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Jorden: naturhistorie: for alment interesserede læsere

Her finder du spændende bøger om Jorden: naturhistorie: for alment interesserede læsere. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 540 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Bøger for alment interesserede læsere om jordens naturhistorie, geologi og fysiske egenskaber, samt bøger om livet på jorden. Populær litteratur om vulkaner, jordskælv osv.
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  • af Kasper Møller Nielsen & Jens Ringgård Christiansen
    97,95 kr.

    NY MYTEBOG OM VEJR OG KLIMA!Måske kender du dilemmaet: Bliver jeg mere våd af at løbe gennem regn, end hvis jeg går? Svaret finder du i bogen 100 myter om vejr og klima.Vejret har eksisteret længe før mennesket, men lige så længe vi mennesker har eksisteret, har vi været påvirket af vejret. Derfor er der efterhånden utroligt mange myter om vejr og klima, og rigtig mange informationer at holde styr på. Hvad er vås og hvad er virkelighed?I 100 myter om vejr og klima tager forfatterne hånd om 100 velkendte myter, der på en humoristisk, videnskabelig og letforståelig måde behandles og dømmes enten sande eller falske – både dem om CO2, torden, snevejr, Antarktis og Amazonas, og alt derimellem. Findes der fx to ens snefnug eller ej? Kan gigtpatienter virkelig mærke, at et omskift i vejret er på vej? Og er det solpletter, der er hovedårsagen til klimaforandringerne, eller er Antarktis faktisk ved at blive større?

  • af Henning Andersen
    164,95 kr.

    Når man nævner ordet vulkan, fremkalder man som regel Vesuvs smukke bjerg for det indre øje. For det første så lægger Vesuv navn til en af de kendteste vulkankatastrofer i verden, hvor den romerske by Pompeji blev begravet i pimpsten og aske i året 79. e.Kr. Efter genopdagelsen og udgravningen af Pompeji i 1748 startede, førte det til, at alverdens arkæologer rejste til ruinbyerne ved Vesuv, men også selve udforskningen af vulkanen tog til, da Vesuv i de år befandt sig i en virksom udbrudsrytme. For det andet finder vi her den første og realistisk forklarende beskrivelse af et vulkanudbrud på Jorden i Plinius den Yngres to breve til den romerske historiker Tacitus. Disse breve er en vulkanologisk korrekt fortolkning af et eksplosivt vulkanudbrud, så vulkanologer i dag kalder denne type vulkanudbrud for ”plineansk vulkanaktivitet”. For det tredje grundlagde den napolitanske konge i 1841-45 et vulkanobservatorium på Vesuvs nordlige skråning, det første af sin art i verden, og herfra er vulkanens udbrud blevet studeret intenst, og meget af det, som vi i dag ved om vulkaner, stammer fra forskning på Vesuv. Endelig så ligger Vesuv i verdens tættest befolkede område med i dag snart 4 millioner mennesker inden for rækkevidden af en eksplosiv vulkan foruden de to andre nærliggende vulkaner såsom Campi Flegrei og vulkanen på øen Ischia, der er lige så truende. Disse vulkaner er omtalt i bogen, da de er lige så stor en trussel for indbyggerne som Vesuv. Uddrag af bogen Historien om Vesuv og Pompeji hænger sammen. Fra det 17. århundrede rejste kunstnere og forfattere til de udgravede byer ved Vesuv, men også for at beundre selve vulkanen. Fra Danmark kom Bertel Thorvaldsen, Constantin Hansen, Chr. den 8. og H.C. Andersen. Chr. den 8. skrev om en lavastrøms størkning på vulkanens flanke og om, hvordan der udskilles krystaller ved selve størkningen. Denne mineralogiske afhandling var på tysk, og jeg har oversat den til dansk som et kapitel i denne bog. Vesuv befandt sig i disse år i en meget aktiv udbrudsrytme med en konstant røgsøjle hele tiden, hvilket stadig kan ses på gamle postkort. H.C. Andersens beskrivelse af Vesuv set fra havnemolen i Napoli og hans egen bestigning af Vesuv er meget levende beskrevet, og jeg har tilføjet hans beretning og hans digt om Vesuv efter tilladelse og gengivelse fra H.C. Andersens Museum i Odense, da jeg skulle indspille en film om de italienske vulkaner. I min bog Mod Vesuv jeg øjet vender, der handler om H.C. Andersens fascination af vulkanen Vesuv, er denne beskrivelse og digtet også gengivet, og jeg fik Jesper Klein til at læse dem op i filmen.Om forfatteren Vulkaneksperten Henning Andersen, har viet sit liv til vulkanerne, har skrevet en del bøger om emnet og er i dag foredragsholder og underviser i folkeskolerne. Han blev i sin tid kendt hos Otto Leisner som vinder i ”Kvit eller Dobbelt”, hvorefter han læste geologi og har som rejseleder og privat besøgt vulkaner rundtom i verden. Han har tidligere udgivet bøgerne Hekla – Islands dronning, Når vulkaner går amok, Sagn og myter om vulkaner og nu Vesuv – en udødelig vulkan, der er hans fjerde bog om Vesuv, som også er Hennings yndlingsvulkan. Hans hjemmeside om vulkaner hedder: www.vulkaneksperten.dk.

