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  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    MICHELIN National Map Germany will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1:750.000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey in Germany thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. In addition, MICHELIN National Map Germany is cross-referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guide highlighting destinations worth stopping for! With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way!MICHELIN NATIONAL MAPS feature:- Up-to-date mapping - A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key - Distance and time chart - Place name index - Driving and road safety information - Tourist sights information

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    197,95 kr.

    Der Straßenatlas Deutschland 1:200.000, 2024/2025 ist der ideale Begleiter für alle, die in Deutschland mit dem Auto unterwegs sind und dabei nicht nur die Autobahn nutzen möchten. Er ist ideal für die Planung und erweist sich auch während der Reise als unverzichtbare Orientierungshilfe.Mit dem detailreichen Kartenbild und dem genauen Maßstab lassen sich auch weniger befahrene Nebenstraßen entdecken, die in Übersichtskarten meist gar nicht eingezeichnet sind. Landschaftlich schöne Strecken sind farblich hervorgehoben. Im Kapitel "Traumrouten" werden 50 der schönsten Routen Deutschlands auf 20 Seiten beschrieben.Informationen zum Straßenatlas Deutschland 2024/2025Deutschland 1:200.000Alpenbogen 1:500.000Europa 1:3,5 Mio.Spiralbindung verdeckt50 Themen- und FerienstraßenCamping- und StellplätzeReduzierter Index (Gesamter Index online abrufbar)312 Seiten, Format 23 x 29,7cmDer beste Autoatlas für Deutschland Das dichte Straßennetz ist exakt abgebildet, landschaftlich schöne Strecken und Touristenstraßen sind farblich hervorgehoben und viele Ausflugsziele sind in der Karte eingezeichnet. Auto- und Motorradfahrer schätzen die exakte Kartographie von freytag & berndt besonders für die Planung und Orientierung vor Ort. Damit die Reise auch mit Wohnmobil, Wohnwagen oder Camper gut planbar ist, sind alle Camping- und Stellplätze im Atlas eingezeichnet. 50 Traumrouten "Raus aus dem Alltag, entschleunigen und die Landschaft genießen" lautete die Devise bei der Auswahl der 50 beschriebenen Themen- und Ferienstraßen. Sie verteilen sich über ganz Deutschland und spiegeln mit ihren unterschiedlichen thematischen Schwerpunkten die Vielfalt der Bundesrepublik wider.

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    167,95 kr.

    2 falsede kort over Mallorca i meget detaljeret målestok 1:50.000 indsat i plastomslag. Kortene har cykelruter indtegnet. Det ene kort dækker den nordlige del af øen, det andet den sydlige del.I plastomslaget ligger også et hæfte på 86 sider med beskrivelse af cykelruterne samt link til flere oplysninger, top-10 tips til seværdigheder samt register over byer og tilhørende postnumre samt bykort.

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    357,95 kr.

    Der Reiseatlas Island 1:150.000 ist der ideale Wegbegleiter für alle, die Island mit dem Auto oder öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erkunden möchte. Der Straßenatlas kann nicht nur für die Planung herangezogen werden, sondern erweist sich auch während der Reise als unverzichtbare Orientierungshilfe.Mit dem detailreichen Kartenbild und dem genauen Maßstab lässt sich das gesamte Straßennetz auf der Insel, inklusive der Hochlandstraßen, nachverfolgen. Die Ringstraße (Hringvegur) ist mit einer eigenen Straßensignatur hervorgehoben und sowohl der Golden Circle (Gullni hringurinn) als auch der Arctic Coast Way (Norðurstrandarleið) sind als touristische Straßen gekennzeichnet.Autofahrer können besonders nützliche Informationen aus dem Autoatlas herauslesen, wie etwa Straßenbelag, Furten (Flussüberquerungen), Rastplätze, Tankstellen und Autowerkstätten. Wohnwagenfahrer und Camper finden ein nützliches Verzeichnis von Campingplätzen und Stellplätzen. Für alle Reisenden, die lieber mit dem Bus unterwegs sind, steht eine Übersichtskarte mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zur Verfügung.Informationen zum Reiseatlas IslandIsland 1:150.00018 Stadt- und Ortspläne232 Seiten, Format 21 x 29,7cm (A4)Halbverdeckte SpiralbindungCamping- und Stellplätze, Unterkünfte30 Highlights beschriebenOrts- und GewässerverzeichnisDamit sich Islandbesucher auf der Insel zurechtfinden, wurden in den Karten touristisch relevante Informationen, darunter Nationalparks und Naturschutzgebiete, schöne Ausblicke, Wasserfälle, heiße Quellen und beliebte Orte für die Walbeobachtung, visualisiert.Der Inselstaat Island (Ísland) ist wie kein anderes europäisches Land von schlummernden Vulkanen, kahlen Lavafeldern, mächtigen Gletschern, speienden Geysiren, tosenden Wasserfällen, naturbelassenen Flüssen sowie heißen und kalten Quellen geprägt. Es ist das Land der Extreme, wo das Wasser gemächlich aus dem Boden blubbert, Fontänen wild aus dem Untergrund herausschießen und die Erde in regelmäßigen Abständen bebt, aber wo sich auch fruchtbare Flusstäler und sanfte Küstenbereiche erstrecken.Gedruckt in Österreich.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    217,95 kr.

