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Gør det selv: byggeri og snedkerarbejde

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  • Spar 17%
    af Søren Vadstrup
    497,95 kr.

    En flot illustreret bog om landhuset, skrevet af landets vel nok mest vidende mand på området. Om hvordan man istandsætter og ombygger landhuse på en måde, som er i overensstemmelse med husets oprindelige arkitektur og brug af materialer. Bogen er relevant for alle, der bor på landet, eller bare drømmer om at flytte ud. Vi får her en spændende gennemgang af både landsbyens og landhusenes udvikling fra de ældste tider til i dag, herunder de ændrede funktioner, de arkitektoniske stilarter og materialer. Der er kapitler om de forskellige typer af boliger, deres baggrund, karakteristika og indretning. Endelig giver bogen konkret rådgivning og vejledning om istandsættelse, ombygning, bygningsbevaring og reetablering, hvor de forskellige bygningsdele gennemgås systematisk, lige fra bindingsværkshuse med stråtag til murede huse, træhuse, sommerhuse osv.Søren Vadstrup er restaureringsarkitekt, tidl. leder af Raadvad-Centeret og forskningslektor på Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København. Udgav i 2004 bogen Huse med sjæl og i 2014 Byhuset.

  • af Sascha Bauer
    1.238,95 kr.

    The Joinery Compendium ist eine Sammlung mit über 400 handwerklich hergestellten Holzverbindungen aus aller Welt. Die einzigartige Zusammenstellung gibt Einblicke in die faszinierende Vielfalt dieser Verbindungen, ihrer Geschichte und Anwendung.In einer Zeit, in der die Sensibilität für bestehende Bausubstanzen und Holzkonstruktionen wächst, erlangen historische und einfache Bautechniken eine neue Relevanz. Holz findet nicht nur im Bauwesen und Möbelbau Anwendung, sondern auch vermehrt in nachhaltigen Produkten, denn Holzverbindungen ohne Nägel oder Klebstoff dienen der Inspiration für Reparaturfähigkeit und Lebenszyklusbetrachtung. Die Einleitung des Buches bietet grundlegendes Wissen über Holz und traditionelle Handwerkzeuge. Ein illustriertes Regelwerk zur Benennung der Verbindungen leitet zum Hauptteil über. Jede Verbindung wird durch einen Steckbrief mit axonometrischen und plangraphischen Zeichnungen, sowie einer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für ihre Herstellung präsentiert. Die vereinfachte graphische Darstellung mit viel Weißraum ermöglicht das Hinzufügen von Maßverhältnissen und Notizen im eigenen Schaf- fensprozess. Am Ende des Buches ermöglicht ein illustriertes Glossar eine Vergleichbarkeit in Gestaltungsprozessen und erleichtert gleichzeitig den Zugang zu digitalen Suchplattformen. Die Terminologie ist in Deutsch, Englisch und Japanisch verfügbar.The Joinery Compendium bietet eine leicht verständliche Übersicht durch sprachneutrale Illustrationen, welche eine zeitgenössische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema fördert und die Leidenschaft für traditionelle Holzverbindungen wecken soll.

  • af A. W. P. Kettless
    246,95 kr.

    "Make your own beautiful mid-century wooden objects for the home. With over 80 projects, from the simple to the advanced, this is the perfect book to progress your woodworking skills and create something beautiful for your home. These sought-after classic designs from the 1950s and '60s include a range of items for home and garden, from simple display shelves, bookends, and a tray, to a chest of drawers and a desk. Every project includes a clear pattern and diagrams, detailed step-by-step instructions, and illustrations of the finished pieces. The projects are arranged by level of difficulty as you go through the book; some suit those fairly new to woodworking and some work best for more experienced hands. Packed with useful tips and hints, and featuring spotlights on individual techniques within every chapter, this book is perfect not just as a project book but also as a way to build up your knowledge. No complicated equipment is needed, and all projects can be made at home. So whether you want the iconic curves of a mid-century coffee table, the warmth of walnut wood in a cabinet, or the clean lines in an easy chair, this book has it all"--Publisher's description.

  • af Jeff Strong
    226,95 kr.