  • - Meteorologiens historie
    af Erk. A. Rasmussen
    357,95 kr.

    Alle taler om vejret, men ingen gør noget ved det, sagde Storm P. Fra tidernes morgen har mennesket fascineret betragtet himlen og funderet over universets indretning - og lige så længe har vi drømt om at kunne forudsige og måske endda påvirke vejret.Vejret gennem 5000 år er en rigt illustreret videnskab- og kulturhistorisk beretning om meteorologiens udvikling. De første systematiske observationer af vejret kendes fra mesopotamiske lertavler, mens grundstenen til en egentlig meteorologisk videnskab blev lagt med de græske filosoffers erkendelse af, at hagl og stormvejr ikke er udtryk for gudernes vrede, men naturfænomener, der kan forklares rationelt.Bogen følger de videnskabelige gennembrud og vildfarelser, der førte fra oldtidens astrologiske vejrvarsler til nutidens computerbaserede langtidsprognoser. Undervejs inddrages historiske begivenheder, hvor meteorologien har spillet en afgørende rolle - som da vejrudsigterne fik direkte indflydelse på forløbet af de allieredes invasion i Frankrig i juni 1944.I vore dage er ønsket om at kontrollere vejret så stærkt som nogensinde. Vi prøver ikke længere at formidle vejrguderne gennem ritualer, men det diskuteres, om voldsomme cykloner og stigende temperaturer er varsler om kommende klimakatastrofer, og om det er muligt at afværge et sådant ragnarok. Meteorologiske spørgsmål, der har optaget mennesker gennem 5000 år.

  • - Santorini-vulkanens naturhistorie og Atlantis-myten
    af Walter L. Friedrich
    185,95 - 367,95 kr.

    Er gåden om det forsvundne Atlantis løst? Nye geologiske og arkæologiske fund på den græske vulkanø Santorini bringer en tabt kultur for dagens lys igen - måske den kultur, Platon beskrev i sin Atlantis-myte.Geologen Walter Friedrich har i mere end 30 år udforsket Santorini, og Ilden i havet er hans beretning om, hvordan vulkaner har præget øens historie, geografi og geologi. Bogens centrale tema er skildringen af, hvordan Santorinis blomstrende bronzealderkultur blev begravet under et tykt lag aske ved et af de kraftigste udbrud nogenskinde.Santorini-vulkanen minder os om, at vi er de små og naturen den store: Vulkaner lever deres eget uforudsigelige liv og kan omstyrte menneskelige kulturer på få minutter.

  • af Élisée Reclus
    177,95 kr.

    I 1869 og 1880 udgav den franske geograf, forfatter og anarkist Élisée Reclus (1830-1905) Historien om et vandløb og Historien om et bjerg, der nu begge foreligger på dansk i Troels Hughes Hansens oversættelse. De to bøger havde i sin tid en bred appel og stærk indvirkning på den almene forståelse af naturen. Elisée Reclus plæderede for et vildt og harmonisk naturbegreb, hvilket stod i skarp kontrast til den industrielle civilisations udvikling i slutning af 1800-tallet.Bogen er i høj grad relevant i dag, fordi den tilbyder os et frisk og bejaende blik på natur­en som noget, der ikke ligger uden for os selv. Naturen hos Reclus er ikke den store Anden, som man enten kan passe på eller ødelægge. Den er ikke udelukkende et objekt, men optræder i menneskets historie og kultur som en drivende kraft. Bjerget og vandløbet er som resten af naturen evigt forbundet med mennesket på godt og ondt, og det løber som en understrøm i bogen, at det er essentielt for mennesket at vedligeholde denne forbindelse.På den led flyder Reclus’ poetiske projekt sammen med hans politiske over­bevisning. Den geografisk præcise og poetisk sanselige indoptagelse af naturen bliver en modstandskamp for digteren. Naturen er både et middel til at genoplade batterierne og samle kræfter til den store kamp for frihed og retfærdighed, men den har også en iboende værdi for os som del af vores fælles historie og udvikling.