    The Danube bicycle route between Passau and Vienna ranks as Europe's best-known and most-loved cycling route - and for good reason. No other section of the river offers as diverse a range of landscapes and cultural landmarks or as many historical sites. Tranquil valleys, fertile plains, and steep vineyards line the banks of one of Europe's great rivers, where pretty farms and glorious abbeys stand side-by-side. The loop of the Danube at Schlögen, the abbey at Melk, and the romantic Wachau wine-producing region are just some of the highlights along the 330 kilometer route.

  • af Michelin
    102,95 kr.

    MICHELIN National Map Germany will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1:750.000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey in Germany thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. In addition, MICHELIN National Map Germany is cross-referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guide highlighting destinations worth stopping for! With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way!MICHELIN NATIONAL MAPS feature:- Up-to-date mapping - A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key - Distance and time chart - Place name index - Driving and road safety information - Tourist sights information

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    284,95 kr.

    Der Autoatlas Kroatien - Slowenien 1:150.000 ist der ideale Begleiter für alle, die mit dem Auto unterwegs sind und dabei nicht nur die Hauptstraßen und Autobahnen nutzen möchten. Er ist ideal für die Planung und erweist sich auch während der Reise als unverzichtbare Orientierungshilfe.Mit dem detaillierten Kartenbild und dem genauen Maßstab lassen sich auch weniger befahrene Nebenstraßen entdecken, die in Übersichtskarten meist gar nicht eingezeichnet sind. Landschaftlich schöne Strecken sind farblich hervorgehoben.Informationen zum Straßenatlas Kroatien - SlowenienKroatien - Slowenien 1:150.000Europa 1:3.500.000Spiralbindung verdecktCamping- und StellplätzeTouristische InformationenOrtsregister mit Postleitzahlen19 Innenstadtpläne224 Seiten, Format 23 x 29,7 cmDer ideale Autoatlas für Kroatien und Slowenien Das dichte Straßennetz ist exakt abgebildet, landschaftlich schöne Abschnitte und Touristenstraßen sind farblich hervorgehoben und viele Ausflugsziele sind in der Karte eingezeichnet.Auto- und Motorradfahrer schätzen die exakte Kartographie von freytag & berndt besonders für die Planung und Orientierung vor Ort. Damit die Reise auch mit Wohnmobil, Wohnwagen oder Camper gut planbar ist, sind alle Camping- und Stellplätze im Atlas eingezeichnet. Verdeckte Spiralbindung Der Autoatlas Kroatien - Slowenien ist besonders komfortabel in der Handhabung da er sich durch die Spiralbindung bequem aufklappen lässt. So bleibt die gewünschte Seite auch während der Fahrt immer geöffnet. Innenstadtpläne Mit den enthaltenen Cityplänen kann man sich in den Städten gut orientieren, darunter etwa Dubrovnik, Pula, Rijeka, Split, Zagreb, Ljubljana und Maribor;.Gedruckt in Österreich

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    123,95 kr.

    Falset kort i målestokken 1:150.000. Turistkort med mange praktiske informationer. Seværdigheder, campingpladser, vejbeskaffenhed og omfangsrigt stednavneregister med postnumre. Indsat bykort over Pristina. Afstandstabel og beskrivelse af de bedste seværdigheder. Indsatte bykort over: Lagos, Portimao, Praia da Rocha, Albufeira, Vilamoura, Faro ogTavira.

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    136,95 kr.

    Et sæt bestående af 2 vandrekort som samlet dækker alle øerne i Azorerne. Målestokken er 1:50.000. Turistinformationer på engelsk og tysk. Register med postnumre. Kortet er GPS-kompatibelt.

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    123,95 kr.

    Falset kort i målestokken 1:1 mio. med afstandstabeller samt turistinformationer.

  • af Comfort Map
    127,95 kr.