  • - - træhus på skruefundament
    af Tom Thinggaard Pedersen
    268,95 kr.

    TOM THINGGAARD PEDERSEN er endriftig forfatter og temaerne for hans for-fatterskab spænder vidt. Den røde tråder dog tydelig. Hans budskab handlerom ikke at være bange for at prøve no-get nyt og måske endda turde at være“first-mover”. Det gælder også dennebog, der på en spændende og illustrativmåde fortæller om byggeriet af familiensnye træhus - fra køb af byggegrund tildet færdige hus - placeret med udsigtud over Randers fjord. Huset blev byg-get på et skruefundament, et innovativtfundamentsystem, som fjerner behovetfor støbning med traditionelt CO2 klima-belastende beton.

  • af Sabine Lemire
    188,95 kr.

    JØRGEN PINGVIN elsker at være kreativ og bygge ting. Da han ønsker sig en hund, bygger han en af pap. Men det er ikke helt let at have en hund!Billedbøgerne om JØRGEN PINGVIN er skønne hverdagsfortællinger om at slippe fantasien og kreativiteten løs. Lun humor indgår både i sprog og illustrationer og figuren JØRGEN PINGVIN giver minder om tegneren og børnebogsforfatteren Jørgen Clevin, som fra 1950'erne tryllebandt mange børn med sine kreative børneprogrammer i TV.JØRGEN PINGVIN elsker at bygge ting og sager, og det er meget godt, for JØRGEN PINGVIN er ikke så vild med de andre ting, han skal lære i skolen. Det kan nemlig være svært for en lille pingvin at sidde stille og lytte for længe ad gangen.JØRGEN PINGVIN er ikke ligesom alle andre. For eksempel elsker han mandage - for der har han Håndværk og Design i skolen og kan bygge ting. Og JØRGEN vil gerne bygge en hund for sådan en kunne han godt tænke sig ...Skønne detaljerige billedbøger om JØRGEN PINGVIN, der har svært ved at sidde stille og lytte i skolen, men elsker at være kreativ.Stor anbefaling herfra. Køb dem!Lektørudtalelsen

  • af Hanne Lehrskov, Rie Øhlenschlæger, Karin Kappel, mfl.
    273,95 kr.

    En bog om dansk byggeri (nybyggeri og renovering) med fokus på energi og arkitektur. Bogen præsenterer det bedste i ny dansk energiorienteret arkitektur, med fokus på de arkitektoniske - og energimæssige virkemidler i den integrerede designproces, der tilsammen resulterer i arkitektonisk kvalitet. Bogen er opbygget i to dele, bestående af først en indføring i problemstillinger og løsningsmuligheder eksemplificeret ved udvalgte projekter, og derefter et katalog som gennemgår en lang række projekter indenfor kategorierne boliger, erhverv, uddannelse, institutioner, idræt og kultur. Projekter er eksempelvis Århus Kommunes nye kontorbyggeri (C.F.Møller), børneinstitutionen Solhuset i Hørsholm (Christensen & Co.), Wides erhvervsbygger (White), Energimidts nye domicil (Årstiderne) og renovering af Hyldespjældet i Albertlund (Rubow Arkitekter m.fl.) Bogen er rigt illustreret med fotos. Ved udvalgte projekter tillige med energidiagrammer.

  • af Sabine Lemire
    357,95 kr.