  • af Anne Erica Larsen
    247,95 kr.

    Forfatter: Anne Erica LarsenGrafisk designer: Kamilla Voss AsmussenVidste du, at Danmark er et af de sikreste lande at leve i, når det kommer til klimaforandringer? Og vidste du, at der bliver gjort mere end nogensinde før for at hjælpe klimaet?Hele verdens klima hænger sammen. Alle mærker klimaforandringerne, men på forskellige måder.Her i bogen kan du læse om, hvordan klimakrisen påvirker lande forskelligt. Du kan også læse om, hvad lande i hele verden gør ved det. Og om hvorfor det er vigtigt, at vi samarbejder.FAKTA KlodebogMålgruppe fra 10årFotos og illustrationer i farver Læs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside https://forlagetkrabat.dkFAKTA Klodebog

  • - Fra Vinland til Nordvestpassagen
    af Michael Böss
    218,95 - 347,95 kr.

    I Det arktiske hjemland rejser Michael Böss tusindvis af kilometer over det canadiske Arktis. Rejsen går fra vikingernes Newfoundland over Baffin Island og Nunavut til Beringsstrædet, og undervejs fortælles historien om de arktiske folk fra forhistorisk tid til i dag. Böss følger sporene fra polarforskere, herrnhutere og hvalfangere og skildrer, hvordan kolonisering, modernisering og stormagtskonflikter har påvirket samfundet. På godt og ondt. Det enorme område er ukendt land for mange danskere, men har meget til fælles med Grønland. Det arktiske hjemland bygger på historiske skildringer og på Böss’ egne møder med fangere og forandringer, med rensdyr og rettigheder og med sne, selvstændighed og sociale problemer. Især interesserer forfatteren sig for tiden efter Anden Verdenskrig, hvor beboerne trods udfordringer med identitet, sprog og smeltende is stædigt holder fast i Arktis som deres storslåede hjemland.

  • - En fakta-spækket guide til den forhistoriske verden
    af Dr. Dean Lomax
    122,95 kr.

    Lær om de spændende plante- og dyrefossiler, der er fundet over hele verden, og blive klogere på forhistoriske arter som dinosaurerne.Læs og lær om, hvordan fossiler dannes, hvilke typer fossiler der findes, og hvordan palæontologer arbejder med fossilfund.Find ud af, hvor og hvordan man selv kan lede efter fossiler - og bliv selv en ægte fossilekspert!

  • af David Strayer
    297,95 kr.

    "This work brings to life the wonders of our inland waters and the vibrant species that live there"--

  • af Henry Beston
    108,95 kr.

    Long hailed as a classic of American nature writing, Henry Beston's eloquent chronicle of a solitary year spent on a Cape Cod beach was written in longhand at the kitchen table, in a little room overlooking the North Atlantic and the dunes. In 1926 Beston retreated to the outer beach at Eastham in search of peace and solitude. What began as a two-week stay lengthened into a year spent keenly observing the rhythm of the seasons and life on the Great Beach. The Outermost House played a part in establishing the Cape Code National Seashore and has profoundly influenced subsequent nature writers, including Rachel Carson, Joseph Wood Krutch, Annie Dillard, and Barry Lopez. This Warbler Classics edition includes an essay by Allan Burns on the art and legacy of The Outermost House as well as a detailed biographical timeline.

  • af Brian Clegg
    137,95 kr.

    Everyone has an interest in the weather, whether it's to check the prospects for a day out or to know when best to harvest a crop. The Earth's weather systems also provide some of the most dramatic forces of nature, from the vast release of energy in a lightning flash to the devastating impact of tornadoes and hurricanes.For centuries, our only real guide to future weather was folklore, but with the introduction of the first weather forecasts and maps in Victorian times, attempts were made to give some warning of the weather to come. Until relatively recently, these forecasts could be wildly inaccurate - think of Michael Fish's denial that there was a storm on the way the night before the UK's great storm of 1987. This was due to the mathematically chaotic nature of weather systems, first discovered in the 1960s, understanding of which would transform forecasting from the 1990s and mean that meteorologists became amongst the foremost users of supercomputers.