    Map of Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot. The map is in 1:26.000 and extremely durable and can be folded endlessly. It can also be annotated with a felt-tip pen and then erased.Features :- rich in tourist information: historical sites, museums, hotels, etc.- lines and stations of metro, urban trains and other public transport- street index- legend in four languages

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    Updated annually, MICHELIN National Map France Route Planning (map 726) will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1/1 000 000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey in France thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. In addition, MICHELIN National Map France Route Planning includes information on service stations and areas so that you can have enjoyable break during your journey! With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way!MICHELIN NATIONAL MAPS feature:- Up-to-date mapping - A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key - Distance and time chart - Place name index - Driving and road safety information

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    MICHELIN zoom map Zoom Barcelona & Costa Brava is the ideal travel companion to fully explore this tourist destination thanks to its easy-to-use format and its scale of 1/150,000. In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, MICHELIN Zoom map highlights all the leisure activities available, such as golf clubs and tourist trains. MICHELIN Zoom Maps also include star-rated scenic routes, tourist sights & attractions, as well as camping sites and hotels selected in the famous MICHELIN guides. Make the most of your stay with MICHELIN Zoom Maps!MICHELIN ZOOM MAPS are perfect to discover major tourist areas, with a high level of details in an easy to use format. They nicely complement our Michelin Guides and include: - Various leisure activities, such as water parks, tourist trains, horse racing, etc- Scenic routes and tourist sights crossed referenced with the famous Michelin's Green Guides- Camping sites information from Michelin's Camping Guides- Hotel information from the world famous MICHELIN Guides

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    MICHELIN National Map Southeastern France will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1:500.000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey in Southeastern France thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. In addition, MICHELIN National Map Southeastern France is cross-referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guide highlighting destinations worth stopping for! With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way!- Up-to-date mapping - A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key - Distance and time chart - Place name index - Driving and road safety information - Tourist sights information

  • af Michelin
    88,95 kr.

    Updated annually, MICHELIN National Map Spain & Portugal (map 734) will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1/1,000,000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey in Spain and Portugal thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. In addition, MICHELIN National Map Spain & Portugal is cross-referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guide highlighting destinations worth stopping for! With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way!MICHELIN NATIONAL MAPS feature:- Up-to-date mapping - A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key - Distance and time chart - Place name index - Driving and road safety information

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    MICHELIN National Map Southwestern France will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1:500.000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey in Southeastern France thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. In addition, MICHELIN National Map Southeastern France is cross-referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guide highlighting destinations worth stopping for! With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way!- Up-to-date mapping - A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key - Distance and time chart - Place name index - Driving and road safety information - Tourist sights information

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    MICHELIN National Map northeastern France will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1:500.000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey in northeastern France thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. In addition, MICHELIN National Map northeastern France is cross-referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guide highlighting destinations worth stopping for! With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way!- A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key Distance and time chart - Place name index - Driving and road safety information - Tourist sights information

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    The MICHELIN Hautes Pyrenees, Pyrenees Atlantiques local map, scale 1/150,000 is the ideal companion to fully explore this northern part of France and provides star-rated Michelin tourist itineraries and attractions, as well as impressive 3D relief mapping. MICHELIN local maps are perfect for cyclist and outdoor enthusiasts with over 20 leisure symbols, extensive coverage of cycling paths and nature trails. With MICHELIN local maps, find more than just your way! - Impressive & realistic 3D relief mapping - Michelin selected itineraries and must-sees of the area - A clear and comprehensive key with 20 leisure symbols, as well as cycling paths and nature trails. - Star rated tourist sights and attractions cross referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guides. - Main cities plans and a comprehensive place name index

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    The MICHELIN Bouches du Rhone, Var local map, scale 1/150,000 is the ideal companion to fully explore this northern part of France and provides star-rated Michelin tourist itineraries and attractions, as well as impressive 3D relief mapping. MICHELIN local maps are perfect for cyclist and outdoor enthusiasts with over 20 leisure symbols, extensive coverage of cycling paths and nature trails. With MICHELIN local maps, find more than just your way! - Impressive & realistic 3D relief mapping - Michelin selected itineraries and must-sees of the area - A clear and comprehensive key with 20 leisure symbols, as well as cycling paths and nature trails. - Star rated tourist sights and attractions cross referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guides. - Main cities plans and a comprehensive place name index

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    The MICHELIN Allier, Puy de Dome local map, scale 1/150,000 is the ideal companion to fully explore this northern part of France and provides star-rated Michelin tourist itineraries and attractions, as well as impressive 3D relief mapping. MICHELIN local maps are perfect for cyclist and outdoor enthusiasts with over 20 leisure symbols, extensive coverage of cycling paths and nature trails. With MICHELIN local maps, find more than just your way! - Impressive & realistic 3D relief mapping - Michelin selected itineraries and must-sees of the area - A clear and comprehensive key with 20 leisure symbols, as well as cycling paths and nature trails. - Star rated tourist sights and attractions cross referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guides. - Main cities plans and a comprehensive place name index

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    The MICHELIN Charente, Charente Maritime local map, scale 1/150,000 is the ideal companion to fully explore this northern part of France and provides star-rated Michelin tourist itineraries and attractions, as well as impressive 3D relief mapping. MICHELIN local maps are perfect for cyclist and outdoor enthusiasts with over 20 leisure symbols, extensive coverage of cycling paths and nature trails. With MICHELIN local maps, find more than just your way! - Impressive & realistic 3D relief mapping - Michelin selected itineraries and must-sees of the area - A clear and comprehensive key with 20 leisure symbols, as well as cycling paths and nature trails. - Star rated tourist sights and attractions cross referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guides. - Main cities plans and a comprehensive place name index

  • af Michelin
    100,95 kr.