    JØRGEN PINGVIN elsker at være kreativ og bygge ting og JØRGEN PINGVIN er altid i gang med ting og sager ...JØRGEN PINGVIN GØR NOGET VED KLIMAETMor Jytte og far Finn er helt ulykkelige, for de har hørt i radioen, at polerne smelter - og hvad skal der så ske med deres familie på Sydpolen?Jørgen Pingvin kan ikke rigtig holde al den larm ud, så han beslutter sig for at bygge en klimamaskine. Men sådan en maskine er ret tung, så Jørgen Pingvin får brug for hjælp af sine venner Jørgen Kanin og Ketty Kat.Skønne detaljerige billedbøger om JØRGEN PINGVIN, der har svært ved at sidde stille og lytte i skolen, men elsker at være kreativ.Endnu en genial historie om den søde og opfindsomme Jørgen Pingvin og hans ven Jørgen Kanin. Et skønt makkerpar, der ikke er til at stå for. Selv titlen er opsigtsvækkende og vækker ens nysgerrighed, og det er sjovt at følge fremdriften af det skøre påfund, der ender med at vække stor glæde. Sproget er fint, og tegningerne er charmerende i den velkendte stil fra de tre forrige bøger om Jørgen Pingvin.Lektørudtalelsen på tidligere bind i serienBilledbøgerne om JØRGEN PINGVIN er skønne hverdagsfortællinger om at slippe fantasien og kreativiteten løs. Lun humor indgår både i sprog og illustrationer og figuren JØRGEN PINGVIN giver minder om tegneren og børnebogsforfatteren Jørgen Clevin, som fra 1950'erne tryllebandt mange børn med sine kreative børneprogrammer i TV.Stor anbefaling herfra. Køb dem!Lektørudtalelsen på første bind i serien

  • af Charles D. White
    208,95 kr.

    Camps and Cottages: How to Build Them, first published in 1939 (and revised in 1946), is an inspirational, classic treatise on the planning, building, and furnishing of a small rustic dwelling. Complete with a number of the author's house plans, and illustrated with numerous diagrams, the book remains relevant today for anyone of any skill level contemplating building his or her own small home or vacation get-away, using only simple tools and inexpensive local materials. Some of the topics discussed include selecting the perfect site, materials, tools, site preparation and building layout, framing, exterior and interior trim, doors and windows, roofing, chimneys, paints and finishes, and water supply and utilities.

  • af Popular Science Monthly
    208,95 kr.

    2024 Reprint of the 1946 Edition. ¿Facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. "Nothing could be more American than the simple cabin. Not many generations ago, it was the backbone of American life, the headquarters of that important unit, the home. It provided shelter, protection, and a foundation upon which to build a great empire. The pioneer cabin was, in other words, a necessity." - From the Introduction. Once regarded as a safe haven and a vital source of security, the little cabin in the country is today more closely associated with leisurely activities - a vacation spot and even a health investment. This helpful guide was designed to provide vacation home builders with all the information they needed to construct, decorate, and furnish a rustic little cottage. Floor plans and outlines of necessary materials are included, as are tips on constructing foundations, porches, doors, windows, fireplaces, and other structural elements. There are even suggestions for furnishing and beautifying your cabin.A useful how-to manual, offering straightforward advice on the building process from foundation to roof, this practical book can also be enjoyed as an entertaining look at lifestyle elements of the early twentieth century.

  • af Barbara Davidson
    143,95 kr.

    The book "DIY - Automated Smart Home in 15 Days" offers step-by-step instructions for building a home automation system and a mobile phone driven home automation system. The entire course is organised into fifteen days and includes project building with fluent hand-pencil descriptions, allowing novice readers to effortlessly change their home into an automated smart home utilising the book. The book contains all of the electronics and programming information required to construct an automated smart house. An online site, in addition to the book, contains all of the essential digital resources, such as electronics and programming simulation software, tutorials, videos, and online assistance.

  • af Frederick Thomas Hodgson
    168,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Jim Widess
    258,95 kr.

    The latest edition of this time-tested illustrated guide shows you the secrets to turning what may look like junk chairs beyond repair into treasured, eye-catching pieces of woven furniture.

  • af Edward Akins
    213,95 kr.

    This is one of the main reasons why the diy culture has started coming into play again. Not only can you save an incredible amount of money, but there is also that satisfying feeling of building something with your own two hands.when you are using a spice rack or table that you've crafted yourself, it just add value to it; it makes you feel good knowing that you have created something of worth.If you are someone with minimal or no woodworking experience, this book is for you. We'll get you started quick. If you're someone who has a little more experience, this book is also for you. More precisely, it will teach you:The history of woodworking and woodworking toolsThe projects you can complete in woodworking as a beginnerThe beginner tools that you need for your woodworking journeyHow to select your wood, understand woodturning and moreHow to get started with woodworkingHow to store your woodworking toolsHow to ensure safety while working with woodWoodworking can also be a great hobby to spend your spare time on, especially if you are of the creative type who loves tinkering around with and making diy projects. As is with the above reason, this can also be cost effective to you since you are the one to make your own furniture and other wooden items. Plus, you can craft pieces that are uniquely yours, which will help make your place stand out.

