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Vandhaver, bassiner

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  • af Zakiya Ajmi & Siri Melchior
    368,95 kr.

    BERTA og mor har ikke rigtig noget særligt på programmet i dag. De skal bare en tur over at svømme. Og i svømmehallen, der ved man aldrig, hvad der kan ske. En charmerende hverdagsfortælling om at blive væk, om at blive fundet igen og om at møde en ægte havfrue.Med flotte, farverige illustrationer af Siri Melchior.Beskrivelsen af turen i svømmehallen er så genkendelig, at duften af klor og pomfritter sidder i næseborene, lyden af glade børnehvin og det glatte gulv mærkes tydeligt under fødderne. Alle børnefamilier kan spejle sig i og nyde historien, hvor Bertas møde med havfruen lige tilføjer et ekstra lag: kan et eventyrvæsen godt bo i en dansk svømmehal eller hvordan hænger det mon sammen? Siri Melchiors karakteristiske streg og stærke farver er et godt match med Berta og hendes fantastiske fletninger. En varm anbefaling til indkøb af denne perle af en billedbog til alle folkebiblioteker.LektørudtalelsenTitler i serien:Berta i parkenBerta i svømmehallen

  • af Jacob Taylor
    393,95 kr.

    "PureDrops Sweet Waters" by Jacob Taylor invites readers on a poetic journey into the serene and enchanting realms of nature's liquid embrace. With a lyrical touch, Taylor weaves words that ripple like crystal-clear streams, offering a refreshing taste of the beauty found in the simplicity of water. The title, "PureDrops Sweet Waters," evokes a sensory experience, conjuring images of pristine droplets dancing in the sunlight, reflecting the pure essence of nature.Taylor's writing embraces the fluidity of language, mirroring the fluidity of water itself. Each word serves as a droplet, contributing to a larger, harmonious composition. Through vivid imagery and evocative language, the author paints scenes of idyllic landscapes where sweet waters flow freely, nourishing the earth and the soul.As readers immerse themselves in "PureDrops Sweet Waters," they are transported to a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane is transformed into a poetic symphony. Jacob Taylor's skillful pen captures the essence of water's purity, inviting readers to savor the sweetness that nature graciously offers. This collection promises a sensory exploration that quenches not only physical thirst but also the thirst for beauty and contemplation.

  • af Arnold Holman
    273,95 kr.

  • af Shiyam Kumar
    298,95 kr.

    Optical Models Transform Water" is an intriguing book by Shiyam Kumar, exploring the profound impact of optical models on our understanding of water. Kumar, a renowned expert in the field, presents a comprehensive and accessible exploration of the subject matter, delving into the fascinating ways optical models have revolutionized our perception of this vital resource.The book begins by elucidating the fundamental principles of optical models and their application in studying water. Kumar skillfully navigates complex concepts, guiding readers through the intricate world of light interaction with water molecules, particles, and surfaces. He elucidates the various techniques employed to measure and interpret optical signals, providing a solid foundation for further exploration.Furthermore, Kumar highlights the practical implications of optical models in diverse domains such as environmental monitoring, oceanography, and water quality assessment. Readers gain insights into the groundbreaking advancements enabled by these models, from remote sensing techniques for mapping water bodies to detecting pollutants and harmful algal blooms."Optical Models Transform Water" is a testament to Shiyam Kumar's expertise and passion for the subject. His clear and concise writing style, coupled with vivid illustrations and examples, makes this book an invaluable resource for researchers, scientists, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the optical properties of water. By elucidating the transformative power of visual models, Kumar inspires readers to appreciate their incredible potential in advancing our comprehension of this precious resource.

  • af Jean Martin
    248,95 kr.

    La condition préalable la plus importante pour faire fonctionner un système hydroponique avec succès est probablement une bonne compréhension du fonctionnement des plantes. Grâce à cette connaissance, vous serez en mesure de voir pourquoi les éléments constitutifs d'un système hydroponique sont inclus, et pourquoi certaines actions produiront une meilleure croissance des plantes, tandis que d'autres peuvent être préjudiciables à leur santé.

  • af Richard Rode
    273,95 kr.