  • - At leve med klimaforandringerne på Svalbard
    af Line Nagell Ulvisåker
    217,95 kr.

    Line Nagell Ylvisåker bor med sin familie på Svalbard, som er hårdt ramt af klimaforandringer. Inden vi ser os om vil temperaturen på Svalbard være steget med otte grader. Min verden smelter er en alarmerende historie om livet med laviner, jordskred, smeltende isbjerge og sultne isbjørne.Longyearbyen er et paradoks. Den eksisterer kun på grund af kulminedrift, og kul bidrager til klimaforandringerne, som folk her lider under. Ylvisåker har opbygget en tilværelse i Arktis som journalist sammen med sin mand og deres børn, og nu må hun med stigende frygt iagttage, hvordan hendes by bliver et stadig mere ugæstfrit sted.Da en lavine begraver flere huse og slår mennesker ihjel, begynder Ylvisåker at undersøge årsagerne til og konsekvenserne af opvarmningen af Arktis. Hun taler med meteorologer, klimaforskere, erfarne fangere, møder sultne isbjørne og måler de stigende vandtemperaturer i Nordishavet.”En historie om klimakrisen, der er lige så lærerig som den er fængslende.” Süddeutsche Zeitung”En gribende, stærk bøn mod klimakatastrofen.” 3SAT ’Kulturzeit’”En rapport fra fronten om kampen mod klimaændringer, den er både oplysende og rørende.” FocusLine Nagell Ylvisåker (f. 1982) er journalist, forfatter og foredragsholder og har boet på Svalbard siden 2005. Efter næsten fem år som freelancer og forfatter er Line Nagell Ylvisåker siden 2023 tilbage som redaktør på Svalbardposten, hvor hun tidligere har arbejdet i tolv år.

  • af Tayo Oshaye
    139,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Marchelle Farrell
    132,95 - 165,95 kr.

    What is home? It's a question that has troubled Marchelle Farrell for her entire life. Years ago she left Trinidad and now, uprooted once again, she heads to the peaceful English countryside - the only Black woman in her village.Drawn to her new garden, Marchelle begins to examine the complex and emotional question of home in the context of colonialism. As her relationship with the garden deepens, she discovers that her two conflicting identities are far more intertwined than she had realised. Full of hope and healing, Uprooting is a book about finding home where we least expect it, and which invites us to reconnect to the land - and ourselves.

  • af David Roberts
    176,95 kr.

    By 1930, no place in the world was less well explored than Greenland. The native Inuit had occupied the relatively accessible west coast for centuries. The east coast, however, was another story. In August 1930, Henry George Watkins (nicknamed "Gino"), a twenty-three-year-old British explorer, led thirteen scientists and explorers on an ambitious expedition to the east coast of Greenland and into its vast and forbidding interior to set up a permanent meteorological base on the icecap, 8,200 feet above sea level. The Ice Cap Station was to be the anchor of a transpolar route of air travel from Europe to North America.The weather on the ice cap was appalling. Fierce storms. Temperatures plunging lower than -45° Celsius in the winter. Watkins's scheme called for rotating teams of two men each to monitor the station for two months at a time. No one had ever tried to winter over in that hostile landscape, let alone manage a weather station through twelve continuous months. Watkins was younger than anyone under his command. But he had several daring trips to the Arctic under his belt and no one doubted his judgement.The first crisis came in the fall when a snowstorm stranded a resupply mission halfway to the top for many weeks. When they arrived at the ice cap, there were not enough provisions and fuel for another two-man shift, so the station would have to be abandoned. Then team member August Courtauld made an astonishing offer. To enable the mission to go forward, he would monitor the station solo through the winter. When a team went up in March to relieve Courtauld, after weeks of brutal effort to make the 130-mile journey, they could find no trace of him or the station. By the end of March, Courtauld's situation was desperate. He was buried under an immovable load of frozen snow and was disastrously short on supplies. On 21 April, four months after Courtauld began his solitary vigil, Gino Watkins set out inland with two companions to find and rescue him.David Roberts, "veteran mountain climber and chronicler of adventures" (The Washington Post), draws on firsthand accounts and archival materials to tell the story of this daring expedition and of the epic survival ordeal that ensued.

  • af Cecilia Blomdahl
    264,95 kr.