  • af Darren Middleton
    263,95 kr.

    Elevate your living space with a comprehensive guide to tackling projects and enhancing your home's value. Whether you're a novice or experienced, this guide offers step-by-step instructions and essential tips.

  • af D. H. Meloy
    163,95 kr.

  • af Fred Duane Crawshaw
    323,95 kr.

  • af Frederick Thomas Hodgson
    363,95 kr.

  • af Danny Darke
    218,95 kr.

    Rustic meets modern with this charming do-it-yourself guide.

  • af DK
    398,95 kr.

    "Hone your carpentry skills and embark on ambitious projects with this essential guide. Discover the best tools to work with, and master key techniques, from choosing and cutting joints to finishing and furniture restoration. With more than 25 projects for every skill level, Woodworking has everything you need to succeed in this timeless craft"--

  • af Alice Allen
    328,95 kr.

    Dear woodworking enthusiast, thank you for having purchased this book which is based on my experiences as a woodworker over many years of working with wood, allowing me to carry out DIY projects of any level, from beginners to experienced professionals.This book is perfect if you are just starting out but already have an idea of how to do woodworking, know the basic concepts and have some woodworking tools, which you can gradually expand over time, to enrich your workbench and your skills.However, the content of the book will satisfy you even if you are a seasoned woodworker, and as you scroll through the book you will understand why.At the beginning the projects are basic and do not need illustrated technical guides, in fact the first part of this book is dedicated to very simple projects, which can satisfy those who are new to DIY.Anyway, those who already have some skills or are even experts, but want to make quick and easy projects, can benefit greatly from the first section, enriching their homes with useful and beautiful objects, demonstrating that with a good idea and little material it is possible to make an attractive object!The second part of the book is more technical, schematic but straightforward, raising the learning curve gradually to more complex projects that require fully illustrated step-by-step instructions with three-dimensional drawings easily replicated, so as to enhance your skills and give you the satisfaction of an experienced woodworker. We end with projects like a real professional.Please note that each project has been drawn up using the Anglo-Saxon system of measurement in inches, so if you are working with the metric system, for example, remember to make the appropriate conversions before you start on a project.Obviously, if you are a beginner, you can focus mainly on projects that are not too complicated and make you feel comfortable, without overdoing it and always in absolute safety, so that you can enjoy this activity while relaxing and feeling accomplished and stress-free.The important thing is to challenge yourself and be willing to experiment, even adding a bit of your own creativity and inventiveness into the projects proposed in this book.At any level, woodworking is therapeutic for the body, mind and spirit, so enjoy every moment during this wonderful activity.So let's get started!

  • af Brian Skinner
    213,95 kr.

    Your home is one of the greatest investments that you have, if it doesn't top the list of the most valuable things in your life. Improving your home not only helps make your home more valuable when you eventually sell it, but also makes your home more livable, making life easier, more comfortable, and more pleasing for you whenever you are indoors. As a homeowner desiring to improve your living conditions, you may be faced with the tough decision whether to tear down your existing house and build a new one, or to just add on or remodel your existing home to better accommodate your family's lifestyle. Here are just a few of the things you'll discover inside:Complete guide for wiring, plumbing, roofing, siding, heating, gardening and more.Discover budget-friendly alternatives for high-end materials.Insider tips and tricks to achieve professional-quality results on a budget.Say goodbye to endless maintenance bills and learn how to effectively maintain your home.Money-saving techniques for painting and refreshing your walls.And much more...It also presents valuable Information about the numerous benefits of DIY, from the satisfaction of completing projects yourself and saving money, to the potential for increasing the value of your home. With Do It Yourself Home Improvement guide, you'll have the confidence you need to make your home a place that you can be proud of.

  • af The Books of Pamex
    328,95 kr.