    Wie hole ich Frösche, Kröten, Molche und Unken in meinen Garten? Ein Teich ist nicht nur Blickfang, er kann auch einen Beitrag zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt leisten. Angesichts von sinkendem Grundwasserspiegel und vermehrten Trockenperioden sind die heimischen Amphibien immer öfter auf diese Hilfe angewiesen.Aber wo positioniere ich den Teich im Garten am besten? Welche Folie ist die richtige? Mit welchen Kosten habe ich zu rechnen? Wie sichere ich die Wasserversorgung? Welche Pflanzen sind geeignet? Welche Amphibienarten werden sich einstellen? Bringt der Teich auch Stechmücken in den Garten? Und welchen Einfluss hat er wirklich auf die Biodiversität? Ist er gut oder schlecht für unser Klima? Welche rechtlichen Bestimmungen muss ich beachten?Auf all diese Fragen liefert das vorliegende Buch eine umfassende Antwort. Praxisnah und mit vielen Anekdoten bietet es einen kurzweiligen und informativen Zugang zum Amphibienteich im eigenen Garten. Es bringt nichts, wenn wir alle nur über die Klimakrise und den Artenschwund sprechen, wir haben es in der Hand, auch etwas dagegen zu tun, denn die großen Probleme unserer Zeit sind eigentlich viele kleine, und die lassen sich in vielen kleinen Schritten lösen. Die Erhaltung unserer Amphibien ist nicht nur einfacher als gedacht, mit dem richtigen Wissen macht sie auch noch Spaß.In diesem Buch erfahren Sie alles, was es für die erfolgreiche Einrichtung einer "Amphibienbadeanstalt" braucht - und was man getrost weglassen kann, denn oft reicht es, wenn wir der Natur nicht im Weg stehen. Schließlich sind unsere Amphibien für Jahrmillionen ohne große Technik ausgekommen. Wir müssen nur bereit sein, einen Teil unseres Lebensraums mit ihnen zu teilen, dann revanchieren sie sich mit Wohlgefühl und guter Laune, denn Frösche, Kröten und Molche sind Unterhaltungstalente.

  • af Florian Wilhelm
    228,95 kr.

  • af Nina Koziol
    196,95 kr.

    Learn to make the water garden of your dreams! DIY Guide to Ponds, Fountains, Rain Gardens & Water Features provides essential information on designing and installing all types of home water gardens, plus fountains, waterfalls, streams, rain gardens, and more. With this expert guide, you'll learn how to construct each of these structures, as well as how to incorporate a variety of aquatic plants, fish, and other pond inhabitants. A best-selling resource, this newly updated edition features today's newest technologies and products, such as pond-less waterfall kits for small spaces, as well as a new chapter on constructing naturalistic swimming ponds that are free from chlorine. Also included is new information on construction, planting methods, and various DIY ponds, water features, and rain gardens that are suitable for both small, urban lots and expansive suburban landscapes.

  • af Redaktør Per Hundevad Andersen
    248,95 kr.

  • af Gertrude Jekyll
    233,95 kr.

    This vintage book contains a fantastic guide to gardening, concentrating on wall and water gardens. It contains chapters on the plants native and most favourable to walls and ponds, giving instructions for their planting and propagations as well as common problems, pests, and much more. Contents include: "The Dry-Walled Terrace Garden", "Dry-Walling and Rock-Garden Constructions", "The Rock-Wall in Shade", "Native Plants in the Rock-Wall", "Terrace and Garden Walls", "Some Problems in Wall-Gardening", "When to let the Wall Alone", etc. Gertrude Jekyll (1843 - 1932) was a British garden designer, horticulturist, photographer, craftswoman, artist, and writer. She is responsible for designing and creating over 400 gardens in the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States, as well as writing more than 1,000 articles for related magazines. She is credited with having had a significant influence on gardening by both British and American enthusiasts. Many vintage books such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially-commissioned new introduction on the history of gardening.

  • af George Dillistone
    153,95 kr.

    This book contains a classic guide to designing, making and maintaining a 'water garden', a type of water feature that focuses on housing various aquatic plants. From simple ponds to impressive structures and beyond, this profusely-illustrated and beginner-friendly guide has something for every gardener with an interest in water-based plants or outside water features. Contents include: ¿Making the Water Garden¿, and ¿Planting the Water Garden¿. Many vintage books such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive. It is with this in mind that we are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially-commissioned new introduction on the history of gardening.

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