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En flot illustreret bog om landhuset, skrevet af landets vel nok mest vidende mand på området. Om hvordan man istandsætter og ombygger landhuse på en måde, som er i overensstemmelse med husets oprindelige arkitektur og brug af materialer. Bogen er relevant for alle, der bor på landet, eller bare drømmer om at flytte ud. Vi får her en spændende gennemgang af både landsbyens og landhusenes udvikling fra de ældste tider til i dag, herunder de ændrede funktioner, de arkitektoniske stilarter og materialer. Der er kapitler om de forskellige typer af boliger, deres baggrund, karakteristika og indretning. Endelig giver bogen konkret rådgivning og vejledning om istandsættelse, ombygning, bygningsbevaring og reetablering, hvor de forskellige bygningsdele gennemgås systematisk, lige fra bindingsværkshuse med stråtag til murede huse, træhuse, sommerhuse osv.Søren Vadstrup er restaureringsarkitekt, tidl. leder af Raadvad-Centeret og forskningslektor på Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København. Udgav i 2004 bogen Huse med sjæl og i 2014 Byhuset.
Hjemmet er til for at lade op og tanke ny energi. Det kræver ro og orden. I Ryd op hjælper oprydningseksperten Marianne Gammelgaard med at luge ud, sortere og organisere i form af en række helt konkrete leveregler og værktøjer, der er lette at følge. Rodeskuffen, den kaotiske garderobe og de proppede køkkenskabe bliver konverteret til overblik, overskud og en masse frigivet tid. Når man rydder op i sit hjem, rydder man også op i sit sind. Bogen er overskueligt inddelt i rum, og for hvert rum er der en konkret guide til oprydningsprocessen, kreative hacks, der med små midler og justeringer skaber orden og overblik, samt inspirerende billeder og illustrationer. Marianne Gammelgaard - kendt fra TV 2-programmet 'Vi drukner i rod' - har den livsfilosofi, at man bør leve med færre ting. Hendes metode er for alle og inspirerer til, at man tager udgangspunkt i løsninger, der allerede er til rådighed i hjemmet.
Krisebevidstheden i Danmark er blevet større hos mange, fordi verden har været ramt af en global pandemi, der er krig tæt på kontinentet og grundet politiske uroligheder i flere lande. Men hvad ville du gøre, hvis strømmen går eller varmen forsvinder? Hvor længe vil du kunne klare dig i isoleret i eget hjem? I Prepperens håndbog fortæller friluftsvejleder Mette Mortensen, kendt fra DR1-programmet Alene i Vildmarken, hvad det vil sige at være prepper. Bogen er en guide til at kunne klare sig selv i kortere og længere tid og rummer vigtige råd og lister, så man kan tage de fornødne forholdsregler i tilfælde af, at Danmark bliver ramt af en krise eller nødsituation, der f.eks. sætter strømforsyningen ud af spil. Det handler ikke om at være katastrofefokuseret, men om almindelig sund fornuft. Og med en ganske lille indsats kan vi hver og især gøre en stor forskel.
Just as The Home Edit Life reassuringly told us that it's OK to own things, Stay Organized promises that it's OK to create a mess. When your systems are working, you'll be able to clean them up within 15 minutes. And as we've all learned over the last few years, maintenance is self-care. Our homes are critical to our mental health. When your systems work, you have more bandwidth. You don't have to start from a maxed-out place. Above all else, move forward feeling calm, collected, and confidently organized -with humor, relatability, and beautiful imagery.Stay Organized covers all kinds of topics related to maintenance, showing readers actionable ways to create systems in their own homes that will be easy to maintain for long-term success. Topics include: - How to get your household on board- Sharing spaces effectively- Household schedules- Maintenance as self-care- Inventory checklists- Checking in with your systems- Staying on top of incoming and outgoing items- Low-bar lifestyle goals for each space
"Renting a home can be a complex process--from finding a safe and affordable space, to hiring help for moving in and out, and of course, managing any repairs that come up during your stay. You deserve to feel empowered to take matters into your own hands--and it's not as hard as you might think. In this book, Mercury will show you how to tackle the projects that need improvement in your home--from how to properly fix a clog in your bathroom sink and safely hang things on your walls to patching small and medium drywall holes"--
Gode råd er dyre i disse tider. Derfor er det værd at vende tilbage til de gode og praktiske spareråd fra dengang, vores bedsteforældre var unge og levede i nøjsomme tider.Den lille Sparebog indeholder uddrag fra bestselleren Gyldendals Sparebog (1941). Gode – og sjove – råd, der stadig er brugbare i 2022. Her er tips til at lave sin egen te, praktiske spareråd til madlavningen, anvisning til barbering uden sæbe og til at bekæmpe møl og rense pletter af tøjet. Lige som man får en solid håndsrækning til at spare på varme og lys. Den perfekte værtindegave eller til dig, der sværger til de gode råd fra fortiden.
