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Undervisningsmidler: kunst, generelt

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  • af João Lino
    102,95 kr.

    De acordo com relatório do WEF - World Economic Forum de 2020, o futuro do mercado de trabalho exigirá habilidades cognitivas como resolução de problemas, criatividade, pensamento crítico, liderança e trabalho em equipe. Para desenvolver essas habilidades em crianças a partir dos 4 anos, foi lançado o livro "Brincando de criar", que apresenta uma experiência simples e econômica de quatro semanas para pais montarem brinquedos com seus filhos.O livro sugere quatro brinquedos fáceis de montar: uma Pinça, um Lançador de Bolas, um Jogo de Pesca e uma Borboleta Equilibrista. Cada um deles pode ser finalizado em poucos minutos por um adulto. Ao montar esses brinquedos, os pais estão incentivando a criatividade e a imaginação das crianças, permitindo que elas descubram novas formas de pensar e se comunicar.O livro também oferece uma oportunidade para pais e filhos aprenderem juntos e se divertirem em um ambiente colaborativo, criativo e seguro. Acreditamos que esta experiência vai ajudar a preparar as crianças para o futuro, e, ao mesmo tempo, fortalecer o vínculo entre pais e filhos.Porque investir na criatividade das crianças?Estimular a criatividade e outras habilidades naturais das crianças é crucial para prepará-las para os desafios futuros que surgirão devido às novas tecnologias, como a Inteligência Artificial. À medida que nos aproximamos de um mundo cada vez mais tecnológico, é fundamental que as crianças desenvolvam habilidades cognitivas sólidas desde cedo.Essas capacidades, como raciocínio lógico, resolução de problemas e criatividade, são essenciais para que se adaptem e prosperem em um ambiente em constante mudança.Ao fortalecer essas habilidades, as crianças aprendem a analisar informações, tomar decisões e encontrar soluções inovadoras. Além disso, as habilidades cognitivas também ajudam a pensar criticamente e compreender as implicações éticas e sociais da tecnologia.Ao promover o desenvolvimento cognitivo desde cedo, pais e educadores capacitam as crianças a lidar com as rápidas transformações que a tecnologia traz. Isso envolve oferecer experiências diversas, incentivar a curiosidade, estimular a resolução de problemas e cultivar a imaginação.Ao investir no desenvolvimento cognitivo das crianças, estamos capacitando-as a se tornarem indivíduos criativos, adaptáveis e preparados para enfrentar os desafios e aproveitar as oportunidades que as novas tecnologias oferecem.Precisamos nos preparar para um futuro em que as crianças possam aproveitar ao máximo as inovações tecnológicas, mantendo sua capacidade de pensar criticamente e contribuir para a sociedade.

    952,95 kr.

    The relationship between human beings and the ecological environment poses a significant global challenge for the present and the future. As human-environment interactions become more complex, it is essential to measure and understand the spatiotemporal dynamics of coupled human-environment systems and how they are influenced by social and ecological factors. This book offers twenty original research articles that explore the latest developments in monitoring and projecting the spatiotemporal changes of the coupled system, examining the responses of the coupled system to socio-ecological drivers and processes, and discussing the implications for the sustainable management of the coupled system.

  • af B. B. Pierce
    197,95 kr.

    18+ A unique educational reference guide for beginner erotica writers to erotica writers of all calibers. My vast knowledge of erotica writing for over 20 years is here waiting for YOU. 300 FREE erotica story ideas included so you can begin writing erotica immediately. It has a "Spicy Word" list. All you need is a DIRTY MIND. Do YOU have one? Make additional income witing short stories and books. Become a part of the adult industry from your home. Open new worlds networking with other writers. Work from home in your spare time creating Adult Content. No guaranteed income. The more you write the more you have the possiblity of selliing. Imagine getting complete strangers worldwide all hot and bothered with what YOU can write about. The secret of erotica writing is to just keep writing.

    762,95 kr.