    Join Cecilia Blomdahl in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, the world's northernmost town.Located in the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole, Svalbard is a unique archipelago that boasts stunning wintry landscapes, endangered Arctic animals, and awe-inspiring natural phenomena. Since 2015, Cecilia has called this beautiful and remote location home. Along with her partner, Christoffer, and her dog, Grim, she has adjusted to life at the top of the world-where polar bears roam free and northern lights shine bright.With evocative text and spectacular photography, Cecilia shares the joys and challenges of adapting to an inhospitable climate. Her story begins in the darkness of polar night, and the allure of her remote location is revealed gradually as sunlight returns months later. Through personal stories and firsthand advice, Cecilia offers insight for anyone seeking to thrive in unusual living conditions.Whatever your location, Life on Svalbard will give you a deeper understanding of why people choose to live in extreme environments and perhaps help you find the hidden magic of where you live too.

  • af David Wagner
    241,95 kr.

    A marvelously illustrated guide to the world’s mothsWith more than 160,000 named species, moths are a familiar sight to most of us, flickering around lights, pollinating wildflowers about meadows and gardens, and as unwelcome visitors to our woolens. They come in a variety of colors, from earthy greens and browns to gorgeous patterns of infinite variety, and range in size from enormous atlas moths to tiny leafmining moths. Moths of the World is an essential guide to this astonishing group of insects, highlighting their remarkable diversity, miraculous metamorphoses, marvelous caterpillars, and much more.Features hundreds of breathtaking color photos of moths from around the worldCovers anatomy, evolution, life cycle, behavior, ecology, and conservationProfiles species from every major family, showcasing their endless variety of sizes, colors, shapes, and fascinating life historiesDiscusses habitats, distribution, and hostplant associationsWritten by a world-renowned expert

  • af Ravi Verma
    292,95 kr.

    Beneath our feet lies a hidden world, teeming with life adapted to survive in the most extreme conditions imaginable. In the crushing darkness of subsurface oceans and the frozen grip of permafrost, microscopic organisms thrive in a realm beyond our everyday experience. This is the story of these extremophiles, the microbial pioneers of the deep Earth. Subsurface Oceans: A Cradle of Life in the Darkness Imagine a vast ocean, not of salty water under an open sky, but trapped within the Earth's crust. These subsurface oases, found kilometres beneath the surface, are remnants of ancient seawater or even primordial soup trapped during the planet's formation. Here, in perpetual darkness and under immense pressure, extremophiles adapted to a chemosynthetic existence. They harness the energy from chemical reactions of elements like hydrogen sulfide and methane, thriving in a world devoid of sunlight. Permafrost: Frozen in Time, Alive with Possibility The vast permafrost regions of the Arctic and Antarctic hold another secret realm: frozen pockets of liquid water and brines trapped within the icy grip. These microscopic oases, often mere drops or thin films, are home to a unique community of microorganisms adapted to survive in sub-zero temperatures. From bacteria that produce antifreeze proteins to archaea that thrive in high salt concentrations, permafrost microbes defy the limits of what we thought possible for life. A Window into the Origins of Life and BeyondStudying these extremophiles is not just about understanding life in the most challenging environments on Earth. It offers a glimpse into the potential for life beyond our planet. The conditions found in subsurface oceans and permafrost are similar to those suspected to exist on Mars, Europa, and other moons in our solar system. By understanding how extremophiles survive and thrive in these harsh environments, we gain valuable insights into the possibility of extraterrestrial life. The Hidden Realm: A story of resilience, adaptation, and the endless potential of life. As we delve deeper into these microbial frontiers, we rewrite our understanding of what it means to be alive and unlock the secrets of life's perseverance in the most unexpected corners of our planet and beyond.

  • af John Vaillant
    147,95 - 245,95 kr.

  • af Mark Reed
    191,95 kr.

    This book has been written to be a self help book so that the public in general can protect themselves from the worst effects of the next Icelandic volcanic eruptions. We have already seen in March & April of 2010 what a small volcanic eruption did when Eyjafjallajokull blew up and caused chaos over the skies of Europe and North America. This was the least harmful perhaps of all 18 - 25 massive strato volcanoes some of which I believe could erupt in the next 5 years. Ones like Katla which are linked to EJ (short version of Eyjafjallajokull) are about 10 times bigger than EJ.Then there is Laki which erupted in 1783 and 1784 and caused a huge cloud of yellow poison mustard gas to spread over Europe potentially killing about 1 million people and yet no one today knows about this volcano, this is one of the biggest killers the world has ever known possibly killing up to 6 million people worldwide due to its effects upon the Jet stream and Monsoon rains and yet only a handful of Nordic Volcanologists and scientists seem to know about it. My book will educate the public to the dangerous relationship between human civilizations and volcanic eruptions which have profoundly changed the way previous civilizations and historical eras progressed or collapsed as the case may be.