Capture your next adventureThe GoPro Hero is arguably the best action camera that money can buy. If you have dreams of recording your journeys, action shots, or more, then you will be dazzled by the quality of video that it produces. On paper, the spec sheet looks impressive. In practice, there's a lot to learn to get the most out of those features.This book will walk you through all the features that you need to know and get you on your way to a cinematic adventure! It is based on the Hero10, but if you have a Hero9 or Hero8, most of the features will still apply.It covers: - Recording Videos and Photos- Gestures- Power Tools- Protune- Looping- HiLight- Transferring Media- Custom Presets- Mounting- Software- Mods- And MoreThis book is not endorsed by GoPro, Inc. and should be considered unofficial.
Expert advice on essential home decoration and maintenance, both indoors and out. With clear step-by-step advice on repairs, carpentry, flooring, brickwork, roofing, fences, walls and paths, painting, papering, tiling, and many other jobs around the home, with 2400 photographs to show what to do, this is an essential practical manual that you will refer to again and again. >
Fed up with expensive plumbing services for minor household issues? Ever wished you had the know-how to tackle common plumbing problems on your own? Looking to prevent typical plumbing mishaps and save both time and money in the long haul? If any of these scenarios resonate with you, this guide is your perfect solution! I comprehend the frustration of facing hefty bills for seemingly minor plumbing fixes. Additionally, the struggle of finding a dependable professional, aligning schedules, and handling potential post-repair mess can be taxing. I appreciate the pride that self-sufficiency brings, the excitement of mastering new skills, and the fulfillment derived from successfully completing tasks within your own home. The frequent challenges and unforeseen expenses associated with home maintenance need not be a constant burden, especially when many of these issues can be managed by you with the right knowledge and guidance. That's precisely why I've curated "THE COMPLETE PLUMBING BIBLE" - a comprehensive guide empowering you to take charge of your home's plumbing. This book is crafted to provide detailed instructions and instill the confidence necessary to tackle plumbing matters independently. Within this book, you'll discover:DIY Guidance: Arm yourself with the knowledge to handle common plumbing issues in your home.Detailed Procedures: Clear, step-by-step instructions that demystify even the most challenging plumbing tasks.Effective Troubleshooting: Learn to spot plumbing problem indicators and prevent their occurrence.Money-Saving Skills: Master techniques to avoid costly service calls and extend your plumbing system's lifespan.Hands-On Projects: Engage in practical, confidence-boosting projects to enhance your abilities.Safety-First Approach: Comprehensive safety guidelines ensuring your well-being in every scenario.Envision the satisfaction of independently managing your plumbing repairs and the significant savings it entails. By mastering the skills presented in "THE COMPLETE PLUMBING BIBLE," you'll gain greater self-reliance, making your home truly your sanctuary. Embark on your DIY plumbing journey today.
This book is an invaluable resource for maintenance professionals, students, and anyone keen on unraveling the intricacies of asset management. Whether you're a seasoned industry expert or a novice exploring the world of maintenance, this guide provides a comprehensive and accessible overview.Maintenance is the backbone of operational success in any industry. From ensuring the smooth functioning of machinery to minimizing downtime, maintenance plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency and reliability. This comprehensive guide explores the principles and importance of maintenance, delving into its historical roots, diverse applications, and the evolving landscape of maintenance practices in the 21st century.Embark on a journey through the intricate realm of maintenance management with "Maintenance Excellence: Principles, Practices, and Future Trends." This comprehensive guide unveils the crucial role maintenance plays in the operational continuity, efficiency, and longevity of assets across diverse industries.Overview: From the foundations of maintenance, tracing its historical evolution to modern applications, this book offers a holistic exploration. Dive into the multifaceted role of maintenance in ensuring operational continuity, enhancing equipment reliability, and minimizing downtime. Uncover the principles governing maintenance strategies, ranging from preventive and predictive maintenance to corrective and proactive approaches.Maintenance Excellence" goes beyond the theoretical foundations, offering practical insights and real-world applications. It equips readers with the knowledge needed to navigate the challenges of diverse industries, embrace technological advancements, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. This book is a must-read for those seeking to elevate maintenance practices to new heights in an ever-evolving industrial landscape.Today's' world is highly competitive than ever before. New technologies, machines, human beings are getting increasingly productive to sustain and survive in theworld. In todays' globalized world, India's position as a manufacturing force is getting noticed. Hence the scale of efficiency has become global benchmark. Maintenance of engineering equipments and machines, is the field that has become a challenge due to size, cost, complexity and competition. Although progress has been made in maintaining equipments in reasonable manner. The professionals are developed, specializing in this area driven by market in a particular manufacturing or process industry or service suppliers etc. Thus, there is a definite need for effective asset management and maintenance practices that will positively influence critical success factors such as safety, product quality, speed of innovation, price, profitability, technicalobsolesce, and reliable delivery. In competitive world there is a need to reduce manufacturing cost. There ishumungous pressure on manufacturing function to adopt new technologies methods to improve productivity. One of the ways to gain competitive advantage is to pursue lean manufacturing. There are only a few companies address the significant synergies of lean and maintenance excellence. Many industries do not understand or not aware of one big opportunity area. The huge opportunity to reduce the manufacturing cost especially in a plant where there is a capacity crunch is not appreciated by all.
With busy, multi-faceted lives, we need home spaces that are practical but also beautiful. A home should reflect your personality and lift your spirits. It should be a welcoming hug when you return and should feel easy to be in. This book is the ultimate blueprint for those looking to live small but dream big.
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