    This reprint aims to present research on Socio-Economic Functions Across Sustainable Farming Systems, specifically on environmental conservation agriculture/climate-smart agriculture, which boosts nature-positive production, raises the welfare of producers; agricultural biotechnology, which contributes to economic and environmental sustainability; community-based extension and marketing of farm produce, which ensures the livelihood of producers and access to safe and nutritious food; and building a society resilient to all kinds of crises and hazards/disasters.This reprint reveals: 1) Drivers and dynamics of environmental conservation agriculture, the sustainable farming systems in Japan to address climate change, biodiversity conservation, sustainable production, welfare of producers and leveraging their participation in Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems. 2) Biotech crops in the Philippines can coexist with the practice of climate resilient environmental conservation agriculture. 3) Community-based extension services, such as farmer field school, disaster management practices, such as flood adaptation strategy, and marketing strategy of farm products enhance the welfare of rural population in Bangladesh.Identification of socio-economic characteristics associated with farming practices, food safety, food security and their constraints in South Africa and Senegal. 4) Benefit of financing agricultural cooperatives to enhance sustainable production in Romania.

    767,95 kr.

    The use of educational games and gamification in teaching has been a global trend in educational research, and this reprint focuses on research related to the use of game-based learning or gamification in teaching. This reprint contains empirical studies and systematic reviews regarding the use of games in teaching, spanning many subject areas. It includes various gamification mechanisms, escape room educational games, the evaluation of various digital educational games, and other topics.

    952,95 kr.

    This book captures recent advancements in the introduction, usage, and adoption of smart and digital disruptive technologies in the built environment. It consists of 17 chapters covering a range of topics and article types. The key topics include the adoption of smart technologies, automation, and disruption in the built environment, such as wearable devices and augmented reality in construction safety, electronic process monitoring for construction tasks, digital capture of buildings through point clouds, UAVs, and LIDAR, BIM for a learning environment, underground works and wood construction, collaborative information management technologies in construction, techniques for structural health monitoring and evaluation, construction risk management, inclusive walking communities, smart spin models for cities, landfill and waste management in cities, and circular economy in construction for sustainable development.

  • af Diane Engle & Lindy Robertson
    167,95 kr.

  • af Rory Feeney
    177,95 kr.

    The A.R.T. System is a major step in the clarity of Actor Training. Its Action-Response-Thought cycle is a sequence of three distinct modes of activity that are fundamental to all human interaction

  • - Historical and Philosophical Arguments for Drawing in the Digital Age
    af Seymour (Winthrop University Simmons III
    557,95 - 1.775,95 kr.

    By applying philosophical and historical perspectives to drawing instruction, this volume demonstrates how diverse teaching methods contribute to cognitive and holistic development applicable within and beyond the visual arts.

  • af David A. Granger
    665,95 - 1.425,95 kr.

  • af True Image Studios
    122,95 kr.

  • af Daniela Wirtz
    172,95 kr.

    "Floral design has been an art form for centuries, with floral arrangements being used to beautify everything from homes to weddings to funerals. However, a new tool in the floral designer's arsenal has revolutionized the art form: floral wire. In the book "Floral Wire Workshop: Florists' Techniques for Plants and Flowers in Every Season," author and floral designer Daniela Wirtz explores the endless possibilities of using floral wire to create stunning and unique floral designs. The book is a comprehensive guide to using floral wire in all aspects of floral design, from connecting and shaping flowers to creating elaborate decorative elements. The book is filled with beautiful, full-color photographs of floral designs created using floral wire, ranging from simple bouquets to intricate centerpieces. Each design is accompanied by detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to create it, making it easy for even beginners to follow along"--

  • af Tracy Irish & Jennifer Kitchen
    242,95 - 994,95 kr.

    812,95 kr.

    This reprint focuses on research and practice concerning assessment and evaluation in higher education, crucial processes for the advancement of higher education. The different dimensions and forms of assessment within higher education, the impact of assessment methods on students' learning processes and approaches to learning are of particular interest. Special attention is given to assessment methods and purposes, assessment rubrics and the assessment of learning outcomes (knowledge and skills). Research on the challenges, strengths, and opportunities of online and virtual assessment, active learning approaches and new pedagogical methodologies, based on student-centred assessment practices, is also explored and discussed in this reprint.

  • af Jeffrey Schnapp
    925,95 kr.