  • - Kryptozoologiske mysterier
    af Mikala Rosenkilde
    72,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Gigantiske søslanger i verdenshavene. Nulevende fortidsøgler i europæiske søer og glimt af kæmpehajer fra en fjern fortid. Kan det være sandt?Mennesker har gennem århundreder berettet om møder med mystiske søuhyrer. Ukendte dyr i søer og floder. Dyr, som ikke burde være der.Kryptozoologi er læren om de skjulte dyr, de mystiske dyr. Det er dem, som denne bog handler om.

  • af Adrian Chudleigh
    232,95 kr.

    Do you know what is really going on in this world? Seriously? What would you ask a guru if you were to have a visit with him in a special place where there is only you and this person of ultimate wisdom? Take a step back from what you were taught and come with an open mind and you might be surprised at what you will learn. Life is not as logical as you think. Just how powerful or human can a guru be?Each chapter brings a fresh face forward with a very challenging and often bizarre problem so that private counselling of supreme authority is needed, since society has failed to deliver the answers for this individual to cope and do what is best for life fulfillment. Special counsel like no other might be required for someone who is camouflaging their existence in order to fit in and therefore not being their true self. Everyone has their own perception of reality, what is right or wrong, good or bad, but the fundamentals of life as the backbone of our existence remain the same for all.Just how wise are you compared to a guru? Are you making the most effective use of the spiritual resources available to you? Everyone could use some words of wisdom, even if it only serves as a reminder of what is important. It is safe to say there will be a message in this book for you.

  • af Mack Rafeal
    287,95 kr.

    Sub Stories Titan's Maritime Investigation is a weighty endeavor that dives into the strange profundities of the World's seas, disentangling the insider facts concealed underneath the waves. This dazzling odyssey is a demonstration of human resourcefulness, utilizing state of the art sub innovation to investigate the strange domains of the sea, pushing the limits of why is the world underneath the surface known.At the core of this oceanic endeavor is the Sub Stories Titan, a cutting edge sub furnished with the most recent headways in marine investigation. With its smooth plan and high level designing, the Titan remains as an image of human assurance to comprehend the cryptic domain that covers more than 70% of the World's surface. The vessel isn't simply a vehicle; it is a logical wonder intended to endure the enormous strain and brutal circumstances tracked down in the profound sea.The mission of Submarine Stories Titan is to dive into the deep profundities, investigating submerged scenes that have stayed concealed for quite a long time. The submarine is furnished with a set-up of cutting edge instruments, including sonar planning frameworks, remote ocean cameras, and mechanical arms, permitting researchers and scientists to catch exceptional pictures and information from the sea floor. This abundance of data vows to change how we might interpret marine biological systems, geography, and the innumerable species that call the remote ocean home.One of the critical targets of this maritime investigation is to concentrate on the biodiversity flourishing in the haziest corners of the sea. The Titan's strong lights penetrate through the darkness, uncovering a lively world overflowing with life. From bioluminescent creatures that light up the profundities to tricky and unusual species adjusted to outrageous circumstances, the sub catches the quintessence of a flourishing biological system that has to a great extent escaped human perception.Past concentrating on marine life, Sub Stories Titan assumes a vital part in propelling comprehension we might interpret geography and the World's structural cycles. By gathering tests from the sea depths and directing geographical studies, researchers on board the Titan intend to open the privileged insights of ocean bottom elements, revealing insight into the powers that shape our planet and impact its advancement over the long haul.The excursion of Sub Stories Titan isn't without its difficulties. Exploring through the devastating tensions of the remote ocean requires fastidious preparation and faithful accuracy. The sub's group, made out of prepared sea life researchers and master pilots, work pair to guarantee the achievement and wellbeing of every endeavor. As the Titan dives into the pit, it opens a gateway to a world that is however secretive as it could be stunning, pushing the limits of human investigation and extending our insight into the World's last outskirts.

  • af Waterford Press
    97,95 kr.