    The MICHELIN Saone et Loire local map, scale 1/150,000 is the ideal companion to fully explore this northern part of France and provides star-rated Michelin tourist itineraries and attractions, as well as impressive 3D relief mapping. MICHELIN local maps are perfect for cyclist and outdoor enthusiasts with over 20 leisure symbols, extensive coverage of cycling paths and nature trails. With MICHELIN local maps, find more than just your way! - Impressive & realistic 3D relief mapping - Michelin selected itineraries and must-sees of the area - A clear and comprehensive key with 20 leisure symbols, as well as cycling paths and nature trails. - Star rated tourist sights and attractions cross referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guides. - Main cities plans and a comprehensive place name index

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    The MICHELIN Bas Rhin, Haut Rhin, Territoire de Belfort local map, scale 1/150,000 is the ideal companion to fully explore this northern part of France and provides star-rated Michelin tourist itineraries and attractions, as well as impressive 3D relief mapping. MICHELIN local maps are perfect for cyclist and outdoor enthusiasts with over 20 leisure symbols, extensive coverage of cycling paths and nature trails. With MICHELIN local maps, find more than just your way! - Impressive & realistic 3D relief mapping - Michelin selected itineraries and must-sees of the area - A clear and comprehensive key with 20 leisure symbols, as well as cycling paths and nature trails. - Star rated tourist sights and attractions cross referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guides. - Main cities plans and a comprehensive place name index

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    The MICHELIN Aisne, Ardennes, Marne local map, scale 1/150,000 is the ideal companion to fully explore this northern part of France and provides star-rated Michelin tourist itineraries and attractions, as well as impressive 3D relief mapping. MICHELIN local maps are perfect for cyclist and outdoor enthusiasts with over 20 leisure symbols, extensive coverage of cycling paths and nature trails. With MICHELIN local maps, find more than just your way! - Impressive & realistic 3D relief mapping - Michelin selected itineraries and must-sees of the area - A clear and comprehensive key with 20 leisure symbols, as well as cycling paths and nature trails. - Star rated tourist sights and attractions cross referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guides. - Main cities plans and a comprehensive place name index

  • af Michelin
    107,95 kr.

    Updated annually, MICHELIN National Map Northwestern France 706 will give you an detailed picture of your journey from Amiens to Brest and La Rochelle to Clermont-Ferrand thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1/500,000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey in the southwestern parts of France thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. Furthermore this map features zoom on major cities and towns as well as QR codes to the complete your journey with ViaMichelin. This map includes tourist sights, scenic route and is cross-referenced with the famous MICHELIN Green Guide highlighting destinations worth stopping for! With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way! MICHELIN NATIONAL MAPS feature:- Up-to-date mapping - A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key - Distance and time chart - Place name index at the reverse side of the map- Driving and road safety information - Tourist sights information

  • af Jerry Nilson
    707,95 - 777,95 kr.

  • af ITM Publications
    117,95 kr.

    Side 1 concentrates on the Hebrides of Scotland, the islands of Scotland’s west coast, providing detailed coverage of Mull, Coll, Tiree, Rum, Skye (which is now connected to the mainland by a bridge), Uist, and Lewis. Ferry routes to the Isles are also included, of course. Gaelic is still commonly used on these islands, so we have included both English and Gaelic place names whenever practical. The second side of the sheet covers the southern islands and peninsulas of Islay, Jura, Knapdale, Kintyre, and Arran as well as the Glasgow/Edinburgh urban areas simply because they are there and Scotland isn’t all that large in area.

  • af ITM Publications
    117,95 kr.

    Spain is an ancient land full of historic sites dating from Roman times or the Moorish occupation. As a country, it divides naturally into northeastern Catalonia, northwestern Galicia, Central Toledo, and the Mediterranean coastal regions. This map is double-sided, with the portion closer to Portugal on one side and the Mediterranean coast from the French border to Granada on the other side.

  • af ITM Publications
    117,95 kr.

    1. udgave 2 23. Målestokken variere.Vava'u, Tongatapu, Rarotonga, Aitutaki, Samoa, Tahiti og Påskeøen.

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