    Modernitalia provides a map of the Italian twentieth century in the form of twelve essays by the celebrated cultural historian Jeffrey T. Schnapp. Shuttling back and forth between literature, architecture, design, and the visual arts, the volume explores the metaphysics of speed, futurist and dada typography, real and imaginary forms of architecture, shifting regimes of mass spectacle, the iconography of labour, exhibitions as modes of public mobilization and persuasion, and the emergence of industrial models of literary culture and communication.The figures featured in the book include Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Mario Morasso, Julius Evola, Piero Portaluppi, Giuseppe Terragni, Alessandro Blasetti, Massimo Bontempelli, Giorgio de Chirico, Bruno Munari, Curzio Malaparte, and Henry Furst. Alongside these human protagonists appear granite blocks that drive the design of modern monuments, military searchlights that animate civilian shows, worker armies viewed as machines, sunglasses that tiptoe along the boundary of the private and public, newsreels as twentieth-century interpretations of Trajan¿s column, and book covers and bindings that act as authorial self-portraits. The volume captures the Italian path to cultural modernity in all of its brilliance and multiplicity.

  • af Jorge Lucero
    232,95 kr.

    Jorge Lucero's publication Conceptualist Permissions for Teacher Posture was made on the occasion of the exhibition I Do/ We Do/ You Do at Center for Visual Art, Metropolitan State University of Denver, curated by Cecily Cullen and Katie Taft. The original drawings from the project were exhibited at the Center from May 18 to August 5, 2023.Funding for the exhibition was provided by Center for Visual Art, MSU Denver donors.Conceptualist Permissions for Teacher Posture is a selection of the "permissions" Jorge Lucero has taken from other creative practitioners for his own practice. These permissions can be understood as general recommendations (or open-ended directives) for the modification of a teacher's pedagogical posture in relation to the materiality of schooling. Teacher as Conceptual Artist is a lifelong project of learning how to work through the materiality of schooling for the sake of participating in contemporary art and educational discourses simultaneously. The project proposes answers to the questions: How can I be an artist who works with school as material? and How can I be a teacher as conceptual artist? By examining the overlap of teaching and conceptual art, Lucero has identified countless instances where what happens in schools turns into a pliable material that can be used for artistic inquiry and expression. This work sometimes happens with others and sometimes it is visible, but more often than not, the work happens-like teaching-in the "less nothing" invisible realm that Lucy Lippard identified in her germinal essay "the dematerialization of the art object".

    246,95 kr.

    Helping mentally disturbed teens is one of the most difficult tasks for parents.

    672,95 kr.

    This is a reprint of the Special Issue The Rule of Law and Human Mobility in the Age of the Global Compacts: Relativising the Risks and Gains of Soft Normativity?, which hosts nine contributions that critically dive in the normative, administrative, and judicial obstacles and potential standing of the legal framework and implementation setting of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) and the Global Compact for Refugees (GCR). The following four thematic clusters are proposed: 1. The justiciability of the actionable commitments under the Global Compacts before domestic courts as a threshold for the degree of judicial protection for migrants and refugees; 2. How human rights treaties and the Global Compacts are connected might matter for the level of rights protection; 3. Externalized migration policies and border management as a threat for the regional scope of human rights and as a risk factor for the rule of law; and 4. Data-driven and evidence-based migration policies, including digital technology as facilitators for standardizing migration and asylum decisions. By inquiring into human rights protection at the boundaries of the political commitments under the Global Compacts, this reprint engages in a conversation about the confinements that migrants and refugees encounter when accessing their substantive and procedural rights and encourages legal science/scholars to map an emerging field of study within global migration governance.

  • af Emily Norris
    117,95 kr.

    Learn how fun playing the piano is—with this book of easy, step-by-step lessons for young learners!My First Piano Lessons is the perfect starting point for your little musician, with its clear instructions, colorful illustrations, and supportive approach. Written by an experienced piano teacher, this book covers everything a beginner pianist needs to know, from proper hand position to the basics of reading music, all in an enjoyable and easy-to-understand way. And with 10 beloved and popular songs to learn and focus on, your kid will be confidently playing the piano in no time! Whether your child is just starting their music journey or has already taken a few lessons, this beginner-friendly book is the perfect tool to unlock—and nurture—their love for the piano.    Simple and intuitive piano lessons. Learn the basics of reading music, from key names and note values to time signatures and dynamics.   Clear, step-by-step instructions. Written by a piano expert and experienced teacher of young kids. An engaging and adorable giraffe teacher. G-sharp the Giraffe makes learning fun with encouraging words, helpful tips, and interesting facts about music.  Songs that kids already know and love. Learn to play “Hot Cross Buns,” “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” “The Wheels on the Bus,” “Pop! Goes the Weasel,” and more!