    Pennsylvania Freshwater Fishes is a portable reference guide to 80 native species of freshwater fish that inhabit Pennsylvania's lakes and rivers. The illustrated, waterproof 12-panel folding guide features a watershed map to which each species is keyed, and provides descriptions of anatomy and distinguishing features. Made in the USA.

  • af Ashley Rodriguez
    203,95 kr.

    "Gifty, regional, illustrated mushroom guide, including profiles, fun facts, regional info and general info"--

  • af Waterford Press
    73,95 kr.

    California Freshwater Fishes is a portable reference guide to 80 native species of freshwater fish that inhabit California's lakes and rivers. The illustrated, waterproof 12-panel folding guide features a watershed map to which each species is keyed, and provides descriptions of anatomy and distinguishing features. Made in the USA.

  • af Greg Skomal
    197,95 - 294,95 kr.

  • af Solomon Raj
    317,95 kr.

    Lofty Levels, settled in the core of the striking Kilimanjaro's Mysteries, remains as a demonstration of nature's greatness and the charm of untamed excellence. This uncommon objective spellbinds the daring soul, offering an all encompassing departure into the persona of the unbelievable Kilimanjaro mountain range. Arranged at a rise that gives a stunning vantage point, Glorious Levels permits guests to observe the superb quality of Kilimanjaro in the entirety of its greatness. The transcending tops, frequently covered in ethereal fogs, make a supernatural climate that brings out a feeling of marvel and love. The all encompassing perspectives from Glorious Levels offer an unhindered material of nature's work of art, where the rough territory meets the sky in an amicable dance of varieties and surfaces. Kilimanjaro's Insider facts, the setting to Glorious Levels, is a domain of stowed away ponders ready to be found. The rich, verdant scenes and various environments paint a clear embroidery, displaying the strength and variety of life at high heights. Glorious Levels gives a favored perception point, permitting guests to observe the insider facts of Kilimanjaro unfurl underneath them - from the thick rainforests to the high knolls and the snow-covered culminations. Glorious Levels isn't simply an objective; a vivid encounter stirs the faculties. The fresh mountain air conveys the fortifying aromas of elevated vegetation, making a feel of newness and essentialness. The hints of nature, from the stir of passes on to the far off calls of untamed life, give an ensemble that goes with each step taken in this normal safe-haven. For those looking for experience, Superb Levels is an entryway to Kilimanjaro's Insider facts. Climbing trails, cautiously arranged to take special care of different ability levels, wind through the scene, uncovering unlikely treasures and offering amazing open doors for investigation. Whether traveling across thick backwoods, navigating snow capped glades, or feeling overwhelmed prior to flowing cascades, each second at Grand Levels is a part in a customized experience story. The facilities at Glorious Levels consistently mix with the regular environmental elements, giving an agreeable harmony among extravagance and the rough appeal of Kilimanjaro's Mysteries. Guests can loosen up in solace while as yet feeling associated with the untamed excellence that encompasses them. From comfortable cabins with all encompassing perspectives to outside porches that welcome stargazing, Lofty Levels welcomes visitors to enjoy each part of their excursion.

  • af Isabella Lövin
    247,95 kr.

    Isabella Lövin's The Oceanic Feeling: On the Need for a New Narrative, is a unique document of a life spent on the front lines of the climate battle, and at the negotiating tables where the future of our planet is decided.The Swedish investigative journalist who became a member of the European Parliament and then served for seven years in government, five of those as Deputy Prime Minister and Climate Minister, takes us on a journey behind the scenes of climate and global ocean policy making.Some may remember the viral picture of her signing the Swedish climate law in 2017. As Donald Trump just had signed a regressive executive order limiting women's sexual and reproductive rights surrounded by only men, she by contrast signed progressive climate legislation surrounded by women.Deeply concerned about the shrinking confidence in democracy Lövin offers a pedagogic and hopeful account of the fact that change can happen, if there is a will and a vision. But she also recognizes the main reason why humanity is not acting on the many global crises: a narrative of egoism and individualism. A truer and much more positive story can be found when we recognize "The Oceanic Feeling"; a deep connection with nature, people and the miraculous web of life on the planet; putting empathy, responsibility and awe at the center of what it is to be human.How, Lövin asks us, can we convert the world to this new, healthier narrative?

  • af Jack Gedney
    219,95 kr.

    "Explores the beautiful, comic, and endearing qualities of over fifteen bird species that live among California's oaks"--

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