    Welcome to the captivating world of woodworking, where creativity and craftsmanship intertwine to bring wood to life. In this book, we embark on a journey that explores the essence of woodworking and equips you with the fundamental knowledge and skills to create beautiful and functional pieces.Woodworking is more than just working with wood-it is an art form that allows you to transform raw materials into masterful creations. Whether you are a seasoned enthusiast or a complete beginner, this book is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of this timeless craft.Within these pages, you will discover the joy of shaping and manipulating wood with your own hands. From the intricate details of carving to the precision of joinery, each step will bring you closer to mastering the techniques that have been passed down through generations of skilled craftsmen.While power tools have revolutionized the woodworking industry, we believe in the profound connection that comes from working with traditional hand tools. As you embark on this journey, you will embrace the slower pace and immersive experience that hand tool woodworking offers, allowing you to truly connect with the materials and unleash your creativity.In this book, we guide you through the foundations of woodworking, covering everything from selecting the right tools to understanding wood characteristics and proper safety practices. We provide step-by-step instructions for essential techniques and guide you through engaging projects that will build your skills and confidence.Whether you aspire to craft intricate furniture, elegant decorations, or simply desire to add a personal touch to your living space, this book is your trusted companion. Let the scent of sawdust fill the air as you delve into the enchanting world of woodworking and create masterpieces that will stand the test of time.So, grab your tools, roll up your sleeves, and embark on this remarkable journey of creativity, self-expression, and the sheer pleasure of woodworking. The possibilities are endless, and your journey begins now.

  • af Sabine Lemire
    188,95 kr.

    JØRGEN PINGVIN elsker at være kreativ og bygge ting og JØRGEN PINGVIN er altid i gang med ting og sager ...JØRGEN PINGVIN SAVER I NOGET, DER IKKE ER HANSJørgen Pingvin er ferm til at bruge en sav, og Jørgen Kanin viser sig at være god til at finde materialer, som man kan save i. Nogle gange glemmer hun bare at spørge om lov ...Skønne detaljerige billedbøger om JØRGEN PINGVIN, der har svært ved at sidde stille og lytte i skolen, men elsker at være kreativ.Endnu en genial historie om den søde og opfindsomme Jørgen Pingvin og hans ven Jørgen Kanin. Et skønt makkerpar, der ikke er til at stå for. Selv titlen er opsigtsvækkende og vækker ens nysgerrighed, og det er sjovt at følge fremdriften af det skøre påfund, der ender med at vække stor glæde. Sproget er fint, og tegningerne er charmerende i den velkendte stil fra de tre forrige bøger om Jørgen Pingvin.LektørudtalelsenBilledbøgerne om JØRGEN PINGVIN er skønne hverdagsfortællinger om at slippe fantasien og kreativiteten løs. Lun humor indgår både i sprog og illustrationer og figuren JØRGEN PINGVIN giver minder om tegneren og børnebogsforfatteren Jørgen Clevin, som fra 1950'erne tryllebandt mange børn med sine kreative børneprogrammer i TV.Stor anbefaling herfra. Køb dem!Lektørudtalelsen på første bind i serien

  • af Tony Murdoch
    163,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Michael Bolech
    188,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af Ronald Reyna
    233,95 kr.

    This book includes a detailed description of the tools you need, the woods available, as well as how to plan and construct your project.For thousands of years, wood has been one of the most used materials in building many items, from furniture, to vehicles, to buildings. Even with the emergence of new materials like metal and plastics, wood has been the go to material for construction given it's availability and ease of use.There are so many advantages to learning this art form. First, it will give you plenty of useful practical skills to use around the house. The book covers:Introduction to WoodworkingWoodworking ToolsMeasuring, Marking and Finishing TechniquesWoodworking TechniquesHow to avoid pitfalls in woodworkingHow to Pick Wood for Your ProjectsDifferences between types of woodAnd much more! Anyone who has never created a project from scratch will never understand the satisfaction of seeing something made with their own hands from simple planks come to life. Soon you will be able to experience this joy for yourself, creating original home accessories, furniture and outdoor projects without spending too much money on expensive equipment and machinery!

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