  • af James Harriman-Smith
    272,95 - 1.104,95 kr.

  • af Belkis M. Marte
    162,95 kr.

    El carnaval dominicano viste sus mejores galas. Evarista, una anciana del barrio, reunió a los niños en torno a su vieja mecedora y les habló sobre los sucesos que dieron origen al festejo, el significado de los disfraces, los instó a participar representando alguno de sus personajes populares. La protagonista, albergaba el anhelo de asistir disfrazada de gigante, el dilema era cómo lograrlo hasta que, ya dentro de su casa, descubrió la forma de conseguirlo con la ayuda de Manito, su hermano mayor. La historia no solo narra las peripecias de esta niña inquieta, sino que, además, nos muestra el origen de una tradición que perdura a través del tiempo, bajo el cálido cielo de ese paraíso terrenal que es la República Dominicana.Tomás G. Goya

    482,95 kr.

    Bogen opererer med to hovedpoler inden for soul:Sydstatssoul som den usofistikerede, rå soul – fx Aretha Franklin og James BrownMotown som den forfinede, producerede soul med crossover-ambitioner – fx The Supremes.Udgivelsen er rigt illustreret og forsynet med omfattende nodeeksempler til underbygning af musikanalyserne.Soul er velegnet til brug for musikundervisningen i gymnasiet og på hf.

  • af Jared Cohn
    212,95 kr.

    Director Jared Cohn has been through the Hollywood trenches and achieved his lifelong dream on the other side. With fifty films to his name and credits alongside greats like Bruce Willis and William Shatner, Jared has seen the good and bad of Hollywood, and he lays it all bare as he recounts his journey as a director. Fifty Movies Made is packed with stories of Jared's behind-the-scenes adventures, his missteps, and the grit and determination it takes to make it in Hollywood.For newcomers to the insanely competitive film industry, Jared shares hard-learned lessons that can help aspiring filmmakers find success. All facets of the moviemaking process-from screenwriting and preproduction to production, post-production and distribution-are discussed in this easy-to-read and digestible book.Includes advice and tips for:Movie directorsProducersScreenwritersA must-read for anyone in the independent movie business, Fifty Movies Made is an informative, anecdote-driven read packed with behind-the-scenes photos and Hollywood insider knowledge.

  • af Amanda Ruby
    112,95 kr.

    Who will you be? Orestes? The vain god, Apollo? The evil mom, Clytemnestra? A frightening Fury?!The Greek play The Oresteia like you have never experienced it before: quick, fun, and easy to understand.Designed for 5-25 actors, kids, families, or anyone who wants to enjoy and perform Aeschylus' Greek tragedy.The Oresteia is a play versatile enough for sibling fun, classes, drama groups, homeschool groups, or backyard performances. It's appropriate and fun for all ages! Plays range from 15 to 25 minutes.What you will get: Fun!3 hilarious melodramatic play modifications for 3 group sizes: 5-11 kids10-19 kids15-25 kidsActual lines from Aeschylus' play (translated by E.D.A. Morshead) highlighted for easy identificationCreatively funny and witty telling of the remaining storyA kid who loves Greek tragedies!This mini-melodramatic masterpiece is sure to spark a love of all classics for your child. Many classic novels and plays are difficult to read in class or watch on stage, and attempting to teach these to children can be even more challenging. But, as the author states in the book, "there is no better way to learn than to have fun!" Kids who have read or performed these plays continue to come back for more!NOTE: Copyright and performance licensing do apply if you are performing the script. Please check our FAQs for the latest costs. Discounts on digital scripts, photocopies, and performance licenses are available for educators. (homeschool, private, and public) Contact us directly for discounts.If you are performing, please purchase the appropriate number of copies for kids and directors. (10 kids = 10 copies)

  • af Oana 536 & erban
    1.167,95 kr.

  • af Sloane Gould
    372,95 kr.

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