a carefully curated mix of the classic and the contemporary that looks like it was collected over time rather than created all at once.The book features nine projects, including a stone-walled 1930s colonial in Westport, Connecticut, a mid-century–inspired beach bungalow on Martha’s Vineyard, and Farmer’s own 1850s Federal-style brownstone in Boston’s Beacon Hill. The book is rounded out with a series of informative essays on the key elements of Farmer’s look, including creating a sense of place, the importance of travel, and collecting art.Ultimately the book illustrates how thoughtful, considered design can give new life to any home, and, in doing so, inspires readers to do the same.

  • af Charlotte Moss
    538,95 kr.

    The debut book from award-winning Southern architect Stan Dixon, one of a highly influential group of Atlanta-based architects and designers who are revolutionizing the design world with their work.Stan Dixon’s edited approach to the classical elements of architecture creates an understated aesthetic that is historically based while embracing influences of modern design. Through contextually sensitive work of appropriate style, scale, and proportion, he crafts buildings of permanence and delight, while providing their occupants with a beautiful place in which to live their lives. Dixon takes risks in blending genres and styles, with results that are creative and original.In his first book, Dixon shares thirteen projects that vary geographically and stylistically—from a whimsical coastal retreat on Jupiter Island to an elegant English-manor-inspired dwelling on the coast of South Carolina. Each house explores a different component of his aesthetic, instructing the reader in the nature of authentic architecture while simultaneously delighting them with moments large and small—a shadow of garden gate, a striking stairwell, a tiered veranda.Photographed primarily by Eric Piasecki, featuring the work of Suzanne Kasler, Jackye Lanham, Carolyn Malone, Beth Webb, Tammy Connor, and other talented designers, HOME: The Residential Architecture of D. Stanley Dixon will resonate with and deeply engage readers in search of home.

  • af Barbara de Vries
    494,95 kr.

    The rural homes and lifestyles of modern creatives who have left city dwelling for working remotely and living simply and sustainably.Living Upriver showcases the artisanal country way of life inspiring readers to bring nature home, be true to oneself, and foster a warm, welcoming community. The book documents twelve homes belonging to the new pioneers: creative individuals who embrace a slower lifestyle combining nostalgic remote living with modern connectivity. The homes of these designers, artisans, and entrepreneurs are restored farms, barns, cabins, and churches featuring rustic textiles and handcrafted living spaces. These comfortable, characterful rooms welcome their communities by hosting picturesque events in the summer, and cozy dinners in the winter.Including thoughtful tips and ideas—on reclaiming old spaces, upcycling used furniture, foraging and gardening sustainably, tabletop arranging, and more—from the homeowners, who brought their new spaces to life, this book shows how we can put more of ourselves into our environment and feel more at home in doing so.

  • af Jane S. Day
    469,95 kr.

    Palm Beach style is the expression of elegance and romance everywhere evident in this paradise and epitomized in the lives and work of architect John Volk and artist-preservationist Jane Volk. Together they conjured up much of the magic that now makes the place. The book explores this unique chemistry and the dazzling homes that are the result.John Volk was one of the “big five” architects of Palm Beach. It was here, during his sixty years of practice, that he was commissioned to design over 2,000 projects, among them the Royal Poinciana Plaza as well as additions and renovations to the Everglades Club. This book is about the Volks, and the part they played in conjuring the spell with which Palm Beach continues to enchant.Palm Beach, among other things, is its architecture. Red tile roofs and cast stone columns hint of the Mediterranean. Evidence of inspirations from Spain and Morocco abound. After the economic collapse of 1929, the classical architectural orders began to appear on columns and porticos. The Bermuda style and Modernism made an appearance later. Yet there is no one style exclusively associated Volk; here he perfected many styles and his architectural legacy can be found on almost every street.While this book honors John Volk’s architecture and his enormous impact, it also celebrates Jane Volk’s contribution to Palm Beach and her devotion to protecting the town and its historic character.

  • af John Goodall
    643,95 kr.

    "For 125 years Country Life has presented its readers with the finest insider s tour of everything quintessentially British. Now in one volume, this spectacular collection of images offers the best of life in the British countryside, from charming Cotswolds villages to panoramic views across the Yorkshire dales and Glastonbury for readers who will revel in tramping across the heather filled moors to see King Charles s favorite view in all England, the white cliffs of Dover, and the Dark Hedges of Northern Ireland. Discover on these pages the culture and seasonal activities of country life, whether it be a gentleman farmer showing off his prize cattle, fly fishing in the Scottish highlands, swan upping on the Thames, or cricket on the village green. Country Life is renowned for its unprecedented access to the magnificent castles and palaces, as well as private estates and manor houses that dot the countryside from Dorset to the Scottish highlands, revealing many to its fans for the first time. In this volume readers are treated to the loveliest and most important houses and gardens from the last century, from Holkham Hall, Chatsworth, and Burghley, to Munstead Wood, Sissinghurst, and Kelmscott. This book satisfies readers seemingly insatiable desire to capture in their own lives a small slice of the romance of English countryside living."--Publisher description.

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